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Her Magic Peter


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Her Magic Peter

Written by EroticWriter / Nov 12, 2014

Old Mr. Schwartz watched through the windows of his pawn and antique shop as that lovely miss he had admired two or three times in the past parked her blue Nissan 370Z in front of the Starbucks across the street. The area around the shop had deteriorated over the years, and now there was an ongoing community effort to revitalize the neighborhood.

The Starbucks was a good start, bringing new and oftentimes younger customers into the neighborhood. Mr. Schwartz's shop had seen a slight increase in business in recent weeks. He sighed and thought, 'maybe someday she will take note of my place and come across the street.'

Mr. Schwartz was to get his wish today. After about 20 minutes Mr. Schwartz watched as she came out of the Starbucks and instead of getting in and driving off, looked both ways and carefully began crossing the street on foot. His heart leaped as she drew closer, because he could see a definite jiggling under her silk blouse, indicating that what she had was real and not enhanced by plastic.

She was looking absolutely gorgeous with her long black hair, which she was wearing straight with only a curl at the end as it lay across her shoulders. Her breasts had to be at least a ‘C’ cup under there, and her legs, wow. Not only did her long legs reach all the way to the street, but also they had calves and thighs that would be the dream of any ‘leg’ man.

She was stepping carefully in her high heels as she crossed over the rough blacktop in the soon-to-be-repaved street. Mr. Schwartz knew right off that she wouldn't be looking to pawn something, not if she drove a car like the Z. Maybe he could interest her in some antiques, and one in particular. He pretended to notice her for the first time by looking up as she entered and the antique chime above the door went off with a melodious tune.

"Good morning miss, how may I help you?" Mr. Schwartz gave her his warmest smile, reserved only for the special customers. She smiled and looked about uncertainly. "I'm not looking for anything in particular. I just happened to notice your shop, the antique sign I mean, and wanted to look around."

"Feel free. Our smaller items you will find over to your right, and the larger items such as picture frames, desks, and the like are more towards the middle and back of the store. The left side of our shop as you face it is for pawned items that have come up for sale. None of those will much qualify as antiques. If you see anything of particular interest, just call me."

"Thank you. I think I'll start over to the right, with your smaller items."

She began browsing, and Mr. Schwartz pretended to resume whatever it was he was doing at his counter. But he was very aware of her movements. Fortunately the shop was empty at the moment save for her, and he hoped that it would remain that way. When he saw that she was eventually coming his way, he quietly reached under his counter and pulled out a very uniquely carved chest. The chest measured twelve inches long, six inches wide, and six inches high plus the curved lid, which at its highest point made the chest stand about nine inches tall. Making sure that she was not looking in his direction, he placed it on the counter where she would be sure to see it.

A couple of minutes later she was there. Now finally standing close to him, she towered over Mr. Schwartz, who stood just five feet five in height. "Oooh, this is a lovely piece. What is it? It looks like it might really be old by the way the wood is carved and some of that marble or whatever stone it might be is inlaid into the sides." She was close enough now for Mr. Schwartz to see more details unaided by glasses. She was wearing a wedding band, and a nice but not overly expensive engagement ring. Her being married might put a crimp into things, but considering how very fine she was looking, he decided to give it a shot.

"That box is very special and we normally only show it to single women."

Her look, as expected, was one of complete surprise. "Single women only? But why, what difference could it possibly make?" Then, as she studied the box and its dimensions a little more, her face turned slightly red and as she thought of what it might contain, she said."Ooh."

"Don't be embarrassed. The box, as you might be thinking, contains something that...let's see, under today's standards you would rate as 'R,' or, thinking more on it, maybe an 'X.'

Her reaction was what he was hoping for. "May I see inside?" As she spoke, she reached for the lid and saw that it had a small, very intricately designed metal lock on it, which looked confusing to operate. "As the current owner," Mr. Schwartz answered, "I am the only person who can open the box. Through the ages, only the person in personal possession of the box can know and understand its operation."

She giggled. "You make it sound like those shows I have seen on TV where the old shop owner has a lamp, and if you rub it, a genie pops out and grants three wishes." He looked intently into her eyes, and said, "Yes, something magical like that, exactly."

He pretended to look around to make sure no one was listening although he knew full well the shop was empty except for the two of them. "It's something that is only available for short rental periods. You could never afford the purchase price, and I will probably hang onto the piece until I pass on."

He could see the look in her eyes. He had her now. "What...what's inside the box?"

"As I have stated, we normally only show this to single women. Can you be discreet? I see that you are wearing wedding rings."

"Yes, please. I really want to know..."

He paused for effect. "It's a 'magic peter.'

"A...a what?"

"A magic peter," he repeated, and as she watched, he moved his fingers over the hasp, and magically, the lid opened enough for him to grasp it underneath and lift.

"Ohhh, wow," she exclaimed, not believing her eyes, for within, complete with testicles and 'lying on its back' you might say such as it would appear on a man with an erection who was so positioned, was a penis, a very real looking penis. Lying on a red satin padded surface, it was huge, thick and going almost nine inches long plus testicles and almost totally filling the box end to end. The skin was exact, true in its detail, and almost completely covered the head. In other words, this penis was uncircumcised.

"Do you like it," Mr. Schwartz asked in a low, confidential tone?

"That is the most realistic looking...'dildo' I have ever seen. She shook her head in dis-belief. I went to a 'sex toy' party with some girlfriends about a year ago, and I never saw one that looked like that! And besides that, this one has balls!"

"It's not a 'dildo,' miss. It is real."

"You're kidding."

"No, touch it. Go ahead and feel it."

Gingerly, and with a little giggle, she reached her right hand forward and touched it with one finger. "It's warm," she exclaimed in shock!

"Yes. As I said, it is very real, and living."

"But how? I mean…it can’t possibly be alive. Stuff like this only happens in movies!" She looked around the store, ensuring herself that no one else was present.

"It came to me many years ago, and I have treasured and held onto it ever since. Only a few women could afford to rent it, and in order to keep the magic penis happy, I only show it to the finest looking women."

She stared silently at Mr. Schwartz. Then, finally: "But it’s just some kind of dildo. It still has to be held, and manipulated in order for it to, well, in order for it to…"

She seemed at a loss for words to describe what she was thinking, or, based upon her reddening cheeks, she was too embarrassed to say it. Mr. Schwartz finished for her. "In order for it to feel good?"

"Yes." Her face was now bright red.

"It does not have to be held, or manipulated. It does all the movements on its own. Do you mind if I am more descriptive as I tell you how? I don’t want to offend you with my language."

"Yes, please tell me."

"It will do whatever you tell it to do. If you want it to fuck your pussy, you give the command. The same thing applies wherever you want it to make the fucking movements, back and forth, in and out, all done with gentleness or roughly, however you want it."

"Roughly? But it’s so big…"

"It knows when to be gentle. My customers through the years have told me. It knows, seems to sense what the woman that it is servicing wants at the time. It will be slow, and gentle. If the woman needs it faster or harder perhaps so that she can reach her orgasm, it senses that and adjusts its movements accordingly. It might look like a penis, but somehow, magically, it has a mind as well."

She seemed in awe at what he was stating. "It doesn’t go too deep?"

He smiled and looked up into her eyes. "Magic knows just how much, and how far to go in order to please a pussy,"

"You called it ‘Magic,’ Is that its name?"

"Yes, in order to give it the commands, you first address him by his full name, Magic Peter."

She swallowed, and Mr. Schwartz could tell by her eyes, the color of her cheeks, and the way her breasts were heaving under that silk blouse that she was now thoroughly aroused.

"How much to rent it?"

"Like I said, it’s very high. One thousand dollars for a 24 hour period." Actually, the rent was five hundred, but Mr. Schwartz had deliberately doubled the price for this woman because she was so fine and he had a plan.

She sighed in resignation. "I could never afford that. My husband gives me an allowance, and I do have about that much in my current balance, but it would be hard to explain where it went."

She looked pleadingly at Mr. Schwartz. "Is there any other way?"

Excellent! She had come around more quickly than he had expected. She either was a very horny woman or was unhappy with her sex life at home, or maybe both. "Well, there is a way that I could reduce the rent to perhaps, half?"

"H….How?" She was looking back and forth now between Mr. Schwartz and Magic.

"I know that I look like an old man, but I still have my needs. My wife passed on several years ago, and I have been alone since then." He waited to see if she would say what he was thinking.

She sighed. "You want me to, let you ‘make love’ to me, is that it?"

Mr. Schwartz smiled. Just like a housewife who was not all that experienced, she was referring to the sex act as ‘making love’, even though if she and he were doing it, it would be an act between two strangers.

"Yes, that is exactly what I meant. I have a room, with a bed in back, and I could close the shop for an hour or so…"

She seemed to be thinking it over seriously now. "Still, that other $500 is a lot of money."

Mr. Schwartz beamed. That was exactly what he wanted to hear, because he had a friend. "I have a friend, about my age. His wife passed recently, and he too has been alone. He is nice looking for his age, better looking than me, and not so short."

She was quick to assure him. "What is your name?" He told her and she went on. "I…your height wouldn’t bother me, nor your age. It’s just that I am married, and doing it for real with one or two men would be cheating on my husband."

Mr. Schwartz laughed, but gently so as not to make fun of her. "It wouldn’t matter so much if you were to fuck, excuse me, make love with my friend and me. If or when you ‘make love’ with Magic Peter, that would be the same as ‘cheating’ because he is real. Go on, feel him again, this time with more fingers."

She stared at Mr. Schwartz, then reached down and gingerly felt Magic Peter, first with two fingers, then picking him up slightly and wrapping her hand around him. "It does feel so real, and it’s warm all over."

"You shouldn’t refer to him as ‘it.’ Since Magic Peter is real, call him ‘he.’

"He feels real, and alive. I just don’t see how it is possible."

"To find out, you have to take him home with you, and I can assure you, the experience will be the most ‘real’ thing you have ever done in your life."

"O.K., I’ll do it. Can we start now? Is your friend close enough?"

"I’ll call him. He can be here in less than ten minutes. It’s ten minutes to lunchtime. In the meantime, you can keep looking around the shop, or if you prefer and no one comes in while we are waiting, you can just look at, and if you like, hold Magic in your hands."

Mr. Schwartz made a quick call, then went to the front door and put up a ‘Closed" sign, in which he had little watch hands which he set to show that he would be open again at one-thirty. The tall beauty, whose name he learned after asking her was ‘Betty,’ was wandering around the shop, but she looked restless, perhaps anxious. Five minutes passed, and then suddenly Betty walked quickly up to Mr. Schwartz.

"It’s some kind of trick! You’ve managed to create the most realistic dildo of all time, and now you plan to, to do some fucking, you, your buddy and me. Then when I take it home, I’ll find out that I will have to do all the work of moving it with my hand. It might be a lovely little piece, but using it isn’t worth my cheating with not just one but with two men!"

He laughed gently. "I can understand your concern and suspicions. Come here and allow me to demonstrate how real Magic is." When she came up next to him, he said, "Place your elbow up on the counter with your hand raised straight up." She looked puzzled but did so. "Now make a circle with your thumb and longest finger. Pretend that your hand is your pussy in the doggy position." She did that and he said, put a little space between your fingers, Magic needs more room than that."

She did, and then he said; "Now you must give the command. I won’t say it all at once, using his name because that activates him. I will tell you and then you say it all at once. Ready?"

Betty nodded nervously, and he went on. "First you say his full name, then the command that you want to give, to have him do, is the same as his name. Any action he takes is referred to by ‘Magic Peter’ in the front. If you want him to work on your pussy, you say after saying his name, ‘Magic Peter my pussy,’ and he will do just that. For now you must tell him to do it to your hand. Do you understand?’

She nodded nervously and continued to hold her hand upwards, elbow locked on the desk and fingers in a circle. "M…Magic Peter. Magic Peter my hand…Ooooh!"

Just that quickly, the Magic Peter had somehow risen out of the box and started fucking the circle her fingers had created. It was moving back and forth slowly, taking about a four-inch stroke, and because the foreskin was allowing him to move without dragging her hand back and forth, Betty’s hand remained steady in place. Mouth wide open, she stared in shock, with an expression that gradually changed to one of fascination, and then joy. "Oooh, he’s so cute, and knows just what to do."

Betty watched Magic fucking her fingers for another 20 seconds and noticed that he was dripping slightly from the tip. "He’s getting wet! There’s stuff, it looks like pre-coital fluid coming out!"

"Exactly. Like I told you, Magic is real. He will provide you with lubrication when needed, and I have been told by my finer looking ladies that he will sometimes get extra firm, seem to grow a little in size, and ejaculate. And when he does it, the women have told me that they can feel him coming. Also, they say that his ejaculate looks, feel, smells, and tastes just like the real thing. I believe that Magic is particular with his women, but if he if fucking a lady that particularly turns him on, he has very real feelings and lets it go."

"Oh, I bet he will like me. I’ll make him come more than once, you can bet on that!" She turned Magic around slightly and took a close look at the area behind his balls, which was sealed up and smooth. "Where do you fill him?"

Mr. Schwartz laughed. "Magic doesn’t need refills. He is a perpetual dick, with a reservoir of balls that never run dry."

Betty was getting anxious now. "When is your friend…Oh, is that him now?"

"Yes, that’s Rubie, a nickname for his last name, which is Rubenstein." And with that, Mr. Schwartz went to the door and admitted his friend, who, when he entered, Betty greeted with a smile before realizing that she was still holding the fucking Magic in the air in front of her. Her face turned red, and Rubie laughed in greeting. "Schwartz, I see that you have been demonstrating what Magic can do for her."

"Yes, I needed to prove to her that there were no tricks. What she sees is what she gets."

With both men staring at her as she held the still pumping penis, she asked, "How can I stop him?"

"Same way, less words,’ Mr. Schwartz responded. Just call him by name once and say, "Stop petering my hand."

She grinned excitedly and stared at the pumping penis, which now could be seen as having a very wet and shiny tip each time the penis came forward out of the foreskin. "Magic Peter, stop petering my hand!"

Instantly the penis was lying in its original position in the box, on its back, and the tip now appeared to have somehow dried itself. Betty stared in wonderment. "It works. It really works."

"Yes," replied Mr. Schwartz, who now had an erection, which he was rubbing with one hand. "Let’s go into the back. I need to turn on my alarm first." Mr. Schwartz reached under his counter and pushed two buttons, then raised up and let both his friend Rubie and Betty through a door and into a back room.

In the center of the room was a doublewide bed, with sheets that looked fresh and clean. Two pillows were at the head.

"We have an hour. Let’s get undressed." As both men pulled off first a shirt, then trousers and underwear, they could not take their eyes off Betty as she slowly stripped down. Under that blue silk blouse and short skirt she was wearing a white almost see-through bra and white panties that were now fitting tightly up into her crack and looked quite damp.

All three now naked, they looked at one another. Four masculine eyes studying the most lovely body they had ever seen, and two feminine eyes that were seeing two circumcised penises pointing outright and not up because of their age, but still firm and at least average in size if not a little more. At least they might be a little larger than average, since they both had her husband beat in length and width, and the one on Rubie looked to be a little bit thicker than the penis on Schwartz.

Mr.Schwartz, since he was the owner of Magic the Peter, went first, and after lovingly fondling her breasts, he entered her and fucked Betty slowly and lovingly while she laid wide open on her back and sighed with pleasure. He waited over a minute, and when Betty seemed to be more than turned on, he tentatively placed his lips over hers, and was pleased when she responded, complete with tongue.

"Enjoying yourself?" Betty opened her eyes, looked up and saw that Rubie was standing beside the bed and watching them while slowly jacking his penis, which was dripping slightly.

"Yes, she responded, while looking up at Rubie. "He feels good. I didn’t know that it would be this nice, cheating, and I’m glad that I came back here now."

"Yes," Schwartz added, joining in with the conversation, "and you are making two old and lonely men very happy today, and Magic will do his wonders with you when you get home."

"I will have him for 24 hours? It’s almost one and my husband comes home around six so I won’t have much time."

Schwartz giggled slightly and responded both with his voice and his penis as he began fucking her more vigorously. "Yes. Feel that Betty while I fuck your delicious pussy. You have Magic for 24 hours so you will need to hide him before your husband gets home, then tomorrow when he leaves for work you can let our mutual friend work his magic on you again."

She was talking haltingly now, between shoves of the Schwartz penis, surprisingly hard for an old man. "Yes, I’ll b…bring him back, I p…promise. But I might hate to do so. What if I get addicted to that big thing? Based on what you tell me, he will be the best fuck of my life." She giggled, ‘besides you I mean." She laughed and gripped his ass more tightly as Schwartz fucked her with more vigor after having heard her say that he was a good fuck.

Schwartz slowed his pumping because he was approaching orgasm. "If you wish to visit with Magic again, after tomorrow, I might be able to arrange one more ‘free’ session."

"H…how? I’d like that?"

"After you get all rested up and are horny again, probably a day or two later, you can have Magic here on this bed, and Rubie and I will watch."

She sighed with pleasure but concern. "I don’t know if I could ‘do’ two men plus Magic."

"No,’ Schwartz answered, trying desperately to hold back his orgasm by stopping completely. "You wouldn’t have to fuck Rubie and me. We would just sit and watch while Magic does his thing. With no physical body standing between him and us, we would have an unobstructed view of how he is stretching and working your pussy."

Betty giggled. "And be playing with yourselves?"

"Of course."

"I’ll do it. Won’t make any difference if you see me and Magic together, at least not after today and me making love with both of you."

"Yes," Rubie interjected as he stroked his dick and stared down at them. "Keep calling it making love. That’s nice because I think I am already in love with you."

Betty looked up at Rubie, smiled and said, "He’s going to make me come!"

Just then Schwartz groaned loudly and blasted a surprisingly strong load of ancient sperm into the spot that he had found to be so delightful, his best ever. Betty responded with a moan and a passionate kiss as she climaxed along with him. As Betty held him tightly with her arms and now her legs, he rested for over a minute before pulling out. He knew now. One come and Betty had drained him completely. There would be no second time for him today. "Your turn Rubie, She took it all out of me. Tried to hold back, but she kisses like a real lover and her pussy is so nice."

"Do you want me to clean up a little first?" Betty was still breathing hard. Her body looked shiny with sweat as she looked up at Rubie after Schwartz had weakly climbed off her and the bed. She was lying unashamedly, legs spread wide and with some juice oozing slowly out of her shiny pussy.

"You have to go back into the main store to get to the bathroom, so just use this clean towel." Schwartz almost staggered over to where the towel was stored on a shelf, grasped it, returned to the bed, and instead of handing it to Betty, bent over and gently began wiping her pussy lips on the outside until they appeared to be dry.

"Leave her wet on the inside. I like it good and wet." Rubie climbed onto the bed and walked on his knees up between her welcoming legs. He placed the tip of his thickish penis against her entrance and while still up on his knees, fondled her breasts. "Oi vay these tits are nice. Really fine tits to go along with the prettiest face I have seen in a long time, not since my departed wife was young."

Betty looked up at Rubie, whom she had decided that she liked, very much. He seemed to be a fine man, like Mr. Schwartz, and he was touching her at the crack with a penis that was making her tingle. "I am sorry for your loss, Rubie, and let me see if I can help you to forget, for a little while."

Rubie was only the third man ever to enter her, but so far the thickest. She sighed, then gasped as his thick, not huge but thicker than two previous penises began to enter her, stretching her lips and sliding inside on a slippery cushion of Schwartz cum. "Ooh Rubie. You feel good, just like Mr. Schwartz." Actually, Rubie felt better since Betty was now completely aroused and the feel of a thicker dick was stretching her. She needed thicker now because she was so wet inside.

Rubie lasted a little longer than Schwartz had. He fucked her slow, then fast, then slow. He turned her over and did her doggy for a little while, relishing the view as he and Schwartz looked down and saw how her lips were being tugged in and out by his fat penis. When Schwartz pointed to his watch, Rubie turned Betty over onto her back, climbed on and began kissing her passionately. Betty groaned and climaxed before Rubie had even really began pumping again. Rubie was a minute behind her, and bathed Betty with her largest load ever.

It was over too quickly for Schwartz and Rubie, and yes, for Betty. "That was nice," said Betty, as she stretched her body on the bed just before Rubie this time began wiping her pussy lovingly with a different and dry section of the towel. "I came with both of you. I never dreamed, in a million years that two strangers, two nice older men could affect me this way."

Rubie laughed. "Maybe thinking of having a little ‘Magic’ in your life got you turned on."

Betty responded with a laugh of her own. "Probably. Magic was, is the reason I came back here, but I’m glad I did, really I am!"

"You have made two old men very happy today, and in a couple of days you can do it again when you make let Magic make love to you on this very bed while we watch." Schwartz was using the towel that Rubie had handed him to wipe his now very soft and small-looking penis. Betty studied his circumcised penis while pretending to just be watching him wipe. ‘Geez,’ she was thinking. ‘His penis looks so small now. I can’t believe it felt so good inside me and made me cum like that.’ She glanced over at Rubie and watched as he wiped his deflated penis. ‘It looks pretty small too, bigger than Schwartz does, but not by much. And it made me come really, really good.’

All three were now dressed and back in the front of the store. Schwartz leaned under his counter and flicked the two switches so that his alarm was now de-activated. He went over and removed the closed sign from the window. "We beat my set time by just…" he looked at his watch, "three minutes."

"Now I get to take Magic home," she asked, almost timidly?"

"Of course. Let me copy your driver’s license so I’ll know where he is going." After Betty had handed him her license and he had copied it, he handed it back to her, then removed Magic from his box and stuck him in a brown paper sack. He handed the sack to her. "Have him back by," he checked his watch, by one tomorrow."

She looked surprised; almost disappointed at being handed Magic in a brown bag. "I can’t take him in his box?"

"No. You see, that box is my security. No matter who takes Magic, no matter where he goes, if he is locked up, stolen, or lost, he ALWAYS returns magically to this box at the end of the 24 hours. This box is my protection."

"Oh, I see. That’s probably a good thing. So I still need to bring him back in person then?"

"Yes, that is for your credit rating."

"My…credit rating?"

"Yes, bring him back, and you have proved yourself trustworthy and get to visit with him on the bed in there on another day, two away."

"I’ll bring him back, I promise!" With a big smile, a peck on the lips for both Schwartz and Rubie, she hurried out the door. Both men watched with wonderment at how nice her ass looked under that skirt as she carefully but hurriedly crossed the street, climbed into her Z and drove away. Finally Rubie spoke. "The best fuck ever, bar none."

Schwartz nodded in agreement. "She was, that’s for sure. Made me cum before I really got started. And we have it all on disc!"

Rube laughed, and Schwartz joined in. "Shall I call Devon and invite him over tonight?"

"Hell yes. Let him see what he missed today."

"O.K’ Let’s make it about seven."

Betty was driving home hurriedly, but carefully. She did not want to get caught up in an accident with a giant ‘living dildo’ in her car. She arrived home, grabbed the sack and locking the car behind her, rushed into the house. "I’m not even going to take time to shower,’ she thought to herself as she hurried into the bedroom.

Stripping down, she removed Magic from the sack, took him to the bed with her, laid down on her back and, after lying Magic onto the mattress, nervously and with a trembling body, said the words.

"Magic Peter, Magic Peter my pussy. Oooooooh, Oooooh Gawd!"

Rubie arrived at Schwartz’s home at seven sharp. Devon arrived just a minute later. Devon was a young black man, just 25 and handsome, and he had worked for Mr. Schwartz in the shop while going to college. Once obtaining his degree in finance, Devon had moved on to a better paying job with a large industrial firm just a mile down the road. He had become a very good friend to Schwartz and Rubie, and today he had lost out because it had been Rubie’s turn to be called. Also, Rubie, being retired, had more freedom to respond instantly to a call from Schwartz.

After greetings and handshakes, a ritual they always observed even if they had seen each other earlier on the same day, the moved into the famous (to them) Schwartz den. Along one side of the room and side-by-side were three large high definition screens, 50 inches in size, and under each one was a DVD player.

"Smartest thing I ever did, hiding and installing those three cameras in that back room. "Now we get to watch Betty getting fucked from three angles, and we won’t miss a thing." Repeating himself, for Schwartz had said the same thing before, the other two nodded, their growing excitement showing.

"Now, Devon, you get to see what you missed out on today, but when she comes back for another bout with Magic in a day or so, we plan to have you here. Then we can get you on three DVDs fucking her as well."

"Do you think she will go for fucking me," Devon asked as he dropped his trousers and laid them on a table beside a large stuffed couch?

"I’m pretty sure she will," Schwartz responded. She’s a hot number, and she sounded like she really wanted to come back here and put on a show for us. She’ll be expecting two men that are going to watch her with Magic, but when a third man pops in sporting a big hard on, I think she’ll be more than ready."

"Even though I’m black?"

Schwartz and Rubie both laughed. "Especially because you’re black! And she might like the fact that you have a foreskin too, just like Magic Peter."

All three now naked on the lower half, a ritual they had performed a few times before, Schwartz said, "Let’s hit the buttons," and they all three hit a button on a DVD player at the same time. The show now running in synchronization, they all returned to the couch and grasped their firm erections.

The videos were in sharp focus and in almost perfect synchronization as the three men slowly stroked their bulging penises and watched the action on screen(s). Two men seeing themselves just a few hours after the event, and another wishing he had been there.

Twenty minutes later Devon laughed. As usual, none of the men had shot his load yet. They always saved that till near the end. "That sure looks good, Rubie, the way your dick is stretching her snatch there in the doggy!"

"Yeah," Schwartz replied in response to Devon’s comment with a laugh, and you can see that I was right there with my head down and looking right at it."

"Sheeeeit," Devon said with a grin. "If you had been watching my dick right there up close and personal, you really would have seen that hot white snatch being stretched."

"We will, soon enough. Tomorrow maybe, more likely the day after, you’ll be fucking her good, and we’ll be jacking and watching." That was Rubie talking, and he added: "You won’t get to fuck her for long, because she’ll be there expecting to put on a show with Magic and we don’t want to wear her out beforehand."

"So you’re sure she’ll fuck me, even though I’m black and it will be a total surprise?"

"Yes, Schwartz said in answer. We won’t tell her about you in advance so she’ll be sure to show up. Once she sees your big wang she’ll be open to all suggestions and offers. She’ll be excited about it, I predict, because after fucking Magic today and maybe tomorrow morning, she’ll be having a craving for someone with a big cock to wrap her arms and legs around, and she can’t do that with Magic."

"And I’ll have the big meat she’s craving, right," said Devon as he proudly stroked his 8-incher and displayed it to the two men?

"Yeah," replied Rubie. "Not as big as Magic, but big enough for her to wrap everything around. Her pussy, her arms and her legs."

They all laughed and continued to watch as Betty came with Rubie. They would re-run the videos, and each one would jack off and come at the spot he personally liked the best. And soon, they would have Betty in front of them once again, and this time getting her on disc taking a fat black one as a warm-up for the big event…with Magic Peter.

Betty awakened suddenly. "Oh crap, I’ve dozed off!" She checked the time on the clock beside she and her husband’s bed. ‘Almost five. Maybe time for one more before little dick comes home." Her husband was *******, but he had been awarded a secret new name by his wife.

She opened her legs. "Magic Peter, Magic Peter my pussy….Ooooooh yesssssss!"

Twenty minutes later Betty had reached still another intense orgasm with Magic, although those two men had kind of used her up beforehand. ‘Magic must like me because he got bigger and harder and came in me twice today,’ she was thinking as she lay quietly, hugging a king size pillow with her arms while Magic pumped into her slowly and gently. It was to be a quiet time, their last for today, and Magic seemed to know just how and at what angle to do it and just how deep to go, just like Mr. Schwartz had promised.


‘Oh shit. My husband’s home early!’ There wasn’t time to give the command to stop, and her husband would hear in any case. Quickly, in desperation, Betty pulled the sheet over herself and raised both her legs so that her knees were bent under the sheet in the form of a tent. ‘Maybe he won’t notice."

"Betty? I’m home early. What are you doing in bed," her husband asked as he entered the bedroom?

His forehead wrinkled into a frown, then he asked stupidly because it would have to be a very short midget to fit into such a small space. "And who’s that under the sheet with you?"

Caught! Betty answered nervously. "That…that’s my magic peter."

Planning to grab the sheet and pull it off her, her husband rushed forward with a scowl on his face. "Magic Peter? Magic Peter my ass……Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhh Ooooohhhhhhhhh Aaaaaaaaaah Uhhh uhhhhh!"

Betty jumped out of bed. Magic had the power to pass through clothing; anything once the command was given. It took Betty three minutes to calm her terrified husband enough to teach him the command and say the words that would stop the magic petering, but not before Magic had shot a mighty load into his sore ass.

Much later, many changes.

Betty watched through the front windows of the shop as the blonde beauty climbed out of her BMW M3 and walked into the Starbucks. ‘Now, there’s someone I would like to see come into the store,’ she thought.

Betty got her wish just minutes later when the blonde came out of Starbucks, and instead of climbing into her BMW, looked across at the antique and pawn shop and, looking both ways, carefully began walking across the newly repaved street. Betty smiled, remembering the first time that she had made that walk across the street, and how it had changed her life.

Now Betty was working at the store, managing it actually. She and her husband had broken up shortly after the Magic Petering of his ass, and Betty, taking half the funds in their account, had quickly found a place of her own.

That was only to last for a month, and then she had moved in with Devon. A year had passed, and there had been a lot of changes. Mr. Schwartz had recently had a mild stroke. It had only affected him on one side, but he was unable to raise his right arm above his shoulder. That, along with the fact that he felt it was time to retire, had resulted in Mr. Schwartz telling Devon that he planned to leave the shop to him when he left this Earth.

Devon, progressing rapidly up the scale in his job, was now in a management position and for now at least, did not wish to leave the company until he had ‘made his fortune.’ Betty was the natural choice to fill in. She knew and liked working with antiques, and she could drive hard bargains when it came to customers bringing in items to pawn or to sell.

Now it was early on a weekday morning. Things were quiet, which was fortunate because Betty had a plan for the blonde that had just entered the store. "Helloooo," Betty greeted the woman, using her brightest and friendliest smile. "Can I be of service?"

"Id like to look around a little bit. I’m not looking for anything in particular. I just happened to notice your sign and thought I might take a look."

Betty nodded, remembering how, two years ago she had uttered almost those same words when she had entered this shop for the first time. "Feel free to look around. The nicer and more expensive items are over to your right, and get finer as you get closer to my counter. If you see anything you might like, feel free to call me over."

"Thanks, I’ll do just that."

Betty studied the woman as she slowly began meandering around the store. ‘She is lovely, almost like an angel. Full head of golden hair coming down almost to her shoulder blades, a set of tits that men could die for, and a waist that goes way in before it goes back out to what looks like a really nice ass under that tight skirt.’

Yes, Betty, since being with Devon and hanging out with Mr. Schwartz and his friend Rubie, had started to think just like a man where women were concerned. She did this not only as a service for Schwartz and friend, but lately, for Devon as well. When the woman, whom Betty could now see was wearing rings grew closer, she reached under the counter and placed a small wooden case with marble looking inlays on the side on top of the counter. Magic Peter was now waiting for another carefully selected customer.

"What’s this? That case is lovely…very ornate looking, and possibly very old."

Betty went into the spiel that Mr. Schwartz had once upon a time used on her. "We usually only show what’s inside to single women. I see that you are wearing rings."

It worked as expected. Curiosity is a powerful inducement. "Single women? Why? What’s in the case?" The blonde studied it, as Betty had once done, and upon sizing up the dimensions of the case, she took on a look of possible recognition.

"Could, can I see what’s inside?"

"Can you be discrete? What is in this case is only available to rent, for short periods, and is very expensive."

The blonde frowned. "Well, expensive might be a bummer for me. I don’t have so much money that I can throw it away. I could buy most of these items in your shop, but my husband would check my account and need to see what it is that I purchased."

"I understand," answered Betty. "It would be hard to explain an expensive charge out on your card with nothing to physically show for it, like maybe an antique painting or something."

"What’s in the case? It looks like it is locked." As she was speaking, her hand reached towards the case to touch it, and Betty reached down, manipulated the lock, and pulled the lid up.

The blonde’s eyes widened. "Oh! Oh my goodness, I wasn’t expecting that!" She studied the contents, and Betty, whom had never grown tired of seeing Magic Peter, stared along with her.

"He’s a beauty, isn’t he?"

"He? You talk like that, like that dildo is alive."

"Oh, but he is alive."

"By the way, what’s your name? I’m Betty."

The blonde smiled. "Betty? That’s funny, because my name is Veronica."

Then it was Betty’s turn to smile, which turned into a short laugh. "I think we have things reversed from the comic strip. You are supposed to be blonde, and me brunette."

Veronica nodded. "All we need is to have a mutual boyfriend named ‘Archie."

Betty nodded. After the short getting acquainted mode had passed, Betty wanted to get the conversation back onto the subject of sex, or making some money. "Well, I don’t know anyone named ‘Archie,’ but we have a mutual friend here in the form of a very alive Magic Peter." Veronica frowned as she looked down at Magic Peter. "You said that he’s alive?"

Of course Veronica had displayed the usual doubts. Ten minutes later, Betty had shown Veronica how Magic Peter, after receiving his command, could move back and forth in the fucking motion while Veronica held him in her hand with her fingers wrapped around him. "See how gentle he is as he fucks your hand. Magic somehow knows just how much you want at given times, and how deep, and how fast. He even knows when you just want to lie back and enjoy being fucked without trying to reach your orgasm"

Veronica's eyes grew bigger when she saw pre-coital fluid start oozing from the tip of Magic Peter. "He’s really real, and he gets wet!"

"Yes, he has tons of pre-coital fluid to share, and on occasion, if you have him turned on a lot, Magic Peter gets extra hard and comes."

Veronica reacted, "He gets harder, and comes? Does he grow then? He's already so big..."

"You can feel him get harder and just when the come starts up his shaft, he grows very slightly. The owner of the shop has told me, from the few women who weren't embarrassed to talk about it later, they said it was very exciting to feel him get harder, grow, and start throbbbing. And when the come shoots out, it is warm. Magic is just like a penis attached to a man, except better because he never goes down, never talks back, and never makes demands."

Veronica stared at Betty in disbelief. "You have to be kidding! I like what you say about how he treats his women. But the coming part, that seems like such a wild story."

"Oh, but I’m not," Betty replied with a big smile. "And not only that, when Magic Peter ‘comes,’ the come feels, smells and tastes just like the real thing, so it must be real."

"Could he make someone pregnant?" Veronica seemed to be in a state of almost…shock.

Betty frowned a little. "I don’t know. If he could, it would sure be interesting to see what the baby looks like."

Veronica laughed. She was feeling more at ease now talking with Betty, whom she liked. "Maybe he makes little Genies, the kind you put in a bottle and then rub when you wish to make a wish."

They both laughed, and then Betty said, "I know this much. Magic Peter sure made some of my fantasies come true."

"You’ve used him?" Veronica’s face had a look of wonderment, almost of awe as she looked at Betty.

"Yes I have. As a matter of fact, I left my husband over him."

Veronica’s mouth dropped open. She could hardly believe what she was hearing. This lady left her husband over this…this beautiful piece of…of dildo?

"I can’t believe that you would have done that. He’s a beautiful cock, but he’s still just a dildo in a box!"

"Well, there’s more to the story than that. Actually, my husband caught me and Magic together, and that sort of ended our marriage." Betty looked into Veronica’s eyes with sort of a sad look, then looked affectionately down at Magic. "Of course, that's one reason why I am able to tell you about how Magic knows how to fuck a woman, and how it feels when he comes, because I have personally enjoyed his company, very much." Betty reached out with one hand and wrapped two fingers around Magic. "Magic? Even after you have ‘fucked’ her hand, she still thinks that you’re just a ‘dildo.’

Veronica stared at Betty, down at Magic, and back to Betty. By now Veronica had reached a high state of horniness. "It's been so long since I have had a good fucking. Not since before I married my husband. How much to rent him?"

"Two thousand dollars for 24 hours." Betty had deliberately doubled the price that had once been quoted to her, because she wanted this woman to go along with the plan. If the woman had the money anyhow, then what the heck, two grand is two grand.

"Two thousand?" Veronica sounded very disappointed. " I could never cover that, especially with not being able to show my husband what I had purchased."

Betty laughed. "In any case, I don’t think you would want your husband to be seeing this purchase, if he were for sale."

And then just what Betty had been hoping for came about, exactly as she had reacted way back when. "Is there any way that I could work it out, I mean, besides coming up with $2,000?"

Betty smiled and deliberately took a long look at Veronica’s face, going down slowly and taking in her body as her eyes lingered on Veronica’s breasts. "Well, I could knock off half that figure if you like. I do have my needs, and my desires."

It took Veronica several seconds for it to sink in, and then she softly replied, "I’ve never been with a woman." She studied Betty in a new light as a slight, shy smile came over her face. Then, looking directly at Betty, "You’re very lovely I have to admit, but, I don’t know…" Then Veronica smiled and added, "But I could probably learn."

"I have a bed in the back room, and I close the shop every day for lunch around 12 sharp." Betty looked at her watch. "It’s 20 after eleven right now."

Veronica looked almost scared. "Wow, that would be fast, coming so soon. But there’s still the problem of the other thousand."

Bingo! Just as Betty had reacted, so was going Veronica. "My boy friend, who is actually the future owner of this shop, would be willing to overlook the other thousand if he could join us for that hour. He knows how to please a woman, just like Magic."

"Two of you? Make love to another man outside of my marriage, plus, make love with a woman at the same time?" Veronica looked directly at Betty as she questioned that thought, but her face looked more inquisitive than disgusted.

"One last thing," Betty added. My boyfriend is handsome, and," she paused and rolled her eyes for effect, "and big…"

Betty let that sink in as she watched Veronica’s face, and recognizing what looked like excitement in her eyes, added…"and black!"

Silence as Veronica took in the implications of all that she might be doing. Make it with a woman for the first time, admittedly a very beautiful woman, but also cheat on her husband with another man, and to top it off, with a black man. But, Veronica was thinking, her black boyfriend is supposed to be big!

Veronica looked down at Magic Peter. "As big as this?"

Betty smiled. "No, but almost."

Veronica blurted out her reply before she could think about it and change her mind. "Can your boyfriend be here at noon?"

Betty had already picked up her cell phone. "Sure, no problem."

Months earlier, Betty had separated from her husband after the accidental Magic Petering of his ass. . Betty had filed for divorce quickly, beating her husband to the punch, and was receiving separate maintenance, enough to meet her needs. Then, after living in her own apartment for six months while dating Devon, she had moved in with Devon. Still, there would come a time when she would need to earn an income, and a possible job at Mr. Schwartz’s shop had came up after Mr. Schwartz had suffered his mild stroke.

But before Betty went to work at the store, Devon had something to tell her. Mr. Schwartz, Devon and Rubie had discussed it and decided that telling Betty about the hidden cameras around the bed in the back room would have to be done. That way, they could continue to fuck women and tape them when the opportunities arose.

Devon had agreed, reluctantly, to be the one to tell her. He had grown quite fond of Betty, and he enjoyed having her around. Besides her astoundingly good looks, Betty was a good fuck, the best actually, and in mixed company she was intelligent enough to blend in with any crowd.

Devon had decided that the best time to tell Betty about the cameras and that she was on DVD, three DVDs times two days actually, would be when he had her in bed, and turned on.

"What? And the three of you sat there and jacked off while watching me on video fucking Mr. Schwartz and Rubie, and then made plans to have you on video fucking me while they watched?"

Betty sounded really mad, and Devon cringed. Whatever happened, he didn’t want to lose this woman. He wasn’t ready to settle down, not when there was so much untapped pussy out there, but he was willing to toe the line for a while at least, with Betty. "I’m sorry, really I am," he lied. All I can say is, what Schwartz and Rubie did was give me the opportunity to meet you, and I really like having you around. Please don’t be mad."

Betty made a face. They were, before Betty had pushed him off of her, had been fucking with the lights on, and he could see her scowl. Actually though, Betty was pretending, keeping Devon scared just long enough to ‘punish’ him. Inside, she was delighted. Betty was already thinking ahead of what she would do, and how she could ‘get back’ at Devon.

"I want to see the videos."

"You…you do?"

"Yes. I want to sit with all three of you and watch them together."

And that was how the ‘arrangement’ had begun. Betty working in the store, ‘lining up’ women on occasion, and later joining up with Devon, Rubie and Schwartz in the famous Schwartz den for ‘Showtime in the Evening,’ as they called it. It wasn’t long, after Rubie specifically had requested it that Betty had begun including herself in the sex acts. After enticing one, and then later another woman into the back room and having sex with them before including Devon or Mr. Schwartz, she had gotten into it, very much so.

But all that had started happening after Betty had pulled off her ‘plan.’ It had been revealed to Betty that she had been caught on video in the back room and that they had all watched her on giant screens. They had watched her on video not just after her first adventure with Mr. Schwartz and Rubie but also after her second adventure with Devon and then Magic Peter.

Now they were all sitting together, totally naked at Betty’s request and their resulting delight. That is, two out of three men were delighted. Devon was feeling some jealousy, but concealed his thoughts. As they sat naked and watched the three simulcast videos from her first time in the back room, all three men were stroking their erect penises. Mr. Schwartz had since added remote controls to all three machines, and they had clicked the remotes as they sat beside one another on the wide couch and two lounge chairs. The sound was slightly off, so they had decided which video would keep the sound and turned down the sound from the other two.

As they watched Betty achieve orgasm along with Mr. Schwartz and then as Mr. Schwartz weakly climbed off of Betty, Betty said, "Stop the videos."

All three videos were clicked to freeze, and the image of Betty, lying on her back, looking sweaty and with her legs wide, remained on all three screens. Betty turned with a smile and said to Mr. Schwartz, "Schwartzie," (her pet name for him now), "Let’s go into a bedroom and fuck. Just you and me."

Devon and Rubie looked shocked. Mr. Schwartz looked delighted as Betty stood up in all her naked glory and taking him by the hand, began leading Mr. Schwartz out of the den. "You guys just sit here and entertain yourselves," she said, looking back at a surprised Devon and Rubie. "We won’t be long, maybe ten minutes." And with that, Betty led Mr. Schwartz out of the den and down the hall to his bedroom.

"Schwartzie. I haven’t asked, but I presume you can still get a hard on after having had your stroke?"

"Yes, no problem there. I have trouble moving my right side, and sometimes a little trouble with words, but everything still works, down there."

"I’m glad Schwartzie," Betty said softly as hungrily she eyed his penis, which had started to grow after going down.

I don’t understand," began Mr. Schwartz as Betty kneeled down before him and lovingly took his half-erect penis into her mouth and began caressing his head with her tongue. "I thought you and Devon were an ‘item’ now."

"We are," Betty said, looking up into Mr. Schwartz’s face with a smile as she held his now fully erect penis in one hand. "But he is beginning to get a little possessive, and since I’m recently divorced, I want to show him that I am not going to be ‘owned’ by anyone, at least not for a while."

"I see," Mr. Schwartz replied, his voice soft. "And you are once again making an old man very happy."

"I like you, Mr. Schwartz, a lot. You changed my life and I want to be part of yours. Now let’s fuck."

Now with Schwartz and Betty back in the den and seated side-by-side, with Devon on the other side of Betty, the three DVDs were set to running once again. They watched while Rubie took his turn with Betty, fucking her on her back, and then placing her into the doggy while Mr. Schwartz watched with his head close to Betty’s ass.

"Stop the videos." Betty turned and smiled at Rubie. He looked back at her and beginning to suspect what was happening, asked hopefully, "Is it my turn now?"

Grinning, Mr. Schwartz watched as Betty led Rubie off to the bedroom. Devon had an unhappy look on his face, but said nothing.

They were no sooner alone in the bedroom when Betty reached out for Rubie, and they went into each other’s arms. "Rubie? Watching the two of us on video just now confirmed what I was remembering about that time when you and I got it on. You were a good fuck, and I want you to do it to me again."

"Two different positions?"

"Sure, and more if you like. But we can’t keep them waiting too long."

Fifteen minutes and three positions later, Rubie and Betty were trying to catch their breath after achieving intense orgasms at almost exactly the same time. Fortunately, Betty had reached her second orgasm with Rubie just before he had shot his wad.

"Betty, that was wonderful. Just like the first time a few months ago, you have made an old man very happy."

Betty laughed. "Actually, it seems like just minutes ago, since we just got done watching that time on tape."

"Just curious. I know that this was good between us just now, but how did it feel, how did I feel since you have been living with Devon? His penis is so much larger….?"

"Rubie? Not to worry. Your fat little dick felt just fine to me, and you know how to use it. You made me come twice, and I didn’t even have to work for it. I don’t compare you three to each other. I like all of you in different ways in bed." Betty knew just what to say, and her truthful answer was pleasing to Rubie’s ears.

Once again back in the Den, Betty said, "Now let’s watch the second set of videos, with me, Devon, and Magic Peter."

"I thought you would never ask," Schwartz said, laughing.

Now watching the second set of three DVDs on the three large screens, Betty arranged herself over Devon, sitting on his dick with her back to him as the videos began. "You two," Betty said with a smile. "Sit over here beside us."

Both Mr. Schwartz and Rubie sat themselves down on each side of Devon, sitting so close that their legs came into contact with his. And then Betty did something that was to please them greatly. She reached down and took each of their limp penises into her hands and said, "Let’s watch together, really together."

After watching herself on video as she first eyed Devon and his huge looking cock; Betty had grinned in remembrance as she watched herself under Devon and taking a cock from the ‘large’ category for the first time. She had not realized how loud her groan of pleasure and delight had been.

Now they were watching the second half of her round with Devon before taking Magic to bed with her. Betty had sighed as she watched the part where Devon had placed her on top of him with her ass towards the foot of the bed. "Shit Devon, look how your dick is stretching my pussy. You can really see it in that view." She laughed and gave each of the hard dicks in her hands a shake. "And you two. Sitting there, making sure that where you were sitting didn’t block the view of the cameras, and jerking off. Watching me getting fucked by that big black cock live, and then later jerking off while you watched the videos with Devon. Boy, you three make quite a trio!

Tell me, you two," Betty said, referring now to Schwartz and Rubie, "I know that day that you didn’t come until you watched me with Magic Peter. But that night here in this den and watching the videos, did you guys decide to come while watching me getting fucked by Devon, or did you decide to come while watching the part with me being fucked by Magic Peter?"

Rubie answered for both of them. "We both, Schwartz and I, decided to come while watching the video, this part here, of you and Devon fucking. We had already shot a load earlier in the day while watching you live with Magic Peter."

Betty grinned down at them from her perch on Devon’s lap. Devon was being surprisingly quiet and taking it all in as Betty took all of his cock up her snatch. Pumping slowly but steadily, Betty was enjoying this affair tremendously. They had taken advantage of her and shot videos of her over two different days, but now she was the one in charge. "And seeing Devon fucking a white woman with his big cock was more of a turn on for you than seeing Magic Peter petering my pussy?"

Now it was Schwartz’s turn to answer. "Let’s watch the rest of the videos, where you get fucked by Magic Peter, and then we can decide which was hotter. And at the same time, you can tell us which you thought was hotter, getting fucked by surprise by Devon, or having Magic Peter all to yourself on the bed while we watched."

"Wow," Betty exclaimed! "You can really see my pussy being stretched by Magic Peter. There’s nothing, no human body in the way to block the view. Just look at that!" Betty, after watching herself on video being fucked by Devon, and at the moment seated on his dick while holding two white penises in her hands, was thoroughly aroused by what she was seeing, doing, and feeling.

"Yes," Rubie replied. "And by the way you are squirming and moaning, it looks and sounds like you were really getting into it with Magic. I think you liked fucking him more than you did Devon." Rubie, like he had done so many times before, had thrown a little ‘dig’ at Devon, but the intent was fun, not criticism.

"No," Mr. Schwartz kicked in. "I think she liked fucking Devon more because he was a surprise visitor, he was black, had a big dick, and she really liked wrapping her arms and legs around him. Remember how she began moaning when she came? Devon made her come really hard, harder than Magic did I think."

They were talking about Devon (and maybe Betty) like they were not in the room. The Devon on video was another person, not there, and Schwartz and Rubie could analyze what they were seeing. This was a ‘game’ that Schwartz, Rubie and Devon had played in the past. They enjoyed doing this, analyzing and comparing. They were all the best of friends, and this had become a regular routine for them.

But Betty was present now, and she was free to state her opinion. She liked Mr. Schwartz and Rubie very much. They were in their twilight years, and she cared very much about how they felt, and thought. "Do you guys want to know how I feel, or maybe felt about the whole thing?"

As she was speaking, Betty was still pumping over Devon and his big cock and stroking their old, but very hard cocks. Finally, Devon took his turn and spoke up. "Tell me, I’d really like to know."

Betty told a fib. Only a little fib, because what she was saying was mostly true. The videos of her and Magic on screen had ended now, with Betty having groaned and squirmed through a terrific orgasm with Magic. It had been an orgasm that had been enhanced by her knowing that three men were watching and jacking off at the time.

"I think the part I enjoyed most, out of all two days worth of video, having three guys and a Magic Peter, was when I first got into the room and stripped off my clothes while you two, Schwartz and Rubie, removed yours. I was so excited inside I almost **********, my heart was beating so hard. I had never been with another man besides my husband, and there I was with two old naked men, but two very nice men, revealing my body to them, and I was about to be fucked. At that moment I was no longer thinking about getting Magic Peter as my ‘reward.’ I was about to make love with two strange men, I was still thinking of it in those terms, making love, and I wanted to, well yes, to fuck, really fuck, and you guys didn’t let me down."

And that was how the relationship between the three of them got off to a roaring start. Devon and Betty had come to a point where they had an understanding. If he wanted to fuck another woman, it had to be in the back room, on hidden DVD, and with Betty. Ditto for her. She also had the option of choosing a man, although showing Magic Peter in his box as an enticement would not be an option if Betty chose a man.

So far, Betty was happy with the current arrangement. She had become turned on to women, the right women, and Devon could enjoy having his work done for him in advance. Betty set it up, and he could come right over and get fucked, by two women at the same time. Schwartz and Rubie would get to see the videos, and possibly also join in if the woman desired to come back for a second round with Magic, this time in the back room.

And today, Betty was busily, along with Devon, making a video with Veronica. Veronica of course, did not know that she was being recorded, and would probably never know.

Devon was buried deeply into Veronica as she lay on her back and struggled for a while and finally managed to adapt to the full length of his penis and wrap her legs around him. Veronica’s world had changed. She had just finished being loved on and being eaten by another woman. Then she had repaid the favor while Devon had given her about half his length from behind as she lay on her stomach between Betty’s legs.

Like Betty had done so many months before during her first time on this bed, Veronica was not thinking ahead about Magic at this moment. She had discovered what it was like to be with a woman, a gorgeous woman like herself, and then be fucked by a black man, a very nice black man. Husband? Who cares about a husband?

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