you're a youngster though mate, young and horny

i used to be able to cum over and over without a break, often screwing gently for 45 minutes or so before cumming properly the first time... i always had sort of mini orgasms during a long session though, every so often while trying to make it last i'd almost lose it and cum hard, but managed to pull myself together and just dribble a little squirt of semen before carrying on as though i hadn't cum at all... but when i did cum after a really long session it was like my freekin brains were being dragged out of my cock with it, fucking mind blowing:yumyum: it has always had to be a special woman or girl though to make me retain interest for a long haul, i couldn't make out for hours with one i wasn't really hot and horny for, ok i'll shag anything, but only the special ones make me want to pleasure them and myself fully.