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Cucked to the finish part 2

  • Thread startera1exjet
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Beloved Member
Nov 3, 2006
Here is Cucked to the finish Part 2


I'm not sure I'm doing this right but it was toolong and had to be in 2 parts so heres the end of my first story.

As time went on he kept tabs on her as well as what he was doing with all the jail house promises he'd made to her. Promises like working a legal job, not cheating, boozing or doing drugs, and as expected of course he didn't do any of them, nope he just lived off his mother and all they supposedly did was fuck and play games on the computer all day everyday. Eventually he started laying the wood to all his old girlfriends who all still craved his cock. I swear it didn't matter if they had a boyfriend husband or lesbian lover they had to have that dick again. The funny thing was that he was not a handsome guy quite the contrary he had long hair and a beard both un kept and his hygiene was less then spectacular but to those women he was like crack to an addict, they had to have some. One day the phone at Steve's rang it was Amanda she said that she was tired of his womanizing ways and that he was treating her like shit and to say she had made a mistake and would he take her back. Steve was so happy!! Of course he said yes he'd love to have her back. He was in love with her and he had jerked off 2 times a day ... everyday, just looking at a few naked pictures of her he had. So she was back but it seemed like she had an agenda, she always had an excuse to spend less time at home and seemed to be shopping late into the evening all the time. So .....

Things weren't as nice as before. She was also very moody she also said she was afraid that Wally would come to the house and beat them up. Well Steve said "don't you worry I may not still look it but I have been in plenty of fights and I think I can whip Wally's ass in any type of fight. Well Wally got word of this and he contacted Amanda and said he'd fight Steve but that it was to be a cock fight with her as the prize, that was unless Steve is to chicken. The thought of it made Amanda wet, and not one to back down Steve said yes. Amanda jumped up and down with glee and said "that's my tiger" then proceeded to give Steve the greatest fuck of his entire life!! As she was fucking him she said "I can't believe you two will be putting your dicks on the line for my sweet little kitty cat!" Steve said "I'd fight 5 Wally's to keep you and that incredible kitty cat right here where it belongs!!" Amanda grinned and purred. Afterwards, Amanda told Steve not to worry, that Wally wasn't really as big as people had said. She did say that he was a little bigger then him but then she told Steve that his cock was probably harder then Wally's. So the fight was setup. The rules were that 1 at a time the combatants would alternate attacks they could use one hand with which to propel their dick down like a bat on to their opponent's dick or balls. The victor would be declared once he'd rendered the other fighter unconscious.

"Ah Ha ... a fight to finish!" said Steve .. Amanda just smiled but it wasn't a happy smile it was a evil smile and Steve wondered what was up with that look on her face, ... then in walked Wally and he knew ... oh my god!! His cock ... it was mammoth, so much so that his own dick shriveled at the sight of it. It looked like a Burmese python the head was tapered then it just kept getting thicker and thicker and it had muscles and veins it was frightening. Steve thought this is a bad idea and was about to back out .... but Amanda asked him ... "Steve you are willing to fight for me aren't you?" He thought about how much he loved her and then thought maybe he could get in a lucky blow besides she was so fine he'd do anything to keep her. Each side had brought a few people so there were about 10 in attendance plus a professional photographer with 3 camcorders on tripods ready to catch all the action Steve looked dazed when a smiling Amanda finally rang the bell and said "It's cockfight time and may the best dick win!

Wally let Steve have first whack and as he whacked down on Wally's huge cock he found that it didn't move a bit, and that it was his cock that was in pain. Wally smirked and said "now little dick it's my turn" the next sound you heard was a loud thump like someone knocking the dust off of a heavy rug with a broom.That was followed by the look of fear, pain and anguish on Steve's face as he turned white and vomited all over himself ..... he knew, as did all in attendance, he was in big trouble. He went down to one knee. That's when Amanda showed her true colors as she cried out "that's the way baby! whoa! yeah! Wally, look just 1 hit from your huge cock has him scared to death! As Steve started sobbing Amanda continued to pile on saying. and he's crying already, don't let up just keep giving it to little dicked old pervert!" then she said .... "Steve your going to pay for all those nasty things you said about Wally! isn't that right baby?" Wally looked like the Cheshire cat as he looked down at the already beaten overweight man with his mouth wide open and tears rolling down his face and said "Amanda baby, I'm going to hurt him real bad. You can bet he won't be doing any fucking or walking for a long time then when I've finished pummeling his pathetic little dick with my Louisville slugger and he's out cold and twitching ... hum ... then ... I'm going to fuck the crap out of you right over his motionless carcass. Then to really cuckoo the dumb fuck, just as soon as that tight, hot little pussy of yours has me ready to cum which will be after you've already dripped a few orgasms all over my dick and his face, I'm going to pull my monster out of your cave and blow my huge load all over him from head to toe. Then I'm going to put my cock right back in your little cunny and blow the rest of my load deep in your pussy. Amanda was panting, practically rabid and started saying "well then finish him off now ! Please I'm so hot for you baby, please get this little pecker ed poor excuse for a man unconscious! Hurry up and bust his small dick and balls to pieces!" Wally proceed to do just as Amanda had ordered. What happened next was just a brutal carnage of loud sounds and yelps of pain and begging and pleading by Steve to stop, as Wally kept making Steve say Wally's cock was king and that Amanda deserved more cock the Steve had, despite doing as Wally asked Wally still kept Steve's world of pain going. Finally Steve could take no more and his eyes rolled back in his head, his breathing got shallow and his body shut down he was knocked out. Then Wally gave him 2 more shots for good measure and Steve's whole pubic region looked like Bruce Lee had been using it as a kick target.

Amanda just went to doggy and Wally's huge dick started working its way in and out ..... she was screaming and coming all over saying " Wally your the man look what you did to him ... you fucking stud! .... oh my god your dick is the best .... it's so fucking big ....its the greatest and oh oh oh here ... shit ... I'm coming again ... oh my god!! Then Wally growled, grunted and looked right into the camera and blew so much cum all over Steve that you couldn't even see his face, Then so everyone could recognize his beaten foe, Wally cleared away the cum by rubbing that monster cock all over Steve's face and stuck it in his open mouth Wally started fucking his face so hard that Steve had woken up gagging, waking up with Wally's Python sized cock pounding his mouth and his neck getting bruised by the slapping of Wally's big balls. He pulled out leaving Steve gasping for air. He then finished blowing his load in Amanda and then made Steve suck his dick clean Steve couldn't move and then he made the mistake of calling Amanda a lying ***** who had set him up. Wally said no one calls her a ***** but me and he turned to Amanda and said wickedly ... "I'm going to do it! no one talks to you that way in front of me!" ... she said ... "Fuck him for talking to me like that! Do It!" ... Wally had and evil look in his eyes as he started towards where Steve was all balled up in the fetal position still sobbing and covering up what was left of his genitals. Then she said "Steve you fucked up for good this time." and with that .. WHACK! .. WHOMP! ...Slap!! Wally's King Kong Cock came crashing down on Steve time and time again and then after an almost 20 minute onslaught.... Wally stopped ......smiled ..... there was silence .... Amanda started feeling Steve's neck and wrist looking for a pulse ... there was no pulse ....Steve was dead! Wally had beaten him to death with that huge cock and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it.

This contest for the affections of Amanda was for keeps. Darwinism at it's evolutionary best as it's been for millions of years it was survival of the fittest. and in the world of cocks Wally's was at the top of the food chain. Still breathing heavy but smiling victoriously Wally said "he wanted a fight to the finish and .. with a chuckle he sure looks finished to me!"" Amanda laughed out loud. Her fuck stud had beaten her ex boyfriend to death with his humongous cock. She would tell the fight story to many and watch the brutal film often, of course she'd get so turned on seeing it again that she'd either immediately impale her self on Wally's massive cock or grab a huge dildo and fuck herself hard with it but either way when the orgasm hit her and her body spasm ed and convulsed it was always Wally's name she was yelling out when she came ...and his named got yelled out a lot as she came again ....and ... again. and ...again! The End
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