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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013

Golden Glory.jpg

"Did your husband ever rise up like that," I asked?

She shook her head slowly. "No, never, and if he could do it, it wouldn't go that far up."

by EroticWriter

Readers: Though I have enhanced it some, most is TRUE. EW

It started simply enough, a heart attack. Do you know how you are asleep, and then wake up because you have been laying on your ear too long? Well, that's how it began with me, I woke up, raised my head, and that strange more pressure than pain did not subside.

It kept on, that ear discomfort, and knowing something is wrong I immediately sat up and analyzed the rest of my body mentally.

Hmm, no pain radiating down my left arm. No pain in my chest. No nausea. I stood up, all seems normal except that right ear. I began to get dressed.

My wife, who either was awake before, or had been awakened said, "What's wrong? Are you having a heart attack?"

She sensed what I was wondering. Rather than call an ambulance and have it come blaring down our street, we opted to drive to a fire station just a couple of blocks away.

I guess we awakened them, I don't know, but they seemed friendly and glad to help as they put monitors on my chest and took the reading. 'Looks like something going on, we'll call an ambulance.'

I woke up feeling just fine. They had given me a stent. My wife was right there and said that the tests indicated that I had blockage on three out of four arteries and that I should go ahead and get open heart surgery.

I had never smoked, but my cigar smoking grandfather followed by my Camel cigarette smoking father had both succumbed to heart attacks at a relatively young age so I guess it runs in the family.

My Cardiologist, newly minted, came in with a thick stack of papers concerning me and I said, "Never mind Doc. I'll go with the open heart."

He looked and me and said, "Oh, good!"

Now he didn't have to give me that long talk about 'we can do a stent here, and here, and maybe it'll last this long...'

Two days later it was surgery day. I took a good shower at home with Ivory Soap as directed by the hospital. Matter of fact the Ivory soap worked so good I still use it. Tried it on my head on occasion, hair comes out pretty good there as well.

I got to the hospital, put on my gown, and was directed into a small darkened room, dark except for one dim light over the hospital bed and illuminating only the bottom end. At the end of the bed was this gorgeous, and I mean absolutely in the face beautiful young gal, and she was seated and waiting for me.

I saw a pan of what might be soapy water, and a razor, open blade, nearby. I knew, 'she's going to shave my chest.'

"Lie down on your back and put your legs on each side of me."

"My legs?"

"I'm going to prep you for surgery, and I have to shave your genitals."

(Pause) "O.K."

'This gal is going to be shaving my dick! But why? My heart is up here."

As I got into position, and my gown automatically fell back over my stomach and putting it all right out there for her to see, I asked, "Why do you have to shave me down there?"

I had not talked to a doctor about the surgery in advance and did not know that they would be sticking all the tubes in my right leg/groin area, and also that the doctor would be stripping some veins from there to put around my heart.

So I laid back, and waited. I was not thinking sex at all, after all, I was going into surgery, but she is so fucking beautiful!' I could not believe how lovely she looked.

(True readers, no enhancements here. She was very pretty). "Is she a nurse? Probably not. Not sure what her title was, never found out, but her job this morning was to shave my cock and balls, clean.

Apparently she was not supposed to touch, with her hand. So she proceeded to shave me, right ball first, with warm soapy water and a razor that I could barely feel on my skin it was so delicate and she was being so careful.

I felt her shave one testicle, then around one side of my uncircumcised cock without lifting it and then it came:

"Can you lift your penis for me and place it on the other side?"

Ahem. My penis, as usual, was laying down to the left, you know, because your left testicle is hanging lower so your dick wants to nestle down into that groove left behind.

So I moved it for her. But how did I do it?

"Look Ma, no hands."

No, I didn't say that, but that's how I did it. I looked down at my 4 to sometimes 5 inch penis soft, and made it lift up a little, and move to my right. Then it laid back down as before only now laying just above my right testicle.

"How...how'd you do that?" She was amazed, her eyes wide.

"I've got it trained," I joked. "It can do many things."

"I never knew a man could do that," she responded.

"Most can't," I answered back, "probably they never tried."

I was curious of course. "How many men have you shaved?"

She seemed embarrassed to tell me. "You're my first...no, actually my second. I had to do this to an old man who was either asleep or unconcious and waiting for surgery so a nurse showed me how to do him."

She giggled slightly. "That made it easier for me to do because he was asleep and didn't know I was doing his...doing his penis."

She took another look at my cock. "He looked a lot different than you though. His was so short that it was hidden in his hairs almost, and..." she took another look at mine, "and he was circumcised, his whole head was showing, what there was of it."

I smiled. "So I'm the first 'live' penis you get to shave then."


I looked at her left hand, no rings. Besides, she barely seemed 18 but was probably two or three years older.

It felt kind of awkward to say the P word, but I managed. "How many penises have you seen, before me and that old man," I asked?

"Only my husband's."

She had begun shaving me again, doing my left testicle first.

"You're married? Where's your rings?" I pointed at her left hand.

"I prefer not to wear them on the job. I have to wash my hands constantly, and also it's harder to get gloves on with rings."

I smiled. "So I imagine you get a lot of offers from men that maybe you'd rather not be hearing?"

"No." She shook her head. "Most men, the patients, here are very courteous, or worried about their surgery or whatever procedure they are waiting for. They don't dare come on to me, thank goodness!"

Before I had not been watching as she had shaved the right side of my cock and balls. Now I was watching, and seeing how delicately she was trying to shave around and under my penis that was now laying on my right.

"Sure would be fun to have her grab it.'

"Wouldn't it be easier to do if you used one hand to pull it up straight? Then you could just run your razor all around it like a totem pole."

"Oh no, I could never do that," she replied, her face reddening a bit. "I'm not supposed to touch a man's genitals when I shave them. I have implicit instructions to that effect."

Now I was feeling ornery, and talking with her had given me that feeling, you know which one I mean...

"Then I'll do this..." and as the two of us stared at my cock, it began to show life, coming up off my right testicle slightly, then more starting to point up as it went up, and up, and stood tall, almost 7 inches of uncircumcised cock, except now the foreskin had started to peel back halfway on the head but was still covering the back half.

Again came the question: "How...how'd you do that?" She was amazed, her eyes wide as once again I had performed what to her seemed the impossible.

"Like I said, I have it trained. Now standing tall like that you can shave all around it and not touch if with your hands, if you prefer not to?"

As I made my comment into a question, I was giving her that look.

Her face was red as she sat there, razor in hand, and maybe trying to decide if she should go ahead and finish with my shave. She still had the left side of my shaft to do, the pubic mound above, and my left testicle.

But first, she would have to be shaving my upright shaft, looking closely at it as she runs the blade carefully down along the sides and takes off those hairs. Her head so close, her face so close, her eyes, her opened mouth...

Will she be willing to do it?

There was this awkward pause, and I decided to fill it. "Did your husband ever rise up like that," I asked?

She shook her head slowly. "No, never, and if he could do it, it wouldn't go up that far."

Now that readers, I enjoyed hearing. You know, the ''Your cock is bigger than my husband's' bit.

But I knew fucking her was out, for obvious many reasons, but I gave it a go. "I'm not assuming anything, but I can leave my phone number with you just in case," I paused, "you need anything."

She had bravely started shaving me again, running that smooth open blade down my shaft, which admittedly I had to mentally hold in place so that my cock would not move away from her blade wherever she touched me.

If she pressed inward with the blade a bit too hard, my cock would sway away from her a bit, and she would have to move along with it. Back and forth, side to side, and I could only wish this could last much longer. Still, she knew, I was capable of generating a pretty firm erection.

I'd like to say that the touch of her razor tickled, and felt erotic, and stimulated me in ways not to be believed, but that would be bull, I could barely feel the touch of her razor she was so delicately shaving me.

The cock done, I remained upright for her while she did the left half of my mound, then went down and did that left testicle, and somehow getting underneath without actually touching it.

"There, all done," she said happily while admiring her handiwork.

I was still standing tall.

"Isn't it going to go down,' she asked, sounding worried? Time was running short probably, and I didn't know how much time she had been allotted for this or how soon they would be coming in with a gurney to take me to surgery.

I toyed with her. "It might not go down for a long time, now that it's up."

She looked concerned. "Can't you...untrain it, maybe?"

I sighed visibly. "I don't think so. You are so beautiful that it started thinking for itself. Those guys when they come to get me, are undoubtedly going to be seeing it all the way to the operating room."

She looked thoughtful. "Sometimes it's girls that come with a gurney."

Matter of fact," I added, enjoying the look on her face, "I was thinking that the nurses in the operating room are going to see it as well."

"I looked into her eyes, her worried eyes. "I hope they don't think you did it."

She sniffed. "Me too. Isn't there something you can do?"

I nodded my head visibly at my erection. "Break the rules and use your hand on it, or..." I continued, "you could not use your hand and use something else and not have to do a clean up...afterward."

She stared at me with wide eyes. "You mean, su... swallow your semen? I've never done that, not for my husband I mean."

"Practice makes perfect," I said with a big smile. "Me first, and then your husband." I nodded my head at my penis.

She took it in her mouth, and because she still was not using her hand I reached down and tugged my foreskin all the way back off my head as she mouthed me. Now I could feel her better.

She started fucking my cock with her mouth, moving rapidly up and down.

"No no honey," I said, giving her a name now. "Just go slow and use your tongue all around on the end. It'll go faster for me..."

She learned fast. She had to. At any moment might come that knock on the door, or maybe someone would just walk in.

"That's it, you're doing it just perfect. Just a minute more, maybe less...Nnnnnnnn"

Oh readers I shot a load into her mouth, I should be ashamed it was so big. But I had been saving it up from before the heart attack you see, and she was so fucking beautiful.

She quivered, she shook, she gulped, and she swallowed, all the while still sucking and running that tongue over my head. I knew that she must be feeling each of my ejaculation spurts hitting her directly on that tongue.

Fuck she drained me. I wanted so bad to reach down and touch her head, to comfort her maybe, but after all, no touching allowed.

My dick suddenly lost all it's training as it went down, down, and fast.

"Keep your mouth on it for a minute more. There will be some more juice as it softens..."

She still couldn't touch it with her hand apparently, and as she seemed to want to be pulling off but was afraid some cum might dribble out onto my freshly shaved areas, I put my hand down and said, "Keep your mouth on it."

She did as I squeezed my shaft and ran my fingers down once, then back up and once more, draining blobs I could feel into her waiting mouth.

"Wait one second. There might be more."

She kept her mouth on, but no longer was her tongue moving.

I squeezed down. "Any more coming out?"

"No, I don't feel any."

"You're done with the shave then. Good job!"

I was being such a smart ass.

Now that my cock was laying safely over my left testicle, looking all calm like and innocent, she seemed to relax a bit. If anyone came in now, it would appear like she had just finished shaving me and all was as should be.

Earlier she had let me know I had a bigger cock than her husband, but she was to once again do me proud. "Your semen, your cum you might call it, tastes better than my husband's."

"I thought you said you had never swallowed his cum?"

"I haven't. Not by sucking him to orgasm I mean. But I did put my mouth on it after he had pulled it out of me one time and the cum tasted kind of bad." She made a face.

Though I did not know her husband, I wanted to help save his marriage. I owed him that much, I figured.

"From what I've been told, cum tastes bad after it has been ******* to the air. So if you keep your mouth closed on his cock, and keep your lips closed as you swallow, his cum might not taste so bad. Matter of fact, it might taste so good you'll ending up liking it!"

"Oh thank you," she replied enthusiastically. I might give that a try."

Marriage saved maybe?

One last chance. "And I can still give you my phone number."

"Aren't you married," she asked?

"Yes," I responded, and so are you, so that would make us even."

She thought about it for maybe five seconds, then shook her head. "I'd better not. You seem nice, and your penis especially seems nice, but I want to work on my marriage."

She looked down at my now dangling cock, safely nestled in the gully formed by my left testicle being lower than the right. 'Thank you," she said, looking at me, and then pointing but still not touching my cock, she said, "and thank you for teaching me so much!"

Then, gathering up her utensils and not another word, she was gone, the most beautiful girl I had seen in some time, and a few minutes later two men came in with a gurney and hauled me off to surgery.

Oh, I survived by the way, all is well, and if you don't believe this story I can show you the long thin scar on my chest.
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