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I Wonder "How do wives feel about husbands that show them nude?"

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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 13, 2009
This is a blatant take off from another thread, and I appoligize if anyone objects. The cuckolds position is well covered in the husband showing his woman nude, but what do the women think? Do they feel they are being treated as a piece of meat, or does it excite them. Most importantly how do they feel about the husband/man who is willing for them to be seen by others in all of their glory.

I wouldn't be posting pics of my Girlfriend on this site if I didnt have her consent to do so. She finds it a huge turn on and it gives her a confidence boost aswell. She likes reading the other guys comments about her, it turns her on to know that others are checking her out in this way.
I would be outraged!
I kinda have the feeling that some of the guys here don't tell their women they're posting pics of them ...especially those who have the fantasy of being cucked, but are not.

Personally, I'm fine with my husband posting pics of me on here if he wants to. I understand why he would. He wants other men to be interested in me. :)
Nice time, ! Nakedness

My Wife Do Like very much, She is always So Interested when She knows that She has possibility to SHOW HER NAKED BODY especially to MY FRIENDS, Cousins.And New Friends which She may see.
My wife enjoys it and have even posed for photos in the past.
iPlay said:
I kinda have the feeling that some of the guys here don't tell their women they're posting pics of them ...especially those who have the fantasy of being cucked, but are not.

Personally, I'm fine with my husband posting pics of me on here if he wants to. I understand why he would.



Okay, your hubby wants other men to be interested in you - is that your wish as well? Would you also allow another women to hit on you?
294 568 614

Would If I Could

Wouldn't have dreamt of posting without my wife's permission. Until she was unfaithful. She was far sighted enough to start an album of me in some very unflattering shots. My photos of her just show a hot MILF. Mine are by and large humiliating.
So at this point if she found out I'd be the loser.
Howwee said:
Wouldn't have dreamt of posting without my wife's permission. Until she was unfaithful. She was far sighted enough to start an album of me in some very unflattering shots. My photos of her just show a hot MILF. Mine are by and large humiliating.
So at this point if she found out I'd be the loser.

Remember that all humans are actually female - men have nipples on their chest, woman have 32 immature skene glands which would turn into a prostrate gland if they were to be given huge doses of testosterone.

So a man is a woman plus 20 times more testosterone.

If a man notices his gut getting bigger, it is because his testosterone levels are falling and he is stepping back a bit closer to being female again - you could say he is now "less of a man".

The best way for a man to remain a "full man", is to do several 100 yard sprints with 2 min rest breaks every day. This tricks his mind to keep maximum testosterone in his muscles to retain his "manly look" to turn on females.

If you don't exercise enough, the female hormones in food will chop you down to "female size", and put you first place in the queue to become a cuckold who does not get any vaginal sex penetration any more.

Saraha said:
Remember that all humans are actually female - men have nipples on their chest, woman have 32 immature skene glands which would turn into a prostrate gland if they were to be given huge doses of testosterone.

So a man is a woman plus 20 times more testosterone.

If a man notices his gut getting bigger, it is because his testosterone levels are falling and he is stepping back a bit closer to being female again - you could say he is now "less of a man".

The best way for a man to remain a "full man", is to do several 100 yard sprints with 2 min rest breaks every day. This tricks his mind to keep maximum testosterone in his muscles to retain his "manly look" to turn on females.

If you don't exercise enough, the female hormones in food will chop you down to "female size", and put you first place in the queue to become a cuckold who does not get any vaginal sex penetration any more.

“Less of a man” - "female size"

Jeepers. Just when I thought I couldn’t feel much worse. I'm 6'4" tall, and weigh 219 lbs. Down from a high of 239. My wife is nearly 5'10, and has recently lost twenty-five pounds. Five more than when we were married. Her breasts were 38D then, and now she's 39DD. Her breasts didn't really get any smaller with the weight loss.

Her weight loss actually came about after her affair. I think she's spent a thousand bucks on new clothing. When she did some modeling for me in the new clothes my face flushed. It felt like my body temp had jumped several degrees. Part of it was how great she looked, but I believe the larger stimulus was image driven. She was going to wear most of the new clothing to work.

She was like a little girl after displaying her new wares at work. She heard words like sassy, cougar, hottie, Milf, etc. My wife tele-commutes. Going into her office once a week. That's a double edge sword. Means she's not presenting everyday, but she's also home alone a lot.

I screwed around quite a bit in our first ten years together. She may have suspected, but I never got caught. I've had opportunities since, but have kept my pecker in my pants. Currently know that a bartender at my favorite hang out wants to go to bed with me. We all know how this works don't we? Nailing her would be a big boost to my male ego, but unless my wife gives me cause I'd much rather remain faithful.

Since the "new" look appeared she has also taken to dropping me off at the bar so I don't have to worry about driving. Actually she did this before the weight loss, but never came into the bar. Now she seems to relish the prospect, and of course my "buddies" are reacting as expected. She even lets them buy her a drink before we head out. I am, by and large ignored after she shows.

The comments started almost immediately the next time I hit the bar alone.

"Wow. Did she model when she was younger?"
"Fucking hottie."
"Bet you can't keep up with that can you?"
"If you ever need any help let me know."
"Why don't you drop your wife off, and you run the errands.?"
"Those are some huge titties."
"Guy could get lost in those puppies."
"Wish my wife looked like that."

Just a sampling of their eloquence.

I try to smile, laugh, tell them to go fuck themselves, but I do whatever I can to change the subject.

The attached was a “fun” night for her. After I lost the weight I naturally had pants that no longer fit properly. She had me put a pair on with no briefs underneath. It was dark outside, but small comfort when you’re walking around on the patio as your jeans start to drop to you ankles, and your spouse is aiming a camera at your soon to be naked from the waist down body. This is also one of the less humiliating pictures in her portfolio.

The cuckold thing doesn’t hold any appeal. I guess I'll try the sprints.
Actually Dr Sears calls it "dinosaur training". High intensity short bursts and your testosterone release tricks the hormones to make your muscles lean again.

It is not really how much exercise you do that controls your weight, but the type of hormones released. I know a guy who often walks 700 kms or more in a week and does not lose any weight.

High stress levels make your body feel like it is under attack - fat is stored to cope with this enemy it can't understand (or see). Sprinting improves your power-to-weight ratio, and you feel so much stronger, your mind is less scared of the enemy, so weight reduces.

When you are sprinting, pretend a dinosaur is chasing you and will eat you if you don't beat it to the next tree you can hide behind. If you are not very fit, start with "fast for 20 yards", rest for a couple of minutes, then do it again, repeating more reps as the weeks go by.

After a few months of dinosaur training, a middle-age man can start to feel so good about himself and his sexual capibilities, than he can almost walk on water and rip trees out of the ground with his thoughts. No female could stop herself being seduced by a man with this much enthusiasm and confidence for life.
True That

Yes, she's impressive. Sahara what happens if a woman trains as you've described. I ask because that sounds uncomfortably close to the way Robin exercises in addition to some weight toning. My son is a monster. He's been helping her out with the program.
What a Dummy

Saraha. I misspelled your name. Sharp as a tack, I am.
I have always read a huge amount about medicine and books about sport training and body building out of curiosity. I have been walking long distance for about a year and recently covered 230 kms in 48 hours solo on the road with a food/water in a back pack. I am hoping to get to 270 by Christmas 2012.

Fat reduces in a female from dinosaur training, but in a beneficial way. The extra testosterone makes a woman feel fitter and more confident. She looks toned, but she would have to take artificial testosterone in big quantities to get that muscular look that steroids produce.
No! No! No!!!

kenev said:
howwee stop argueing with her or you might need a bit of steak for the black eye that is coming

That was the last thing I intended. The title referred to me being a dummy because I misspelled her name. Whatever else she may be...she ain't no dummy. Hell if every woman in the world was as sharp as she is I wouldn't have found a spouse.
My girl is an exhibitionist kinda. She loves attention and being looked at. She doesn't mind me posting her naked pictures on the net, as long as I cover her eyes so no family members see her. But if 'ol pops saw her on the net, we'd have to ask him what have YOU been doing on the net? lol
In German breweries, post menopausal women got mentrual cramps and young womn got their periods several years earlier than woman who did not work at the breweries.

Hops in the beer is the culprit. 3-4 ounces of hops, a primary ingredient in beer, contains up to 300,000 I.U's of estrogen, most of it in the form of estradiol - which shuts down testosterone production.

The first ingredient almost every breast enlargement pill on the market has in it is - you guessed it...... HOPS.

Heavy beer drinkers consume lots of female hormones - that is why their breasts get bigger and their gut hangs over their belt.

So one feminising tool is to drink lots of beer with high hops content. Grain feed beef also contains feminising hormone (grass fed doesn't). Another tool to help you become more of a woman, is eating any food with soy in it.

It would not be too hard for men to become paranoia that part of the rise of female is to help men to give up their testosterone and start changing back into a woman. Because most of the cooking is done by females, then men are not aware of what is going into the food.

Have you wondered why Doctors are prescribing more and more pills to men? Is there a conspiracy here - or is it just a "gender remodelling exercise" to convert men into chambermaids as soon as their testosterone levels have tumbled to target lows.

Food chemicals has dropped American sperm counts by 60% in 50 years, and the trend is speeding up. More and more families are becoming infertile.

Is man an endangered species? Ask the question again in ten years when your Doctor admits your tadpoles have all died and you might as well live the life of a woman.

Have a nice tadpole-free day. Pop another pill.
well my wife is more like what quake says, she enjoys going out in sheer tops or showing off to see what kind of response she gets. she told me the other day she saw a cute guy in the mall and bent over so he could see her or she enjoys wearing very short skirts to the mall and going up the stairs. not sure why she likes it but she does

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