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A Different Type Of Cuckold Storey.

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Not quite a lurker
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Nov 10, 2013
Taken unaltered from another site.

Private Investigations

byEnglish Bob©
John and Diane Fallon stood close as they looked through the one-way glass partition and into the interview room. The room itself was sparsely but tastefully furnished and had been deliberately designed to give the usually reluctant occupant a false sense of security. The heavy drapes and comfortable sofa’s created a warm, relaxing mood. But the interrogation techniques employed by Fallon & Fallon Private Investigations were usually anything but warm and relaxing.

The current, single occupant of the room was Carl Scott - a bad man - and at that moment he was idly drawing on a Marlboro Lite. The thin, blue smoke rose from his yellowed fingers and hung in the motionless air.

“He’ll crack.” Diane said quietly as she and her husband watched through the glass. “He has to.”

“I hope you’re right.” John replied. He was as aware of the sense of doom in his voice as Diane was. “We’ve tried every trick in the book and he’s still not told us where the girl is. All we have is a deadline and that’s getting closer all the time.”

The deadline that Jack Fallon spoke of was the time left to pay a cool half million before the kidnapped girl – Katy Mason – would be executed. The Fallons had been retained by Katy’s distraught parents in the hope of apprehending the kidnappers or negotiating the payment for their daughter’s safe return. Any police involvement had been most strongly advised against.

They had thought they’d got lucky. Scott – the obvious leader of the gang – had been found, languishing ***** in a bar. He had been quickly and professionally apprehended and brought straight to the interview room where John and Diane had quickly gone to work on him. But the longhaired kidnapper had been tougher than they had expected. He had resisted any and all attempts to extricate a holding location from him and simply restated the ever-advancing deadline.

The deadline was now only three hours away.

“There is one thing left we can try.” Diane said quietly.

For a second John stared at his wife in confusion. Then her meaning suddenly became clear.

“Now wait a minute …”

“John, You know it’s the only way. I can handle it. And you’ll only be on the other side of this glass.”

“I don’t know….”

“Look. It worked before on the Richards case, didn’t it?”

“Yes, but…”

John’s words trailed off as his wife popped a button on her blouse and pushed her firm breasts up. The valley of her cleavage deepened and displayed the tanned slopes of her upper breasts. The decision had been made.

“Be careful!” John called after his wife as she sashayed along the corridor towards the door of the interview room.

“Aren’t I always?”

John watched Scott’s facial reaction change as Diane entered the room. It was understandable; Diane was a very attractive woman. Short brown hair framed a pretty face and the tailored pantsuit that she wore did little to hide a lithe, athletic figure. John turned a switch and the volume from within the interview room suddenly increased.

“They sending the pretty one in to try now, are they?” Scott said with a snide smile. “It won’t work, you know. Either you pay the cash or the Masons forget about ever seeing their little girl again.”

“Oh, I know you won’t talk.” Diane said. Her voice sounded deep and sexily resonant. John was only pleased that this was just an act. “But John’s gone back to the Masons’ house to organise the cash. I’m left here all alone and was feeling a little mellow after the day’s work. I didn’t think you’d object to sharing a drink with me?”

Scott looked confused for a moment before the snide grin came back over his face.

“Never say no to a drink with a sexy chick!”

Diane grinned as she poured out two glasses of scotch and handed one to the kidnapper. Her stomach turned a little as she noted his heavily bitten fingernails and nicotine-stained fingers.

“You have really big hands.” She remarked, quickly getting back into character.

Scott snorted and gulped a mouthful of the alcohol.

“Yeah! And you know what they say about big hands, baby!”

“Oh yes, what?”

“A guy with big hands has got a big dick as well!”

“Oh, Carl!”

Diane feigned shock but added just a little touch of encouragement with her deep brown eyes. The look didn’t go unnoticed by Scott.

“I can see you like that idea!” He said laughing. “What’s the matter, husband only got a little cock? Don’t he fuck you right?”

John watched as his wife looked down at the floor; demure and coyly shy. It was a look she had perfected. He could hardly believe how well – or quickly – this was going. Scott seemed to have already fallen for Diane’s subterfuge.

“That’s it isn’t it?” Scott continued, a lewd grin plastered over his face. “You don’t get enough cock! Well, why don’t you get your ass over here, baby? I got just what you need right here!”

Scott squeezed his crotch obscenely indicating a sizable bulge as Diane slowly moved towards him. John looked on as she dropped to her knees in front of the kidnapper and unbuttoned the rest of her blouse. She wasn’t wearing a bra and as the silky shirt dropped to the floor the golden globes of her breasts became fully *******.

Diane, now completely topless, slowly unzipped Scott’s grimy jeans. The kidnapper groaned as she reached inside and wrapped her long fingers around his shaft, easing him out and finally extricating his tool from the confines of his pants.

“Mmmmm. That’s good baby. Now suck on Carl’s cock, okay?”

John watched his wife with a mixture of slight jealousy and professional pride. He had never been a possessive man – fortunately – and Diane was right; this technique had proved extremely successful in the past. What man could refuse information when he was on the verge of climax?

Slowly, Diane swallowed Scott’s already turgid penis. John stared at the glass as the mans cock-head slipped easily over her tongue and into her mouth. Her head began to bob up and down gently, easing the weapon to the back of her throat. She started humming; a deep, low sound that seemed to echo through the speakers. John could guess at the sensations that the lucky kidnapper was now experiencing and urgently adjusted his own growing erection through his pants.

“Oh, yeah baby!” Scott groaned as he began to move his hips upwards, trying to push more of his swollen tool into Diane’s mouth. “You give great head!”

John knew the man was right. But oral ministrations were not the end of Diane’s sexual talents. She had a whole arsenal of seductive weapons and he expected her to have to use every last one of them before Scott would concede his defeat.

Slowly, Diane pulled her mouth back and over the shiny head of Scott’s penis. Her tongue licked seductively up and down the shaft. Starting at his heavy balls she licked his scrotum listening to the sounds of sexual gratification that escaped his lips before working upwards and again swallowing the engorged head.

“Lets get naked!” Diane suddenly gasped as she pulled away from Scott’s throbbing, saliva-streaked member and sat back on her heels.

John watched the kidnapper nod eagerly as the couple began stripping away their clothes. As well as his own, Scott’s eyes never left Diane’s body as she peeled off her pants and rolled her underwear down her legs. Within a few short moments both Diane and Scott stood before each other completely naked.

“On the sofa.” Diane said breathlessly. “I want to ride that big, hard cock!”

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Scott was sitting back on the sofa. His legs spread and John could see his hard cock standing up proudly from his body.

Diane moved towards him and mounted the sofa placing a bare foot on either side of the kidnapper and lowering her already moist pussy down onto the rod of male flesh that was being presented to her. John heard both of them groan deeply as she sank down and was a little surprised at how easily the large cock penetrated his wife’s juicy vagina.

Scott’s hands slipped under Diane’s thighs and slowly lifted and lowered her as his cock eased luxuriantly into her depths. The sounds of sexual excess echoed around the room as they coupled.

“Shit, you’re good, baby!” Scott babbled as he began to buck his hips up and down. “You keep this up and I’m gonna cum!”

“You’re really good too!” Diane lied in reply. Her gasping voice could never have been recognised as fake. “But don’t cum yet, baby. Wouldn’t you like to feel what it’s like inside my ass?”

John watched the kidnappers face as a look of stunned surprise slowly crept over it.

“Oh, honey! Yeah! Let me fuck you up the ass!”

With a quick alteration of position, Diane turned around so the she had her back to Scott but was looking directly at the one-way glass partition. She knew that her husband would be watching and, if she knew him as she did, she guessed that he would be squeezing his own solid erection by now. She smiled at her own reflection in the glass and winked.

John stood the other side of the glass. He knew that he was invisible to the occupants of the room but could tell that Diane knew he was watching. His hand groped inside his pants and he hauled out his own throbbing dick just as his wife started to sit down on Scott’s penis.

He watched closely as Diane spread her legs. Her fingers used the copious amount of juice that was leaking out of her pussy to lubricate her back passage. He saw her hold her breath and start to sit down. Scott’s cock was poised at the entrance to the impossibly tight hole and his hands were under her buttocks supporting her.

Suddenly Diane let out a long, low moan as the head eased into her anus. Her mouth hung open and John could see the length of Scott’s shaft slowly disappear up into her anal tract. The mans hands relaxed on her buttocks and she lowered again. More cock in her ass – louder moaning.

Up and down Diane moved. Slowly at first until she became used to the size, then a little faster. Her fingers played with her nipples until they were angry peaks of inflamed flesh, throbbing red and swelling visibly. Scott’s hips began to buck again. His legs were beginning to tremble and John could see that he was getting close to his climax. John himself had been slowly stroking his own cock and wondered if it would be possible to control himself until Diane had finished her task.

“Cum in my mouth, baby!” Diane cried as she suddenly fell forward and Scott’s hard cock sprang out of her rear passage. “I want to taste your cum!”

As the kidnapper lay back on the sofa, Diane once again crawled between his outstretched legs. His eyes closed as her mouth enveloped his cock and sucked gently. Her fingers closed around his balls, encouraging his impending release. Scott could feel her fingers tightening on his scrotum. It was a glorious feeling until –

“Ouch! What the fuck ..?”

Diane looked up at him demurely and again tightened her grip on Scott’s most sensitive area. This was the moment of truth.

“Tell me where she is?”

“What? Where who is?”

“Tell me where you are keeping Katy Mason or……”

“Or what?”

Scott leaped again and cried out as Diane squeezed his balls a little tighter.

“Or….Not only will I not let you cum, but I’ll squeeze so hard you’ll probably never be able to cum again!”

“Owwwww….okay…okay…anything…just don’t crush my nuts!”

“Where…is…she?” Diane asked slowly, keeping up an increasing pressure.

“1673 Lower Street!” Scott suddenly blurted. “Third floor!”

Before Diane had even had a chance to relieve some of the pressure, John was already dialling his cell.

“Third floor, 1673 Lower Street…” He repeated to his field agent. “Get there fast!”

John snapped the phone shut and looked back into the interview room. Diane was still holding the kidnappers balls in a vice like grip. She was smiling and looking out at John.

“Yes or no?” Her voice echoed through the electronic loudspeaker.

John thought for a moment and then pressed the microphone button.

“Yes.” He said simply.

As John rubbed his own cock, he watched his wife’s mouth descend once again over Scott’s throbbing tool and begin to devour him. Her fingers released the pressure on his scrotum and she used her fingernails to play lightly under the abused sac.

It seemed that both John and Scott released their cum at almost exactly the same moment. John’s emission splashed silently onto the thick pile of the office carpet as, in the same instant, he saw Scott’s sex fluid erupt from the tip of his penis and spurt directly into Diane’s mouth.

“I hope you enjoyed that.” Said Diane to the broken and heavily breathing man as he lay panting on the sofa. “Unless you don’t mind other men sucking your cock, that’s the last blow-job you’ll be getting for a long time.”

“Twelve to fifteen years, I should think!” John said as he entered the room and slipped the handcuffs on the exhausted figure of Scott.

“But I thought….?”

“Thought I was sorting out your cash?” John interrupted.


“The only cash you’re going to be paid is what you’ll earn for working in prison….or what you get for letting some big jail-fag fuck you in the ass!”

John watched as Scott visibly folded like a cheap suit. He was beaten. Fallon & Fallon Private Investigations had won again – as they always did!

“Thanks for warming her up for me, man.” John laughed as he pulled Diane’s naked body close to him. “It’s time we went home. I reckon she’s just about ready for the main event!”

The End

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