I came home from work on Friday, looking forward to a nice weekend. My wife Justine surprised me by showing up at the door in nothing but a filmy nightie. She smiled as I entered the house.

"Hey babe," she said, her voice all honey and invitation. "Come into the living room. I have to tell you what happened today."

"Um, sure babe."

She took me by my necktie and towed me along behind her. Justine is a short and very curvy blond. I ogled her round bottom as I followed along. Once we were there, she sat me down alongside her on the sofa.

"What happened, Myron, was that I ran into one of your old classmates. Do you remember Becky?"

"Oh, sure," I said, uncertain where this was going. "She was real popular with the bad boys."

"We didn't talk about that. But she was asking if you had ever told me about Dice."

I froze up inside at the mention of that name. He had been a big Black guy who never tired of bullying me. It was sport to him to push me around in front of others. More than that, he liked to wait until I had made some inroads with a girl, and then take her away from me. In fact, he would combine his two favorite games and humiliate me in front of whichever female I had started to date, ruining any chance I had with her and usually going out with her himself, just to make sure I couldn't recover her.

"Sure," I told my wife of two years. "He was some big goon who tried to give me trouble."

Her pretty blue eyes widened. "And what did you do?"

With a cavalier laugh, I lied and told her, "I taught him a lesson. Smacked him around some and then sent him on his way." She seemed to be impressed, so for good measure I added, "Then I had to give him refresher courses every so often, to keep the dumb jerk in his place."

"Wow," she marveled. "Is that all true?"

I held up my hand, as if making a promise. "I wouldn't lie to you, darling."

"I never knew you were like that," she said and licked her lips. "It makes me want to do something special for you. Why don't you get naked?"

"Sure. I'll just go into the bedroom and..."

"No, sweetie. Right here. It will be dirtier that way, you big roughneck."

Well, I'm not big. Quite the opposite. And I'm no roughneck, by any stretch of the imagination. But I certainly wasn't going to pass up a chance like that, even if I had earned it with some harmless untruths. Undoing my tie, I set it on the side table and began unbuttoning my shirt.

She squeezed my upper arm and wanted to know, "How did this Dice guy react, when you showed him who was boss?"

"Guys like that are cowards underneath all their bluster. He just fell apart. Ran away with his tail between his legs."

"Jeez," she said breathily. "Did you ever do it in the locker room?"

That question surprised me. More than once, it had been him abusing me before or after gym class, while we were getting changed or showering.

I stuck out my jaw pugnaciously and said, "Actually, I had to smack him down a few times when we were there."

"What did he look like?"

"Oh," I said with a wave of my hand. "Just a Black guy. Big but no good with his fists." I made a few shadow-boxing moves.

Justine leaned in, to blow in my ear. "Hurry up and get naked. I can't wait to give you your surprise."

I glanced around to make sure the curtains were closed, which they were. It wouldn't be cool if anyone on the street saw us in what I expected to be some wild sex scenes. Standing up, I rushed to shed the rest of my clothes. When I was naked, I put my hands on my hips and gave her a cocky smile.

She tentatively ran her finger along my penis, from the root to the head. "Was he as big as you down here, lover?"

"Heh. He didn't have anything to brag about." That was my biggest falsehood so far. "I used to call him Dinky Dick."

Okay, maybe that was what he called me. But why let a good nickname go to waste while I was rewriting my past?

She went on, "While I was talking to Becky, she said she was still in touch with Dice. She even offered to give me his number."

That didn't help my mood. I shook my head and told her, "You wouldn't want to do that. The guy is a total ass-hat. Probably a bigger loser now than he was back in school."

"I'm glad you're so honest with me about those days. It always surprised me that you didn't talk about them before."

I shrugged. "Don't like to put the spotlight on myself. I'm too modest." I eyed her lustfully. "Now, how about that surprise you want to give me?" I reached for her tempting melon breasts, but she took a step back, putting them just out of my grasp.

"Okay," she said. "Surprise time. You can come out now, Dice."

It felt like my heart stopped, when my old bully strode into the room, wearing nothing but boxer shorts. I stood there, in the nude, as he approached me. My legs refused to work.

He put a heavy hand on my shoulder and said, "I guess what Becky told your hot wife didn't jive with what you just said. Justine wasn't too happy to find out what a wuss you were, back in the day. She sure didn't like the way you rewrote that whole part of your life."

"Yeah, Myron," my wife said tartly. "I didn't appreciate being lied to. Once I found out what a big fake you were, about being popular and such a ladies' man, I was disappointed in you."

"But all my problems came from Dice."

"That's not what Becky said. The way she told it, Dice left you alone until you started telling lies about other students, to get them into trouble. And that you did it because you were such a hopeless case that you needed to tear others down. Even those girls you got started with, you did that by fibbing about yourself. Dice was just protecting them by breaking you up. And being married to you, I can tell that he also protected them from the letdown of encountering your miniature dick."

"I mean..." I held out my hands imploringly. "I'm kind of average down there."

"Are you... Dinky Dick? Let's do a simple comparison test."

When I reached for my discarded clothes, Dice stopped me with a gesture and an angry grunt. My bride put herself in front of him and knelt. She hooked her fingers under the waistband of his shorts. As she slowly lowered them, she smiled up at the Black stud. I guess she hadn't seen what he was packing before that moment. She murmured under her breath and shook her head in disbelief.

"It's ginormous," she said in hushed awe.

He said, "And it gets bigger if you treat it right." He stepped out of his boxers and kicked them aside.

"I'll treat it like I love it, if you'll do something for me."

"What's that, Ms. Big Tits?"

Instead of being insulted, she tittered at what he had called her. "What I want you to do is explain to Myron that he shouldn't lie to me. And that he has to stop being selfish in bed. He can start that by eating my snatch on the regular. Plus, let him know that I want us to have an open marriage, except it will only be that way for me."

"Sounds like a plan," he summed up. To me he said, "We got to talk, you and me... Dinky."

My narrow and nearly hairless chest rose and fell from my deep breaths. I lowered my hands. That was meant to indicate surrender. I was throwing myself on his mercy, of which I doubted he would show much. Then I took a step forward, hoping we could talk and be reasonable.

"Whoa," he said with a frown. "Are you making a move on me? Going to bully me, like you used to do in school?"

I regretted my earlier lie about that. I gestured helplessly, my hands rising to chest level. He slapped one of them away, and then the other.

"Maybe," I said in a strained whisper, "we can talk about this."

"Let's talk," he said agreeably. "You hold perfectly still for a second. Okay?"

"Sure. I won't move."

His dark hands reached out and he pinched both my nipples. As his fingers tightened, I whimpered and squirmed, but was too afraid to go back on my word about remaining still. He twisted until I couldn't stand the pain and, without thinking, I grabbed his thick wrists. He let go and pulled back, acting like I had gotten startled him.

"Holy crap," he said. "You're a disobedient fool. Looks like I'm going to have to school you real hard, Dinky."

"No. I didn't mean to do that." I turned to my wife. "Justine, you have to make him stop. He might hurt me."

"I hope so. Hurt you and then do some damage to me, or at least to my pussy. He and I talked, Dinky. I told him he can screw me silly, if he does a complete job of straightening you out. Especially the part about keeping your sad little pecker away from my precious kitty."

"You can't mean... We're married, honey. I have husbandly rights."

"Not with that puny prick, you don't," she assured me. To Dice she said, "Do your worst, big guy. The further you go with him, the more I'll put out for you, and let you do to me."

He chuckled. "That's a deal, pretty mama."

Without warning, his hand flashed out and he slapped the side of my face. On the backswing he caught the other cheek. I was staggered. Before I could recover, he grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me across the room, to a wooden chair. The big bully sat and yanked my naked form across his firm thighs. He raised one hand and paused, then brought it down hard, to place a smack on my bare bottom. I yowled and kicked my feet. I grabbed the legs of the chair. He struck again. I squealed. He put his free hand on the small of my back, to hold me in place, while he delivered another half dozen spanks. As hard as I tried to hold back tears, my efforts were in vain. Wet drops began to flow down my cheeks.

Justine squatted, facing me, so her eyes were directly in front of mine. "Oh, Dinky. Your cheeks got all pink. The ones on your face and the pair on your butt. But I think your bottom is going to get a lot darker than your face."

Taking that as his cue, Dice landed another dozen blows, leaving me blubbering, with my nose running. My wife ran her finger over my damp cheek and then brought it to her mouth.

She said, "I like the taste of your tears, little guy. And just think, Dice can make you shed more of them any time I want."

"Please," I begged. "He has to stop."

She stood up, shed her nightie, put herself in front of the chair, and leaned over. I turned my head to see her lock lips with Dice. His spanking hand went to her bared chest and he fondled the twin glories that I hadn't gotten to touch lately. She stroked his powerful biceps. They kissed with their mouths not quite meeting, so I could see both tongues slithering together.

Instead of intervening on my behalf, she told him, "How about a dozen more for my lying hubby?"

"Can do," he said, and proceeded to give me the rest of the count, three at a time, with brief pauses between groupings, to let the pain sink in and myself to further demonstrate my lack of stamina.

When he was done, he rolled me off his lap. I landed hard, on my side, then got onto my back. Dice triumphantly planted his foot on my midsection. Justine went to him and they embraced. I had a worm's-eye view of them as they shared several more probing kisses.

He looked down at me and demanded, "Are you going to stop lying to this gorgeous bitch?"

"Yes. Yes, Sir."

"And stop pestering her for sex, which you don't have the equipment to give her properly?"

"I... she's my..." His foot pressed down on my soft stomach. "Yes. Okay. No sex for me."

"Damn right," he confirmed. "I'll be taking over in that department."

"Kind of like you did back in school," seconded Justine, openly reveling in my inglorious downfall.

Dice smirked. "No more nookie for Dinky. You can look but you better not touch."

"Except," she said, "he'll be allowed to touch in that one way I mentioned earlier."

"For sure. There'll be as much of that tongue action as you want."

She laughed. "And I'm going to enjoy every second of it."

Just the thought of having to use my mouth there made me queasy. The towering Black man stepped past me and effortlessly scooped my wife up in his arms. She giggled at being handled like that. From my lowly position, I could see that he was pawing her bottom. She didn't complain.

Using an imperious tone, she mock-commanded him, "To the bedroom, driver."

"Yes, Ma'am," he said with feigned deference.

Off he went, taking her toward the bed I usually shared with Justine. Looking back at me, she called, "You can follow us, Dinky. On your hands and knees. Move it, you sad sack."

I turned over, my bottom blazing, and got up on all fours. Like a whipped dog, I trailed along after them. When I reached the bedroom, I witnessed him easily depositing her on the mattress. She curled up her shapely legs, so she could better reach and remove her skimpy panties.

"Put your chin on the foot of the bed, shrimp-dick," she ordered me. "I want you to have a front seat, so to speak, for the main event."

She spread her legs suggestively and held out her arms to the new man in her life. His impressive cock was already partly engorged. He got on his knees between her thighs. As they kissed again and he rubbed against her, his enviable tool grew even more than I had anticipated. He placed the knob against her moist pink labia. There was a suspended moment of time, as I viewed the contact through the arch of his solid thighs. Then he eased into her, inch after girthy inch. She moaned and made wordless sounds. Her hips rose up fractionally to meet him. Soon, he was all the way in. Taking his time, he began an in-out motion, which had her breathing hard. I had to watch as my bride was definitively stolen away from me. She had seen me intimidated and spanked. Now she was receiving sexual favors that I could never equal. His rhythm increased. Dice performed tirelessly for the next twenty minutes, at the end of that time driving her to a shuddering orgasm. He allowed himself to finish at the same time. After they had come down from the heights, he pulled out slowly and flipped over in slow motion, to lie on his back.

He told me, "You're in for clean-up duty, Dinky."

I wanted to know, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you're going to have your first lesson in pussy licking, and lap up that huge mess I left at the same time."

I choked. "Surely you can't be serious."

He assured me, "I'm completely serious. And don't call me Shirley."

They both laughed at his use of that familiar movie line. I did not laugh, as I climbed up and moved forward, until I was close enough to the center of her womanhood to smell the semen, along with her own secretions. My lips quivered with revulsion. I stuck out my tongue and got busy with the repellant task. Dice had left a big load, much of it deep inside, some of it worked into a sort of milkshake by his final flurry of highspeed slamming. They cuddled while I gave up the last of my pride.

My wife said, "I love all those wet sloppy sounds you're making, Dink. You can do that every time you suck out my man's cum and eat it."

"How often is that?" I asked, not actually wanting to hear the answer.

"As often as we fuck... which should be a whole hell of a lot. You'll be on a steady diet of cream-filled twat."

I couldn't contain a groan. When I got up on my knees, Dice slammed his heel into my breastbone, hard enough to send me backward and off the bed. I landed in a heap. When I got up, intending to clean my mouth, he must have guessed my purpose. The Black man told me not to rinse or otherwise try to get rid of the residue. Becky giggled. She said I could resume my previous position, so I'd have a good view of them. They enjoyed the afterglow of sex for a half hour and then got up to shower together. I was ordered to accompany them to the bathroom, where I could see her wash him, through the transparent shower curtain. I had formerly loved peeking at my wife that way. There was quite a contrast, with her not alone.

When they were ready to step out, she told me, "Stand over in the corner, out of the way." I had to witness them drying each other with a pair of oversized towels. Then, even though it wasn't necessary, she made me get down on the floor with a hand towel, to dry the big man's feet. Before they left the room to get dressed, she told me to sit on the open toilet, with my knees apart. I was ******* and humiliated. From the bedroom, I heard them chatting amiably. When they came back, he was in a nice jacket, shirt and trousers. She had on a slinky red dress that hugged her curves. I had never seen her in that before.

Justine reached between my thighs and took hold of my scrotum. "I expect you to be a good puppy while we're out having a nice meal, paid for with your credit card." For emphasis, she squeezed by testicles. I cried out in pain. "You're not allowed to get off that potty." Another tightening of her hand. "Just sit there and think about how you got yourself into this fix." Again, came the punishing grip. "Maybe when we get back, there can be some more bedroom fun." One more jolt of pain. "You'd like that. Wouldn't you? Because you want to make your wifey happy. Right?" This time it was a squeeze and a twist, that left me barely able to draw a breath.

I managed to answer, "Yes, dear. Whatever you say."

She finally released my ball sac, rubbed my lower face so I could smell my sour body odor, and rinsed her hand before leaving. I heard them exit the house. Then came the throaty roar of a powerful car engine. I considered disobeying and getting off my throne of shame, but then thought better of it. What if they had some way to find out? There might be motion-activated spy cameras. I was having delusions of persecution, but with good reasons. For several hours I remained there, occasionally rising enough to ease the pressure on my buns. The taste of his spunk lingered on my tongue. The pain in my ass seemed like it would never go away. Visions of their sexual joining filled my head. I couldn't stop comparing my pitiable pecker to his monster cock. I was Dinky Dick for sure.

When I heard them coming back into the house, I was half relieved and half terrified. What else might my old bully do to me? Why did my desirable wife take so much obvious pleasure from seeing him abuse me? As soon as they saw me right where they had left me, both of them smiled broadly. They kissed, as if I needed to be reminded that my wife's lips were now off-limits to me.

Dice said, "We're ready to hit the bed again, loser. One of us will call you when your wife's honeypot needs to be licked out. I know you'll come running to swab her out with your tongue."

"Yeah," offered Justine. "And to suck out the stuff you can't reach that way. With that length of pipe between his legs, the new man in my life will be getting his cream way up inside me."

I gagged at those words. From my unhappy location, I heard them having noisy sex. Then my past tormentor hollered for me.

"Get a move on, Dinky."

I hurried to get there, afraid of angering him. My wife lay with her legs spread lewdly. I got between them again and fastened my mouth to her oozing slot. After I'd been at it for a while, she got onto her knees, told me to flip over and under her, so she was straddling my face. She settled her split peach onto my nose and mouth. Gravity lent a hand and more of Dice's plentiful deposit leaked between my lips. He told me to give her clitoris some attention. I did that and, after another few minutes, she was launched into an orgasm.

After she settled down from her climax, Justine told me, "You never made me cum before, but now you'll be able to do it whenever I need my itch scratched, and Dice isn't around."

He added, "Your mouth is going to spend a lot of time where I been shoving my tool."

I was allowed to sleep on the floor, alongside the bed I used to share with my wife. At least she found me an unwashed sheet and an old pillow. In the morning, they sent me to the kitchen, still naked, to wash the dishes that were in the sink and to set up the coffee maker. The two of them showed up in short robes. They sat in the breakfast nook, gazing into each other's eyes like a couple of honeymooners. I poured their coffee. There was none for me, so I had to keep on enduring the disgusting taste in my mouth.

Dice told Justine, "I'm going to have to skip out. Got some business to take care of."

She purred at him, "Before you go, I'd like to get my mouth on that supersize sausage of yours."

He laughed. "I won't say no. And Dinky Dick can be there to help out."

The three of us went to the den. I had to lie on my back. My wife sat her soft round bottom on my chest. Dice remained standing, facing her. She rose up onto her knees and gave his cock a loving kiss. Soon she had it rigid. I had a worm's-eye view as she worshipfully licked and sucked it. She even lapped his balls. At last, she had him close to finishing.

He told her, "When I bust my nut, don't swallow, babe. We ain't going to waste that precious stuff. You're in the perfect spot to drop Dinky a kiss. Let all that rich protein run out of your mouth and straight into his. Maybe get some on his stupid face."

She continued to lavish oral attention on him for a few more minutes before he ejaculated another of his big loads. I found out just how generous it was as she adjusted her position, until her face loomed over mine. Justine's sweet lips parted and from between them drooled a sickening mix of semen and saliva. Most of it landed on my tongue, with some left on my lips, and even a few late drops in my nostrils. She spit the rest of it at my eyes and into my hair. I knew better by that time then to ask if I could get rid of any of it. He helped Justine to her feet, his enviable biceps flexing.

She sneered at me and said, "There's the failure that I married. Myron, now known as Dinky Dick."

As he was leaving, Dice said to her, "See you real soon, dirty girl."

She shot back, "Soon and often, dream man."

I tried not to sob but couldn't restrain myself. The life I knew had been taken away from me by my old school bully. Sometimes, life doesn't change as much as we would like it to.

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