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My Boss Pins My Wife To Our Mattress


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
My Boss Pins My Wife To Our Mattress

by EroticWriter

My- Boss- Pins-My-Wife.jpg

“My wife sir, this is all new to her, please understand why she's reluctant. Joyce has never been with anyone but me, and now you are about to give her something...” My face turned red as I hesitated and my boss finished for me.

“Too large perhaps? Afraid I will hurt her? No, that won't happen. As I have stated, your wife will take me and learn to love it. You shall see.”

My boss had said 'take me' rather than 'take it.' There is a slight difference in what he was saying. Take it, his cock, it could be just physical. Take him, it could also be mental.

I sighed. “Yes sir.”

Original concept written by an internet friend named Ace / Nov 13, 2008 and greatly modified by EroticWriter with some story line modifications, heated up sex and a title change. Formerly this was called Rich Old Man And My Wife.

EroticWriter adding some comments. Readers: One of my favorite themes is the boss taking an employee's wife. Of course the cuckolded husband must either be there, or know about it. The main idea though, is that the husband is unable to stop it.

You can read some of those stories I have written along that theme with titles such as I Bet I Can Fuck Your Wife, and Their Wives Belong To Me, My Wife Snuck a Fuck at Her Party and How My Husband's Boss Seduced Me. I am not into sadism or masochism, and if readers want to read that, there are many other writers.

Me? If I start reading a story and see the words 'Master,' or 'Mistress,' I quit reading. This well thought out story by 'Ace' is almost along that line, a master and his subjects, but there are no whips and chains, no masks, just a mental form of bondage, the bondage of a boss that owns his employee and therefore owns the employee's wife.


My Boss Pins My Wife To Our Mattress

The first time I met him was at a staff party; everyone was pretty shocked when he turned up, he was a billionaire media mogul after all, and we were just a small newspaper he'd obtained when he bought a bigger outfit in Chicago that owned us.

But there he was, in the flesh, right in our grimy little office.

He spent most of the evening talking to my wife.

Now Joyce, though being a lovely blonde, was never a woman who stopped traffic, not all of it, just most of it. She wasn't in the same league as the tall and slim models he was normally associated with, or the supermodel he'd recently married.

No, Joyce would not qualify to be a supermodel, but she certainly qualifies to be a real woman in the real world of men. My wife was [and still is] a beautiful woman, but it's her personality and intelligence that sets her apart.

"What were you talking to him about last night?" I asked Joyce the following evening, the first time we had time to unwind and talk.

“Who? Your boss?”

“Yes, of course. What all was he saying to you?”

"Lots of things. He's such a nice man, Rick; and so interesting."

“I noticed that,” I said with a tone of slight disgust. “He seemed to be sticking pretty close to you and I didn't see you trying to get away.”

She laughed softly. “Silly you! He's an old man and I certainly wasn't attracted to him in 'that' way. I could tell he was flirting a little with me, so I flirted back, but only to a degree. All the while I was thinking 'this is my husband's boss, way up the ladder.'”

The way it had looked and was looking to me, Joyce had seemed to be attracted to him and still did. Resisting the urge to remind her that the boss was white-haired and balding, I kept it strictly business. "Did he say anything about the future of the paper?"

"Not really. He asked me a lot of questions though."

"What kind of questions?"

"About the staff mainly, and you and I sometimes, but he was really nice."

"You already said that."

"I told him about your ideas to help the circulation. I think he liked them."

We were still talking about him when there was a knock on the apartment door. I opened it to find him standing there; him, our new owner, my boss, the billionaire entrepreneur, alone at my very humble door!

He offered me his hand; "Rick isn't it?" he asked.

"I... yes." I said, stunned.

He shook my hand and entered before I had invited him in. I wondered how he'd gotten through the downstairs door without getting buzzed in; I never did find out.

The big man looked around our small place, until his eyes settled on Joyce, who seemed fairly flustered. He had come by surprise, and she was just wearing a simple house dress with only panties underneath.

Joyce always goes about the house without a bra, and she had not had time to slip one on. I could see what he was seeing, the outlines of her prominent nipples.

"I wanted to talk to you in private." he said as his eyes passed over my wife and moving slowly. "Mind if I sit down?"

"Of course not, please..." I stammered, still not believing he was here. "Can I get you anything? Wine, juice?" It seemed like playing with fire to be offering wine since that might indicate my boss was being given time to sit back, relax, and enjoy a longer stay, but what the heck?

"A glass of wine would be nice," he said, seating himself on one end of our sofa. "Sit with me, dear." He said to my wife. "I enjoyed our conversation last night."

Within a minute of being invited in, he was making a move on my wife, as he had patted the cushion right next to him. That would not be the natural place for her to seat herself when talking with a visitor.

My wife hesitated, looked down at the sofa, which was three wide, and even so, she took the cushion that he had patted, right next to my boss on his left instead of the end. As she sank deep into the cushion, her skirt automatically pulled up until it was halfway up her thighs.

Just like that, my wife is close enough to my boss to be touching at the hips, and her skirt is halfway up her thighs. I headed for the kitchen while staring back at my wife, those legs, and my boss, who was looking at, you guessed it, those shapely legs.

In the kitchen I had that image in my mind. of my wife sitting right up against my boss, close enough for their hips and thighs to be touching. As I opened the refrigerator door, my hands were shaking some as I poured us each a glass of wine.

I was already imagining what might be going on in the living room, his hand on her leg, or maybe more while I am not there to see.

I was feeling confused and threatened, yet helpless as I came back into the living room and handed him the glass. His left hand I saw, was sitting on top her right thigh, but with the palm up, like he was just resting it there rather than getting ready to turn it over and squeeze with those fingers.

I couldn't tell, but it looked like nothing else significant had occurred while I had been gone. As it was to turn out, everything he was to do, he wanted it to be in front of her husband. A power trip, maybe?

"I came by the newspaper last night to announce my intention to shut it down." The big man said while casually raising his left hand from her thigh and putting his left arm around Joyce's shoulders like he was taking possession.

Joyce just looked straight ahead into empty space, her eyes big and round, like an animal on a lonely country road shocked by the headlights of an unexpected truck.

I was reacting too, inwardly, as I felt my heart pound and my chest tighten.

"I'm sure you know that the losses it runs are significant." He continued, "But then I started talking to Joyce here, about all the people involved. You all seem so nice; well, what's the point of all my power and wealth if I can't give a second chance every now and then."

I struggled to come up with some words; I'm a writer, not a speaker. "But sir, I'm just a junior editor. Why have you come to me?"

His powerful hand clamped my wife's bare shoulder; she was wearing a simple strapped smock. Joyce just stared at me in shock, as if seeking some direction from me; but I had none to give her.

"Because of your wife, Rick. I'm very impressed with her; a PhD in mathematics is really an achievement. Now she's told me of your energy and ideas. I like the idea of throwing a new man into the ring, giving someone a chance to make a difference.

Perhaps you can turn the paper around, perhaps you can preserve all those jobs and the families that depend on them. The position pays well, so Joyce could stay home and work on her theorems. Would you like that?"

My throat was dry as Joyce and I exchanged glances; is this a joke? "Yes; yes sir I would."

"Excellent. I like to do something really good every now and then; I also like to do something bad on occasion." He had been speaking slowly, and then his voice sped up. "Sometimes, I do both simultaneously."

And with that, he shifted his hand to the back of Joyce's head, and twisted her face around towards him. He wrapped his other hand around her neck for good measure, and he kissed her, with me right there, he actually kissed my lovely young wife full on her mouth!

Her eyes bulged in shock, but she let him kiss her, making absolutely no effort to stop him. How could she, after what he'd just said?

With her upper body now being twisted towards my boss, her legs had opened and from my position seated across from them, I could look all the way up to her panties. I realized right then how vulnerable my lovely wife is.

For a few fleeting seconds I had thought that the kiss he was giving Joyce was going to be just a token of affection, the same way you give someone a hug. But, after he had kept his lips pressed against hers for five, and then more seconds, I knew what he intended to do.

I stared in helpless shock as the kiss continued past ten, then fifteen seconds. Instinctively I knew that there must be a lot of tongue action going on. Fifteen seconds can be a long time for a kiss, especially a 'stolen' kiss, and my mind was whirling.

'He's after my wife. What should I do? A hundred jobs, our local paper, my future, or my wife?

He was a hundred times the man I was, and we all knew it. A million dollars was pocket change to him, the business I worked for was just a nuisance.

Joyce was turned towards him, her panties showing to me, and I half expected his right hand to move up and between her legs since they were now opened and everything was vulnerable to his touch.

"Is she leaving her legs opened like that on purpose instead of clamping them shut?' My cock twitched at that thought, that right now his hand could move unrestricted right up between her opened thighs if he tries.

"Now here's how this would work." he said, finally breaking the kiss, and running his hand behind Joyce's back. I sighed in relief. It looked like that might have been all he intended to do, just kiss my wife.

He was looking at me now, and it was if what had just occurred had been something casual. Joyce had straightened her body now, and her legs were once again, closed. Unable to meet his eyes, or mine, she was staring straight ahead and sort of off to my side.

"You'll do an article about me, you'll accompany me around for a few weeks. It will be mainly complimentary, with just enough criticism to make it seem balanced."

With no response from me verbally, and having received only apparent willingness on the side of both my wife and myself for the long kiss he had taken, my boss was going on as if the deal had already been signed, sealed and delivered.

As he was talking and I was nodding my head in apparent agreement, he brought his hands to my wife's thin pale shoulders and pulled the straps of her smock down before I realized he had just unzipped her dress. It was on again, he is going for more!

Like I have stated, caught unawares of company arriving, Joyce was wearing no bra. There they were ******* to his view; my wife's firm B cup breasts stood proud, the pink nipples erect in the cool air of the room. Her face was blank with confusion, and I guess mine was probably pretty much the same.

Holding my breath, I watched as he admired her lovely globes and I anticipated the moment he would reach out and cup one in his hand, but he didn't, at least not right away. Instead he just left her sitting there on display.

I guess he knew, my wife was responding, I was not visibly protesting, and he had all the time in the world.

"Your publishing director is retiring in a month anyway. I'll promote you to the post, everyone will say it was because of the article, no one will ever guess the truth."

"And what is the truth?" I asked, my voice trembling.

He turned to me for a moment and smiled, before tugging the dress right out from under my astonished wife and threading it over her long curvy legs. Incredibly, as she realized what he was doing, she helped him. My wife actually helped him as she sort of raised her hips off the couch in order to allow him to strip her.

My beautiful wife, naked before him!

Before, he had been making the moves, but now, as my wife actively aided in her undressing, she was giving her silent permission for my boss to proceed.

"I think you know the answer to that, Rick. Let's not discuss the specifics, all right?"

The specifics were, my wife was now seated right up against him, and she was naked save for a set of white panties. Beside his bulk, her naked little body looked so vulnerable, and yet, so inviting.

Immediately, now that Joyce was almost totally revealed, I think I experienced the same excitement that my boss might have been feeling.

My cock began tingling and even grew a little. I didn't want this, but my eyes were telling me that maybe I should be. It was obvious that my boss planned to fuck my wife, but to do so in front of me?

Also, there was the other. Would and could my wife allow this to happen, right here with me watching, and helplessly at that? If this goes that far, his fucking my wife, either she or he or both will want to go into our bedroom and close the door, of that I was sure.

We had a two bedroom apartment, but there is only a bed in one of the bedrooms since we had never spent the money to fully furnish the other and I sort of used it as an office. That door to our bedroom, and our marriage bed, was just off to the right of the couch my boss and wife were seated on.

Already I was visualizing myself sitting out here, alone maybe on the couch, and listening to my wife being fucked behind that door. No, more likely I knew, I would be standing against that door and trying to hear.

I looked at Joyce, and she looked back at me, her big innocent eyes begging for an answer to this conundrum; how could we agree? Yet how could we refuse?

In the next few seconds, he had risen with his back to me, his shoes and trousers and underwear was off, he pulled my wife's panties off, she did it herself as her milky pale legs were splayed out, and just that quick he was getting down onto his knees on the rug and easing himself between her legs.

My boss is between my wife's legs!

I was seeing my boss's naked hairy ass, and both my boss and I were seeing my wife's lovely golden pussy, now ******* and open, but my wife, in front of him I knew, was seeing his most intimate body part.

Willingly it looked like, her legs parted slowly, and as she kept staring at his cock, ever wider.

I couldn't believe it. My boss had stripped my beautiful and faithful wife and she had allowed it. He had removed his pants and as Joyce gazed up at his nakedness, instead of keeping herself closed modestly and maybe to show some reluctance, she had opened her legs!

Joyce had actually opened her legs wide maybe in invitation after he had dropped his drawers. She was looking at where his cock would be, but so far, all I could see of him was his naked ass.

I blinked. No, this is real. I can see his naked ass, and it struck me right then, hard, that on the other side of that body is his cock, and it is now visible to my wife and coming her way. Her eyes were wide as she continued to stare.

I had seen and still could see the look of surprise and maybe fear, I didn't know, on my wife's face as she had watched him disrobe and move into her personal space. I also could see that my wife was making no move to close her legs. Indeed, it looked like she had opened them even more.

My boss! My wife! His cock! Her body! Soon to be joined in unholy matrimony.

His back was to me and I no longer could see between my wife's legs as before, so rising, I moved across the room and over to the couch and actually set myself down on the front edge of the last unused cushion. My wife knew I was there, right beside her, and that I apparently had moved over to see the action, but she never glanced over at me.

My movement to get in close and see told Joyce for sure, right then and there, that I was going to allow my boss to take possession of her and all I planned to do is watch. Of course my boss was receiving the same message.

And that was when I first saw it. It, right before my bulging eyes, he was holding a very large and stiff old penis against her groin. He was barely touching her inner lips with it, and not yet opening them..

Despite his age, it was stiff as a board. That fat cock looked to be sort of crooked as it twisted off slightly to his right. The head was dark in color, almost a purple, and along the shaft, I could see veins bulging along the side.

I was making mental calculations, eight inches? At least, maybe more and fuck that thing is thick. He had been aming it, was now touching my wife with it, and when he realized I was staring down, he hesitated, looked up at me and smiled.

I knew now why Joyce had that look on her face. His cock was long, very much so, but seeing the thickness was what both thrilled and shocked me.

My wife had reached forward with one hand and was pushing back against his pubic mound, in the area of his hair, as if she was trying to hold him back. I saw her hand tremble a little.

"Relax my dear." He coaxed her persuasively, "You know where I am headed with this. You husband is looking at it now, just as you are and maybe thinking the same thing, that maybe you can't takeit. Just relax and lean back."

"But I can't!" she objected feebly. At last she was speaking as her eyes were on that prick, and I could see that Joyce was having her doubts as to whether she could comfortably take it. Just for a split second she glanced over at me, saw the expression on my face, realized that I am not going to stop this, and turned her attentions back to the man before her.

“I...I can't, please, you're too big,” my wife said again, this time with a soft timid voice as she stared at the huge hunk of aged meat coming her way. Now my boss knew for sure, whatever her husband has between the legs, he has more.

"Of course you can, my dear." He answered with the full force of his considerable personality focused on her. “You body will adapt and take me in, and you will end up smiling as you enjoy your pleasure.”

I was simply being ignored, as if I was no longer there.

I saw Joyce's hand fall away, no longer trying to hold him back as she took in his soothing words as to how much she was going to enjoy having something so large penetrating her body.

My tongue was swollen and parched, my limbs had gone weak; what kind of a man are we dealing with? Who can be doing such a thing and expect to get away with it?

He can.

Joyce is a delicate creature, with thin but curvy limbs and long slightly wavy blonde hair. Her complexion was smooth as a baby's; at 24, she was still asked for ID when we went to clubs. Her slim fine youth was in stark contrast to his large middle-aged and balding bulk. Her innocent beauty was the opposite of his corrupted desire.

He lifted her long legs in either arm, opening her and pushing her slightly back. As my boss stared down into her inviting hole, Joyce stared up at him silently, as helpless and stunned as I was. This man, a stranger to us before last evening, was now between her naked thighs, and doing so in front of her husband

How long has he been in our apartment? Maybe ten minutes, that's all the longer it has taken.

Time seemed to be standing still, partially caused by the fact that my boss seemed to be in no hurry and was deliberately taking his time in order to savor every moment of this conquest of both my wife and her husband.

I felt a weird numbness, like when I'd had a bad car accident once. I had not yet acknowledged what is happening, that an overwhelming force had suddenly crashed into our lives, and was now taking my wife right before my eyes.

Know what? Deep down I think I was somewhat glad that my boss was taking it slow. If something this significant is about to happen to my wife, to our marriage, I wanted time to see and absorb everything, and yes, enjoy it if possible.

When I say enjoy this, I was mainly thinking of myself.

His penis, that cock. Combined with the pleasure my wife might feel, it would stretch her, maybe hurt her, maybe give her unimagined pleasure, and forever place in my wife's mind that she has been fucked by a man who is considerably larger than her husband between the legs.

The tip of his cock was sort of a dark red, maybe more of a purple in color, and it was huge, and the color added to the effect that his cock head was almost the size of a plum. That is the thought that raced through my mind, that he had a plum on the end of his cock suitable for eating, and fucking.

During the delay, while Joyce had tried to plead her way out of this, he had withdrawn his penis until it no longer was touching her. Now it was time. On his knees on our carpet, the powerful man maneuvered his stiff rod to Joyce's spread pink snatch.

As the tip once again touched against her inner lips, not yet opened because of the spread of her legs, I saw her golden blonde pubic hair sort of close in around the tip of his cock, as if embracing it.

Joyce stared at him silently, her mouth hanging open, the tension of this weird moment painted across her face. I saw that she was trembling slightly in anticipation of his penetrating her.

“Sir?” My voice I think, came out sounding squeaky and feminine.

My boss had just started to ease his body forward and he hesitated as he paused to look at me. “Yes, my boy, what is it?” I was watching both his face, and his cock, and now the tip was just starting to spread Joyce. It would seem that he would show annoyance at being interrupted by her husband at this most intimate point, but he seemed pleased to pause and hear me.

Like I said, it seems that he is in no hurry to finish what he has begun.

“My wife sir, this is all new to her, please understand why she's reluctant. Joyce has never been with anyone but me, and now you are about to give her something...” My face turned red as I hesitated and my boss finished for me.

“Too large perhaps? Afraid I will hurt her? No, that won't happen. As I have stated, your wife will take me and learn to love it. You shall see.”

My boss had said 'take me' rather than 'take it.' There is a slight difference in what he was saying. Take it, his cock, it could be just physical. Take him, it could also be mental.

I sighed. “Yes sir.”

There was nothing left to say. No challenge to his authority coming from her husband. My wife was about to have our lives changed, and she was looking up at him and waiting. I was not quite close enough to be touching her, but I further sensed that her body was trembling.

His penis rested on Joyce's golden pussy for a moment as he smiled down at her. Joyce was staring down now at his cock, so lightly touching her on the lips and just enough forward to start the spread. Maybe relishing the pleasure of this moment, he grinned at me, but I only saw that out of the corner of my eye as I was holding my breath, waiting for the inevitable.

He was grinning at me, an evil leering type grin. “Since you are participating in all this, how would you like to feel, with your hand, what your wife is about to receive?”

'What the fuck? What kind of question is that, asking me if I want to feel his cock before he opens my wife's innocent pussy with it?' What husband would want to do that?

This husband.

“Yes sir, I would.”

I get to feel his cock!

Reaching between them, he pulled back slightly from my wife as I wrapped the fingers of my left hand around that shaft, so thick, so warm to the touch compared to the coolness of the room. I squeezed it lightly and just then, as I looked up towards my wife's face, I saw that her eyes were wide in dis-belief at what I am doing.

“It feels very thick sir, and quite warm.”

“Now aim it for me. Place it right between her lips for me.”

“Yes sir.” As I aimed that cock, his body eased forward, and I saw her tight inner lips being moved aside.

"Now use the fingers of your other hand to spread your wife's pussy lips for me."

"Yes sir. " As I was speaking, I felt and I am sure they saw my hand shake as I reached forward and using my thumb and forefinger, tugged her inner lips, yes the inners, out as wide as they would go, which was not very far.

"Yes, my boy, those tight little almost virgin lips need to be off to the side so I will not feel as large to her as she struggles to take my cock."

"Yes sir," I answered as I continued to tug my wife's inner labia apart.

I heard a soft groan coming from Joyce as e kept going forward until about one third of his head was inside. I sensed rather than felt, my wife trembling.

“See how I have started to spread her lovely pussy?”

“Yes sir, I see that.”

“Now let go and reach down and cup my balls in your hand. Do it lightly and feel all that cum that soon will be filling your wife's pussy to the maximum.”

Fuck this was so exciting. I was being made the cuckold big time, but right then, at that minute, I believe I would not have had him stop even if he had offered to quit. Swallowing a lump in my throat, I unwound my fingers from that thick shaft and reached under his cock and felt his balls. They filled my hand completely, and I even jiggled his balls a little as if to let my wife see.

For some reason, I felt the need to pay him a compliment, maybe to increase my wife's anticipation as to what is about to happen, or maybe to sooth his ego. “Sir, your cock and balls are very impressive. If my wife is to have her first strange man, I am glad that you get to do the honors and I hope that this ends up with her enjoying this to the maximum.”

“That is exactly what you should be thinking and saying. I am sure that your relationship with the paper will flourish.”

“Thank you sir.” I had again, embraced his cock with my hand since I was now finding the feel of it to be irresistible. .

“You can move your hand now, otherwise it will soon be in the way.”

“Yes sir.” Reluctantly, to tell the truth, I took my hand off that prick that was about to do the dirty.

Then I guess he had figured that he had delayed long enough. It was like seeing a porn movie in slow motion as he slowly pushed his hips forward, and the tip fully entered her. Before my eyes, my young wife was being defiled by the billionaire.

Think about this. You totally love someone. She belongs to you, married you, stated her love for you. And just like this, another man is about to insert an object over eight inches long and probably six and one half or maybe seven inches around into her body.

Don't think of it as a cock. Just an object that big. Into your wife's body cavity as if he can do as he pleases Pretty nasty to think about, isn't it, except for the potential pleasure it might be giving her.

Potential pleasure?

Joyce moaned loudly and her eyes bulged as I watched the tip stretch and enter her just past halfway and stop.

“Are you alright my dear,” he asked, grinning down at her?

I don't know if Joyce could tell by the feel as to where he had stopped, but I could see what he was doing. He had paused at the point where the widest part of his head, which actually was the widest part of his entire cock was stretching her tight inner lips to the furthest.

'Is he doing this on purpose? Making my wife endure the maximum stretching he can do instead of going deeper and allowing her tortured lips to relax a little as they begin to grasp his shaft?'

Joyce sighed, quite loudly. I could hear her breathing quicken as she tried to adjust to the thickness that was started into her, and it sounded like she had just completed a brief running sprint.

“You're so big, it almost hurts, but it's...it's alright. Go ahead.”

I could barely breathe this was so unreal. My boss now had over half the head of his huge penis seated firmly inside my wife's vagina, and at this point he had not so much as touched her breasts or her vagina with his hands. He had gone directly from a kiss to a fuck, and left out all the in-between formality.

"Aaaah, this is wonderful!" the media mogul exclaimed as he began moving, working his bottom tighter into the valley of Joyce's smooth spread thighs. I saw his head penetrate her the rest of the way, and he did it so slow that I could actually see her lips close down on his shaft, slightly narrower than that head, but still so thick.

“Oooooh!” My wife it seemed, breathed a slight sigh of relief now that she had taken that head. Joyce looked over at me for a moment, her clear eyes impossible to read, then looked away. He had paused before going deeper, then, as he started talking, his hips started forward, going very slowly.

"Aaaahhh, but your woman feels good Rick, so extremely tight,” he said with a big smile while glancing over at my face.

"Yessir. She's always been tight."

"Yes Rick, of that I am sure, but for me, so much tighter."

He leaned his head forward and as their lips came into contact, all was quiet as Joyce, I figured, was meeting his tongue with hers. The kiss lasted perhaps ten seconds.

My wife is no longer solely mine to have.

“Aaah Rick, Joyce feels almost like a virgin to me. There's just no feeling like this in the world; total domination, complete power, to take a young, inexperienced and tight wife and be stretching her wide while her helpless husband watches,” he said while sliding his big stiff member slightly deeper into Joyce and then coming back.

He had referred to me as 'the helpless husband who is watching his young inexperienced wife being taken.' That comment in front of my wife clearly was an illustration as to how much control my boss has over both Joyce and myself.

He might be thinking of me as being helpless, and my wife might be thinking it too, but I was growing extremely excited, along with my cock. He was easing forward very slowly, going in just a little at a time, and now it looked like he was in about three inches past that head.

He was now more than halfway in., and it looked like he was in no hurry to complete this entry, possibly because it is feeling so good and feeding his ego as well.

“Oooooh Mmmmmmm.” Joyce seemed to be taking him rather easily considering, and I realized that there must be some lubrication coming from one of them. Her arms were going up now as she placed her hands over his broad shoulders.

“See Rick, your wife? Joyce is beginning to adapt and I am resisting the urge to ram forward and see how your little wife will begin squirming around my ample cock. This way, taking it slow so we all three can have time to see and enjoy the penetration is much better, don't you think Rick?”

He was waiting for an answer from me admitting that I am enjoying this. This answer I had to give in front of my wife.

“Yes sir. Slow is much better,” I answered quietly.

“And you are enjoying seeing this, am I correct?”

“Yes sir.”

“See Rick how your wife slowly begins to accept her fate as I ease my big cock deeper into her sweet and tight married pussy. As she experiences the feeling of being stretched wide, she might hate this in the mental aspect, and you might also be hating this, but right now I suspect that neither of you would want me to stop.”

“You know us sir, better perhaps than we know ourselves.” I was trying to go along with what my boss was saying, but I was not having to lie in order to do so.

He was deliberately delaying his entry into her, coming back slightly and then going further forward in almost undetectable amounts. Yet, it was enough, I noticed to have my wife digging her fingers into his shoulders. I couldn't see them, but I would have bet that her toes were curling as well.

“Your wife is beginning to enjoy this now, very much so. Do you think Rick, that she would want you to ask me to stop at this point?”

He was more than half-way into her now, and seemed to be in no hurry to achieve full penetration.

I glanced into her face, and she gave me the slightest, almost imperceptible shake of her head, indicating 'no.'

“No sir,” I said, my voice trembling. “She wouldn't want you to stop now.”

Yes, that's what I think too. Your wife, Rick, is soon going to be a very active particpant in what is happening. Do you agree with my assessment?”

“Yes sir. It is looking that way,” I answered with an air of reluctance.

"I have thirty-five thousand employees, I have dinners with world leaders, but this taking of an employee's wife is true power. How old are you, Rick?"

He eased another inch into her, going well past halfway, and I saw my wife's mouth open wide as she drew in another breath.

"Thirty two." It came out almost as a squeak as I watched my lovely wife being violated by his huge prick. I could see that even now, he had not yet fully penetrated her to his fullest. So far he had only been moving forward and back very slowly, not actually fucking yet, just...feeling his way as he penetrated.

Now, for the first time he came back a little ways further, then, moving forward, he gave her one stroke, then two, using just the head and some of the shaft as he gave her three-inch strokes. . I could see her inner pussy lips struggling to both hold onto him and somehow allow him to slide past as he moved slowly back and forth.

I breathed a sigh of relief upon noticing that his shaft now looked shiny over every area that had made penetration. At least things were being lubricated.

Just then, surprising the both of us with both his speed and strength, my boss kept his arms under my wife's legs and stood right up, taking her with him. Holding her on his cock, and I don't know if he was all the way into her now, he said, “Let's take this action to the bedroom.”

He wants her on our marriage bed!

Since my wife was impaled on his cock, and I still didn't know how deeply, I quickly led them to the bedroom, opening the door on the way. He had to allow her to slide off his stiff prick as he immediately plopped Joyce down on the bed, and her head was almost hanging over the side.

He climbed up onto the bed, his prick leading the way, and immediately re-inserted himself to the point of depth he had been before.

This time I heard my wife groan loudly, louder than before, and it must have been because he gave her so much, so fast.

“Aah yes, this is much better. Now I can feed my cock to your lovely wife in a manner she most certainly will enjoy. She still has about two inches to take, and I plan to feed it to her on your marriage bed.”

"Two more inches? Yes sir. Your penis is very thick, and my wife needs time to adjust. Thank you for taking this slow."

I guess, even while lifting her with his cock and arms and carrying her to our bed, he had somehow managed to keep from fully impaling her with his massive meat.

Now he had Joyce, my innocent wife on our matrimonial mattress.

“Just thirty two and soon to be the boss of your local newspaper. Think about that while I continue to enjoy the feel of your wife's delicious pussy.”

There was still some more to go and I suspected that he was deliberately taking his time going all the way so that he could drag out and enjoy this conversation.

I was not only watching his cock as it was violating my wife and spreading her beyond what I had thought to be her capacity but I was also watching her face. I could see...my wife wants him all the way in.

“And of course,” he said, smiling, “we have these.” Now, finally, he was reaching down and fondling her breasts, but staying up so that he could look down and see the penetration, and also, it appeared, so that I would see it. "Your wife has lovely breasts Rick, and they fill my hands perfectly.”

I had my tongue out and was unconciously running it over my lips as I saw his hands cupping her breasts and teasing the nipples. “But her pussy is the issue for the moment. Get down and look behind me Rick at your wife's pussy adjusting to my cock. Are you sure that you have never watched your lovely wife with another man before?"

"No." Strangely and I don't know why I was doing it because I knew he wanted me to, I moved over to the bottom of the mattress for a closer look at how his prick was spreading her lips. “It's true Sir. Joyce has never been with another man, before me.”

Not her first man for sure, but soon to be her best.

I had lied, and my wife glanced at me and it looked like, smiled. She too, I sensed, wanted my boss to think that he was her first strange fuck. I knew though, Joyce had told me that two men, high school boys actually, both wearing rubbers, had managed to penetrate her lovely snatch before I had married her, but she had assured me that neither had been as large as me.

Her first orgasms, with a hand, mouth or cock, had been with me. She had told me that, and I believe her.

"Well that's good to know I am the first. It was once normal for a chieftain or a king to have his way with whichever woman he desired, but things have changed."

He kept stroking, going slow and enjoying the feel. Then he looked at me, down at my crotch, and said the words I was shocked to hear, and yet would be the words that would enable me to satisfy a desire I was feeling.

“Take your cock out Rick and stroke it as you stand beside your marriage bed and watch your wife being possessed intimately and fully by your boss.”

I hesitated, giving my wife a quick embarrassed glance as I tried to decide if I should do what he had requested, or is it an order?

“Go on Rick. You wife knows that you are equally turned on now. It is obvious in your face.”

I sighed. “Yes sir” And reaching down, I not only pulled my stiff cock out, I lowered my trousers to my ankles, and then I kicked my pants off, allowing them to lie on the floor. I saw that both my boss and my wife were staring at my rigid penis with the drop of clear fluid visibly showing on the tip.

And of course, my boss, in his obvious enjoyment of humilating me, had to say it. “Yes Rick, as I suspected from your wife's apparent surprise and maybe fear upon seeing my cock for the first time, it is obvious that she is used to being taken by something much smaller.”

“Yes sir," I answered as I sort of stood and waved my cock from side-to-side. "That's true.”

The asshole. He couldn't just say 'smaller.' No, he had to say 'much smaller' to add emphasis to how much more he is using on my wife than I had been able to give.

I saw my wife give me a quick glance of shock and I wondered if she was sympathizing with me or inwardly snickering as she was beginning to adapt to his hugeness.

“See her smiling now as the pleasure grows Rick. So much pleasure.”

Stupidly, I could only reply with two words I had said so many times before...'yes sir.' as I sat down on the edge of the mattress just behind my boss's ass. From this angle I could both see my wife's face and below, how the boss was spreading her.

I was keeping my legs spread wide to better access my cock, I was having to keep my feet on the floor so twisted my upper body to the right so I could still see the action going on between my wife's legs.

His comment degrading me, the size of my penis had insulted me, but at the same time with the size differential between my boss and me being so obvious, his stating it out loud seemed to be somewhat erotic in nature.

Building the boss's ego even more.

I had noticed something and since my wife could not see it, I am sure she could feel the difference but not see, I wanted to bring it out. I knew that my boss had already seen it. “This is really interesting sir. Her pussy has turned dark pink, almost red, all around the lips where you are stretching her. I've never seen my wife do that before.”

With that line, addressed from me to him with a tone of wonder and perhaps, sharing, things changed between the three of us. Now I was a useful participant, maybe looking willing to my wife, in the seduction of my wife.

He snickered. “Yes, some women do that Rick. I have seen that before, mostly with other wives as I stretched their vaginas. As their excitement and the pleasure grows, the blood flow increases.” He laughed, “as does the blood flow to their husband's cocks as they stroke them and watch.”

He was looking down into my wife's face, and she quickly glanced over at me and then looking back at him, Joyce smiled.

“Sir,” I asked, giving him an opportunity to do more bragging if he so desires. “Have you always had a larger cock then all those husbands of the wives you have fucked?”

“One or two Rick, might have been as long as me, but none, not one, matched me in width, and my width is what their wives enjoy the most.”

Joyce couldn't see her pussy, but she knew, for sure, that something different, something more, was going on now that I had joined in on the taking of her pussy. Finally, she decided to speak to me, or maybe to let me know that is was still aware that she has a husband.

“Your boss is feeling really good now Rick. It no longer hurts.” Her eyes and her mouth were wide as Joyce looked at me with wondering eyes.

Joyce had referred to the man inside her as 'my boss.' I think that she too, was getting into this concept of the boss taking advantage of his power and fucking the employee's wife.

“Rick. She is changing color now, but when she climaxes, her pussy will really be turning red.” My boss was telling me something about my wife's pussy that I had never seen, and he was saying it like he already knew, and as it turned out, he would be correct.

I was wondering why he never spoke directly to my wife, either in telling her or asking her something. Yet, I sensed it, this way, addressing everything to me, somehow made this entire forbidden act all that more exciting. I suspected that in time, maybe not this exact fuck but during the ones that might follow, she will be permitted to speak her piece.

He fucked some more, but I could see from back her that he still was not penetrating my wife to his fullest. “Fuck she feels good. Your wife's pussy is clasping my cock really tight Rick, like it never wants to let go.

Tell me Rick, since you have never seen her pussy turn red like this. It will come out sooner or later. Do you think that your wife will still be able to enjoy your cock as much as before, or do you fear that now she will be thinking of my cock as you move yours within her?”

He kept saying 'your wife' maybe in order to add emphasis on how much power he has over me.

I think my face turned red as I blushed, unable to admit that since I was so much shorter, so much thinner compared to him, that my wife might feel that way.

“Well? Rick, you can tell me, because your wife I am sure has already thought about it. Besides, you will probably want to fuck her right after me so that you can add your sperm to mine, and Joyce may not say it but she will be making a direct comparison in her mind.”

Then he thought for a moment and laughed. “A comparison not just in her mind, but in her pussy.”

That thought had already struck me, the possibility of me fucking Joyce right after him. If I did while he was still here, he would see us in any case and know, so I might as well say it. “Sir, I'm a lot smaller it is obvious, compared to you. I have about six inches in length and I don't know what the measurement is, yours around compared to mine, but it is a lot I think.”

“That is what makes it so exciting for me Rick, and I think for your wife, for her to be taking and accepting a cock that is not just 'forbidden' but is thicker and longer than what she married. Your wife is perhaps getting what she might have always fantasized on.

If she ever had another man, she wanted him to feel different, and larger is the best way to go. Her fantasy, if she had one, is coming true. Tell me Rick, you are finding this to be exciting, aren't you?”

I sighed, and then I said it, gave my admission. “Yes Sir. It's exciting.”

I watched, he was up on his knees to better see, and we both watched as my wife's pussy lips would come out along with his shaft each time he drew back, and then would disappear inside her each time he slid forward.

There is no doubt, my boss was enjoying this immensely, the taking of a wife and the discussion of it with her husband while the wife takes his cock and listens.

“This, as I have said, is absolute power. Taking a man's wife while he has to watch. Look Rick as your wife accepts and enjoys having a penis inside her that is so much larger than her husband. She is not just taking another man, her husband's employer, she is getting something that she has perhaps dreamed about, but never thought she might get to enjoy.”

It was very strange watching and hearing this. My boss was talking about my wife, about what she must be thinking, but it was like she was not even there as the conversation was being carried on between her husband and his boss.

Then he slowly eased his cock almost all the way back, leaving just the head within her, and I could see how his head was dragging her inner lips along for the ride. He still had not penetrated to his fullest length, and I was understanding now why he was taking his time to do so.

This delaying tactic was incredibly exciting, not just for him, but for me and I am sure, for my wife as well.

This had already lasted so long, his violation of my wife, and it was not yet complete.

“Tell her Rick, what you and I both know as you see my penis deep within your wife. But how deep Rick? Tell her.”

“Joyce, he's...I am watching and so far as I can tell he has not been all the way into you
as yet. There's still more to go. Way more actually since he's now almost all the way back.”

He looked up from her vagina to my wife's face. My wife seemed to be in a dream world, not really aware of her surroundings but only that cock. He paused as he waited for Joyce to react, and as she slowly realized that he was staring into her eyes, her face took on a look of recognition.

“Joyce. It is time for you to be deeply and fully fucked on your marriage bed. Do you want it all? Tell me. Tell us.”

Joyce sounded quite nervous as she responded. “How...how much is left? I mean, how far was there left to go when you were deep in me?”

He smiled as he slowly slid forward, giving het the amount she had previously enjoyed. “There's about two inches left to go, maybe more.”

Joyce looked concerned, but her answer had a tone of excited anticipation. “Y...Yes, I want it all.”

“Are you sure? Beg me for it.”

My innocent wife begs for it!

I saw her arms, her fingers dig into his body as she held him by the shoulders and trembled. “Yes. Please. Give it all to me. I want to feel your big balls hitting me on the ass.”

Wow. Not only feel them but hitting her! Now that I had not expected to hear from my wife.

I was staring down, analyzing how much cock Joyce had yet to take. Like he had said, it looked like maybe almost two inches remained outside. He looked at me, and gave me the biggest smile I had seen so far.

“Your wife wants to feel my balls hitting her on the ass. That means she wants me to begin fucking her harder as well as deeper. Now Rick, watch your wife's face as she finally gets it all.”

Then, as if to demonstrate his total domination of both my wife and me, he came back a couple of inches and then drove his cock the rest of the way home, and Joyce moaned loudly as she finally took what I estimated to be fully nine inches, maybe a little more. I saw her body shiver as she took him all.

He might actually have been a little longer than nine inches because he had some flab around the base of his cock, and when he drove it all the way into my wife and compressed that fat, she probably was getting another inch or so that did not normally show.

He continued to press forward, holding his body tight against hers in order to be giving her that last inch or so, the inch that did not show normally due to his fat.

My boss was not obese, but he was fairly overweight. I knew he was past sixty, he'd had several wives, several children, and some grandchildren. Now, having given my wife somewhere north of nine inches, he began to move. His big ass was moving up and down now, driving his big cock into Joyce's body as he spoke.

He was being gentle for the most part, but every once in a while he would press harder into her, going deep and all the way and giving her that extra inch, and I would see my wife's eyes bulge. Still, he was just taking or making strokes and not yet humping and bumping.

I was stroking my cock steadily now, wanting to cum and holding back. For some reason I was hoping to see my boss fuck Joyce harder so that, as she had said, his balls would be hitting against her ass.

"This is something primal, Rick." He continued as he looked over and watched me stroking my rigid shaft. "I'm alpha male right now, I'm having your woman and you've chosen not to oppose me. As you watch, you will probably be feeling very aroused and wanting to cum as you stroke your cock.

This is nothing to be ashamed of. Your instinct is to have her as soon as I'm through, so that your sperm will have at least an equal chance."

My wife was sprawled on the mattress below him, her head almost hanging off the mattress and one leg thrown over his pudgy thighs. Then she raised the other leg and pulled them both up around almost to his waist. It was obvious now, she not only had taken his full length, she was going for the deepest penetration.

Joyce stared into his eyes with a strange expression, as if unsure what she felt herself. It was as if she was ashamed of her own feelings, her unspoken consent to his desire and my utter humiliation.

"The thing you should know, even though she is not expressing herself, is that your wife is more than willing, Rick," he said as he thrust himself into her. I glanced at my wife's face, and saw nothing from her that might indicate disagreement.

"She was flirting with me for hours yesterday. You have to realize what I represent, I'm the ultimate successful male. She's flattered that I should choose her, that a man like me would compromise myself this way for her. Yes, I'm old and not in perfect physical condition, but I'm top dog."

He paused in his talking and gave my wife two, then three long, full-length strokes, and she sighed. “She thought it was all harmless, her flirting with me yesterday, but deep down I think she might have wanted this, having me deep inside.”

I think then, to further illustrate his dominance over my wife, he leaned down and kissed her while holding his cock, his entire body tight against her and again, compressing that fat and giving her maybe a full ten inches. That kiss lasted a good fifteen seconds, and when he pulled back, it was just with his lips and not his hips, because my wife was grasping at his ass and pulling him into herself.

He loomed above her, his hands moving from holding her tits to holding himself up. I could see her sweet pink snatch now turned red and the stiff old cock slipping easily in and out of it.

She was very wet now and providing the lubrication they both needed in order to be able to have his hugeness working back and forth into her.

My wife looked so sweet and young below him, so fine, like a child. It was too horrible to watch, too fascinating to look away from. He fucked her some more, going gentle and slow, and every once in a while he would pause, and I figured it was to keep himself from cumming.

Also, I think, he seemed to be timing it perfectly, but not maybe, for my wife. Each time she seemed to be nearing orgasm, that would be about the time he would pause. I think that their bodies were in perfect synch, ready and waiting for that simultaneous orgasm that would be so intense. Yet, even now, there was more going on between them then just the physical.

He stopped for a moment, and taking her head in his hands, kissed her tenderly for a minute before resuming. As he gave her that gentle kiss, I could see, could feel that my wife now belonged to him. She was not just yielding to his desire for a kiss, she wanted it and was willingly showing him her desire for him with that contact.

"You're a lovely woman, Joyce, but what really gets me is your intelligence. The idea of mating with a really brainy woman is totally appealing to me. Tell me, do you love Rick?"

He stopped fucking my wife while he awaited her answer.

Except for having to admit that she wanted it all, Joyce spoke for the first time since this madness had begun, several minutes and an eternity before; She sounded confused as she quickly glanced over to me and back to him as she answered. "Yes... yes of course I do."

"Excellent! And you Rick, do you love her as well?"

"Of course." I said, my voice sounding weirdly normal as I echoed my wife's words. I am not sure why my boss had asked both of us if we loved one another. Was it so that maybe we could reassure each other that our love was still intact while she is being fucked, or was he doing it to further illustrate how he was, right in the middle of our time together, having his way with her?

My employer started up again, banging my wife hard at the end of each stroke, so her body shuddered at each impact as she was getting somewhere more than nine inches. He was again holding her by the throat, something I had seen done in movies and had always thought would intimidate a woman. But he was doing it to my wife, and it seemed to stimulate her further.

My- Boss- Pins-My-Wife.jpg
"You love your wife even at this moment, as you watch me defile her, as she succumbs to me and trembles with each stroke of my big cock?"

I might have hesitated a brief second too long when I did not respond instantly because of my fascination with what was being done to my wife's vagina, and Joyce had actually looked over at me in concern before I quickly answered, "Yes! Yes Sir."

"Say it again, tell her. Go on, tell her! Tell your wife that you love her even while she has another man's big cock in her vagina."

Love hurts so good.

"I love you, Joyce." I said, as my eyes began to run and my voice choked, “Even while my boss is fucking the pussy I love and married with his big cock and going so deep and stretching you so far, I still love you.” For some perverse reason, and I know my boss loved hearing that, I had added the deep and stretching comment.

I am sure that it too, placed that thought deeply into my wife's head, that yes, she was being stretched so far.

My boss, being provided the answers from both of us that he perhaps sadistically needed to hear, began fucking my wife more steadily now, with deep and long strokes. His balls now, I could hear hitting her ass, and Joyce was feeling them as I saw her fingers dig into his back.

I am not sure that Joyce was even hearing me as her hands gripped his wide shoulders, her curvy legs wrapped around his middle, and her breath began coming in short sharp gasps. Just then she raised her head and hungrily accepted a short tongue kiss from the boss.

As she laid her head down again, more of her long blonde hair fell over the edge of the mattress and down toward the floor as her green eyes stared at the face of the old billionaire she was coupled with.

He was fucking her hard now, his big body dominating her totally. This was the first time my boss had started fucking my wife steadily, and I knew now, he was going for their orgasms.

I was moving my gaze rapidly back and forth between my wife's face and her vagina, and suddenly, just like that, my wife's pussy turned an even deeper shade of red. It was just like my boss had predicted.

I yelled it out. “Her pussy has turned bright red!”

My timing might have been perfect, because with a loud groan such as I had never heard her make before, my wife came, groaning repeatedly with the intensity of the sensation; the conflict, the outrage, the pleasure, the passion.

I don't know if it was fortunate co-incidence, or he had actually been able to time himself, but my boss had pulled off the classic simultaneous orgasm as he groaned as well, and holding her tightly, ejaculated deep inside my wife.

Maybe I should have started stroking just at that moment and came with them, but I continued to just hold my throbbing cock, and keeping it just on the edge of release. If there was more to cum, I wanted to be ready. I remembered some movie I had seen, of where the stud doing the fucking pulls out and ejaculates all over his woman's tits or face.

I almost did that, but held back.

A man, another man, had just put a huge load of warm sperm deep into my wife's vagina as she was climaxing, and already I was visualizing his thick cum seeping out of her later, after he was gone, and maybe as I was fucking her.

Yes, I said 'fucking her.' For some reason now, it seemed to be that if I followed up with my cock after my wife had just received the fucking of her life, that all I would be doing was following up with still another fuck. 'Making love' might not seem appropriate coming right after this.

"Fantastic." He said after a minute's quiet. “Your wife's pussy has just accepted what perhaps was my largest load of sperm in many a year.”

He kissed my wife again and slid backwards, his cock pulling out of her and tugging her inner lips outward on the way out. "There's nothing in the world that can top that, fucking another man's innocent wife while he watches me make her cum while I fill her with my juices, and believe me, if there was I'd know about it," he said.

“You were right,” I wanted to tell him and her again because I was not sure that either of them had heard me clearly since they had been so involved with one another at that time. Besides, seeing that had been so significant, I wanted to repeat it. “Sir. When Joyce started to cum, her pussy turned a really bright red just like you said it would.”

He grinned down at Joyce. “A good one, right?”

Her face was red as Joyce simply nodded and looked embarrassed.

My boss grinned as he spoke a little louder. “Tell him the truth Joyce. Look at him and tell your husband about that orgasm, The intensity.”

I think my wife's face turned almost as red as her pussy had been just moments ago when she had to look at me and speak. “It was my....” she sighed, “my best ever.”

“Excellent,” my boss exclaimed! “Honesty between a man and his wife is always the best policy.”

Looking like she might be ashamed at what had just happened and how she had been responding to my boss in front of me, Joyce sort of slid out from under him and raising her left leg and pulling it back to clear me since I was still seated just below them, she allowed her body to slide off the mattress.

As Joyce steadied her body as her feet hit the floor, I saw a streak of shiny cum about six inches long on the side of the mattress where her pussy had came into contact.

Joyce had not seen it as looked at me with tears brimming in her eyes, and silently went into the adjoining toilet.

The awkwardness of being alone with the man who has just fucked my wife hits home.

"She's going to be sitting and draining cum for quite some time. Ok, Rick, here's the deal," he said, having climbed off the mattress but making no move to dress himself. I was still holding my rigid cock and he looked and smiled. “Since you saved your cum for later, you can let go of that and have your wife after I am gone.”

I reluctantly moved my hand away from my rigid cock as he had commanded. I could see that his cock now, though no longer rigid, was still looking quite thick and long as it dangled above and over his balls. And now for the first time I could see that he had a foreskin. Before, with his cock rigid when I had first seen it *******, the skin had been back.

"I'll be out of town for a couple of weeks. After that, you, and your wife of course, will spend a few weeks traveling around with me while you write your piece on the new owner of your paper.

I keep your paper open, you're in charge, good salary, respect. Joyce doesn't have to get that job in the city to pay off her student loan, she can stay home with her computer and I come over whenever I want and fuck her."

“Whenever you want?”

Yes. Sometimes you will be at work and not even know it is happening.”

He was being brutually honest. I stared at him; even after what had just happened, this was way too far. Somehow, I knew, I had to show that I could not be totally dominated by this man. Yet, he had already fucked my wife, so in reality, it was silly for me to even try. But try I did.

"Forget it! No way. I know you're a big guy, but we have our pride too! We'll get by somehow." It was a silly thing for me to say. The damage had already been done, and there was still my job and company to keep intact.

"Rick." Joyce spoke softly from the bathroom door. "We should do it."

"What? Are you crazy?"

"I want to do it, it's a good arrangement." As she said that, I noticed that Joyce and my boss exchanged looks.

Joyce was now wearing a short robe that she normally kept hanging behind the bathroom door; her hair was disheveled, her feet were bare, but her green eyes were clear. I noticed that she had not pulled the robe all that tightly closed, and half of one tit and her pubic hair was showing.

My boss was grinning. “So that's it. We travel together. You write, I fuck your wife, and the paper stays in business”

Just like that, my attempt at not having my wife at my boss's disposal anytime he wanted had been shut down.

He looked from me to Joyce and back to me. “Now Rick, you can fuck your wife.”

As Joyce came over to the bed, I opened my arms for her. I was still sitting on the side as we kissed while he went into the living room, grabbed his clothes and returned to the bedroom while still holding them. I knew now why he had waited to get dressed.

He came back up to the bed where Joyce was now lying beside me as I sat on the edge. All the while he was standing above her, my wife was staring at his cock that she was seeing for the first time while it was soft, hanging, and still looking large.

That fat foreskin had not fully covered the head yet, and there it was, looking huge, purple and yes, still shiny from my wife's and his juices. But I guess he was not concerned with cleaning his cock. Maybe he wanted to keep a bit of Joyce with him all the way back to his hotel.

“Goodbye Rick.” And with that, he walked through the bedroom door and out the front door. He had only said goodbye to me, as if my wife, again, had only been incidental.

Right after he had gone, I of course was fully erect and lifting my legs onto the bed I was immediately on and in her. I deliberately placed Joyce in the exact same place on the mattress, with her head hanging partly over, and I assumed the exact same position on my wife that my boss has used.

For some reason, perhaps a masochistic streak within me, a desire to be the cuckold, I wanted my wife to be able to make a direct comparison between the man she had just fucked, and the man she is now fucking.

It was then that she said it, just as I was taking aim.

“You can't duplicate what he was doing to me. I know you want to, but it won't happen Rick. Besides, I think he used me up. My pussy is dead I think, except for maybe being a bit sore.”

Sloppy seconds for the first time.

I ignored my wife as my cock slid in, or maybe I should say, dropped in she felt so wet and stretched. This one, I knew, was for me only. My wife was performing her duty, taking care of her husband's needs. I knew she wasn't trying to cum, nor did I try to get her there.

Still, due to her being stretched and so wet, and my horniness, it was taking a while. During the entire act, before, during and after, not a word would be exchanged between us.

A kiss? Not this time.

I could feel that even though she had sat on the commode for a minute or two, that there was still a lot of him, in her because she had returned to the living room so quickly.

Yes, I was now fucking my wife, something I rarely did, Most of the time, maybe all of the time before, we had only made love. I was trying to hold back because her pussy felt strange, in a way I had never known before.

It was maybe his cum being in there, or my wife having recently been stretched widely, but she felt different, and I wanted to get more of this.My wife was now like having a new woman.

We never kissed, not once. This was a fuck, a physical fuck, and only to satisfy my need. My wife's physical needs had already been taken care of. Finally, after maybe ten minutes, I think my wife got tired of waiting and began spurring me on. Her hips began thrusting, and she began to make little moaning sounds. I knew it was just an act, she wasn't going to cum.

I came hard, and though Joyce did not get there with me since at the end it happened so fast, I think she enjoyed it, but I wondered if perhaps she was just performing her duty now, as expected and required.

Strangely, my wife did not make another trip to the commode. She fell asleep almost immediately and as I laid there, I was thinking, I knew that my sperm was in there, and maybe competing with my boss's sperm, just as he had mentioned.

I looked over to the side of the mattress, seeing again the long wet streak my wife's pussy had left down the side of the mattress as she had moved toward the bathroom. I felt it with my fingers. Still wet. This was his cum, some of the huge load he had deposited into my wife's married pussy.

Fortunately, I knew, my wife is on birth control. Having a brief moment of panic, I almost turned to ask her for sure. She was asleep, her lovely face again looking so sweet and innocent, like an angel. I didn't bother to wake her. She was still on the pill I was sure, but I went to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet.,

There they are, her pills. I opened the case, yes, it had a rotating dial and I could see that today's pill date was empty.

The next morning I tried to bring up the subject and Joyce did not want to discuss it 'until some time had passed,' she said. Finally, two days later, I was able to discuss it with her and Joyce admitted to me that she had enjoyed herself and it would be 'no big deal' to her to have to continue fucking him.

'After all,” she said, “look at what we stand to gain.'

I knew it was pointless because no way could it be changed, but I asked her if, whenever he comes over and I am not here, to please not get sex confused with love like some women might do. She giggled and called me silly, and went on to say it would just be 'fucking.'

Even now, my wife was trying to act like she was doing this just for us, our livelyhood, and the preservation of the company. But I knew, deep down, there was more. My wife wanted to go on being fucked by my boss, and enjoying herself.

He left town the next morning, and thankfully, my wife did not get fucked again. Not just then.

After another couple of weeks, we boarded a private jet, and were flown to New York. Another limo took us to the Waldorf Astoria hotel, where we were booked into a suite.

That night, the mating of my wife and the affluent man who had bought us began for real.

Owned. Lock, stock, and barrel.

Without knocking, he let himself into our suite with his own key. He shook hands with me first as I realized that having used his key to come in without warning, he had again shown his total control of our lives.

"Good to see you again Rick, how are you?" he said affably. "Joyce; I've been thinking of little else for these last few weeks, how are you feeling?"

He took both her hands and looked down at her in apparent concern.

"I'm fine, thanks." She said. She was wearing a short silk robe over her nakedness, but the sexy nylons and shoes were very much in evidence.

"Excellent." He said, "Let's go into the bedroom. You too, Rick. I want you to be there." This was it, no delay, no long talk, just right to it, and I think that both of them were anxious to start.

His inviting me to the bedroom surprised both my wife and I. Now that we had agreed to go along, we had expected him to want her to himself. "Why?" I asked despairingly; the reality was bad enough without having to actually witness it.

"Because it's more fun that way." He said with a laugh, leading my wife through the door.

"Sit there and watch." He instructed, waving at a chair opposite the bed. I sat down as he gently removed the robe from Joyce's shoulders, as they tentatively kissed each other.

She was small in his arms; tiny and young, vulnerable. We were just ordinary people, we stood no chance against his charisma, his confidence, his awesome wealth. He'd pressed us into a corner; we could save the paper, the jobs of all our friends, we could jump into the life we wanted. All we had to do was let him fuck Joyce.

Joyce was on the bed now, and he was lowering his head between her thighs. He pushed her knees farther apart, spreading her so wide that I could see his tongue stroke her gleaming pink vaginal lips.

Joyce shuddered, clutching at his head, squirming at his attentions; he didn't have to pleasure her. He could have just done the deed and gotten back to his very busy schedule, but he clearly intended to take his time.

"I adore the taste of women, don't you?" he said to me.

"I like the taste of my woman." I answered, with emphasis on the 'my.'.

"The way Joyce wraps her thighs around my neck is sweet too," he said, reaching behind himself to stroke her foot as he licked her some more.

“Tell me Rick, I am sure you fucked your wife after I left. How did she feel, her pussy?”

I knew what he wanted to hear, the truth so that he could further humiliate me perhaps, but I wanted to tell him because it seemed, so erotic. I might have exaggerated, a little bit, as to how big her pussy had felt, but that was to sort of emphasize to my boss how much he had altered my wife's pussy.

“Her pussy was all stretched out and wet. I almost fell in at first. Even if I had wanted to cum right away, it would have taken a while she was so wet and big, but I tried to hold back in any case, and the fuck, I think, lasted over ten minutes.”

I was watching my wife's face as well as his, and the contrast was intriguing. His face showed delighted, maybe wicked delight, while my wife looked shocked because she and I had not discussed that fuck afterward and she was hearing my reaction to it for the first time.

“Did she cum?”

Now the truth would really make me the cuckold, but again, I admitted it. Hell, my wife already knew, so why not? “No Sir, she didn't cum. That cum, those cums she had with you were so intense that she didn't need to with me I am sure, so I didn't push it.

To tell the truth Sir, she said that you had used her up, and her pussy was feeling a bit sore. So I just did my thing,and she laid there and allowed me to do it.”

“So I gather that was her best orgasm ever, that she had with me?”

Again I was the cuckold big time as I answered, but my cock was tingling as I spoke. “She admitted it in front of you, and I didn't discuss that with her, but I am pretty sure it was her best ever, perhaps by far.”

He looked over at Joyce, and on cue, she nodded her agreement. Then she actually said it. “By far.”

She had not told me before, but now it was confirmed, my boss had been her best ever, by far.

“How does her pussy feel to you now? Is it back to normal?”

“Well, not quite as tight as it used to be, I think. It might be my imagination, but...” I hesitated, “It might be because she seems to get wetter now, each time we fuck.”

He turned to Joyce. “Is that true Joyce, that you get wetter?”

She turned slightly pink. “Yes.” And then, with just a glance at me, she smiled. “It might be because I think of you each time my husband enters me.” That statement, wounded me inside, but I was determined not to show my hurt.

“Making comparisons,” he asked with a sly smile?

“Yes,” said my wife with a soft voice, “Especially when I know that I will be with you again.”

My boss looked at me with a superior smile. “Now Rick, you know what your wife is thinking each time you fuck her."

"Making love to her Sir, every time," I interrupted.

"Yes of course. Making love to your wife. Now back to the original subject, licking on your wife's pussy.” He bent down and licked on my wife some more, and she groaned.

"There's just one problem." He said, looking up from his task again; "The smell on your mouth can be offensive to some women. My wife won't kiss me after I've been in her box. Take over for me, Rick, while I rinse my mouth."

"Take over?"

"Come on, man! She's your wife after all, keep her warm for a minute."

He gestured at her orange framed hole, the entrance of her womb, soon to be filled with his seed.

Her pale thighs were spread wide in invitation; against my better judgment, I stepped to the bed and lowered my head to my wife's waiting clit. I didn't have the gumption to disobey him, even here in the privacy of the suite.

She moaned, clamping my head between her legs. I pushed my tongue into her, tasting her sweetness while I still could, before he had defiled her with his seed.

After a minute, I wondered what had become of the other man; I looked up to see that he was back already. He was kissing Joyce on her mouth as I did her lower parts. There seemed to be something wrong with that, so I pulled away, back to my chair.

He rolled into the gap I'd left, filling the vacuum between her thighs with his bulk; I saw her reach down with a shaking hand to guide him into herself. This time he did not take a long delay, but still, he spent perhaps a full minute before he penetrated her completely.

As before, two weeks ago, she groaned loudly with each inch, but the groans sounded different now, more like pleasure than trying to adjust.

"Ah, that feels good," he said to her with a smile, "your pussy is a nice fit for my cock. How is it for you, my dear?"

"Wonderful." Joyce said, "It's really nice." She glanced over at me, and then said something that both shocked and disappointed me. “And I have been missing your cock.”

I think her saying that, and in front of me, really pleased him.

"And you Rick, are you alright over there?" he asked considerately, "Why don't you pull it out and please yourself while you watch?"

He knew that I would have a hard on. I also knew that he would again be making his comparisons but hoped that he would keep any comments to himself. Based on the way he had been enjoying and commenting on his total control over the two of us, I should have known better.

I pulled out my already erect prick and I saw my boss smile and then he sort of chuckled. “Yes, my memory did not deceive me. Now I know for sure. My cock is much larger, both in length and width compared to yours. I figured it was based on how tight your wife felt that first night and again tonight, and also by the way she was responding to my moves.

I like that, it gives me even more a feeling of power over you that I am able to fuck and pleasure your wife with a much larger prick.”

He looked down at Joyce, who was looking up at him in horror at what he was saying to me, her loving husband. And then he made her say it.

“And you my love. Tell your husband how much you like the superior feel of my larger cock and how easily it makes you cum and how intense your orgasms are. Go on, say it. He already knows that you prefer my cock.”

I guess my boss had his masochistic streak, and tonight I was being his target. But my wife played along, and I think she really meant what she had to say.

She was looking at me, but all the while her hips were moving under him to meet the slow strokes he was giving her at the moment. She went beyond what he expected her to say, simply that his cock felt better. Instead, she was descriptive and used two long sentences to describe how it feels..

His wife lays it out there as she is being laid.

“His cock, your boss's big cock feels really good honey. When he's moving it, his cock stretches my lips and it touches me all over deep inside in places you can't and I have the best orgasms ever with it. I never knew that I had all that sensitivity inside and I do love it and now that I have had it I hope to keep getting it.”

“Excellent my dear. Now watch your husband stroke his puny little cock while I fuck you good.”

My slightly more than six inches was not exactly puny in the real world, but compared to his I guess it was. It did feel good to have my cock in my hand, to stroke myself while they did it together. It was a humiliation of course, but it hardly mattered; there was no lower to go, so I figured I might as well take my small pleasure.

And I didn't want to cum quickly either. If he was going to keep fucking my wife with his mighty pole, I was going to just sit, stroke, and watch. Cumming I could do at anytime.

For a while, he wasn't very talkative, which was a relief really. He just held my lovely wife tenderly as he screwed her energetically, his big barrel of a body moving above her, pushing his big stiff cock in and out of her, readying her to receive his sperm.

Joyce began to come; he pumped her harder and kept going. This time I could see, he was going to give her more than just one orgasm. Fucking. Making his big balls hit against her ass. She began to whimper, clutching him tightly; he stiffened, she cried out, he held her tight and grunted in satisfaction as he filled her waiting tubes with his premium sperm.

I didn't know if that was to be the end, so I did not allow myself to cum just yet. But it was close, my cock hard as a rock, right on the edge of cumming. I held my stiff dick as they finished; he turned and looked at me. "Joyce darling, would you like to take Rick in your mouth? He's looking a bit left out."

She looked at me sadly, her big clear eyes regarding my lonely dick and seeing that it was inflated to a level that she was familiar with when I get completely hard. She nodded her assent. I went to the bed, and she sucked me off as he watched.

I tired to warn her. “Baby, I'm close so don't suck too hard.”

“Do you usually cum in her mouth,” he asked, looking at me as my wife pulled her mouth away and looked up at the two of us?

“Not usually. She has only let me do it once or twice in our marriage.”

“Well, she will this time and she will swallow your cum.”

And my wife did as he wanted, not only taking my cum but swallowing as it burst forth in a mighty spurt, filling her mouth with my warm and thick load, a load that I had been saving for almost a week in anticipation of this night.

Maybe I should have been fucking my wife often and hard before this night, but something had held me back. I had held back on having an orgasm, and in the process kept her from hers. I guess, deep down, I had been saving this first night for the both of us.

Perhaps my largest load ever, saved up, built up, had gone down my wife's throat.

It was a busy few weeks for me, I had to follow him around all the time, staying out of the way and making notes for my article. Almost every night, he made love with my wife, and I had to watch. Yes, I said 'made love' because I was thinking that was what was happening.

Sometimes I would participate at his direction, and at other times I was made to just sit nearby and watch. One night he wouldn't even allow me to pull my cock out, and I had to suffer through it unsatisfied until much later because he chose to sleep beside my wife, her in the middle and me on the other side.

This was strange because for the first time I ended up sleeping on her left, where, if I were to play with her, my left hand would have to be the active one. He was the Alpha, and he had control of the placement in our bed.

My wife seemed to have fallen straight to sleep. I tested her by allowing my rigid prick to press up against her ass since she was turned towards him. She was either asleep or choosing to ignore me. I actually had to jerk off, and do it silently and secretly as I caught my cum in my other hand and crept silently off to the bathroom to wash it drown the drain. .

At last, our strange time with the super rich was over; we returned to our town, our life, our friends.

Just like that he was gone. We didn't see him for about five years. Administration people would come from headquarters to check up on the paper, he didn't waste his time with such trivia.

Joyce and I never discussed those weeks, the dark secret of our success.

Five years passed. Then one evening from out of nowhere there was a knock on the door; it was him.

Somehow he knew, maybe he had someone watching us, but we were home, and alone, save the children.

He shook my hand and kissed my wife; with some passion, too.

How are you, Joyce?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

"Very well, thank you." She said, her eyes shining up at him. To me, it looked like they had just left off yesterday instead of five years ago.

He strode into our house and our lives; he was too big, too powerful for us to change his set course, and we all knew it.

"So, I see a lovely house now, a happy family... two children I understand. Mother, father. Very nice. How are you two getting along? Has your relationship held up well?"

"I'd say so." I said, following after him as he looked through our ground floor, walking around like he owned the place. He might own my wife, but the house had been purchased with my hard won earnings.

"Me too." Joyce said. "I love being a housewife and taking care of my children. I have enough free time to do some nice math as well. I've had a couple of papers published, one of them has picked up a lot of citations."

He sat in our living room and we talked for some minutes, he smiled at the baby photos. It was strange to see him this way; he wasn't an omnipotent financier, he was just an old man, a father who had never known his own child. Yet I was waiting, waiting for him to try and take her to bed, and make me watch.

"Rick, I know you've been trying hard and I gave you five years, but your paper still lost three million dollars last year."

We discussed the details for a while; most of them aren't important to this story. It should be suffieient to say that cable news and the internet was killing off newpaper distribution. Another paper in town, our competitor, had been cut to three days a week, and as a result their sales had further declined.

"I can't justify keeping you afloat much longer," he said, "It's a bit hard to explain to the board."

"So you're going to shut us down?" I asked, deflated. "Just when I've got sales on the rise?"

That was true, sales, the actual number of papers sold and subscribed to had gone up, but it was the advertising that paid the bills, and again, television and the internet had cut into our proceeds.

"Well, I could give you another five years to get it into the black. If..."


He looked at me piercingly, then shifted his gaze to Joyce.

“We need to talk alone for a minute” I told him and leading my wife by the hand, we walked into another room.

“He wants to start fucking you again,” I complained. We had slowly adjusted to married life after my wife had been fucked and fucked well by another man for a time span of several weeks. Things had slowly gotten back to normal, and now he was here once again.

My wife had already accepted the reality of the situation. “Do you want to keep your job, and the paper afloat?”


"So what's the problem then? You aren't uptight about the sex are you?"

"I was never really comfortable with that and how much you seemed to be enjoying him. And now you're the mother of our two children,"

"Well you'd better get used to the idea then."

What else could we do? If I lost my job, we'd have to sell our house and move to the city. And of course, nearly everyone we knew was employed at the paper. It was more than a job, it was a community.

We had a responsibility to do what we could; all my wife had to do was let him fuck her a few times, and we could keep everything floating along.

He came back to the living room, and we told him our decision.

“Good! We'll begin again as soon as I get back into town, sometime next week.”

“Next week?” Frowning, my wife stepped closer to him; she reached up and put her arms around his neck, he put his hands on her narrow hips. They kissed, lips and tongues, bodies held close, their passion for each other nearly palpable.

Their passion had an odd simplicity; it was sexual in the purest sense. They didn't want to live together or know more about each other, they just wanted to have sex.

"You're welcome to stay," she told him.

He hesitated; "I should get back to town. I have a plane waiting."

"It's your plane, let it wait," she suggested. Unseen to my wife, I shook my head in disgust. It was like my boss had never been gone for five years. Bam! He walks in, and my wife wants to fuck. She could have held this off till next week, but she wants to begin now.

In response, he lifted her off of her feet, he kissed her again, deeper, harder. He lifted her teeshirt from her, he began to fumble with her bra.

"You have big breasts now," he observed.

"Suck them," she whispered, ignoring my presence in the room.

The old man held her, his big hands under her ass, her legs wrapped around his waist and she arched backwards as he lowered his face to her pale breast. He sucked one nipple, then the other; she laughed in glee, clamping herself to him.

"Where's your bedroom?" he asked.

"The bedroom's upstairs," she told him. "So are the kids, in another room."

“I want to fuck you in your marriage bed, the one you have sex in with your husband.”

“That will be fine my love. It's a king-size mattress.”

Once again he was demonstrating his total power over me by saying that he wanted to fuck my wife in our marriage bed. That power, of course, was complete with my wife being not only willing but anxious to do just that.

My wife had called him 'her love,' and she wanted to do it on our, on my marriage bed. Does this woman have no respect for me?

He set her down, and they started up the stairs, holding hands. Joyce stopped for a moment, turning to look back at me; I was just standing there in our living room, waiting for feeling to return to my legs.

"Put Amy to bed and then come join us." she said with a grin, as if it was all about nothing.

The younger child had been in his crib, and Amy had been playing all the time in front of the TV. During all the discussion between my boss and my wife, and yes, me, we had sort of been ignoring her. By the time I got to the bedroom, my wife and her wealthy lover were undressed, legs entwined, kissing on our bed.

There is something strange about walking into your own bedroom and seeing your wife totally naked and lying on your bed with a naked man and acting as if it is the most natural thing in the world.

The years and two children had left their mark on Joyce's young body; she was now 29 years old, with a more generous rear and larger breasts about the size of small grapefruits. They hung slightly, but were full with enormous nipples.

Her hair was as ever, that angelic orange. Her skin was still smooth and pale, and her belly was fairly flat, the barely visible stretch marks the proud trophies of her childbearing.

Her lover, on the other hand, was definitely looking the worse for wear; his age had caught up with him now. His hair was very thin, and white. In addition now he was totally bald on top. His belly had grown significantly, and he had bags under his tired eyes that weren't there before.

Inwardly I laughed to myself. With all that new fat around his middle and gut, he might only be able to give my wife eight or nine inches instead of nine or ten.

I watched them for a minute, standing alone in the doorway. I could understand why she wanted him. He was a self made billionaire, he'd been born in utter poverty. He was still essentially fit at sixty eight years old; but I didn't understand why she was so into having sex with him. He just wasn't very attractive physically.

Again, I figured, it must be that cock of his. There was another reason she was so attracted to him I figured. She liked the way he took charge, using his dominance and power over her husband in order to have his way with her.

He pushed her onto her back, then spread her knees so that her soft middle was open and vulnerable. Apparently five years had not altered his taking delight in talking to the husband while he takes the wife.

"Look at her, Rick; her long blonde hair, her smooth skin, her big breasts. She's a perfect mother, nurturing and loving. She does higher math just for fun, yet she likes to keep your house and care for your kids."

His big hand stroked over her naked body.

"Just now, she told me that she's never been with another man since she met you, except me of course. Do you love her as much as she deserves, Rick?"

I looked at her, shivering at his touch, waiting to mate with him, eager for his old dick to once again slide into her pale frame. She had his organ in her hand, she was pulling on it gently but emphatically.


"Does it hurt you to see that I am going to make love with her and be feeding a big cock to her and having her enjoy it immensely?"

"Of course."

He smiled; "But you've had her all to yourself for all these years. Surely you don't mind sharing her a couple of times with your benefactor."

I was encouraged by that, his saying 'a couple of times.' Maybe he didn't plan to keep fucking her for weeks like the last time.

He lifted his bulk over her, he kissed her, his knee pushing against her groin.

He rolled back again, and stroked her open crotch. "Do you give her head when you make love?" he asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Show me. Come on, man, pleasure your lovely wife. You owe her everything you have, don't you? So then. Put your face between her thighs."

Joyce looked at me expectantly; she looked so edible, so tender, so tasty.

He was right, of course. Although I was the boss at the paper now, the editor in chief, a respected man in our little town, it was all fake. My position was entirely due to Joyce and him, my true job was cuckold, that was what I was really paid to do.

I crawled onto the bed and did as he told me.

As I licked her, they kissed; after a while, they twisted around, and she sucked his cock as I licked her clit.

“Now you Rick. You suck my cock.”

Suck my boss!

Total, complete domination. He had it, he wanted to show it. I quivered. That I had never done, not with any man. But I knew what I had to do, and now I learned just how far my wife had to open her mouth to accomodate him.

It was strange at first because not only did I have to open wide and take his prick into my mouth, but it was dry, all across the head except for his pee hole, where it was flowing slippery fluid. I had to use my saliva to wet him so that I could more easily move my tongue and mouth around his glans.

One nice thing, sucking him also gave me the opportunity to wrap my fingers around that thick shaft of his, something I had always wanted to sample.

I found that it was easier to use his pre-fluid rather than trying to work up adequate saliva, and I kept dipping my tongue into the area of his opening and running the slippery fluid all around the head. I wondered if my wife too, had done just this.

I sucked and tasted a continous flow of pre-fluid flowing out of that large hole on the tip of his penis for several minutes.

Curious, because I knew how sensitive my tongue was on the tip, I pushed it into that hole, and it went deep. I sort of ran it around in there while wondering if he could feel it and if it tickled, then came back with my tongue and ran it all around the outside of his glans. I think he liked that because he moaned and sort of pressed himself into me.

Now my wife was stroking my cock, but seeing how hard I was, she was doing it slow so I wouldn't cum. I think she sensed that sucking his cock would be easier to do mentally if I was fully aroused.

The feel of his warm cock, his thick cock in my mouth, combined with my wife slowly stroking my dick seemed to inspire me. I sucked harder. No, not harder, maybe with more enthusiasm would better describe it.

Wrapping the fingers of one hand around his shaft, I worked on that head, loving on it actually and knowing that this was the object of attention and affection for my wife.

I was working on giving him the maximum pleasure, yet I was afraid that he would make me swallow his cum, and by that further illustrate his total domination. But luckily for me, he was saving it for my wife.

"Move aside, Rick," he said at last. "I'm going to have sex with your wife now. Sit back and watch, watch closely; see how much she likes it."

As he spoke, he took my place between her legs. He held his powerful old cock in his hand and pushed it into her wet waiting tunnel. Joyce arched her back and pushed back, her younger body sucking the big man's organ into herself with a happy sigh.

Since he had last stretched her wide, she had been stretched even further from childbith with two children. Now she was able to take him more readily and all at once if necessary.

He did just that, giving it to her all at once and making her sigh with long missed pleasure. I just stepped back and watched in painful humility as my employer filled my wife's childbirth stretched vagina with the meat that could still fill it.

We'd been happy the last 5 years. We had fun together, we laughed at each others jokes, we had good sex. But somewhere underneath all that, this was always present; the knowledge of him, the awareness that she would have sex with him anytime he wanted her to, not only for the material gain it brought, but because she wanted to.

Because she wanted him, his time, his approval, his attention, and his genetic material. She wanted his kiss, his cock, and my suffering was included in the deal. My humility was part of their foreplay, it turned them both on as much as the potential for procreation did.

He pushed her knee onto the mattress, so I could see where his cock was clamped by her wet vaginal lips, and he began to pump her that way, his bulk rising and falling over her small frame, his billionaire cock ruling her.

"One of the things that I find so special about Joyce is the way she sees me; not as an overweight old man, but as a powerful and attractive man. Am I right Joyce?"

"Of course! Powerful and sexy."

"You want to have my cock in you, often as possible, right baby?"

"Oh yes!"

"Now that's sexy to me. Very very sexy!"

With each word he spoke, he drove his big cock home for emphasis, bouncing the mother of my children below him. If he was giving her a little less in length because of his weight, she didn't seem to notice, he still had more than enough.

"Are you going to cum, my lovely," he asked her? "Will you cum for your daddy?"

"Oh yes! I will if you just... if you just... Ahhh..."

I sat on the edge of the bed as she climaxed in his arms, pinned below his expensive expansive bulk. All he had to do was mention it and she could cum.

He pulled out of her and held his cock to her lips. She opened wide and took him into her mouth, sucking happily at his pleasure. His cock was perfectly rigid, the shaft quivering in her mouth, on the delicious edge of climax.

I was surprised that, after waiting five years, that he had pulled out, and it hit me, 'he's going to make me take over and swallow his cum!' But again, he surprised the both of us.

"Ah, that's good," he said, kneeling over her face, "Do you ever have anal sex, Rick?"


"You should try it, it's great. What about you, Joyce? Anal sex?"

She stopped sucking for a moment. "I haven't done that for years, since before Rick and I got married." She had said it, but it was the first I'd heard of it. My wife had given her ass to one of her previous two boyfriends and I had never known.

I was looking inquisitively at her and she knew what I was thinking. “It was because he was much smaller than you turned out to be.”

“Oh,” I said, nodding, as if to tell her I understood and it was alright that she had never allowed me to fuck her in the ass.

My boss heard it all, and understood what was going on between us. Now he took advantage to probe, and maybe further belittle me. “So you did have sex with another man before Rick. Tell me Joyce, did you cum with that guy, when he fucked you in the ass?”

She, wanting to make this current affair as sexy as possible, revealed what I had never known. “Yes, because while he had me on the bed with a pillow under my hips he placed his hand under me and was playing with my clitoris. I came so hard,” she looked at me and back to him, “that it took me quite a while of lovemaking with Rick before I had one to match that.”

Again, I had been humilated before my boss, and my wife had done it.

"Honey, there's some Vaseline in the medicine cabinet," she added.

Surprised, no, actually shocked that my wife was apparently willing to take his hugeness into her anus, I got the jelly and came back into the bedroom, where Joyce was still working the rich man's cock with her mouth, stroking his big loose balls with her hand.

"Don't just stand there, man! Grease yourself up." He insisted.

My heart leaped. I thought for a moment that he was telling me to grease myself up, my ass I mean, and he intended to fuck me in the ass. Taking some Vaseline onto my fingers, I moved to apply it into to my anus.

He laughed, and my wife smiled. “No, not your ass, hers. You're going to be fucking her ass.”

Joyce lifted herself onto her hands and knees, her knees splayed out, her rear end open in invitation.

Well, I was pretty horny; watching her with him always did that to me, despite the pain and jealousy that was always there as well. And I'd always wanted to try it...

I was glad to do this, because I knew that for some reason my boss was allowing me to have this ass fuck before he took one of his own.

My first time into my wife's ass.

Her ass was tight as a fist around my dick as I pushed it into her. She kept sucking his cock while I reamed her. I fingered her clit at the same time, and she started to cum again.

He held her head in his hands, sliding his dick in and out of her mouth. I avoided looking at him, I closed my eyes and reached forward and around to fondle Joyce's generous breasts. She was shaking and moaning, clenching my cock in spasms of her ass; I came.

Soon afterwards, the tycoon squirted into her mouth. My wife rolled over onto the mattress, exhausted.

"Get packed Rick," he said, stepping off the bed, "You'll have to spend the next week with me." For now, it was obvious, the sex was done with.

I was relieved because I still had been thinking that he might be thinking of fucking me in the ass. "I'm going? Why?"

"She has to take care of the kids, otherwise she could just spend a few weeks with me like last time. Quick now, my plane is waiting for us."

We flew to New York, and then to London, then by helicopter to his estate. We had a lot of time to talk; it was a privilege to have that much of his time nearly to myself though he was on the phone a lot, and there was a flunky or two around.

And then I met his wife.

His former model wife was a few years older than mine, a few years younger than myself. She seemed surprised that he was home at all.

She was a remarkable woman; I'd never been in the presence of someone so gorgeous. It was very difficult to not simply stare at her continuously. Why would he desire my wife, a beauty herself, when he had a woman that looked like this?

She was tall, at least 5'10". She was thin, yet shapely; she had long auburn hair and longer legs.

Her face was stunning from every angle; every expression was a new delight, a new vision of beauty. Yet she seemed sad; her life wasn't a very happy one.

We had dinner together, but my boss was gone before breakfast the next morning.

"Make yourself at home, I'll be back for you in a few days. We'll travel back to the states together." He'd said.

I get to fuck my boss's supermodel wife.

I guess I made myself more at home than he might have intended; I slept with his wife.

She was hungry for company, and I had little to do. She told me all the anguish of her life, and we became intimate.

It somehow doesn't have much to do with my story, except to add a small touch of poetic justice. She was into appearances, and I was still a good looking guy; powerless, [relatively] young, and handsome. The opposite of her husband.

I fantasized on making her pregnant, and did my level best; blasting my sperm repeatedly up her middle, as she clamped me between her long shapely legs. It's a rare privilege to make love with a [former] supermodel, but it was a bit spoiled by the fact that I love my wife.

If she found my smaller cock to be less satisfying, she never let on.

He phoned me from New York; and it was then I learned to where he had gone. To my wife, apparently.

"I'm going to leave you with my wife while I'm with yours." he announced. "I like you Rick, and I don't mind. Hell, I'd have divorced her years ago except it would cost me too much. She isn't too bright you know, but she did get one over on me; she's not fertile."

He laughed, as if that was something really very funny.

The tall beautiful woman that I could not inpregnate seemed to lose some of her allure; we slept together anyway. We chatted, kissed, made love, and enjoyed our artificial relationship, passing our lonely hours together.

Her husband sent his jet to take me home, after he was sure my wife was pregnant with his child. I guess that he wanted that, to produce a child with someone. I never saw either of them again.

After his suicide, it was revealed that the whole empire was built on massive debt.

He had plundered the pension funds; my newspaper was closed immediately, and we had little to fall back on, save the large amount of equity in our home and a two year old paid for car.

Because of my wife's ability to earn income surpassing what I could make, we had to move to the big city. I keep house now, and take care of the three children. Joyce, with her PhD and published math papers, got a high paying position with an international bank.

The only resources that seem to be entirely intact, and cunningly protected from all creditors, was a massive scholarship fund. The beneficiaries are 37 children of varying ages; as well as 26 older kids that have already been paid through school.

It wasn't hard for me to discover that all of these children have a parent who had been promoted to a top position by the big man personally, mostly in loss making divisions that just kept making losses until the whole corporation went under.

They say he was a loser, he was never the success everyone had thought he was.

But I say they're wrong. Altogether, I believe he fathered no less than 63 children with maybe 50 some different women. One of the children on that list is the one he fathered with my wife. Isn't that the true meaning of success?

Sometimes as I remember that first time he had came to our home and taken my wife in front of me, I imagine and wonder how many of those other innocent wives had been taken in the same way, in front of their husbands.

I'll never forget those words he had muttered to me, that first time.

“There's just no feeling like this in the world; total domination, complete power, to take a young wife while her helpless husband watches,”

My- Boss- Pins-My-Wife.jpg My- Boss- Pins-My-Wife.jpg
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Great Story very well written. Keep me hard all the way through.
It is a great story. The power imbalance is very erotic and gets to me. The way the boss is direct makes me so hard,

{ Once at a party my wife my wife and I were chatting and she went to the kitchen to get some ice and was gone for quite a while. Eventually she came back and just said to me come outside. I was confused but did as she wanted.
Once outside, she kissed me very hard and told me that a total stranger had just fingered her. It happened without him asking or talking to her much at all. He had said she looked nice then he immediately kissed her, held her and then slipped his finger straight up her dress and into her cunt. She was totally shocked but he was very cool about it, fingered her until she came then kissed her again and walked out ) . She was incredibly aroused by the experience and I think this is what Erotic Writer taps into, Control and authority. That is one of the reasons I love his writing so much. I am pretty new to posting comments. Thanks for the chance to remember a special time with my wife, your writing is great.
tatlocks said:
It is a great story. The power imbalance is very erotic and gets to me. The way the boss is direct makes me so hard,

{ Once at a party my wife my wife and I were chatting and she went to the kitchen to get some ice and was gone for quite a while. Eventually she came back and just said to me come outside. I was confused but did as she wanted.
Once outside, she kissed me very hard and told me that a total stranger had just fingered her. It happened without him asking or talking to her much at all. He had said she looked nice then he immediately kissed her, held her and then slipped his finger straight up her dress and into her cunt. She was totally shocked but he was very cool about it, fingered her until she came then kissed her again and walked out ) . She was incredibly aroused by the experience and I think this is what Erotic Writer taps into, Control and authority. That is one of the reasons I love his writing so much. I am pretty new to posting comments. Thanks for the chance to remember a special time with my wife, your writing is great.
Thanks tatlocks, for the compliment. Speaking of our wives at parties, you might enjoy one of my latest posts, My Wife Snuck Fucked BBC at Her Birthday Party.
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