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How did you become a cuckold?

  • Thread starterSon of John
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Son of John

Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jan 30, 2008
I would like to read the experiences of husbands which tell how they got into the mind-set of sharing their wives with other men.

I don't believe any guy just one day decides "Hey, I believe I'd like for some other guy to fuck my wife!" I believe that we all came to where we are today by paths and processes that we couldn't control.

I know that is certainly true in my case. I did not decide to share my wife with other men. It was thrust onto me and there was nothing I could do about it. The miracle is that I survived and was able to re-order my life to include wife-sharing as a part of our normal lives.

What are your stories?
My wife was a sexpot before we got married, and we enjoyed lots of fantasy love making that included a variety of subjects. But soon after we were married, she started getting hit on more and more and the excitement of all these men showing a married woman that much attention was more than we could bear. SO .... one night I told her to go ahead and be a hoe for a night and pick up and fuck a stranger, and then come home and tell me about it. Once you go, you can never come back. We had only one bad experience and fortunately we BOTH learned from it and are stronger now. WE do this... its not just her... so as a fetishist I am having the time of my life... and so is she!
My path to getting here to the community was relatively long and painful and unexpected. I also would like to forewarn that the course is still developing and still a process of discovery as I find myself torn over exploring the lifestyle of a cuckold and am only 23.

Back in high school I got involved with a girl who we'll call P. I had a history of being in relationships, but was still a virgin, and a stable guy at that with a solid academic record, prospects, a little on the chubby side since I wasn't sporty, etc. I was a slightly emotional person and built strong, stable, loyal attachments to people, but P on the other hand was a bit on the crazy side. She was not your straight-a student, was in fewer to none honors classes, and not the most academic person. She had mood swings and would be up one day, down another, and all over the place.was, as it turned out, diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder but probably should have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, or the milder form thereof. When I first met her, she was skinny, not a stick but still very thin. She was 5'4", B-cup breasts, dark red hair, green eyes, gorgeous girl with a cute butt. After getting diagnosed, she gained weight significantly, and was a little chubby while still being cute and had DD-cup breasts and a beautiful ass.

We were each other's firsts. I was 15 and she was 16. We explored each other and did everything together. I remember her working me to an orgasm through barely manipulating my member with her hand and fingering her until orgasm while laying on the floor in the kitchen under a blanket, being sneaky and all with her parents upstairs. As our relationship went on, we got more and more freedom as her parents would be out of the town weekends and trusting us to be safe. We developed all sorts of fetishes that we chose to enjoy. Bondage, anal play (we got a strap-on to use), squirting (she would SOAK her sheets), toys, role play(one time she was in a full cat outfit, ears and tail, with matching black corset.... meeeooow), fantasy play, sex on the beach, sex in the car, sex in the park, etc, cyber sex, phone sex. I remember coming to her door, knocking, and having the door open with no one around it. I would walk in, and she would leap on me, completely nude with her giant breasts, from behind the door.

We also discussed a lot as part of our constantly expanding sex-lives. She hated that I watched pornography, and I tried to explain that desire. We discussed interest in other people aside from the sexualized concept of 'The One'. I was interested in other things as well, and slowly worked her up to watching porn with me in college while we had sex, and discussing online, via text messages, over the phone, the idea of sex with other people in a threesome(what 17yr old male doesnt want one?). Since it was helpful to provide an 'example' person, and I wanted to feed her desire to help her accept my pornography and desires, we used the example of my brother in our fantasies and stories.

Aside from an incredible sex-life where we spent the entire weekend having sex every weekend and would be up until 3, 4, 5 Sat and Sunday mornings having sex (she was definitely a nymphomaniac), she also caused significant drama in my life due to insecurities. Not to say she wasnt an amazing, beautiful person on the inside as well as the outside, she just had some serious insecurities. She was very insecure and often needed reassuring of the stability of the relationship. She was clingy, demanding, possessive, and did NOT like my friends. Wanted only me and her time. Dominated all of my out-of-school related activity time. Family did not like her, but that was fine by me because my family had enough strife as is and I was and still am a black sheep of a wealthy family.

Well, low and behold, the time comes for me to go to college, and I am intent to move away. In fact, I select a college over 2000 miles away, despite strife and grief from her. Her insecurity explodes during this time, and she demands we get married before I leave. Being a whipped sucker, I even buy a very nice diamond ring to give to her so that we are engaged to be married as a promise of our future together. I move off to college, and we continue a relationship by seeing each other every month or so via airplane, and constant skyping and phone calls. It starts off with a rocky start due to her calling 3,4,5,6 times or more a day, and demanding hours upon hours of time. We fight constantly, Im a social mess in my dorm freshman year, and she still holds a grudge against me for moving away.

She finally takes my encouragements to find several friends to occupy her time and balance her life, and gets involved with a clique of nerdier folks at her community college. Part of this is meeting A. A is a nerdy guy who is about my same stocky build with long black hair. He is quirky and also a cross-dresser among other things. She hits it off with him instantly, and talks about him as a good person for a threesome. I encourage her going out with friends and him, and remember her telling me over the phone about how she was getting closer to him and he would be great for a threesome. I thought it was great! I encouraged in, and wanted to start a fire between them so it would be ready for when I get back. This encouraging continues until I find out one night that they had kissed, passionately, as he ran his hand up her leg before taking her home.

My life took a flash as I began to realize she was emotionally involved with him, not simply physically interested in the experience like I was. I immediately began to back pedal, and we had instant tension. She became more and more involved with him during that next year despite my distressed manner, and wanting to never have anything to do with other people and sexual activity again. Pictures begin to show up on facebook of her sitting in his lap in their college lounge, stories reach my ears from friends of mine of her nuzzling his chest after they kiss in other locations in the school. She begins to go on dates with him in everything but name, and helps him choose outfits for cross dressing. At some point, she was talking with him on the phone as much as myself. However, they had not yet done the deed at that point. Towards the last 6 months of our relationship, she begins to tell me, in tears, about how she went out with him and they would make out near his car and how GOOD it felt. She shares that he has met the parents and spends time at her house. She has also seen him nude at this point when he is changing for crossdressing with her and friends, and he is HUGE. 10.5 inches, whereas I am only 5.5. Size becomes a discussion in our conversations, and I also find out that whenever we ever discuss a fantasy encounter with a guy, she has only been imagining him. We begin having conversations where she says she is in love with both of us, and doesnt understand how I can only limit love to one person. She also tells me how much I would love him if I just gave hime a chance, and how he is my biggest advocate in her life. We split two or three times, only for her to show up at my house when I am next in town and beg me back into her life. I am tormented for literally a full year over this. (College grades definitely could have been!)

This is happening even while I come back from break and I am still able to bring her to full orgasm, even with a small finger vibrator pushed up against her car in her parking lot. Despite this, in some sexual encounters, she is obviously enjoying sex less. I begin having harder times staying erect during sex. In her last trip flying up to my college, she returned the engagement ring, but then put it back on after a fight. She then let me have sex with her, but it was obviously only a pitty-fuck....... and, as it turns out, this may have been well after she had already enjoyed the benefits of his giant dick. However, I will never know for sure, but she did feel very loose. I end up orgasiming while in tears.

I return for a summer break. At this point in time, I express my distaste and give an ultimatum during a fight. Respect that I can not handle this, or make a hard choice. That night, while out with friends, I know she is supposed to be out with her friends and hanging out with him as well at the same time. I receive a call from her..... she was only with him, and he had taken her hard and several times, and I could come and get my box from her tomorrow. I break down and stay at a friends place that night, trying to get support to rationalize what has happened to something I invested so much in.
The next day, she comes over to my house and brings the box. Then, she asks me to go for a ride so we can talk. We ride for 2 or 3 hours as I try to rationalize what has happened. She breaks down crying when we first get a private moment to talk, and shows me the long scrapes of scratches covering her whole back from where he had held her tight with his nails while fucking her. She keeps saying shes sorry and she wants me and she loves me, but then when I suggest leaving him and taking me back she says absolutely not. She loves him as well, she would say through tears. She loves us both, and he was showing her that he cared more, because he wanted her to be able to have both of us if she wanted. We end up at her house. While sitting on her bed, where I have fucked her hundreds of times, I ask about what happened, and about whether the size of his penis made a difference. After saying she doesn't want to answer because I wont like what I hear, she says it definitely did, and while its not the only factor, it was a huge difference in fantastic sex. I find that while she is talking I keep having that horrible sinking feeling in my gut that has been an on-and-off resident for the past year and a half, but am also very very erect and hard. I then propositioned her, only to be turned down because she was now 'his girl'. We then fight as she drives me home.

At that point, and counseling with a friend, I recognized how much of a sham my relationship had become, how whipped I had been, how weak I had shown myself to be. I decided to avoid speaking with P again. Over the next month I began to receive calls every 3-5 minutes, with constant texts. She was horribly sorry, she wanted me back, she wanted everything to be ok. I was in a point where I couldnt sleep more than 1 hour without waking up in tears, and yet despite this, I did not respond. I fly back to school, and for the following month, I begin to receive less messages and voicemails, emails, facebook messages, skype messages, and texts, but she still contacts me 5-10 times a day easy. Over the next 2 to 3 months it eases off to 7 or so times a week, and then eventually, only on Wednesday night when she new I was working as a student lab monitor, able to respond, and not in class. I still continued to break down over that period.

During this time I am an emotional wreck. I am wracked with pain and anguish, guilt from leaving her, righteous fury over her actions, insecurity and a feeling of being puny because I was unable to satisfy her. I find that when I wake up, I am often dreaming of her, and frequently have twisted sexual dreams about her, him, and I. I began to only be able to cum after thinking of her and him, or me servicing him, or him, her, and I, with him being the commanding and dominant person in the encounter. Pornography and other fantasy held zero appeal to me at this point in time. I began to feel sick and self-disgusted that the only thing that would get me off was the idea of sucking him off to get him hard, watching him fuck her, then cumming in her after cleaning him up and feeling all of his cum inside her.

After about 9 months, she now only contact me on my birthday, Christmas, and the day we were supposed to get married. We talked a few times thereafter, had some good laughs at first, but I found myself getting too furious in text messages and chats and saying sadistic sarcastic and cruel things that I have just ended our conversations all together.

Since this I had a relationship that began about 4 months after that one ended. It was with a very liberal minded girl who I quickly became attached to, but she did not to me. We'll call her Jd. Jd was 5'7, very bright and well read, long curly auburn hair, freckles, coke-bottle glasses, skinny, a-cups. She also grew out her leg hair and did not shave legs at all, which I found wonderful. The relationship lasted 6 months, and I now recognize it as a HUGE emotional rebound. I was her first, but we quickly explored all avenues of sex that I previously mentioned such as bondage, strap ons, I began crossdressing, etc. However, no matter how hard I tried, I could no longer keep up my stamina like I used to. Instead of 4-5 hours of sex, I could only go for 30 minutes to an hour, and would come very quickly and go limp. We found that I was unable to satisfy her. Through our discussions we also found that the only time she orgasms during masturbation was when she imagined multiple persons touching and feeling her and using her. I talked through my last relationship with her, and begin to clear my system, but also begin to talk about my sexual issues and the problem I had with only being aroused previously by the thought of my ex with the guy she was involved with, and me being their toy. We began to work through that concept, and while she and I never brought anyone else into the bedroom, were convinced I just needed some psychological resolution and that over time I would feel less desire to be treated that way. My relationship with Jd was great, but ended right as she was about to graduate, and I was still a Junior, and we just simply were in emotionally different places.

Finally, I got involved with the current and future love of my life, who we will call Jc. Jc is younger than me but taller than me at 5'10', and a bit of a full figured girl. She has curves and hips and a gorgeous ass, and c cups, with blonde hair. Jc is beyond your typical girl in that she knows exactly what she wants when she wants it, and is able to plan effectively to get there. She always has a positive attitude. An example: I am her first real serious relationship aside from a guy in high school she went with for a few months. He fondled her breasts and was eager for more, but she knew she didnt want that with him. However, with me, after three months she decided she wanted at least a long term relationship and we began regular sexual activity.

With Jc, I have been slowly working towards a more full sexual awareness. She was relatively vanilla but is now moving at a decent pace. We have gone through most of the list of sexual activities produced before, and some have hit off very well. However, I still find that the number one desire I have had sexually has been the concept of watching her get fucked by another man, and to be submissive and insignificant comparatively, and to be involved as a sex toy in their encounter. While I do have interest in sleeping with other people, that is highly auxillary to her sleeping with others, and is something she is unsure she could accept. I could imagine nothing at this point that would excite me more that watching another guy satisfy her.

This temptation has been further frustrated by the fact that, despite what we try, she has not to date orgasmed. While this seems somewhat typical for some women, I am convinced that her experiencing more may help. I also am convinced, as my ex so eloquently put it, size makes a HUGE difference. I dont consider 5.5 inches small, but I do think it may not be what she needs to be satisfied. I have shared this with her, and she is intrigued by the idea. Recently, while on vacation for a friends 21st in a touristy town, she began hitting on other guys in bars because she know I am ok with the concept and excited about her being involved with others, and at one point ended up next to a black guy our age who put his hand on her leg and started moving up. She got his number, and if it hadnt been for her friends dragging her off, may have gotten more.

We've now been together 2+ years and will be moving in together after she graduates, at which point I plan on proposing to her. In all of its irony, I will be using the same stone I bought for P so many years back, as it is simply a beautiful rock. This summer, I will be staying in town with her(I have currently accepted a job requiring a 2-year commitment that is, sigh, again over 2k miles away), and we have said we will be trying at least once to go to a bar/club and see how comfortable she is going as far as possible with picking up another guy. We have pretty much agreed that not much more will happen at any point if one of us is uncomfortable, nor will much more happen on a solo perspective until we are living under the same roof.

So that is my story on how I developed and am developing into a cuck, through pain and trial. I cant help but be amazingly excited and encouraged and incredibly hard in my pants, but also somewhat afraid I will lose her as we develop more and more into the lifestyle of cuckolding/swinging. We have already established rules regarding 1) only random people 2) no continued contact, etc. to ensure stability in the relationship should anything happen, and I have complete faith in her. However, I cant help but read some of the more advanced posts on the forums where I read about lovers moving in and marriages ending, and I cant help but wonder if I am playing with a very enticing fire to solve some defect in my sexual desires. I am eagerly and anxiously excited, but reassured by her during pillow talk every day.
nice narrative
I loved porn. Particularly the "white wife with black men" themed type. I'd never really considered trying it in real life, at that point it was more about the women then the situation.

So, one day the wife needs to use my computer because hers is broken. Finds the sizable stash of movies on it, assumes that I am indeed fantasizing about sharing her.

Much weeping and gnashing of teeth. much yelling at me about how it's weird that I'd be aroused by this type of thing, that if anyone knew they'd call me a cuck dipshit, and her a slut.

I start to realize I'm kind of turned on at this point.

She goes on to say how it's disgusting that I want to see her fucking total strangers, getting passed around by a dozen guys.

At this point, she realizes she's starting to get turned on.

So, we're both breathing a little heavy, and the tears have stopped, and we call in sick to fuck like crazy for three days. And, during rest periods, we start to have a calm discussion about what's really important in our marriage, what isn't important, and what we're willing to try to make things happier for each other.

The rest is history.
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She shoved it up my ass like a big dildo. 10 days after we we married she was dating a guy in the office next door and a few days later they were rutting. I could take it or leave it so I took it as long as I could.

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