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Making Up Lies

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New around here...
Beloved Member
Feb 19, 2006
How many cucks have had to make up stories to friends and family on why your wife was out for the evening.... or not out with you.

I remember numerous times when my wife chose her boyfriend over me.

Once at a family holiday gathering, her BF had asked her to attend a party with him.... so I had to lie all night long and tell my family that she was home sick... when she was really out with him drinking and getting fucked all night.

There were numerous times on weekends when she choose him over me... and I would go out with other couple friends of ours. I told them every lie possible (she was sick, had to work, was visiting family, etc.

It really is something to have to lie and cover up the fact that your own wife
(who I hardly ever have sex with) is out with another man.
The Grinch's reply brought to mind something from my distant past. My first wife was out fucking with other men while I was at home with the kids. Many years later, after we were divorced and the boys were grown, they asked me "where" she had been all those times and I decided they deserved the truth, so I told them she had been out fucking with other men.

I was surprised to learn that they were not surprised, and even supplied me with some of the names of the men who fucked her. She believed they had no idea what she was doing, but they did. They knew their mother was a slut all along.

They did ask me how I felt about these other men fucking my wife and I told them that it was very difficult at first, but that after a time it even came to seem normal.
Elvis and The Grinch,

The Grinch said:
The lies you have to tell friends and family are nothing compared with what have to tell the kids why mom was not at home last night. Since she never has her cell turned on while she is out with her lover, they end up calling here [me] looking for her. I tell them she is "out with friends."

If you were to modify that only slightly and say your wife is "out with a friend," it would have the benefit of being the truth.

Regarding SoJ's comment:

Son of John said:
....[my boys] asked me where [my first wife] had been all those times and I decided they deserved the truth, so I told them she had been out fucking with other men.

I was surprised to learn they were not surprised, and even supplied me with some of the names of the men who fucked her. She believed they had no idea what she was doing, but they did. ....

They asked me how I felt about these other men fucking my wife and I told them it was very difficult at first, but after a time it came to seem normal.

This illustrates well that children, like women, always know what's going on in their own homes — or if they don't initially, they sooner-or-later figure it out. In SoJ's case, the question from one of his boys appears to have been a probe to determine whether *he* knew his former wife (their mother) was fucking other men.

Since I know nothing about you or your friends and family members, or your circumstances, I'll resist the urge to suggest either declining to comment or telling the truth. That sort of thing always sounds like some sort of "naive goody two-shoes lecture," in any case. Instead, I'll note the time-worn practical observation:

"If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember what you said previously."

That can be a considerable advantage, especially when you get older and your memory isn't so good anymore. Although I don't actually know this, I'll suggest it may also have the advantage of avoiding your children, relatives, friends, and many others in town thinking you're the only one who doesn't know your wife is fucking other men with abandon, and therefore both you and they tiptoeing around in an effort to somehow maintain the pretense she's your monogamous faithful wife.


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