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Question about penis functionality .....

  • Thread starterdargirl
  • Start date


My sissy-hubby and I have wondered for along time if most transgendered men, sissy cuckolds etc. are honestly comfortable maintaining a functionally-defined male penis of average or greater size when all other parts of their persona is an attempt to present everything female.

We have, through our own experience, found that through honest assessment and acceptance of hubby’s true feminine self, maintaining his male functionality, specifically his penis, was not wanted or even a real choice. The more comfortable and secure hubby was with the person he was, the more obvious it became that a penis is not what I or any other past lovers desired and when used only provided embarrassment, humiliation, and a constant reminder of the confusion and failure during sex.

This fact became most obvious when in the presence of functional male lovers both with the immediate submissive role he would naturally assume and also in witnessing the responses and complete physical differences that were experienced by me (wife) when engaged in sex of this nature. He now has been a openly cuckolded and feminized by myself and my lovers for 10 years now and any trace of masculinity is completely forgotten, if it was actually ever there.

So, I guess what has always confused us is the Transgendered, she-male, and cuckold community continues to focus on girls or even sissies equipped with functional penises. If any wives, bulls or others that have been through similar relationships we would like to hear about your experiences and or observations of both emotional and physical changes experienced during your journey.
I see no one has commented yet, so I'll mention — for whatever it might be worth, if anything — that I don't think a man, be he a cuckold or otherwise, who wants to be a "feminized man" or "sissy" is in the same ballpark* as a man who wants to be a woman.

*a medical term occasionally employed by specialists.


Go Huskies!
From what I have read the transgendered community tends to get very upset of the both the term "she-male" and it's popularity in porn. Like all stereotypes it creates an untrue, and usually negative, understanding of what most transgendered people are all about. However, like all communities the transgendered umbrella covers a lot of different desires and appearances.
I'm wondering how you've feminized him? Has he been on hormones or just been treated as female? If he's not an Alpha male, he would tend to be submissive around your lovers naturally.

If he's been on a strong enough dosage of hormones for 10 years, by now it should have had the effect of rendering him unable to become erect. Now do you want his limp dick to be completely removed? What about his testicles? Do you want them removed too?

I guess I'm not sure what you're asking.
InDeep said:
I'm wondering how you've feminized him? Has he been on hormones or just been treated as female? If he's not an Alpha male, he would tend to be submissive around your lovers naturally.

If he's been on a strong enough dosage of hormones for 10 years, by now it should have had the effect of rendering him unable to become erect. Now do you want his limp dick to be completely removed? What about his testicles? Do you want them removed too?

I guess I'm not sure what you're asking.

I am also interested in these questions, because I am a bit confused what you are asking as well.

Some husbands allow themselves to be feminised, but it would not necessarily be their secret choice if they had a say in it. Wife sees an opportunity to take advantage of his submissive nature, and programs his mind to believe she knows what is best for him.

Some wives want their husband to retain a high libido, so they can keep him in chastity and control his sex life completely so he does all the housework and looks after the kids without complaint whilst she has tons of fun. He might be prostrate milked instead of vagina sex.

Other wives want their husband to lose his libido completely, so he will be under her thumb and she will have a valid reason to date a range of men who can top her up with extra loving. She enjoys portraying her husband as a man with a minature penis and totally inadequate in bed. He sticks with her because he can't have erections any longer, so he might as well keep the peace by doing everything he is told. He will lck her pussy and may kneel down and allow the bull to ride him anally because his wife wishes that of him.
As a male who has been sissyfied by his wife and her lovers, I am glad I have a fully functioning penis, even if it is in chastity. I do get embarrassed when I see her lover's cock or see/hear him fucking her, and know what I have can't satisfy her the way her lovers can.
sissy jimmie said:
As a male who has been sissyfied by his wife and her lovers, I am glad I have a fully functioning penis, even if it is in chastity. I do get embarrassed when I see her lover's cock or see/hear him fucking her, and know what I have can't satisfy her the way her lovers can.

I am pleased with you speaking the truth from your heart, so hope you get more visuals of her lover's cocks. It is so much worse for a cuck if he only gets to IMAGINE what her lover looks like, because she never brings him home to show the husband why she needs lots of nights out on the town.
InDeep said:
I'm wondering how you've feminized him? Has he been on hormones or just been treated as female? If he's not an Alpha male, he would tend to be submissive around your lovers naturally..

Hubby has not been on any hormones at all, but a steady diet of withholding and honesty from both him and me at all times. Alpha male?? I dont even think he can spell that ! (When in the right mood anyway..lol) He is so submissive, he apologizes to inanimate objects when he bumps them - like the wall, chair, doorway. Seriously! We joke about it, but it really is an indicator of the depth of his submissiveness I think.

InDeep said:
If he's been on a strong enough dosage of hormones for 10 years, by now it should have had the effect of rendering him unable to become erect. Now do you want his limp dick to be completely removed? What about his testicles? Do you want them removed too?

We found that about 8 years ago he stopped getting hard entirely. When we get amorous-either together or with others- he just draws back up into himself, his breasts firm up and swell, and he gets the cutest little camel-toe. This is perfectly fine with us because there is never the unmet "expectation" that he will be required to "do" something with it and any male who is with us immediately sees that he is no threat and that they really are the only "man" in the room.

And I would never want to remove anything that has naturally occurring nerve endings in it- the risk of losing all feeling is too great. But he has been fixed and he may eventually get his sack tightened up....but I have a piercing I am going to try for cosmetics anyway.

I guess my real question is not about advice to us, but more "what am I missing?" kind of question- with regard to all these TVs we hear about and meet and know men who date who "have giant cocks!" and also all the men even here on this site who talk about how they watch their wives with other men, "can't live up to"other men, yet continually end their stories/posts with something to the effect of " ....and then she always comes home to me and we fuck all night long!"

WTF? Am I missing something i n the mental part of this? If I had any husband watching me with another man- well, that is something you just cant take back in the morning. Everything is different after that.

And we have friends who "date" TVs with quite large functioning cocks. Why keep this aspect in tact as part of their regular sexual repartee?

I will acknowledge that labels, especially these, can and are used to cover and address a wide range of individuals and situations. I am just thinking of these in particular. And please know that we do not think everyone must fit our "definition" of this "label" or they are WRONG. I hate that shit. It is just that these are the only words I currently have to identify the roles in my question.

Thanks for the responses! I'd really love to hear more
I am so glad someone ask these questions!

This is a very complex subject and not a one size fits all answer.
First all cuckolds are not sissy or feminine males:

Some wives want their husband to retain a high libido, so they can keep him in chastity and control his sex life completely so he does all the housework and looks after the kids without complaint whilst she has tons of fun. He might be prostrate milked instead of vagina sex.

Other wives want their husband to lose his libido completely, so he will be under her thumb and she will have a valid reason to date a range of men who can top her up with extra loving. She enjoys portraying her husband as a man with a minature penis and totally inadequate in bed. He sticks with her because he can't have erections any longer, so he might as well keep the peace by doing everything he is told. He will lck her pussy and may kneel down and allow the bull to ride him anally because his wife wishes that of him.

I have known "gurls" that had all of their equipment removed and seemed pleased with the results. But this is not for everyone.

Just because a male allows his mate to have sex with other males does not mean he is not concerned with her well fare and it is better to see it than
sit in a dark room waiting on her to return. Many bulls do not want to be watched by another male and if the husband/mate is feminized and presented as a sissy it makes the bull/alpha male more comfortable.

So, I guess what has always confused us is the Transgendered, she-male, and cuckold community continues to focus on girls or even sissies equipped with functional penises. If any wives, bulls or others that have been through similar relationships we would like to hear about your experiences and or observations of both emotional and physical changes experienced during your journey

It confuses us all, but it does make good photographs. The size or the funcional ability of the cock is not the answer. It is the attitude and will of the male. I know men with small cocks who are very bullish, and men with large cocks who are very sissy.


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dargirl said:
My sissy-hubby and I have wondered for along time if most transgendered men, sissy cuckolds etc. are honestly comfortable maintaining a functionally-defined male penis of average or greater size when all other parts of their persona is an attempt to present everything female.

We have, through our own experience, found that through honest assessment and acceptance of hubby’s true feminine self, maintaining his male functionality, specifically his penis, was not wanted or even a real choice. The more comfortable and secure hubby was with the person he was, the more obvious it became that a penis is not what I or any other past lovers desired and when used only provided embarrassment, humiliation, and a constant reminder of the confusion and failure during sex.

This fact became most obvious when in the presence of functional male lovers both with the immediate submissive role he would naturally assume and also in witnessing the responses and complete physical differences that were experienced by me (wife) when engaged in sex of this nature. He now has been a openly cuckolded and feminized by myself and my lovers for 10 years now and any trace of masculinity is completely forgotten, if it was actually ever there.

So, I guess what has always confused us is the Transgendered, she-male, and cuckold community continues to focus on girls or even sissies equipped with functional penises. If any wives, bulls or others that have been through similar relationships we would like to hear about your experiences and or observations of both emotional and physical changes experienced during your journey.

Personal opinions, and may not line up with anyone elses thoughts. Also, it's very complicated, dealing with mental mappings, physical attributes and social constructs.

Terminology is very confusing. Transgender is a loose umbrella term, and basically includes all aspects of the trans community. Transsexual refers to people who actually change their sex through medical means. Transvestite (aka cross dresser) refers to people who like to dress in the clothes of the opposite sex, and who frequently get sexual satisfaction from the clothing. If someone transitions to the opposite gender they are generally referred to as trans"target gender". IE, male to female would be a transwoman, and vice-versa. You may also see the word "cis" used, which means someone who is aligned as most people think they should be. A cisfemale is your typical female - female in body and mind. Orientation deals with whom we're attracted to - a cisfemale can be heterosexual or homosexual.

"She male", "gurl", "tranny" are generally considered to be derogatory terms.

Transition can be thought of as three paths. First is the social path, which it kinda sounds like your husband may be progressing down. A man can live as a woman, and not do anything medically to transition. Submissive behavior, clothing choices, personal grooming, name choice - all of these can be social changes. The medical path consists of anything done to medically impact physical aspects. Female hormones will grow breasts on a male, as well as cause testicular atrophy. Surgery can be done to physically change a persons facial structures. And finally are the surgical procedures done to convert from male to female. These procedures can include castration (removal of the testes), removal of the male external genitals, or creating of female genitalia. The third path is legal - changing names, changing sex markers on legal documents,

On top of all this is the variability of physiology. While most people use the sex chromosomes of XX (female) and XY (male), there are many things that go beyond simple chromosomes. A body can have typical male chromosomes, but not process hormones as expected. So, you can have XY women and other unusual combinations of X and Y.

So, to get to your original post.

Most transwomen probably don't give a damn about having a fully functional penis. The only good thing to a large penis is it provides tissue than can be used in surgical procedures to create female genitals. Otherwise, it's a pain to hide, causes embarrassment if it rears its head, and is generally a reminder that the body doesn't match up with the mind. Your description of his penis drawing up and breasts swelling is unusual, which makes me think he may have some physical issues. When you say he's been fixed, I assume you mean he's had a vasectomy. This procedure doesn't generally change a man's ability to perform sexually.

What about the size and firmness of his testicles? Are they normal sized compared to other men, or are they smaller and softer? If they're smaller, his scrotum should shrink to a size better suited for his balls. Have things changed over the years?

The submissive (or feminine) behavior has aspect of both nature and nurture. His mind may be truly feminine, or he could have been taught to be feminine. You and he are the only people who could really tell about that.

For me, I consider myself transgendered, socially transitioned, somewhat medically transitioned, and nothing legal. I'm not a sissy, but a feminine male who should have been born female. I've always been this way and have even had several women tell me that I would have made a good wife to a guy.

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