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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
His Faithful Wife Encouraged


"I'm still not sure that I will go through with this. I just can't believe you want to watch your own wife getting fucked, watching another man so close to me, inside my personal space and spreading my legs and putting his huge cock into me, his most intimate skin sliding back and forth against mine, my most intimate skin, knowing and stretching me and making me feel good inside.”

Readers, I found this years ago on the net, don't remember the site. It was written by someone named Hardy and I bring it to you with tons of changes and enhancements, EroticWriter.

His Faithful Wife Encouraged

Like many other husbands, I have fantasies about my wife having sex with another man. Even when we were having sex I would sometimes pretend that someone else was doing it to her.

For a long time I never said anything about this to Amy, as I was fearful that she would be angry. I know that she had never strayed, but I did notice that she would sometimes gaze at an attractive male at a party, or other function that we were attending.

When I mentioned this to her she said, "Yes, I notice when there is an attractive man around, but that's as far as it ever goes. Also, I notice that you pay attention when there is a good looking woman around."

Finally I decided to mention my fantasy to her, but it was only after we had been out to a party and had several drinks that I had the courage to go ahead. We made love, and after we were through I asked her if she had any sexual fantasies, and she said no. I said, "Come on, you must have had sexual thoughts about some man you noticed.

You wouldn't be normal if you didn't!"

This time I took if further to see if I could get a reaction from my wife “Baby, don’t you ever wonder what another man might feel like? He could have a different size cock for instance. Aren’t you curious?”

"Yes, I have thought about it but that's as far as it goes. You know that some men have tried to come onto me, and you know I've always resisted their advances. More than one has tried to get me into bed, and you know that none have been successful.

How about you since you brought up the subject, what about your fantasies?"

With some trepidation I went ahead. "Well, I fantasize about you making love to another man."

"You're kidding. You think about my having sex with another man? I've heard that there are men who would like their wife to have sex with someone else, but I didn't know that you were one of them. I think if you did realize your fantasy you would be very sorry afterwards.

You can disabuse your mind of that idea, as I don't intend to have sex with someone just for your enjoyment! If I ever did it would be for my pleasure."

"You asked me about my fantasy, so now you know."

"I guess I do, but it isn't my intention to help you realize your fantasy. Tell me this so I get a clear

picture. If it happened would you just want me to tell you about it, or would you want to watch?"

I hesitated, so she said "since we are being open and honest about it tell me if this is what you want. Would you want to watch me have sex with another man?"

She reached for me, moving her hand on my cock, and. I soon got a very full erection.

"Hmmm. I think I have your answer, but I want to hear it from you."

"Yes, I think about watching you have sex, and wondering what it would be like to watch, to see another man get between your legs while you slowly open them wider and seeing him mounting you and putting his hard cock into you while you gasp with pleasure.”
“His hard maybe bigger cock into me? You want to see that?”

I didn’t know where the big part had come from. That was herthinking, which made me wonder if she had been thinking about getting some big cock.

Well, truthfully, I wouldn’t want him to be a lot bigger than me because what if you like it, I mean really like it?”

“Mark, that just might happen, I can’t say that it wouldn’t, so why would you want to risk that?”

“I don’t know baby. I can't help it-I just have this recurring fantasy, and I get very excited thinking about your being taken by someone, maybe a stranger, and being used for his pleasure."

My wife started shaking her head. "I don't understand it! I just can't believe you want to see me being screwed by some other man.

Think of that Mark, what it would involve. his skin touching mine, all of it, everywhere inside and out. Even our tongues would be involved. It wouldn’t just be our connected genitals. There would be a lot more going on. Are you sure? You'd actually give your own wife to some other guy and watch him fuck me, be knowing me deeply and intimately and you would enjoy it, and maybe get off watchingit happen?"

I was seeing her face. She was getting angry, and she just wouldn't stop talking about it.

"I'm sorry that I brought it up."

"You would be sorry if I did it! I don't think that you've really thought it through. I’ll say it again. What if I enjoyed it? What if he has a bigger cock and it turns out that he makes me cum better than you can?”

I stopped her there. “Do you think a bigger cock than mine woulddo that for you?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “How would I know? I’ve never had another man, any size? But I’ve read and heard stories, and a lot of people seem to think a big cock does it for some women.” She shrugged, or does it better.

But forget his cock and let me put it a better way. What if he was a better fuck than you, his technique?”

Then she went on, coming up with more reasons why she might enjoy another man more than me. “There’s always the possibility that he would have the advantage of being unknown, and new, and therefore exciting.”

What if I liked doing it with another man; and maybe wanted to do it some more? Have a repeat performance. You know you're the only one I've ever been with, and you know I was a virgin when I married you; so why would you risk my being unfaithful to you?"

“It’s just a fantasy baby,” I said softly to her.

"Well, I don't want to talk about it anymore!"

All those things she had said, all those details she had described without taking time to think about it made me think again, this is a fantasy she has had for a while.

After that discussion I just laid there. Is my wife trying to put me off, or is she telling the truth? Finally we drifted off to sleep.

The next day I thought about our conversation. I didn't understand why I had this compulsion to watch my wife having intercourse. She was a beautiful women, so why would I want to share her with another?

She was tall with good shoulders, medium firm breasts, and a waist that expanded into lovely rounded hips and ass.

She had beautiful long straight legs which turned many male heads. Her abdomen was flat and firm since she had never been pregnant. She wanted a career, and so did I, so it was our joint decision not to have any children.

Since she couldn't take the pill forever, I went ahead with a vasectomy.

About a month later, after we had made love, she asked me if I was still fantasizing about her making love with another man.

"Yes, I still think about it at times."

"Well, you’ve put it into my head and I’ve been thinking about it. Sometimes the best thing that can happen is not to get what you really want. You could be very sorry if I helped you realize your fantasy.”

She paused, as if trying to work up her nerve to proceed.

“So, Mark? Do you still want to see me fuck another man?

I’ve thought it over and you’ve made me curious about what it would be like to be intimate, that close physically to another man.””

Something told me, this was the real thing this time.

“I…I think so.”

“If I do as you want there will be no going back. You would have to live with the consequences. Is that what you want?"

After some hesitation I said, "I just can't help it, I just think about it a lot-seeing you with another man,seeing another man having his way with you, making love to you."

“Which turns you on more Mark? The thought of me enjoying a man, or the thought of his having me?”

“I think, the thought of seeing another man getting to enjoy you and knowing how enjoyable your body is to possess turns me on a bit more than you enjoying him.”

Just out of curiosity dear husband. If I was making love, I mean, fucking another man, where exactly would you be looking?

“You mean, where on your bodies?”

Yes. Where, exactly?”

“Well, I’d be watching your face of course, to see if you are smiling, or frowning, you know…” I was avoiding telling her the real truth.

“Come on dear husband. Don’t give me that. Where exactly would you be looking most of the time?”

I sighed, feeling kind of embarrassed. “Probably, most of the time I’d be looking at your pussy and how it looks with a strange cock in it. You know, stroking in and out.”

“And maybe stretching me wider than you can?”

“Well, yes, if it worked out that way.”

"And who would you like to see me with? If you think that I would do it with one of our friends and have everybody know about it, you have another think coming.

I shrugged. I or we, could probably find someone.”

Alright dear husband. You sure planted a seed in my head. I've been attracted to a good-looking man at times, but I wasn't thinking about having sex with any of them. Now you have me looking at men in a different way."

Warning bells started going off in my head and I brushed them aside.

I had a suggestion: "What if he is a stranger; someone we met on vacation, or while we were at a conference?"

She looked thoughtful, but she didn't respond.

Then I had an idea. I have a good friend of long standing who lives in another city, and we still get together occasionally, although not so often since his divorce.

When he was still married we saw them as a couple, and since the divorce he has visited us once for a couple of days.

It was possible she might go for it, so I said, "How about Keith?"

I thought she might respond positively to Keith. He is good looking and Amy has said he is attractive. Also, I had seen him in the shower, so I knew he was well endowed.

At least hanging down soft he looks well endowed, bigger than me, but I deemed it better that I not tell my wife that.

"Interesting that you came up with his name because I thought of him just today. I find Keith to attractive, but I just don't think I could do it with him. I would be too nervous, too embarrassed; and maybe he wouldn't want to do it to me."

"Are you kidding? I've seen the way he looks at you when you are moving around, and getting up or down, and the way he looks at your legs. I believe Keith would jump at the chance to make love to you. He told me that I was lucky to have such a beautiful wife."

She was reluctant to show it, but I think I had just sold my wife on my buddy.

"I don't know -- I just don't know! I never thought seriously about another man until you told me about your fantasy. But I'm finding the idea interesting. You think Keith is the one to help you realize your fantasy?"

"I think Keith would be perfect, and I think he would be thrilled to make love to you. He wouldn't need much persuasion, and,” I hesitated, and then decided to say it.

“He has a very good sized instrument."

“She frowned. “Instrument?” Her face brightened “Oh, you mean his cock. How do you know?”

“I saw him in the showers and he looks like he might be bigger than me. It was hanging down longer.”

“Bigger than you soft might not mean anything,” she sniffed.

But I know my wife, and she had sounded interested. We didn't discuss it further, but about three weeks later I got an E Mail from Keith. He was flying here on business and would be in town for three to four days.

He said he would get a hotel room and would like to have a visit with us, and wanted to take us out to dinner.

I sent a reply and stated we would be happy to see him and I insisted that he stay with us. I got the date and time of his arrival and said I would pick him up at the airport.

I told my wife what I had done. She didn't say anything at first except to ask when he was coming, which was in six days.

"So- I guess that you will want to fulfill your fantasy. And I suppose you are going to hint to him that I might be available. You might want to hold off on that.

I suggest you not say a word to Keith, at least not yet. Let’s have him arrive and I’ll be looking at him in a new light since you want this. If it feels right, I’ll go for it.”

My heart was pounding. “You’re going to do it? Fuck Mark?”

“I never said that, so calm down. I just can’t believe you want this to happen. I told you, I'm not promising you anything; don't think you've convinced me to go ahead and spread my legs for Keith. I’ll need some time, and right about now I'm becoming cool to the whole idea."

I met Keith at the airport, and we had a drink together after we retrieved his luggage. I didn't know how to broach the subject to him, but finally decided to be direct.

I told him that Amy and I had discussed bringing another man into our relationship. I confessed that it had long been a fantasy of mine to see my wife making love to another man. I said she wasn't pleased when I first brought it up, and that even now she is lukewarm about the whole idea, but she was wavering some.

Keith appeared interested but said nothing at this point.

Somewhat nervous I said "she would never consider anyone in our social circle for the obvious reason that it might get around.

We considered you because you don’t live close and we know you well and know that you are discreet, and my wife finds you attractive, and I think you find her attractive.

And the fact that you live some distance away is certainly a plus." I stopped at this point, wondering what he would say.

"I'm flattered that you considered me, and yes, I do find Amy very attractive-she is a beautiful woman, and I would love to help you realize your fantasy."

There’s more,” I went on, while being embarrassed to be saying it.

“What’s that,” Keith asked.

“I saw you naked that one time in the shower and your cock looked like it might be a little bigger than mine, and I’ve always had this curiosity as to how my wife would like one that is bigger than mine.”

I had said ‘looked like it might be a little bigger than mine, but it had actually looked noticeably larger.

Keith laughed. “Did you tell Amy that?”

“I did, and she said that bigger than me soft might not mean anything.”

“Well, I’ll try not to disappoint either of you.”

“Your cock is big,” I asked, excitedly?

“Might be, compared to yours, but of course I don’t know what size you are.”

"I guess there’s one way to find out. Amy and I made an agreement if it happens. Would it bother you if I was watching you doing it to her?"

"No! It wouldn't bother me--in fact it would make it more exciting for me. The fact that you would be watching me making love to her would be so erotic.

“Besides, I’ve had some experience in these matters.”
“You have,? I asked. “How?”
“I did this scene before, a few months ago. A husband wanted me to fuck his wife while he watched.

At first I refused because I like privacy but he prevailed and I went ahead and did it to her, and he was there watching and getting very excited, and I was really turned on.

Taking his wife in front of him and thoroughly fucking her was so wild..”
Keith hesitated. “He told me before I came to their house that she had a hard time cumming. He wanted to know if it was she or him at fault.

When I entered her it was like a dam bursting. She had never been fucked by anyone else and with me, she started cumming as soon as I got on.

As a result, with her squealing like that, I came very quickly the first time, and soon as he gave me a short blowjob I serviced her again. I had never been harder than when I did this scene.”

“What do you think about Amy, my wife? Does she turn you on?” I was already wondering if my wife might start cumming as soon as he climbs on.
“Shit yeah. You already know she does since I told you several times in the past.”

"Keith, I think she will be open to doing it, but I'm not sure. It won't be tonight as I think she will want to consider it more after seeing you."

I was thrilled that he had agreed, so half the battle was won. It now remained to convince my wife.

We arrived home and were greeted by Amy, My wife was cool, but I think she was nervous. Keith said hello and said she looked great and kissed Amy on the cheek.

She blushed.

She was giving me this look like: ‘Did you already ask or tell him?’

I winked, and her face reddened a bit. From excitement, or embarrassment, I didn’t know.

I took Keith upstairs to his room where he unpacked. We had drinks and a very good dinner, served with a respectable wine, and soon she was more relaxed, but looked thoughtful. We chatted after dinner, but soon we all headed for bed, Keith alone, and Amy and I in ours..

Amy looked expectant, so I related our entire conversation.

"So he said he would be thrilled to service me? That’s the word he used? And he not only wouldn't mind if you watched it, but would enjoy the scene even more if you are present?

You men! It must be an age-old thing; taking a man's wife in front of him, and maybe making her pregnant. It seems he would enjoy cuckolding you, planting horns on your head, and you a willing and excited observer.

What if he tied you up so you were helpless; would you like that? Then you wouldn't be able to stop him if I startedcumming and you happen to change your mind. If you were helpless maybe you would be even more excited.

If I go ahead with this, and I'm not sure I will, maybe I'll have him tie you up."

I didn't respond to her statements; I think my wife was goading me to get a reaction.

In the morning Keith left for his business meetings. We decided to go out for dinner, so I made reservations at a place where we could also dance, thinking that she would be more relaxed if we each danced with her. Then we got ready for our evening.

We both showered and began dressing. She asked what she should wear, and I said just put on some sexy things. She started with a satiny garter belt to which she attached sheer nylon stockings, followed by a lacy white nylon camisole, lacy panties and a sheer half-slip.

She looked incredibly sexy, her panties and stockings clearly visible through the slip. Her breasts didn't need support, and you could see the outline of her firm nipples.

I became aroused, which she noticed, and when I reached for her she pushed me away, saying she wasn't going to get messed up and have to shower again.

I laughed and said maybe she wanted to stay horny for Keith, and she said “Maybe.”
She selected a blue dress which hugged her beautiful figure, and came a few inches above her knees, showing a good deal of attractive legs. She whirled around, her dress and slip lifting high enough to see her naked thighs above her stocking tops, and just the edge of her panties. "Is that sexy enough?"

"I'm still not sure that I will go through with this. I still can't believe you want to watch your own wife getting fucked, watching another man so close to me, inside my personal space and spreading my legs and putting his big cock into me, his most intimate skin sliding back and forth against mine, my most intimate skin, knowing and stretching me and making me feel good inside.”

She was making my cock grow, but I didn’t let on.

And you, you want to be watching him doing it to me. You might be very unhappy afterwards. Right now you can just say forget it. But if I do decide to go ahead and he begins to seduce me, you will still have a chance to say no.

But, I am warning you. If it gets to the point where he strips me and spreads my legs and starts to enter me and he’s feeling good, and maybe I start getting really excited, it will be too late for you to say stop.

At that point dear husband I will not want to stop. You will have to live with the consequences!"

"I want to go ahead with it! I love you,” I told her, “but this isn't about love-It's just about sex!"

But I was having second thoughts. What if my wife was right; what if I regretted it afterward? Even though I had set things in motion, it wasn't too late. But I was so aroused that I had to see what would happen, thinking that I could stop them before he penetrated her, before he went all the way.

"So we will just have sex, with no emotional ties! There's another consideration; since you've had your vasectomy I don't keep track of my periods anymore, and right now I don't know where I am in my cycle.

I could be ovulating at this time, I'm just not sure. Are you willing to take a chance that I might get pregnant? If we do this, I am not going to ask him to wear a condom.

“No rubber,” I asked disbelievingly?

“No rubber. If I’m having a strange man in me for the first time, I’ll certainly desire to feel his cock in me with nothing between."

"Chances are you are not likely to get pregnant honey,” I said.

But I was becoming became excited by the possibility that she might be impregnated.

We were having a drink when Keith arrived back. He looked at my wife with admiration, saying, "You look gorgeous!"

He had a drink with us, still complimenting Amy till she was blushing, finally going upstairs to shower and change.

While waiting for Keith we didn't talk much. When he joined us he was still wearing his blue jeans. We had another drink before heading out to dinner. We enjoyed a good dinner accompanied by some very fine wine. When the band started playing I asked my wife to dance, and a couple of times I twirled her with the expected results, her dress and slip billowing out, ******** her legs.

As I held her close she could feel my erection pressing against her, and she smiled. "What could you be thinking about?" She was teasing me.

Then Keith danced with her, and he was holding her close, one hand dropping below her waist. He also spun her and we had a small audience of other patrons enjoying her ******* legs, her stocking clad thighs.

It was clear the drinks were relaxing her, and we both danced with her several times. Her face was flushed, and I think she was aroused.

At one point Amy whispered to me that she had felt his very stiff cock pressing against her.

“He was hard?”

“Very. Like a steel pole it felt like.”

I knew now how my wife was thinking.

We finally left for home, and I fixed a nightcap. Keith looked expectant, and I didn't know how to start. She was sitting on the sofa, careless of her skirts which had ridden up some, ******** her thighs.

I sat next to her and asked Keith to sit beside her also, which he promptly did. I kissed her lightly, then held her in a longer kiss, nodding to him. He took the hint and turned her towards him, kissing her deeply.

We took turns kissing and caressing her, and I refrained from touching Amy’s breasts through her blouse and allowed Keith to feel them.

I finally stroked her thighs, inching her dress upwards as we kissed. Then Keith kissed her and continued the upward motion of her dress and slip till her garter straps and naked thighs were *******.

I advanced this scene by slowly lowering the zipper of herdress to her waist, her dress falling open. My wife was flushed and trembling some, her breathing ragged, now obviously quite aroused.

Then Amy did something, said something daring, and I know it took courage for her to be doing it. Reaching down, she fondled his crotch, felt something, and asked Keith: “Are you big? My husband said he thinks you might be.”

I am sure she already knew from feeling it.

Keith smiled and placed his hand over hers, which was still fondling his crotch. “Yes I am Amy. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

Then she said it, and in effect giving me a warning of things to come.

“I hope so.”

She hopes so? For the first time I had an inkling that maybe Amy had always wanted a larger cock, a larger cock than mine.

It was time.

I told Keith in front of Amy that we needed to take her to his room--I don’t want my wife fucking with another man in our marriage bed, I said, and Amy turned red.

Nodding, his eyes wide and smiling like the happiest man in the world, he took my wife by her hand and when she stood up I pulled her dress off her shoulders and arms, pushing it down over her hips till it fell at her ankles.

As Amy preceded him up the stairs her legs and thighs were clearly visible through the sheer slip. He was looking at the motion of her hips and ass as she climbed the stairs, looking at her with admiration, my wife looking so erotic.

“Go ahead,” I said, nodding to Keith.

He nodded and taking my wife by the hand, led her into his bedroom. I waited a little bit, maybe two full minutes before joining them.

I could hardly contain my excitement at the thought at how far my previously reluctant wife has already gone, and what is now likely to happen.

I walked in to see them embracing, his one hand caressing her ass through her panties and slip, the other hand on her breast. She looked at me, seeing my excitement, and then moved closer to him, giving herself over to his caresses.

He lifted her arms overhead, pulling her camisole up and off and almost totally ******** her breasts.

Now another man will soon be seeing them His fingers started stroking her nipples which quickly became erect. When he moved to take her slip off Amy stopped him and crossed her arms over her breasts as she backed away a little.

"Mark. I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do this! I just can't give myself to another man!"

But I could see that she was flushed and very aroused. I think what she was actually doing was giving me a last chance to back out.

She looked at me, probably to see if I would back her up on backing out, and I said, "Baby, we've gone this far; let's not stop now!"

"You want me to continue? You want to let him go ahead? Are you sure you want Keith to have me? Mark, you have to be very sure! Soon he will be inside me with his cock he says is big and it feels big and though I’ve never had big I am pretty sure it is going to feel wonderful and there will be no turning back."

I hesitated, but I was very aroused at what had happened so far. Two things were happening. I wanted to see his hard cock out of curiosity and also because of my desire to see my beautiful wife being fucked.

She is asking. I will only have myself to blame if things go badly.

At this point I believe this was still more a fantasy to me than reality. I was watching, yes, but it was like I was that proverbial fly on the wall.

There is still a chance I can stop it before he penetrates her, and I nodded yes, then I added, “I don’t want him to be wayyy big. Maybe we can just check him out first and then decide.”.

Keith just stood there, listening and probably enjoying this conversation.

“You should have thought of that before now,” she said, frowning. “We don’t need to check him out. Whatever size he is, he certainly can’t change it now, can he?”

Finally she looked at Keith, and then slowly dropped her hands to her sides, her firm breasts again revealed.

“I’m yours to do with as you please.”

This was it, my wife Amy was his for the taking.

Keith kissed Amy again, caressing her, till she became even more aroused, and at that point he slowly lowered her slip to her ankles, lifting her free.

My wife looked so erotic, her breasts firm, her sheer panties doing nothing to hide the bushy dark hair of her cunt, her beautiful legs encased in sheer nylons, the garter straps traversing her naked thighs.

This slow seduction was having it's affect, his caresses roaming freely over her whole body till her knees weakened and she sat on the edge of the bed for support.

My wife, it seemed, was looking like a rag doll. He pushed her shoulders back till she was partially lying down, and lifting her he placed her fully on the bed, then he began stripping off his clothes.

First off came the shoes, then the shirt, and then the unzipping of his jeans through which his cock jumped out as he finished unzipping.


Keith was so aroused his very large cock stood almost straight out and with a slight curve to the left. I saw that he had foreskin which was now peeled back slightly from the head.

And what a head he had on that cock. It was plum sized and looking all swollen and purple.

‘Oh shit,’ I thought, ‘He’s really hung. Abnormally so.'

Amy gasped when she saw his cock, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Oh my God, Keith, You said you are big, but I can't take that!" As her body started shaking, she closed her legs tightly, her eyes drawn almost hypnotically to his huge erection.

“I can’t take that. Please…” She sighed. “Even that head on the end will tear me up before you can get it in, and you’ll be too long as well.”

I too, was having my doubts. ‘She’s right,’ I was thinking. I know my wife’s pussy and that tight little hole can’t stretch that far nor does it go that deep!’

But I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. Amy had warned me, and it is up to her now to say ‘No.’ if she really meant it. I was remembering what Keith had told me about that other wife, and how she had started squealing and cumming immediately.

Now I knew why.

Keith finished removing his jeans, ******** testicles the size almost of tennis balls.

“Keith. It’s too much…”

He was not to be deterred by my wife’s pleas. While holding her shoulders down with a measure of force, he continued stroking Amy, stroking her breasts, stroking her thighs, sliding his hand over her panty clad crotch.

“Please…” But Amy had begun responding to the expert and erotic stroking of her body. Gripping her panties he attempted to slide them down. Somehow, she was still resisting, saying, "Please don't take my panties down. They’re my protection!”

Keith said nothing but continued her seduction till she was moaning, flushed and trembling, clearly close to surrendering totally to him.

I don’t know if she was playing the reluctant wife or actually being the reluctant wife, but seeing her resisting, but not really, was going right along with my fantasies about her.

He gripped her panties again and this time succeeded in pulling them from under her hips and ass, down her thighs to her ankles, taking them off, removing the last barrier to her sex.

All the while his hard cock was jutting out towards her, and her eyes were fixated on that cock.

Amy was almost naked and erotically *******. Her stocking clad thighs just adding to the sensual nature of this scene.

She kept her thighs pressed together as she looked at me, saying, “I know I told you that if things got to this point that it would be too late for you to change your mind. But he’s really Big Mark.

I wasn’t expecting so much, so I’m giving you another chance. Do you really want this to happen? You can see his penis now and it’s not hanging down soft in a shower this time.”

Confused, I just stared at her. I glanced at Keith and saw him standing there, fully erect and grinning.

“Please answer me my husband. Do you really want this to continue? Once he gets it in, if he can, I’ll be craving more and more. Beyond this point there will be no turning back!"

I needed to speak for her, maybe protect her. “Keith. Now that I’ve see your hard cock, I know my wife, and she’s really tight. I’m not sure she can take you.”

Keith sort of snickered. “Women have the capability to stretch pretty far. She probably doesn’t really know and will never know unless she tries.”

I was so excited by this scene that I just nodded my head, but I felt that I could still stop them before he penetrated her.

I looked at Amy. “I think he is actually too big for you, but maybe we can do a little more just for fun, for the curiosity of it all.

I want to see you play with his cock before you say another ‘no.’

Go on. Touch him baby and see. Maybe we can have the two of you make each other cum just with your hands.”

I think she had been thinking the same thing as she reached for his cock, and I saw her fingers as they started around his cock but could not touch at the tips.

He continued to stroke and caress her, his mouth on her breasts, his hands pressing her thighs, opening them slowly, overcoming her resistance.

Then Mark decided to go beyond the hand stage.

She had to give up her grasp of his cock as he slid down her body, now between her legs, moving his mouth and tongue against her sex, drawing moans from her, whimpering some as his tongue was working it's magic on the wet swollen lips of her cunt, gasping as his tongue found her clitoris.

With the tip of his tongue he circled and lifted the now erect bud till she was groaning, her thighs opening a little more, her body flushed and trembling.

“Oh God, Oh God.” Amy was trembling visibly.

He continued working on her, his tongue parting the wet lips of her cunt and pushing into her, moving inside the open lips, her body surrendering to him, with no will to resist.

Sensing that all resistance was gone, Keith moved up her body, preparing to mount her. She lifted her knees and let her thighs fall fully open, tilting her cunt up to meet his advancing cock.

She had already shown her willingness, her desire, by opening her legs to him, but still…


She looked at me once more, going against what she had already warned and asking for the last time if I wanted her to continue.

Keith too had paused as he waited for my response.

I was staring at her opened hole and that cock waiting to enter and I could no more stop this than I could stop an avalanche.

I said something dumb perhaps, but it’s what I came out with as I stared at their respective body parts. “You both look so good with your genitals so close, almost touching..

Somehow baby, you should give him a try, Maybe take him just a little ways inside.”

Amy looked pleadingly at me. “A little ways? Honey? Can’t you see how big his head is?”

“I see it.” I looked at Keith. “Can you do that? Be gentle and slow and let her try just some of it?”

He nodded. “She can be the judge as I go in.”

I knew that the getting in of that head would be a struggle, but if he managed to get that far, there would be no stopping the rest. She would fully want it by then

When I said nothing further in order to stop this, Amy let her arms fall out to her sides, her body open, ready to give herself to him.

He smiled into her face. “Would you like to aim it for me?”

Gripping his engorged cock she directed it against the wet lips of her cunt. Then she began sliding it around, wetting the head and pressing the tip against her tight inner lips.

Nervously, she sighed. “It’s there.”

“Now baby,” Keith said softly, “I’m going to have myself some happily married pussy.”

Amy looked shocked, maybe embarrassed at what he is saying. Me? I found it to be exciting. It is my married pussy he is talking about.

As she stared breathlessly up at him, Keith gripped her hips and began firmly pushing his cock into her, pushing slowly, her cunt beginning to stretch, continuing to press forward till the huge head of his cock moved her inner lips way out to the sides as he penetrated her and paused.

“Oh Keith, Oh fuck!”

Yes, Keith. There was no doubt. My wife knew who was penetrating her.

“Fuck Amy, you have a delicious married cunt.”

“Married cunt? I had never heard that before, but it didn’t deem to turn my wife off.

Now with just the head buried, Keith already had what looked like three to four inches into her his head was that big and he still had maybe six left,

But maybe the most critical part had been accomplished. His head like most men, was wider than his shaft. It was now planted firmly inside my wife. Now the only question remaining was, how much more can she take?

Keith gave her another minute to adjust, then said one word. “More?”

My wife answered after only this slightest hesitation. “Yes . Please keep going.”

I knew now, we’ve gone beyond the decision making stage on my part.

Keith knew then. No matter what, they were going to end up fucking passionately..

My poor wife was gasping and crying out as he entered her further, her inner cunt now being tightly stretched around his invading cock.

In order to give my wife more pleasure as well as modify the walls of her pussy to better accommodate his cock, Keith began a slow pumping motion as he went slightly deeper on maybe every third or fourth pump.

It was so erotic seeing my wife penetrated like this. The blood rushed from my head and I thought I was going to faint. My wife was wide eyed, her mouth hanging open as he pushed inexorably further into her, moving back and forth till she was fully impaled on his cock

My mouth fell open as I saw him bottom out.

Amy cried out, her body jerking as she felt his big balls coming into contact with the cheeks of her ass.

“You’re in! All the way in. My god Keith we’ve done it!”

‘We’ve done it,’ she had said, like they were now a team.

My beautiful wife’s cunt was now totally filled by his rigid cock. Slowly he began moving in her using long strokes, and as I watched, his cock already looked shiny with her juices.

“Yes, fuck me, you big stud you. Use me like a *****!”

What the Hell is my wife saying? She’s never acted like this before.

With her stocking clad legs elevated I had a perfect view of his thick cock steadily and relentlessly fucking her, hearing Amy’s gasps, her cries, her moaning as he serviced her.

I remembered what Keith had said about that other wife he had fucked.

Now it was my wife’s turn. What I had fantasized on, what I also had feared, was about to come about.

My wife had a first orgasm within a minute of his fully entering her.

Yes, she was squealing too, a sound foreign to me and I thought again of how that husband Keith had mentioned must have been feeling when his wife had been under Keith and had started squealing and cumming, almost right away.

Now it was my turn to watch and listen.

Occasionally Amy would look at me, see how excited I am, then closing her eyes, she would renew her giving of herself over to this stud who was fucking her with great confidence and enjoyment.

“It’s happening again! Ooooh God…” She came again, this orgasm looking and sounding stronger than the first.

“I warned you.”

Amy gave me a slight glance and looked away. She knew what I was thinking, that never before had she been given two orgasms so close together.

Keith started fucking harder as my wife adapted to his size.

The fact that I was watching him service my wife seemed to lift Keith’s excitement to a higher level, and he made every effort to see that my wife was groaning loudly as he ravaged her cunt with forceful strokes.

Then he started talking. “Let it out baby, all that excitement you’ve had bottled up inside maybe for years? Let it out. Let both of your men hear your joy and happiness at finally learning and knowing what true fucking is like!”

True fucking. Now I was a cuckold, big time.

Keith knew how to build the excitement, that’s for sure, because now Amy was crying with joy and passion.. Yet, being forceful, he was managing to squeeze in a kiss from time-to time, and Amy was responding hungrily.

Owning my wife, he used her roughly, thrusting into her more powerfully, my wife began crying out again and again, her whole body jerking to his thrusting.

Amy was being totally controlled, laying under him, his cock punishing her, till finally her body stiffened. She was shuddering now, her legs clasping his thighs, and she was crying out again and again as her strongest orgasm yet overwhelmed her.

“Oh God…still again,” my wife gasped out.

Her response triggered his climax, and groaning, Keith gripped her ass and pushed fully into my wife’s cunt as he erupted.

My wife said, "Oh my God Mark! He's swelling more, it’s really big! I can feel him pulsing and spurting into me! Every throb. His contractions feel so intense.

What a cock!”

Gasping still, even more so than Keith, despite his intense orgasm,

Amy finally looked at me. “I warned you Mark, and now it has happened. I’ve just had a much larger cock, used expertly, and I’ve had my first multiple orgasms and they were the most intense ever.

If that’s what you wanted to see, you’ve had your wish granted.”

Keeping his feelings to himself, it took Keith some time to completely empty his cock into Amy, filling her with his sperm. Kissing her, he kept his cock in her for some time keeping his semen up against her cervix.

Much of his sperm had to be flowing into her uterus, maybe connecting with her egg and fertilizing her, making her pregnant.

It was some time before he removed his softened cock from her. He lifted his body off her, lying on his back. Too weak to move, my wife continued to lie on her back, her legs splayed widely, the lips of her cunt open, moist with their juices.

I had never seen Amy climax with such emotion, and so prolonged—she appeared exhausted! She finally turned her head in my direction and looked at me.

I guess she wanted to say it again in a slightly different format. "Well, did you enjoy it, did you enjoy watching your own wife getting fucked liked that?

Seeing my disbelieving face, she went on.

Did you see my tight pussy being stretched like you’ve fantasized about? I sure enjoyed it! Are you happy now that your fantasy has been realized?"

I was too choked with emotion to reply, but she could tell that I was thrilled by what happened.

“I could see it all baby. Your face."

She slowly got up and we returned to our room, Keith smiling as we left, probably thinking about doing it to her again.

I wanted to mount Amy but she refused me, saying that she had just enjoyed the fucking of a lifetime and she wanted to keep the memory of that fresh and unsoiled in her mind.

I persisted but all she would do was take my erect cock in her hand. “Fuck husband, you feel so small in my hand.”

That did it. With only a few strokes I erupted.

"It looks like you really enjoyed watching me lying under that stud and being serviced by him. I can't believe I responded like I did, being handled like that--taken like that!"

Then she said it again. What a cock!”

The emotional scene exhausted us both, and we were soon asleep.

Later that night I awakened and found her absent. I silently moved to Keith's room, and as I slowly opened the door I saw my wife lying under him and getting thoroughly fucked, his cock was plunging into her as I was listening to her moaning continuously.

My wife soon came, climaxing with a loud cry as she began feeling his cock swelling and discharging more semen into her body.

I watched them kiss and cuddle, and then my wife asked, “One more time?” I went back to my room, frustrated in the knowledge that Amy had earlier refused me.

I slipped back in our bed, and Amy joined me maybe forty-five minutes later. I pretended to be asleep. She poked me, knowing I was faking. "I saw you watching us, and I suppose you enjoyed seeing him fucking me again."

"I enjoyed seeing the first one, when I was in bed with you. But that second time and I guess third…” I looked at her and she nodded,

“You snuck into bed with him behind my back. That wasn’t part of our agreement. I was feeling jealous. He seemed to be doing a pretty good job on you, and you seemed to really be enjoying it."

"I certainly did, and he wants to do me again tonight."

I wondered what I had set in motion, and the next day Keith left for his conferences again. We also had to work, but we got home early, showered and changed. This time my wife wore her usual satiny garter belt with shear stockings attached.

This was followed by a matching peach colored lacy bra and panties, also a matching half-slip, and a clinging white dress. With her hair done and make up she was absolutely beautiful. Keith was not going to be able to keep his hands off her for very long.

He returned and we again went out for dinner-on Keith. We were mellowed by the dinner and wine, and when we returned home Keith wasted no time taking Amy in his arms and kissing her, meeting no resistance. Looking at me as if for permission, he took her hand, leading her up to his room.

If I wanted to watch this time, it was up to me.

Oh was I jealous, so very jealous. Keith had fucked my wife a total of three times already. I mean by three that he had three orgasms into her and my wife had orgasmed way more than that, and now he is about to have her again, and I am still waiting for mine.

I soon followed them, finding him slowly undressing her, my wife standing passively as he gradually stripped her naked, except for her sheer stockings. He pushed her down on the bed, stripping off his clothes, approaching her with a very thick and stiff cock.

He took charge, Amy following his orders to spread her legs, flushed with embarrassment, making her put on a show, treating her like a ***** while he stroked his massive member and stared down at her.

I was wondering about Amy. With her pussy having been so tight all these years, and then having been fucked so many times last night?
Isn’t she sore?

I don’t know if Keith knew I was behind and watching but he began cuckolding me without regard as to whether I might hear.

“Do you want it? Get my hard cock so much bigger than your husband in your married pussy? Do you? Come on Amy, say it or you’re not getting it.”

“Yes, please, I want it.”

“What do you want? Be more specific.”

“I want your bigger than my husband’s cock in my pussy.”

“Is that because it feels better and makes you cum so easily and hard?”

“Yes. Most definitely. Please give it to me.”

Either my wife does not have a sore pussy tonight or she is about to find out.

With very little formality Keith moved between her spread legs, positioning his cock at her cunt, and brutally pushing into her, a hoarse cry from my wife at the sudden painful stretching of her cunt with his powerful penetration.

This time he quickly filled her, again a loud cry as she was fully impaled on his throbbing cock.

He began stroking into her, my wife moaning steadily, till he felt her body moving, now gasping as she was already close to her climax. As he realized that she was about to cum he pulled out of her, ignoring her entreaties to finish.

“Doggy, like the ***** you are!”

He rolled her unresisting body onto her stomach, pulling her hips into the air, presenting her on her hands and knees. "No, not like this, not on my hands and knees!"

He ignored her, pushing her head and shoulders to the bed, spreading her thighs apart, my wife too filled with passion to stop him. (She never had let me take her like this, saying she wasn't an animal)

He stood behind her, gripping her hips firmly to hold her in place as he directed his hard cock into the wet open lips of her cunt, and ignoring her protests, penetrating her and pushing fully into her, filling her again, my wife crying out shrilly.

It was then, as he had my wife impaled once again on his huge cock and she was moaning loudly that he turned to look at me and smile.

“Come over here Mark, and see what you’ve wanted to see, your wife’s pussy being stretched and fucked from close up.”

As I moved closer, he began thrusting into her powerfully, holding her hips as he punished her with his cock, treating her even more roughly, her body jerking to his thrusting.

Her pussy, all around the lips, was looking very red. Is he doing damage? I felt that I should stop him, but I couldn't; I was immobilized by the scene, incredibly aroused by the way he was fucking her, still treating my wife like a *****, without any tenderness.

Then he said it. “See what a ***** your loving wife can be?”

Now my wife was moaning continuously, finally responding to him, responding to being taken in this manner, his swollen cock thrusting into her helpless body.

I stood mesmerized watching his cock working on her, moving in and out of her till her cries changed and became more shrill, and she began to cum, her orgasm even more prolonged as she felt him swelling and spurting into her, pulling her fully upon his cock till her climax subsided, and till he completely drained himself in her.

He released her, and she dropped to the bed, full of his sperm.

My wife began sobbing, humiliated at being taken on her hands and knees, her body betraying her, responding to his domination. She couldn't believe that she could be used like that, embarrassed that she had climaxed so powerfully.

And all with her husband right there and watching her being taken in a position she had always denied me..

We returned to our bed. I reached for her.

“No Mark. I’m sore.”

Now she is sore.

In the morning, after Keith had left, I said we had to talk. I had a change of heart after witnessing the events of the last two nights, never dreaming that their fucking would be so intense. I said "I don't want him to have you again tonight!"

"Oh, you don't want him to take me again? You're the one that set all this in motion, and now because he's screwing me so well you want to stop.

Don't you remember when I said that you might be sorry if you realized your fantasy? And if I did as you wanted you would have to live with the consequences.

Well, it's too late for you to call the shots. I love being fucked by him, even though he did me on my hands and knees, and if Keith wants to fuck me tonight he can.

You enjoyed watching him servicing me, so you can watch once more. How do you like being a cuckold, having horns planted on your head?"

I did my best to sway her but she wouldn't budge. He had been filling Amy with his semen, and now I was worried about her getting pregnant.

She laughed when I said this to her, saying, "You should have thought of that when you offered me to him, and no, I won't ask him to wear a condom. Not now. If I get pregnant it will be your fault!

Maybe tonight will be more exciting for you, thinking of his sperm flowing into my uterus, maybe making me pregnant. Maybe he has already impregnated me one of the last two nights!"

She showered and again dressed in her most attractive underwear and a clinging short dress.

Keith arrived and we had cocktails, and a light dinner with wine. After dinner we went to the living room with our wine, Amy sitting across from us, her dress hiked up her thighs. Slowly she let her legs fall open, letting us see her naked thighs and panties. Keith got the message, and taking her hand he led her upstairs to his room.

I followed them, watching once again as he slowly undressed her to her lacy panties, laying her down on the bed while he stripped. She lifted her ass so he could remove her panties, looking at me as she spread her legs for him. He mounted her, working his cock into her, my wife again groaning as he penetrated her, moaning as he pressed fully into her.

She lifted her legs, and I watched his thick cock stretching her for the third night in a row, sliding in and out of her, soon thrusting into her faster, my wife gasping as she felt her orgasm approaching. She cried out, her arms and legs clutching him as she spasmed.

He groaned, pulling her fully onto his cock as he emptied himself deep into her, his sperm once again flooding her uterus.

It was unbelievably erotic, watching this stud servicing my wife, watching her being fucked so thoroughly. She looked at me again as she felt his sperm flooding her cunt, seeing how excited I was, and smiling at me.

This time, I guess they, or perhaps she, just wanted to have a quickie. It was over after maybe only thirty minutes!

We went to bed and in the morning said good-bye to Keith, who thanked us for a wonderful time.

He never mentioned the sex, just the ‘wonderful time.’ Later Amy and I talked about what happened, reliving those scenes many times, finding our sex life lifted to a new level.

Yes, I finally fucked my wife, though I don’t think she was feeling me that much. She tried though, acting the wife and not the *****, and I think, I’m not sure, her mild orgasm was not being faked.

Oh, I guess Amy had not been ovulating during Keith’s visit because she didn’t end up pregnant.

But, she said that now her body will still be nice and slim and trim for Keith on his next visit.



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Very well written .Wish I had been there watching my own wife. You can always live in hope.
robzig said:
Very well written .Wish I had been there watching my own wife. You can always live in hope.
Do you have a wife to watch? If so, that's a starting point. If not, first we have to find you a wife....
EroticWriter said:
His Faithful Wife Encouraged


"I'm still not sure that I will go through with this. I just can't believe you want to watch your own wife getting fucked, watching another man so close to me, inside my personal space and spreading my legs and putting his huge cock into me, his most intimate skin sliding back and forth against mine, my most intimate skin, knowing and stretching me and making me feel good inside.”

Readers, I found this years ago on the net, don't remember the site. It was written by someone named Hardy and I bring it to you with tons of changes and enhancements, EroticWriter.

His Faithful Wife Encouraged

Like many other husbands, I have fantasies about my wife having sex with another man. Even when we were having sex I would sometimes pretend that someone else was doing it to her.

For a long time I never said anything about this to Amy, as I was fearful that she would be angry. I know that she had never strayed, but I did notice that she would sometimes gaze at an attractive male at a party, or other function that we were attending.

When I mentioned this to her she said, "Yes, I notice when there is an attractive man around, but that's as far as it ever goes. Also, I notice that you pay attention when there is a good looking woman around."

Finally I decided to mention my fantasy to her, but it was only after we had been out to a party and had several drinks that I had the courage to go ahead. We made love, and after we were through I asked her if she had any sexual fantasies, and she said no. I said, "Come on, you must have had sexual thoughts about some man you noticed.

You wouldn't be normal if you didn't!"

This time I took if further to see if I could get a reaction from my wife “Baby, don’t you ever wonder what another man might feel like? He could have a different size cock for instance. Aren’t you curious?”

"Yes, I have thought about it but that's as far as it goes. You know that some men have tried to come onto me, and you know I've always resisted their advances. More than one has tried to get me into bed, and you know that none have been successful.

How about you since you brought up the subject, what about your fantasies?"

With some trepidation I went ahead. "Well, I fantasize about you making love to another man."

"You're kidding. You think about my having sex with another man? I've heard that there are men who would like their wife to have sex with someone else, but I didn't know that you were one of them. I think if you did realize your fantasy you would be very sorry afterwards.

You can disabuse your mind of that idea, as I don't intend to have sex with someone just for your enjoyment! If I ever did it would be for my pleasure."

"You asked me about my fantasy, so now you know."

"I guess I do, but it isn't my intention to help you realize your fantasy. Tell me this so I get a clear

picture. If it happened would you just want me to tell you about it, or would you want to watch?"

I hesitated, so she said "since we are being open and honest about it tell me if this is what you want. Would you want to watch me have sex with another man?"

She reached for me, moving her hand on my cock, and. I soon got a very full erection.

"Hmmm. I think I have your answer, but I want to hear it from you."

"Yes, I think about watching you have sex, and wondering what it would be like to watch, to see another man get between your legs while you slowly open them wider and seeing him mounting you and putting his hard cock into you while you gasp with pleasure.”
“His hard maybe bigger cock into me? You want to see that?”

I didn’t know where the big part had come from. That was herthinking, which made me wonder if she had been thinking about getting some big cock.

Well, truthfully, I wouldn’t want him to be a lot bigger than me because what if you like it, I mean really like it?”

“Mark, that just might happen, I can’t say that it wouldn’t, so why would you want to risk that?”

“I don’t know baby. I can't help it-I just have this recurring fantasy, and I get very excited thinking about your being taken by someone, maybe a stranger, and being used for his pleasure."

My wife started shaking her head. "I don't understand it! I just can't believe you want to see me being screwed by some other man.

Think of that Mark, what it would involve. his skin touching mine, all of it, everywhere inside and out. Even our tongues would be involved. It wouldn’t just be our connected genitals. There would be a lot more going on. Are you sure? You'd actually give your own wife to some other guy and watch him fuck me, be knowing me deeply and intimately and you would enjoy it, and maybe get off watchingit happen?"

I was seeing her face. She was getting angry, and she just wouldn't stop talking about it.

"I'm sorry that I brought it up."

"You would be sorry if I did it! I don't think that you've really thought it through. I’ll say it again. What if I enjoyed it? What if he has a bigger cock and it turns out that he makes me cum better than you can?”

I stopped her there. “Do you think a bigger cock than mine woulddo that for you?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “How would I know? I’ve never had another man, any size? But I’ve read and heard stories, and a lot of people seem to think a big cock does it for some women.” She shrugged, or does it better.

But forget his cock and let me put it a better way. What if he was a better fuck than you, his technique?”

Then she went on, coming up with more reasons why she might enjoy another man more than me. “There’s always the possibility that he would have the advantage of being unknown, and new, and therefore exciting.”

What if I liked doing it with another man; and maybe wanted to do it some more? Have a repeat performance. You know you're the only one I've ever been with, and you know I was a virgin when I married you; so why would you risk my being unfaithful to you?"

“It’s just a fantasy baby,” I said softly to her.

"Well, I don't want to talk about it anymore!"

All those things she had said, all those details she had described without taking time to think about it made me think again, this is a fantasy she has had for a while.

After that discussion I just laid there. Is my wife trying to put me off, or is she telling the truth? Finally we drifted off to sleep.

The next day I thought about our conversation. I didn't understand why I had this compulsion to watch my wife having intercourse. She was a beautiful women, so why would I want to share her with another?

She was tall with good shoulders, medium firm breasts, and a waist that expanded into lovely rounded hips and ass.

She had beautiful long straight legs which turned many male heads. Her abdomen was flat and firm since she had never been pregnant. She wanted a career, and so did I, so it was our joint decision not to have any children.

Since she couldn't take the pill forever, I went ahead with a vasectomy.

About a month later, after we had made love, she asked me if I was still fantasizing about her making love with another man.

"Yes, I still think about it at times."

"Well, you’ve put it into my head and I’ve been thinking about it. Sometimes the best thing that can happen is not to get what you really want. You could be very sorry if I helped you realize your fantasy.”

She paused, as if trying to work up her nerve to proceed.

“So, Mark? Do you still want to see me fuck another man?

I’ve thought it over and you’ve made me curious about what it would be like to be intimate, that close physically to another man.””

Something told me, this was the real thing this time.

“I…I think so.”

“If I do as you want there will be no going back. You would have to live with the consequences. Is that what you want?"

After some hesitation I said, "I just can't help it, I just think about it a lot-seeing you with another man,seeing another man having his way with you, making love to you."

“Which turns you on more Mark? The thought of me enjoying a man, or the thought of his having me?”

“I think, the thought of seeing another man getting to enjoy you and knowing how enjoyable your body is to possess turns me on a bit more than you enjoying him.”

Just out of curiosity dear husband. If I was making love, I mean, fucking another man, where exactly would you be looking?

“You mean, where on your bodies?”

Yes. Where, exactly?”

“Well, I’d be watching your face of course, to see if you are smiling, or frowning, you know…” I was avoiding telling her the real truth.

“Come on dear husband. Don’t give me that. Where exactly would you be looking most of the time?”

I sighed, feeling kind of embarrassed. “Probably, most of the time I’d be looking at your pussy and how it looks with a strange cock in it. You know, stroking in and out.”

“And maybe stretching me wider than you can?”

“Well, yes, if it worked out that way.”

"And who would you like to see me with? If you think that I would do it with one of our friends and have everybody know about it, you have another think coming.

I shrugged. I or we, could probably find someone.”

Alright dear husband. You sure planted a seed in my head. I've been attracted to a good-looking man at times, but I wasn't thinking about having sex with any of them. Now you have me looking at men in a different way."

Warning bells started going off in my head and I brushed them aside.

I had a suggestion: "What if he is a stranger; someone we met on vacation, or while we were at a conference?"

She looked thoughtful, but she didn't respond.

Then I had an idea. I have a good friend of long standing who lives in another city, and we still get together occasionally, although not so often since his divorce.

When he was still married we saw them as a couple, and since the divorce he has visited us once for a couple of days.

It was possible she might go for it, so I said, "How about Keith?"

I thought she might respond positively to Keith. He is good looking and Amy has said he is attractive. Also, I had seen him in the shower, so I knew he was well endowed.

At least hanging down soft he looks well endowed, bigger than me, but I deemed it better that I not tell my wife that.

"Interesting that you came up with his name because I thought of him just today. I find Keith to attractive, but I just don't think I could do it with him. I would be too nervous, too embarrassed; and maybe he wouldn't want to do it to me."

"Are you kidding? I've seen the way he looks at you when you are moving around, and getting up or down, and the way he looks at your legs. I believe Keith would jump at the chance to make love to you. He told me that I was lucky to have such a beautiful wife."

She was reluctant to show it, but I think I had just sold my wife on my buddy.

"I don't know -- I just don't know! I never thought seriously about another man until you told me about your fantasy. But I'm finding the idea interesting. You think Keith is the one to help you realize your fantasy?"

"I think Keith would be perfect, and I think he would be thrilled to make love to you. He wouldn't need much persuasion, and,” I hesitated, and then decided to say it.

“He has a very good sized instrument."

“She frowned. “Instrument?” Her face brightened “Oh, you mean his cock. How do you know?”

“I saw him in the showers and he looks like he might be bigger than me. It was hanging down longer.”

“Bigger than you soft might not mean anything,” she sniffed.

But I know my wife, and she had sounded interested. We didn't discuss it further, but about three weeks later I got an E Mail from Keith. He was flying here on business and would be in town for three to four days.

He said he would get a hotel room and would like to have a visit with us, and wanted to take us out to dinner.

I sent a reply and stated we would be happy to see him and I insisted that he stay with us. I got the date and time of his arrival and said I would pick him up at the airport.

I told my wife what I had done. She didn't say anything at first except to ask when he was coming, which was in six days.

"So- I guess that you will want to fulfill your fantasy. And I suppose you are going to hint to him that I might be available. You might want to hold off on that.

I suggest you not say a word to Keith, at least not yet. Let’s have him arrive and I’ll be looking at him in a new light since you want this. If it feels right, I’ll go for it.”

My heart was pounding. “You’re going to do it? Fuck Mark?”

“I never said that, so calm down. I just can’t believe you want this to happen. I told you, I'm not promising you anything; don't think you've convinced me to go ahead and spread my legs for Keith. I’ll need some time, and right about now I'm becoming cool to the whole idea."

I met Keith at the airport, and we had a drink together after we retrieved his luggage. I didn't know how to broach the subject to him, but finally decided to be direct.

I told him that Amy and I had discussed bringing another man into our relationship. I confessed that it had long been a fantasy of mine to see my wife making love to another man. I said she wasn't pleased when I first brought it up, and that even now she is lukewarm about the whole idea, but she was wavering some.

Keith appeared interested but said nothing at this point.

Somewhat nervous I said "she would never consider anyone in our social circle for the obvious reason that it might get around.

We considered you because you don’t live close and we know you well and know that you are discreet, and my wife finds you attractive, and I think you find her attractive.

And the fact that you live some distance away is certainly a plus." I stopped at this point, wondering what he would say.

"I'm flattered that you considered me, and yes, I do find Amy very attractive-she is a beautiful woman, and I would love to help you realize your fantasy."

There’s more,” I went on, while being embarrassed to be saying it.

“What’s that,” Keith asked.

“I saw you naked that one time in the shower and your cock looked like it might be a little bigger than mine, and I’ve always had this curiosity as to how my wife would like one that is bigger than mine.”

I had said ‘looked like it might be a little bigger than mine, but it had actually looked noticeably larger.

Keith laughed. “Did you tell Amy that?”

“I did, and she said that bigger than me soft might not mean anything.”

“Well, I’ll try not to disappoint either of you.”

“Your cock is big,” I asked, excitedly?

“Might be, compared to yours, but of course I don’t know what size you are.”

"I guess there’s one way to find out. Amy and I made an agreement if it happens. Would it bother you if I was watching you doing it to her?"

"No! It wouldn't bother me--in fact it would make it more exciting for me. The fact that you would be watching me making love to her would be so erotic.

“Besides, I’ve had some experience in these matters.”
“You have,? I asked. “How?”
“I did this scene before, a few months ago. A husband wanted me to fuck his wife while he watched.

At first I refused because I like privacy but he prevailed and I went ahead and did it to her, and he was there watching and getting very excited, and I was really turned on.

Taking his wife in front of him and thoroughly fucking her was so wild..”
Keith hesitated. “He told me before I came to their house that she had a hard time cumming. He wanted to know if it was she or him at fault.

When I entered her it was like a dam bursting. She had never been fucked by anyone else and with me, she started cumming as soon as I got on.

As a result, with her squealing like that, I came very quickly the first time, and soon as he gave me a short blowjob I serviced her again. I had never been harder than when I did this scene.”

“What do you think about Amy, my wife? Does she turn you on?” I was already wondering if my wife might start cumming as soon as he climbs on.
“Shit yeah. You already know she does since I told you several times in the past.”

"Keith, I think she will be open to doing it, but I'm not sure. It won't be tonight as I think she will want to consider it more after seeing you."

I was thrilled that he had agreed, so half the battle was won. It now remained to convince my wife.

We arrived home and were greeted by Amy, My wife was cool, but I think she was nervous. Keith said hello and said she looked great and kissed Amy on the cheek.

She blushed.

She was giving me this look like: ‘Did you already ask or tell him?’

I winked, and her face reddened a bit. From excitement, or embarrassment, I didn’t know.

I took Keith upstairs to his room where he unpacked. We had drinks and a very good dinner, served with a respectable wine, and soon she was more relaxed, but looked thoughtful. We chatted after dinner, but soon we all headed for bed, Keith alone, and Amy and I in ours..

Amy looked expectant, so I related our entire conversation.

"So he said he would be thrilled to service me? That’s the word he used? And he not only wouldn't mind if you watched it, but would enjoy the scene even more if you are present?

You men! It must be an age-old thing; taking a man's wife in front of him, and maybe making her pregnant. It seems he would enjoy cuckolding you, planting horns on your head, and you a willing and excited observer.

What if he tied you up so you were helpless; would you like that? Then you wouldn't be able to stop him if I startedcumming and you happen to change your mind. If you were helpless maybe you would be even more excited.

If I go ahead with this, and I'm not sure I will, maybe I'll have him tie you up."

I didn't respond to her statements; I think my wife was goading me to get a reaction.

In the morning Keith left for his business meetings. We decided to go out for dinner, so I made reservations at a place where we could also dance, thinking that she would be more relaxed if we each danced with her. Then we got ready for our evening.

We both showered and began dressing. She asked what she should wear, and I said just put on some sexy things. She started with a satiny garter belt to which she attached sheer nylon stockings, followed by a lacy white nylon camisole, lacy panties and a sheer half-slip.

She looked incredibly sexy, her panties and stockings clearly visible through the slip. Her breasts didn't need support, and you could see the outline of her firm nipples.

I became aroused, which she noticed, and when I reached for her she pushed me away, saying she wasn't going to get messed up and have to shower again.

I laughed and said maybe she wanted to stay horny for Keith, and she said “Maybe.”
She selected a blue dress which hugged her beautiful figure, and came a few inches above her knees, showing a good deal of attractive legs. She whirled around, her dress and slip lifting high enough to see her naked thighs above her stocking tops, and just the edge of her panties. "Is that sexy enough?"

"I'm still not sure that I will go through with this. I still can't believe you want to watch your own wife getting fucked, watching another man so close to me, inside my personal space and spreading my legs and putting his big cock into me, his most intimate skin sliding back and forth against mine, my most intimate skin, knowing and stretching me and making me feel good inside.”

She was making my cock grow, but I didn’t let on.

And you, you want to be watching him doing it to me. You might be very unhappy afterwards. Right now you can just say forget it. But if I do decide to go ahead and he begins to seduce me, you will still have a chance to say no.

But, I am warning you. If it gets to the point where he strips me and spreads my legs and starts to enter me and he’s feeling good, and maybe I start getting really excited, it will be too late for you to say stop.

At that point dear husband I will not want to stop. You will have to live with the consequences!"

"I want to go ahead with it! I love you,” I told her, “but this isn't about love-It's just about sex!"

But I was having second thoughts. What if my wife was right; what if I regretted it afterward? Even though I had set things in motion, it wasn't too late. But I was so aroused that I had to see what would happen, thinking that I could stop them before he penetrated her, before he went all the way.

"So we will just have sex, with no emotional ties! There's another consideration; since you've had your vasectomy I don't keep track of my periods anymore, and right now I don't know where I am in my cycle.

I could be ovulating at this time, I'm just not sure. Are you willing to take a chance that I might get pregnant? If we do this, I am not going to ask him to wear a condom.

“No rubber,” I asked disbelievingly?

“No rubber. If I’m having a strange man in me for the first time, I’ll certainly desire to feel his cock in me with nothing between."

"Chances are you are not likely to get pregnant honey,” I said.

But I was becoming became excited by the possibility that she might be impregnated.

We were having a drink when Keith arrived back. He looked at my wife with admiration, saying, "You look gorgeous!"

He had a drink with us, still complimenting Amy till she was blushing, finally going upstairs to shower and change.

While waiting for Keith we didn't talk much. When he joined us he was still wearing his blue jeans. We had another drink before heading out to dinner. We enjoyed a good dinner accompanied by some very fine wine. When the band started playing I asked my wife to dance, and a couple of times I twirled her with the expected results, her dress and slip billowing out, ******** her legs.

As I held her close she could feel my erection pressing against her, and she smiled. "What could you be thinking about?" She was teasing me.

Then Keith danced with her, and he was holding her close, one hand dropping below her waist. He also spun her and we had a small audience of other patrons enjoying her ******* legs, her stocking clad thighs.

It was clear the drinks were relaxing her, and we both danced with her several times. Her face was flushed, and I think she was aroused.

At one point Amy whispered to me that she had felt his very stiff cock pressing against her.

“He was hard?”

“Very. Like a steel pole it felt like.”

I knew now how my wife was thinking.

We finally left for home, and I fixed a nightcap. Keith looked expectant, and I didn't know how to start. She was sitting on the sofa, careless of her skirts which had ridden up some, ******** her thighs.

I sat next to her and asked Keith to sit beside her also, which he promptly did. I kissed her lightly, then held her in a longer kiss, nodding to him. He took the hint and turned her towards him, kissing her deeply.

We took turns kissing and caressing her, and I refrained from touching Amy’s breasts through her blouse and allowed Keith to feel them.

I finally stroked her thighs, inching her dress upwards as we kissed. Then Keith kissed her and continued the upward motion of her dress and slip till her garter straps and naked thighs were *******.

I advanced this scene by slowly lowering the zipper of herdress to her waist, her dress falling open. My wife was flushed and trembling some, her breathing ragged, now obviously quite aroused.

Then Amy did something, said something daring, and I know it took courage for her to be doing it. Reaching down, she fondled his crotch, felt something, and asked Keith: “Are you big? My husband said he thinks you might be.”

I am sure she already knew from feeling it.

Keith smiled and placed his hand over hers, which was still fondling his crotch. “Yes I am Amy. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

Then she said it, and in effect giving me a warning of things to come.

“I hope so.”

She hopes so? For the first time I had an inkling that maybe Amy had always wanted a larger cock, a larger cock than mine.

It was time.

I told Keith in front of Amy that we needed to take her to his room--I don’t want my wife fucking with another man in our marriage bed, I said, and Amy turned red.

Nodding, his eyes wide and smiling like the happiest man in the world, he took my wife by her hand and when she stood up I pulled her dress off her shoulders and arms, pushing it down over her hips till it fell at her ankles.

As Amy preceded him up the stairs her legs and thighs were clearly visible through the sheer slip. He was looking at the motion of her hips and ass as she climbed the stairs, looking at her with admiration, my wife looking so erotic.

“Go ahead,” I said, nodding to Keith.

He nodded and taking my wife by the hand, led her into his bedroom. I waited a little bit, maybe two full minutes before joining them.

I could hardly contain my excitement at the thought at how far my previously reluctant wife has already gone, and what is now likely to happen.

I walked in to see them embracing, his one hand caressing her ass through her panties and slip, the other hand on her breast. She looked at me, seeing my excitement, and then moved closer to him, giving herself over to his caresses.

He lifted her arms overhead, pulling her camisole up and off and almost totally ******** her breasts.

Now another man will soon be seeing them His fingers started stroking her nipples which quickly became erect. When he moved to take her slip off Amy stopped him and crossed her arms over her breasts as she backed away a little.

"Mark. I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do this! I just can't give myself to another man!"

But I could see that she was flushed and very aroused. I think what she was actually doing was giving me a last chance to back out.

She looked at me, probably to see if I would back her up on backing out, and I said, "Baby, we've gone this far; let's not stop now!"

"You want me to continue? You want to let him go ahead? Are you sure you want Keith to have me? Mark, you have to be very sure! Soon he will be inside me with his cock he says is big and it feels big and though I’ve never had big I am pretty sure it is going to feel wonderful and there will be no turning back."

I hesitated, but I was very aroused at what had happened so far. Two things were happening. I wanted to see his hard cock out of curiosity and also because of my desire to see my beautiful wife being fucked.

She is asking. I will only have myself to blame if things go badly.

At this point I believe this was still more a fantasy to me than reality. I was watching, yes, but it was like I was that proverbial fly on the wall.

There is still a chance I can stop it before he penetrates her, and I nodded yes, then I added, “I don’t want him to be wayyy big. Maybe we can just check him out first and then decide.”.

Keith just stood there, listening and probably enjoying this conversation.

“You should have thought of that before now,” she said, frowning. “We don’t need to check him out. Whatever size he is, he certainly can’t change it now, can he?”

Finally she looked at Keith, and then slowly dropped her hands to her sides, her firm breasts again revealed.

“I’m yours to do with as you please.”

This was it, my wife Amy was his for the taking.

Keith kissed Amy again, caressing her, till she became even more aroused, and at that point he slowly lowered her slip to her ankles, lifting her free.

My wife looked so erotic, her breasts firm, her sheer panties doing nothing to hide the bushy dark hair of her cunt, her beautiful legs encased in sheer nylons, the garter straps traversing her naked thighs.

This slow seduction was having it's affect, his caresses roaming freely over her whole body till her knees weakened and she sat on the edge of the bed for support.

My wife, it seemed, was looking like a rag doll. He pushed her shoulders back till she was partially lying down, and lifting her he placed her fully on the bed, then he began stripping off his clothes.

First off came the shoes, then the shirt, and then the unzipping of his jeans through which his cock jumped out as he finished unzipping.


Keith was so aroused his very large cock stood almost straight out and with a slight curve to the left. I saw that he had foreskin which was now peeled back slightly from the head.

And what a head he had on that cock. It was plum sized and looking all swollen and purple.

‘Oh shit,’ I thought, ‘He’s really hung. Abnormally so.'

Amy gasped when she saw his cock, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Oh my God, Keith, You said you are big, but I can't take that!" As her body started shaking, she closed her legs tightly, her eyes drawn almost hypnotically to his huge erection.

“I can’t take that. Please…” She sighed. “Even that head on the end will tear me up before you can get it in, and you’ll be too long as well.”

I too, was having my doubts. ‘She’s right,’ I was thinking. I know my wife’s pussy and that tight little hole can’t stretch that far nor does it go that deep!’

But I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. Amy had warned me, and it is up to her now to say ‘No.’ if she really meant it. I was remembering what Keith had told me about that other wife, and how she had started squealing and cumming immediately.

Now I knew why.

Keith finished removing his jeans, ******** testicles the size almost of tennis balls.

“Keith. It’s too much…”

He was not to be deterred by my wife’s pleas. While holding her shoulders down with a measure of force, he continued stroking Amy, stroking her breasts, stroking her thighs, sliding his hand over her panty clad crotch.

“Please…” But Amy had begun responding to the expert and erotic stroking of her body. Gripping her panties he attempted to slide them down. Somehow, she was still resisting, saying, "Please don't take my panties down. They’re my protection!”

Keith said nothing but continued her seduction till she was moaning, flushed and trembling, clearly close to surrendering totally to him.

I don’t know if she was playing the reluctant wife or actually being the reluctant wife, but seeing her resisting, but not really, was going right along with my fantasies about her.

He gripped her panties again and this time succeeded in pulling them from under her hips and ass, down her thighs to her ankles, taking them off, removing the last barrier to her sex.

All the while his hard cock was jutting out towards her, and her eyes were fixated on that cock.

Amy was almost naked and erotically *******. Her stocking clad thighs just adding to the sensual nature of this scene.

She kept her thighs pressed together as she looked at me, saying, “I know I told you that if things got to this point that it would be too late for you to change your mind. But he’s really Big Mark.

I wasn’t expecting so much, so I’m giving you another chance. Do you really want this to happen? You can see his penis now and it’s not hanging down soft in a shower this time.”

Confused, I just stared at her. I glanced at Keith and saw him standing there, fully erect and grinning.

“Please answer me my husband. Do you really want this to continue? Once he gets it in, if he can, I’ll be craving more and more. Beyond this point there will be no turning back!"

I needed to speak for her, maybe protect her. “Keith. Now that I’ve see your hard cock, I know my wife, and she’s really tight. I’m not sure she can take you.”

Keith sort of snickered. “Women have the capability to stretch pretty far. She probably doesn’t really know and will never know unless she tries.”

I was so excited by this scene that I just nodded my head, but I felt that I could still stop them before he penetrated her.

I looked at Amy. “I think he is actually too big for you, but maybe we can do a little more just for fun, for the curiosity of it all.

I want to see you play with his cock before you say another ‘no.’

Go on. Touch him baby and see. Maybe we can have the two of you make each other cum just with your hands.”

I think she had been thinking the same thing as she reached for his cock, and I saw her fingers as they started around his cock but could not touch at the tips.

He continued to stroke and caress her, his mouth on her breasts, his hands pressing her thighs, opening them slowly, overcoming her resistance.

Then Mark decided to go beyond the hand stage.

She had to give up her grasp of his cock as he slid down her body, now between her legs, moving his mouth and tongue against her sex, drawing moans from her, whimpering some as his tongue was working it's magic on the wet swollen lips of her cunt, gasping as his tongue found her clitoris.

With the tip of his tongue he circled and lifted the now erect bud till she was groaning, her thighs opening a little more, her body flushed and trembling.

“Oh God, Oh God.” Amy was trembling visibly.

He continued working on her, his tongue parting the wet lips of her cunt and pushing into her, moving inside the open lips, her body surrendering to him, with no will to resist.

Sensing that all resistance was gone, Keith moved up her body, preparing to mount her. She lifted her knees and let her thighs fall fully open, tilting her cunt up to meet his advancing cock.

She had already shown her willingness, her desire, by opening her legs to him, but still…


She looked at me once more, going against what she had already warned and asking for the last time if I wanted her to continue.

Keith too had paused as he waited for my response.

I was staring at her opened hole and that cock waiting to enter and I could no more stop this than I could stop an avalanche.

I said something dumb perhaps, but it’s what I came out with as I stared at their respective body parts. “You both look so good with your genitals so close, almost touching..

Somehow baby, you should give him a try, Maybe take him just a little ways inside.”

Amy looked pleadingly at me. “A little ways? Honey? Can’t you see how big his head is?”

“I see it.” I looked at Keith. “Can you do that? Be gentle and slow and let her try just some of it?”

He nodded. “She can be the judge as I go in.”

I knew that the getting in of that head would be a struggle, but if he managed to get that far, there would be no stopping the rest. She would fully want it by then

When I said nothing further in order to stop this, Amy let her arms fall out to her sides, her body open, ready to give herself to him.

He smiled into her face. “Would you like to aim it for me?”

Gripping his engorged cock she directed it against the wet lips of her cunt. Then she began sliding it around, wetting the head and pressing the tip against her tight inner lips.

Nervously, she sighed. “It’s there.”

“Now baby,” Keith said softly, “I’m going to have myself some happily married pussy.”

Amy looked shocked, maybe embarrassed at what he is saying. Me? I found it to be exciting. It is my married pussy he is talking about.

As she stared breathlessly up at him, Keith gripped her hips and began firmly pushing his cock into her, pushing slowly, her cunt beginning to stretch, continuing to press forward till the huge head of his cock moved her inner lips way out to the sides as he penetrated her and paused.

“Oh Keith, Oh fuck!”

Yes, Keith. There was no doubt. My wife knew who was penetrating her.

“Fuck Amy, you have a delicious married cunt.”

“Married cunt? I had never heard that before, but it didn’t deem to turn my wife off.

Now with just the head buried, Keith already had what looked like three to four inches into her his head was that big and he still had maybe six left,

But maybe the most critical part had been accomplished. His head like most men, was wider than his shaft. It was now planted firmly inside my wife. Now the only question remaining was, how much more can she take?

Keith gave her another minute to adjust, then said one word. “More?”

My wife answered after only this slightest hesitation. “Yes . Please keep going.”

I knew now, we’ve gone beyond the decision making stage on my part.

Keith knew then. No matter what, they were going to end up fucking passionately..

My poor wife was gasping and crying out as he entered her further, her inner cunt now being tightly stretched around his invading cock.

In order to give my wife more pleasure as well as modify the walls of her pussy to better accommodate his cock, Keith began a slow pumping motion as he went slightly deeper on maybe every third or fourth pump.

It was so erotic seeing my wife penetrated like this. The blood rushed from my head and I thought I was going to faint. My wife was wide eyed, her mouth hanging open as he pushed inexorably further into her, moving back and forth till she was fully impaled on his cock

My mouth fell open as I saw him bottom out.

Amy cried out, her body jerking as she felt his big balls coming into contact with the cheeks of her ass.

“You’re in! All the way in. My god Keith we’ve done it!”

‘We’ve done it,’ she had said, like they were now a team.

My beautiful wife’s cunt was now totally filled by his rigid cock. Slowly he began moving in her using long strokes, and as I watched, his cock already looked shiny with her juices.

“Yes, fuck me, you big stud you. Use me like a *****!”

What the Hell is my wife saying? She’s never acted like this before.

With her stocking clad legs elevated I had a perfect view of his thick cock steadily and relentlessly fucking her, hearing Amy’s gasps, her cries, her moaning as he serviced her.

I remembered what Keith had said about that other wife he had fucked.

Now it was my wife’s turn. What I had fantasized on, what I also had feared, was about to come about.

My wife had a first orgasm within a minute of his fully entering her.

Yes, she was squealing too, a sound foreign to me and I thought again of how that husband Keith had mentioned must have been feeling when his wife had been under Keith and had started squealing and cumming, almost right away.

Now it was my turn to watch and listen.

Occasionally Amy would look at me, see how excited I am, then closing her eyes, she would renew her giving of herself over to this stud who was fucking her with great confidence and enjoyment.

“It’s happening again! Ooooh God…” She came again, this orgasm looking and sounding stronger than the first.

“I warned you.”

Amy gave me a slight glance and looked away. She knew what I was thinking, that never before had she been given two orgasms so close together.

Keith started fucking harder as my wife adapted to his size.

The fact that I was watching him service my wife seemed to lift Keith’s excitement to a higher level, and he made every effort to see that my wife was groaning loudly as he ravaged her cunt with forceful strokes.

Then he started talking. “Let it out baby, all that excitement you’ve had bottled up inside maybe for years? Let it out. Let both of your men hear your joy and happiness at finally learning and knowing what true fucking is like!”

True fucking. Now I was a cuckold, big time.

Keith knew how to build the excitement, that’s for sure, because now Amy was crying with joy and passion.. Yet, being forceful, he was managing to squeeze in a kiss from time-to time, and Amy was responding hungrily.

Owning my wife, he used her roughly, thrusting into her more powerfully, my wife began crying out again and again, her whole body jerking to his thrusting.

Amy was being totally controlled, laying under him, his cock punishing her, till finally her body stiffened. She was shuddering now, her legs clasping his thighs, and she was crying out again and again as her strongest orgasm yet overwhelmed her.

“Oh God…still again,” my wife gasped out.

Her response triggered his climax, and groaning, Keith gripped her ass and pushed fully into my wife’s cunt as he erupted.

My wife said, "Oh my God Mark! He's swelling more, it’s really big! I can feel him pulsing and spurting into me! Every throb. His contractions feel so intense.

What a cock!”

Gasping still, even more so than Keith, despite his intense orgasm,

Amy finally looked at me. “I warned you Mark, and now it has happened. I’ve just had a much larger cock, used expertly, and I’ve had my first multiple orgasms and they were the most intense ever.

If that’s what you wanted to see, you’ve had your wish granted.”

Keeping his feelings to himself, it took Keith some time to completely empty his cock into Amy, filling her with his sperm. Kissing her, he kept his cock in her for some time keeping his semen up against her cervix.

Much of his sperm had to be flowing into her uterus, maybe connecting with her egg and fertilizing her, making her pregnant.

It was some time before he removed his softened cock from her. He lifted his body off her, lying on his back. Too weak to move, my wife continued to lie on her back, her legs splayed widely, the lips of her cunt open, moist with their juices.

I had never seen Amy climax with such emotion, and so prolonged—she appeared exhausted! She finally turned her head in my direction and looked at me.

I guess she wanted to say it again in a slightly different format. "Well, did you enjoy it, did you enjoy watching your own wife getting fucked liked that?

Seeing my disbelieving face, she went on.

Did you see my tight pussy being stretched like you’ve fantasized about? I sure enjoyed it! Are you happy now that your fantasy has been realized?"

I was too choked with emotion to reply, but she could tell that I was thrilled by what happened.

“I could see it all baby. Your face."

She slowly got up and we returned to our room, Keith smiling as we left, probably thinking about doing it to her again.

I wanted to mount Amy but she refused me, saying that she had just enjoyed the fucking of a lifetime and she wanted to keep the memory of that fresh and unsoiled in her mind.

I persisted but all she would do was take my erect cock in her hand. “Fuck husband, you feel so small in my hand.”

That did it. With only a few strokes I erupted.

"It looks like you really enjoyed watching me lying under that stud and being serviced by him. I can't believe I responded like I did, being handled like that--taken like that!"

Then she said it again. What a cock!”

The emotional scene exhausted us both, and we were soon asleep.

Later that night I awakened and found her absent. I silently moved to Keith's room, and as I slowly opened the door I saw my wife lying under him and getting thoroughly fucked, his cock was plunging into her as I was listening to her moaning continuously.

My wife soon came, climaxing with a loud cry as she began feeling his cock swelling and discharging more semen into her body.

I watched them kiss and cuddle, and then my wife asked, “One more time?” I went back to my room, frustrated in the knowledge that Amy had earlier refused me.

I slipped back in our bed, and Amy joined me maybe forty-five minutes later. I pretended to be asleep. She poked me, knowing I was faking. "I saw you watching us, and I suppose you enjoyed seeing him fucking me again."

"I enjoyed seeing the first one, when I was in bed with you. But that second time and I guess third…” I looked at her and she nodded,

“You snuck into bed with him behind my back. That wasn’t part of our agreement. I was feeling jealous. He seemed to be doing a pretty good job on you, and you seemed to really be enjoying it."

"I certainly did, and he wants to do me again tonight."

I wondered what I had set in motion, and the next day Keith left for his conferences again. We also had to work, but we got home early, showered and changed. This time my wife wore her usual satiny garter belt with shear stockings attached.

This was followed by a matching peach colored lacy bra and panties, also a matching half-slip, and a clinging white dress. With her hair done and make up she was absolutely beautiful. Keith was not going to be able to keep his hands off her for very long.

He returned and we again went out for dinner-on Keith. We were mellowed by the dinner and wine, and when we returned home Keith wasted no time taking Amy in his arms and kissing her, meeting no resistance. Looking at me as if for permission, he took her hand, leading her up to his room.

If I wanted to watch this time, it was up to me.

Oh was I jealous, so very jealous. Keith had fucked my wife a total of three times already. I mean by three that he had three orgasms into her and my wife had orgasmed way more than that, and now he is about to have her again, and I am still waiting for mine.

I soon followed them, finding him slowly undressing her, my wife standing passively as he gradually stripped her naked, except for her sheer stockings. He pushed her down on the bed, stripping off his clothes, approaching her with a very thick and stiff cock.

He took charge, Amy following his orders to spread her legs, flushed with embarrassment, making her put on a show, treating her like a ***** while he stroked his massive member and stared down at her.

I was wondering about Amy. With her pussy having been so tight all these years, and then having been fucked so many times last night?
Isn’t she sore?

I don’t know if Keith knew I was behind and watching but he began cuckolding me without regard as to whether I might hear.

“Do you want it? Get my hard cock so much bigger than your husband in your married pussy? Do you? Come on Amy, say it or you’re not getting it.”

“Yes, please, I want it.”

“What do you want? Be more specific.”

“I want your bigger than my husband’s cock in my pussy.”

“Is that because it feels better and makes you cum so easily and hard?”

“Yes. Most definitely. Please give it to me.”

Either my wife does not have a sore pussy tonight or she is about to find out.

With very little formality Keith moved between her spread legs, positioning his cock at her cunt, and brutally pushing into her, a hoarse cry from my wife at the sudden painful stretching of her cunt with his powerful penetration.

This time he quickly filled her, again a loud cry as she was fully impaled on his throbbing cock.

He began stroking into her, my wife moaning steadily, till he felt her body moving, now gasping as she was already close to her climax. As he realized that she was about to cum he pulled out of her, ignoring her entreaties to finish.

“Doggy, like the ***** you are!”

He rolled her unresisting body onto her stomach, pulling her hips into the air, presenting her on her hands and knees. "No, not like this, not on my hands and knees!"

He ignored her, pushing her head and shoulders to the bed, spreading her thighs apart, my wife too filled with passion to stop him. (She never had let me take her like this, saying she wasn't an animal)

He stood behind her, gripping her hips firmly to hold her in place as he directed his hard cock into the wet open lips of her cunt, and ignoring her protests, penetrating her and pushing fully into her, filling her again, my wife crying out shrilly.

It was then, as he had my wife impaled once again on his huge cock and she was moaning loudly that he turned to look at me and smile.

“Come over here Mark, and see what you’ve wanted to see, your wife’s pussy being stretched and fucked from close up.”

As I moved closer, he began thrusting into her powerfully, holding her hips as he punished her with his cock, treating her even more roughly, her body jerking to his thrusting.

Her pussy, all around the lips, was looking very red. Is he doing damage? I felt that I should stop him, but I couldn't; I was immobilized by the scene, incredibly aroused by the way he was fucking her, still treating my wife like a *****, without any tenderness.

Then he said it. “See what a ***** your loving wife can be?”

Now my wife was moaning continuously, finally responding to him, responding to being taken in this manner, his swollen cock thrusting into her helpless body.

I stood mesmerized watching his cock working on her, moving in and out of her till her cries changed and became more shrill, and she began to cum, her orgasm even more prolonged as she felt him swelling and spurting into her, pulling her fully upon his cock till her climax subsided, and till he completely drained himself in her.

He released her, and she dropped to the bed, full of his sperm.

My wife began sobbing, humiliated at being taken on her hands and knees, her body betraying her, responding to his domination. She couldn't believe that she could be used like that, embarrassed that she had climaxed so powerfully.

And all with her husband right there and watching her being taken in a position she had always denied me..

We returned to our bed. I reached for her.

“No Mark. I’m sore.”

Now she is sore.

In the morning, after Keith had left, I said we had to talk. I had a change of heart after witnessing the events of the last two nights, never dreaming that their fucking would be so intense. I said "I don't want him to have you again tonight!"

"Oh, you don't want him to take me again? You're the one that set all this in motion, and now because he's screwing me so well you want to stop.

Don't you remember when I said that you might be sorry if you realized your fantasy? And if I did as you wanted you would have to live with the consequences.

Well, it's too late for you to call the shots. I love being fucked by him, even though he did me on my hands and knees, and if Keith wants to fuck me tonight he can.

You enjoyed watching him servicing me, so you can watch once more. How do you like being a cuckold, having horns planted on your head?"

I did my best to sway her but she wouldn't budge. He had been filling Amy with his semen, and now I was worried about her getting pregnant.

She laughed when I said this to her, saying, "You should have thought of that when you offered me to him, and no, I won't ask him to wear a condom. Not now. If I get pregnant it will be your fault!

Maybe tonight will be more exciting for you, thinking of his sperm flowing into my uterus, maybe making me pregnant. Maybe he has already impregnated me one of the last two nights!"

She showered and again dressed in her most attractive underwear and a clinging short dress.

Keith arrived and we had cocktails, and a light dinner with wine. After dinner we went to the living room with our wine, Amy sitting across from us, her dress hiked up her thighs. Slowly she let her legs fall open, letting us see her naked thighs and panties. Keith got the message, and taking her hand he led her upstairs to his room.

I followed them, watching once again as he slowly undressed her to her lacy panties, laying her down on the bed while he stripped. She lifted her ass so he could remove her panties, looking at me as she spread her legs for him. He mounted her, working his cock into her, my wife again groaning as he penetrated her, moaning as he pressed fully into her.

She lifted her legs, and I watched his thick cock stretching her for the third night in a row, sliding in and out of her, soon thrusting into her faster, my wife gasping as she felt her orgasm approaching. She cried out, her arms and legs clutching him as she spasmed.

He groaned, pulling her fully onto his cock as he emptied himself deep into her, his sperm once again flooding her uterus.

It was unbelievably erotic, watching this stud servicing my wife, watching her being fucked so thoroughly. She looked at me again as she felt his sperm flooding her cunt, seeing how excited I was, and smiling at me.

This time, I guess they, or perhaps she, just wanted to have a quickie. It was over after maybe only thirty minutes!

We went to bed and in the morning said good-bye to Keith, who thanked us for a wonderful time.

He never mentioned the sex, just the ‘wonderful time.’ Later Amy and I talked about what happened, reliving those scenes many times, finding our sex life lifted to a new level.

Yes, I finally fucked my wife, though I don’t think she was feeling me that much. She tried though, acting the wife and not the *****, and I think, I’m not sure, her mild orgasm was not being faked.

Oh, I guess Amy had not been ovulating during Keith’s visit because she didn’t end up pregnant.

But, she said that now her body will still be nice and slim and trim for Keith on his next visit.



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EroticWriter said:
Do you have a wife to watch? If so, that's a starting point. If not, first we have to find you a wife....
My Andrew has watched me take many cocks but I don't think I could handle this big one even with lube
Helga said:
My Andrew has watched me take many cocks but I don't think I could handle this big one even with lube
The photo I think, is scarier for the length I would say over the width.
EroticWriter said:
The photo I think, is scarier for the length I would say over the width.
12 in I have managed
Helga said:
12 in I have managed
Helga, just out of curiosity, have you actually MEASURED a cock? I mean, take a firm ruler and press it down slightly into the man's pubic hair or mound at the top (belly button) side of his cock and measured out to the end. That, measuring from the top and pressing the mound in is called The insertion length. Some men lie about their size, and some men measure their cock at the side, which adds more than an inch, and of course from the bottom could be all the way to the bottom.

So did you really take 12, a true twelve all the way in? Remember, it takes an inch or more just to reach your pussy in some positions.
EroticWriter said:
Helga, just out of curiosity, have you actually MEASURED a cock? I mean, take a firm ruler and press it down slightly into the man's pubic hair or mound at the top (belly button) side of his cock and measured out to the end. That, measuring from the top and pressing the mound in is called The insertion length. Some men lie about their size, and some men measure their cock at the side, which adds more than an inch, and of course from the bottom could be all the way to the bottom.

So did you really take 12, a true twelve all the way in? Remember, it takes an inch or more just to reach your pussy in some positions.
Never measured one but one of Andrew's friends claimed it was 12 in. I felt some pain but became relaxed as we fucked.
First rate story which is nicely focused on all parties, but particularly the first-time cuck hub.:)

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