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Increasing level of intimacy

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
Well - rather than continue my earlier thread, I thought it would be better to start a new one.

Sue and I did a lot of talking this weekend and a lot of things came out. At the end of my last post in the other thread I began to feel a bit awkward about how close and comfortable together that she and Brad seem to be now.

I had always put the physical sex and the emotions during that on one side - but the realization that they've showered together and washed each other seems to have brought out some new emotions and feeling in me. Our conversations over the weekend revealed that she's totally opened up to him in ways that both concern me but are - at the same time - absolutely a turn-on.

I don't think I revealed the extent of my arousal to her - but I did express some concerns over her seeming to be very open with him. My concerns became enough for me to bring it up with her after - not only did she say she spends most of her time with him with her naked. That alone said a lot to me in that she's usually a bit reserved but that she feels totally comfortable letting him see all of her - she said she actually, in some ways, can't wait to get undressed with him. But I reallly came unglued when she told me very plainly that she not only showed him how to insert her diaphragm - that she actually let him do it!!!! I swear I felt such a mix of emotions at that moment - I remember how I felt long ago when she showed me that too. To now think that she's that comfortable with him has me feeling almost dizzy from so much to think about.
Before I get all the concerned-replies - when I have more time later, I'll share what she said about my concerns about losing her to him in any way.
But sitting here at work - thinking about them together like that - well, I just had to get it off my chest.
I guess the fact that I am deriving some enjoyment and arousal out of this confirms my acceptance of being a cuckold. I just wouldn't have guessed that it would quite be so mentally/emotionally intense at times.
Damn - how did I open 2 threads...

Damn - somehow I opened 2 of the same threads....

Hopefully replies will only be posted in one of them....

SoonToBe said:
.... But sitting here at work - thinking about them together like that - well, I just had to get it off my chest.

Are you risking your job by using your work computer to access this forum? Most employers monitor the online activity of their employees. That's legal, at least in part because computers, servers, associated routers and Internet connections generally belong to the employer. Unless, of course, you work at home.

As an aside, I'll comment that your strong association of sexual feelings with your wife inserting her diaphram — either with you or with her lover — strikes me as interesting. If my wife had a lover and used a diaphram when she met him, that would not affect my thoughts and feelings about her trysts any more than if she used (say) an IUD or some other form of birth control / STD protection.


*BTW, if you write a new post, then post it, then discover it's been posted twice — i.e., maybe you inadvertently hit the "post" button twice in rapid succession — you can get rid of one of them by using the "Edit" function at lower right, next to the "Quote" function. After your double post, hit "Edit," then "Delete this message?" (hit "yes"), then hit "Delete." However, be sure to make a copy of your post (save it on your "clipboard") before doing this, because this procedure can result in both posts being deleted. That happened to me once when I deleted the second of a double-post (only, or so I thought). Later, when it happened to me again, I deleted the first of an inadvertent double-post and that worked OK. I.e., the second post remained intact. This procedure, like any editing one wishes to do, has to be done within 10 minutes after your post. After that, one can no longer "edit" one's post for reasons best understood by the forum administrator(s).
Custer - relax about the work stuff - I update here via my own Blackberry that's not on the company network.

I need to get my thoughts together on why her brazen lack of modesty with him gets to me as it does. I just didn't expect to hear that level of intimacy but I can't really explain it more just yet. I can't say why I seem preoccupied with the whole diaphragm thing other than that it is a very personal thing for her (at least it was with me) and now she seems very comfortable with letting Brad do pretty much anything to her or with her including her spending hours with him in the nude even when they're not having sex. Hearing her say how comfortable she is and how, as she put it, that she can't wait to get undressed for him just gets to me for whatever reason.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not about to change anything - it's actually what I've wanted for her for a long time and it DOES turn me on incredibly. But it's more like the reality is a bit harder to accept than the fantasy part was.

More later...

SoonToBe said:
Custer - relax about the work stuff - I update here via my own Blackberry that's not on the company network.

That sounds cool.... if your Blackberry does not use, and is not picked up by, your company's wireless network. If it is, of course, your IT staff presumably knows as much about the intimate details of your life as everyone on this forum. :eek:

SoonToBe said:
I need to get my thoughts together on why her brazen lack of modesty with him gets to me as it does. I just didn't expect to hear that level of intimacy .... and now she seems very comfortable with letting Brad do pretty much anything to her or with her including her spending hours with him in the nude even when they're not having sex. Hearing her say how comfortable she is and how, as she put it, that she can't wait to get undressed for him just gets to me for whatever reason.

Many years ago, before getting married, I was seeing two women. Late one afternoon, after spending time in bed with one, I got ready to depart to take the other out for the evening. (They knew about each other and were not mutually hostile, or at least, so it seemed.) The woman I was leaving sucked my cock in the nude (I was dressed by then) until I came — reasoning, I supposed, that would reduce my sexual capacity for the evening. Then, as I was leaving, she accompanied me to the door and, still in the nude, embraced me as we kissed. I was *very* turned on by her doing that in the nude, and left with (a renewed) erection. Later that evening, my other woman friend and I fucked. I was, well, quite a bit younger then than now.

My impression was, my woman friend who embraced me in the nude while I was fully dressed felt very vulnerable, and she felt I would sense that and be very turned on. And she was right, I was.

The effect was, one might say, the nude-female equivalent of the appeal of CFNM ("clothed females nude male").


I've been thinking about what you're saying all night. It's a different way to look at their situation to think of Sue being/feeling vulnerable when she's with Brad and looking to turn him on by that behavior. I hadn't thought of that.

I'm both a bit surprised and I guess, a bit hesitant/scared about what she's said to me. She says she feels very sexual when she's with Brad, for whatever that means. I think part of it (can't remember if she said this or if I did) is that there's no question of why they're together. And for whatever she tried to explain, all I got was that she literally likes to be naked with him. And that's why she's going to the motel with him now. Maybe it's her trying to reassure herself she's still got it and looks hot or something like that. Whatever it is, it is both very unnerving and yet at the same time, strangely arousing.

It's just not something I thought I'd see in her - this level of comfort and it being more than just a quick fuck. It's intimate between them. That's what's getting me and yet she seems to make very light of it.

We did talk about what I am feeling a bit. I try to stay supportive but I told her plainly that I thought they were getting a bit close. She really just said that it's really just the sex - and that I should think of it like she's going to the gym for a few hours because that's how she feels about it. I pushed her for more of what she was feeling - and she just said that it feels comfortable and that sort of thing. I told her that it made me feel uncomfortable and she said she could see that but she didn't say she'd change. I didn't push any further.

But now, looking back at that conversation and others, I'm realizing that there's probably little I can do to derail things between them at this point - and now I'm thinking too that she may view my backing off in the wrong way. And I guess maybe that's my problem here - I think I'm scared to admit it openly to her that I am enjoying what she's doing with him more than just the sex part.

Anyway - enough from me tonight. Aside of talking with Sue, there's no one else I can unload this stuff on. I love her dearly and this is one heck of a ride we're on right now.
You will have read that it is like a roller-coaster ride and you are not in charge of the brake.

The one thing you have going for you is that she seems perfectly open with you, and more importantly, is completely at ease with this openess.

Believe me, when they get reluctant to reveal little bits of information, that is the time to start fretting.

She may also be way ahead of you, having lived with you for years, and know instinctively what you really want in the way of a tease and torment to amuse you deep down inside.

If your written outline of what she has said is accurate, I feel you can take her at her word that it can all be regarded like her having a regular session at the gym, and nothing more.

With regards to her being very intimate with him, your descriptions seem to show that she would find it difficult to relate to any man in any other way. She enjoys it, and so she indulges in it. In exactly the same way that a woman would enjoy a good massage and beauty parlor trip. It makes her feel GOOD!
Hi Soon - Let me stick my 2 cents in here. I admittedly have limited experience, but I've seen this provblem with 2 couples I've been with. The problem as I see it is that you perhaps have not set up a ground rule that limits your wife and her lover in a manner that excludes that which you choose to keep only for yourselves. I'll tell you why I think this is important to do. I believe that the nature of women causes them to fall in love with any man they have great sex with if the man can avoid being an a$$hole. That doesn't mean she loves her husband less - rather, it means that, over time, she will have an emotional connection to her lover that rivals that with her husband.

Husbands are often not prepared for this, and that is the reason for the anxiety and angst you're feeling. Women also may do things with their lover that they refuse to do with their husbands which further compounds the problem. That she has told you she doesn't intend to change even though you've expressed great discomfort with it, in my estimation, is a real problem for you. It's selfish on her part, and is not at all sensitive to your needs. In these relationships both people have needs, and both must be met, or the risk of putting the relationship in jeopardy is real.

You need to talk to both of them. Her lover has a job to do and if he's any good, he can be dispassionate about it, which should prove to be helpful. If he can't, then perhaps the rivalry is more than you bargained for. Your wife needs to know that she has a lover at YOUR pleasure as well as hers, and when you are uncomfortable, it compromises your pleasure as well as the spirit of the lifestyle. I don't think ultimatums are the way to go, but I do think you can't just turn your head and ignore it. If you do, I fear she may be less and less responsive to your needs over time. Good luck to you. It was not my intention to scare you or give you more discomfort than you already have. I know what I've said my be hard to hear, but to know is better than not knowing.


SoonToBe said:
I've been thinking about what you're saying all night. It's a different way to look at their situation to think of Sue being/feeling vulnerable when she's with Brad and looking to turn him on by that behavior. I hadn't thought of that.

I'm both a bit surprised and I guess, a bit hesitant/scared about what she's said to me. She says she feels very sexual when she's with Brad, for whatever that means. I think part of it (can't remember if she said this or if I did) is that there's no question of why they're together. And for whatever she tried to explain, all I got was that she literally likes to be naked with him. And that's why she's going to the motel with him now. Maybe it's her trying to reassure herself she's still got it and looks hot or something like that. Whatever it is, it is both very unnerving and yet at the same time, strangely arousing.

It's just not something I thought I'd see in her - this level of comfort and it being more than just a quick fuck. It's intimate between them. That's what's getting me and yet she seems to make very light of it.

We did talk about what I am feeling a bit. I try to stay supportive but I told her plainly that I thought they were getting a bit close. She really just said that it's really just the sex - and that I should think of it like she's going to the gym for a few hours because that's how she feels about it. I pushed her for more of what she was feeling - and she just said that it feels comfortable and that sort of thing. I told her that it made me feel uncomfortable and she said she could see that but she didn't say she'd change. I didn't push any further.

But now, looking back at that conversation and others, I'm realizing that there's probably little I can do to derail things between them at this point - and now I'm thinking too that she may view my backing off in the wrong way. And I guess maybe that's my problem here - I think I'm scared to admit it openly to her that I am enjoying what she's doing with him more than just the sex part.

Anyway - enough from me tonight. Aside of talking with Sue, there's no one else I can unload this stuff on. I love her dearly and this is one heck of a ride we're on right now.

Just a short note. I probably haven't made it that clear, but I haven't really told Sue about my discomfort and angst. I mean I've shared with her how I feel but I haven't told her she's hurting me or anything like that - and I sort of don't feel that she is. I have not, as you put it "expressed great discomfort" - actually, as I put in my last posting, I think if anything , that I've conveyed that I'm okay with what she's doing.

The angst and discomfort I'm feeling - I'm convinced - are in my head, at the reality of what I've started in her. But - right now, I have to say honestly, that I don't think I want to change anything. I know it may sound crazy - but I kind of want to see what happens here. I don't think she's going to run off with Brad - I just don't see that.

Coincidentally, just last night I told her that I wasn't happy with her doing the late-from-work thing on Fridays, that it put the start of the weekend off to a weird start. She smiled back at me and said that was good that I'd said that because she wanted to have some time with Brad this afternoon - Thursday! Now this was maybe 10pm last night - and I had no intention on having sex wither last night - but the moment she said that, I suddenly became so incredibly horny for her - but I also knew that I would have to wait and I have to say that last night, for maybe the first time, I actually think I felt good about it and I let myself relax about the anxiety I would usually put myself through at having to wait for her. We talked a bit more and I asked her if she was going to leave work early or something like that today but she said that she "just wanted a quickie" and then told me she's expecting her period any day now so this could be the last time for a while. I'm looking outside and I see that the weather will be nice for them for a change.

I know it may sound crazy but in the back of my mind, I've been wanting her to do this for so long - that now that it's really happening, I guess I'm getting acclimated to how things are going.

She does share everything with me - during foreplay and passionate sex in the days after she's been with Brad - she's told me everything. Some has made me cringe at just how familiar he is now with Sue's body and how comfortable they are having sex together. I cannot describe the feelings I have when she tells me that - yes, part angst and discomfort - but, my god, that is so far outweighed by the desire I have for her and the excitement I get from hearing her and feeling her body that's had pleasures from him and with him.

I honestly don't think I want her to change anything. It's really amazing to see someone you love so dearly being able to let herself go and know she's enjoying herself. I imagine it's the same way she may feel about me when I may go off skiing or golfing for a day - her knowing I'm enjoying myself.

The idea that she's haivng such passionate sex with him. The knowledge that when I look down at her when we're in bed or that we're about to have sex - and to know she's eagerly let another man have her - that his cock has been inside her and that his sperm has been left inside her numerous times - it just turns me on incredibly.

I should add that Sue HAS complimented me and commented on the level of passion she feels with me while we're having sex. I have also told her that I feel she orgasms more freely and even maybe more fully since she's been seeing Brad. She hasn't clearly said this to me, but she has said that - as you said BB - she does do things with him that she doesn't do with me. Not so much positions or actions - but that she allows herself to just be totally physical with him. I asked her if not being in love with him lets her focus more on herself and her own pleasure. She wasn't sure about that - but she did say that she didn't feel the need/desire that she does with me to try to cum together as we often do. She said that many times she'll orgasm first and will then - as she put it - enjoy watching and feeling Brad cum.

Anyway - back to work for a while.
I came home early today - after my last post here I really wasn't focused on work. It's such a nice afternoon here - sunny and warm - and all I can think of is her in that cheesy motel right now with her legs up in the air! I don't mean to be so crude but this is about the most intensely aroused I can ever remember being. I'm looking at the other pictures I have of her and simply cannot wait for her to get home and let me see and hold and feel her. We may have to let the kids eat dinner in front of the TV.

I thought about all of this on the ride home. The sunny warm breeze seemed relaxing and I think - during the next few days when we're not able (she doesn't like to during her time) to have sex - that maybe I'll be able to tell her more of how I'm feeling. It's actually me who can't seem to come out and tell her. I had tried to tell myself that I didn't want to tell her for one reason or another. I think I'm finding it hard to say to her that I like what she's doing and that I guess, I get off on it in some vicarious way.

I sometimes look at the empty spot in the bathroom drawer and think of the symbolism of that. It's an odd feeling. But incredibly arousing nonetheless...
My impression is, your marriage is strong & in good shape....


SoonToBe said:
The angst and discomfort I'm feeling - I'm convinced - are in my head, at the reality of what I've started in her.

Yes, of course.... angst and emotional "discomfort" are what being a cuckold is all about, and "in your head" is where it's all happening.

SoonToBe said:
But - right now, I have to say honestly, that I don't think I want to change anything. I know it may sound crazy - but I kind of want to see what happens here.

Being willing to accept risk in pursuit of ventures that involve some danger and are anxiety-inducing — but where you feel there's a reasonable probability (not a certainty) it will work out in your favor — is, in a sense, what life is all about.

SoonToBe said:
Coincidentally, just last night I told her that I wasn't happy with her doing the late-from-work thing on Fridays, that it put the start of the weekend off to a weird start. She smiled back at me and said that was good that I'd said that because she wanted to have some time with Brad this afternoon - Thursday!

Excellent! That was the perfect response.

SoonToBe said:
.... but the moment she said that, I suddenly became so incredibly horny for her - but I also knew that I would have to wait....

Your wife is playing you well. Does she now fuck you *only* immediately after coming home after she has fucked Brad, and does she decline to do so on other occasions? That seems to be the implication of some of the things you've been saying recently, but I don't think you've said that explicitly.

SoonToBe said:
.... in the back of my mind, I've been wanting her to do this for so long - now that it's really happening, I guess I'm getting acclimated to how things are going.

Yes, I would think so. Your current situation reminds me somewhat of one of the Cherry Lee letters (i.e., on her now-defunct website). The writer, a cuckold, described his wife as depressed and gaining weight. He persuaded her to date another man and take him as a lover, which involved telling him it was OK. I'll skip the details, but after a while she ended her affair with him then took another lover, and has continued. He said that when his wife began dating and fucking other men her depression vanished, she lost weight and she regained her former attractive appearance and outgoing nature. He concluded by saying: "So, what do I get out of it? Not much. When my wife goes out on dates I get a break from salads" (her preferred dinner for keeping her weight down). "I usually go out for a steak, medium rare." He went on to say he would never ask her to stop, though, because she is so much happier — which would seem to support the concept that when your wife is happy, you tend to be happy too.

SoonToBe said:
She does share everything with me - during foreplay and passionate sex in the days after she's been with Brad - she's told me everything.

Cool.... :cool:

SoonToBe said:
I honestly don't think I want her to change anything.

Good. You have the right attitude. :)

SoonToBe said:
I should add that Sue HAS complimented me and commented on the level of passion she feels with me while we're having sex.

And so does Sue.... :p

SoonToBe said:
I have also told her that I feel she orgasms more freely and even maybe more fully since she's been seeing Brad. She hasn't clearly said this to me, but she has said that - as you said BB - she does do things with him that she doesn't do with me.

Well, you know how it is.... a married woman who's having an affair needs to do some "forbidden things" to keep it hot.

SoonToBe said:
.... She said that many times she'll orgasm first and will then - as she put it - enjoy watching and feeling Brad cum.

That's *very* good. Your wife should feel she has every right to to cum first and as rapidly as pleases her. With you, as well as with Brad.

My impression is, your marriage is strong, in good shape, and has been strengthened by Sue taking a lover. I don't think you need to worry about her. That is not the same, of course, as saying you should neglect her in any way. You seem to be providing her with the support she needs to see her lover as often as she likes, and that's good. I think it's safe to say it is strongly related to her having good feelings about you, and increased love for you, as her cuckold husband.

Hey Custer,

You asked one question - when Sue fucks me. Is it only after she's been with Brad or is it also at other times. Well, she's really really horned up after she's been with Brad so for days afterwards we fuck a lot. But after a week or so, we seem to drop back into our familiar patterns of 2-3 times a week.

Last night she got home about 6:45pm and we all had dinner together. I managed to get her upstairs in the bedroom for a few minutes and she let me put my hand down the front of her pants and feel her wet pussy as we kissed. But she made me wait till we got our daughter to bed about 9:15 before we locked ourselves in the bedroom.

I do so wish she'd get an IUD or go on the pill - or if it's a safe time, just do it with Brad without her diaphragm - I would just love to taste her!!! But that spermicide cream just tastes nasty.

Anyway - she knew I wasn't going to last long. I knew she probably wouldn't cum with me but I did be sure to make her feel as good as possible - I think she may have had a little orgasm as I let loose in her. I don't think I will ever tire of how she feels after she's come home from being with Brad. I won't say her pussy is normally really tight or anything like that - and even when we'd pretend with her dildo's that she's another guy - nothing ever feels like it does when she's been with him. There's such a slickness and not so much openness as just her pussy feeling so compliant.

I'm trying not to get too riled up because we're almost ready to say goodnight to our daughter soon and I want her again tonight - she reminded me about her period soon so I want to be sure to get tonight in if nothing else. She did say though that sex seems to help her PMS-wise!!!!

We haven't talked about anything else yet - but I hope to this weekend. Maybe I'll have the guts to tell her that I'm truly enjoying what she's doing. Maybe over a bottle of wine and a picnic lunch in a park this weekend?

Thanks so much for all the updates on your progress. I think we all can agree that we look forward to hearing from you and what, if anything, is new.

One comment.......does your wife dress nicer or sexier the days that she is going to be with Brad? Do you notice any difference in her appearance? I, for one, would love to hear about that aspect as well, if possible.

Thanks again for all the news. Take care.
Hey all,

First time I've had to have some time to gather my thoughts and post an update.

We've been talking about a lot of stuff since she's got her period. Surprisingly she's in a good mood so it's been sort of easier to talk. She's brought things up a lot which is good - usually I've been the one to start things.

Where to start though. Well, over this past weekend she plainly asked me at one point something like "Does it turn you on to think about me having sex with Brad?". I said to her plainly "Yes, it does". She asked me to tell her about what I'm feeling when she's with him. That led to a lot of different stuff being brought out. I told her I was okay with them having sex - I told her that I knew she'd been with other guys including her ex-husband and I was honest and told her that it had always turned me on that she'd fucked so many (relatively - 8 before me and 3 since then including me) guys in the past. She was on the pill long ago (before kids) and I told her that also turned me on - that all these other guys got to cum inside her. (she knew this but seemed to like hearing it in this context).

But I then told her that I felt a bit uncomfortable about - just as I titled this thread - about their intimacy. I told her how her showering with Brad and her letting him put her diaphragm in, among other things, made me feel awkward. She didn't totally understand at least not at first.

I asked her how she felt at those times and she was very open and honest. She started by saying she loved me more than anything or anyone - but that when she was with Brad, that she felt different and that she wanted to be there for him. I didn't understand and she hemmed and hawed around until she finally said that unless we (me and her) go away on vacation or unless we arrange for a sexy evening at home (keep the kids occupied or send them elsewhere) when she can really feel she can let herself go sexually - that other times, she just can't escape the feeling of mom/wife.

I was kind of not surprised by that as I've known for a long time that she's like this as I suspect most soccer-mom types are (well, our kids aren't in sports, but you know what I mean). I've known that if I can get her away for a weekend alone that she'd do anything and everything (that's when she said okay to the pictures I posted) including going out with no bra/panties and letting other guys check her out (but it never went past there with anyone else) - we were in a hotel one night without the kids and during foreplay I put a "plug" in her pussy (a latex one with a flared base, narrow neck and then large pointed bulb top) and made her go out with me with it in her and no pantiies on.

Anyway - she says that when she's with Brad - that because she has no emotional attachment to him (and she did emphasize that over and over) - that she can just be sexual with him without caring. She sort of confessed to feeling like she wants to get it out of her system - that's the urge she says she feels with him. In time she also said that this is sort of what she's feeling behind her saying that she likes being naked with him. She said she likes him looking at her sexually - that she feels good about that when he looks at her and she can see that he wants her. Or something like that. All I know in now trying to write this down is that she feels she can shed her "mom" image and let herself be - I guess - a slut with him.

Now all this didn't come out all at once - I'm putting together what's probably been spread over 3-4 days and 5 or more hours of different talks.

At home, she's never liked me looking at her that way - she says she doesn't like me looking at her as a sex object. But that she does like it with Brad. I don't get it - but she said that's the difference, she loves me and she cares about me and how I see and feel about her. She insisted that she does NOT love Brad but at the same time - she does love how he looks at her. She even said that she will lie in bed with him, with her legs spread knowing he's looking at her pussy. I know she hates it when I do that to her, stare at her pussy, especially after we've had sex - but she feels like she wants Brad to stare at her even more after they're done!!!!

I have to say - when we had that conversation, we got pulled away by something and she know's I am still very disoriented by what she said. I just can't believe that she's saying she's almost this Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde thing - that she can be like that with Brad and actually want it - but that she's not comfortable with me like that.

But, on the other hand. Outside that moment, I have to say that in addition to this confusion I have on trying to understand her - I have to say that when I think about it, it is very arousing to me. That she can share this slutty side of her with another guy like she is. I guess I should have added that - when we're out as I described, away from the kids, she is the same with me (it may take a day or so to get her there though instead of it apparently being an automatic thing with Brad) - but by the end of a weekend without the kids - she is as brazenly openly sexual with me as she is with Brad.

So, I sort of get it.

I asked her if she enjoyed sex with Brad and what she enjoys most about it. She said that she always felt passion with him - that there was always a desire between them both for more. She said that her intimacy with him - showering or getting cleaned up before hand - and the whole diaphragm routine - made her feel close to him and more easily able to just get to it. I think she picked up on that I get a bit of arousal out of this so she told me how she felt very special with Brad preparing her diaphragm. I swear I was rock hard hearing her describe all this and just cannot get the image out of my mind of her spreading her legs and letting him put it in her even before they start to get going. She says the fact that there is no doubt that they are getting together for sex makes it easier for her.

I did open up to her a bit about the cuckold-side of things. I did that after she asked me how I truly felt the nights before she sees Brad. She asked if it really bothered me that she asked me to wait.

Now, I don't think she knows what a cuckold is - I've never used that term with her and she's never used it with me. She asked at a good moment over the weekend - it wasn't when we were discussing all the stuff above that gave me concern. So, I just answered her simply that it did turn me on when she said to me that she did want Brad more than me. I told her that it turned me on that she wanted her body to be clean for him (she knows that I have always wanted sloppy seconds for ages) and that meant saying no to me.

We've read plenty of Penthouse Letters so she knows that guys get turned on by this and she asked me if I was okay - no, whether I was enjoying what she was doing with Brad - and not about our sex together afterwards. That was the million dollar question - she asked if I enjoyed her sexual activity with Brad. I just nodded my head yes. She smiled at that and said she was glad because she wanted to be sure I was okay. I told her that as long as she came home to me at night and that our marriage and life together was strong, that I did enjoy knowing she was having sex with Brad. We talked about a few other things and that was when I did finally ask her if I could watch them one day.

She said she wasn't surprised at all, matter of fact, she was surprised I hadn't already asked as she knew I did want to watch. She said she'd asked Brad and he said he was okay with the idea but hoped he'd be able to "perform". She said that now that she knew I did, that she'd discuss it with Brad and see what we could all work out.

Wow - I've been writing forever - but damn, it feels good to put it on paper (so to speak).

None - you asked about her dress. I wouldn't say she's necessarily dressing any differently but she does seem to be more aware of her sexuality. She seems to be more aware of how much cleavage she's showing (and when) and how things look on her - and I guess, maybe she's tending towards clothes that do make her look better but that's about all. It's not like she's suddenly running around without a bra or panties.

I do know that she will dress a bit nicer when she is seeing Brad. Instead of the plain granny-panties, that she does wear some nicer undies - lacy panties and definitely nicer bra's. This last time she took a small carrybag with her and I know she put that tiger-print camisole in there along with her other stuff (perfume, makeup, etc.). That part is very arousing and I also told her that too - that seeing her that morning, knowing where she'll be later that evening is a turn-on.

It's been an interesting week so far... I feel good about everything though - I feel good about us that's for sure. I'm not 100% on everything yet, but I have to say, we haven't felt this close in a long time.

More as it happens - sorry for the long rambling post - I've been doing some other stuff while typing (burning some DVD's) so it hasn't been idle time...
Thanks for the update, Soon2B. Sounds like you and your hot wife are doing great with this wonderful journey you're on.
Yes, thanks for the update and the answer to my question. As always, all the best to you both and please continue to keep us informed.

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