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This is from a yahoo group...and I modified it.

  • Thread starterBlackDomLdog
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 2, 2004
West Allis, WI
Regarding issues like the African-American Holocaust...which I won't address.

This is from a yahoo site...and you can say if it is not related to the website. I had to print it here.

You can see now why there is so much animosity amongst some blacks against whites. Fortunately, most of us take Dr. King’s advice and judge others by the content of the character alone and not on what was done in the past or who they are. Besides, the animosity isn’t about slavery… that didn’t affect anyone who lived in the 20th Century. But the regulated bigotry and injustices that went on behind the scenes… the inhuman crimes that befell many innocent Black Americans (the death toll can never be counted accurately as records usually were either never taken or were destroyed in some mysterious fire that plagued all record-keeping attempts from that era) have gone unnoticed by most. Families who lived through that terrible time (and are still alive today) have shared these experiences with the next generation…

We all try to move past the Past but we NEVER forget… as much as white America would like us to. Whites, in the 60’s, didn’t understand WHY the riots took place. The assassination of Dr. King was just the trigger. After seeing those images… do you have a better understanding of the WHY? You can push a man only so far before he does one of two things… he either kills himself or he kills YOU.

Most African-Americans simply want to be treated with the respect they deserve. If treated any differently than as a human being, those old scars become like fresh wounds again. Of course these days, trying the same ole bullshit that may have worked in the 30’s and 40’s will get you killed today.

I’m glad to see that the respect given by MOST whites who are approaching this Lifestyle are doing so because they genuinely respect the Black race. Black History Month is a celebration by Black Americans who have defied the odds to accomplish the unthinkable during that time. This is why it is important to always approach events like Shani Davis' historic milestone in the olympics with the upmost respect.

Again, I modified this from the original text...as I don't want to cause any friction. The original text was geared in a "Black Power" matter.

If it sounds that way...pardon me. The ending part of the original message said this:

"Anything less is a slap in the face to the very Black Dominants you claim you wish to serve."

I said this morning that the Shani Davis issue is in the history books...so we can move on.

BTW...I'm doing this to vent my frustrations at someone that belittled me in a yahoo IM - the same guy that harassed me regarding the kiddie porn links. He got out on bail, and is pissing me off.

Trying to force child porn on me is WORSE than a slap in the face.

Good question...need to think.

I had typed my answers, but they were too large for DC to post.

I'll post these via Microsoft Word...and I had to login again, after trying to answer.

When you see my replies...do credit me for trying to answer.
Good questions...solutions are tough, though

What's YOUR opinion regarding the progress of black people since Martin Luther King ... has it moved forward or not? Forget the BBC stuff ... I'm talking about society and the workplace. What do you think it will take to get the majority of the black race in America to MOVE ON regarding past slavery from 1800-2000? What part, if any, do you see the high illegitamacy of black children contributing to the black on black crime and gangs we're hearing and seeing so much about these days? Why doesn't the NAACP and other black organizations openly discuss the fact that 3 out of 4 black children are being born to single moms and HOW can we stop it?
I'd appreciate a civil answer, because most of my friends ... some are black ... can't give an anwer.

What's YOUR opinion regarding the progress of black people since Martin Luther King ... has it moved forward or not? It is moving backwards…all the things accomplished by the Civil Rights leaders, activists, etc. – Voting rights, Integrated schools, etc, are being taken for granted. In my case, I applied at a local plant. I have the desired qualifications for the job…but the reason why I was not hired was because I didn’t have a car.

What do you think it will take to get the majority of the black race in America to MOVE ON regarding past slavery from 1800-2000? This will be DIFFICULT…like Osama bin Laden’s “Fatwa” Hatred is passed along from generation to generation. (If you heard the phrase, ‘Hate is not a family trait’ don’t always believe it.)

This will take teaching, understanding, cooperation, etc. Some will learn about and appreciate Black history…others will frown upon it. (My point is to embrace and understand all aspects of history - including Black history.)

What part, if any, do you see the high illegitimacy of black children contributing to the black on black crime and gangs we're hearing and seeing so much about these days?

Good question…and a good answer: Because the parents of children…most notably Black children, are not around to be parents. Taking Junior and Mabel to the park gives way to stock meetings, and dinner with the boss. (The point is the parents sleep around with others, and there is NO family unity – infidelity, divorce rates, etc.) Kids w/o ONE OR BOTH loving parents in their lives will be EASY PREY for gangs.

Why don’t the NAACP and other black organizations openly discuss the fact that 3 out of 4 black children are being born to single moms and HOW can we stop it?

Money…Power (or the abuse of it)…bribes to ignore it…etc. Most members of the NAACP, ACLU, etc. have been placed in this position – many by ‘interest’ groups, to keep the issues under wrap. To stop it is a BIG question: getting involved is the first step. Be aware of those that promise…it is only a promise. Men in general…mainly you and I, Mac, have to concern ourselves with our own welfare.

Being a faithful lover to a woman is not easy...especially with the 'Desperate houswives' drama, feeding the minds of people.

The Civil Voting Act is due to be renewed...If word is spread to get involved and vote, it will be a start. (Tough sell, because many public servants will vie on lack of voters for the competitor to guarantee a win.) :call:

Right now, we have to worry about ourselves...in my case, sara and I are doing that. (Her dad is in intensive care, so I am worrying about him, and finding work.)
While you are at it, what do you think slavery has done FOR blacks?

I wryly note that you are not in Africa living in grass huts.. running from lions.. dying from malnutrition and aids.. etc.

I also note that the "black superiority" has not manifested itself in anything other than rhetoric and a couple of speed and height sports.

Further, considering the black sexual prowess, superiority, breeding preoccupation, and the mindless submissiveness of white females to the black power cited here ad nauseum, why are whites still the majority?
Damn...I didn't expect to be Montell Williams. lol

While you are at it, what do you think slavery has done FOR blacks?

I wryly note that you are not in Africa living in grass huts.. running from lions.. dying from malnutrition and aids.. etc.

I also note that the "black superiority" has not manifested itself in anything other than rhetoric and a couple of speed and height sports.

Further, considering the black sexual prowess, superiority, breeding preoccupation, and the mindless submissiveness of white females to the black power cited here ad nauseum, why are whites still the majority?

Slavery is a negative part of history I'd try not to discuss. Some aspects of it were degrading, others were humbling. (Some Black activists/inventors/poets, et al, were spawned from slavery.)

Hey, I was born on the Eastern US Seaboard...my descendents were slaves. (Aunt won't let me go to the family reunions...long story - you don't want me to bore you. lol)

I think that the 'Black superiority' has been hyped up...WAY TOO MUCH, if I will add. And the ideals of black sexual prowess, superiority, breeding preoccupation, and the mindless submissiveness of white females to the black power is nauseating...when it is an obsession, and at times ****** upon people. (This is surprisingly from a Black Veteran that has seen it all from a BDSM standpoint.)

For my wife, she was ****** into it by a former bf...white, greedy, and a so-called big shot. (A guy similar to this broke up my 1st marriage.) Like the cuckolds that perversely ********** this site, he corrupted sara, and physically/mentally abused her. Don't get me wrong...black men do this too. In fact, the person that assisted in the corruption was Black.

She was on the verge of suicide...when I met her. The person she met after him was ALMOST the same way. His negative outlook on life ended the relationship.

She agreed with me about how things changed...regarding the lifestyle.
I will add a correction...

I think that the 'Black superiority' has been hyped up...WAY TOO MUCH, if I will add. And the ideals of black sexual prowess, superiority, breeding preoccupation, and the mindless submissiveness of white females to the black power is nauseating...when it is an obsession, and at times ****** upon people. (This is surprisingly from a Black Veteran that has seen it all from a BDSM standpoint.)

Like the subtitle beneath my name...this is an obsession.

Malcom X may have had the same ideals...until he got arrested, and was approached by the Nation of Islam while in prison.

The point is...some obsessions can be kept under control.

Regarding sara and I...she only wants ME. We agreed not to pursue other couples in a sexual aspect. (She and I decided to attend church more, and it is something she loves.)

Before you look at me like a preacher...don't start the "Not worthy" skit. lol :bowdown:

Due to some people in the BDSM lifestyle pushing the "Black Superiority" issue, it got blown out of porportion. Expectations and yes, many myths were exaggerated. (Regarding Blacks, some myths were viewed as true.)

I got viewed as a "Bull" because of the physical stamina some Black men (NOTE: I said SOME) displayed.

Further, considering the black sexual prowess, superiority, breeding preoccupation, and the mindless submissiveness of white females to the black power cited here ad nauseum, why are whites still the majority?

I don't care about the majority of whites, vs. the majority of the blacks. No race should actually be superior...but this diatribe will keep going on, and on, and on. (Wars were fought over this issue to this day.)

Hey, be happy that you have a family...a wife (if you are married), or girlfriend, kids, (if you have 'em), and loving parents/friends...many of us had to go through life's trying BS - most times w/o any of the above mentioned items.

Hope I didn't bore you with my diatribe. lol
Glad that you aren't bored, Mac.

sorry that slydog was...(If he was. lol)

I was hoping to stir thoughtful "group" conversation regarding the original questions. One of my interests is in the way people THINK ... guess that's why I took a lot of sociology courses when I was in college. White/black people have a totally different value system about a lot of things. Personally, I'd prefer everyone to be equal, but there are extremists in both races that do not want that.
One of the most obvious differences to me is the concern over illegitimacy. I think it breeds poverty and crime, particularly with those already living on the boarderline of poverty. I recently had a black, female work associate (she is 41) who's teen daughter got pregnant while still in high school. Instead of going bonkers over her daughter being pregnant, she and others were planning baby showers and generally excited over it ... WHY? Don't black people realize a major cause of poverty and black crime is generated from unsupervised children ... those NOT raised to show respect and manners early in life?

I should have taken the sociology courses when I was stationed at Cherry Point, NC. (I took courses that would apply to my military occupation.) It came back to hurt me in college...OUCH!

There are extremists in ALL races, in some form or another. (I'll include religious extremist groups like Hamas and al Queda, to emphasize my point.) Many causes for wars in this stricken world...religion is one of the TOP TEN!

I'll tell you about a friend of mine, had a stellar military career, went on to Texas for his degree. He met a beautiful Black woman...got married, and had a child. Less than a year after the child was born, the mom slept around. During the divorce hearings, she accused him of infidelity, but that didn't matter...he learned that she was addicted to drugs.

Nevertheless, custody was awarded to her. Her family tried to hook me up with her, but I was into white women. (My turn-offs are people that do illegal drugs.) They tried to hook me up on dates, outings, etc. - and I refused. The clincher was when I hear she got pregnant, and blamed me. They tried to file a paternity lawsuit, and the judge just laughed at them.

To make a long story short, and bring your point to light: The kickbacks on the Income taxes is a meager motivator, and IF they were married to a rich Black male...they pull what Nick Lachey is pulling - Spousal Support. (In English, Alimony...:( ) Money is a major evil. (The love of hoarding it...that is.)

Nowadays, They want the money a successful Male is making...and they won't care if they were married to Johnny Gill, Shemar Moore, or Rick Fox. (He is crazy for divorcing Vanessa Williams, but they were adult...to a point.)

You looked at this issue the way my friend should have...the fairer sex can be a angel or devil in disguise. I'll close with a comment on a phrase made by Mike Epps in the movie, "Two can play that game." He said something about church women can also be whores. (I don't remember the exact quote, but I am correcting it: SOME church women...not all, can be whores. The almighty creator can see all.)

Again, I hope my comments won't cause a ruckus.
Damn...I forgot about that.

A lot of younger black guys refuse to use condoms and IN FACT are out to make young girls pregnant ... sort of a "Passage Into Manhood" ... bragging thing, I think.

That is a good point...and my wife said it best: Men should think more about parenthood before sticking a woman.

Alas...MOST men don't care - as you mentioned.

You look at black people that have gone on to get educations, etc before having their children, you see a successful segment of black people moving FORWARD in society and they're usually chastised as Uncle Toms for ACTING WHITE.

Though I don't always listen to Ice Cube...one point he made in one of his songs put some sense into my head:

"We've gotta teach our own. Send your baby to school...and she'll come back grown."

The seeds of regression are there, and I will thank members of my late family...deceased friends, etc. - You can agree that their sacrifices, blood, sweat, tears, etc. weren't in vain.

And if you say that there are those that still hold others back, you are right. Peer Pressure is a difficult factor to gauge.

Seems to me the black community would see the combinations of Illegitimacy and Low Income as a TRAP and start vocally preaching to lower the black illegitimacy rate down to something more acceptable ... certainly a 70% illegitimacy rate is way too high. Only Hispanics are higher ... at 76% and that's because once they have a baby in the United States, the mother gets to stay even if she is here illegally.

When I was growing up, they DID. But with a HUGE rate of illegitimacy, the things I learned are being ignored by this generation. I was taught to be courteous, (and being a former Marine, SOME habits are hard to maintain...but I do try.) I politely greet a woman, and they turn their noses in the air.

I lived in Austin for one year. (2004-2005) I saw firsthand your point about the 76% illegitimacy rate for the hispanic population.
> I politely greet a woman, and they turn their noses in the air.

could you elaborate on this ? thx.
simple elaboration...

I put it this way: FEW women don't say HI, when I say HI.

I open a door, SOME will say Thank you...or acknowledge.

I pardon myself when I bump into them, and get a slap in the face...or read the riot act. (In other words: They scream, and call me an :asshole: )

At least a few good examples...and I WON'T say EVERY woman does this. This happens everywhere...and depends on the person.

Stretcher74, You HAVE to agree that SOME women are rude. (If you don't, then the term 'whipped' is elaborated.)
lots of bitches are rude. I certianly won't deny that.

I was just asking whether or not the riot act response/freak out was something you encountered a lot.

As a white guy frankly I haven't & I'm sorry if you have.

I have a fairly dark skinned friend who was remarkably unsuccessful with women (MAFC - More than Average Frustrated Chump) and was for a time partly convinced it was his color.

My experience is more with being uncomfortable with talking to really good looking women. With the reality being once you work up the courage the response, even if a blow-off is never as bad as you imagined.

Being a successful person and not being content to remain awkward around the fairer sex ... I've read/studied a fair bit on this subject.

BlackDomLdog said:
I put it this way: FEW women don't say HI, when I say HI.

I open a door, SOME will say Thank you...or acknowledge.

I pardon myself when I bump into them, and get a slap in the face...or read the riot act. (In other words: They scream, and call me an :asshole: )

At least a few good examples...and I WON'T say EVERY woman does this. This happens everywhere...and depends on the person.

Stretcher74, You HAVE to agree that SOME women are rude. (If you don't, then the term 'whipped' is elaborated.)
Very good point...

And I have experienced my share of frustration.

I'll expect you to say: "You're a married man, now. Don't dwell on the past." lol

My wife said something so wise, even Lorena Bobbitt would ask for advice. "MOST women don't keep their priorities in check." :nutkick:

This was said before she met her first Black bf.

Enough dull humor...your point is correct, Most women are RUDE bitches.

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