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Has anyone ever wondered why they have cuckold fantasies?

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Apr 29, 2011
Has anyone ever wondered why they have cuckold fantasies? Where did these fantasies come from, why did they start?

I've been lurking around the site for several years before finally joining. I'm 45and my wife is 43. We both enjoy the lifestyle while continuing to have a loving marriage and provide a loving home for our 2 teenage daughters.

The reason I started this post is because several nights ago my wife and I were talking and we hit a topic that we had never touched before. That of our parent's sex lives and how it affected us.

I know for a fact that my parents were into the lifestyle too. I remember a vivid night when I was 12 years old, I remember it like it was yesterday. My parents had thrown a summer backyard barbeque at the house and invited friends and family over. As usual, they stayed late and I had gone to sleep. Several hours later I awoke to use the bathroom and came downstairs for drink of water when I noticed my mother and a guy she worked with still sitting in the backyard.

I spied on them through a crack in the curtains and saw that my mom was sitting on his lap and was making out with him. I thought that maybe dad had gone to sleep too and my gut instict was to race upstairs to wake him but then I saw him appear holding a beer in his hand. He came up to mom and her friend and I felt scared that maybe dad would hit mom or her friend. Instead he gave mom a sip of his beer and sat on a nearby lawn chair and watched mom makeout with her co-worker as he drank his beer. It was extremely confusing because at 12 I had no idea what was going and the terms wife sharing or cuckolding were not part of my vocabulary.

I spied on them a little longer until I saw mom and her friend get up and start walking toward the house. As she got up she took off her shirt and threw it at dad as she walked back to the house holding her friend's hand. I had never seen my mom's tits before until that night. I snuck back up stairs before being caught. I heard my dad come into the house a few minutes later and eventually fell asleep.

In the morning I was hesitant to go downstairs fearing mom and dad would be upset with eachother but instead I saw them as affectionate as ever. Dad was holding mom with his arm around her waist as she had her coffee and they even kissed. They never knew I saw them and I started to notice that mom's co-worker seemed to come around a lot and always stood late. Once I even saw him when I came early from school one day. I remember mom telling me that he was fixing something in the attic for my father. I almost beleived it until I saw the used condom in bathroom that had failed to flush down.

My father had a small safe in the bedroom which he always said was off limits. I never questioned it thinking it contained either money or a gun or both. One afternoon my mother and father had to run out in a hurry to police pound before it closed. The car had been towed for being illegally parked, it was a holiday weekend and if they didn't get the car out that night it would be there all weekend. Of course he took some money from the safe and ran out in a hurry. He forgot to close the safe and as they say curiosity killed the cat.

Inside the safe was some money, jewelery, copies of important documents and in the back was a small box. I opened the box and found some pictures. The old 4x6 prints. Some were of mom posing naked but most were of mom in compromising positions, having sex with other men. I could believe what I was seeing. I put the pictures back in the box and found VHS tape with no label on it. (for the younger crowd, VHS was the DVD of the time) I ran to the VCR in the living room to play the tape and was shocked to say the least. I never imagined my mom or dad like that. It was a video of mom laying naked on a bed somewhere surrounded by 4 naked guys. As the video played I realized it was father holding the camera. I heard him tell the 4 guys "Rememeber you can't cum inside her, Cum on her face or her tits." As the video plays, mom goes on to basically get gangbanged and giggle like a teenager as each guy cummed on her.

At the time I remember thinking that mom was such a slut and dad was such a hippocrate. It was like Jeckel and Hyde. I was used to seeing mom as the church going soccer mom always dressed in tee shirts, jeans and sneakers talking about fearing god. You'd never think she was the type of woman to be in a gangbang.

It wasn't until several years later that I took it back and appreciated my parent's sex life. Being married and a parent I can now see the other side of this. What my mom and dad did is not so different than what my wife and I do and we make every effort to hide our lifestyle from our children. My wife is your average mom and I don't consider to be a slut at all. She is a loving mother and a loving wife.
very good story do you have any more if so would like to hear them.
It's been a LONG-LONG Road, but started in Pre-School there was something about the girls area and I like to play with them. And I loved to wear this Blue Shirt Dress. Then as I got older and asked the girls to be my girlfriend, They all said "NO". Besides being "That Kid" the one who was "ALWAYS Picked Last". Then in the Marine Corps, I I liked to wear panties under my camies. Once A Bar Fly asked me to pull out my Cock, but I couldn't. So she proceeds to unbutton my fly and once she see my panties and says "Oh I guess your not a man after all", walks away and goes and tells her friends and they all laugh. When I get married, my first wife decides to start sleeping with an older Co-Worker, and at work he laughs at me and tells others whats going on. Then she has his child. My current wife started having sex when she was 13 and had a Boyfriend "Todd" who was really ROUGH & Fucked her LONG & HARD. Like I Can't. So that is pretty much my story.
Interesting Question

I have thought about why as long as I have thought about seeing my wife with others (well over 40 years now). I have wondered if it was in part because of my childhood also. My father died in an industrial accident just before my 11th birthday and my mother remarried about two years later.

Often wondered if this play a part or not but it was a fantasy for over 40 years and now a reality for 2.

I have always figured if I could determine why I could write a book and be famous. LOL

Good question?

I know my mother used to cheat on my step father with my father. My parents divorced when I was 8 and my mother married my step-father when I was 10. I went to live with my mother and step-father. I would visit my father on weekends and my mother would pick me up on sunday afternoons. I particularly remember this one time when I was 11, I was feeling a little sick and fell asleep at my father's place before my mother came to pick me up. I don't know what time I awoke but when I did I heard my mother and father having sex in the room next door. On another occassion when I was around 14 or 15, I caught my mother giving my father a blowjob in the car. They had gone to parent teacher conferences at my high school. I was coming back home from hanging out with friends when I saw my dad's car parked in the mall parking lot and my dad just sitting there. I walked up to the car and startled both of them. I was surprised to see my mom's head just pop up and my dad start zipping his pants. She was obviously embarrassed and tried to give me some BS story about dropping her pen. Whatever! They gave me a ride home and that was the quietest ride ever. You could hear a pin drop inside that car.
I would say its genetic, the cuckold gene, but in my case my dad was the bull. He was still banging my mom for years after she re-married. What I don't know is if my step-father was in on it or if it all happened behind his back. Its hard to imagine that this can take place for so many years behind someone's back, but its not impossible.
Thats the million dollar question!! I don't think it had anything to do with see my parents or anything. I realized I was into my girl with other guys when I dated a girl in high school, before I met my wife. This was one of those girls that "got around" and I would always hear other guys talking about how they bedded her. I realized that I got really aroused thinking about my girl with all those other guys. When I got married, it kinda carried over to my wife.
I wish I had ANY clue where my fetish developed. It certainly was not anything my parents had to do with. I never caught them having sex and as the youngest of MANY children, am still convinced they never did have sex! LOL Dad was/is a Professional, Mom was/is a devoted house wife. Dad never spoke of cheating on my mother and Mom accused my Dad of having an affair with his computer after he retired! LOL No help there.

I think for me, ******* to alternative lifestyles at an early age, and then adding to that the pressures of being an entrepreneur business owner, father, etc. maybe gave this fetish enough appeal for me to jump into.

I never had the desire to see my wife with other men, until I met my wife and found out what a sexual creature she is. She is insatiable and I wouldn't ever deny her her pleasure. I brought it up and pushed it and now and she enjoys it, from time to time. From her point of view, and I agree, I am a fetishist. From my point of view, she just likes to fuck and who am I to deny her? She is only a slut in my mind because it turns me on. She doesn't just open her legs to anybody, she is very selective and has very good taste in cock (I mean men to fuck).

In the end, who cares? We are not breaking any laws. We are doing what we want, with whom we want, as consenting adults and those who care to join us will be the only ones in "the know".

Good luck!
its provenance is irrelevant ..go with it
love it embrace it ~enjoy~
I also wonder about the genesis of it all too, and my wife and I have discussed this. I am the one who brought her to this lifestyle, it took years to get her on-board -- and honestly, I didn't really think it through at the start of the journey, though we are (so far) enjoying it immensely and respecting each others's ground rules (though she did chain the door on me the other night when I failed to remember to call before staying out past club closing time!)

Nice run-on sentence, eh?

Anyway, I do have precedent in my life, in my youth, in my childhood, and it could very well be what brought me here -- though I still wonder...

My mom, who passed away when I was 12, was, to put it bluntly, pretty damn promiscuous. She was a good and loving mom to me, but there were many nights that she didn't come home, or came home very late, and often very *****. My father made excuses to me from time to time, such as "she fell asleep in her car," etc.

I was of course too young to understand most of what I saw, but as an adult it doesn't take too much brainpower to put it all together -- and I saw a few things my dad did not know about or see, or at least I don't think he knew...

And that is something that really troubles me: Should I discuss it with him now, decades later? Should I ask what he knew and what he didn't know? There's no doubt he knew she was sleeping with other men, at least from time to time. But was he OK with it? Was he enjoying it in any way? Was he a willing cuck, or was it painful to him? That's the reason I don't really want to bring it up, no sense bringing up a painful subject that may have been sleeping peacefully for decades. I love and respect my father too much to do that.

I didn't realize when I was young, but my dad and all my relatives told me -- decades after my mother's death -- that she had serious mental issues. She was very pretty and shapely, and it would have been easy for her -- especially if she was "off her meds," so to speak, and easily manipulated, to get picked up anywhere she went.

So did my dad just chalk it up to that, or did he have some role in the sexuality of what my mom was up to? Did they continue to have sex until the end of the marriage, or did it end years before? I don't know, and don't know if I should ask.

I do remember, when I was at least 8 or 9, seeing them both naked in the middle of the night when I might have woken up to go to the bathroom at the same time my mom wandered into the bathroom, totally naked, and probably just freshly fucked by my dad (who I found out later has a horse-sized cock that I unfortunately didn't genetically inherit 100 percent of!)

So I know he was certainly capable of satisfying my mom. I certainly heard him satisfying other women later, as the years went by, and -- with just me and him through my teens -- our house turned into almost like a frat house/party palace, where anything went.

But are those naked nighttime glimpses the thing that kicked off an incredible sex drive in me that has lasted since my earliest memories to this very day, a fucking unending sex drive that keeps me from getting my work done a lot of days (I'm s'posed to be working right now!)

Is it my parents sex life, or the few things I saw of that as a child, that made me start sharing girlfriends when I was a teenager? Or is that I'm just a relentless horn dog and pervert?

I know the first time I did it, it was largely for the voyeuristic thrill of watching a couple fuck right in front of me. That it happened to be my long time girlfriend and a good buddy of mine wasn't really important, or at least I don't think it was important. It was the live sex show that was important, and it was fucking awesome to see -- well, sort of. (They were both a bit uncomfortable, though they were attracted to each other and had flirted many times', cause I really pushed them to do it, and they only did it hesitantly. I still think that I would have been more satisfied if they had fucked more savagely.) But whatever...

So now bring that forward to today: I know for a fact that I, the sex addict voyeur who can never get enough and who chases my lovely wife around the house without end (and thankfully the little slut gives in more often than not, especially as we've aged!), would absolutely love to witness live sex acts as often as possible.

That I'm willing and eager to put my wife on the "stage" as one of the performers is just a convenience, I sometimes think -- as in, "I've got one of the performers right here in my daily life and now all we need is the male lead..."

And we are eager for more threesomes (we've only done it twice in all the years we've been together, and only once, last year, did she fuck the other guy). But I am not interested in just sitting in the corner and watching like many cucks apparently are, and have absolutely zero interest in any type of humiliation.

Instead, what I am so eager for is to watch the horny fuckin' show, and then take my turn on the wanton little slut. I'm (obviously) willing to just have an audio show when my wife goes over to some guy's place and then calls me on the phone, but seeing it live would be the preference.

And I've always been attracted to slutty women, always, though my wife was not that until, I guess, I've turned her that way...

So does that all come from my mom, from my dad, or from my own wicked little mind? I remember trying to look up my classmates' skirts when I was in first grade. That was years before I ever saw any sexuality in my parents, or at least I think so...

So...is it me? Was it my parents? Or is there someone I could blame it on who I could sue and rake in some bucks? Maybe Larry Flynt, Bob Guccione, and Hugh Hefner?

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