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  1. W

    Republican Party 2008 = Circular Firing Squad

    The coup in Iran put the shah in power. As to the current leaders in Iran being more repressive than the shah ever thought of being, I would have to see some proof. I am not defending the current leadership in Iran, but that claim is unbelievable to me.
  2. W

    Riots on Election Night

    i just read where a mccain staffer took a picture of a confederate flag flying in a front yard beside a homemade sign that read "rednecks for obama, even we've had enough." He said he knew they were in trouble when he saw that.
  3. W

    Al Quaeda endorses McCain...

    When you say "I don't think" you are stating your opinion. And yes I think it's just you or just you or you and a few others that would make a statement about "most" of Obama's friends like you did. And while your proof reading effort paid off with an almost error free post, you trumped that...
  4. W

    Al Quaeda endorses McCain...

    Have you ever considered having someone proofread your post before you hit enter? Your credibility would be higher if you did. Were you aware that Mccain also has ties to Khalidi? Or perhaps you could be reminded of Mccain's buddy Keating? Questionable ties kind of goes both ways.
  5. W

    Obama says don't let up

    Doesn't bust my bubble, but this might bust yours. The dems are now in a majority in both houses. That allows them to keep more bad bills coming from the republicans to be signed by a republican president. But they do not have enough of a majority to override a presidential veto or to block a...
  6. W

    Obama says don't let up

    And I agree with him. The republicans finally have been given enough rope to hang themselves. Don't cut them any slack! They deserve to reap what they have sown. Just because Obama has what seems like a commanding insurrmountable lead doesn't mean you don't still need to vote. To keep that lead...
  7. W

    Why So Serious? Funny Political Stuff

    just google republicrats for some humorous politics. not the greatest comedy ever, but it should bring a smile.
  8. W

    New Poll numbers and Sarah Palin...

    Maybe they should have spent more on her wardrobe? After all $150k won't go very far when buying clothes for a VP candidate.
  9. W

    To Democrats:

    fraudulent registrations is not the same as fraudulent voting as has been pointed out. And it's their socialist party, not there socialist party.
  10. W

    Al Quaeda endorses McCain...

    I think they are giving Bush an award for number one recruiter.
  11. W

    To Democrats:

    Actually the "working middle class" doesn't pay most of the taxes. The rich really do pay most of the taxes relative to their numbers. However, the rich are the only ones that have enough income to pay significant amounts after reasonable expenses are taken out. The middle class bite that you...
  12. W

    Final Debate

    I think points should be deducted from Mccain for his use of the prop Joe the plumber. If that wasn't a plant, it was just bad luck for Mccain. The guy is a registered republican who appears to have an agenda, which isn't wrong unless he tries to make it sound like he doesnt't, which he did. He...
  13. W

    Final Debate

    I think you covered it very well. As James Carville said, "it's the economy stupid."
  14. W

    Jerome Corsi whiteman to prison in africa?

    Not a problem for me. However, putting him in the category of reporter or suggesting he is telling the truth is a real stretch.
  15. W

    Jerome Corsi whiteman to prison in africa?

    Since Kenya is only about 10% muslim, it doesn't pass the smell test that the president would be wanting strict muslim laws enacted or enforced. And Corsi, the author of the Swift Boat Veterns should raise red flags anywhere he goes.
  16. W

    New to DarkCavern 41 MWF

    Hi Lisa, this is RealgangbangsTX. damn i didn't know you were such a fox when you came in today! you are awesome!
  17. W

    New couple

    Hi melanie. I am in dfw area. I can fix you up with nice clean discreet black men in this area. I've been with lots of ladies and couples for their first experience with black men. My other screen name here is RealgangbangsTX, but i can fix you up with just one or two guys at a time if you are...
  18. W

    Boys and Older Women

    Frankly our system is all screwed up. Please note that I am talking about strictly legal age people here, which is subject to change, but not pertinent to this discussion.Older women should have younger lovers. 1. Gives the lady an enthusiastic lover with repeat ability who overlooks...
  19. W

    Houston Fri/Sat (June 13/14) night....

    You're forgiven, if for nothing else than the fact that you are 40DD. :) I didn't realize you were in Texas too. Just the wrong end of it. :)
  20. W

    Fort Worth Texas Next week

    I am a single straight white male with several straight black male friends. We are based in Fort Worth/Dallas. We are for real and expect you to be too, but if you are familiar with this site you realize there are a lot of fakes around. If you are looking at next week, we need to get the show...