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feelings for her boyfriend

  • Thread startermar1111164
  • Start date
Thankyou cannberraguy, you understand, yes it is a major turn on, he has replaced me, this is what i wanted, he is a real cool guy and will not shut me out, i will watch them from a distance this weekend as a outsider, my cock is hard with anticipation. he loves the fact that he has takin her, and knowing that i am watching as he fucks her so good is a big turn on for him also...
I'm happy to hear you are finding this situation a turn on. I hope that she stays with him a bit and then comes back to living more at your house. If things start to actually take off with them you should think about what is important for you, if your wife does want to stay with you after the next month, or a few months elapse you should consider offering her boyfriend your spot in the master bedroom.
You could just sleep in another room, but have them live with you. No sense paying 2 rents or mortgages if you can all live together happily... Although I would find it near impossible to not dig through her dirty clothes and regularly lick her panties when they are not around.
I would love for us all to live together, i may bring that up and see what Mike thinks, his house is bigger and he has 4 bedrooms so there is plenty of room, he has already takin my spot in the master bedroom a while ago, he spent the night with us a few times and I stayed in the guest bedroom, this happened early in thier relationship as i asked Mike to replace me in our bedroom completely, he had no problem with it, it would be great if i could hear the sounds of thier love making.
Don't Give Up!

Your wife's relationship with her boyfriend will likely burn itself out, and she'll be back in your arms.

My wife, Brenda, and I have a unique sort of relationship. She likes to have periodic "affairs" wherein she is sexually exclusive to her boyfriend during that time, then when the affair is over our marital sex life resumes with a renewed vigor. In our case, it's not about humiliation, it's just that, as Brenda describes it, she is basically "wired" to have a sexual relationship with only one man at a time.

If you're interested, the thread on my marriage is at this link:

Anyway, your situation sort of reminded me of mine. Your wife is in a passionate love affair, and those usually have a way of burning themselves out, and then your wife may want to return to the safe security of her marriage with you. Just a thought.

I guess this is why I could never truely understand this or be a true cuck in anything but a role playing situation. yes I find it hot, but beyond that i couldnt carry on a lifestyle of it. i guess I am too much of an alpha male. I am totally baffled at your willingness to give up your wife. I'd go castrate him but thats just me. Im the guy that can play the bull or the cuck as the situation warrants as long as everybody cums Im good lol
Yes, this is what i wanted, All three of us are happy with the situation, I know not everybody understands, her happiness is my priority, I have always been very submisssive also, beta male for sure, I'm not sure what will happen in the future, I am prepared for a divorce if she asks, she may, I have no doubt we will all remain close friends, They may not always invite me into thier bedroom thats true but I will still see them, Mike sent me a text last night asking if I planned on still going to the club Sat night so I know he still wants me watching, then he teased me a little by saying she was in his bed waiting for him, LOL
Maybe you might like to take your submission to a deeper level by devoting yourself to a woman who could use you as her play toy, and stretch your mind out to new limits. You might be surprised to find out things out about yourself that you never realised existed.

Your wife and Mike could pick out a suitable woman for you, so you could be lead by a collar down a new path, which ends with a new level of contentment. They are going to the swingers club, so a word in the right place could "flush out" the right lady, so your talents can unfold.
mar1111164 said:
my wife told me last week that she has feelings for her steady boyfriend, she has been seeing him almost a year.

she started spending weekends with him and they even went on a mini vacation together.

She would like to move in and live with him for awhile. she wants to be in his bed every night she says,

*******i dont want to lose her but feel i have no choice now******,

I have to let her go and hope she returns, we are having dinner Fri night just the three of us because he wants to talk to me, should be interesting, he is a great guy and i know he has the best intentions.

if i lose her to him i want to remain friends with them both, not get mad and hateful,

****i will be hurt of course but what else can i do?****



This has probably made some members worried about your welfare.

It is too soon for your wife to know whether she will emotionally evolve to the point of ever wanting to lose contact with you. You have handed her a new form of happiness on a silver tray, so she will keep you on a pedestal for quite awhile yet.
Mar, I have read through your well written thread with great interest, and must commend you on your willingness to see through to the end , with calmness and grace, the fruition and realisation of your goal of your wife's happiness, for which you may be paying the ultimate price... and it is this aspect that I would like you to elaborate on, if you can.

You mainly concentrate on the positives of what is happening, but do not make much mention of what for most, including myself, would be the fallout which would be very hard to handle. In willingly giving up your wife, who you love very much to another, better man, surely you must have conflicting feelings?

I would be interested to hear about any feelings of jealousy you have had to cope with in the past and presently. Do you now feel a sense of fear and loss? Surely you must have loved sharing your life with your wife, enjoyed her company, having her by your side. I know you are happy for her now that she has what she wants (with your help and encouragement), but isn't it also quite painful and don't you feel very lonely?

Please could you describe the depth of these feelings you may have, the realisation of what you have lost and how you cope wit those feelings.
mar1111164 said:
Thankyou cannberraguy, you understand, yes it is a major turn on, he has replaced me, this is what i wanted, he is a real cool guy and will not shut me out, i will watch them from a distance this weekend as a outsider, my cock is hard with anticipation. he loves the fact that he has takin her, and knowing that i am watching as he fucks her so good is a big turn on for him also...

Hey - just grabbbed this quote randomly btw to address you since all you've written is wonderful.

This sounds like exactly the cuckold variant I'm looking for and I congratulate you on your bravery to put what your wife wants first.

I know a divorce hasn't officially happened but have you considered offering her massive alimony and perhaps, since you mention you're a beta male, offer to do yardwork/chores for them to continue to be part of their lives?

I don't know if that's something that'd appeal to you but since your path has followed what I'm interested in so far (her being swept off her feet and taken away from you) I didn't know if things like massive alimony, divorce settlement in her favour, cleaning and doing yard work for them etc might be of interest to you as well.

Either way thanks for letting us read about your wonderful journey and please consider continuing writing about it.
Sorry for the delay in getting back, First,, I am doing fine, Last Sat night I went to the club and saw My wife and Mike there, I watched them dance as I set at the bar, Mike came over and said they were leaving and invited me back to his place, I watched them make love in his bed, they are very beautiful together, I know there are alot of questions, I have wanted this for a long time, I am a small man 5'5" with about a 4" penis and thin about 4" circumfrance, our sex life was never that good, I can not maintain an erection for very long and cum after only a few strokes, this is why I wanted to watch her with other men, watching someone like Mike fuck her with his 8" cock that is rock hard was intoxicating, to her as well, Yes I made it easy for her but we are both happy, I am not sad but very happy for her, I would consider doing thier yardwork, Mike said I am welcome to the guest bedroom anytime so maybe I could repay him by doing the chores around the house, They are going away together next week so maybe I will ask him if I can keep a eye on his place and i will do a few things while they are gone
Awesome reply - thanks for keeping us abreast.

Out of curiosity - in a earlier post you said you're submissive yet in your reply about helping with chores or watching the house you phrase it like being a good friend or neighbour (paying them back for letting you sleep over night etc) - is there a reason you're not interested in offering yourself as a sort of servant or even slave to them if you have submissive inklings?
I would be interested in being thier servent or slave for sure, but I know its something I would have to ease them into, I dont want to come right out and say it for fear of being rejected, I want it to be thier idea, If Mike allows me to watch his place while they are gone I will do such a good job of cleaning and yard work that he will see that i may be useful to have around, I am also a great cook, as a side note I never was interested in the sissy cuck thing, wearing panties and such, but if Mike wanted me in a maid outfit I would do it to serve them.
Isn't the rest of your family and friends gonna question your wife living with another man. How are you gonna work that one out? Just asking...
The only family we have are both moms, and I have a brother, they live up North, if it ever comes to it we will just explain that we have seperated for a bit, we have no children, a few friends we have up north but will never suspect anything, unless of course they want to visit, we will cross that bridge when it comes, We have been in FL for two years now,
I think things are going great for you. One piece of advice is don't try to force yourself into their relationship. Especially so early in the game. My hub always tells me he wishes he had just sat back and let things happen. Just let them be for a little bit. Let them call you when they want you. Until then just let them be a couple.
outare said:
YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!!!!!! Fetishes aside - Fight for what you want man!! :mad::mad::mad:
lol, it''s far, far too late for that.
renonympho said:
Let them call you when they want you. Until then just let them be a couple.

Wonderful point. I don't know if the OP wants to go down this road or not but out of curiosity would you think it was intruding if someone in this situation offered to pay/provide things for them to be a couple?

Like for example paying for the vacation the OP referenced or something like a hot tub they could enjoy alone together when they get back?
slaved said:
lol, it''s far, far too late for that.

In all fairness, and I certainly can't speak for the OP nor would want to do so, however this could be exactly what he wants. I know I'd *love* to be in his position (just tack on massive alimony and it'd be heaven).

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