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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Honey? He's Got It In!


'You really should leave married pussy alone because it is special. It not only belongs to a woman that you need to be able to attract and have to seduce while overcumming her desire to remain faithful, but it also is protected by a vowel, a piece of paper, a ring, and a husband who might kill you if he catches you fucking with his married pussy.'

Artist Four.jpg
By EroticWriter

True story readers. The photo I grabbed to use at the top is pretty close to my wife as described in the story. I couldn't remove the name of the site I borrowed it from. The painting in red is actually my wife, and I feel safe posting it since this happened so many years ago.

On 2 October 2020 I have added a couple of actual paintings from the story, and gone on near the end and added what happened in relation to those paintings. One you see in red above.

Honey? He's Got It In!

She was getting the looks, that's for sure. Everyone the gorgeous woman passed on the way around the lake, their eyes followed her. They, mostly men, didn't for the most part ogle the woman openly as she walked past, but when that golden tanned fantastic body with blonde hair showing in two places came into view, eyeballs clicked.

As she came near and walked by, carrying a towel, those eyeballs clicked to the left, clicked to the center, and then clicked right. Oh, she has a man with her? Too bad.

The man was me, and the woman was Sharon, my wife. My wife was fairly new to nudism. Sharon had been nude in front of others before, but in low numbers like twos and threes on a beach that was isolated. Today was a first time for her though in the fact that my wife was nude where there were a lot of people around.

A lot of people, and some of them still dressed.

“Honey, there are a lot of people here, and most of them are men.” We were sitting in our car. A few minutes before I had driven in and parked. As we shared a soda, she was looking apprehensively through the car windows, both left and right.

I had 'scouted' the lake in advance one day the week before, so I knew my way around the lake. When I had driven my wife to the lake today, I had not anticipated so many people, and so many cars parked in a line along this side of the lake, the only place available for parking. I pointed my hand to the right. “I know baby, but if we walk down that way and go around the bend, away from the cars, we'll pretty much have the beach to ourselves.”

We were at Coot Lake near Boulder, Colorado, and at that time, going nude was OK with the Sheriff's Department. Unfortunately, the word had gotten out about the 'nude lake', and the sightseers were starting to show up.

There were already a lot of nude sunbathers laying on the ground in front of our car and going in both directions left and right. If we wanted to get away from the gawkers still sitting in their cars, we had a choice, get out of the car dressed and walk past the sightseers in their cars, or go past nude. I chose nude, and surprisingly, my wife agreed to do it.

Sharon had been to a couple of nude beaches with me in the past, but that was on the California coast. Our chosen spot in California was usually NW of Santa Barbara, a beach below a steep cliff called Moore Mesa, and to get down to the beach, you had to leave your car out of sight and walk down a zig zag path. The sightseers there were usually not a problem since there were miles of beaches along the coast and it was not too difficult to find privacy.

But here, at Coot Lake, the non-nudists could drive right in, park and see the sights from their car. Carrying the small ice chest and one towel, I headed out with my wife beside me. We had parked in the middle of a row of maybe fifteen cars, and we had to pass in front of about eight of them to get around to where the path around the lake turned left and we would be away from the cars.

Most of the cars were empty, fortunately, and the occupants were either sitting or lying on towels along the beach and usually, in front of their own vehicle. Maybe three or four of the cars had guys sitting inside, and the cars that were now empty had been occupied in some cases by couples, so at least there were some women along the beach.

But my wife stood out, and today, she was the feature presentation for those that had came to do some viewing. I was proud and inwardly excited as I saw the men, and some women, looking our way. Sharon's D cups were out in front, and her body, accompanied by mine, followed along.

Me? I was in great shape from working out and my tan, what was left of it from last summer, was still even on my body. My cock, for those that might be looking, was hanging down maybe slightly more than four inches and uncut. I've been told by more than one woman that I have a nice looking cock. Not the biggest by far, but soft or hard, 'nice looking.'

Just to throw something in here. When I think of women saying that I have a 'nice looking cock,' one time in particular cums to mind. In a previous life as a nude photographer I was driving an eight passenger vehicle, a new 1966 Ford Country Wagon, and my previous wife and I had brought another couple along with us to Death Valley. They were going to do some nude modeling for us on the sand dunes. They had, with our permission, brought along a 'friend.'

The friend turned out to be a very exotic looking woman with dark complexion and hair named Jewel. (name changed slightly). Of course I had agreed that they could bring along a (female) friend. A male would have been left behind. This gal was from the NYC area, and had cum to California just to see the sights. Well, Jewel saw the sights alright because the room I had rented at Stovepipe Wells in Death Valley just happened to have an extra bed in it, and since the other couple were new at each other and wanted some privacy, we agreed that our visitor could stay in the room (small cabin) I was sharing with my wife.

I was on an expense budget on that trip but it did not allow for renting a third room for a non model.

“It'll be no problem Jewel. You get undressed in the bathroom, we'll get undressed in the bedroom and get in bed. You can turn out the lights before you cum out of the bathroom to get in your own bed. No one will see anything.”

That is what was being said in front of the other couple. When the three of us, Jewel, my wife and myself finally were alone, oh boy.

Jewel's show of being conservative and shy, apparently was meant for her friends, one of them, the wife, a girl she had known since grade school.

The lights stayed on as we all got naked. It was not long before Jewel was kneeling on the floor and I was standing in front of her with a full erection, and in the middle of her blow job, she took her mouth off, turned to my wife who was sitting on one of the beds watching, and said:

“Your husband has a really nice looking cock.”

My wife didn't immediately come back with a comment, and Jewel, thinking my wife was mad or something, let go of my cock and started to stand. I stopped her by placing my hand on her head, and said, "She's not mad, she just likes to watch, sometimes."

I won't go into all the details of that night since it is another story that I might tell at another time. The next day, as my modeling couple got naked and I and my wife did too, it wasn't long before Jewel was naked as well. Not modeling since she had family that would not approve, but naked.

She wasn't shy about getting naked in front of my wife and I of course, at that point, but it still took her an hour or so to disrobe in front of her two friends formerly from New York.

Something I had not thought about when I had planned the photo trip. The sand dunes at Death Valley are just that, sand, and man oh man did they ever get hot as the day progressed. Too hot to walk on with bare feet for sure. We got our shots done and got off those dunes.

My wife and I had been spoiled by being on the White Sand dunes in New Mexico, which are not sand at all but composed of Gypsum. They do not get hot no matter how much sun.

So we got our shots on the dunes, then moved off and found some desert Yucca, big rocks and cactus to use for the rest of the photos. I don't know if Jewel ever told her friends what had transpired in our motel room the night before, but it all was hush hush that day. Turns out that Jewel eventually ended up in some scenes in the (not porno) movies, and I won't name real names.

I did run into 'Jewel' at an orgy on a hill above Hollywood one time a couple of months later. She had actually been 'hired' by the male host to act as a 'hostess' to all the guests who had arrived for the orgy. I had activities of my own on the menu and never saw if she was hosting all the time out front, or sometimes, with someone, in a bedroom.

Back to Coot lake many years later.

As we were walking past the cars at Coot Lake there was always the chance that some onlooker would attempt to take a photo of us through the windshield of their vehicle, or more specifically, get a shot of my wife, But I was vigilant and if anyone tried it, I would likely see and go to their car and yank the camera out of their hands. Yes, I was prepared to do that.

Of course, that would be anyone in front of or beside us as we walked by. From the rear, they could have gotten their shot, and would have had a photo of two nice rear ends. Yes, I have been told by more than one woman that I have a nice ass too.

As Sharon carried a towel, which was partially covering her pussy at times, and I carried a towel and small ice chest, we walked past the cars and onlookers, came to where the lake ended in one direction, followed around and after walking the distance of maybe a long city block were now alone.

From here, no one could see us from a car going by on the intersecting highway, which was over some small bulldozed and covered with grass hills behind us, and if we were seated or lying down we had some low shrubbery to hide us, our lower halves at least, from anyone over at the parking lot who might be using binoculars.

It was surprising, actually, that we were all alone on this side of the lake, because over where the cars were parked, anyone sunbathing on the beach had the sun coming from the West directly off to the left side. Not the greatest angle for sunbathing.

Here at the East end of the lake, the sun was coming in directly toward us from the West, and we could not only face the water with our feet while tanning, but be getting the rays on our entire bodies.

Ever lay naked with your lower body toward the sun, with your legs spread? It feels good people. On a man, yes, and my wife told me it sometimes felt especially good on an opened set of pussy lips. They do tend to get dry though.

We sunbathed, and tested the water, but in early June the water was still more than a little cool for swimming, so it looked like our pubic hair would be staying dry for today. After a while Sharon was lying face down on her towel and was probably asleep, but I couldn't be sure.

We were lying up where the ground was almost flat since the land dropped off a little more sharply going down into the water. The sun was cumming from the west over the lake, so as a result our feet were toward the water and anyone cumming past would have to walk between us and the lake to get by. That meant of course that anyone walking by would also be in position to stare at a pussy or, if they were so inclined, a cock.

About that time a naked guy wearing only sandals came around the lake from the direction of the cars and walked past us. I knew he had probably came to look at 'that blonde', but he pretended to be heading for the other side of the lake.

Over there, on the North side, the shrubbery was not cleared away for the most part and there was not much in the way of a place to sit or lie near the water. If you dropped your towel there and laid down, the sun would be off to your right instead of at your feet and not as easy to get a tan with.

Also, anyone in that area could more easily be watched from directly across the lake through binoculars from the area where the cars were parked.

That area was deserted and I knew that he would be cumming back, and very soon.

I watched as he 'looked around', pretending actually and then eventually headed back our way. Now was the time to have a 'little fun' so I pulled out a bottle of skin and tanning lotion and getting on the right side of my wife, which meant I had to use my left hand, I began to apply it to Sharon's back.

I'm right-handed, but I was doing the applying with my left hand so that I could better be watching that guy and still not be blocking his view of Sharon as he came back our way. I did it slowly, all the while keeping an eye on the guy's progress as he worked his way back around the lake and drew near to us.

When he was about to reach us and go on past, I had timed it just right as I finished my wife's back and was starting to apply lotion to her nicely rounded buttocks. Two hands now. He slowed as he reached our location, then came to a stop just to the left of my wife and where his shadow would not be blocking the sun from her body.

“Nice day, isn't it,” he asked as he looked across her body at me? He was looking while trying not to be seen looking as his eyes roved over Sharon's golden buttocks, now starting to shine in the sun from the skin lotion.

Imagine yourself in his position, readers. A tall well built long haired blonde is lying on her stomach, naked, with her beautiful firmly rounded ass showing, and with her nicely developed legs opened slightly, and a naked man is rubbing lotion slowly onto that ass.

And there you are, almost right behind her at her feet and able to look up her crotch with the sun at your back and leaving nothing in the shadow as you stare. Of course, you need to stand just off the left side so you will not put the nice lady in the shade, or put your view of her pussy in the shadow of your body.

He knew just what to do.

I mean, wouldn't you love to have a reason to not only stop, but to stay? I made it easy for him.

He had provided the opening I needed. “Yes. It's a nice sunny day, but we stuck our feet in the water and that was enough for us. Still a little too cold for swimming.” (Actually, had the water been warmer it was unlikely that we would have gone in. We were there to enjoy the sun, and maybe the sunbathers.) Besides, there were some small rocks in the soil under the water, and you had to be careful when wading.

“Yeah,” he responded, thankful to be greeted in a friendly manner, “I put my toe in over there, but that was enough for me.”

If he had gone to all that effort to see my wife by going fully halfway around the lake and back, he deserved a 'reward.' So I smiled and quietly invited him to sit a while by pointing at the bottom of the towel I was sitting on. It was a very colorful towel over 6 feet long and pointed towards the lake, so that left plenty of room for two. Now, three actually, one lying lengthwise and the other two on the side and seated.

Actually the 'towel' was not a towel. We would go to yardage stores, a trick I had learned when I was shooting nudes in California, and I would buy colorful terry cloth material by the foot, and I had five, six, and even eight foot towels on hand. Very handy for shooting people just sitting, or having them lying down, and much cheaper a purchase than an actual towel.

“You don't mind?”

I don't mind repeating what I have already basically said. He was staring at my wife, who even on her stomach was a knockout. Her ass is something to see, and it is joined by a pair of legs that are filled out nicely with thighs and calves in just the right proportions.

Unlike many women who have large breasts, my wife's legs did not have skinny calves.

If Sharon's legs are opened a little, the view up between is somewhat spectacular, and right now her legs were opened just enough to be providing him with a peek at her snatch from the back. Fully illuminated by the sun. And her crack in that snatch.

Snatch from the back, snatch from the front, snatch is nice from any angle.

“Sure. Besides,” I said in low tones, “I think she's asleep.” I was pointing at my wife as he walked on past her and had himself another look see before sitting down on the towel I was using since he had not brought one of his own.

Now, from his seated position beside her right leg, he was as close to my wife as I was, and from where he was seated at the foot of my towel, he had the view of her from lower down that I previously described.

Think about that guys. A naked man, a total stranger, is now seated within inches of my naked wife, so close, and yet, at that point, so far. But down near her feet he had the better positioning to be seeing her pussy, that was for sure.

I continued to apply the lotion, using almost a massaging motion as I rubbed, and at the rate I was going, it would take quite a while before I finished with her buttocks. I figured that Sharon might be awake and listening, but if she was she did not know for sure where my new 'friend' was seated, so I felt free to have some fun.

As we talked in low tones, I continued to apply lotion. I was now rubbing it in between her ass cheeks including the spreading of her ass cheeks and rubbing it over her little pink anus, the color around it shaped sort of like a diamond, and below that was the area that certainly did not need to have tanning lotion applied, but my wife likes it when I go there with my hands.

First though I teased him a bit by using two hands to gently tug her cheeks apart, further ******** her tight and unwrinkled anus to his viewing pleasure. I did this several times, opening and closing her as I applied lotion. One or two times I tugged her wide enough that it actually opened her anus. Not a lot, but open to the size of maybe a dime in diameter.

All conversation had stopped now as I rubbed, caressed, and opened while he stared and his cock started twitching. Still soft, but showing some life.

He was probably further surprised when I went to her inner thighs at first, and then her pussy with my hands to apply lotion, and further surprised when her legs voluntarily opened wider at her feet, probably by an additional 12 inches. Since she had opened her legs on her own, that told the both of us that yes, she is awake.

No hiding it now, she's awake, and she opened her legs, ******** her pussy to the elements, the sun, her husband, and a strange man.

The opening movement way up her legs had now ******* her lips between that luscious blonde hair that until now, had been partially hiding them.

Of course my wife was possibly not aware that the visitor was seated where he had a full view of the action. For all she knew, he was seated on his own towel. At least I don't think she knew. But she might have been 'fantasizing' that he is there and seeing the view as I played.

The interesting thing is, since she was awake and responding to my touch, she also had to be listening back when we had been talking, and my wife had no idea what this guy looks like.

So we sat and sometimes talked, and I was now applying lotion and caressing the lips of my wife's vagina, and every once in a while I would tug her lips opened, and our visitor was being provided with a view partially inside the magic tightness of my wife's most intimate part.

At first I was briefly opening her lips and not looking at him as I did it. Before long that had changed, and I began using two hands, keeping the left one up high at an angle so as not not block his view and spreading her wide and then holding her open for several long seconds while looking up at his face as he stared.

Opening her wide as I play, that could have been for me. Looking at him as I hold her opened, that was obviously for his viewing pleasure. He was actually seeing up inside my wife's vagina, at least as far as her tightness permitted.

It happened several times. I was pausing, pulling and holding her pussy lips apart for several seconds at a time. It was a routine that we had practiced many times in the past while sunbathing, but never with a spectator so close. I open her legs and stare at her pussy in the process of my applying lotion, and she enjoys the feel of having her lips tugged open.

Sometimes I would do that with her on our bed, at home.

Only this time, there was a man present, right there and watching. My wife just had to know that I was doing it for a man she had never seen. She had to know, I am sure.

I noticed from time-to-time that his cock appeared to grow as the foreskin slid partially back off the head and I could even see a drop of clear fluid on the tip. He would quit looking at my wife, and his cock would go back to normal. Size-wise, I grow to almost seven, and I was estimating him to be in that range, somewhere between six and seven.

The head on his cock looked like it might be a little larger than mine. I couldn't be sure because so far, his penis had not filled out to its full size and that foreskin had not as yet peeled all the way back.

So far, he had not actually touched his cock with his hands.

I had 'finished' with her vagina now and was doing her legs as I learned more about our visitor. But Sharon's legs were remaining spread, and the view had not gone away.

Though he had a non-Hispanic sounding name, Joseph, (not his real name) looked to be Mexican to me. Bodywise, same as me in height, but he was softer overall, a little heavier, and non-muscular.

Joe, (I'll shorten his name here) claimed to be an artist, and he was wondering if perhaps we might like to have some nude 'sketches' of my wife to enjoy. About that time my wife sat up, turned around and as she was providing him with close up views of her wonderful breasts for the first time she was involved to a small extent in our conversation, and she seemed to be interested in the sketches.

My wife was not interested in him though. I saw right away as she turned around that whatever fantasizing on what he might look like had been shot down. Joe was not ugly, but not what most women would call attractive either. She did give his cock a glance, and I am sure that she probably appraised it to be about the same size as mine, and like mine, uncut.

I was wondering if she, having deliberately allowed me to put her most intimate areas on full display for him, was now sorry she had allowed it. She never said a word about it to me, later. Kept on pretending like it never happened.

Joe, bless his heart, was still very interested in seeing my wife up close now that she was sitting up and giving him not only a view of a lovely girl next door face but also of a set of D cups that even while she was sitting down did not show even a hint of sag.

I was thinking: 'Talk. Talk and make friends. Create interest. If he's seen this much and she allowed it, who knows what else she might allow?'

He was non-threatening. Not taller than me, not younger, not good looking. And his cock, same as mine it looked like. So if she might play, I was interested in what it might be like.

As we all continued talking I was watching Sharon's face and could see that after her 'getting to know him' she still was not interested in 'him' because he was not all that good looking, but she did seem to be interested in doing some posing, but only if we could keep the sketches.

I noticed that, when she thought no one was watching her face, my wife stole a couple more glances at his cock because the size kept changing. It never got fully hard, but her impression was probably that his cock while soft looked a lot like her husband's except that his cock constantly had a shiny drop of fluid hanging off the tip.

Besides the drip, I happen to know that she had taken note that his head looked to be 'biggish' under that foreskin. I said 'biggish' because that is the word my wife used to describe how the head of Joe's cock had looked to her when we talked about it later.

Soft, we both knew at that point, Joe has a larger head on his cock than I do.

Arrangements were made, he would bring some sample sketches along, and Joe, after getting our phone number, was to cum over that evening. We both waved as he happily walked off towards the occupied part of the beach. Sharon laid flat on her back to do some more tanning while I kept watching until Joe reached the cars.

Because of the distance and there being two rows of cars front to back now, I could not tell if Joe got into one and drove off immediately or kept hanging around. To this day I don't know if he had cum to the beach with 'buddies' or not. If he had, I am sure he had quite a story to tell.

Eventually Sharon sat up again and I asked her how she felt about posing for Joe. It was then that Sharon said yes, he was welcum to cum over (to our house) but that the sketches or paintings he was going to show us had better be good enough to make it all worthwhile for her to be posing. Bad sketches, no poses.

She never mentioned what I had been doing beforehand, while she was 'sleeping.' Funny thing is, Sharon knew that I had been rubbing on that lotion while he had been there and that I was doing it the way she likes the best, in that I was playing with her pussy and even pulling it open as I did it.

Pulling it open and holding it open for several seconds each time, and repeating that maneuver many times.

But she either did not care or never thought of asking if he had been positioned to where he would be able to see the action while I had been spreading her lips.

She probably had trusted me to not be doing that. I think. Remember, up until then, she had not actually seen him.

The evening came, and we took a chance and gave him our address. As agreed, Joe brought some pencil and watercolor sketches along that he had already done. There were a few scenery drawings and mostly drawings of other women and a couple of children he had done, but no nudes. They were not professional quality, but for an amateur, not bad. When she asked, Joe told my wife that she would be his first nude.

I think that made my wife feel 'special' and after taking another look at them and indicating the style she liked, she nodded her approval. It was then agreed that my wife would get naked on our king-sized bed where she would do some posing.

For 'comfort' and to make my wife feel more at ease with a stranger in her bedroom, I got naked too. This was the first time that she and I had been naked and alone in a truly private place with someone else who was still dressed.

In the course of posing for some preliminary sketches, I perhaps got my wife into some poses that were pretty revealing, even lewd. Up until now, though, they were all of her. I am sure that Joe and my wife were also aware that now my cock was playing the game Joe's cock had been playing earlier, in that it was changing sizes, and often.

One thing led to another, and after about 45 minutes Joe offered to do larger sketches, maybe paintings, of us 'making love,' but he wanted to take photos and use them to remember and draw from.

I am cutting out some here to get to the good parts, but let's say that in the process of doing those preliminary sketches, Joe had becum naked too. After some discussion and promises of no faces showing, we agreed to allow him to take some Polaroid photos, from which he would do some larger 'sketches' and bring them to us in a few days.

That's right folks, Polaroid photos. No digital cameras in those days. You either used Polaroid, or you had your film developed in a lab.

Joe started us out 'easy.' I knew that he wanted to see and get photos of some hard core fucking, but he had to go at it slow so that Sharon would not revolt. Fortunately for Joe, my mind was going in the same direction. Start her out slow, and ease her into some hotter stuff.

Joe told us that since he would be rendering 'still' paintings and not movies, all he needed was some shots of us in certain positions like lying side-by-side and kissing while I was having my cock near her pussy prior to making partial penetration, things like that. Yeah, 'romantic love making' stuff.

We did a few poses, with just the two of us laying together and simulating looking into each other's eyes and having sex. In all of these, my cock was not showing prominently nor was it into Sharon. In every pose Joe suggested, I noted that Sharon's tits were featured prominently, even though we had our faces either turned away or covered in some manner.

Then, since I was in agreement with Joe that we needed to do some more 'intimate' poses, Joe suggested three, to which I readily, and Sharon somewhat reluctantly, agreed.

At last! My wife is willing to have a man see us in the act of simulated fucking and to take photos! Yeah daddy. A hard cock opening up a tight pussy. Naturally I was having no problems in getting hard or staying hard. And now he knows, what size cock I have to give my wife.

We needed to show my penis started partway into Sharon for his sketches. So he took two or three Polaroid shots of each pose we did. We started out with my wife on top of me and slowly lowering herself until she was halfway down on my hard cock, and of course in the process Joe was being treated with close up views of how Sharon's pussy looked as it is being opened by a cock.

Those were some truly erotic photos. My wife's beautifully curved and full ass, anus showing, and just below, her blonde tight pussy being spread by a rock hard cock inserted halfway in and up.

And of course my mid-sized balls for the most part staying tight and drawn up and not hanging way down.

Then we did a couple of shots with me on top of her while up on my knees and partially in, just the head, and then me further but not all the way penetrating my wife. We changed positions. My wife, by now was getting aroused, in the doggy position.

I was counting the photos, and each time one was finished developing, we took a look at it to make sure no faces were showing. A blonde head of hair sometimes, maybe a slight profile, but nothing straight on.

"Look baby, how tight your pussy looks all spread around my cock," I would say to her while Joe, whom I was really calling it to attention to, would stand beside me, studying the polaroids with us.

"Yes, I see that," Sharon would say, while she nervously ran her tongue across her upper or lower lip.

Because I wanted my cock to look as long as possible and I was saving the suspense for possibly later, I was making sure not to go further than just a short penetration each time I entered her. In each of these positions Sharon and I assumed, Sharon let out a little 'gasp' as my rock hard cock spread her tight lips.

It never went down, not once, not even a smidgeon.

I knew that by now she was wishing that I could just go all the way in and start fucking, but I was in a teasing mode. After all, we were just 'posing' and my hard cock needed to be partially showing in each shot.

From time to time I saw my wife take a quick 'accidental' peek at his cock, which like mine, kept modifying in size, but in his case never all the way up and out. Far as I know, he still, at this point, had never touched his cock with his hand.

Each time we changed positions I said, 'Let's get a shot this way' as I allowed Joe to cum over and watch from close up as the penetration was made, and he could readily see that her lips fitted quite tightly around my cock. On purpose, I only went a couple of inches into Sharon in each pose so that most of my cock would show.

When you only have a bit less than seven, you don't hide six of it.

After three partial entries into my wife I had had enough. Enough of the posing and now it was time for some real. I had saved this particular position for actual fucking because from up here I could see and show Joe the 'view' and my wife's head was 'down there' where she would sort of be away from the discussion and the activity going on behind her.

The doggy position. Probably the best angle for a man to be able to see what his cock is doing to the pussy that is wrapped around it. Best for his viewing, and maybe the best for viewing by anyone else that happens to be standing around. Especially if the wife is shy, reluctant, or both.

It was then, after Joe had put the Polaroid camera down that I started slow fucking my wife in the doggy position, sometimes full depth, and I invited our new friend over to watch from close up.

This was more than a start. I had transitioned my reluctant wife from posing, to actual fucking, and in front of some strange man.

Before, we had been posing for his camera. Now, with my wife listening, I intended to get our new friend involved on a personal level with what is happening. For the first time I started talking about the sex, instead of posing for sketches.

“Watch this Joe. Now that I'm going deeper you can see how her tight little lips pull out each time I cum back. See that?”

“I noticed that before, how she does that in every pose we did. Is she as tight as it looks?”

His cock was mostly hard, but that foreskin was still halfway covering his head. Joe had asked a very personal question about my wife, and she was hearing it. But I gave him the answer and I am sure my wife probably was proud to hear me say it.

“Even tighter.”

Up until now, my second wife had only been intimate to this level with me. I will tell you of her history as she told me. One can never be totally sure of the truth unless they have been there, but Sharon had no reason to hide things from me.

In high school, she did little dating, if at all. In the first year of college, Sharon had made out with a couple of guys, and one of them had given her a first orgasm by just kissing her and doing some fondling 'with clothes on' according to Sharon.

I had pushed her a little on the 'clothes on' bit and she had finally admitted that he had gone under her brassiere and played with her nipples. He was older, tall and good looking, she said, and she was very attracted to him.

Without his knowledge, he had made her cum. Sharon still swears to this day that he had not placed his hand on her vagina, either on or under her clothes. Just the passion of kissing and being fondled had done it for her, but Sharon had held out because she was a virgin. She told me that she neither saw nor felt his cock since they were both dressed.

She decided later, that the next time he took her out, that she would give in and allow him to take her cherry, which possession she had not informed him about. But he was playing the field apparently and never called her back.

That guy will never know what he missed. That had saved her cherry for me. It's nice knowing that you are the first, especially in the case of Sharon, who being a virgin was tightness piled on more tightness. It's probably lucky for my wife too, because if that guy had turned out to have a huge cock, she would have been in deep shit.

Yeah male readers I know. You have heard of, read about, and maybe if you are lucky have actually had a really tight pussy. It is easy, if I wanted to, to make up a story like that here, but my wife to be, when I met her, and for a long time after, had a really tight snatch. Unusually tight. One of my two tightest ever.

Want to hear about the other gal? The one who was as tight, and maybe, well yes, she was, tighter?

My wife was out of town on business. I had met this gal, so little, so cute, and I did not know it at the time, almost virgin. Let me explain. When I finally, and it didn't take that long, got her naked and into bed, I tried sticking my cock in. No go. Not even with lots of saliva thrown in.

I tried again, this time using my shoe horn method of holding the foreskin forward and placing it against the inside of each inner lip, letting it act as a 'sheath' or shoe horn as I go deeper.

It worked, but only after much trying, much groaning and crying out on her part.

I got her cherry, but she was so tight on the sides, I never felt it. Just saw a bit of blood, after.

Know what she did? She actually cried, saying things like: (swear to God), "At last! I know I'm normal now, I can have sex, you got it in."

I guess she had been with one or two before me, and neither had been patient or knowledgeable enough, or considerate enough, to make full penetration. Whatever had happened, she would not give me details, I was the first man to make penetration, obviously.

Still, she did not go wild and want more and more. She was still slow and reluctant, and I only got to her two or three more times before my wife came home. She stayed incredibly tight, and it still was not incredibly pleasurable for her. A climax? I got her there, but had to use a lot of foreplay those last two times.

I always wondered, had the one or more other guys maybe been wider and couldn't get it in? That might be, but she had exclaimed:
"At last! I know I'm normal now, you can get it in. " That tells me that I might have been about the same size as the other guy, or guys. Maybe even bigger. She was so tight, even a guy with a skinnier dick than me could not have gotten it in, if he was less knowledgeable than I had been.

The taking of a virginity.

Back to my wife, I actually had to work at it to break her, and since it happened on a living room carpet at her parents, Sharon was sort of squirming all around under me to 'get away' because of the tightness and feeling of being uncomfortable, (according to her). But the cherry broke, and it was her tightness all around her lips that made it so hard to do and not the actual cherry itself.

Her body, with an incredible set of D cups with pink nipples and a blonde covered snatch that is incredibly tight was mine to enjoy exclusively. That is, up until tonight. Now I was fucking Sharon, her pussy seemed to be extra wet, and a stranger, basically a stranger, was staring down at her married pussy (I love that term) as I was fucking it, in and out and back again.

'Married pussy.” That is a term that I never had heard before I started seeing it in stories on the net. It seems to make that pussy that is being offered up either voluntarily or involuntary to another man even better to have, and maybe it boils down to that old bit about people do not want something as much until it is declared to be 'illegal,' like booze was during the prohibition in the 1920s.

Everyone wants pussy, of course. But if it 'belongs' to someone else, then that pussy is fair game in the eyes of some men, and highly desirable to conquer.

You really should leave married pussy alone because it is special. It not only belongs to a woman that you need to be able to attract and have to seduce while overcumming her desire to remain faithful, but it also is protected by a vowel, a piece of paper, a ring, and a husband who might kill you if he catches you fucking with his married pussy.

Now I, all day and tonight, was showing my married pussy to another man, up close and personal. We were discussing, openly, in front of my wife, as to how tight it is. I knew how badly Joe wanted to fuck that pussy, but my wife had stated to me that she intended for her married pussy to belong only to the man she has married.

Joe's was watching me fuck my wife, and his cock, so far, had not reached the point of pointing straight up like mine did when I was that age. As far as I know, he had never to this point put his hand on it. He looked to be mostly hard, but it was pointing more out than up, and though his skin had not as yet pulled all the way back, his head looked big under there.

I didn't really want Sharon to experience anyone bigger than me in those early years of our marriage, and Joe's cock looked almost the same as mine, except for the head. If he got that head, somehow, past her tight lips and then stayed deep inside, I figured that he would possibly or probably feel about the same to Sharon as I do.

Or maybe better.

It seemed to me that, if my wife was willing to allow Joe to see her most intimate and personal part being penetrated by my cock, that it would not be that big a step for her to allow him to also try it. In the doggy, she would not have to look at him, have his eyes meet hers, maybe have to kiss him. So I went for it.

I said it to Joe loud enough for Sharon to hear. “Would you like to try it?”

“Of course.”

I knew what Joe wanted to do, and I knew what I wanted to see. My wife? I didn't know where her head is at the moment, but I decided, since we had been talking about her tightness, that keeping my next question at a purely physical level might make it easier for her to respond to.

If she agreed, Joe would be standing behind her. Like I said, and this bears repeating, my wife would not be looking into his face, he would not be positioned where he would be able to attempt any kissing, and she could mentally be 'disconnected' from the man who owns the cock that is penetrating her.

Safely disconnected from Joe at one end of her body, she could still be connected and enjoying it at the other end. But will she see it that way? I had to ask, hoping that Sharon, because I had told Joe that she is 'even tighter than it looks,' might want to prove it.

“Sharon? Is it OK if he tries you on for size?”

See? 'Try you on for size'. That is certainly a different way of saying 'Do you want to be fucked by another man?

Sizing. Testing the fit. Joe could be trying her on for size like fitting his fingers into a tight pair of gloves. All the while, she could be taking him in for sizing as well. The actual physical presence of a strange cock would be located a couple of feet from her mind. Just a physical thing and not mental, or so we men were thinking.

But women think differently. For a woman, offering up her married pussy can also be very mental, even with a stranger she can not see while she and he are doing it.

I was only doing this because of the situation. We, Sharon and I, had never really talked about her trying other men. She had told me about the make out situation with the one guy and her first orgasm, but until now, my lovely conquest had only shown a desire for me, and my cock.

“No honey. Thank you,” she paused, “or Joe for the offer, but I don't want to fuck anyone but you. You know that.” Sharon had surprised me with her use of the “F” word in front of another man, but after all, at the moment I was slow fucking rather than 'making love' to my wife.

I had been hoping, but her answer did not surprise me. Now, if I managed to take this further, it would be an accomplishment for me, but for Joe, it would represent even more. He would be penetrating the pussy on a reluctant wife, the most exciting kind in my opinion.

I could see deep disappointment in Joe's face of course, and his cock appeared to dwindle some, but I smiled at him and he frowned, wondering what else I had in mind perhaps.

“Joe, go lie down in front of her.” As I told him that, I pointed down to his cock. To keep my wife turned on enough that she might stay in place, I started fucking her with a little more vigor. Not hard, but steady and deep.

Yes, I had done that to my wife, told a strange man to lie right down in front of her face, with his cock right there, while I am fucking her.

I didn't have to tell Joe vocally what part of his body was to be closest to her face. Joe knew right where to go as he laid himself centered on the bed, his feet and legs on each side of her, and in front of my wife with his cock, his mostly soft but pointing up enough to be sideways rather than hanging cock, near her face.

His cock was less than 12 inches from her mouth. Now we would see what my lovely, innocent and reluctant wife might do with something strange so close at hand.

To keep my wife 'hot' I kept pumping, giving her long slow strokes because she had told me on many an occasion that she can get a better feel of my cock going slow rather than fast.

Joe had shiny pre-fluid running down the side of his cock in substantial quantity now and I was afraid that it might cause revulsion on the part of my wife. I kept fucking, and hoping that she would not be afraid to get her hand wet, sticky wet.

I was surprised, pleasantly, no, shocked actually as my wife reached out with her right hand and gave Joe's cock an experimental stroke, and as he immediately started to harden, she gave him two more slow strokes as she stared at it and watched the foreskin work back and forth while still fully covering the head on the upstroke.

My wife was either just sizing him with her hand, or maybe getting him harder so she could do more with it.

Then she slowly pulled all the way down on his foreskin, uncovering that mysterious head she had been seeing for much of the day and evening but had never really seen. Now, there it is, ******* for her viewing, and she stared at it, studying it, and thinking, I am sure, 'it is bigger than my husband's, just like it looked to be under his foreskin.'

Fuck! I couldn't believe it. There's my lovely wife, and for the first time in history she has her hand around someone else's cock. Now, after just three strokes and with his cock fully hard and continuing to drip, I was amazed at what happened next!

Her first blowjob with another man.

Reminding the readers. This is a true story.

She started sucking him! I couldn't believe it. I had been hoping that my young wife might play with his cock, and instead she went directly from getting a 'feel' to filling her mouth with now hard cock. A hard cock that had been dripping visibly with shiny clear fluid just before her mouth closed over it.

As a matter of fact the four fingers and thumb of her right hand were now covered in juice.

While holding it in her hand she had been warned in advance. Suck this cock and expect to get a mouthful of preliminary fluid. Apparently that had not bothered her, or maybe she actually wanted to taste his fluid.

I was confused about this, my loving wife not wanting to fuck but willing to suck, so without saying anything I continued to slow fuck her for three or four minutes while Joe enjoyed the feel of a beautiful woman having her mouth around his proud cock.

“Is she using her tongue around your head, Joe?”

He was up on his elbows so that he could watch, and his face lit up. “She sure is. It feels great!”

I knew, with Joe being uncut like I am, that Sharon's tongue would feel especially good as it was working its way all around that fat head of his. There is more sensitivity on skin that is always being protected, you see.

I was fucking my wife but not trying to cum or make her cum. Besides, Sharon was not all that easy to make cum. Usually, unless I do some rubbing with my groin against her clitoris while kissing her madly, she has to use her hand to cum while I stay high and stroke into her.

Finally, after I was sure that Sharon was into this enough that she would not stop sucking, I slowly eased out of her and went up near her face. I watched from close up as Sharon sucked lovingly on his cock, and then I asked her: “Now that you have gotten a good sample of how his cock is, do you want to climb on him and ride it?”

I figured by now that surely she would be ready.

When she paused to remove her mouth I had a quick glance at the head of his dick, and this time no longer covered by his foreskin. She was holding his cock down near his belly and I couldn't see all of it, but when I had that glance, that head had looked wide enough to be noticeably different in feel from mine.

Sharon sort of smiled up at me. “No. But I'll suck him.”

I frowned since she was already doing the sucking. I had thought that by offering her an alternative to something she might not desire, swallowing his cum, that she might go for the fuck, so I said it. “You mean suck him all the way until he cums?”

I was surprised when she did not hesitate before answering. “Yes.” She went back to sucking.

I couldn't believe it. “In your mouth?”

“Yes.” She had pulled her mouth off his cock for the second time and raised her head and this time I could see that his cock, though no longer than mine, and about the same size in the shaft, had a head that was noticeably thicker than my cock has. I think that it had grown just a bit more as she sucked.

It was almost perfectly round, looking very smooth and shiny, and a purplish color in hue. (She told me later, when we talked about it, that his cock was 'fun to suck' because the big round head sort of fitted into her mouth perfectly between and past the teeth and was easy to hang on to.)

“Will you swallow it?” I expected to hear her deny him that level of pleasure.


That was the answer I had hoped to hear. If she wasn't going to fuck Joe, at least he would get to cum in her mouth. And she said she'd swallow? Far out. I knew how, mentally, a man feels when he sees his woman swallow rather than spit out his cum. And for another man's wife to do it? Maybe even better.

Joe and I exchanged looks, and I think his look of surprise was as big as mine.

I didn't know it then, but Sharon told me later that she knew this event was going to go further than it had so far and she had already decided that because she did not want to fuck another man, or at least not this man, that she decided the easiest way to satisfy the man and her husband's curiosity was to take care of him with her hand and mouth.

'Swallow?' That, believe me, is a big question, and my wife's answer had even more significance. To have your wife swallow a stranger's cum is either a big accomplishment to see for a husband or on the other hand, it could be a big shock and disappointment depending on if and how often she does it for her husband.

I can imagine that it would be a very big shock and disappointment for a man to say, be sneaking a peek at his cheating wife and see her willingly swallow her lover's cum when she does not do it for her husband.

It was sort of like that for me today.

Sharon did it for me, but only on rare occasions, and we had been together over a year before she had swallowed my cum for the first time. A year readers, before my wife had swallowed, and here she is, willing to swallow Joe's cum. First time out.

So I asked Joe point blank. “Do you want to cum in her mouth?” I expected to see or hear a very enthusiastic response, but I was surprised.

“That would be nice,” he nodded, but I could see by Joe's face that he would prefer to get to fuck my lovely wife. I figured there was no chance of that but I was in no mood to finish this just yet. I wanted to see some more action.

“Baby. We can get back to this. First get on the bed on your back. I want to see what it would look like if he was fucking you.”

She was frowning, but not in a mad way. “What do you mean?”

“Let him put it up against your pussy and just hold it there. I want to see how it looks with a strange cock touching it.”

“I don't want to fuck.”

“I know. Just do this and then, in a few minutes, you can suck him off while I do it to you doggy style. If we time it right, we can all cum at the same time.”

Allowing a stranger into her most personal space.

Joe moved out of the way and I could tell that she was nervous as Sharon walked up the bed on her hands and knees and then rolled over and laid her head onto a pillow. As Joe rolled over onto his knees, my wife slowly spread her legs, ******** her pussy to him for the first time opened up really wide and with no cock to block the view.

When I say 'opened,' I mean her legs because her pussy was barely open since she is so tight. Something happened to me at that time, physically. My heart, I could feel it, began racing, and it seemed like I was out of breath and feeling slightly dizzy.

This was a big moment for me dear readers. Sharon was not my first wife, but she had been a treasured 'possession' ever since I had met her. This was a new adventure in our relationship, and I felt secure enough that it seemed safe to proceed. Joe not being handsome and not 'her type' helped.

I was a mite worried that he knew our address, but I was trusting him now to be cool.

My wife is allowing Joe to get between her spread legs. He has a hard cock that is dripping, she knows it is going to be against her pussy, getting it wet if nothing else, and I by now was wondering if she really intends for this to go no further than that?

This vision of my lovely wife actually naked and on her back and opening her legs for another man had been, until this morning, impossible for me to imagine would actually be happening. She wasn't planning to fuck him, but it was just the thought of knowing that Joe is going to be intimately close to my wife while placing his cock against her snatch, her married pussy snatch.

I think they both might have heard a trembling in my voice. “Walk up between her legs. That's it Joe.” As Joe crawled forward on his knees my wife stared up at Joe with wide eyes and I saw her glance down at his hard cock and back at his face. I think she sensed that the inevitable was about to happen.

Their legs touched. First contact of a man cumming onto a woman was made, his skin against hers.

For the first time, a man not her husband was between my second wife's legs. His outer thighs were against her inner thighs, and already, several square inches of their skin were in contact.

My wife's 'personal space,' was being invaded, big time. His dripping cock was pointing out not up as I mentioned before, and now because of pointing forward it was pointed directly at her inviting looking pussy.

“Now Joe, slide forward a little and put your cock right there...yeah, that's it.”

“Not inside me!” My wife's eyes and mouth were opened wide. Her pussy, not so much because she had tried to close her thighs a little, but it was too late because his jutting cock had already made contact with her lips.

Her tight inner lips.

“I know baby. Just up against your lips so he is starting to open you. I want to see that, how it might look if you were fucking. I also plan to get under and behind him so I can see it from that angle.”

She couldn't see it, but I could. His head looked to be way wider than the hole it was now touching. Moreover, his body fluid in the form of pre-cum was now making her lips look shiny. She had taken some of that fluid into her mouth and I am sure had swallowed it, and now it was entering her lower body.

“That's it Joe. Rub the head of your cock up and down to get it wet from hers and your juice. That's right. Rub it a little more.”

My wife sort of sighed and I saw her, maybe unthinkingly, move her pelvis a little closer to him so that he could better be touching her. In the process, she changed the distance his total cock was from her hole. In effect, now, he was penetrating half an inch deeper into her.

He rubbed, and I think Joe was spreading more of his slippery juice onto my wife's married pussy then he was getting from her. As I watched, Joe strategically made sure that the bottom of his dripping head came into contact with her clitoris each time it went high, and partially into her vagina each time it came down.

Since her clitoris is located close to the hole, even better for her, and of course better for a man that is sneakily trying to work his way in.

This was so hot. Here she is, my innocent wife, with a strange and dripping cock all over her pussy, and so close to making penetration. Though it was not visibly showing, I sensed that my wife was trembling from the pleasure she was feeling.

The thought occurred to me that Joe could probably, would be allowed to by my wife, to keep rubbing her pussy with concentration on the clitoris and get her to cum, then he could finish up by jerking off right onto her pussy lips. But still, at that point, I was still hoping for 'all the way.'

Each time the head of his cock was cumming up and down, he was spreading my wife's lips to some degree, but now I made it more so.

“Sharon, raise your legs up high and wrap them around him so I can get under Joe in the back and see how that looks.”

Put her legs up? Raise her ass in effect to better meet and take his cock? Open herself boldly to his view and pleasure? She did, and not reluctantly it looked like, and as I got down behind Joe I could see it all.

There it all was. His ass, (yes, including his black hair covered anus), his balls, and in front, that cock right up against and starting to spread my wife's tight lips. And under all that, her cute little pink anus, raised high and no longer in contact with the mattress.

“Oh baby,” I said to my wife, “that all looks so hot.”

It was time to see how much further I could push this, by telling Joe to...yes, push.

“Now Joe, push in a little more so you are starting to spread her.”

He had already been 'starting to spread her,' so any deeper would be almost to the point of actual penetration.

As I have indicated, there was no need for Joe to be rubbing his cock up and down through my wife's snatch to 'get it wet' because his cock was already dripping. But she could not see that, and it was getting her used to having his cock touching her.

Sharon let out a little sigh as his head opened her even more.

“There. Perfect!. Fuck that's beautiful.”

I noticed that Sharon had reached out with her right hand and was now wrapping her fingers around his left arm, which he was using to hold himself over her. I smiled.

That touch represented even more contact between them. Two thighs, one hand and arm, a cock head and one set of opened and married pussy lips was how much in contact they were with each other. I hoped to make it more. I wanted to see them kissing, but I knew that was out of the question for now.

I sensed that Sharon was not turned on enough to Joe to just allow him to kiss her. For Joe to get to kiss my wife, he was going to have to be fucking her first. I know that is backward from how a man usually seduces a woman. He kisses her, and then he fucks her. But these circumstances were different.

Two naked people, almost strangers to one another, are now very close together. They are in the fucking position, and supposedly so they can simulate sex. Her husband is giving the directions, and his hapless wife is trying to please her husband.

Knowing that the touch of his cock spreading her has to be feeling good to her, I was keeping them in this position and raving about the view as a minute went by, then two, and every once in a while I would rise up and chance a look at her face.

I am pretty sure that Joe was giving her a little more cock anytime he could get away with it, and in the process, actually beginning to spread her muscles at the bottom of her inner lips.

Sharon's face had a look of maybe apprehension or nervousness at what is happening. I think she was feeling his cock right at the entrance, and was afraid that Joe would attempt to jam it in. But as she glanced up at his face, she saw that Joe was looking over at me and waiting for my next instruction.

Joe was being a 'good boy' and following her husband's instructions to the letter, and surely her husband won't tell Joe to shove it on in. Not since she has already said "no fuck, I'll suck."

She seemed to relax a little at that point. I decided to let her know something, a secret that might get her even more into this action.

“Baby, I've got a hard on that won't quit. That's why I'm keeping you in this position, so I can enjoy the view and how much my cock is throbbing.”

“Do you plan to cum,” she asked?

I knew, could see, that now Joe had over a quarter of the length of his head buried into her. Opening her. Not all the way, but still, penetration.,

“Probably, but I want everyone to get to cum, so no hurry.”

She didn't come back with another question, but I knew that Sharon was already thinking, 'Everyone cum? How?'

The narrower front part of the head of Joe's cock was opening her lips. Just a little ways inside he was, but already opening her lips as far as I had ever done, width-wise. Then a plan popped into my head.

We had Vaseline in a jar, right beside the bed in a dresser drawer. It was never used for sex, my wife just kept it there to sometimes rub on her lips, the ones on her mouth, before going to sleep.

Maybe, just maybe, if I am able to pull it off, I might have something happen that would be very exciting to see. “Honey, I have an idea.”

“What's that?”

I could see that Sharon was trembling a little. Her pussy was being spread, and by a cock that had only the first third of the head inside. The other two thirds was much wider, wider than her husband's head. I am sure the thought of that was very much in her mind.

“Why don't you use this Vaseline...” I pulled the jar out of the drawer, “on your clit and fingers and play with yourself while he holds his cock there? I want to see you cum with the head of his cock up against you.”

'He won't go inside,” she asked as she willingly, maybe gratefully dipped the fingers of her right hand into the Vaseline jar?

“No baby. You're going to suck him and swallow, remember? Just use your imagination and pretend that he is fucking you while you play with yourself. You can either keep your eyes open and look up at him or keep them closed, it's up to you.”

Then I added a horny thought. "I think that if you cum this way, that if you have your eyes open and are looking up into his face as you cum, it would be really hot for Joe to be seeing. I know that I would enjoy seeing that."

She paused, looked more at me than Joe, and finally I breathed a sigh of relief as she stared at my hard cock and answered, “Alright.”

But me, I couldn't leave it lie at that point. I wanted to enhance the possibility of more happening. To accomplish that we needed even more contact. I waited a minute to see my wife begin playing with herself and I saw her toes start to curl.

She had been staring up at Joe but then had closed her eyes and started making a face. I knew right than that she really wanted to go through with this and reach her climax. Will she be able to open her eyes and stare up at Joe as she is cumming? We would have to wait and see.

Oh yes, she might not be saying it, but I could tell that Sharon was very aroused. That gave me another idea and I expressed it.

“Baby, I have another idea. First let's get Joe's finger wet with Vaseline and let him play with your clit. “If Joe's fingers will do it, you can cum that way and maybe have a better orgasm. If not, then we can switch back to your hand.”

I wanted to give Joe as much chance to be touching Sharon as possible, and this was one way to do it. Besides, the more Joe managed to arouse my wife, the better the chances were that he might get to actually fuck her.

“Here Joe, put this on your finger.” I handed the jar to Joe as Sharon watched, but unseen to her, I had already dipped two of my fingers into the jar and as Joe made a show of sticking a finger into the jar, I secretly reached down between them with my dry fingers and pushed back lightly on Joe's abdomen.

In response to my push, he pulled back from her pussy and I peeled back the foreskin that was partially covering his head at this point and rubbed some Vaseline I admit, lovingly onto the head of Joe's cock. As I did it nicely, getting a good satiny and slippery feel all around his head, I was able to thoroughly 'size' the head of his cock in my fingers and yes, it was definitely thicker than my head.

He glanced into my face for the briefest second, and he knew, 'this man wants to see his wife get fucked, and he knows I've got a bigger cock.'

I noticed that Sharon's hand was still caressing her pussy.

Now we were ready. After Joe had applied some Vaseline to his finger, I took the jar from him and placed it back onto the nightstand, leaving the lid off in case Sharon needed to use some.

When I looked back, Joe had again placed his cock where it had been before, only now it was coated with some slippery material, material that just might allow him to do some deeper penetrating in an easier manner.

Because she had already been wet and shining, Sharon seemed to be ******* of any change in the feel of Joe's penis as it was once again, spreading her open. Another half-inch in, he would be stretching her still wider than I ever had. Another half-inch beyond that and he would be stretching her way wider.

To be honest, at that time my wife was so tight I really was wondering if it would fit without hurting her. Fanciful thinking I am sure. Of course it wouldn't hurt. Maybe feel uncomfortable for a minute I figured, and then, oh so good, to her.

“Now rub her clit, Joe, and keep holding your cock tight up against her.”

Fuck I knew now that my wife was so aroused. Torn yes, torn between giving in or not. Torn between letting a man not her husband penetrate and totally know her, from the inside out. Either that, or deny him and in the process, be denying herself.

I was already fantasizing that even if Joe did not push any further forward, because he was already pressing into her, that my wife's lips might just give up, open up, and allow him to slide on in. 'Accidentally.' There was always that possibility with things now being so slippery.

Or maybe, she might become so aroused that she will make the move, thrust her hips up and forward to take him in, or try to.

I was down low and behind them again as I raised up and looked into Sharon's face. “If he is rubbing your clit just right, let him keep doing it. If you want to cum and think it will work better with you doing it, take over.”

Sharon looked sort of sad, but nodded her agreement. I took it a bit further to encourage her.

"When you cum, with his cock that far in, you will be able to feel your pussy sort of cumming around his cock, the head. I know you will like that, baby."

As Sharon sort of smiled at me, weakly, I smiled at Joe and said, “Just hold it there Joe and let's make my wife cum. When she cums, you will be able to feel and see her pussy contracting all around the head of your cock. You might even be able to count how many times she throbs.”

His voice was very soft as he looked reverently down at my wife. “Can I feel her tits?”

Fuck yeah, her tits. Full tits, firm tits, bordering between a C and a D and closer to a D.

I didn't look at Sharon for her answer, instead saying, “Sure, go ahead.”

Joe could only use his left hand since his right hand had Vaseline on it and had a chore assigned, so as he started rubbing Sharon's clitoris, his left hand reached out and up and for the first time he was able to fondle the breasts that he had been admiring for hours, starting with the lake and finally in our bedroom.

On our marriage bed, bedroom.

Now they were having even more intimate contact.

So much was happening, between this stranger and my wife.

His left hand was on her right tit and after getting a good feel, was now teasing her nipple while his right hand was busy on her clitoris, and I could see that Sharon had started squirming. With each squirm, her pussy lips seemed to be caressing the sides of his cock.

If anything, since some of her squirms were forward as well as sideways, she was taking him just a little deeper. Those little movements might have been involuntary, but I could tell, my wife wanted more to cum around his cock than not. I think she knew. The more inside, the better the orgasm.

Oh yes, exactly what I had hoped to see, my wife moving forward on her own and taking his cock fully inside. If things worked right, his cock would 'accidentally' be inside my wife as she is cumming, and him soon after.

I wanted to tell Joe my plan, but I had to do it in such a way that Sharon would not know and stop this in advance. This was hot and I wanted to repeat a line I had already used. “Joe, when she starts to cum, make sure you keep holding your cock right up against her.

She cums hard so you should be able to feel her twitching all around the head of your dick.”

As I was saying this to Joe, I was pushing lightly against his ass, indicating that when my wife started to cum, that he was to push gently forward, and if it worked right, Joe would enter her in the middle of her contractions. Hopefully, the Vaseline, secretly applied, would ease his entry.

I couldn't imagine it happening any other way. If she starts to orgasm, and his cock is partway in, she is going to want him in all the way, will crave his cock, all of it and no doubt about it.

Contractions. When a woman cums, her pussy lips, or rather, her vaginal muscles open and close. On some women you can actually see it, on others, not so much. When Sharon cums, if I am moving slowly, I can feel her opening and closing around my cock. She contracts, big time, and if you are looking there, you can see it at her anus also.

Since for a woman to have contractions at her lips, they need to be making this opening and closing motion. I was wondering in advance; what happens if Joe is stretching and holding her wide opened with his bigger head while her lips are trying to open and close? Will it enhance or detract from her orgasm?

Ever think about that readers? A pussy usually can have a better orgasm if there is something in there to wrap around. But what about if the fit becomes really tight just then?

Really tight between an unusually tight pussy and a cock more than average in size. Maybe restricting the contractions rather than enhancing.

I was hoping to find out.

And that brings on another story. Yes, I have lots of stories to tell, but then, I have been around.

Wait Honey, Joe and readers, we'll get back to pleasing my wife's married pussy.

A huge wife swapping party, in Hollywood. True story.

One time in Hollywood in the late 1960s I was invited to an orgy on the hill just above the Sunset Strip. From the front porch of the house you could see the Playboy Club down below. I had a buddy named Stan Grossman plus three lovely women with me, one my first wife, but that is another story.

As soon as I came in the front door with my jacket still on (it was around December and damp outside) We happened to pass a bedroom that was on my left.

I looked in and there was a very attractive older woman, when I say older I mean maybe early to mid thirties not twenties and she was totally naked and on her back on a bed. The bed was surrounded by people, maybe five or six men and three or four women.

Some of the people around the bed might have just entered before my little group because they too were still wearing outer wraps.

I don't know if I ever saw her standing, later, but on the bed she looked nice. Not as good maybe as two out of the three women I had with me, but nice. Brunette, good B cups at least on her back, and a soft but not flabby body.

More used probably than my three women.

The naked lady on the bed was wearing rings. One of the men around her was undoubtedly her husband, but I could not tell which one and if he was watching or joining in on the action.

Except for the woman on the bed, everyone else was dressed, but I saw three cocks hanging out of men's pants. One of the cocks was up beside her head and in her mouth, and the one on the other side was in her right hand. The third cock was in her left hand.

I was very happy to see at a glance, since I still had my three women beside me, that none of the three visible cocks was bigger than mine.

That woman had several things going on. The two guys with their cocks in her hands were standing on each side of the bed and were playing with her breasts and nipples. Down below, another man was working on her squirming pelvis with a vibrator. He had it in his hand, using it at all angles on the outside of her pussy, and it was buzzing away.

She was trying to cum, big time. But something was keeping her from going over the top.

From near the foot of the bed the five of us began watching. I waited and watched with a grin on my face for maybe three minutes. Unbelievable, she was sucking a cock, holding cocks, squirming her hips around and making moaning sounds but could not cum. So I spoke out loud. “I know what she needs.”

As several people standing around the bed looked at me with surprise on their face, I made a visible show of wetting two fingers on my right hand with my mouth. Then as one man kept using the vibrator on her, I walked over to the bed and gently shoved two fingers deep into her fairly tight snatch. Instantly she started to moan, and with a big groan and a thrust upwards with her hips, she came, and hard.

I could feel her twitches and I managed to stay with her as she jumped around. I don't remember how many cocks she was still managing to hold and suck, she might have let go of all of them maybe.

The woman, despite all that was being done to her, needed something INSIDE to reach her orgasm. When her orgasm had wound down, she opened her eyes and looked at me since I was the man who still had his fingers inside her. She smiled, sighed, and said, “Thanks. I needed that!”

Another minute and she was off the bed and getting partially dressed, and most of the watchers had moved on in to the rest of the house.

Years later on television there was a series of commercials for food or maybe some kind of face lotion, where someone had their face slapped or something, and the slapped person in the commercial would say, “Thanks, I needed that!” Those commercials always reminded me of that night.

(I've put this story online before, but the following two happenings at that party I never bothered to add until now, 11 Feb 2018 and again, on 17 February, 2020, I am adding still more of the details I left out previously) Then still more, a third entry, about another orgy.

Later that evening, I was on a mattress on a floor in a back bedroom and the (famous) host/owner of the house (many of our older readers would recognize his name) was fucking one of the other gals I had brought with me. She was one of my models, blonde, lovely, very tall, huge yet firm in the chest, and I had seen her boyfriend's cock, a for sure at least 8 probably more inches and thick.

Somehow, in the evening and not using a photo session as an 'excuse' for her to be away from her boyfriend, I had managed to have her with my group. The host had a small cock, noticeably smaller than mine, and he was busily pumping away on my lovely blonde model oh so steadily and hard. I really don't know if she could feel him or not.

After I had seen her boyfriend's cock, I knew what she was used to. I had fucked her previously, unknown to her boyfriend unless she had told him, and she still felt pretty good to me and came easily. But with the host, tonight, so small? She might just have been 'being nice' since he was the host and owner of the house.

I joined in by getting down beside her face and started to kiss her while the host fucked away. He looked up, (he was shorter than this tall blonde and his face came up to about the level of her upper chest) and he smiled at me and excitedly said, "That's right (my name), you kiss her and I'll fuck her!"

I had to wonder, how is she thinking, having this guy with such a small cock on her when her boyfriend is so well hung? Of course like I said I had photographed and fucked her before bringing her to the party and she had felt just fine to me.

She made him happy though, groaning and wrapping herself around him at the proper time, but I didn't know if she was faking it, or enjoying it. I never did get around to asking her, later. That famous guy, connected mainly to 'rock and roll,' far as I know, is still out there and still famous. I haven't lived in California for years so I am not real up on the Hollywood happenings.

Meanwhile, my first wife is busy with my buddy.

The other happening I want to relate since it is fresh in my mind: Jill, my knock down gorgeous blonde first wife and contest winner had gone off with my buddy Stan and disappeared. I didn't really want Stan fucking my wife since he was always around and was too close to be involved with my wife sexually if you can understand what I mean.

Stan would go on photos sessions with me, sometimes to model, often just to 'lend a hand' or to fuck around with some of the models he might have found for me, or I in turn had found and he was able to enjoy. Many of those photo sessions my wife also came along.

Not that it matters all that much, but Stan was Jewish and his cock was circumcised but not all the way. He hung a little longer than me when soft and still had a partial foreskin that covered the bottom part of his dick head. Also, he might have been a bit larger than me, erect. Maybe more? I never really saw Stan's cock fully hard and *******, all the times he was with me. I think he might have had a problem getting it up all that easy.

Still another orgy. My buddy Stan getting some.

I remember well one time we were at another party and this lovely gal, whose husband had recently photographed a Playboy model, (I remember his three name name but not his wife's), was there as well, on a mattress a few inches off the floor in a partially darkened room. Along with several other men and women.

I was seated on the floor beside and below them. My wife was beside me.

She, the photographer's wife, without her jealous husband knowing though he was close by and talking or maybe playing with someone else, had gotten over Stan and mounted him. She was not moving yet, but fully buried when her husband happened to crawl over, see Stan's cock hidden up inside her snatch, and he said, rather loudly as he got his face right up into their joined genitals, I mean like only six inches or less close, and said, "Hey, what's happening here?"

Not real quiet did he ask.

I was down low like he, not as close but almost, and I could not see Stan or the man's wife's heads. They might have been kissing, probably were. The husband, open mouth and angry eyes wide, kept staring at his wife's pussy, wrapped around and hiding much of Stan's erection.

His unmoving wife not only stayed mounted but after a couple of minutes she groaned a little. I looked and could see that Stan looked to be a bit thicker now. Then she quietly began to pump till she finished and so did Stan. I don't think she had ever fucked anyone else since getting married to him and her husband looked quite unhappy but did not stop the action or was unable to.

I really enjoyed seeing the look on her husband's face as some jizz started to ooze out and run down Stan's still hard shaft.

Later, she was able to talk to me and whispered, "Stan got really big after he was inside me for a while."

No one was looking at us at the moment and I said back to her, "I was hard all the time you were on him, watching. Feel!"

She looked down and grabbing my erect cock said, "You have a nice one."

I was about to ask her how I compared and if she wanted to fuck but she quickly let go of my cock and said, "I've got to get back. He's already pissed."

Her husband, I had seen, not so big.

Stan goes after my wife at that first orgy I mentioned.

So now, at the famous host party above the Playboy Club, after not seeing my wife for the better part of an hour, I went looking for the two of them, Stan and my wife, and I found them in a steam sauna. There they were, my wife totally naked and with her upright and seated body pressed up against Stan's, who was on the other side of her.

When I popped that fogged up glass door open, my view was not real clear but they were looking like they were being interrupted while doing some heavy making out.

It's possible they might even have been fucking earlier, but if so, they weren't fucking at the moment.

My shiny with sweat and steam wife had her eyes closed, and it looked like Stan had stopped kissing her when I had opened the door, and she was still deep in the throes of an orgasm although when I saw them more clearly after the opened door allowed some steam to escape. Stan had his left arm up and around her neck and was cupping her left breast with one hand and the other hand was touching her on the inside of her right thigh.

Close to her pussy it was, but not right on. Not then because as I had opened the door and the steam had started to clear, I had seen her legs quickly close as his hand pulled away.

My wife looked weak, tired maybe, turned on and trying not to show it as she looked at me still standing outside the sauna.

Or maybe they were still working on getting started. But when I saw them together, I got a bit upset.

Why? For the party, my wife had done her long blonde hair in beautiful flowing curls, and had entered the home nicely and sexily dressed and looking absolutely gorgeous the best looking woman there. That was when the five of us had watched the naked wife trying to cum on the bed.

Now, there she was, my wife, covered in sweat in the steam bath, her hair a wet stringy mess, her body slick and shiny. Who knows where her clothes were.

"Fuck baby. Why did you get your hair all messed up for? Your hair was looking so nice."

I wanted to see what Stan's hard cock might look like since this was after that other party I mentioned, but Stan was on the other side of my wife and his lower body was hidden by hers. She had probably been holding his cock, I'd bet on it, or maybe still was.

Yeah, that's what upset me. Her appearance and not that much the fact that Stan and Jill were definitely getting in some feels, and I still don't know what else.

I didn't tell them to get out as I closed the door, but I waited around and a few minutes later, no more than ten or so, out they came. After they came? Maybe.

Some might say that my first wife was a 'trophy wife,' a term that has become popular in the 21st Century, and in a way, I suppose she was, when I took her to parties with me. Hey people, if you've got it, flaunt it!

What's better than having one trophy wife? Having two.

Now here it was, several years later and I was working on letting a man fuck my second wife, or if not, at least have her cum with part if not all of Joe inside her. I knew her orgasm would be better if she is at least partially penetrated.

There's always a danger here, this bit of allowing another man to be intimate with your wife, especially if she is inexperienced. But this night, I figured that Sharon, is she has a good or better than her husband cum with Joe, that she would be equating in her head that it is all because I am there too, and adding to her pleasure.

Without my being there, influencing what she does, my wife would never have been alone and doing these things with Joe, of that I am sure.

Sharon didn't necessarily need to have a cock inside her to cum, but I knew she likes it better that way, with me in her rather than just playing with herself. My wife was going to cum for sure, but how? With a tightly fitted cock into her, or not?

I couldn't be sure, and the thought had never occurred to me before, but it seemed to me that my wife might have an orgasm to end all if, in the middle of her contractions, a strange cock with a wide head was to slowly enter her, stretching and going past her lips and finally, lodging within the narrow walls of her vagina.

“Is it feeling good, baby?” Sharon had her eyes closed, and she seemed to be trying to concentrate on how Joe was rubbing her clitoris. He had quit feeling her breasts now so that he could put his left hand down in order to better maintain his balance over her and not 'fall forward' into her pussy.

“It feels good. But...” just then Sharon moved her hand down and sort of pushed Joe's fingers out of the way. She started to rub her clitoris at just the right speed and way that she needed to bring on her pending orgasm.

Joe seemed to sense that his work was done, so now he placed both his hands on her breasts, and I saw that the fingers of his right hand were now coating her left breast with a shiny coat of Vaseline as he caressed her breast and then went to her nipple.

Fuck this was hot to see! Since he was now leaning forward over my wife, his hips were poised to make a thrust, how deep and how fast was his to choose if he dared to override my 'commands.'

I don't know if by now my wife was mentally attuned to Joe or maybe just enjoying the feel of his cock holding the entrance to her lips opened, but her eyes were closed. I knew now that her orgasm was near. I was pretty certain that she would now go all the way as I looked at Joe and motioned with my hands while mouthing the words with my lips.

I wanted him to have ALL of her.

“Bend down and touch your tongue to her lips.”

He did, and I was pleased to see her mouth open to meet his as his tongue tentatively came into contact with her opened lips. Then I saw her tongue come out to touch his. They began twirling around one another. Not yet a full fledged kiss with their lips pressed together, but close.

I would venture that the kissing was more arousing her than cooling.

Then Joe rose up, a grin on his face. Sharon's eyes were still closed. I again mouthed the words to him. 'When she starts to cum, shove it in, but do it slow.'

Joe nodded that he understood. His eyes were bright with excitement.

It didn't take long. As Sharon started to moan, indicating her cumming orgasm, Joe got ready.

“Oooooh!” I won't try here to type in all the sounds she was making. I've found that it is pretty hard to duplicate sounds with the written word. But she was making the sounds, and it seemed to me that my wife was making more and different sounds than she usually does when I am alone with her.

Still, I didn't sense any real jealousy because even though it was Joe's cock up against her, it was still her hand that was doing the stroking on her clitoris.

My wife's pussy cumming while another man's cock is coming. In.

My wife was squirming and she was cumming. Joe went slow, but he came forward, and as my wife throbbed and vibrated all around the head of his cock, he stretched her and caused her to moan even louder as he suddenly took a full thrust and went deeper.

Now I could sense some jealousy because it was obvious now that my wife was more inviting than resisting his penetration into her tightness.

Joe's cock was not a huge cock, more just slightly above average in size, but his thick head had combined with the tightness of a pussy that had been born tight and stayed that way. As a result the fit between them was being accomplished only by a lot of stretching and effort on both their parts.

Finally Joe had managed to slowly but steadily go all the way in with his head at first and then the rest, and he had not started pumping, which surprised me.

But it didn't end after ten seconds or so. My wife was still cumming, and I hurriedly motioned for Joe to go ahead and lie down on her. Keeping full penetration of course. My thought was that if a man is on top of and into Sharon that much, that when my wife's orgasm is over, she will hopefully allow him to start and keep fucking.

He laid his weight on her immediately and as his cock penetrated his deepest, Sharon gasped again. Loudly. As Sharon's orgasm wound down, she opened her eyes and looked up at Joe sort of in shock and then over at me.

A man, a strange man was lying on her, flattening her beautiful breasts and he had his cock buried in her, going as far in as her husband ever had but opening her a little further inside.

Full contact finally. As much as possible between a man and woman short of kissing at one end and touching toes at the other.

Sharon, still not recovered from what had been perhaps her best orgasm ever, was watching me instead of Joe. Her face, I couldn't tell for sure at first, either reflected surprise or fear, or maybe a little of both. Then she began to look a little guilty.

“Honey? He's got it in!”

It's possible she didn't know that I knew, or that I had caused it.

It sounded almost like a baby's wail. The little tear in the corner of her right eye also confirmed for me how concerned my faithful wife was over this. But at the same time I noticed that now her arms had gone around him.

She was getting ready for more.

“I know baby, I know.” I smiled, letting her know that I was OK with this. That successful movement into my wife's married pussy had finally been accomplished and I am thankful that it happened as I am now able to share this story with our readers.

Joe started to stroke, and instead of stopping him, Sharon took a deep breath, then reached out and grabbed my hand. Not his ass or some other part of him, no, she grabbed my hand. That told me that she was now going to allow him to finish, with me as her partner. I smiled and held her right hand as Joe pumped, all the while hoping that he would last at least for a few minutes.

It was time to ask and to see if my wife would be honest with me. “Does it feel good now?” Stupid question perhaps since my wife obviously had just enjoyed a fantastic orgasm. But that was then, some with her hand, and this was now, with his cock and afterward.

Sharon nodded a 'yes', but I could see in her face that she was still perhaps upset at what is happening. Still reluctant? Maybe. Unwillingly willing.

I had things to see, and after a minute, I kept holding Sharon's hand, but I moved down to where I could see her pussy from under Joe's legs.

“Honey? Put your legs up around him again so I can see it better.” With that request, if she complied, I not only would get to see more, but my wife would become, in effect, even more involved with the man who is now inside her and openly being allowed to fuck.

She was still holding my hand, reaching as I slid down and low near her knees.

Thankfully, Sharon complied, releasing my hand and wrapping both her arms and legs around Joe, and as I slid down to where I was lying beside their legs while feeling like my wife had willingly perhaps let go of me so she could be on her own with a strange man, I was given a nice view of my second wife's pussy, being spread and worked for the first time by a cock not her husband's.

'Shit, just look at that! She really does look tight,' I realized, as I watched her lips being tugged outward each time Joe's ass rose higher in the air.

His balls, though covered by thick and very wrinkled skin, were staying fairly high and tight and hitting against the area of her anus, but lightly and with no blocking of the view. My breathing coming at an accelerated pace, I quickly grabbed his Polaroid and snapped a shot, then another.

"What a sight!" I said it out loud. The first shot had developed and I couldn't resist showing it to her. Her mouth dropped as she saw for herself what is happening to her pussy. My wife was seeing, in real time, what is happening to her married pussy. Then I showed it to Joe, and then the second shot.

"What a sight!" I couldn't resist saying it again and I am sure that Sharon now realized how excited I was over what is happening to her. Closing her eyes, she somehow managed to raise her ass even higher, meeting his body with hers as she tightened her arms around him, and as I stated, his balls were hitting against the area of her anus, but lightly.

My cock was ready to explode, and I dared not touch it for fear it would shoot all over the two of them.

I knew that Joe would not last much longer, not after all this buildup. It seemed important, now that Sharon was so aroused, that she should get to cum again. So I moved up beside my wife again and kissed her on the side of the cheek. Then I whispered into her ear said, “Keep wrapping yourself around him baby and show Joe how much you like his cock by kissing him.”

We both knew though, that Joe could hear what I was telling her.

Will she kiss this man she had not wanted to fuck? If she does, she will be admitting, openly, that she likes his cock. I was pushing it, pushing her considering that my wife had only minutes before stated that she did not want to fuck Joe.

Their lips, or rather tongues, had touched briefly before, but now, this time, I was asking her to go all out, to kiss and keep kissing the man who has his cock buried deep inside her.

He was for the most part, still shallow fucking her, using his head at her entrance more than going deep.

I was thinking, if she allows him to kiss her while keeping his head, or most of it spreading her and her orgasm is approaching, she for sure is not going to be pissed if he gives her all of his cock again, over and over and enhancing her orgasm, and ultimately, bathing her cunt with soothing Mexican cum.

Plus, with that kiss, for a little while and buried deep, another man would be owning my wife. Owning her if he is still partially outside, but more so, deep inside. And she is kissing him not only willingly, but hungrily.

My heart leaped as she complied and Joe laid his body all the way onto hers. Now for the first time a man was not only completely inside my wife and lying on her with his entire naked body but his tongue was probably inside her mouth as well. Joe kept pumping, giving it to her deep and slow.

Did I say before that they had been together with the most contact possible? I guess I forgot to mention kissing.

As they kissed, I saw Sharon tense up her body, and under his mouth, she moaned. Joe seemed to intensify his pumping. He didn't necessarily speed up, but it seemed like he was using more power to give it to her. Not ramming it in, but at the same time fucking her with more energy.

More...shove, but not really hard, yet intense. It's hard to describe actually, how he was fucking my wife. Knowing her. Enjoying her. Arousing her to new levels of enjoyment.

I realized that now she was doing something else she might not have wanted to do, at first. She was looking up at him, and meeting his eyes with hers. I don't know if he really turned her on as yet, but he definitely was not turning her off.

I knew that down below her eternal tightness was gripping his cock, just like it does mine.

Sharon was moaning steadily. He gave her two, three and four more strokes and fortunately my wife was cumming again and digging her fingers into where they had moved, to his ass.

Most amazing to me, my wife was cumming with no hand on her clitoris! A first.

There was no hand on her clit and Joe was pumping in and out and not lying with a lot of lower body weight on her and grinding sideways to stimulate her clitoris. This was a new one. Not only was my wife cumming in a new way, but she was cumming only a couple of minutes after her first orgasm. Another first!

I spoke quickly. “That's it baby. He's made you cum twice in a row! Now keep kissing Joe and show him how much you appreciate his sharing that nice cock with you.”

Usually men are supposed to be thanking the woman for sharing her pussy with them, but I was reversing it. Now I was stretching things, but Joe was stretching my wife, and not surprisingly, she complied with my wishes and as her fingers kept digging into his ass, she moaned under her breath and kissed Joe even more fervently.

Did I say that he was not all that good looking and I had known from the first moment when my wife had looked at Joe that she was not attracted to him? No longer. Or so I was thinking at the time.

Sharon told me later that even though she was kissing him 'heatedly' as she called it, that she even then was not all that turned on to him, but rather the situation, and, she had added as an afterthought, his cock.

His cock, she said, had really felt good. Wonderful actually. She had added, during the only conversation with me she had later about her first strange fuck, that seeing, stroking, then sucking his cock had turned her on to...his cock.

Joe was right behind my wife with his orgasm. As Sharon ceased moaning, Joe let out a soft groan, sort of tensed up his entire body, shoved his lower body hard against Sharon's pelvis, burying it deep, then he pulled back and fucked her with his head.

He seemed to keep cumming, filling her with his juice, and it was looking like my wife was about to cum again, but then he quit pumping. Joe had enjoyed a strong, very strong orgasm, but he had been relatively quiet about it.

I knew, immediately, that it was over. And it was. Joe had been drained, thoroughly. His body was back from her a little ways, and now he laid his hips onto hers and rested there with his penis buried.

Thinking back on it, I wish now that Joe had remained on my wife, looking into her eyes and kissing her as he slowly pumped and completely drained his softening penis into her now soaked pussy. I think that there might have been a romantic afterglow aspect to that act. But that's not the way it happened.

Looking sort of sheepish as he turned his head to look at me, and like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Joe withdrew, and I sort of heard my wife's lips make a little wet popping sound as his thicker head came out, followed by a rush of cum.

Apparently during most of his orgasm, Joe had been stroking her with just the head and enjoying the feel of her tight lips around his most sensitive part, and as a result, much of his cum had been deposited just a little ways within.

Sharon told me later that was exactly what had happened. Once he had been buried within her for a while, getting a good feel of the territory, Joe had came back a ways and started fucking her with just the head, adding tightness to the feel and working her lips and tugging on them in such a way that it also stimulated her clitoris, very much so, she had told me.

As she had been relating the story of how she was feeling about being fucked by another man for the first time, I had been lying naked beside her naked body and fondling her. Then, of course, after I had squeezed as many 'details' as possible out of her, we had ended up by fucking, or as she preferred to call it, making love.

But Sharon had added that it was the way Joe had been stretching her lips, not just the feel but the thought of it that had made her cum.

His wider head, combined with a long, maybe all day build-up, and the foreplay created by the posing and photography had put my wife 'on the edge,' and she only needed a little bit of stimulation to go over, as she further told me. Previously, she had been ready to fuck me hard and fast, and have herself a good intense orgasm, even with him there and watching.

Joe had came in, right in the middle of her fantasy and desire, and he had more than fulfilled her need, she told me.

Because she had been stretched 'very tight,' Sharon had felt every one of his throbs, 'powerful' as she described them, and then when Joe had laid himself onto her, burying himself, she felt still another throb or two and felt the rest of his cum draining into her.

She had felt some sweat being generated between their two bodies during the brief time he had actually laid on her, and it had made her even more aware of how this man had managed to get close, very close, and for a while, take possession.

Two had enjoyed their orgasm that night, and in my wife's case, two intense orgasms. Joe had motioned for me to climb on, but I wanted to hold off till later so that I could talk to my wife as we made love.

With a promise to return in a few days with the paintings, Joe was gone soon after, and he had several conventional nude photos of my wife, plus over a half a dozen intimate photos of our joined genitals in action to use in his work. For safety I had kept the two photos of his cock in her.

Yes, I made sure to get my sloppy seconds.

"Stay in bed," I had told her as I saw Joe to the door. I wanted to talk to him about those fucks, but it seemed that Sharon needed to have me come right back, to hold and reassure her that the marriage was still secure, so I said something like "See you in a few days" and he was gone.

I think she wanted to make love, to renew her marriage and make it secure I think. But instead because of how horny I was, I fucked Sharon, yes fucked her, fucked her hard, before she went to the toilet, and I could feel my cock being bathed in Joe's slimy cum, and I was enjoying the feel of, for the first time ever, having sloppy seconds on my wife.

Sloppy? Yes, she was, Joe had soaked her insides, but I enjoyed it just the same. I even told her how much I was enjoying the feel of his cum, and she seemed surprised. "I still feel tight to you? It doesn't feel like it to me."

'Did he stretch her so much she is aware of the difference,' I wondered?

"It's all that cum baby, soaking your pussy. That's why the fit feels so loose. You feel just fine to me, no problem."

Oh, I guess I should answer what you might be thinking. Despite my banging away, my wife did not follow up her no hands orgasm with Joe by having one with me. She asked me to raise up a bit, and she needed to use her fingers again, and used the excuse that she was tired.

I didn't pump my wife for many details about her recent fuck that night as I pumped into her and we came to our individual orgasms. I saved the questions for another day.

After a day or so had gone by, I asked Sharon if she really would have sucked Joe to orgasm and swallowed, and she replied with a positive. That still, to this day, surprises me since my wife rarely swallows my cum. But then, I needed to know. Fortunately for me, and I guess our readers now, my wife had learned, from me, that talking and giving details about sex is fun.

“But now that you have fucked him, how do you feel about it?”

“I didn't want to, not really, but once he was started in, I wanted it bad. I was cumming when he managed to work it in, and I wanted more. I really had no further decisions to make since he entered me in the middle of an orgasm and things got even more intense. You seemed to want it too, so I allowed it to happen.”

“Now tell me the truth. I promise not to get upset or anything. It looked like it was, but that orgasm you had with Joe, was that the best orgasm you ever had?”

She looked funny at me and grinned. “Which one?”

“Oh yeah, you had two. I almost forgot.” (Actually, there was no way I had forgotten that my wife had came twice with Joe).

My wife 'corrected' me. “Actually, I almost had three.”

I sighed and nodded. “The first time, you were using your hand and he pushed it in and stretched your lips and you started cumming all around his cock. The second time, you both were kissing madly and you came without using your hands like you usually do. So...which one was the best?”

“They both were.”

“What? How?”

“The first time, it was the best orgasm ever from a, how should I put this? From a physical standpoint. As I was cumming, his cock was going in and stretching me right in the middle of when my lips were throbbing, and it was almost a shock, it felt so good.”

“Just the fact that it was a cock, or were you also aware, right then, that his head was bigger than mine”

“Oh, I knew from sucking him that it was bigger. And yes, if you want to know, I wondered then if it would feel better.”

“It felt better?”

(Pause) “Yes, if you must know. It was very exciting when he was just holding it there, against my lips and I could tell by the feel, even before it went in, that it had much more to offer."

"Well sure baby. You knew that from jacking and sucking his dick that there was more head than I have. So of course you knew."

She shook her head. "No, I meant, even if I had not seen and sucked him beforehand, I would have been able to tell that he had a lot more head to give me. I don't know how, but I could tell from the feel as he was holding it against me. I could sense more head to come. And oh boy, when his head was staying just inside my lips, it was feeling very good.”

I nodded understandingly, but still was surprised at her honesty.

“The second orgasm you had though, it looked like he was staying all the way inside most of the time. So how was the second one also a best?”

That was when I learned that after staying deep into her for a while, Joe had then gone to staying back and head fucking her, which had brought her to orgasm two.

“He got me there by just using his head. He didn't go back all the way into me until he was almost finished cumming himself.”


She reached out to hold my hand and started talking a little faster, like the memory was getting her excited as she ran her words together.

“That cum was my best mentally. Oh, don't look that way. I don't mean like as 'in love.' I just meant that Joe and I were kissing and very much involved with one another at the top of our bodies as well as the lowers, and he was new, and strange, and...oh I don't know how to describe it, and he had already given me a first best orgasm, and,” she looked into my eyes, “I don't want to hurt your feelings over this.”

“Don't worry baby. I understand, and since I am the one that instigated it, I am the one that has to 'suffer' over it.”

Sharon looked concerned at hearing that, and then she saw my face. I was smiling, and she smiled back. Then we kissed. But I wanted to hear more.

“That second one, the mental one. If he had stayed deep and not came back and used his head on your lips, do you think you still would have cum?”

She looked serious, like she was really thinking back on it. “I don't know, probably, if he had lasted long enough. We were kissing and he was sort of rubbing against my clitoris and all that.”

Then she looked into my eyes. “But that's...” she paused, “those two orgasms, those are the last time with another man.”

"But Honey," I said with a smile, "Now that you've had a fat head dick, how would it be if you got to fuck a dick that's wider all the way up and down?"

"No dear. I...I'm not sure that I could take all that intensity, all the way up and down, over and over." She sighed. "Like I said, Joe was the last one. It happened, I enjoyed it, surprisingly enjoyed it, but I don't plan to let it happen again."

And she was to stick to it too, until the right man came along, but that's another story, because Joe was to come back and have round two.

She had left me thinking though, about how she was thinking that a thick cock, thick for the full length would provide 'all that intensity.'

Joe came back in a week and showed us the 'paintings,' but they were strange because they were done on a thin off white cloth material that was stretched over wooden frames and in the form of line drawings. They were good, but not as detailed as paintings might have been.

Sharon was disappointed, but did not let Joe know. She had been expecting, I think, to be seeing one or more actual 'paintings' of her, lifelike in nature. These were definitely different, and surprisingly, looked just like her.

Regardless, I was happy with them since six of them measured about 36 inches across they were too large to put on display in our home, and very intimately detailed.

Artist Two.jpg
Take this one for instance: "Open your legs more baby. That's it, more still."

"Like...like this?"

"Yes, exactly like that. Now put your arms up to raise those tits even more. There you go. O.K. Joe, get the photo."

Funny thing is, even though the drawings that came back to us were sort of like stick figures, they looked amazingly like the two of us, faces and all. Sharon's tight lips stretched around my cock was easy to see in most of the drawings.

Readers, those penetration paintings I am describing are still packed away in boxes in a back room and I have yet to dig them out, but here is another one Joe did of her, painted using one of those polaroids to go by, and down below I will describe what happened as we were viewing this painting. Remember, the actual painting measures almost 36 inches across. The whitish area you see at the edges of the painting is actually the wooden frame showing through the cloth.

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We discussed the paintings, and Joe, as promised, had brought all the Polaroids back. She also knew, by count, how many I had allowed Joe to take with him. With Sharon's permission, I wanted to give him one of the shots I had taken of his cock halfway into her and let him keep one shot of my cock halfway into her.

Both photos it was easy to see, were of the same woman, but with a different man. Each clearly showed her lips being tugged outwards and much of the shafts, plus balls. Two men, two cocks, two shots, same effect.

Because of the buried heads not showing, the two cocks looked identical in size in the photos, no difference, except that Joe's Mexican cock looked slightly darker. It was easy to tell the two men apart though, if you knew what their balls looked like.

If Joe showed them to anyone?

I knew since each of the cocks and balls looked somewhat different, that if Joe was bragging and showed the two photos to anyone that he would be able to 'prove' that he also had been doing some fucking.

'See? This photo is her husband in her, and this other one is...me!'

"Hell man, that's some fine looking pussy being stretched, and it looks like you were the same size as her old man."

"Hell no. The head of my dick was bigger and she moaned real good and felt like a virgin when I shoved it part way in and held it there, then shoved it on through, and I made her cum a good one when I fucked her tight pussy lips with it."

That's what I imagine might have gone down with Joe, later, if he was inclined to share with his buddies. What I sometimes wonder to this day is if Joe had been with other guys that day at the lake and they had seen him go over to us. Then later, he's showing fuck photos and blowing their minds. "Her? That blonde at the lake? You got to her? Damn man!"

Sharon had not seen the photos side-by-side and wanted to compare them. My cock was halfway to upright, and I am sure Joe's was too since I had handed the shots to Sharon and she was studying them very intently.

“See honey,” I said. Look how your beautiful pussy is being stretched by our cocks. Too bad that you can't tell in that photo that Joe has a wider head and made you cum so good.” Joe was right there listening, and I was hoping to get her aroused enough that she might want to do a repeat performance.

Sharon's face actually turned red and I saw her hand tremble slightly just before she handed the two photos to Joe instead of back to me. She gave them to Joe! That meant that she was giving her permission for him to keep them.

Comparison cock and pussy penetration photos, his to keep!

Since she had wanted to see the photos of her coupling with Joe and then me in a side-to side comparison, I was wondering if Sharon might like to have another round with Joe. But since we never had a reason that day to get nude and begin anything, I couldn't make it happen. Not right away.

Besides, she had said no more outside fucking, and she was sticking to it...then.

I was happy though. We had some good etchings, and I had seen my wife having herself some intensely great orgasms while her married pussy was being fucked and filled with a huge load of cum.

Joe had the two fuck photos to look at, maybe show to others, and to remember.

I wonder if Joe still has those polaroids.

Readers, on 2 October 2020 I am adding this. As we viewed this painting in red, the only one he did in color, I asked Sharon if she would mind getting into the same pose so that I could view the painting at the same time I was viewing her for real to 'make comparisons.'

At first, I am pretty sure she had no idea what I was planning. Joe I think, suspected, when I winked at him.

Giggling, she complied, stripping down and getting into the position as I placed the painting, measuring almost three feet wide up by her head. While duplicating the painting with her body as she viewed it, she would not be looking back at us and seeing what we are up to.

"Joe," I had whispered, 'Get those clothes off."

He was ready, and I am sure she felt the bed give some as he climbed on behind her.

She didn't protest, didn't even look around, but I saw her hand tremble a bit as she reached back and under with her left arm in preparation for holding her lips opened.

"Now baby, see how little your pussy looks in that drawing? Joe I think did a good job of illustrating it, but I need to double check to be sure. Use your hand to open your pussy just like you did before so we can compare."

She did, oh fuck she did, and as Joe crept up to right behind her on his knees, his erect cock sticking out and leading the way, Sharon was holding her tight lips open for me to see, and for Joe to open, I am sure now she was planning to do.

Then, just like that, Joe had his cock right up against those lips, and as Sharon's eyes widened and she continued to hold herself open, Joe eased forward. "Slow Joe, take it slow, I want to have lots of time to enjoy the view, and I am sure you do too."

Joe was silent, but he followed my directions to the letter, and as he continued to open her with his wider than mine head, she sighed. The last time he had first entered that tight snatch, she had gasped. This time it was a sigh of pleasure. Of course, as he made deeper penetration this time, he was easing in, not ramming.

"Slow Joe, make it last. Give her time to cum."

Joe was a good boy. No too quick almost orgasm this time. His time into the last time had been relatively brief, this time he wanted to last and enjoy.

One he had it more than half buried, Sharon dropped her left hand and arm and placed it forward again to aid in supporting herself. She did that because Joe was bending forward now and wrapping his hands under and around her hanging breasts. Her nipples, I am sure, were like bullet tips between his fingers.

The first time we had been all three been together, when Sharon was doing the posing and I had managed to get Joe into her, she had reached orgasm with a cock and no fingers stroking her clit at the same time, for the first time.

That was significant readers. To me for sure, and though she had not came right out with it, I am sure it had been a significant factor to Sharon as well. Joe had made her cum, fairly quickly, with just his cock. Bigger? Strange? More exciting because she was not married to him? All of those perhaps. But I knew, or at last suspected, that she wanted to cum with him again.

Now it happened in the doggy. No fingers, just a cock. A strange cock with a head that was wider then mine. And forbidden, a cock she was not married to. Joe was fucking her a little harder now. Using the full length of his cock on each trip forward, and coming back far enough to open her lips wider, but not fall out.

He had raised himself up again, no longer getting good feels of her breasts and Sharon once again leaned down and forward and Joe began gripping both cheeks of her ass as he fucked her deep.

Sharon's mouth was opened, wide, and she laid with her head on the pillow, feeling his cock and concentrating on it, concentrating on it and willing herself to cum.

She did, beat him to the climax.

Her orgasm was long and...well, not loud, just more like a soft groan that lasted, I counted by watching her anus, 9 to ten throbs in duration.

"Now you Joe, go slow so she can feel your throbs."

Sharon had laid her head down onto the mattress again, her eyes were closed and I saw a nice smile on her face as she felt his hard cock orgasming long and hard into her tight snatch.

I didn't follow his lead by also getting behind her in the doggy. A few minutes later Joe was gone, and I was on her MIssionary, loving and kissing on her and feeling his warm cum wrapping itself all around my cock as I swam around amongst his sperm. She didn't cum with me this time either, but I understood and did not push it. I wanted her to remember his cock, and how she had enjoyed it, and not confused the issue by making her cum with my cock so soon after.

Besides, she might have had to use her fingers again.

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