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Our boss fucked our wives, we got even


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Our Boss Fucked Our Wives, We Got Even

by EroticWriter

'Look at how she rides me, enjoying my cock, and watch how she cums. And I don't have to be doing a thing. Not kissing her. Not touching her. All I have to do is...be.'

Note Readers: This is the story I originally wrote titled 'I'll Bet I Can Fuck Your Wife' revised greatly with added events and eroticism. The first part is almost the same as the original, so if you have already read the other story, keep going, it gets even hotter. EW

“It doesn't matter who she is, if she is married to one of my employees, I can fuck her.”

It had just popped out, and Jed was finding this hard to believe. He was probably the only employee in the company whom his boss, Tom Jenkins, felt free to confide in. Because Jed and Tom shared something in common, the love of going to a bar and watching football, and since Jed had been with the company almost from day one, Jed was hearing something from his boss that he had never thought he would hear.

But Tom had been drinking, downing quite a few actually, and now Jed was hearing his boss revealing some details about another one of his employees that inwardly shocked him, but that he also found exciting. The employee in question, Joe Turner, had just left the bar.

“Now remember Jed, this is just between you and me.” Even though they were essentially alone at the end of the bar, Tom looked around to make sure no one was within earshot and especially to make sure that Joe was gone.

“I fucked Joe's wife, not just once, but twice.”

“You fucked Jackie,” answered Jed as he also looked around? This was unbelievable. Tom was the boss, but of all the employees of his company, Jed and Tom were the two next in line, and the three of them often got together after work for beers and chit chat. Tonight, Joe had only stayed for one drink as he had to get home for some show his wife wanted to watch with him on T.V.

Joe doted on his wife. Jackie was not only gorgeous to look at, but she had a terrific personality and Jed could readily understand why Joe was always the first one to leave and get home to his wife.

Joe had only been gone for ten minutes when Tom had came out with it. “Shit Tom,” Jed exclaimed! “I find that hard to believe. Joe's wife is a knockout. And I think Joe treats her pretty well, so why should Jackie do that?”

“Oh, hee hee, I have my moments. Didn't you wonder how Joe moved up to foreman recently and so fast? That was his reward for me fucking his wife.”

“Shit. I thought it was because Joe worked hard, putting in extra time and you were rewarding him. Does Joe know that, that you fucked his wife?”

“Shit no. I was paying off his wife. I discussed it with her one night in May when you were all there for that barbeque my wife put on. The following week, Jackie was in my bed. Besides, Joe was due to be promoted within a year or so anyhow. All I did was move up the date, so it's not like I did anything special. But his wife thinks I did.”

Jed thought for a second. “But you said you fucked her twice. You made Jackie come across twice to get her husband promoted?”

“No. Once before, and as we agreed, she had to come across one time afterward once she knew Joe had his new position. I think that aided in my convincing her to do it, my saying that she had to come back again. That gave her a further reason to believe me when she knew I wanted a second go around."

Tom paused, took another sip, and went on. “She was a little shy and perhaps reluctant the first time, but I don't think Jackie minded coming back for more, the second time. She was looking forward to it, I think.”

Jed did not immediately comment because he was visualizing in his mind his employer down and dirty naked with Jackie Turner. It was then that Tom braggingly added: “It was more than just twice actually. The first time she came over we did three different positions and she came in all of them.”

“Jed's first reaction to that was to sort of giggle. Shit, I wonder if she comes with Joe in every position he puts her in.”

Tom grinned and took a swig. “Probably not. Once she got into it, after I got into her, Jackie seemed to come alive.”

Jed pursed his lips and shook his head. “Fuck Tom. I'll bet you couldn't wait to get into that body of hers. Are those tits as big as they look? She's always wearing a bra.”

Tom nodded his head in the positive. Those tits are real and I don't know why she always wears a bra because she sure doesn't need one they are so firm. He held out two hands and made a grabbing motion with his fingers. “Nice firm C tits, that's what she has.”

Jed wanted to hear more and knew that he needed to get it out of his boss now while Tom was feeling high and talkative. “Which position did you go for first?”

“Believe it or not, I took her standing up before I got completely out of my clothes. Once we got started she was just as anxious as me. I took her from the front at first, and fuck even though I could only get about halfway in in that position she came almost right away. And then in order to get more penetration, I turned her around and bent her over.”

“Shit, that's wild Tom. She couldn't even wait until you got her in bed.”

Tom snickered. “Neither could I. Two fucks standing before we hit the bed and she came during the first one. It was quite an afternoon. Told me it was the first time she ever had multiple orgasms.”

Jed was fascinated. “She was probably all fired up from having an adventure. Came over to help her husband and ended up helping herself.”

Tom nodded. “And then, the second time she came over she had a couple of ideas of her own she wanted to try, and we were doing the dirty for over two hours.”

Jed smiled and shook his head. “Nice score. I have to admit, Jackie has been in my radar a few times. I wouldn't mind getting some of that myself. But I wouldn't dare try, shit she talks to my wife on the phone two or three times a week and besides, I don't have the advantage of being able to offer her anything other than myself.”

“That's the advantage of being the boss man Jed. I have thirty two men working for me, and 19 women, but I leave the women alone.”

“Why is that, Tom? Seems like your female employees would be the easiest to score on.”

“There's always the danger of a sexual harrassment claim, and besides, I don't like the idea of having a woman being around the workplace on a daily basis that I have fucked. They might tend to become demanding.”

“That makes sense. So that is why you go after the wives of your employees. Because they aren't in the workplace. How many others have you fucked?”

Tom grinned and downed his drink. “So far, Jackie Turner is the only one I have gone after and that night at the bar b que when we started talking alone, I sensed she might go for it, so I put it out there for her and after thinking on it, she agreed. Fortunately for me,” Joe added, “she had been drinking and that probably loosened her up to go for it.”

Tom could see that he had Jed's complete attention and went on. “Besides your wife, Jackie is probably the best looking of all the employee's wives. From time to time, if the mood strikes me, there might be more.”

Tom looked Jed right in the eyes. “Hell, Jed, if I wanted to, I could even score on your wife.”

Jed's heart leaped as he thought about that. 'Fuck my wife?' When his breathing had started up again, Jed knew he had nothing to worry about. “I'm afraid that ploy wouldn't work with Nina, Tom. I'm already as high in the company as I can go, so you'd have nothing to offer her. Besides, I know my wife, and Nina would never cheat on me. I've never cheated on her, and I'm pretty sure Nina knows that.”

“Shit Jed. Besides Jackie Turner, your wife is the most 'fuckable' employee's wife in the company. Jackie is a blonde, and your wife is brunette, but that's the only difference between them. They both have big tits, small waists, and great legs.

Jackie I know for sure fits that description because I have been there. Your wife I've never seen uncovered, but I've seen enough to take a pretty good guess at what Nina must look like under those tight skirts and blouses she wears.” Tom sort of paused and shook his head in wonder...”Fuck, those tits on your wife are really something.”

Both Jed and Tom had been drinking quite a bit, so the intimate talk Jed was hearing about his wife was not bothering him. It was all good 'clean' fun. They were both a little high, and the conversation was moving along at its own slow pace.

“Thanks for the compliment on my wife, and you're right. What you think you are seeing under those clothes is all real. Nina's got a full and firm set of Ds, and no plastic. But I still say you could never score on her. Nina came to me as a virgin, she's a devoted wife, we have been married for six years, and now, since our homelife is pretty secure, we are thinking about her getting pregnant.”

“Get her pregnant? Shit, I guess if I'm going to score on her I'd better do it pretty quick while her figure is still as nice as it is now.”

Jed did not answer right away because he was wondering how much a term pregnancy might alter the appearance of his wife's body, and just then Tom added something that sent Jed's mind reeling.

“Besides, women tend to be not so tight after having a baby. It's always better to get them beforehand.”

Feeling raunchy and wanting to turn this into a sex talk, Tom reached over and placed his right arm over Jed's shoulder. “I don't know how tight your wife's pussy is, but if you plan to have a baby, enjoy the snug feeling of your wife's pussy as much as you can now, because she'll never be quite the same after childbirth.”

“Shit Tom,' Jed giggled. How do you know? Your wife has never had a baby.”

Tom laughed. “That's right, she's tight, and I hope to keep it that way. But I've had other women who have had a kid of two, and there is definitely a different feel to their snatch.”

Now Jed's mind was going in a slightly different area in relation to his wife's figure. 'If we have a kid, her pussy will no longer be able to provide me with that delicious feeling of a perfect fit once she has a child.' It was then that Jed revealed something intimately personal about Nina. In a way, he was in effect about to brag on his wife.

“Maybe you're right about that. I've had me a few women, and Nina is the tightest of the bunch. Even after all these years she still lets out a nice little gasp each time I stuff my dick in. But now that you mention it, I'll probably start humping her a little more often so I can enjoy that snug pussy while it's still nice and tight.”

Jed had used the phrase 'stuff my dick in' to give the impression to his employer that he was well hung, but in actuality he had an average six inches in length and was medium thick, maybe a little slimmer.

Even though to Jed it was just fantasy talk, this talk of his boss fucking his wife, Jed was enjoying the conversation and finding it to be titillating. Jed leaned in close to Tom once again and started speaking low like they were discussing a secret, and in the process he decided to spice it up.

“But listen Tom, you said you think you can fuck my wife. There is no way in Hell that you could ever get to see her naked, fondle those lovely breasts, see and enjoy that tight little pussy. That's private stock, but If I had something to win, like a promotion or something, I'd still make you a bet on it.”

Tom's mind was working overtime. He had not planned the evening to take this tack, but now that the subject had been broached, he was determined to see it through. Tom ordered another drink for the both of them. “You forgot to mention, 'and kiss her.' But that's interesting, me getting to fuck your lovely wife. What kind of bet could we make?”

Jed was silent as he listened and thought about his boss, lying on his wife and knowing her intimately.

Tom also seemed to think on it for a moment. “Jed, one side of the bet is obvious, if you lose, your wife gets fucked. But if you win, what can I offer you?” He came out with the answer almost immediately because he had already thought of it minutes before. “Aaah, I know. If you win because I couldn't score on your wife, you get to fuck my wife.”

Jed could not believe his ears. Get to fuck his boss's wife? Yvonne, like Jackie Turner and Jed's wife Nina, was a knockout, but in a different way. She had 'class.' Yvonne had been to Harvard, and was highly respected in the field of genetics. Yvonne had even published papers and given lectures.

As a matter of fact, once or twice when Jed and Joe had been talking on their own, they had wondered how Tom had managed to land her. True, Tom owned the company and had loads of money, but he had worked his way up from scratch, whereupon his wife Yvonne had came from money, had been educated in the finest of schools including a stint in Switzerland, spoke three lanquages, and she seemed to be in a class above not only Jed and Joe, but Tom as well.

Jed knew that Tom's wife was an absolute fox to look at, but one whom it would seem would never, ever be fucking around with the likes of one of her husband's employee's.

“Shit Tom. Yvonne would never go for that. Pay off a bet for you that you lost because you could not fuck my wife. If you even mentioned it, she'd toss you out on your ear.”

“She probably wouldn't honor my bet normally. But Jed, I'll tell you something, and you have to keep this to yourself.” Tom paused...”I guess this is what happens when you have too much to drink, you start revealing personal secrets. But you're my friend Jed, and I trust you to keep things private.”

Tom took another sip and continued. “Remember, even though my wife comes from fine breeding stock, she is still a woman with a woman's needs, very much so. Over the past months Yvonne and I have been talking about having a threesome. I want to see her with another woman, and of course that would also give me a chance to fuck a woman with my wife there.”

“Has Yvonne ever been with a woman?” This Jed wanted to hear.

“Not as far as I know, but I kind of think she'd like to try it.”

He looked over at Jed and grinned. “Jackie Turner is one possibility. I hinted around about such a thing with her, with Jackie I mean, and Jackie admitted that she is curious. But nice as she is and exciting as it might be to put her in bed with Yvonne, I would prefer that the girl I choose be someone new. That way she would be a first time score for both Yvonne and me.”

Jed laughed. “Shit Tom. That would really be something. I'm trying to visualize it in my head, you, a strange gal and that lovely wife of yours all together in bed. Makes me wish I could be the fly on the wall that gets to watch.”

Tom nodded. “There's a catch, but it could work out to the good. Yvonne says she will do it, have a threesome with a woman, but first I have to let her have a man. I think she is probably saying that to put me off, but I made her swear that if I came up with a decent looking guy, that she would go along with it.”

Tom looked into Jed's eyes. “You, Jed, can be that guy. If I lose our bet, you get to fuck my wife, but I'll have to be there when it happens.”

Jed was imagining Yvonne in his mind. She was not stacked as well on top as Jackie or Nina, but she had a great face and the other parts of her that showed in public were her ass and legs, and those too, were great, maybe the best of the rhree women. But if Yvonne was going to be placed in the mix, made a part of this bet, Jed felt that he at least was entitled to know more about her.

“So Tom, since I gave you Nina's statistics, on her tits, and....her pussy, you owe me the same on your wife if she is going to be a part of this bet, that is, if we make it.”

“That's fair. Yvonne's tits are nice B cups, firm and the kind that are shaped like...let me see...big lemons, and your fingers would wrap around them real nice. How's that, good enough?”

“What color are her nipples?”

You didn't tell me Nina's color, but Yvonne's nipples are light pink.”

Jed nodded. “Nina's are dark pink, and get hard at the slightest touch. Hell, I think a breeze would make them go up.”

Tom laughed. “Yvonne likes hers sucked. Wanna make the bet?”

Jed shrugged. “Maybe. Tell me something personal about your wife's pussy like I did mine.”

Tom was enjoying this exchange, and win or lose, he was thinking that this bet could prove to be quite exciting either way. “She's tight for me, and she trims the lower half so her lips are bare. How's that?”

Jed's eyes were wide. “Shit Tom, my dick tingled when I heard that. Bare pussy lips. Wow!”

“So what say we make the bet?”

Tom sounded pretty confident so Jed wanted to think on it. “Let's finish the beers.”

Jed only had to think about it for the length of finishing one more beer. He knew there was a danger here of his wife being fucked by his boss, but he was prettty sure that his marriage was secure and that he would win the bet. “I'll go for it. But how do we know, if you succeed, how do you prove that you fucked my wife?”

Tom downed his drink and to get another, stuck his finger in the air for the bartender to see. “Yvonne will be in Pennsylvania next week till Friday on a lecture tour. I mean she'll be back on Friday. I'll have the house to myself for four days, and since Nina would only be able to do this while you are not with her, I'll get your wife over to my house during the day while you are at work.”

“But how would I know, that you managed to do...that?”

“I can set up a hidden camera and record it all, or, if you prefer I don't record it, you could be there and hide in the next room, the den, and watch it on screen live.”

“I certainly don't want it recorded. I'd prefer to be there, but it will never happen, Tom. Try if you like, but Nina would never go through with it.”

“Jed, you have to promise, if you are in the next room, that you will not interrupt. Remember, if you try to stop what is happening, your wife will know immediately that you were in on it. It will have to remain a secret between she and I. Understand?”

Jed nodded. “So, next week, if it is going to happen, or maybe you have a chance to try, you will let me know and I will sneak into your place and watch from the next room, right?”

“Right. Watch on camera. You know the layout of my house, so you will be in the den downstairs while I have her in the guest bedroom right next door.”

Jed knew that Tom was big into electronics and would have no problem concealing a camcorder in that guest bedroom. Matter of fact, now that Jed was thinking of it, he wouldn't be surprised if Tom always had a camera installed in that bedroom. He was having misgivings on making this bet but figured what the Hell, no way would Tom be able to get Nina into that bedroom.

“We need to set a time limit on this” said Jed, “otherwise you could keep trying and drag this out forever and I would never get a chance to fuck Yvonne.”

“That's fair. Setting a short time limit on this increases your chance of winning the bet but I'll still go for it. Let's see...your wife is not scheduled to be out of town or anything for the next several work days, is that right?”


“O.K.” Tom checked his watch. “It is now Friday evening at 6. I have one week starting now.” He looked at Jed and added, “Actually, you'll have your wife all tied up this weekend so I only have Monday through Thursday to accomplish this since my wife will be back on Friday.”

It was arranged. Now all Jed's boss had to do was get Nina, Jed's beautiful and faithful wife, not only into his house, but into his guest bedroom. An impossible task in Jed's eyes.

Jed was feeling pretty good about the bet now. Tom had one week to score, but in reality it was just the four workdays since Jed was home with his wife all weekend and would be so the following weeknights. Just in case, Jed made sure to give his wife some good loving on Sunday evening before the next work week would begin.

Making sure that she had a good warming up, Jed went down on his wife, something reserved for once-in-a-while occasions. Nina was pleasantly surprised by the increased attention that Jed was showing her tonight.

Giggling, Nina asked. “What's with you tonight Jed? Extra horny for some reason?”

As Jed lifted his head from his task for a moment, he continued to fondle Nina's lovely breasts with both hands. “Yeah baby. It's you, you always keep me horny just by being there.”

Yes, Jed was extra horny because while loving on his wife he had been imagining himself to be Tom in the same place and positions and performing these acts. He deliberately had chosen doggy as one of his positions for tonight.

Jed liked doing Nina doggy. He would place her on the bed on her elbows and knees and take her from behind while standing. In this position he could see and fondle her ass, so firm and curvy, and right there, just a couple of feet from his eyes, was her pussy, looking so delicious as his medium sized cock worked those lips so tight and clinging. As a result, Jed built up a mighty load before dumping it into his wife.

In the process, between eating her and doing the doggy, Nina climaxed twice, double her usual number. Because he wanted to move on and get her into his favorite position for viewing, Jed had not taken a lot of time and missed making her cum in between the two while he had Nina on her back and was kissing her madly while in the missionary position.

Jed felt pretty secure about the bet he had made while high on alcohol. His wife was not being neglected, all was fine between them, and his boss only had five workdays to score. 40 hours in all, and less than that if you took into consideration that he would have to be getting started well before 5 PM on any given weekday.

Technically, because Tom's wife was due home on Friday, Tom only had the four days, but Jed knew Tom, if Tom could not score by Thursday he would keep trying and find another place, probably a motel to fuck Nina if it ran all the way out to Friday. In that case all Tom would be able to do was tell Jed which motel and Jed could be near enough to witness his wife being taken into the motel.

That would give Tom that fifth day if he needed it. Jed was feeling pretty good about his bet however, and he figured the odds were on his side.

Thank goodness he had managed to have a time limit placed on Tom's time to score. Already Jed was looking forward to a session with Tom's wife. Yvonne had always been friendly but aloof anytime Jed had been around her and they were alone, like getting snacks in the kitchen. He had often fantasized on fucking her in the same way that he had often fantasized on fucking Joe Turner's wife.

But until now, that had all been fantasy. Now Jed figured, his fantasy with the boss's wife was about to come true.

Monday passed with no action. Because Jed had given his wife a good loving session on Sunday night, he let Monday evening pass without event. He figured though that Tuesday night he might have another go at Nina, just to keep her from being horny.

Tuesday came. Then lunch. At 1:15, Tom left. He did not announce his leaving, and Jed was not aware that his boss was nowhere around. Jed was working on the floor of the shop, supervising one of the projects when his phone buzzed. He checked the screen. It was from his boss. 'Be at my house, you know where, in 20 minutes. I'll try to keep her waiting.'

Jed's heart stopped. 'What? Impossible. But how?' All Jed knew was that somehow, Tom had gotten Nina into his house, or was about to, and if Jed wanted to see what was happening, he had to get moving.

He looked around, Joe Turner was just a few feet away. Then he had an impulse and acted upon it. “Hey Joe, I need you to go with me on a project, checking out some new materials.”

Looking aound again, he told Collier, a trusted foreman that he was in charge for a while and left with Joe.

Going 45 in a 35, Jed checked the watch on his wrist. It was two so the lunch traffic had lightened up. He should make it, no problem, but still, Jed was driving quickly because Tom's house was a good 15 minutes away. They had been on the road for almost five minutes before Joe asked, “Where we headed Jed?”

Besides being a good employee and now, just one step below Jed on the ladder, Joe was a good friend and would often come to the bar with Tom and Jed for relaxation after work. He did not come as often as Tom and Jed however, because Joe was pretty devoted to Jackie and would usually head straight home.

Now, because Joe was a friend who sometimes talked sex talk with him, but rarely about their own wives, Jed had a sudden impulse to share this with Joe.

“Joe, we're going to watch my wife get fucked.” He stopped there, awaiting Joe's look of shock and then the inevitable questions.

There was a long pause, then: “This is a joke, right?”

“Nope. After he suggested it, I made a bet last week at the bar with Tom that he could not fuck Nina.”

Jed glanced over at Joe and saw the look of disbelief on his face. “The agreement was that if he was able to get her into his house, he would text me and I could come and watch, but it has to be a secret from Nina, that I know.”

“What? That's wild. What kind of bet is that? And I assume that if Tom wins, he fucks your wife, but what if he loses, what were you supposed to get?”

“I would get to fuck his wife.”

Silence. Then: “Yvonne? Did Tom's wife agree to that?”

“Sorta. She doesn't know about this bet, or I assume she doesn't. But Tom told me that she is willing to have a threesome with Tom and another woman but she told Tom that first he had to let her have a threesome with him and another man. She probably figured that would put a stop to it, but Tom called her bluff and said he would find a man. Then he told me that I could be that man if I win the bet.”

He looked over at Joe. “We're almost to Tom's house, but..the way it looks now, I might have lost the bet because Tom sent me a text to be here ASAP.”

Joe's voice sounded excited. “What's the setup?” He was catching on fast.

“We watch from the den on that big screen and keep quiet while he has Nina in the bedroom next door.”

:She's in there now?”

“That's what his text said. Be at his house in 20 minutes and he would try to keep her waiting.”

Joe had been there along with Jed and knew how Tom's house was arranged. Joe was nodding his head, his eyes bright. “And you're going to let me see Nina getting fucked? The beautiful Nina. That's hard to believe Jed. What makes me so special to get to see this?”

“You're my friend, we've talked sex. I've never said it right out, but I have sometimes lusted over your wife, but of course I would never do anything behind your back.”

He glanced over at Joe. “And I am sure you have had the same thoughts about my wife.” He continued to look at Joe for confirmation, and Joe nodded.

“And this, Nina getting laid behind my back she thinks, and even though I might have lost the bet is exciting for me and I want someone to share it with so I can talk about it later.”

Joe was nodding his head excitedly. “Thanks for putting your trust in me. I'll try to live up to your fantasies.” Joe smiled, and though he was getting worried now, Jed smiled back. Now they were on the street to Tom's house.

In a way, Jed was having some erotic thoughts, of Joe watching Jed fucking Nina and all the while not knowing that the same man had been into his wife on two occasions not long before. That, knowing that, would make it even more exciting for Jed.

“Now we'll see if my wife is here. I'm looking for her car.”

Tom's house had two driveways, one leading to a double garage in back, and the other curving around the front lawn. As agreed to in advance, Jed was to park well back in the driveway on the west side of the house, and as he went by the front, he saw Nina's car, a blue Nissan Maxima, sitting in the driveway. By Jed Parking in the west driveway, his car could not be seen from the front of the house. If Nina should leave before he did, she would not see his car.

Though deep down he had known it was true, Jed could not help expressing his surprise. “'She's here. My wife is here. There's her car. Shit Joe I can't believe it. How did Tom manage to get her here?' Parking his car in haste, Jed with Joe in tow quickly and quietly entered through the exterior door to the den and saw, as soon as they entered the room, that the TV screen was on.

Both Jed and Joe had spent many hours in this den. This was the room that Tom had his buddies including Joe over to watch the games on TV. So Tom's sports screen was large, 50 inches large and in high definition so that he and his buddies could all watch a crystal clear picture from the two leather couches that faced the screen.

Jed gasped, and he heard Joe say 'Damn!' under his breath. There on screen facing Jed was his wife in almost life size, and she was down to her brassiere and panties as she stood dead center in the middle of the screen! For some reason she was staring straight ahead as if posed for the camera. But Jed knew that the camera was concealed. It looked like she was saying something to Tom, who was not visible off camera.

Both Jed and Joe were standing fixed in place, their eyes focused on the screen and the unbelievable image before them.

Behind her was a bed, and Jed could readily see that the camera had been carefully arranged so that Nina could be seen in front of the bed as well as on it. She turned her head to her right, and Jed could see that she might be giving some kind of reply to Tom, who was still off camera.

The volume was off, but Jed saw that a pair of headphones was plugged into the set. Quickly, and with his cock tingling, Jed slipped them on, and as he did, he saw a bare skinned Tom suddenly appear on screen, and he stepped behind Nina and undid her brassiere. As it slipped off and down her shoulders, Jed saw Tom reach around his wife's body and cup both her fine breasts in his hands.

Joe knew the layout and though they never had any reason to use headphones any time they had came over, he knew where Tom kept his gear. He dug into a drawer and pulled out another set of headphones and plugged them into an auxillary place on the TV. Now they both could see and hear as the erotic action unfolded before them.

Even though Tom had large hands, they were unable to hide the warm tender flesh that he was holding. Nina had fine Italian breasts, a full D cup, and they were not only large but still firm. Then Jed heard his first sounds through the headphones as he increased the volume.

Nina was speaking, her voice low. “Are you sure that I need to do this?”

“Yeah baby, it's the only way.” Tom gave her breasts a squeeze, pressing inwards on her flesh deep enough that both Jed and Joe could see. “I always knew you had a fine pair, but these are nice, much better than I had dreamed.”

As Tom was having himself a nice first feel of forbidden tit, Jed could actually see that his wife's face had turned red on screen. Because his wife's figure pretty much was filling the entire 50 inch screen, Jed could clearly see on screen that his wife's nipples were erect and sticking out between Tom's fingers.

Her voice was soft as she looked down at Tom's fingers and how they had captured her nipples. “You dreamed about my breasts? For how long?”

“As long as I have known you. First time I saw you I resolved right then and there that if ever given the chance, I would take you to bed.”

Joe caught Jed's eye, and when Jed turned towards him and pulled one headphone off, Joe said in a low voice, “This is fucking hot!”

Jed nodded 'Yes,' and by silent mutual agreement they each removed one side of the headphones from their ears so that they could both hear the action on screen and discuss it amongst themselves.

"Shit Jed," Joe whispered. "Tom says he's been dreaming about your wife's tits. After today I'll be dreaming about them."

As Jed was nodding his acknowledgment at Joe, Nina was looking into Tom's eyes. “You promise that Jed will never know? It would kill me if he found out.”

“He won't know, I promise. The business I talked about will all go away after today. Neither you nor Jed will ever hear another word about it.”

Upon hearing that, Joe turned to Jed to see what Tom might be referring to, and Jed shrugged his shoulders and whispered, “He must have made something up about me.” Joe nodded understandingly.

And then Jed heard his wife say the words that again gave him a shock. This entire affair was shocking, but this was unbelievable. “Are you sure no one will be seeing this video you are doing?”

Jed's mouth dropped, along with Joe's. 'She knows about the camera!'

Tom was still cupping her breasts and he raised his head to look into the camera as Nina was now doing. Now it was as if both Tom and his wife were looking directly into his eyes as Tom answered. “Not just I'm doing. You and I are doing this. No one will be seeing this, but like I said, if I only get you one time, I keep a video copy to remember you by.”

“And what about your wife? What if she finds it?”

“I'll be keeping it in my safe. She'll never see it. I'll just be pulling this video out on those times when Yvonne is out of town and I have to jack off.”

Jed was shaking his head at this conversation, and Joe was grinning Jed's wife was about to fuck his boss and in the process, allow him to be making a movie to jerk off to. And then Jed heard the clincher as his wife replied. She was possibly adapting to the situation but there was still a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Nina giggled. “Well, it'll be nice to know that any time your wife goes out of town you will be thinking of me and taking matters in hand.”

Jed could not believe his ears. Nina was not only about to fuck his boss, but she was willingly allowing the recording of the act, and making jokes about it! His wife had to do this, why he did not know, and it had been obvious at the beginning that she was reluctant, and now, now it was sounding like she might be getting into it. Of course the fact that Tom was teasing her sensitive nipples might have something to do with it.

Finally, as Jed began to accept the situation, he glanced back at the couch and took a seat, and Joe followed. Now seated side by side, Jed glanced over at Joe, two feet away and saw that his trousers had a visible bulge. Nothing unusual about that since Jed also was sporting a bulge. He wondered if he would be able to pull it off, pull out his dick and pull on it.

'If I do, will Joe follow suit? I'd sure like to cum when Nina cums or maybe when Tom does.'

As Jed watched, his wife turned without being told and raised her head to meet Tom's lips as he bent over to kiss her. All the while, during the kiss, Tom was still fondling her breasts, Jed was wondering, 'What business? Look at how she seems to be responding to his kiss. What did Tom tell my wife to get her into this situation?'

Again Joe had to comment as he was seeing Nina's ass full on for the first time. "Shit Jed, Nina's got one fine ass."

Nina had willingly turned around to face Tom and though she was actually quite reluctant about this and her body was trembling, from where Jed was watching his wife on screen she seemed to be returning Tom's kisses as eagerly as he was giving them. Tom stood a full head above her and he had to bend down to reach her lips.

Jed's mouth dropped open as he saw Tom's hands leave her breasts and wrap around Nina's ass cheeks and tug. This brought their bodies closer together. As he tugged her panties moved to one side. Her cheeks opened up some, allowing Jed and Joe a good look at Nina's pink in color anus. Jed had seen it many times, especially when doing the doggy, but never like this.

The kissing went on, and Jed found himself growing inpatient because now, for some strange reason, he wanted to see his wife under Tom and not only see how she would react, but Joe as well. He was doubly glad now that he had brought Joe along because it made this all the more exciting.

He was anxious to see the fuck action, but first, Jed had to watch as he saw Tom's hands go from Nina's ass to under her panties as he cupped her cheeks tightly as he pulled her body up against his.

“After you get my clothes off, we'll get into bed.” As Tom was speaking to Nina, he looked directly into the camera, which apparently was not hidden. He smiled, knowing that Jed was on the other end.

Again Nina's voice went to soft, and she once again sounded reluctant, hesitant, perhaps not at all excited about this. “I've never done this before, been with another man, so please understand if I don't know what to do.”

“Oh, I think you will find quite quickly that you know exactly what to do. First, you can undo my pants for me and see what's waiting for you under there.” As he was speaking, Tom made sure that his front was facing the camera, and he managed to turn slightly sideways so that his cock would show on camera. Then he grinned into the camera, and Jed knew that grin was meant for him.

His mouth wide, Jed watched as his wife first undid Tom's belt, then slowly, once she had found the zipper, slid it down. Then, with a sigh, she slowly reached in with two fingers and tugged the visible bulge to the outside.

Jed immediately wished he had never made this foolish bet when he saw what flopped out of Tom's drawers when Nina pulled it out and released it. Even though it was still dangling partially down, the uncut cock was thick, very thick, and appeared to be seven or more inches in length even though it was not fully hard as yet.

Also, what might be worse, Joe was here and watching, and he too was now seeing what kind of equipment their boss was wielding, and he would know, forever, that Jed's beautiful wife Nina had been fucked by a huge cock and that Jed had been standing nearby watching and unable to do anything to stop it.

Jed was thinking, 'Shit, Joe's wife took that and now Tom is about to use it on Nina.'

“Like that?” Tom was grinning as he saw the look of shock on Nina's face. At this point she had not as yet wrapped her hand around it. This was far more than she had expected, and far more than she thought she could take. But she had made the decision, because she really had no choice. Fuck Tom or he turns the evidence over to the police about how her husband has been pilfering funds from the company.

Tom was keeping Nina turned so that her face, at least from the side was visible on camera. Her eyes were wide as she answered hesitatingly. “Like I said, I've never...”

“Oh but baby. Once you do, you might want to come back for more. And just think, I'll have it all on screen to enjoy after this is over.” He glanced in the direction of the camera and Jed knew that comment had been intended for him as well as his wife.

Jed saw his wife run her tongue across her lips one time in nervousness. “One time, like you promised. O.K?”

Sure Nina, if one time does it for you.”

Again Nina appeared to be making a joke with her response, “One time for me, and any number of times for you with that video to look at.”

Joe looked over at Jed, and Jed saw that he was fondling his bulge under his trousers. “Did you know that Tom has a cock like that,” he whispered?

Jed shook his head. “Nope. Looks like I'm really the big loser on this bet, and there's not much I can do about it now. This will be a first for Nina.”

“What's that,” Joe whispered? Her first big cock, or her first...strange cock?”

“Both. I got her, she was a virgin when we met.”

Jed was not looking real happy at the moment and Joe tried to look sympathetic, but inside his heart was racing. 'I'm about to see lovely Nina taking that prick of Tom's while her husband is watching and sitting beside me. Fuck I wish I could beat off.'

All the time they had been talking, Tom had been removing his clothes, and now undressed, he set about removing the last piece of clothing on Nina, her panties. Then he moved her further back and onto the bed.

Jed immediately wished that the camera was closer to the bed because now he could see the entire bed and even though he could see all of their bodies, they were too far away for the viewing of great detail close up, and Jed wanted to see, close up.

He was pleasantly surprised when, while being able to see Tom's hand on screen, he saw Tom reach behind the headboard, and zoom the camera in by using a remote control. “What'd you just do,” Nina asked?

“I zoomed the camera in so all the action between our bodies will be on screen up close and personal.”

Again Nina made a joke. “I guess we shouldn't have it any other way.”

Unseen to Nina, her husband Jed was nodding in agreement and looking over at Joe. Now Jed and Joe could see Nina on the bed, close up and in intimate detail.

Apparently Tom wanted to put on a show for Jed, because he turned Nina so that her feet were towards the camera, and as he laid beside her and opened her legs, Jed could see every detail as his boss fondled and fingered his wife's married and until now innocent, pussy.

Nina apparently was aware of what Tom was doing. "Turning me toward the camera so the good parts show?"

"You bet baby. Someday soon I'll be looking at and studying you real intent like, right about here..." With that Tom used two fingers of his hand to tug Nina's lips as far out as he could get them. "This is going to be great on film baby, seeing your tight little pussy being opened up by my fingers like this."

Tom was correct. The tightness of her inner lips could easily be seen on screen as Tom tugged them open from the side and allowing her husband to see them from the viewpoint of a camera lens. Apparently Nina was not concerned about herself being filmed in such an intimate manner as she made no effort to close her legs or move his hand away.

Jed had a full erection now and not caring if Joe saw, as a matter of fact he wanted Joe to see, it was out and in his hand. 'There she is Joe, my wife, and she knows the camera is on her and she is allowing the intimate details of her vagina to be placed on video.'

That was what Jed was thinking, as well as: “And Joe, this is my cock in my hand. You can see that it is a lot smaller than what my boss is about to use on my wife, so you can either laugh inside or sympathize, it's up to you.'

Well, Joe was neither laughing at Jed or sympathizing. What he was doing now was thinking erotic thoughts, of fantasies he had sometimes had of not only his own wife, but also of Nina, Jed's wife. Now some of those fantasies were about to be realized, but he, like Jed, could only watch. And maybe jack off.

Joe took another look at Jed's cock, and deciding that they were about the same size, opened his pants and pulled out his cock. His eyes met Jed's, and Jed nodded his approval.

This sitting on the couch with an opened zipper just did not get it, so Jed, wanting to have greater access to his own cock, plus give Joe a better look at it, stood up and dropped his trousers and underwear to his knees. He looked to his right and was pleased to see that Joe was taking a good look at his equipment. Now with his cock and balls free, Jed again sat down and took it in hand.

Joe, seeing what Jed had done, gleefully followed suit, and soon they both were lightly jerking off and watching the action on screen. Jed openly took a good long look at Joe's cock, studying it almost, and not worrying about what Joe might think. 'He knows, I'm making comparisons of both our cocks to our boss's cock.'

When Tom slipped a first finger in, Nina's legs opened wider, confirming for Jed that Nina no longer cared that she was being recorded, and intimately. Jed could see that Tom was being careful, or maybe considerate in allowing Jed to see all because as he was fingering Nina, he was keeping his arm up and twisting his wrist so as to allow Jed to see the actual penetration of his finger.

Soon, as Tom kissed and fondled Nina, her legs were not only apart, but way apart. Both Joe and Jed were jerking their cocks, but slowly, saving things for they knew, better things to come.

Nina was sort of squirming with her hips as she enjoyed that finger, the finger that seemed to know just how fast and hard she liked for it to be stroking into her. For the first time Jed heard his wife moan from the pleasure being given by another man.

What was almost funny, Jed also heard Joe let out a soft moan as he jerked off and watched the hot action on screen.

Despite the fact that Tom had his tongue in her mouth, Nina was groaning now as she twisted her lower body from side to side. It was obvious, very obvious to Jed on the screen that his wife was now wanting what she was having to do. That was confirmed when Nina reached for and found Jed's cock, now fully erect and began stroking it.

She sort of raised her head to see what she was holding in her hand and Jed saw her lick her lips as she tugged that foreskin back and forth and all the while covering and uncovering that fat head..

“Put it in. Please Joe, I want you to.”

From possible reluctance to sudden desire. That was not what Jed had wanted to hear, and yet, that was exactly what he wanted to hear. Jed had lost the bet, but in the process he was finding out that seeing his wife with another man was extremely arousing to him. 'Did my wife beg him to put it in because she is wanting to be fucked, or because she is seeing that big cock." Jed wondered?

Apparently it was also extremely arousing for Joe, because he actually leaned forward for a moment in a seeming attempt to get closer to the action on screen. Then, realizing that while leaning forward like this, he could not access his cock, he leaned back once again.

Jed was going to see his wife fucking, and yes it was arousing, but more so because it was his boss that would be doing the doing and his buddy Joe would be watching. Too bad about the huge cock. Jed knew that his wife would soon be taking a big cock, and she would have to carry the secret of that to her grave.

In the future he was already thinking, anytime there was a company gathering, anytime his boss was near his wife, he would have to be keeping an eye on his wife to make sure that Tom did not sneak her off somewhere.

Nina had asked to have it put in. But Tom had his own plans for how this was going to go. “Let's 69 first.”

Yes, this Jed wanted to see, and he hoped that Tom would turn his wife so that....he is, he's putting his cock down at this end.

Tom had rolled onto his back and Nina was climbing over to straddle him. Now Jed could see all from close up as his wife got onto her elbows and took Tom's shaft into two hands to hold it. She appeared to be studying this hunk of uncut manhood and gave it a stroke and then wrapped both hands around the shaft, seeing that some of the shaft and the entire mass of Tom's thick head was left over.

“Oooh.” Nina closed her eyes for a minute and tossed her head back, and Jed knew that Tom had begun his work at the other end. Excited now, Nina quickly moved to put her mouth over that fat head as best she could. She experimented as Jed watched, and there was no doubt now, she was into this. Very much so.

She apparently was even into making a good video because every once in a while she would raise her head from that manhood specimen and look into the camera, and to Jed it looked like she was looking directly at him. If only she knew that I am here and seeing this. Then what would she do?

Nina's eyes were wide because now Tom had really gotten hard, and his cock appeared to have grown a little from when they had first gotten into this position. “Do you plan to cum this way.” she asked loud enough for Tom to hear at the other end? “Are you going to make me swallow it? I've never done that.”

“Never swallowed cum? Poor Jed. No baby, I don't want to cum. You can cum first, twice, three times, as many as you want. Whenever you feel me get that hard, stop sucking until it goes down slightly. We need to save it for your pussy.”

Unseen to Tom, Nina nodded. “Yes, let's!”

Joe turned to Jed. “Nina has never swallowed cum?”

“Not yet,” Jed answered while shaking his head and looking disgusted, "but she might end up doing it today.” He nodded towards the screen for Joe to keep watching while thinking, 'I wonder if Tom made Joe's wife do the 69?'

Jed slowly stroked his prick as he watched his wife apparently enjoying her work, very much so. Each time that cock would get the largest, she would stop sucking and just stare at it until it softened slightly. She even turned her head at one time to look back and tell Tom that it really felt good, what he was doing.

During one of Tom's cool down sessions, Nina actually leaned forward with her lips puckered and gave the head a kiss. Then she looked towards the camera and grinned. 'Shit, my wife is in love with that cock and he hasn't even used it on her as yet.' He also thought, 'Tom will be surprised when he sees that on his video."

Jed wondered if perhaps Joe was having similar thoughts because he felt Joe glancing over at him each time Nina did something new and exciting.

The sucking went on for maybe five minutes and Nina had an orgasm, for sure an orgasm as she closed her eyes, dropped Tom's cock from her mouth and moaned.

With a laugh, Tom said, “Now get on your back and I'll show you how it's done.”

Nina's reply again, was shocking for Jed. “Finally!”

Nina wasted no time rolling over and laying down, but her head was not visible on screen, and much to Jed's relief, Tom had her move her head back to the pillows so that all three, her face tits and pussy were now facing the camera. But of course, once Tom mounted up, some of that view might be lost to Jed.

But now, Jed knew, down at this end, he would be seeing his wife taking a strange cock into her pussy for the first time, a strange cock, a big cock, a cock that might make her forget what her husband's cock was about.

Apparently Joe was wanting to see this as much as Jed was because he was once again leaning forward in an attempt to see the action even better.

"Shit Jed, your wife is really enjoying this. I don't know how you're going to be able to go home later tonight, be with your wife and act like nothing had happened. If this was my wife I'd be dying to talk to her about it, but I know that you can't because she'd probably be really upset if she knew you had helped set this up."

"Joe, I'll probably end up fucking her and wondering if she is mentally comparing me to Tom while we're doing it."

Joe snickered. "Maybe not mentally, but for sure physically."

Both Joe and Jed were stroking their six inches of reasonably thick meat slowly as they watched their boss mount Nina and take aim. But Nina took over when she hurriedly reached under Tom and taking that thick long meat in her hand, placed it against her parted lips.

Tom at that point made a comment about what was happening and related the action to the camera. “That's right baby. Aim my big meat for me and show that camera exactly where you want to place it.” Tom knew that comment had been meant more for him to hear than for Nina.

Nina aimed it all right. She not only aimed it, but used her hand to guide that thick head up and down through her slot several times, and on that high definition screen Jed could see both her lips and that head become slippery shiny with juice. Which juice, Tom's or hers Jed couldn't tell.

Tom's voice displayed supreme confidence as he spoke. “Now baby, you get fucked like never before.”

Again, the viewing and sound for Jed and friend was excellent as Tom stayed up on his knees and kept his body high as he partially penetrated Nina, making her let out a loud groan. He had a long way to go but Tom was in no hurry. He was sliding in, but taking it slow. His balls were being firmly held by his nut sac, and the view was not being blocked in the least.

Tom knew that her husband was watching, and he wanted to make this moment last as long as possible. Besides that, Nina seemed to be enjoying this slow entry just as much as he was. Having enjoyed that first moment, the first three inches of penetration, he wanted to enjoy it again.

He eased his cock out, taking her inner lips along for the ride. Both Jed and Joe could see how Nina's lips held onto that thick shaft and then the head as it came up, up, and out. Then, slowly, Joe lowered his body again, and his head pushed her lips out to the side once again as he entered and once again penetrated to full head depth. Nina moaned and Jed saw her fingers dig into Tom's ass.

Apparently that was enough to make Joe do something completely out of character as he slid the two feet closer to Jed and reaching out with his left hand, held it above Jed's cock. Jed knew what he wanted to do and removed his own hand. Joe's hand immediately enveloped his cock, wrapping four fingers around the shaft, and simultaneously Jed placed his fingers around Joe's cock.

Rock hard that cock was, just like his own, and with increased excitement, Jed started stroking. They were going to have to be careful not to make each other cum he knew, until somewhere near the end.

Jed and Joe could see it all as the head of Tom's cock went deeper, shoving nina's inner lips out of the way and making her let out an even deeper gasp. Full penetration with the head and Nina gasped again as her lips stretched first around that thick head, and then the shaft as Tom went deep.

“Oooooh! Oooooh shit!” She was making the sounds, possibly sounds of protest, but first her arms went around Tom, and then her legs came up, slowly, but they came up as she began to take the full length of a cock that was designed for a pussy maybe one or two sizes larger then hers.

Tom made his full penetration to the end last for almost 15 seconds as Nina adapted, and then the pumping began. Tom was making sure to stay up on his knees to enhance the viewing aspects for her husband, and for himself later.

Joe turned to Jed. “Are you jealous? All that cock...”

Jed nodded silently while thinking to himself, 'If you only knew Joe, that your wife was in the same position just a few weeks ago.'

Tom had positioned the camera, and his employee's wife on the bed, perfectly. All the while the fucking was going on, Jed had a reasonably good close up view of his wife's tight cunt being plundered. When Tom would go deep, his balls blocked some of the penetration. Tom apparently was good in bed, had the equipment, and was using it to advantage as he fucked Nina in ways she had only maybe dreamed about.

Jed had dreamed about this during previous moments in his marriage when he had sometimes imagined himself to be another man while he fucked Nina and the smile on her face was because she was enjoying another man. In his fantasies though, the man had always been larger, something that Jed could only speculate about in his mind as to how she would be reacting.

Now, he could see his wife for real, under another man, and he has a big cock.

It took only a minute or two and she was cumming, her first from fucking of what would become multiple orgasms spaced within the time frame of perhaps fifteen minutes of steady fucking. Jed was shaking his head as he used his right hand to shake Joe's hard cock.

Nina had started climaxing almost right away and was cumming constantly. Now Jed knew how his wife would be reacting if she was under a strange man, a strange man with a big cock.

But Joe wanted to know. “Does your wife come that easily and often with you?”

Jed looked sad as he shook his head 'No,' but Joe could see the excitement in his eyes. Joe decided to maybe sooth Jed's thoughts a bit. "Part of it might be because she's having someone new and...forbidden."

"That's true," Jed whispered back. "But honestly, I think it's mostly that cock that's doing the dirty." Joe could only nod his agreement.

Then it was time for a change. “Want to get on top?”

“Yes, oh yes!” Again, as if she was wanting to make this a good video, Nina glanced towards the camera and actually grinned before she turned her body and opening her legs wide, mounted Tom. This penetration shot was almost, well, maybe more exciting for Jed to see than the first penetration when Tom had been doing the deed. Now it was his wife taking charge, and boy did she ever.

She took him quickly, burying her body over his entire shaft, Despite having been given adequate time to adjust to his thickness, Nina groaned and unseen to Jed her eyes rolled as she again enveloped what Tom had to offer. Then, after enjoying the feel of being so deeply penetrated, she raised her body so that she was almost off the head, and then she began fucking that head, riding the ridge along the side and cumming within a minute of assuming that position.

Her initial lust having been sated now that she was in charge, Nina began fucking steadily, staying in the range of halfway to almost all the way down, riding Tom's thick shaft and cumming it seemed to Jed, anytime she wanted to.

For the first time, with those big balls out of the way, Jed (and Joe) was able to get a really clear view of how his wife's vagina had to stretch in order to accommodate having a good percentage of another man, a large man, within her body. Around each side of her body, with that ass in the air that looked so fabulous, Jed could see that Tom had placed his arms behind his head and was lying back and allowing Nina to do her thing.

In a way Tom was sending Jed a silent message. 'See Jed how your wife likes my cock. I don't have to do a thing other than just be lying here and providing my cock for her, and she is doing it all. Look at how she rides me, enjoying my cock, and watch how she cums. And Jed, I don't have to be doing a thing. Not kissing her. Not touching her. All I have to do is...be.

Jed had been stroking Joe's cock slowly, waiting and watching for a good place to shoot his load. It seemed now by silent agreement that Jed and Joe were matching their stroking to co-incide with each stroke Nina took each time she went down over that slippery meat.

As time went by, things seemed to get hotter and hotter. Now Nina had been offered a chance to get on top, and a very horny Jed was going to have to hold back a little longer and wait for just the right moment.

The microphone on the camera apparently was quite sensitive because even though his head was down at the other end, Jed could hear Tom talking to Nina, and he was aking her how she was enjoying her ride. Jed strained to hear her response through the headphones, but whatever it was she was saying, she was now whispering into Tom's ears because her head was down next to his.

Jed could only shake his head in sorrow, and also delight, as he saw how his wife had switched from being fucked to being in charge and doing the fucking and doing it uninhibitedly. Then Jed had a thought. 'Is this actually being recorded while we watch?

Tom said he would only set up a live feed, but I wonder...' He had told Nina he was making a copy, but with her husband seeing and hearing all, Jed was wondering if maybe he had told Nina that to see how she would act if she thought she was being recorded.

Nina had wasted no time taking him deep, and she was pumping rapidly up and down, taking him full length and groaning in the process. At times she would vary her moves and begin twisting her hips sideways as she made Tom's cock hit her at different places inside. Each time she went sideways, Jed could see the skin on each side of Nina's pussy bulging outward, looking like a tongue being run around inside a set of mouth cheeks.

Jed had never seen or heard his wife acting like this. He knew she was responsive in bed, but this much? Is it Tom's big cock? Is it the excitement of having someone new and therefore exciting, or a combination of both?' Maybe she likes the feeling of knowing she is being recorded. Then the thought struck him: 'What if, at some later date, my wife tells Tom she wants to come over and see the video?'

Nina did not last long on top. Two minutes in she was cumming and doing so loudly, and then three minutes later she had still another. By then she was done, worn out, totally satisfied. Despite the fact that Tom's cock was still rigid, it was looking like the sex was over, so Jed glanced over at Joe and quickly stroked his cock.

Joe was right there and as Jed felt and saw Joe's hot cum shoot up a couple of inches and then begin running down over his fingers his own cock began throbbing as his cum blasted forth onto the floor in front of him. Jed was proud in a way. Joe's cock had only shot out and up a couple of inches, while his cum had traveled a couple of feet forward.

Then Tom surprised Jed, Joe and his wife as he rolled Nina off and turning her onto her back, mounted her once again. Nina sighed, and her arms went around him, but her legs stayed almost level.

“I'm worn out, Tom. You feel good but can we call it quits now?” Jed noticed that though she had asked to quit, she had not put much emphasis into her words.

“One more time for me baby. You can feel how hard my cock is. This is my one and only time with you, and I want to get in all I can.”

Nina made a joke and the happiness in her voice was obvious. “You've got all you can in, that's for sure.”

She had giggled, and Jed knew that his wife, even though she might now be feeling guilty over having to do this, was still in a state of arousal. Jed was sorry that he had already chosen to blast his load as he watched his wife come alive one last time, raising her legs high and wrapping them around Tom as she kissed him madly and enjoyed one last strong orgasm in conjunction with Tom's.

For just a moment, Jed had a thought, at how many times, how many strokes his wife had enjoyed in the process of being fucked. Not just dozens, but maybe hundreds of strokes, each one perhaps 7 or more inches in length while still being inside her. That was a lot of rubbing of intimate flesh between two bodies.

He and Joe were still holding each other's cocks, probably because there was cleanup to be done, and Jed felt Joe harden in his hand. His own cock began to rise in answer.

The stroking into Nina had stopped, but the kissing continued.

Tom was now, for the first time, laying quietly, with his body full against hers. Though Nina had enjoyed herself thoroughly, she was still trying to maintain an air of having been given no choice but to fuck Tom. “Are we done now? I've given you what you want, and you've got your movie.”

“Wait a couple of minutes baby while I drain what's left in my cock into that nice tight warm snatch of yours.” Tom knew that Jed was out there, and he was spicing up the talk for that reason. He kept pumping, draining more of his thick cum into a snatch that had already taken a substantial load.

Figuring that Jed was still watching, Tom was once again spicing up the conversation. “Oh baby. You feel so good, not just your snug little pussy but your entire body. So warm and snuggly and you kiss so hot. You can bet that I won't be forgetting this fuck, not ever!”

Jed was shocked, but not unpleasantly when he saw and heard his wife tighten her arms around Tom and confess that she too, would never forget this fuck.

They were kissing now, and passionately Jed could tell even though he could not see their faces. Then Tom gave Jed the signal they had pre-arranged if this came to pass. “I need to get back to the business soon and see how your husband is doing running the show.”

That was Jed's cue to get out and drive away while Tom kept his wife busy in conversation for a few minutes more. Jed nodded to Joe, and they both released each oher's hard cock at the same time. Tom had left a box of tissue handy, and both Joe and Jed used it now, and Jed, because he was the one that had made the mess, also scrambled to clean the floor. Thankfully it was not carpeted and easily wiped.

Jed was about to leave with Joe when he heard his wife say, “I love feeling you inside me. Just lie on me a minute more and let me hold you. Then you can go.”

Jed was a little disappointed in hearing that. Apparently his wife, who had wanted to do this just one time and get it over with, was not in a hurry to finish getting it over with.

Jed was reluctant to leave because for the moment, Tom was once again up on his knees over Nina as he started a slow pump and Jed could still see how that big cock again was stretching Nina's tight snatch. Another thing was obvious now. Nina had been filled with Tom's cum, and it was starting to run out and down the crack of her ass.

Jed checked his watch: 3:10 P.M. 'Shit, we got here about 2:15 so they've been going at it for almost an hour.' He glanced again at the screen and saw that Tom was still on his wife and pumping. The headphones were off now but on screen Jed could see his wife mouthing some words, or perhaps groaning.

His boss was fucking his wife faster now, driving his cock hard into her, and Nina had her fingers dug into his ass. It took only a minute, and both men could see that even without the sound, that Nina was cumming.

Jed wanted to masturbate one last time, but there was no time because they had to leave. Joe remembered to return the extra headphones to the drawer. Their drive back to the shop was made at a slower pace than when he had been going in the other direction.

“So what do you think.” Jed asked Joe?

“What do you want to hear? How Tom did, or your wife?” He sort of sighed, and Jed heard it. “I'm still in a bit of a shock, you will have to excuse me. I can't believe what I just saw.”

“I know, I can't believe it either, but we both saw it, so I guess it happened. Far as what did you think, I meant both, how did they do, but mostly my wife. How do you think she liked it?”

Joe laughed, but not being too obvious about it. “Jed, I think you're in trouble now that your wife has experienced a cock and a fucking such as that.” He hesitated, then added: “I said that because we, I know what size your cock is now, you know, compared to Tom's.”

Jed nodded, and then he pulled the shocker. He had a plan, and now was the time. “Joe, I also know what size your cock is, so I have a surprise for you. You're in the same boat as me. A few weeks ago your wife also experienced a cock and a fucking such as that. She was in there and doing the same thing.”

Silence. Then...”WHAT?”

“Don't be mad and listen. I only found out about it myself the night Tom and I made the bet. Your wife fucked Tom a few weeks before that.”

“How? Why? Shit, I can't believe this. Why would she do that?”

Jed could see a look of almost panic on Joe's face. “Joe, your promotion came up several months before you expected it. Think about it.”

Joe's voice was soft. “About a year early. I wondered....” Then he raised his voice. “My wife fucked Tom to get me promoted?”

“That's what Tom told me. He was half smashed when he came out with it. You were going to get it anyhow, but Tom made it happen way early and your wife thinks she did it to get you the promotion, period.”


“That's what she did Joe, fuck Tom. But just like me, I am sure she did not know in advance what a whopper of a cock Tom has on him.”

It was obvious that Joe was thinking hard on the subject. “I wonder how she liked it.”

“She did, once she got started. Tom told me Jackie was timid and reluctant at first, but eventually she got into it and from what he said, she came several times. Of course there's the possiblity that Tom is just bragging and your wife did not cum as much as he claimed.”

Now Jed tried to soothe the pain he knew his buddy was feeling. “She wanted to see you get promoted, remember that. It was just sex Joe. The way it happened, it is not as bad as if your wife had an affair. Jackie still loves you. Look at what I had to go through today, seeing the actual event.”

“Yeah, lucky you. If it had to happen, I wish I could have seen.”

“Me lucky? You came out way ahead of me Joe. You got a promotion. All I got from this was a lost bet and my wife getting fucked by a big cock.”

“But still, you got to see it.”

It was obvious that Joe was mad, and now Jed needed to calm him. The interesting thing was, Joe seemed to be more mad that he had been unable to see his wife being fucked, then the fact that she had done it.

“Joe, your wife loves you very much. She didn't know you were probably going to be promoted anyhow, so she thinks she got you the promotion and in actuality what she did was speed it way up. So figure the difference in salary you are getting for say...12 months and that's how much it was worth to you, and her.”

“Joe, Jed could see, was already doing figures in his head. 'Good,' Jed thought. 'That will calm him down some.'

“About $600 a month times twelve, that's...”$7200” Jed finished for him.

“Yes,” Joe responded, '$7200 before taxes.”

“Can't escape those taxes, “ Jed answered with a laugh, and hoping that Joe would respond in kind.

It worked, sort of. “Yeah those damned taxes. But still, a pretty good amount of extra pay.”

“Your wife's fuck was worth over $7,000 to you and then there's the extra prestige it gives you. I'd say, in a way it is worth it, wouldn't you think?”

Jed could tell that Joe was indeed, adding figures that he would not have had otherwise but what he said was: “Shit, my wife's worth way more than that. If Joe had offered me $50,000 up front to fuck Jackie, I would have turned him down.”

“I am sure you would have Joe. But that would have been upfront and unlikely to happen. But now that Jackie has done the deed and you have been getting the extra money, would you take it back, her getting fucked and the pay raise?”

“Maybe not.”

Jed was driving slowly to ensure they had time to talk this out before they arrived at work and Joe was sadly shaking his head. “But damnit Jed. That fucker fucked my wife and his cock is so big. He must have stretched her pussy way out and went way deep inside, the woman I love, and it'll never be the same between us.”

“Joe, it has been several weeks since Jackie fucked your boss, and you never suspected a thing. Everything seemed normal so unless you let it get to you, nothing has changed. She is still the loving wife you always had, and I suggest you don't let her know that you found out, at least not yet.”

“Not yet, as compared to not at all? Why?”

“Until you and I work something out. To be honest, I have always admired Jackie, and now that you have gotten to see my wife in a very intimate and personal way, I'd kind of like to have the same chance with your wife.”

“You mean....?”

“Yes, a wife swap. We compared cocks, I am sure you did, and they are almost identical in size. My head is a little bit skinnier than yours, but my cock is a little bit longer overall. So our cocks are pretty much the same but different enough that our wives might feel a difference.”

Joe was nodding his head. “They might, but would they go for it? Fuck, after watching your wife in action today, I'd love to romp all over her body, but she'd be comparing me to Tom as well as you, damnit.”

“Just like your wife might be comparing me to both Tom and you. I think though that they might go for it and here's why. If they think they are letting us fuck the other's wife, it might take away some of the guilt they are probably feeling.”

“Good thinking!” Then Joe looked harder at Jed. “And quite frankly Jed, I think Jackie has always had an interest in you, so she might be more than willing.”

Jed was driving into the lot. “Not a word now, remember. Not to Tom or your wife until we work this out. Meanwhile, after work I'll be talking this over with Tom, what happened today. Then I'll get back to you.” Joe nodded and they climbed out and went in to work.

An hour passed at work, and still no Tom.

Jed was going over some paperwork with an employee when Tom finally arrived. They exchanged glances but Jed was busy for the moment. A minute later Jed checked his watch. 'Shit! It's twenty after four. How long did Tom stay on my wife after I left!

They did not have a chance to converse in private until after five. As Jed had left work with Tom, Jed had seen Joe looking their way and waved at him. “Is Joe coming with us,” Tom asked?

“Not this time,” Jed replied. “Has a date with his wife.”

“Good, cause I am sure you have lots to talk about!”

“You bet your ass on that.”

At the bar once again, Jed and Joe talked random talk until the alcohol began to take effect. Then it all began coming out.

“I know you got to the den and saw the...action because you left some pretty messy tissues behind.” Tom grinned at Jed questioningly and Jed nodded in agreement.

“How'd you pull it off?”

Then it started coming out. Tom had managed to get Nina to come to his place by telling her that it appeared that her husband had been stealing funds. He had promised to make the problem go away if she played ball. And ball she did.

Jed could only shake his head. Inside he was seething at the use of deception, but after all, a bet is a bet. “You had nothing to offer my wife in the way of a promotion for me, so you used the possible threat of jail for me to get her in bed. It was dirty pool, but I guess you won the bet.”

“Don't feel bad Jed. You've won too.”

“How's that?”

“Since you are taking this so well, I've decided to go ahead and tell my wife I've picked someone for her threesome, someone she will like. You Jed are that guy. And later, I get to have a threesome with her and another woman.”

Jed nodded. Already he was trying to imagine himself involved sexually with Yvonne, Yvonne the classy lady. But there was that problem, Tom's big cock. “I guess I lost, and won, but I still might be losing the bet. I saw what you have between your legs you sneaky guy.”

He looked more intensely at Tom. “If I had known you are hung like that I probably would not have made the bet.” He looked accusingly at Tom.

Tom smiled. “Jed, I would bet that in your fantasies about your wife, and we all have those fantasies, you probably wondered how she would act with a bigger cock. Now, go on, admit it. Didn't you ever wonder about that?”

Jed took another drink. “Yeah, I guess you have me on that. I wondered, but I never thought it would really happen.”

Tom tried to look concerned for his friend and employee. “You're lucky Jed. You got to see it, and without her possibly being inhibited if she knew you were watching. Now, as far as my wife goes, hopefully you're not one of those guys who has a really little one, like four inches or something. Your wife never let on about your size.” He looked at Jed, waiting for an answer.

Jed nodded. “No, I don't have four inches. If we have the threesome with your wife you'll see it anyhow so I might as well tell you. My cock's smaller than yours, by quite a bit maybe. I've got six inches and it's medium in thickness, a nice size for my wife, or it used to be, but I don't know about your wife.”

Tom nodded. “Let's finish talking about your wife first, and then we'll get to mine.”

Jed nodded. He had no problem with that. Yvonne could come later. Now he really wanted to talk about Nina. “I could see by her eyes that she was scared at first when she first saw your cock but she went ahead and allowed you to enter her. She's so tight, I thought she might start crying or something.

I was surprised at the way my wife took your dick and the way it looked and sounded, she was enjoying the Hell out of it. Fuck, I didn't count them, but she started cumming almost right away and kept cumming the way it looked.”

Tom nodded. “She sure did. I was surprised at how Nina seemed to come alive under me.” He looked at Jed. “Does she cum that easy with you?”

Jed stared into his drink and hesitated. For some reason, now that the deed was done, it was exciting to be talking to the man who had fed the big meat to his wife and he wanted to spice up the conversation. He decided to go with the truth. “Not as easy as it looked with you. Of course I don't have the advantage of being forbidden, new and exciting like you were.

Hell, I might as well admit it, she never came that way with me, even when we were new together. She always cums, or usually does, but it's usually just one time and she's through.”

He looked at Tom. “Of course we've been married for six years and like I said it's no longer new like it was with you.” He thought for a second and came up with a fact that might make his manhood seem less insignificant.

“They say Tom, the marriage experts or whatever, that a woman becomes more physically sexual when she gets in her thirties or forties. She's not quite there yet, but that might help explain why she seemed to like fucking you so much.”

Tom was smiling, supposedly undertandingly, and Jed looked sheepish and added, “Well, it's just a thought. Probably not true though.” He looked intensely at Tom and added: “Now that it happened, I'm glad she enjoyed it because that means you did too, and I like you so...it's cool, I guess.” He returned to his glass and took a long pull.

Tom smiled. “That's probably some of it, but your wife I think, discovered that she might like a big one on occasion.” Tom was thinking ahead, and the possibility of sometime in the future, the four of them swapping off. Another go with Nina, and this time her maybe not feeling guilty about it, might be very exciting, especially if his wife and Jed were in the same bed.

Tom wanted to broach the subject of doing a wife swap sometime in the future, but not just yet. First he had to get his wife primed and ready for Jed's visit.

Jed was still thinking of his wife and not the future as he sighed, “Yeah, you gave her the big one. As that old saying goes, you might have ruined her for other men, including her husband.”

After Tom had finished laughing, Jed had another question. “How's your wife going to feel about me having a smaller cock?”

“She'll like it just fine. Yvonne told me once that if she ever does a threesome, that she would like to try two cocks in her at the same time.”

“Two cocks in the same hole, in the front, or one in front and one in back?”

Tom laughed. He was now on his third drink and feeling mighty fine. For him, it had been quite a day. “I think maybe she wants to try both.”

Jed thought of something. “I saw it on screen, but did you really make a video of you and my wife?”

“I never thought you would ask. I'll be honest with you, I did, and here is what I propose.”

Jed cut in. “You knew I don't want you to have a video of my wife being fucked.”

Tom nodded. “I understand. But I am sure you would like to see it again, maybe more than once. If you had a copy and your wife found it, your marriage would be in serious trouble. So I propose that I keep it in my safe, and any time you want to view it, come on over, even when my wife is there.”

He waited past Jed's look of surprise and went on. “I talked to her on the phone from my office. She knows about it already and wants to see it. I told her that she could view it when we begin our threesome.”

“You've told her? She knows you fucked Nina? Wasn't, isn't she mad about that? And you say Yvonne's already agreed to do the threesome with me?” Jed was growing excited now, but he wanted to hear Tom's explanation about Yvonne and her knowing..

“Yes, I told Yvonne about our bet this past weekend and how I planned to win and so you wouldn't feel too badly that I wanted for you to be her first man. Now don't get me wrong. If I had my druthers I'd prefer not to have a man from work knowing my wife intimately, but these are special circumstances.

Yvonne has no problem going along because she likes you. So yes, I've told her and she is looking forward to both being with you and seeing the video.”

Jed nodded excitedly. He had already gotten over the seduction of his wife and was thinking ahead. That would be wild indeed! The three of them viewing Nina getting fucked by Tom on the screen while he and Tom played with Yvonne.

As he had another drink, and this night Tom was buying all the rounds, Jed found himself hardly able to wait for the appointed night after Yvonne returns home.

Then he thought of something. “Tom, when I left your house you were still inside Nina, and you didn't get back to the office for another hour or so after me. Did you guys keep fucking?”

Tom smiled. “After you left, I asked, rather, told Nina that I would like to do another 69 with her until I came, and she surprised me when she readily agreed.”

Jed cut in.” Did she swallow your cum?”

“Yeah, I'm pretty sure she swallowed it all because she was cumming, started to, right after I began shooting into her mouth. We were kind of messy, or rather, she was, so we went into the bath and while she was sitting on the pot drainng some of my cum I turned on the faucet and warmed up a wash cloth and wiped her pussy good with it.”

Jed had a visual thought in his head. “You wiped her pussy after she stood up?”

“Tom laughed. “No, while she was on the pot I waited and watched as she drained my cum into the bowl and she even looked down to see my strings of cum floating in the water.

Then when she was done draining, I held the cloth in front of her face to show it to her and she slid back on the toilet seat and spread her legs real wide while I bent over and ran the cloth real slow like up through her spread lips.”

Then Tom added: “She was really giggling while I was doing it.”

Jed cut in. “Fuck. Toilet training. It sounds like my wife really allowed things to get personal, personal I think and very intimate. She's never had me wash her pussy like that.”

Tom grinned. “I think the whole thing, once the deed was done, was very exciting for her. Your wife was ready to try anything at that point. I don't think she was having any regrets over having to fuck me to save your butt.”

Jed nodded as he took another swig. “Sure sounds like it. Tell me more.”

“The wash cloth was coated in cum so I turned and ran it under the faucet and she giggled and said 'One more time.' So I ran it through her lips again. I did it gently though in case she was sore. She did say that her inner lips were feeling tender.”

“Yeah, after that fucking you gave her I wouldn't be surprised if her lips were tender.”

Jed's eyes were glazed and he also had an erection as he tried to visualize his wife in his mind as she was acting that way with another man, a man who was now sitting next to him at the bar. “Fuck Tom. It sounds like my wife turned into a real slut after I left.”

Tom smiled. “Maybe not a slut, but your wife had definitely gone from being reluctant to being an active participant. You'll be seeing it on the video. No, wait, the bathroom bit is not on the video.”

“Too bad.” Jed was visualizing it all in his mind, how his wife had been so uninhibited, doing all those personal acts and making a game of it with another man, another man who was her husband's boss.

“Then what happened? Was that the end of it?”

“Then we got back on the bed and...well, she insisted on getting on top and we had ourselves a real nice fuck, a kind of romantic one with lots of kissing.” Tom looked into Jed's eyes as if he was sharing something special with him, which he was. “Your wife Jed, for a little while just let herself go and had herself a good session. I think since she planned to have just this one time, she was making the best of it.”

Jed silently gulped. “When you two were being romantic, you know, slow fucking and doing a lot of kissing like you said, did she ever say anything stupid like..'I love you,' anything like that? You know how women are when they get intimate with someone.”

Tom smiled and shook his head. “You don't need to worry about that Jed. I have no intentions to steal your wife and no we are not in love.”

Jed sighed a sigh of relief, and then Tom went on. “I do feel though, when two people are deeply involved with one another, you know, being intimate and romantic, that they may be in love to some degree, during that time.” He looked at Jed, hoping for understanding.

“So you think you two were in love for a while. Are you in love with my wife now?”

“No, not IN love. I do love Nina, but not enough to start an affair or anything. We made a bet, you and I. I won, and that is that.”

Jed could only think of one thing more to ask. “Was the video still running during those final minutes?”

“Oh yeah, I got that last fuck on video. It was good for two hours or more. You'll get to see the parts you missed when you see the video.” He snickered. “Minus the action in the bathroom. Unfortunately that was not on camera. I remembered to shut off the camera when we went into the bathroom and immediately turned it on again when we..when we hit the sack.” He laughed.

“When you guys were doing the 69 the second time, I hope you had your feet towards the camera so I could see how she was loving on your cock and, and swallowed your cum.”

Tom laughed. “Loving on my cock? Boy did she ever. I figured that was what you would want to see, so I made it a point to put her face and my cock towards the camera.”

“I won't see your end on the video. Tell me now, what was happening at your end?”

“I was holding her lips opened most of the time. I used both hands and would take a good look inside, and then I would lick for a while on that stiff little clit, and then she would take her mouth off my cock and tell me to stop because she didn't want to cum yet. Then she would go back to stroking my prick with her hand and fucking it with her mouth.

I asked her about that after a few minutes and she said she was studying my cock so that later she would have it memorized in her mind.”

“Did you ask her or tell her that if she wanted more, that you were always available? That's the natural thing to have happened.”

Tom shook his head. “You're right, and that's what I would have said under normal cirumstances. But she had already said 'one time only' and besides, this was happening because of a bet between me and you, so I couldn't really push it further.”

“I see, thank you.” Yes, Jed had thanked Tom.

They both finished their drink, and Tom ordered another round before finishing his story. Jed suspected that the bartender could hear some of their conversation because he was staying in their area. He wondered if maybe the bartender had a stiffie.

Tom was talking. “Then, finally, after maybe I don't know how long, maybe twenty minutes, Nina started groaning and sort of pushed her clit against my mouth and I knew that this time she wanted to let it go. And boy did she ever let it go. If you still had been in the other room you would not have needed those headphones to hear her.”

“Shit, that's hot. And did she let you cum in her mouth? Nina's not really into that but sometimes, on a rare occasion, she lets me do it, cum in her mouth.”

Tom looked surprised. “Oh, she told me, maybe you heard it since you were there, that she had never swallowed cum.” He looked inquistitively at Jed.

“She has. A few times. Probably told you that in the beginning to get out of having to swallow, and by the time you wanted her to, maybe she was ready.”

Jed, had already heard that his wife had swallowed Tom's cum, but he wanted to hear it again. Jed was waiting, waiting for the answer to see just how far his wife had gone with another man.

Tom raised his glass to Jed's and they clinked them in a toast. “You'll see it on the video. She not only let me cum in her mouth, she swallowed it all, but there probably was not a whole lot of cum after I had dropped my load into her snatch three times before.”

Tom turned his head to look into Jed's face. “After I came, she milked me, kept sucking on that cock and she even ran her hand up and down along my shaft a couple of times to make sure she got it all. What makes it better, she turned herself so my cock and her mouth was sure to be on camera and I didn't have to get her into that position.” Tom paused, as if remembering, and he, apparently, was waiting for Jed's response.

“Well, Hell Tom. “I'm glad she did it, swallowed your cum.”

“You're not jealous or mad?”

“Fuck no. Before we're through, I plan to do the same thing with your wife, so that will make us even.”

Then Jed smiled as Tom nodded in agreement. “Then, after I have done all the fucking and sucking I can on your wife, the next time we have a talk like this over drinks, it will be about your wife.”

“Yeah, my wife next time.”

Then Tom finally made an admission of his own. He leaned over to Jed and whispered...”Know what? I've got a hard on.”

“Me too.” Jed was smiling as he raised his glass, finished the drink and ordered another. Next time, like Tom had said, it would be his wife Yvonne's turn.

Tom had a question of his own. “Are you planning on telling Nina that you know and that you saw her while it was happening? I don't know how she would take that if she finds out that she was tricked and it happened because of a bet her husband made.”

Tom looked at Jed, who was thinking, and added: “If you don't tell her, it might slip out at some time by accident if you get mad at her or something. It could happen.”

Jed was nodding. “You're right. I'd better think up a way to tell her. Also, I am thinking that, just thinking mind you, that sometime in the future, IF your wife and I hit if off in bed, that it might be fun to have both of us come over to visit.”

Tom's eyes were wide. “Jed, you're coming along real nicely. I had that in my fantasy future, the four of us together in bed. It could be a lot of fun, but your wife would have to know for sure in advance.”

Now Jed did what he had previously done with Joe, tell Tom. “Tom, there's something else you need to know and I think now is the time.” He waited.

Tom was still feeling happy and grinned. “What's that?”

“I brought Joe along with me to see you fuck Nina.”

A long silence, then: “He saw it all?”


Tom shook his head, and instead of the why's, he commented, “That explains why there was so much slimy tissue in the trash can.”

Despite his worry about how Tom would react to having had Joe Turner watching him fuck another employee's wife, Jed laughed.

“Why'd you bring him? Has he ever seen Nina nude before?”

“Nope. I wanted to have someone to discuss it with later, besides you that is, and I wasn't sure at first, but it turned out to really add to the...the eroticism knowing that another man was seeing my wife, that way.”

Tom was doing some hard thinking. “Did you tell him about Jackie? Shit, if you did....”

“I did, and you can relax. He's cool with it after I explained to him about his promotion and added up the dollar signs for him, where he is getting over $7200 more over the next 12 months.”

“Is he going to tell her?”

“I advised him to wait until I had talked to you. Also no matter what, I told him not to tell her that he was going to get promoted sometime in the future anyhow. She'll feel a lot better about it if she thinks she earned him the promotion.”

Then Tom slippped up. “Did you tell him about the video? Woops. Shit!”

“You made a video of you and Jackie? Shit, why didn't you tell me? Of course Joe doesn't know since I didn't know. When do I get to see it?”

Tom was shaking his head. “It wasn't like with your wife. I wasn't holding anything over on Jackie so I never told her there was a camera. It's a pretty hot video though since she came there to help her husband and then, once she started feeling my cock, she went kind of...wild.”

Jed thought for a few, then: “I think we need to tell Joe about the video, then after he has told his wife and I have told my wife, we all need to sit down in your den and watch the movies. Yours and Jackie's first since it happened first and neither I nor Joe has seen what happened.”

Tom was trying to absorb what Jed had just suggested. “You mean we ALL get together, guys and gals? If that comes about, that would really be something.”

Jed was feeling cocky now. “I think it will be easy to pull off. We all sit together and watch the video of you with Jackie while our wives sit besides us and play with our cocks. Cumming optional of course. Nothing else that night, we just watch. Then right after that, some night, I come over and we have the threesome with Yvonne, as promised.”

Tom was smiling. “Shit Jed, I think you are just as much a schemer as I am.” They had another drink each and headed home.

Several hours before:

Nina was standing still, posing like Tom had asked her to do after she had removed her blouse and skirt. Tom was making her stand there because he wanted to get the camera lined up for the DVD he was going to shoot. Nina certainly did not want her seduction to be on camera, but Tom had assured her that it would only be for him, locked away in his safe when not being viewed.

“Is it lined up,” she asked?

Tom grinned. “Got it, you and the bed behind you. Now I can come over and take off that bra and those panties and see what you look like naked.”

They had made out a little almost from the first moment Nina had arrived. Tom had been delaying things until he looked through a pulled drape and saw Jed's car arriving. He figured by now Jed should be in the den and putting on the head phones. He went to Nina, anxious to get those intimates off and begin enjoying her.

He was fondling her marvelous breasts from behind and under his left hand, he could feel her heart pounding. He whispered into her ear. “I'm big baby, real big. Once I get you on the bed I'll zoom in the camera and we'll get your body up close and personal as you go wild and take my cock.”

Nina was now beyond caring. She was being fondled and could hardly wait to see what Tom looked like once he had dropped those bulging trousers.

It took the full week, but by the following Friday everyone had been informed, the feelings and frustrations had been smoothed over, and they all were looking forward to an exciting evening of movie viewing and making out between spouses.

“Joe and Jackie, you two sit here in the seat of honor,” said Tom, as he welcomed his guests into the den. Snacks had been prepared, drinks cooled, and everyone was ready to see the main event, the video of Jackie earning Joe's promotion.

Joe and Jackie were to be seated middle screen, with Jed and Nina to their right, and to their left in the separate two person couch were Tom and Yvonne. “No one has seen this except for me, not even Yvonne, so expect to see a treat as you see a woman, a loving wife demonstrate how much she loves her husband by doing this for him.”

Tom liked being dramatic, and though his words could have been stinging a little, especially to Joe and Jackie, they all had been drinking beforehand outside and were now thoroughly warmed up.

Then, almost from out of nowhere, Yvonne, until now having been mostly quiet tonight, seemed to take charge. “My husband,” she said loudly, “has had his fun and now I plan to have mine. I suggest, as the movie unfolds, that all the wives, all three, take their husband's cocks in hand and hold them during the viewing. Don't make them cum, just hold them.”

Yvonne looked around at the five faces that now showed surprise and maybe, embarrassment. “No reason to be shy guys. Your wives already know that your cocks are smaller then Tom's and he knows it, so don't be afraid to pull them out.

You have my word that I will not be judging and comparing. I want everyone to have fun tonight. Any questions?”

Jackie shyly raised her hand. “I...I want all of you to understand that I am still kind of embarrassed about this. I've never been naked in front of anyone but Joe, that is, until Tom, and now you're all going to be seeing me,” she hesitated, “me not only naked but...having sex, so please don't laugh or anything.”

Yvonne went over and hugged Jackie, who until now had not yet seated herself. “You'll be just fine. I hear the video, in the video, you look beautiful.”

Jackie sniffed. “But Joe will see how I, got into it, really enjoyed myself. I never intended for it to happen, and I don't want his feelings hurt.” She looked over and took Joe's hand in hers.

Jed chimed in. “Don't worry about it Jackie. Your husband understands. We had a long talk and I told him how I feel about my wife, Nina, being in a video with Tom, and believe me when I say this, your husband will more enjoy seeing you than being upset.”

Jackie nodded, and taking Joe with her, sat down. It was time for the video to be shown as Tom hit the remote.

It was indeed, as Tom had told Jed. Unlike the other video that Jed and Joe had watched, Jackie was ******* of the camera and even though Tom was unable to 'pose' her at times like he had done with Nina, most of the details of her fuck were clearly to be seen.

Yes, she seemed shy, reluctant perhaps, but everyone could see that once Jackie had Tom's penis in her hand and quickly and without hesitation took it in her mouth, it was obvious, this she wanted to do. At one point, as Jackie reached her very obvious first orgasm, everyone turned their head to glance at her and Jackie turned red. “Sorry!”

Everyone laughed and Joe hugged his wife. By now, all three men had their cocks out and their wives were slowly jacking, but not making with the cum moves.

About forty five minutes in, Yvonne told Tom to pause the tape at a quiet place. “Anyone ready for snacks? Girls, want to help?”

“Sure!” chimed in Nina, and Jackie said, “Let's go. I need to take a break before my panties get any wetter.” Everyone laughed as the three women left the den.

“What do you suppose they are talking about in there?” Tom asked the others after ten minutes had passed.
He was about to go check when the three women came in, each carrying a small tray of chips, cheese, meats and dip. “Everyone ready for the second half,” Yvonne asked?

They watched the second half, seeing Jackie achieve several more orgasms without much effort on the part of either participant, and enjoyed their snacks as the men had their perpetually hard cocks jacked.

Then, afte almost two hours, Yvonne stood up and once again demonstrated that she had taken charge. “Now all, here is what is going to happen. The original plan was to just have us watch the video tonight, and then at a later date, I was to get together with my husband and Jed as arranged during that bet those two made.”

She looked over at her husband sort of glaringly and went on. “Here is how I have modified the plans. The action happens tonight. We, the girls and I, discussed it in the kitchen and all agreed.”

Yvonne looked around the room and the expectant faces. “Tom, you will take the two wives you have already enjoyed into the guest bedroom and they both will enjoy you while I will take their two husbands into the master bedroom and I will enjoy them.”

Tom, of course, was the first man to speak up. “Yvonne, I thought you and I were going, you were going to make it with Jed while I watch and join in. I didn't plan on you having two at the same time and me not being there.”

Yvonne was quick and precise with her answer and it almost looked like she was lecturing her husband. Yvonne was used to lecturing and even giving commands, it was her profession. “You, my husband, had the fun of having each of these two women all alone and to yourself without me being there to watch and maybe supervise.

So you have them again, and I am sure you will enjoy having the two of them at once, while I get my chance to have a man, two men, all alone and without you being there to supervise.”

While Yvonne was staring her husband down, both Jed and Joe were watching with opened mouths. Then, realizing how much fun it might be to have Yvonne to themselves and together, they exchanged looks and grinned. Their wives in with Tom and his big cock? Well, it had already happened before.

Five minutes later, maybe ten while people hit the bathrooms, they were all in their respective bedrooms. Both Nina and Jackie were giggling as they each removed an item of Tom's clothing and tossed them aside. Then, as expected, they exchanged 'wow' looks when his erect cock came into view.

Five minutes later Tom was on his back and giving directions. With his wife present, he was not the dominant one. Now alone with the two, he had taken charge and the two wives did not seem to mind. This was all new to them, and anything Tom suggested they were willing to try.

“That's it, both of you suck on it at the same time. There you go, there's enough head there for two mouths. Now, allow your tongues to touch one another's. There, aaah yes I can feel it all around my head. You two lovely women are touching tongues. Now, you know what the next step is, don't you?

As Nina and Jackie looked into each other's eyes, Tom slowly pulled down on his body so that his cock began easing out of their mouths. The tongues continued to touch, and the girls were on their way to their first girl on girl encounter.

Two minutes later Tom was lounging back against two pillows he had propped up and was slowly jacking as two lovely employee's wives, for the moment, seemed to have forgotten his mighty meat as they enjoyed some monumental moments with each other.

In the master bedroom, things were much different. Yvonne was still in charge and she knew what she wanted, or maybe needed, and what she needed was to be treated like a **********.

“Fuck me like a *****! Treat me like you paid for it, which you did in a way. Cum in me, on me, all over me.”

“All at once, right now,” Jed asked incredulously?

“No, not all at once, but that's the way I want it to be. I've always been treated with kid gloves by men, like they are afraid to use and abuse me. Tonight I want it my way, and I love knowing my husband knows I'm in here and cannot see the action.”

They had always had the impression that Yvonne was loyal to Tom, and now, hearing her talk about having other men was surprising to hear, but they kept their thoughts to themselves.

Jed took ahold of Yvonne's body, and with Joe helping, they dragged her over to the edge of the mattress. “Tom told me that you want to try two cocks at once and maybe in the ass or in both holes at once. What he did not plan on was having it be two strange cocks. So tell me bitch, tell us, how do you want it first?”

She knew, had already thought it out. “Joe, you put your cock in my cunt first because Tom had your wife first. Fuck me for a while, don't cum, and then Jed, I want you to fuck me for a while longer and not cum. Save it because I have more for you to do first.”

“Oh shit. I didn't think she'd be this tight. Almost as good as Jackie,” exclaimed Joe as his cock slid into Yvonne's warm and inviting snatch, covered with a soft thatch of light brown hair, except for the bottom half, which was shaved.

“You like that, don't you you fucker? Fuck it, fuck me and try to maintain control.”

Jed was slowly stroking his rigid six incher as he sat alongside the fucking couple and stared from closeup at their mating parts. He was surprised to see that it was just like Joe had said, she looked tight because her lips were hugging Joe's shaft as he slid forwards and back.

“Now it's my turn,” said Jed as Joe eased out, but not before giving Yvonne, who surprisingly had just orgasmed, a long and passionate kiss.

Jed climbed on, and because Joe had not dropped his load, was also able to enjoy Yvonne's magic cunt in its natural state as he pumped. Jed did not wait five minutes to begin kissing her like Joe had. This was his boss's wife, the woman married to the man who had fucked his wife, and he wanted to enjoy her to the fullest.

Again, and soothing his ego as it had done for Joe, Yvonne orgasmed, and it seemed like it was a pretty good one. Jed had a hard time holding back, but he managed. Yvonne he remembered, had other things in mind.

“Now Jed,” Yvonne, a now sweaty and shiny Yvonne said, “I want you to be the first to ever fuck me in the ass. I am choosing you to be first for two reasons. One, that was part of the bet, the after part, that my husband arranged for you.”

“And what is the second reason,” Jed asked when Yvonne did not give it.

"Because the head of your cock is not as wide as Joe's. It might go in a little easier and I can probably take your increased length with no problem, once you get it in.”

Jed looked at Joe and winked. She too, had noticed what Jed had said to Joe the day he had told Joe that his wife had been fucked and he was talking of a wife swap. “My head is a little bit skinnier than yours, but my cock is a little bit longer overall. So our cocks are pretty much the same but different enough that our wives might feel a difference.”

“How do you want it bitch? No, never mind, I'm taking you the way I want!” With that, Jed pulled Yvonne up from the mattress and placed her doggy style on the edge of the bed. “Now bitch, I'll stick my cock in your slimy cunt for a minute to get it wet, and then I'll do THIS!”

Yvonne moaned a loud one as Jed pushed his skinny head into the anal orfice, taking her ass cherry and going deep within on the first stroke. “That's it bitch. Take that cock. I'll bet it feels just as big in your ass as your husband does in your pussy. Tell me bitch. Does it feel that way?”

“Oh yes, yes, YES!”

Jed fucked her ass hard, he fucked her gentle, he fucked her several ways, but all the while holding back to see what else she might want, this women the two men were treating like a *****, but still seemed to be in charge.

“Now Jed. I want to feel Joe's knob open my ass. Do it slow Joe so I can enjoy it.”

Joe did, as Jed stood right beside him and watched as Joe's wider head opened that lovely anus and popped, yes popped inside. Yvonne was trembling, and after perhaps four minutes while he was trying hard to hold back, Joe gasped out, “Do you want me to cum?”

“Yes, yes, as long as you can cum twice. Do it, do it now. Oooh that feels good.”

Joe was cumming so hard his body was shaking as he pumped several spurts into an ass that was the first he had enjoyed, because up until now, he had never fucked Jackie in the ass.

“Oh Joe, You weren't the first in my ass, but you're the first to cum in me.”

“You too.” Joe was breathing hard.


“You're the first ass I ever fucked or came in.”

Yvonne giggled. “Your wife doesn't know what she is missing.”

Joe was thinking, perhaps too hard. “I hope Tom doesn't get any ideas in the other bedroom before I get a chance to break her in.”

“Oh, I don't think he'll be going there,” Yvonne replied as she continued to wriggle her ass and enjoy the feel of Joe being inside. “He's too big for her and I doubt that he'll be pushing it, especially since he has both your wives to enjoy.”

“And we both have you to enjoy baby, and the fucking is good, real good.” Joe had said his piece as he slipped out and invited Jed to have round two. But Yvonne had other plans.

Yes, as Tom had once speculated in the bar, his wife took two men at once. One in front as she was on her knees over Joe, and Jed in the rear as he stood behind her on the floor.

“Fuck. I can feel Jed's cock rubbing against mine if feels like through the walls of your cunt.”

Yvonne was breathing hard. “Yes, I can feel it too. Both cocks so good, so hard.” Her orgasm was especially intense, and Yvonne was breathing hard as she said that was one of her 'best ever.'

“Now I want to have one of you cum in my cunt, and then, when I have cum pouring out of my cunt and ass, I want both of you to jerk off over my body and leave big blogs of cum on my tits and maybe my face from the chin down. Can you manage that?” She looked at the two of them.

They were looking at each other as if they could not believe their ears. “That's right,” Yvonne continued. “You are treating me like a *****, and I want Tom to find me that way. Can you do it?”

“Hell yes,” they both answered in unison.

“Jed, I've still got Joe's load in my ass, so you fill up my cunt.”

And Jed did, but taking his time to enjoy the surprisingly snug fit of her pussy in the process. He made sure to do a lot of kissing as well, in effect, taking posession of the boss's wife for as long as possible.

“Ooooh sheeeeeit!” Jed had shot his load, and in the process had given Yvonne still another orgasm.

“Now, how soon can you both cum on me? It needs to be about the same time.”

“Give us a minute, just a minute, Joe answered as he and Jed took their semi cocks in hand and began stroking.

“Both of you come around here and keep your nice cocks near my mouth. When you get close, be kneeling over my body, you know where.”

They stroked, Yvonne sucked, and as they each drew near, they shuffled on their knees to where they were each over her. Jed placed himself near her chin, he wanted to cover her face and neck. Jed went for her tits as he jacked with one hand and fondled with the other.

In another minute, both men were grabbing tit and stroking. “Uuuuuuuuunnnnnh!” That was Jed cumming on her tits.

“Mmmmmmmm fuckkkkkk!” That was Joe cumming on her chin and neck.

Yvonne laid in place. “Now boys, as you get dressed, tell me how I look.” As she was speaking, Yvonne spread her legs wide and laid there, looking like a well fucked and put down wet *****.

Jed spoke first. “You look just like a *****, only more beautiful.”

Joe sensed what she wanted to do. “This is for your husband to see, right?”

Yvonne continued to lie there, but smiled up at Joe. “That's right, for my husband to see so he will know what he missed out on.”

Then she looked at both men and smiled. "I want you two, you Jeb and you Joe, to know that I think you both have great cocks."

"Even though your husband has one a lot larger than either of us," Jeb asked with a little frown?

"Yes, because they both made me cum several times, but also, your cocks are obedient and reliable. I told you what to do, you told your cocks what to do, and they obeyed. All in all, a great night's work! Thank you gentlemen."

Jed was proudly studying her body as they got dressed. “Push out some with your pussy and ass.”

“Like this,” asked Yvonne as they saw her stomach and lower body tighten?

“Yes, like that. Now you have cum running out of both lower holes.”

“Good. Exactly what I want him to see. Go out there, gather up your wonderful wives to go home and without telling him what to expect, tell Tom that his wife is waiting.”

“We both love you.” And with that, both Jed and Joe gleefully leaned over the bed and kissed Yvonne on the forehead and cheek while being careful not to touch cum. As they headed out, they both looked back and saw what a mess they were leaving behind.

The bed and sheets were a mess and if ever a woman looked like a well used slut, Yvonne looked like one now.

Tom and the two wives had returned to the den and the three of them were snuggled up on the couch. Though they were all dressed now, the two men saw that their wives both had a hand on Tom's crotch.

Jed and Joe exchanged looks with their wives, and all smiled. There was plenty of time later to discuss what had happened tonight.

“OK guys, and gals,” said Tom gleefully as he relinquished custody and the two men took their wives in hand and prepared to leave. I hope everyone is happy because I am. I don't know about Yvonne...”

He looked to the two men inquisitively and they smiled. Jed answered. “She's waiting for you in bed.”

Tom saw them out, his two employee's whose wives he had fucked separately and now together. He had showed the two wives how to share a cock, how to eat pussy, and now to do the doggy with one while the doggy girl ate the other. All in all, a great night.

Tom was feeling especially good about tonight. He had given two men's wives the big one again, while his wife had only gotten smaller ones. True, Yvonne had two at once, but so had he. He felt that while his wife had changed and made new plans for tonight, that he had came out ahead.

Smiling at how his evening had gone so far, Tom headed for the bedroom, where his classy wife would be all freshened up and waiting with a big smile for his big cock to finish the job the two men had started.
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This was fantastic. I gave it a five star rating. Any chance you and/or your wife is real? If so, can I see pics of your big cock and her hot bod?
Sorry about the typos in the story. Couple of places where I mixed up the names Joe and Tom, etc. Caught them after I was no longer able to go in and do editing. This story is not about me and my wife MMF, but there are several stories on site that are.

Correction to the above post. Later on the site gave me the EDIT button again, and I was able to go in and make corrections.
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This story reminds me of a stupid bet I made with a divorced man at my club who bragged any woman could be fucked in the right circumstance. It pissed me off and I said “ not my wife”. He said right in front of my buddies “ you Wanta bet”. I was stupid and said yes I Wanta bet”. As soon as it was out of my mouth I knew it was a mistake. He said ok 100 buck I can fuck your wife! But you have to not warn her and allow me access! I should have called it off right then but all my buddy would have thought that he was right, he could fucker her, I I was agreed to bet!
Next thing I know my wife tell me this guy hired her to help him decorate his home which required many visits in the house with him alone. I had faith in my wife and really thought she would be faithful!
I had told him she had never been with another man and since we didn’t have kids her pussy was tight as a virgin!
6 month later the guy caught me at the club in from of the same guys. He said well, you were right about you wife! I was released and said, “ I told you she would never fuck another man”. He said no, you misunderstand, you were right, your wife really does have a tight pussy”. And started laughing along with the other guys! He said I didn’t have to pay the $100 bet, the pussy was good enough, but I felt obligated, pulled out my wallet and handed him $100 for losing the bet! He offered to show me a video from his hidden camera in the bedroom but I didn’t want to see it. One of the guy told me later he showed it to him! What a stupid bet!
Rockford said:
This story reminds me of a stupid bet I made with a divorced man at my club who bragged any woman could be fucked in the right circumstance. It pissed me off and I said “ not my wife”. He said right in front of my buddies “ you Wanta bet”. I was stupid and said yes I Wanta bet”. As soon as it was out of my mouth I knew it was a mistake. He said ok 100 buck I can fuck your wife! But you have to not warn her and allow me access! I should have called it off right then but all my buddy would have thought that he was right, he could fucker her, I I was agreed to bet!
Next thing I know my wife tell me this guy hired her to help him decorate his home which required many visits in the house with him alone. I had faith in my wife and really thought she would be faithful!
I had told him she had never been with another man and since we didn’t have kids her pussy was tight as a virgin!
6 month later the guy caught me at the club in from of the same guys. He said well, you were right about you wife! I was released and said, “ I told you she would never fuck another man”. He said no, you misunderstand, you were right, your wife really does have a tight pussy”. And started laughing along with the other guys! He said I didn’t have to pay the $100 bet, the pussy was good enough, but I felt obligated, pulled out my wallet and handed him $100 for losing the bet! He offered to show me a video from his hidden camera in the bedroom but I didn’t want to see it. One of the guy told me later he showed it to him! What a stupid bet!
Just out of curiousity Rockford, how did your wife's pussy feel afterward? Looser perhaps? You should have taken him up on his offer to show you the video. Then you would have known how much he was giving her, and how much she was loving loving a strange cock, with another man attached.
EroticWriter said:
Just out of curiousity Rockford, how did your wife's pussy feel afterward? Looser perhaps? You should have taken him up on his offer to show you the video. Then you would have known how much he was giving her, and how much she was loving loving a strange cock, with another man attached.
Her pussy did feel a little more lose. From seeing him in the gym locker room I knew he was hung like a horse! I think that contributed to my wife falling pray to him.
EroticWriter said:
Sorry about the typos in the story. Couple of places where I mixed up the names Joe and Tom, etc. Caught them after I was no longer able to go in and do editing. This story is not about me and my wife MMF, but there are several stories on site that are.

Correction to the above post. Later on the site gave me the EDIT button again, and I was able to go in and make corrections.
I would get even by enjoying it even more then he did

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