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Employment problem

  • Thread starterBristol_blk_boss
  • Start date


New around here...
Beloved Member
Sep 12, 2009
As a young black guy I worked hard to obtain the postion I have now with all its benefits.

I've recently become involved with a pretty young wife who has recently found herself unemployed. She has suggested that if I want our relationship to continue I should consider doing everything in my power to obtain her employment at my place of work. I have to admit I am probably in love with this woman but at 20yrs my junior she is, I know, probably manipulating me by using her sexuallity to gain what she wants. I fully understand the UK's tough employment laws not to mention the embarrasment this situation could cause me should things go wrong although she assures me she wouldn't take advantage should things take a turn for the worse.

I would like to hear womens mens or indeed cuckolds take on this scenario before I take the next step.
She is full of shit. Remember now matter how sexy any women somewhere there is some guy that is feed up with her bull shit. Tell her to take a hike. It will make you more attractive to her. Be the bad boy not the pussy.
Treat her like the slut she is and she'll want you more.
My friend, I think you know very well in the back of your mind that once she gets employment in your company that your problems will just be starting.

Don't do it.
Bristol Blk Boss - Have you lost your mind???

Bristol Blk Boss, I think you need to take a reality check.

If she cannot get gainful employment herself then why the hell are you dealing with her in the first place?

As far as employment laws are concerned, don't even botherl; you will find yourself on the end of a sexual harrasment/discrimination/bullying case as soon as you do not get her the pay rise she "deserves"!

Did you not see the case in the papers about the guy who stole nealry 1/2 Million in order to keep his wife in the syle she was accustomed to?

If you didn't , you can write to him in prison, he is currently serving 4 years! and he was a white guy! Whilst this might not have anything to do with theft, anything you do against you employers or contrary to the staff handbook will be seen as such.

Remember there is no definition of blk collar crime; you just get collared!

In general I really do believe that this room has lost any iota of commonsense. We are talking about essentially "free" pussy and you are trying to quantify/glorify this nonsense.

As a Black Man you should know that, Black men do not come out of these cases smelling of roses. Even though we have no social and/or economic power, the idea of you allegedly exploiting this women sexually, for your own "deviant ends" (try explaining to the Tribunal about the Dark Cavern) is enough to get you logged in here as Blk Toilet cleaner as opposed to Blk Boss.

No matter what this room may imply, many people here do not view you or I for that matter as a respectable blk man or even an equal - never forget that . This room is just fantasy, be aware of the fact that once people have had their fun, you will be paying the price.

Take care Bruv


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SaltandPepper98 said:
My friend, I think you know very well in the back of your mind that once she gets employment in your company that your problems will just be starting.

Don't do it.

I agree
I have to say I agree. More people on this board should detatch fantasy from reality and be a little more sensible. Don't get yourself into trouble - its just no worth it!!!
Don't do it.

As a black man in business, I would not even try to arrange a job for someone from my own family, ex or sons. Management will always make you responsible for their behavior/throughput.

Now if you can help her get a job at another company, that is okay. Other companies accept the responsibility of their own employees more than when recommended by an insider.

If she keeps pushing you to get her a job, push back, push her out onto the street. She is no longer worth whatever good sex you get from her.
Dont do it or you will kick yourself in the ass later on.
UKBlkManLuvsMwf said:
Bristol Blk Boss, I think you need to take a reality check.

If she cannot get gainful employment herself then why the hell are you dealing with her in the first place?

As far as employment laws are concerned, don't even botherl; you will find yourself on the end of a sexual harrasment/discrimination/bullying case as soon as you do not get her the pay rise she "deserves"!

Did you not see the case in the papers about the guy who stole nealry 1/2 Million in order to keep his wife in the syle she was accustomed to?

If you didn't , you can write to him in prison, he is currently serving 4 years! and he was a white guy! Whilst this might not have anything to do with theft, anything you do against you employers or contrary to the staff handbook will be seen as such.

Remember there is no definition of blk collar crime; you just get collared!

In general I really do believe that this room has lost any iota of commonsense. We are talking about essentially "free" pussy and you are trying to quantify/glorify this nonsense.

As a Black Man you should know that, Black men do not come out of these cases smelling of roses. Even though we have no social and/or economic power, the idea of you allegedly exploiting this women sexually, for your own "deviant ends" (try explaining to the Tribunal about the Dark Cavern) is enough to get you logged in here as Blk Toilet cleaner as opposed to Blk Boss.

No matter what this room may imply, many people here do not view you or I for that matter as a respectable blk man or even an equal - never forget that . This room is just fantasy, be aware of the fact that once people have had their fun, you will be paying the price.

Take care Bruv



I totally agree. In the western world, the power of blacks has been lessened by racist asians and whites.
Turn the tables and make her feel she can't do without you. Tell her if she does not want you any longer, then you will find another girl who respects you for yourself rather than what you can do for her.

She is just a woman wanting to "fuck her way up to stardom", and you are just a rung in the ladder for her to be "higher up" so she can look for the "next mug" to get her to rung two.......and so on. She will stay as your "squeeze", then suddenly you will wake up and find you are history.

A woman with no money is like a car that has had the spark plugs removed and super glue poured into the cylinder to stop the piston going up/down.
DO NOT DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!
The consequences are too sever. I don't know if Britian has sexual harassment laws, but in the USA we do and you would wide open for at least civil lawsuits, which could lead to loss of emplyment for you, not to mention monetary damages.

KEEP A COOL HEAD !!!!!!!!!!
Bristol_blk_boss said:
I've recently become involved with a pretty young wife who has recently found herself unemployed. She has suggested that if I want our relationship to continue I should consider doing everything in my power to obtain her employment at my place of work.

Notice the threat. That's your clue right there that she's using you just to get ahead.

Dump her right away.
If it's got tits or tyres, it's going to cost you money. Don't do it!
As a Successful Black Man there's an endless supply of willing white holes to replace her with.

Hell, you could probably replace her with two new white sluts.

Besides, if she got any kind of job she'd only get more uppity. Next thing you know she'd be saying she didn't want you to bugger her in the morning because she has to go to work.
Wonder whether she is playing the same tune to other guys, hoping she will score a job from networking several guys who might know people who can help. Don't blame her, but as a young wife, I hope her husband does not bump you on the nose when you least expect it.

I hope you continue to enjoy her pussy while you can - maybe you could knock her up, then you get her a job once her tummy is swelling fast.
I'd love it if my wife worked in a situation where by her blk lover was her boss. Just imagine watching her dress everyday ready for work knowing. offering to pack her case for buissness trips ect.

Has any cuck been in this situation?
Bristol_blk_boss said:
As a young black guy I worked hard to obtain the postion I have now with all its benefits.

I've recently become involved with a pretty young wife who has recently found herself unemployed. She has suggested that if I want our relationship to continue I should consider doing everything in my power to obtain her employment at my place of work. I have to admit I am probably in love with this woman but at 20yrs my junior she is, I know, probably manipulating me by using her sexuallity to gain what she wants. I fully understand the UK's tough employment laws not to mention the embarrasment this situation could cause me should things go wrong although she assures me she wouldn't take advantage should things take a turn for the worse.

I would like to hear womens mens or indeed cuckolds take on this scenario before I take the next step.

TURN THE TABLE - if she wants your dick she will seek out her own employment SO THAT YOU WILL be able to continue seeing her because as she knows very well the PROBLEMS she will cause you - and get fucking angry about it too! THEN you can shut your mouth and leave it to her to decide whether she'll accept your DOMINANT stance. Act anything less than dominant and your are lost and whipped.
I can't say I've ever been employed, but this doesn't sound good. She should be happy just being your gf. Try to find someone else to employ her.

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