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Oh Doctor Doctor


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Mar 26, 2013
Oh Doctor Doctor

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Short telling of History by EroticWriter / Aug 26, 2010

The year is 1910 Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press and the government as 'substandard.'

Women were considered to be suffering from a sickness of the body if they became HORNY. They went or were sent to doctors by their husbands to have the doctors 'stimulate' their wive's genitals until their 'illness' went away. This 'stimulation' was done by the doctor using his fingers.

The above, good readers is a true depiction of the time, taken right from The History Channel on cable and other places where I have read about it.

But, can you imagine, given the circumstances, a doctor alone with a young or older but still attractive housewife?

Mrs Smith, a buxom woman of thirty five comes into the office, sits down and is glad to see that no other patients are waiting. In just a few moments, the doctor comes in, and she smiles brightly at him. "Good morning doctor. It has been almost two weeks. Are you ready to give me my treatment?"

"Yes, Mrs. Smith," the doctor says as he eyes that body that he knows so well. Just step into the room on the left and prepare yourself. I have another patient in the room on the right so and I will be with you shortly."

As she stands up and goes in, her body is trembling. Hurriedly, Mrs. Smith removes her bloomers, lays down with her legs spread and waits.....

Her mind is fluctuating wildly as she remembers her last visit with the doctor and anticipates how it might go today.

She thinks of her 40 something husband, her husband with his big gut which almost hides his penis, of which there is not much to talk about. Her husband is the reason that Mrs. Smith's 'illness' had developed two years ago.

She thinks of the good doctor, in his early 30s, with his slim waistline, and his penis that is neither slim, nor short. The doctor knows, in more ways than one, how to 'cure' her, although the treatments are always temporary.

His fingers seem to know just where and how to go, but when he gives her his 'special treatment with his other tool' her illness goes away much quicker and with more intensity and leaves her feeling much better overall.

As Mrs. Smith lies waiting, she hears a soft moaning, getting progressively louder coming from the other room. She smiles and thinks, 'He is almost finished. Maybe the good doctor would like to fondle my breasts this time as well.' She sits up, unbuttons her blouse, ******** a large set of bosoms and lies back again.

Mrs. Smith smiles at the doctor as he comes in, and is disappointed when he says: "Mrs. Smith. Thank you for ******** your two lovelies. But I will just have to hurry along and use my fingers today my dear. I hope you don't mind. I have two other patients waiting now.

Just like with you I will have to hurry with one because the other is a new patient with an extreme case of 'illness' according to her husband. I will need to give her a thorough diagnosis first and take my time with her."

Mrs. Smith nods understandably. She too had been given a thorough diagnosis by the good doctor on her first visit, and she knew how long it took as he began on the upper body and worked down, missing nothing on the way.

And after having her illness 'treated' digitally, Mrs. Smith dresses in preparing to leave. "Same time in two weeks?"

"Yes, that will be fine Mrs. Smith, and next time I will allow more time for you."

Mrs Smith walks out of the room with the ceiling she knows so well. As she passes through the waiting room, she sees two other wives waiting. She recognizes one, Mrs. Jones from her knitting circle. She has seen Mrs. Jones here before, and knows that Mrs. Jones needs her treatments regularly just as she does.

Mrs. Smith has never talked to Mrs. Jones about her illness, but suspects that since Mrs. Jones is older and quite heavy, that she only receives the good doctor's digital treatments.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jones. And how are you today?"

"Fine Mrs. Smith. Nice to see you again. Will I see you this next Thursday?"

"Yes, in the evening at our knitting circle. See you then." And with that, Mrs. Smith walks towards the outer door while nodding at the young lady sitting in the other chair.

The young wife, not knowing what to expect when she is being treated for her 'illness' as her much older husband calls it, smiles shyly at Mrs. Smith. She is young, pretty, and very well built. She has not been told what exactly is 'wrong' with her, and does not know how the doctor is going to cure her.

"You are new here," asks Mrs. Smith, smiling broadly?

"Yes. Is he a good doctor? My husband is very concerned and sent me to see him."

"The very best. Whatever ails you, he will find and fix it."

"Oh thank you. I feel much better now."

Mrs. Smith thinks to herself as she walks out. 'No wonder the doctor was in such a hurry. I am sure he will render his most effective treatments to that young lady.'

On her first visit, today, the good doctor will do a thorough examination of her body, starting with careful manipulation of her breasts and working down. When reaching her vagina, the good doctor will move his head in close, examining from closeup every little detail from top to bottom, side to side, and then, inside.

Then again coming to the outside, his fingers will 'find' her clitoris and provide stimulation so fine, so sorely needed, and very probably, the young lady will reach her first orgasm, ever.

The good doctor will leave it at that, Mrs. Smith knows, and will render this assistance to the new young lady until the time when she might ask if there is more to be learned, and then the good doctor will show her his finest surgical instrument and proceed to show her how not only her clitoris can be given relief, but deeply inside as well.

Mr. Smith, being a fine upstanding citizen of the community, paid the doctor's bills on time, and regularly.

And other husbands PAID those doctor's bills, on time and regularly.

And now good readers, you will learn something new besides the above:

Doctors were having to do this so much, that eventually they invented vibrators so that they did not have to 'work' so hard!

I would imagine that the vibrators were for patients such as old and fat Mrs. Jones.
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I love history... especially the history no one talks about. Like this.
Thanks for the big grin I'm wearing right now.

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