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An interesting development.

  • Thread starterSon of John
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Son of John

Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jan 30, 2008
My wife's ex-husband, her second ex-husband, has spent some time in prison. He will be released soon and she has said that she is sure he would like to "see her". I should explain that she divorced him after he was sent to prison, and that he had no say in the matter.

I am being realistic in thinking that if he does try to "see her" that he would also like to fuck her, if only to bring closure to their relationship. I have tried to get her to discuss this, but she is a bit reluctant. I have even said that I would not object, and that I would certainly "understand" why he would feel the need to fuck her now.

I have already decided that if he were to show-up, I would find some excuse to be gone from the house, leaving them alone. I know that if I did, they would give-in to their desires, and that he would, at last, enjoy fucking her again.

I have also wondered if it would be wise on my part, if he does come, to get him alone for a few seconds and tell him that it is okay with me if he fucks her. I'm sure he would be surprised, but I'm also sure that he would be even more determined to fuck her if he knew I would not object or be upset.

Has anyone else ever been in a comparable situation?
If he was in prison for an axe murder, I'd plan the night's events carefully. Just sayin'.
Son of John said:
My wife's ex-husband, her second ex-husband, has spent some time in prison. He will be released soon and she has said that she is sure he would like to "see her". I should explain that she divorced him after he was sent to prison, and that he had no say in the matter.

I am being realistic in thinking that if he does try to "see her" that he would also like to fuck her, if only to bring closure to their relationship. I have tried to get her to discuss this, but she is a bit reluctant. I have even said that I would not object, and that I would certainly "understand" why he would feel the need to fuck her now.

I have already decided that if he were to show-up, I would find some excuse to be gone from the house, leaving them alone. I know that if I did, they would give-in to their desires, and that he would, at last, enjoy fucking her again.

I have also wondered if it would be wise on my part, if he does come, to get him alone for a few seconds and tell him that it is okay with me if he fucks her. I'm sure he would be surprised, but I'm also sure that he would be even more determined to fuck her if he knew I would not object or be upset.

Has anyone else ever been in a comparable situation?

John I got a feeling He is going to be telling You He's doing to be fucking the Wife. LOL. Object. Thats Funny!!!!
It all depends on how much trouble you want from him, if he is a psycho or normal criminal... LOL

Was he a white collar criminal???
She have a strap on> Maybe he has got used to prison sex :cool:

Take my advise and use your own judgement. But you may be putting her and your lives in danger. Think how happy it would make you if you went afoul of the law and ended up in prison The woman you love and are married to devoriced your ass and married another swing dick. All you would have left to do is pull hard ass time and think about what you were going to do to those two sorry motherfuckers when you get out. As some one mentioned may be he got used to as sex while in the can. Well it could be that he got someone else used to jailhouse sex while he was in there. John there is no way this is going to work out good. If i were in your place i would be watching for this person and be ready to PROTECT my family. Sure it may be that he is reformed and may like to come over for milk and cookies. Dont bet your life on it and he WOULD NOT BE WELCOME AT MY HOUSE. How many wonderful outcomes have you heard of in this type of circumstance? I doubt there are any. okdeacon
Warpt said:
It all depends on how much trouble you want from him, if he is a psycho or normal criminal... LOL

Was he a white collar criminal???

White collar guys don't go to prison. They get community service.
I told a good friend of mine I take my wife to adult theatres to watch guys use my wife , he;s a swinger (with a swinger partner rather than his wife ) he was round at the first oprtunity and more than got what he hoped for ..With my consent I must add
I wouldn't do it. You are taking it a little too far. A pissed, jealous convict ex husband? and you want to let him into your home? Alone with your wife?
I guess it all depends if her ex is violent or dangerous. Only you and the wife know him. He may not be satisfied with one meeting, are you prepared to let him have your wife whenever he wants her?

Anyway, this has given me a GREAT new fantasy and I will enjoy jerking off for hours thinking about the "wife being used by her convict ex-husband while the weak cuck hubby watches". Thanks!
Thanks to all who responded. I do have to consider the possibility that she might meet with him when I was not around, or that he might "lurk" and cause a problem. I really think the best solution would be to let him come to our house and fuck her there, where she would be safer, especially if I am there too.

I'll let you all know if it happens.
Son of John said:
Thanks to all who responded. I do have to consider the possibility that she might meet with him when I was not around, or that he might "lurk" and cause a problem. I really think the best solution would be to let him come to our house and fuck her there, where she would be safer, especially if I am there too.

I'll let you all know if it happens.

Leave instructions here with someone for contact of next-of-kin.:D
Son of John said:
Thanks to all who responded. I do have to consider the possibility that she might meet with him when I was not around, or that he might "lurk" and cause a problem. I really think the best solution would be to let him come to our house and fuck her there, where she would be safer, especially if I am there too.

I'll let you all know if it happens.

I think it's a hot story! Does your wife want to have sex with him? If so they'll do it anyway..... Please keep us updated! :)
I'm a CO at a state prison and I say DO NOT allow her to sleep with this guy. Prison is a filthy place full of filthy people. There's a good chance he gave his ass up for some commissary and caught HEP C or something.
laudadio76 said:
I'm a CO at a state prison and I say DO NOT allow her to sleep with this guy. Prison is a filthy place full of filthy people. There's a good chance he gave his ass up for some commissary and caught HEP C or something.

I second that. If it's just a story, great. If it's real, let me just say that I have known ex cons and I've known prison guards.

The stories about what happens in prison are true.

If it's already to late, I'd get her tested. Even if he used protection "everywhere."

Really, we should all get tested once a year. Even if it's only been you and your hand all year, if you used a toy and someone else used it without your knowledge.....

But I am in no position to preach. Far be it from me to tell anyone how to live their life.

Just saying.....
Cuckold 3286 has asked if my wife wants to fuck with her ex-husband and the answer is "Yes". I asked her and she admitted that she did. Despite all the fears mentioned by the others, I still believe that it could be carried out without any real problems.

My biggest unanswered question is: Would he, and she, be contented with a one-time fuck, or would they want to continue to fuck after that!

When and if it happens, I will let you know.
The potential for a bad outcome is high.

Son of John,

Re. your post, for brevity I'll refer to your wife's second ex-husband as her ex.

Son of John said:
My wife's ex-husband, her second ex-husband, has spent some time in prison. He will be released soon and she has said that she is sure he would like to "see her". I should explain that she divorced him after he was sent to prison, and that he had no say in the matter.

There's some really serious missing information here. What was your wife's ex found guilty and convicted of, and how long was he in prison?

Son of John said:
I am being realistic in thinking that if he does try to "see her" he would also like to fuck her...

No doubt. You can also realistically assume your wife's ex wants to fuck her regardless of whether he actually comes to see her.

Son of John said:
...if only to bring closure to their relationship.

You must have written this sentence without re-reading it to see how it sounds. When a previously-close but long-separated man and woman meet at long last and fuck, that does not "bring closure" to their separation. It releases their long pent-up passions, renews their relationship and, quite possibly, renews their desires for more... much more.

Son of John said:
I have tried to get her to discuss this, but she is a bit reluctant.

That has the sound of understatement about it...

Son of John said:
I have even said that I would not object, and that I would certainly "understand" why he would feel the need to fuck her now.

Your wife's reluctance is not just a matter of grappling with the question of whether she does or does not want to fuck a sexually-desirable man. (Maybe he isn't... do you even know what he looks like?) In any case, her ex is a man she knew well in a personal sense, because they were married, and he was convicted of something serious enough to result in significant prison time, which implies a felony (at least). If he was actually guilty of whatever the crime was — in our mass-incarceration society, a LOT of inmates did not commit the crimes they're serving time for — his behavior for which he was arrested and convicted may have been characteristic, in some sense, of his relationship with your wife.

For example, if he was convicted of assault, perhaps because he lost his temper in a bar, that may imply your wife's relationship with him involved high stress, tension and fighting. If he was convicted of something like (e.g.) assault with a deadly weapon or armed robbery, that would be even worse. Even if he was convicted of a seemingly-harmless white-collar crime, kiting checks for example, that would imply he's... hm, let's see... how to put this... "honesty challenged." Regardless, your wife obviously saw him being sent to prison as an opportunity to cut him loose. And, she did.

Son of John said:
I have already decided that if he were to show up, I would find some excuse to be gone from the house, leaving them alone.

C'mon, SoJ — you need to decouple your sexual fantasies from the real world.

You're proposing to leave your wife alone with an ex-husband, who has just completed a prison sentence, whom she divorced for reasons that may have included abusive treatment of her or grave mistrust of him because of his personal dishonesty; a man who may be harboring deep anger and resentment of your wife because she divorced him instead of waiting patiently for him to complete his sentence? A man who may be harboring deep-seated anger toward you, as well, for "taking" his wife from him while he was unable to defend himself?

You've got to be joking.

Your most important duty as your wife's cuckold is to protect her, when or if necessary, from ex's and other lovers who become overly-possessive or abusive. What you have in mind has really high potential for a bad outcome. Give some thought to a potential headline in the next morning's newspaper: "SoJ's wife beaten to death by ex-con former husband" ...with a subhead: "SoJ left house when he arrived."

Anyone reading a headline or even a small news item of that nature would interpret "left house" as "fled."

Son of John said:
I know that if I did, they would give-in to their desires, and that he would, at last, enjoy fucking her again.

Maybe so. Or, maybe they would give in to their primal desires and start fighting again with a potentially-disastrous outcome.

Son of John said:
I have also wondered if it would be wise on my part, if he does come, to get him alone for a few seconds and tell him that it is okay with me if he fucks her.

No. It would be much wiser for you to have an in-depth conversation with your wife about this. Ask her specifically if she feels her ex is a danger to her and whether, if he comes to see her, she suspects he might do something violent or otherwise unpleasant. If she continues to be reluctant about seeing her ex and you can't seem to get her to talk about her past relationship with him, you can interpret that as implying it was painful. If she opens up and tells you her ex was verbally and/or physically abusive, you can interpret that as definitely meaning it was painful. In either case, go with your wife's judgement (or apparent judgement).

If your wife doesn't want to see her ex, I strongly suggest not pressuring her. Don't invite him over. If he shows up anyway (perhaps at your wife's invitation or on his own hook), I strongly suggest trying to make sure you're there for the duration of his visit, regardless of the details of what your wife and he do.

An interesting conversation...

Son of John,

Son of John said:
My biggest unanswered question is: Would he, and she, be contented with a one-time fuck, or would they want to continue to fuck after that!

Let me suggest a different possibility. I'll do it by relating a conversation I had not too long ago with a woman who works in a local strip club.

She's sensuously attractive, physically strong, well-coordinated, and is among the best pole dancers there. She's also clearly intelligent; she's been earning money to attend a nearby university (in a professional field) and support her children (she has a surprising number of them). I suspect she may also be supporting, at least in part, her man she lives with although she didn't say that. She said he's working on a degree in a demanding technical field at the same university.

She also has an ex-boyfriend.

A while back she ended her relationship with him, or so she thought. He turned out to be among the men who are strongly possessive about women. He began stalking her and subjecting her to terrifying phone calls that included death threats.

She called the police. An officer came to her home (perhaps with a technician), and they put a tap on her landline. As the officer was turning to leave, her ex called! The cop answered, bluntly told her ex he was a law enforcement officer, and ordered him to stop calling her, stalking her, and otherwise harassing her. Her ex responded with unprintable language, told the cop he was probably fucking her, stated he had a gun, and he was coming to her home to kill them both.

The call was, of course, traced immediately. It turned out he was calling from a nearby phone booth, where a police car quickly pulled up. He was arrested, and he did have a gun. (Here, I'll mention that her ex's failings obviously included lack of even the most elementary knowledge of how phone systems work.)

So, her ex was convicted and sentenced to a year in prison. A year goes by fast. Our conversation did not include whether he's been released or is still doing time. It's against the law (here) for a man who's been convicted on a domestic violence charge to own a firearm, and presumably he'll leave the big house with a court order to stay away from her — but, stalkers are notorious for ignoring those and continuing to go after their victims.

Meanwhile, she owns guns* — more than one, I seem to recall her saying — to protect herself. Our conversation did not extend to how she deals with the problem of keeping them away from her children.

I hope you'll bear in mind the possibility of something along the above lines if your wife's "involuntarily divorced" ex-husband becomes possessive after they re-unite, as you're obviously trying to encourage.

It happens.


*The state I live in is big on guns, even by U.S. standards. It has a lot of area so we may not have more guns per square meter than any other — but we almost certainly have more guns per square citizen.
I agree with Custer,Son of John,and can see no good coming out of this!!!
Trying said:
I agree with Custer,Son of John,and can see no good coming out of this!!!

I third this motion. No good whatsoever. :(

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