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Two Nights Before My Wedding, Two Men


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Two Nights Before My Wedding, Two Men

by unknown and re-written by EroticWriter.

Note readers: I found the origins of this story with a different title on another site and found it to be hot enough to save. As I often do, I started re-writing if for fun to suit my tastes. In the end this story is much enhanced, made hotter and lengthened. I also changed the ending. I don't know the name of the original author, but as I have stated before, I never take credit for someone else's work. I either use my own material from actual memories, or take a joke I have heard and make a story out of it, or I create a story from scratch, or I do this.

As the eight men at two tables played poker, there was a lot of drinking and smoking going on. I can stand the drinking, but cigarette smoke does not agree with me. Fortunately Billy, my fiance does not smoke. If he did, Billy would not be my fiance.

They were playing in the den. This was Billy's first time to hold the games at his place. I played the perfect hostess for a while, bringing in drinks and chips and yes, even emptying ash trays. Then I would go into the living room and watch TV. I only knew three from this group, Billy and his best buds Adam and James. The other five were older men that Billy had invited from the bowling alley and I didn't know any of them.

Finally, around ten, I yawned visibly in front of Billy and said I was going off to bed. Billy looked to be pretty much under the weather himself so I asked him how much longer they planned to play. “We'll be quitting in a while but probably sit around and shoot the shit. You go ahead baby. I'll be up later.”

I knew that was bull. They would continue playing for hours.

“Goodnight.” I kissed him a long one in front of the other men, and one guy cracked up and yelled from the other table, “Hey Billy, sure you want to keep playing cards?”

All the men were still laughing as I went up the stairs. I was wearing a dress, but it fitted me tightly and did more to show off my curves than hide them. I could feel several pairs of eyes staring at my ass as I climbed, and I deliberately allowed it to sway a little. I knew that Billy would enjoy having those older men ogle me and be knowing that he was the one that would be marrying me.

I had taken a couple of drinks myself, and that plus the cigarette smoke kind of had me zonked out. I only took time enough in the bathroom to wash my face to get some of the cigarette smoke off and take a pee, then I pulled my dress over my head and threw it into a hamper to be washed tomorrow.

I guess in the process I pulled off my panties and only put the tops of my pajamas on. I didn't think to put on my bottoms I would learn later. I had not fucked Billy for several nights, telling him that I wanted to remain 'pure' for my wedding night. Actually, I had shaved my pussy and then decided that I wanted to surprise him with it on our wedding night..

Billy of course had complained and asked how I could remain ''pure' when we were now almost living together and had been fucking for three months. But I had remained firm and said “No more sex until our wedding night.” I had kissed him and softly said, “Isn't it worth waiting for?”

Billy of course had agreed, since I had a way of controlling him at times. My pubic hair had started to grow in already. Not much, but enough that I could feel the ends under my fingertips. So I had shaved it once again just today, and would probably have to shave once again on our wedding day.

Something woke me up. The noise of the party was still going on downstairs and I had dozed off to the sound of music and loud voices, but this noise had been soft and somehow had alerted me. I realized that the sound I had heard had been the bedroom door opening, because now, in the dark, I heard it close.

Someone was in the room. I could feel whoever it was. Then the light went on.

It was not my fiance. This man was one of the older ones I had seen downstairs earlier, but we had never been introduced. Early in the evening this same man had boldly walked up behind me in the kitchen and grabbed my ass. I had jumped away and said, “What's the matter with you, doing that? I don't even know you, and besides, I'm engaged.”

He had laughed and reached into the frig for another beer. “Sorry, I saw that great ass and couldn't resist.”

I had stormed out, but of course had said nothing about it to my fiance.

I didn't know how much time had passed since I had come upstairs, but now he was in my room. I was almost naked under the sheet and was not sure as how to get this man out of my room without maybe screaming or having to get up and ****** myself.

As I stared at him, trying to discourage him with a frown, he walked right over to my bed. I spoke with a loud whisper. “My fiance is dowstairs and is coming up any minute now. You had better get out!”

He laughed and said, “Your boyfriend is ********** *****. I made sure before I came up.”

He leaned down towards me and smiled. “Do you remember me? I'm that nasty man that grabbed your cute little ass.”

“Yes, I remember.” All of a sudden a flush went over my body as I realized how vulnerable I was, with a strange man next to my bed.

He pulled the sheet down slowly as I blushed bright red, knowing that I wasn't wearing any bottoms. I hurriedly crossed one leg over the other to hide my pussy as he gazed down at my half-bare body.

"I see you have been getting ready for me", he said in a cocky tone as he placed one hand on my left foot and uncrossed my legs. I could tell by the firm grip that fighting him would be stupid.

"It's not for you, I always sleep like this", I said defiantly.

"I was talking about your pussy, doll. Shaved nice and bare, just like I love them" He pulled my leg further over and open, revealing my inner secrets, and I felt my pussy tingling as he stared at it.

I thought about telling him that I had done that only for my future husband for our wedding night, in hopes that he might sympathize and change his mind, and then remembered that for most men that would only make them hornier. Stupid men and their competitive sexuality.

"Take the top off", he commanded.

I just looked at him, somewhat surprised at his harsh tone. That was a mistake. With one swift motion his hand raked down the front of my PJ top, buttons flying. My tits were ******* to him.

"Do not hesitate when I tell you to do something, do you understand?" I shook my head yes. It would be a lie if I said I didn't feel a bit of wetness between my legs. He was so authoritative about it. I was pissed off at myself for even thinking that. I sat up and peeled the tattered top the rest of the way off, naked for him now. I crossed my arms over my chest but only after he had a good look.

He stood up and took off his khacki's and socks. He had those tight briefs on that came down almost to the knee, and his bulge was clearly visible. I had another moment of panic.

"Can I use the bathroom?", I asked, my voice shaking. I was hoping to come up with some plan if I could just get away for a few minutes.

"No", he said plainly, and pulled his briefs down and then off his body. I couldn't help notice that he was hanging down big, considerably more so than Billy who I considered to be perhaps a spot below average based on what I had read and seen on the internet. I felt guilty for noticing this and comparing his size to Billy and tried pushing it back in my mind.

What I noticed even more prominently though was that he was uncircumcised. It was the first time I had seen one like that in real life. I watched a porn film with some girlfriends once that had a guy like that. For like a week after that I kept having these sex dreams about the guy in the movie. Something instinctual about it I guess.

He was getting harder, probably because like an idiot an idiot I was staring at how the skin was peeling back from his head as he grew. He looked to be huge now and it was scaring me. I looked away as he climbed between the sheets and started touching me. His hands moved over my bare skin as I looked at the far wall. He pulled my arms off of my bare chest and cupped my tits, the nipples rising.

“Fuck you have nice tits baby. Just big enough to almost fill my hands.”

He had big hands, I guess the size of a C cup, and I had full Bs. Regardless, he was taking advantage of the chance to cup them, and he went back and forth from one to the other, and my nipples were straining for his touch.

I don't know if it was the alcohol or what but fuck if this wasn't making me just a little horny. Still I wanted him out. I wanted to turn back time and lock the bedroom door so this jerk could have never come in here.

A wave of anger pulsed through me and hust as his hand left my breasts and started between my legs I spit in his face and just as quickly my hand came up hard across his cheek. He was stunned for about two seconds, then he ****** my legs open with his knees. I stared helplessly as he moved between my legs, and I saw that dripping cock of his swing back and forth as his legs moved into place. A split second later I felt the head of his cock on me.

I wanted to cry out that he was too big, that he would hurt me. Thankfully I was still a little moist because as he pushed into me, hard, there was a lot of friction, but he was able to do some sliding as well. There was just a bit of pain as he buried himself inside of me and I pushed futily against his chest.

Never, in all of my times with Billy had I felt so much in contact with a man. His body was bigger than Billy's, and his cock was so much bigger and it was now totally inside me, filling me, making my legs shake.

I was on the pill thankfully because he didn't even pause as he moved in and out of me, my helpless body taking his weight and his cock. This man, this person whose name I didn't even know was inside my personal space and inside me. He was against me from head to toe, and knowing me in a way that until now, only Billy had known. Except that he was knowing me more because he had more with which to explore me inside.

He was doing me hard and steady, grinding against my clit at each powerful thrust. So many thoughts were going through my mind I think I was more scared at this point that Billy would walk through the door. Even though I was praying for that just moments ago, now I was terrified that he would think I was cheating on him.

My mind was changing. Now I no longer wanted Billy to barge in, because I wanted this to keep going.

Yes, I know that Billy would have thought that I was cheating on him at that point if he had came in because now my legs were high and wrapped around this man, and if I could have reached it, I would have had my fingers digging into his ass. Instead my arms were around his shoulders, holding him tightly.

He really knew how to use that cock of his. But not once did he try to kiss me, not once, and I was missing that.

Even without the kissing it would be a lie to say I didn't cum. I had already done so, twice, and that was the first time I have ever had orgasms during sex. I had them, but always during oral or when I'm alone.

I had never climaxed with Billy inside me, and this man was making it happen. Was it his size? Was it his no-bullshit attitude? Was it the fact that he was forcing me? Could I really be enjoying getting used like this?

I had already cum twice. Two really intense orgasms and I was used up. But he kept pumping, and I was marveling at how long he could last. Billy never went this long. Maybe it was because this man had consumed some alcohol. Whatever it was, he kept pumping and my body kept responding with a will of its own as I felt my hips moving upwards with each shove downward of his cock.

“Liking it now, aren't you? I knew you were a hot little bitch!”

He knew he had me now, perhaps even owned me, because I was his, responding in ways that only a woman in need would do.

He kept talking dirty and I found it to be arousing me as I reached still another climax. “Cumming again are you? You are a hot little bitch with a tight and hot pussy that needs cock, lots of cock. I wonder if your little Billy boy is going to be able to keep you satisfied.”

Then he grabbed my left hand and using a couple of fingers, made my engagement ring roll around my finger. “Yes,” he said again as he continued to twirl my ring, “A hot little engaged soon to be a wife bitch that needs good fucking!”

So what did I do? I should have cussed him out, but instead I responded with still more upward shoves of my hips to meet his thrusts.

“Maybe after you've been married for a while you'll start looking around. We'll see.”

He was putting my fiance down. But I didn't care about that. This man was right. I had begun to wonder that myself. After my wedding will I be happy with Billy after having had this? Maybe I can train Billy to please me.

When I felt his body stiffen and felt his cock enlarge as I felt it throbbing and his load shooting inside of me, I came again even harder. Four times I had climaxed! Four times.

I don't know how loud I had been, but thank goodness, apparently Billy was so sound asleep that he wasn't hearing it. I wondered about some of those other guys. Do they know?

I had orgasmed it seemed almost continously, and this man hadn’t even kissed me, not once. I had wanted to hide my pleasure, my orgasms from this man who in effect, had been ****** me. But it is pretty hard to hide your pleasure when you are making moaning sounds loud enough to be heard in the next county.

He left a few minutes later, leaving me lying there filled with his cum and exhausted. As he had been getting his trousers back on, I had just laid there looking up at him with my legs spread, and he was grinning down at all the damage he had done.

His last words to me had been in the form of a question: So this is your fiance's place? When's the wedding?”

“Yes, this is my fiance's place, and the wedding is this coming Saturday.”

He laughed. “That gives you just two days to get all rested up.” And then he walked out, leaving the light burning. I was too tired to get up and turn it off.

I didn’t know who he was, I didn’t know who he would talk to, if any. I hoped that Billy really was ***** and asleep downstairs as the man had claimed. If so, maybe he wouldn't hear anything this man might say to his buddies. I was hoping that Billy's buddies had already left and were ******* of this man having come up the stairs.

I was still lying there, maybe I had dozed off, when I opened my eyes. I didn't remember the first guy turning off the light when he left, so maybe it had been left on. Then I remembered, yes, he had left it on.

Now there was another man there. He was standing at the foot of the bed. I could see him, and he could see me. I realized that I had gone back to sleep and had left the covers off.

Strangely, I didn't react even though he was seeing me naked. Instead, I just laid quietly and looked up at him. Like the man before had been, this man was older than the group Billy usually hung with was. He was maybe 30 to 35, naked with a slim body, and he was looking down at me and had his prick in his hand.

It was dripping and had a long string of pre-cum hanging from the tip. He might have been looking at my naked body and jacking it, I don't know, but it was hard. It too was larger than my fiance's cock, but not so large as the man who had just left me here.

He had quit stroking, but as he realized that I was still allowing him to look at my nakedness, he started again. As he was slowly jerking off his cock, he happened to change the positioning of his hand and I saw that his testicles looked to be quite large, larger than the set on the man who had just left.

I was already filled with cum, and if this guy had his way, I would be overflowing.

I was just too tired to move and as I just laid there all spread out, he grinned and said, “You don't have to worry. I'm the only one that knows what you did. My buddy told me to come up just before he left.”

“Do you know who I am?” My voice was surprisingly, calm, considering what I knew was about to happen.

“No. Not your name. He said that your fiance' is the guy ********** on the couch, but I don't know him personally.”

“Did he, did my fiance' look like he is going to keep sleeping?”

“Yeah, I'd say he is good for the night the way he looked. He won't be coming up anytime soon.”

I looked him in the eyes. “You won't say a word, to anyone. You promise?”

That told him all he needed to know. I was willing to be fucked. As he crawled on the bed, I opened my legs wider to him. “You don't have anything to worry about, baby. I won't say a word.”

He took his time. Kissing me around the ear and feeling my breasts and, I suspected, not fingering my vagina because he had probably been told it was full of cum. He lingered over me long enough for me to feel the heat from his body near mine, and that included the heat that seemed to be radiating from the head of his cock as I felt it touch me at the entrance to my vagina and then linger.

He pushed, but slowly.

“Fuck. Feels like Fred left quite a load.” He was inside me now, having slipped in rather easily, and I could feel him, but the fit felt kind of loose compared to my last man, I guess whose name had been Fred. The feel of a loose fit was probably because I was so wet inside. Although he was not quite as thick as Fred, he was definitely larger than Billy.

“I'm sorry I'm so wet. I didn't get up, afterward, after Fred. I was too tired.”

He snickered. “Fred did say that you two had quite a wild fucking spree.”

I was honest. “We did. He was pushy and caught me in a weak moment. To be honest, I don't know if I have anything left for you.”

“Maybe. We'll see.”

He was, at the moment, staying high above me. His penis was buried but he was taking advantage of the opportunity to caress and squeeze my breasts, and my nipples were responding to his touch. I knew that this fuck might end up being different than the last one though because this man was looking into my eyes and smiling down at me. For the moment he had not as yet began to pump.

For some reason I wanted him to know that I was not 'easy,' that I was not a slut. “Just so you'll know, you're only the third man to ever be inside me.”

'Fred was the second, just tonight?”


“And when are you getting married? Fred said you are engaged.” He looked at my left hand. “I can see your ring.”

“This Saturday. The wedding's Saturday.”

“Looks like you are having a night to remember, just before your wedding.”

He had started to pump now, slow and easy and with long strokes. “Yes,” I sighed, “I think I definitely will be remembering this.”

I saw a frown sort of appear on his face. “I'm sort of curious. Since you are engaged and you have had your second and now are getting your third guy ever just tonight, how do we all measure up?”

I knew what he meant. “Does it matter? You feel just fine.”

“Normally it wouldn't matter, except for the circumstances. You are getting married, and just tonight you are being fucked by two strange men. So it...I'd like to know what we three men are, were giving you and how it is affecting your thinking just before your wedding.”

“You're in the middle.”

“In the middle? What do you...”

I knew what he was going to say and cut him off. “I meant that my fiance is the smallest, Fred was the largest, and you are in the middle.”

He giggled. “Any preference?”

It was my turn to giggle. “First you have to show me what you can do.”

“It will by my pleasure baby, my pleasure, and hopefully, yours.”

I knew, would have bet on it, that he would sooner or later end up kissing me. Then, after getting good feels of both breasts while he continued to pump, he laid his body, most of his weight but not all, onto me.

Fred I had permitted to fuck me with some reluctance on my part. But I was wanting to particiapate and cum with this man. Again I asked. “You won't say anything? You promise?” My arms had gone around him now, and my legs were coming up.

“No baby, not a word. Of course,” he added grinning down at me, “You have to make it a good fuck.”

I made it a good fuck, and one reason is because, as I had hoped, he started kissing me. He knew how to use that tongue and those lips, just like my previous lover had used his cock, skillfully.

We fucked, and it was good, every inch of him, every moment of our togetherness. I suppose one reason this new guy was able to last so long is because I was so wet from previously deposited cum within. Regardless, I was glad he was lasting, because I was responding.

I was moaning now, and strangely, the fit seemed to be getting tighter between us. Maybe I was adjusting to his size, or maybe the pumping was squeezing out all of that cum, but now we seemed to be fitting perfectly, just like it had felt with Fred.

“Fuck baby you feel good. I love the way you move that tight ass of yours.”

I wanted to build up his ego. I had told him that his cock was smaller than Fred's and I knew how men are with their ego. “Your cock feels about as big as Fred did now. I like it.”

He responded with some harder pumps and I responded with my ass.

I had decided that what the hell, I had already been fucked by one stranger, so why not two? This was my chance to see what it was like with other men before I was committed by my wedding vowels. One last chance to enjoy, to cum, and yes I came with this man too, but just once. But it was a good one.

He had been lasting a long time, and so was I. Now he was cumming with me, and we were kissing. I put my very heart and soul into this orgasm, and it was probably as good, maybe better, than the ones I had enjoyed with the previous man.

Size wasn't everything, I had learned. There still needs to be a desire there.

He stayed on me afterward, for several minutes, and we kissed as his softening cock drained into me. I didn't owe him anything, but still I said it.

“That was good. Thank you.” Yes, I thanked him.

“I know it was. As soon as our eyes met, I knew we would be together as one.”

“Yes. We were. But...I don't want to know your name, or where you live, and I won't meet you anywhere. Just this one time, is that alright?”

“That's all I expected baby. One time, and it was even better than I expected. And I thank you too.”

“I want it again.” I don't know where the sudden energy had came from, but I wanted more of this man.

“Really? Then maybe you have a...preference between the three of us?

”Let's leave my fiance out of it. Between you and Fred, yes. I prefer you.”

“Even though Fred was larger? Just out of curiousity, in what way was he larger?

“He was thicker than you, but I don't think he was any longer. He was just a little bit thicker.”

“Did his thicker feel better than my cock does?”

“At first it sort of hurt. Then it did, felt good after I made my adjustment to his size. When you first went into me, you felt smaller, or maybe I should say the fit was not as tight. But I think it might have been his cum making me so wet inside. Once you and I got going, you felt really good.”

“How about technique? Who was best at making the moves?”

“You are. Fred was good, but his fucking was sort of...'mechanical.' He knew how to use what he had, but he never put any real feeling into it.”

“Feeling? You mean as in mental?

“Yes. Mental for sure. Fred never even kissed me. He just used my body. You and I seem to be linked together with our eyes, our mouths, our genitals, even our minds.”

“I sensed that. When I was looking down at you just lying here, before you opened your eyes and looked up at me, I sensed that we would be good together. To be honest, I was just going to jack off and admire your body and cum since you were sleeping and I didn't know how you would react to me coming in the room.

Then when you woke up and looked at me, I knew it would be alright. Now, do you still want it again?”

He had asked, but he already knew what my answer would be. “Yes, if you can manage...”

“Oh baby I can manage!”

We fucked. He used that cock on me like there was no tomorrow, and I think he hit me just about everywhere possible inside with that magic prick of his. But perhaps more importantly, he was fucking me with his mind.

We fucked for what seemed like hours but I am sure was only several minutes more. But he had already orgasmed once into me, and now he had staying power, and he was staying...inside me.

“Let me know when you want to cum again and I'l speed up, do it harder, or anyway you want.”

I giggled. “Anyway you want is fine with me. I'm in tune with you. When you get ready to cum, let me know and I'll join in for the fun.”

We were that good together. So well joined, so compatible, that it was probably the perfect fuck. If he wanted to cum, I knew that I could cum with him, and do so easily. All the while the kissing was going on I think that I was in love with this stranger, and I think, I hope, that he was in love with me too.

A simultaneous orgasm is hard to achieve, they say, with many couples. We had no problem in our coupling, as this fuck, just like the last, had us cumming together.

Finally, when I could no longer feel him stretching me, he slid out and up and off of me. Again, as before, I continued to lie there with my legs spread as my newest lover stared down at me as his pants went on.

“No one else. You promise?” I was looking up at him with eyes that were pleading.

“I already made that promise, remember?”

“Yes.” I gave him my biggest smile as he turned to leave.

This time, taking no chances, I got up and headed for the toilet. I had lots of cum to drain, two men's worth, and I didn't want to be caught in bed again by anyone else. But no one came in. I didn't even bother to go downstairs and check on Billy.

I did, however, take a look at the bed I had been lying on. As both men had fucked me, I had been lying on the same part of the bed, the same sheet, and that sheet, I could now see, was soaked with cum, probably from me as well as the two men who had given their share.

I didn't even bother to pull the sheet. I could do that tomorrow. When I climbed back into bed I got in on the other side, Billy's side. If Billy happened to come upstairs during the night, he could sleep on the wet spot. I figured that what had happened to me was just as much his fault as mine.

Well, I guess Billy never came up and found the wet spot, because the wedding is today and after doing a fresh shave on my pussy I decided that I just had to get this out on paper. I didn't tell Billy what happened and risk ruining the wedding.

The wedding night went as planned for me, or maybe I should say as hoped. Billy loved seeing my shaved snatch 'just for him' and we fucked twice. Billy did not seem to notice any change in my pussy but I was very aware of the difference between his cock and Fred and that other loving guy, name still unknown.

I still didn't cum with Billy. I have my hopes that it will happen sooneer or later, and hopefully sooner.

Know what happened at the wedding? That damned Fred showed up. I didn't notice him at the ceremony but there he was at the reception. He even managed to get in line and kiss the bride. I had to pull away lest the kiss appear to be too long to anyone watching.

And Fred was watching when my garter was pulled off and tossed. He had positioned himself to where he could be looking up my wedding dress at the time. I think he tried to get close enough to talk to me but I managed to avoid him. I know he is still out there, and waiting his chance.

Billy and I are settled in now and I have completed my move to his place. He wants to keep going to the bowling games and poker nights. I said that would be alright with me. Then Billy asked if he could still hold some games at our place. I hesitated, then reluctantly told him I don't mind as long as it is not a weekly thing. Once or twice a month, I told him.

I had acted reluctant. But maybe I can put up with some more poker nights. We'll see...
Great story! Thanks for posting it.
Thanks for the compliment. Keep a watch out for future stories I have in my head but just haven't had time to write. Currently two stories in my head, the continuation of CAN BLACK COCK SAVE THE EARTH? These stories will be titled the same, with YEAR TWO and then YEAR THREE at the end.
It was a good story. I liked it as I have several of your stories. Keep it up Erotic.
Very nice story. Would like to see Part 2 where wife is no longer satisfied with husband after Fred and all she can think about is how he felt. Major size queen. Throw Fred's black friend into it too.

If you want to read about the wife taking bigger, check out My Boss, My Cum Dump Wife, And Her Girlfriend.
awesome...... i can not wait for more from you

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