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Good Fucking Grief...

  • Thread starterphantasticdan
  • Start date


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Oct 31, 2004
You know, a lot of people bitch about this site. I normally hate people that do that, as it is really easy now to start your own forum. Hell, you can Google that shit and start one up in five minutes. But now, I have to eat some crow.

This site is getting out of hand. People are so fed up with either the "fakers" and the "assholes", and the admins don't deign themselves to come down and speak with us, and at least share their opinion.

xzpaw, WatchWife&BlackGuy, homersimp52, Mr. Fields, and countless others continue to post here, some more regularly than others. They take advantage of anonymity to say shit that they woudn't dare say in public, to a man's face. I don't know their reasoning. They hate women, they hate blacks, they hate themselves, their family and job... clearly there is something in the mindset of people that spend free time bringing negativity to an internet site whose attendance is not mandatory, that is unhealthy and weird. Why would someone join a Red Sox forum and talk about how they suck? Or a Stephen King forum and talk about how long The Stand was? Because they're assholes, that's why.

And in one corner, you have weakwhitehubby, posting every ten seconds about women he's never met and doing stories for every last one of them, then you have hotcouple2007, railing against "fakes" and "phonies", not realizing that when your main contribution is posting pics of girls that coud have easily come from MySpace or AdultFriendFinder, and asking if someone can fake them... well, you have a good chance of catching Potcallingthekettleblackitis.

Now some people may read back over my posts and say "hey, isn't that that asshole that always complains himself? Is he a hypocrite?" The answer is... maybe. We're all hypocrites to some degree. However, the majority of my antagonistic posts are in response to bullies and pricks, people who don't have any common sense or decency. I see pics of women I have no interest in all the time, you wanna know what I do?


Is that hard? Is there a fucking bomb in your ribcage that will go off if you don't reach 500 posts by next Thursday? I've already found two other forums that cover similar topics, with administrators with a heavier presence that the ones here.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe those guys mentioned above are great men bringing great things to this site. Maybe I should be the one to go, so this site can head in the direction it has been for the past year or more. One way or another, please, make you opinion heard...

I'd hate for the administrators to not read this and not respond. That sure would be a shock to the system.
What are the other sites names?

Damn right we do. It's called nostalgia. Oh back in the day.........what DC is now isn't even a shell of what it was.
this cat's still bitching LOL
Amen, bruh. 'Nuff said...
People who post "reprimands" to people who display rude and unacceptable behavior are innately different than assholes who go out of their way to make disparaging or insulting posts.
pimpology101 said:
People who post "reprimands" to people who display rude and unacceptable behavior are innately different than assholes who go out of their way to make disparaging or insulting posts.
the fact you believe that is evidence you need your computer forcibly removed from your posession.

lol @ thinkin you are doing anything but look STUPID when you talk shit to people for talking shit to OTHER people.

if a fat and/or ugly or super old woman posts her pic or her husband posts it he shouldn't and better NOT expect everyone to praise her. nobody has to hold their tongue if they don't want to. if this shit was a real life setting i would say the same shit to ANYBODY who dared parade a hog or a beast face around a party like she was some princess, especially if they approached ME at said party.
totally agree with you...if the woman is a toothless old crone she should be told the truth,and not be given compliments that are said tongue in cheek and are bare faced lies...even to fake these women would take a mass amount of facial construction

But each to their own - some people like whatever they like. I don't think my wife is too bad - and her boyfriend certainly doesn't. I post two pics on here and I was told she was deformed. If she had seen that comment god alone knows what she would have done. On other sites she has had some very nice comments (which is how she found her lover). I know its fun to have a go and criticise but is there really any need just to make yourself feel better ?
Everyone here has got a point. Myself I get sick of the fake shit like Candy as a wife. Also I have no respect to anyone with breed my daughter or any child crap. I also agree with if there is a "Toothless old Chrone" why say she is a beauty or I'd like to fuck her or other crap unless you really mean it. Perhaps another way you could post a remark would be "not interested shes not my type. I quess it's how crude you want to be. So I agree with Pimp here when it comes to right out being crude and insulting to the person we don't need it. We also have to remember everyone is a beauty to someone ugly and fat and old even if they aren't to yourself. So it is up to us to bring the DC back like it was or continue the way it is where people won't post again because of the rude nasty comments. I have to watch myself at times because it could be easy to be nasty to some post. My two cents Muleman
please my children do not fight

i guess im being hypochritical since i add to these threads, but people just chill out! This is a Sex forum, supposed to be about the fun/pleasurable side of life. hell i might as well put on cnn and watch the repubs and dems bicker on capital hill, if i want to continually hear petty BS.
hotcouple2007 said:
EXACTLY. All of this "let's be nice to the super fat nasty bitches" stuff is just ridiculous. I'm sorry, but I don't enjoy looking at pictures of disgusting women who immediately trigger my gag reflex and I'm tired of these sick fucks that think that the DC is so low quality or has such low standards that the average guy here should or will think that some grotesque fat lard ass is worthy of being lavished with praise as if she is some kind of super model just because she happens to be a white woman who posts her pic for black men. No, everyone isn't a super model and there is a wide range of what is acceptably attractive...but christ on a crutch most of these women that these dumb ass guys post pics of are just flat out nasty and have no business being on the web or any other public place for that matter with their clothes off.

Who are you to judge? One man's trash is another's treasure and until you put yourself out their for critique the best thing for people who have nothing positive to say (see mandingbat) is just to shut the fuck up. No one needs go out of their way to insult people without provocation. If ya can't say something nice....

I may not like the looks of 90% of the people on here but I don't have to say so and hurt their feelings and neither does anyone else.
Feel better now, Phantasticdan? Maybe you're right, I should have just ignored crap like Josetta's or whoever, but I just felt that somebody should say something. I'm sure you'll be happy to know I'm basically outta here, as this site has indeed gone to hell, becoming more racist and boring day by day.

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