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  1. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    I just published Chapter 9!Enjoy, all you fellow pervs! :)
  2. H

    Alphia Corporation | Alphia Corporation - Chapter 9

    Carrie had had a long day Monday and Sam got up quietly early Tuesday, trying not to wake his sleeping wife. He was rewarded with a happy wriggle and a sleepy murmur when he kissed her blonde head.The sound of the shower starting only barely registered to Carrie, still lingering at the edges...
  3. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    Nah. That is for the reader's imagination. I have images in my head, but the reader owns the story, not the author. That's why movies made from books oftentimes make the reading of the book again later much less fun.
  4. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    Yeah. Me too. That was fun to write. Not her first. Not her last.What’s funny about this and other art forms is it takes months to produce and minutes to consume. :(
  5. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    I have just added Chapter 8. Enjoy!In real life I am more Borges than Sam. I do travel for work ... would be a delight to meet a fan ... and have his wife. Reach out to talk, maybe?:)
  6. H

    Alphia Corporation | Alphia Corporation - Chapter 8

    The car slowed to a gentle stop in front of the fancy high rise building. Carrie caught motion out of her eye through the smoky windows and then the door was opened.Two doormen in uniforms stepped forward, ready to take luggage or to lend a hand as needed. The door opened for her, and she...
  7. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    Thank you!I can assure you, absolutely promise you, that it gets better.
  8. H

    Alphia Corporation | Alphia Corporation - Chapter 7

    Peering into the open door, aware of the men on either side of her and of Sam's eyes on her from the window of the house, Carrie saw immediately that there were four cream colored leather seats in the back of the car, two on each side facing each other. She paused for a moment, confused as to...
  9. H

    Male admin. Female teachers?Tell me more.

    Male admin. Female teachers?Tell me more.
  10. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    Can you explain that further?There is a sex club at a school district? Sounds like I need to start a new side story in my Alphia universe!
  11. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    A lot more. This is a novel.It’s not complete yet but there is plenty more beyond chapter 6.I got chapter 7 back from an editor and am reviewing and finalizing. This week, probably, look for publishing here.
  12. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    Oh, I don't know about that ... I am sure there are pockets of people in corporations that play this way, but an entire company? Doubtful. But one can dream!
  13. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    I just uploaded Chapter 6. It is really hot.
  14. H

    Alphia Corporation | Alphia Corporation - Chapter 6

    Sam wheeled his new Audi S8 into the underground parking garage and waved at the attendant who lifted the gate to the executive parking area for him. Not for the first time did he wonder at the precise handling of the car. It felt so solid and strong, but it still turned and handled so smoothly...
  15. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    This weekend. I am uploading chapter 5 this weekend.Chapter 6 will be several parts. I will start uploading that soonish after chapter 5 is up.
  16. H

    Show me Yours wife ass pics

    Oh I love it!Thank you!
  17. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    Oh yes. Don’t worry. Much more.
  18. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    There is PLENTY more. Watch this space ...
  19. H

    Comment by 'Hogwash' in the story 'Alphia Corporation'

    Definitely going to happen, but not for a while yet. Stand by ...