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Our 12th wedding anniversary.


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Aug 23, 2013
Our 12th anniversery

As some of you know, I have posted accounts of previous experiences with my wife, which include a 6 year relationship with my best friend and me. Two other outings resulted in two very hot nights at titty bars. You can read them if you look at my stories under my profile. My wife was 36 when this happened. We two children in grade school and live the typical suburban life. Wife is 5'7” blond 145-150 pounds. She is very milfy and a hot soccer mom. Her name is Cindi. I am 43 and a loving husband.

This occurrence happened summer of 2013 on our 12th anniversary. I wanted that night to be special so I had rented a room at A hotel in our city. This hotel had a restaurant and jazz bar at the top level with windows allowing a panoramic view of the city at night. My plan was to have dinner, listen to jazz and spend a great night with my wife. This setup would be nice as I would not have to be the designated driver and would get to have wine and martinis, woo hoo!

On the Saturday night my wife had packed her travel bag and had gotten dressed for dinner. She was wearing a black skirt that terminated halfway between her knees and hips. She wore a red blouse and black boots with flesh colored (natural) stockings that were thigh high and a garter. Grandma was watching the kids and we were off to enjoy our evening.

We got to the hotel, checked in and went to our hotel room. We brought a few bottles of wine just in case and a cooler. I filled it with ice and chilled the bottles. After settling in, we ventured up to to the restaurant for dinner. The restaurant was on the south side of the building and a jazz club was on the north. We were seated close to the window so we had a nice view. We had appetizers and a bottle of wine, then the main course and another bottle of wine. I wanted to enjoy the wine too, but I let Cindi have much more than me as I wanted to be able to get a hard on later. We had quite an elaborate meal racking up a bill of 250 bucks before the tip. We had asked them if they could reserve a table in the jazz club when we sat down and they had obliged so there would not be any feeling of needing to rush through dinner. After we finished dinner we got up and were escorted by the lovely waitress to the club where they had a table waiting.

The club had lower lighting than the restaurant and had strategically located accent lights on the inside side walls highlighting the art. The exterior walls were a solid wall of glass looking over the city. The music was soft and sultry with a vocalist, guitarist, pianist and a bass player. It reminded me of the music of Sade. There were 4 rows of circular tables with a bar behind them. Our table was in the back on the window side. We took our seats and ordered a bottle of champagne for the wife and a dirty vodka martini for myself. The tables were small and each had three small chairs around them. At this point the club was ¾ full with a couple of tables remaining although they were filling fast.

Within 30 minutes, all the tables were occupied and the bar behind us had all its high stools filled with people facing away from the bar mostly to face the small stage. Most of the people were dressed very nice and it seemed like an affluent audience. Within an hour or so there were more people now and they were standing on the side of the club and near the bar. Some of the late comers looked to be late 20s and professionals. These were well groomed attractive people, not a slob among them. Some of the people there starting dancing to the sultry jazz on the very small dance floor in front and to the side of the band. I might have asked my wife to dance but we had our cell phones, wallet purse, etc.. and did not want to leave it unattended on table. I wished I had brought only the essentials in my pocket.
I noticed at this point that there was a professional looking black man in his late 40s or early 50s wearing slacks and a button down white shirt standing behind us. At first I noticed he was looking at our empty chair at our table and thought awe shit, he's gonna ask to sit with us and my first instinct was to say no if he did ask. Sure enough he leaned in and asked me if he could sit with us. I didn't want to appear to be an asshole so I said sure. He sat down and now he was closer to the stage than either I or Cindi. Cindi had been drinking and she and I had been talking and occasionally I would giver her a kiss. When the guy sat down with us, it suddenly seemed awkward to be all mushy and I felt a bit irritated, although Cindi was now getting fairly ***** and seemed not to have a care in the world. The black gentleman thanked me and introduced himself as James. I said my name was Dave and that my wife was Cindi and slipped in it was our 12th wedding anniversary. Not sure why I did that, it was an impulse.

The vocalist in the jazz band was truly amazing and I was really enjoying her singing with the slow sexy beat from the band. James would turn towards us anytime he took a sip of his drink and smiled at us, more at Cindi. When the band took a break, he engaged us much more in conversation and we found out he was on business from Chicago and would be leaving the next day. We told him we lived in the suburbs and have two kids who were with grandma. We discussed our jobs briefly and he talked about how much he liked our city. He told us how he had a wife and three kids in North Chicago.

I think he could tell Cindi was getting shitfaced as she would sometimes slur a word. She seemed to be very friendly smiling a lot to him. Eventually the band made their way back to the stage and started playing again. The jazz beat was sexy and softly rhythmic. Some people were getting up and dancing slowly. He then asked why we hadn't danced yet and Cindi said we didn’t want to lose our table. He then offered to watch it and said if we wanted to dance we could. I wasn't very trusting of this person I did not want to leave our phones and her purse there on the table so I politely declined. He then asked if he could have a dance with my wife, he then jokingly promised he would bring her back. That is truly an awkward moment, you don't want to seem controlling of your wife or jealous, but at that point, I didn't want her to dance with him. In an effort not to seem rude to him and controlling of her I said I was fine with it. Cindi said okay and got up with him. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

When they got there, he took her left hand into his hand and put his right hand on her shoulder. He maintained a little distance between them, maybe 2-3 inches. At this point, I could see them together and I had to say I was a little aroused seeing them together on the dance floor. The contrast between his black skin and her milky white skin made me think of very naughty things. As the song progressed, he repositioned his left arm to reach around under her arm and had his left hand on her back. His right hand slid down to her lower rib cage and they seemed to move slightly closer together. Though she wasn't touching James, I could see that Cindi's hips were slowly swaying in circular motions in time with the jazz beat. I could tell she was getting horny! The song ended to a round of soft clapping. James and Cindi came back to the table and sat down. Cindi continued on her champagne, killing it. At her request, I got up to go to the bar to order another bottle. When I got back, james had his hand on her knee and said to me, that Cindi was an amazing dancer. A few minutes later the bottle came and Cindi quickly downed another glass. At this point she was feeling very numb.

When this evening started, I truly wanted it to be a romantic night between just the two of us, but knowing what Cindi is capable of, I started to get turned on to the idea of James flirting with her like he had been. A few songs later and another glass of champagne, he asked Cindi if he could dance with her again. She looked at me, I gave a nod, and she said sure. They got up and went back to the dance floor. This time he immediately put both of his hands under her arms on the small of her back. She put her arms around his neck and he pulled her close to him. There was now no visible distance between them and my heart started skipping beats and I could feel my blood pressure rise in excitement. That wasn't the only thing that experienced increased bloodflow. I started to get a semi watching this. They swayed slowly back and forth and he seemed to pull her into him. He slowly moved her into a small group of people dancing and I am not sure if he knew I could see them clearly or not, but his hand slowly moved down to her ass and he slowly cupped her left ass cheek pulling her toward him, essentially pulling her groin into his. I was getting erect now and was loving watching this. She seemed not to care and was gyrating her hips slowly into him. They were now surrounded by a few other couples dancing and may have felt like they were not easily visible, I don’t know. James was now really holding her tight and I am sure he was hard at this point and that she felt it. As the song ended, they separated and came back to the table.

When they got back I simply said, “you guys look good dancing together.” I meant it as a simple compliment but had a double meaning which he may have picked up on. Cindi had some more wine and talked with us both. She was clearly ***** now, giggling at stupid stuff and generally goofy. The band took another break and we talked about his wife, family and his business some more. Cindi seemed to just listen mostly and drank more. I ordered another martini, but was maintaining sobriety pretty well. I wanted to be sober so I was sipping very slowly on the drinks. James was not and neither was Cindi. Eventually, the band came back to the stage for another set. They started playing music and almost immediately, James was saying “lets dance” offering a hand to Cindi. She didn't even look at me this time and went with him. They went to their usual embrace and his right hand went down very quickly to hold her ass. They danced like this for a minute or so and he was pulling her into him and she was moving her hips. My wife was basically dry fucking him on the dance floor. Then he did something different. He looked her straight in eyes and started kissing her. He wasn't trying to hide it or move her to the back corner of the stage. My dick was rock hard and I knew I wanted to see him fuck her. As he kissed her, he now moved his left hand down to her other ass cheek and was pulling her hips into his dick shoving his dick into her where her pussy would be. She then put her hands on his ass and helped pull him into her too. Oh fuck this was hot to see.

I wasn’t the only person who noticed this either. Other men were looking hard at her kissing this guy. The dance floor wasn't dead center so the majority of people still didn't see this, but a few men who had noticed how hot Cindi looked were seeing it. James and Cindi did have several other couples dancing around them, and with the loss of sobriety for both of them, maybe they thought I couldn't see what was happening or maybe they didn’t care. Their kiss lasted 20-30 seconds and was very passionate. When they stopped, he slowly turned her to face away from him and pulled her ass into his groin as they danced slowly. His arms wrapped around her with his hands resting on the front of her thighs and she reached back and placed her hands on his hips. They moved with the beat slowly with a lot of rubbing of his groin to her ass. He then slowly brought his hands down to the edge of her skirt. At this point they were facing away from me and slightly to the right so I could see his right hand. That was when I saw him slide up her skirt ever so slowly and just enough to be able to slide his hand under it. It looked like he was trying to touch her pussy. It was dark in the place where they were dancing and at first I wasn't sure if he succeeded. Then I noticed his hand was moving up and down inside her skirt slowly. I think he was now finger fucking her. He had her so she was facing a wall and there was nobody that would have had any view of her from the front. As he did this, he appeared to be whispering in her ear. They did this for a few minutes and then the song ended. They separated and pulled themselves together and then she left the dance floor and went into the women’s bathroom. James made it slowly to our table and I noticed he had a hard on and from the looks of it, he was well endowed, even for a slightly heavier older black man. When he sat down at our table, he actually didn't say anything to me. I expected him to ask if he could have her or comment on how hot she was. He just sat there quietly sipping on his drink.

I made an effort to talk to him and asked him if he was having fun. He seemed to welcome that question and said absolutely. I think he was nervous to talk to me at first, but then he opened up a bit. He said Cindi was an amazing dancer and woman and that we should come down to his business suite to continue the evening. I thought that might be fun and accepted his invitation. When Cindi came back, she sat next to me and was clearly horny. She sat with her legs apart slightly and was very slowly, almost imperceptibly, wiggling her hips to the music on her chair. She sat facing the stage and consequently facing James as well. I noticed that he skirt was hiked up just a bit and realized that the way she was sitting, James could likely see up her skirt. I looked at him and saw that he kept glancing down to get a glimpse. At this point, I did not know that she had taken off her panties in the bathroom and left them in the garbage there. James was looking right at my wifes pussy now, granted in a dark club, but I am sure he got a fairly good view.

I said to Cindi that we had talked about going to his room and having our own party down there. She smiled and looked at me and said, “okay lets go.” We got up, left a tip and all three of us left the club. We waited for what seemed like an eternity for the elevator and when it came we went down two floors to his floor and followed him to his room. When we got in we could see it was a nicer room than ours, much nicer. It had a patio, a very large bed, a mini office for work, and a grand bathroom with a very large tub that could likely fit 3-4 people in it. James had a bottle of Bourbon in the room but not much else. Cindi doesn't like that and then asked me if I could run and get the bottles of wine from our room. I really did not want to leave at this moment, but I agreed and rushed out and down another five floors in the elevator to our room. This time the elevator really did take forever and I moved very swiftly through the halls and back to James's room. I was probably only gone about 5-10 minutes. When I got back to his room, I knocked and it took almost 30 seconds for them to let me in. I knew that would be kissing while I was gone and probably rubbing each other. When I came in Cindi was standing and looked guilty of something. I could see James had a boner and figured they were playing and teasing each other again. I opened her wine and poured her a glass. I accepted a glass of Bourbon.

We all sat down on the couch in his suite and sipped our drinks. It was this point I could see up her skirt a bit and wondered when those panties had come off. Cindi then said how much she liked his room. She said, I'd die to have that tub in our room. James proceeded to tell us how great that jetted tub was and how good it felt on his back with the massage jets. James then offered to let her use it. He said she could go in there and try it out and he promised that he'd wait out here. Being a medical professional and knowing the risks, I chimed in and said that as much alcohol as she has drank combined with the heat of a tub, they could combine to lower blood pressure and she could pass out in the tub. I told them it has happened to people and they have drowned. I said that she could go in there, but she could not be alone. Cindi said, I don’t have a bathing suit and I didn’t pack one.

James said. “I'll tell you what, I have lots of large T shirts, you can wear one of those. Ill keep my underwear on and we can all have our drinks in the jacuzzi tub.”

I liked that suggestion and said it sounded fun. James also pointed out that when we get out, the hotel had stocked a bunch of terry cloth robes to put on. James gave Cindi one of his shirts, which conveniently was white, and she went into the bathroom first. We gave her 10 minutes or so to draw the bath and get in. We both came in and he began to undress to his underwear. Cindi's eyes were glued to this as she sat in the tub with the water line at her neck and bubbles all around. James was heavier and had a slight belly to him, but when he got his pants off, it was clear he had a good sized dick. It was semi hard already and was pushing the fabric out. I got down to my undies and we both climbed in. Cindi sat back against the jets and told James he was right about how good they feel. We talked some more and sipped on our drinks for about 30 minutes. There was an awkwardness in the air as I knew what they wanted to do, especially James. This was the part where someone had to break the ice. I was curious who would and how they would do it. At one point, Cindi said she was getting overheated in the tub and had to sit on the edge. She stood up and the wet white shirt, which was long enough to cover her pussy, but was clinging to her body and was see through. Her breasts (B cups) were plain to see through the material and the outline of her pussy hair was sharp and detailed. She sat on the edge of the tub with her legs still in the water. She looked amazing! My wife was so attractive and as much as I wanted to fuck her right then and there, I wanted to see James do it more.

James offered to turn on some cold water and run it into the tub. He leaned over and stood up halfway to reach the nozzle and when he did his dick was just above the water line. He looked to have a full hard on from seeing her in that clinging t shirt. The head of his dick was poking up above the elastic waistband by an inch. Cindi saw this too and gasped. She said, “oh shit, its true what they say about black guys.”

James looked at her and smiled saying, “Yea it's true what you heard. You guys care if I just take off the underwear? It aint comfortable.”

I said no go ahead and Cindi said sure. He then did and let that large dick fall out and was poking straight in front of him. He said, “thanks, that feels better.”

Cindi made a goofy sexy face and said. “I wouldn't know” and laughed a bit.

James moved a foot closer to her and said, “well touch it and then you will know.” She looked at me momentarily and I shrugged a bit and nodded. She took that as an okay. She then reached out a bit and grabbed a hold of it. She said, “ wow this is big” She squeezed it and then pulled on it a bit. I think we all knew where this was heading. She repeated the motion slowly and as she did, her legs spread apart about 6 more inches. Her pussy was in plain view now as her shirt was not long enough to conceal her crotch when she sat down. I stood up to take off my underwear now and I wanted to stroke it a bit anyway. James was now fully erect and was standing between her knees as she slowly stroked him. Her eyes were focused on his dick and he then looked over at me. I was watching and now had a hand on my own dick which was erect. He turned back to her and leaned in to kiss her again like he did on the dance floor. He kissed her with his tongue and put his hand on her shoulder. He then moved much closer to her and the tip of his dick was now at the entrance to her pussy. He brought both arms behind her head, kissed her passionately and then slid one hand down to her ass. He pulled her ass closer to him and at the same time pushed slowly into her. The head of his cock was now inside and he was able to get almost half of himself into her in one stroke. She moaned and closed her eyes. She then reopened them and pulled him suddenly, almost completely into her. I think he bottomed out before his whole dick could get in. She moaned again and they were both moving faster now, both pushing and pulling in a frenzy to fuck.

She moaned and writhed in pleasure. She said, “ Oh god, o fuck. Ohhh.....” then said a few more times” fuck me....... fuck me............ oh my god” He did as she asked and they fucked feverishly for a minute or two before he said, “ I'm a cum in you” and he moaned and he shot his cum inside of her. He pushed as deep as he could with each thrust. He then backed away from her and pulled out of her leaving her sitting there with her legs spread and her pussy draining his semen. I stood up and moved to pick up where he left off. I moved between her legs and guided my erect dick inside her. She was hot, and very wet with his cum and her juices. It felt a bit more stretched than I was used to , but it felt great nonetheless. I was now fucking her with the same feverish pitch he had been.

She said,” You like fucking me with his cum inside? I nodded and said, “oh yes I do.” She then said, “good, cause I'm gonna let him fuck me again. I want to feel his big black cock again. If you’re nice I'll let you watch.” That put me over the edge and I came in her too. Our cum mixed in her to make a gooey sloppy mess. I pulled out and gave her a kiss. She was really ***** now, but I was not complaining. We all got back into the tub and drank a little more.

When we were about to start pruning from being in the tub so long, James got out and got us our robes. We wrapped up in them and went out into the suite and moved to the balcony. We stood looking out at the city at 2 AM and sipping our drinks. Cindi had previously taken off her t shirt and was nude underneath the robe. We could see the skyline and could see other high rise buildings from his 26th floor suite. At this time of night, there were not many lighted apartments/hotels we could see. Some of the buildings were businesses and were only lit for the cleaning crews. One building however was up a block and across from us and it too was a hotel. We could see one room in particular that appeared to be a party. There were people on the balconies drinking and people could be seen mulling inside with alcohol. There patio was probably 100-200 feet away, but it was close enough to see clearly the people there and likewise some on patio could see us. James went inside for another bourbon and Cindi and I were lightly leaning on the railing looking around. When James came back, he came up behind Cindi and lifted her robe showing her milky white ass cheeks. He told her she was amazing and started rubbing her ass. He then moved his hand into her ass crack to reach her pussy again. He pulled out his finger and it was soaking wet.

He said, “damn you’re still wet baby. We gotta use that up” and he untied his robe allowing it to open and his dick was erect again. He moved his dick up and down her ass crack until he pushed into her wet pussy. Oh it was hot seeing his black dick violate her beautiful white ass from behind. She was bent at a 45 degree angle leaning on the rail while he fucked her from behind right there on the patio. It wasn’t long before the party-goers saw us and cheered her on. James let the robe fall off of him and I untied hers and pulled it off. He didn't fuck her as quickly as he did last time. This time he was taking his time. He was admiring her ass and sliding in and out of her pussy. She was moaning with a deepness to her voice.

I then coached them saying, “ Yea fuck her , please fuck her. Fuck my wife. Fuck my wife and mother of two. “ I got harder saying this out load and watching her moan when I said it. He kept on sliding in and out of her with her labia wrapped around his dick almost holding on to it not wanting to let it go. I said to my wife when she moaned, “you're a slut aren’t you. Your dad had no idea when he gave you away to me at our wedding that you were slutty did he?” She just moaned and held on to the railing. I don't have a small dick, but James made me feel small. He kept pushing most of it into her causing her to groan and grunt with each stroke. Try as he might, he was unable to keep from coming again. He pumped his cum deep up in her and pushed so deep as he did. He pulled away from her and we all went back into the suite. Cindi was getting really ***** and nearly passing out on her feet. I thanked James for a fun night and picked up her clothing. I knew I wouldnt be able to get her dressed in this state, especially with her skirt and all, so I put the robe back on her and we went together in our robes. I promised James I'd bring them back in the morning. It was odd going through the corridor of the hotel and robes but we made it to the elevator and down to our floor with nobody seeing us. We went back into our room where Cindi collapsed on the bed and **********. I was able to get her under the sheets and we went to bed. The next morning, as promised, I went back to Jame's room and returned the robes. He tried to get me to give him a phone number or some means of communicating so that he could meet us again. I was not comfortable giving anything identifiable, I liked the anonymity of the whole thing. I did give him the email account I use for spam that is anonymous. I figured maybe we could do this again and he can email me next time hes in town.

After check out, I took Cindi to her mothers house where we picked up our two children and went home. What a night. :yumyum: This is her tucking in our daughter.

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Happy Anniversary!

Good for all three of you.

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