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911 theories debate

  • Thread starterPooch
  • Start date
if you want to think conspiracy you can find things to bolster your arguement, right or wrong. bottom line is that there are americans that hate this country, dont know why, but they do. and they will do anything to discredit the govt.
i see that hate america first group is alive and well
This says it all!

This says it all!


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Blind patriotism

The kind of patriotism that stops one from thinking isn't patriotism at all - just as doing dumb things in it's name isn't patriotism too. BUT what ever your take on the situation the extremists - the fundamentalists are there and no one's making Sharia Law up except a lot of Muslims abroad and a few at home. Now whether one chose to believe governments wouldn't manipulate the masses into moving the fight to a lethal level or not the lethal nature is / was there.

Remember those dummies that drove round in a car - one shooting from inside the trunk - remember how many copy cats carried out the same sniping in different places after these two had started.

It's an interesting thread and one worth reading here when you can make the time between porn

I whole heartedly accept and agree with everything in your first paragraph. You did see some arrogance in parts of what I wrote. The people here don’t deserve my venom no matter how confounded and frustrated I may feel at what I consider to be ridiculously inane “suggestions”, such as the “move to another country” comments. This is not a 911 board and I am out clearly of place if I inadvertently try to steer it towards becoming one. Your point was very well made and equally well received.

I really don’t want to upset anyone. I just want people to start thinking. I’m astounded by the inconstancies we humans all have within our own thoughts and beliefs (mine included), not to mention the lack of true critical thinking so many of us too frequently display. I can write much of it off to education and upbringing; the beliefs we were raised with, no matter how inconsistent, are ingrained at such an early age they are difficult if not impossible to shake. I guess since I come here often, mostly lurking, I was hoping to discover a refuge of what at least on some level are surely open minded people who must know what it is like to be viewed as having different / odd beliefs, desires, etc. After all, this is a board where white women and men of all races come together with a common goal, one mainstream society would regard as “way out there”; that common goal being to ensure as many white women become as thoroughly fucked by as many big, aggressive black men as possible, which by the way sounds good to me. 

I’m not sure I follow your reference to Pooch, “… Concrete evidence is king even if it's fabricated (I think I get that part). Hope I haven't misinterpreted you, Pooch. As for the steam rolling, those guys are pretty much bullet proof.” (but I’m not sure I follow this).

Concerning your thoughts about the Pentagon and demolition charges in the towers, etc, regardless of how good a communicator you believe I may be (thank you for the compliment(s) by the way), I cannot begin to express how utterly overjoyed I am to discover that you are thinking of ways to explain the anomalies in the official story. On those points I can give you this to ponder:

1) Regarding the demolition charges in the towers, whoever the terrorists are, they probably needed days to set the charges. Consider the following which is only in regard to tower 7. The official story regarding tower 7 has changed several times. I believe the original official explanation was that it collapsed due to a generator in the basement exploding. For obvious reasons that story needed a facelift, and I believe the latest “official” story is that it was deliberately demolished by the fire department due to incidental structural damage resulting from the collapse of other two towers and that it was unsafe so needed to be demolished “immediately”. About a year ago at a “town hall” sort of meeting Senator Kerry even publicly referred to this “demolition” version, so its “official” somewhere. There was an interesting video interview of a German (I believe) “hands-on” demolition expert. The interview was conducted to get a sense of the plausibility of the official story; that on such short of notice a building of that size could be properly demolished by experts. The person being interviewed didn’t know the interviewer was describing the events of 911, specifically tower 7, the “unknown” tower which held the NY FBI offices and was the city’s “command center”. As I recall he was told something about the scope / parameters of the job and some other details I don’t recall. He was then asked what it would take for him to do the job, how long from first notification, what would be involved, etc. I think he replied it would take something on the order of several days to set it up, maybe 24 hours or something if he had unlimited resources, really hurried, and there were no complications (like doing it on ground zero in the middle of a “terrorist attack”). I forget his exact response but his numbers were something to that effect. Finally he was told this was an actual event (but not that it was 911) and told the amount of time it actually took from the initial go-ahead to the building coming down (i.e. the maximum time that would have been available under the official story, that is the time from the first towers being struck to when tower 7 eventually came down, around 1730 local, NY). His face went into complete disbelief when he was told it took approximately 5 hours, he said “Really?”. He seemed to accept this timeframe as being the truth, and his next comment was “they were very busy!”. Regarding the two aircraft we all saw strike the two twin towers, in all likelihood they were remote controlled. The AF has had this capability for quite some time now. There was a live report the day of 911 from an on the scene reporter who saw the second aircraft strike at close range. This was obviously long before anyone was “assembling” a conspiracy theory. He said the aircraft definitely was not a civilian airliner, at least not like one he had ever seen. He reported it was gray, windowless with a blue logo of some kind on it and looked to him like some sort of military cargo plane. That report, among countless other live reports given that day, were never publicly aired again.

2) Regarding your “patriotically barbaric” thoughts on the Pentagon (LOL, I think I love you  ). I’m not aware of any hand held / jeep mounted missile system capable of that kind of penetration, that’s not to say there isn’t one. There is, however, photographic evidence of a small, 3 foot diameter turbine section from a jet engine, identifiable canopy parts and about an 8 foot section of some fuselage skin at the site immediately following the strike. These parts have been studied by aviation buffs and their consensus is that the parts in the photos would be most consistent with an older vintage fighter aircraft. The theory here being such a jet, equipped with an on board missile capable of delivering the observed damage, was flown by remote control into the Pentagon, the missile being fired just before impact. This type jet would be capable of this sort of precision, where a marginally skilled hijacker flown Boeing 757 would not. Are you aware that even according to the official story the “hijacked airliner”, rather that fly straight in from its inbound flight path to DC, made a 270 degree turn to strike the only section of the Pentagon that was conveniently under construction at the time and virtually empty of staff? Some people were there and near by, but relatively speaking by Pentagon standards the area struck was virtually empty.

3) To round out the attacks as I see them I’ll offer this regarding the Pennsylvania site for your consideration. There is absolutely no photographic evidence of any aircraft parts whatsoever at the PA site. The first responding, local, on scene coroner is on record as stating this is the first and only aircraft crash site he as responded to at which he could not find even a single drop of blood, much less actual bits of human flesh etc. Shortly after his arrival he was “excused” from the site by federal authorities. Local residents reported to the local media having seen a small fighter aircraft and a single cargo aircraft (C-130-ish) flying in the immediate vicinity at tree top level and shortly after these aircraft disappeared over the trees they heard a huge explosion. Given these accounts and the evidence available, the theory is that a fighter aircraft delivered and air to ground weapon at the site to create the very “un-aircraft-like” crash crater and was followed by a cargo aircraft that simply dumped miscellaneous debris to look like parts of “something”. Amazingly though none of the debris included animal flesh of any kind, nor aircraft parts of any kind. An incredible oversight in my opinion for anyone trying to pull this off, but it is what it is.

That’s the Reader’s Digest version of what I have found. Since you seem to be giving this some thought, and find the Pentagon damage more missile than aircraft-like, and obviously have some good ideas of your own I thought I’d pass this along for your added consideration. I’ve come across compelling information regarding many other aspects of this as well; such as the gag order on the local FAA and NYC police and fire departments, what may have happened to the passengers, how many real passenger aircraft were actually involved, etc. I’ll let anyone who is interested dig around the internet, etc for more if they feel so inclined.

Thanks for your interest Billy-Ray and “stepping up”.
Jes and his "hate america" group, whoever they are.


I suppose you are right Jes, there are those who would do anything to discredit the government. But since anything covers a lot of ground, there are probably extremely few who would actually do “anything”. That being the case, I’m not very clear regarding the point you are attempting to make, assuming you have one. But whatever point or pointlessness you were expressing, I know you weren’t referring to me, especially when you mentioned the “hate america first” group being alive and well. It’s just that the way you wrote it one could easily get the impression you were referring to me. For you to render such an interpretation of me from what I’ve written would have to mean you are largely illiterate. I doubt you think of yourself as being illiterate since you were able to post here all by yourself, so surely then you weren’t referring to me. So you and I are good then, right? By the way, America should always be capitalized if you intend to convey the appropriate respect, which I think may have been your point in the first place, meaning you respect America more than others. But I want to be clear so as to avoid any misunderstanding; your elementary grammatical oversight doesn’t mean I think you are largely illiterate … just in case you were wondering.
he is a ..........................lol
Mino that is LMAO
You didn't have to see the aircraft at long range to know it was a commercial aircraft. My husband and several other business associates saw the second one from across the river and knew it was a commercial aircraft. Literally dozens of camera angles showed it was a commercial aircraft. Any moron could see live on TV that they were commercial aircraft.
Your 'explanation' of the Pennsylvia crash is great fiction except for one thing.....WHY? If they already faked the twin towers and the Pentagon. Why bother faking a plane crash in Pa.? Makes no sense at all. ANd recreation after recreation have shown why the impact was as pictured at the Pentagon. Of course, you've chosen not to accept that.

The same holds true for tower 7. Why? What was gained be this 'faked' demolition of tower 7? The FBI offices and the city emergency services were already not functioning so why demolish it?

In addition, your questionable analysis of the twin towers collapse indicate you saw explosions in the lower areas ?? Have you not studied the architecture of the building. Simulations of how it occured? Or do you get all your info from a website? You choose to believe the whackos, go for it.

Regarding the Pentagon, why would they use a missile there and remote controlled aircraft at the towers. Again, the question, why?

Never mind the factual errors in your reaasoning, but deductively you can't show logic or motive for Pa., the Pentagon use of a missile instead of a plane, or tower 7. All the radar readings were all faked simultaneously? All the eyewitnesses were wrong? You really think our government is that efficient,lol. They couldn't even cover up Bush's Iraq lies for 2 years,lol. Frankly, your theories have so many holes you could fly a 737 through them via remote control.

I personally knew 2 people that died in the towers very well, and have a fireman friend engulfed in a cancer battle that is a result of being there when it happened. While loonies like you are off chasing crackpot theories, people are dying without the support of so-called concerned citizens like you AND our government, from war vets to 9/11 vets to uninsured Americans.

Get your fucking priorities in order if you want to change how America acts. Deal with real issues that affect us all instead of ones that satisfy your need for fantasy and paranoiac delusions.

My son has served in Afghanistan and is going to Iraq in Feb. I don't support either war and never have. He may think he's fighting for the values of America amd the right to speak freely, I don't agree. I think he's fighting for George Bush and oil interests. Your quest to find a domestic demon for 9/11 is not only incorrect but it's pointless. Even if by some incredible chance, you were right, SO WHAT? What will it change? Did finding out Bush and company lied about Iraq change anything? You're just a meaningless distraction from the bigger issues, right or wrong.

Meanwhile, this is my only post on this subject. I've personally read all these theories before, researched them and discarded them as being unsupported, illogical and sometimes just based on plain bullshit. As one who lost people there and have a personal interest, I felt it was my responsibility. I'm not going to argue ad nauseum with someone that denies logic and creates falsehoods to support a theory. I've had my say. Thank you.
LOL is good, anyway you do it.


Would you mind expanding your thoughts a bit more? I'm not sure if you're laughing with me or at me. Either way is fine, it's just that I'm the sort of fool that likes a little clarity when I can get it. If you haven't noticed, I'm not too bright and need a little help (from those generous enough to provide it) when it comes to understanding some people now and then.

By the way, I checked your Bio. What sort of motorcycling do you do? I love bikes, they are all that keep me sane. I know that may not be saying much but it's the best I've been able to muster in this great big world.
Plese don't tell me you ride Harley's. I'd have to throw ours out.
One thing - if the buildings did fall quicker than gravity / falling objects then that really would be astounding, any one heard of this?
mino i do not want to continue this post, for I have said everything i need too in response to youre posts, and you didnt bring anything new in the last short stories you wrote about the topic. I am tolerant and proved it by opening this post, and requesting you to give youre views, and I responded always in a respectful way. I never belittled anything you said, not once. At same time, I dont see one person agreeing with you here btw.

Sarcasm I did offer, but I only 'suggested' that someone with such negative views about the US ought consider another country. that is a far cry from saying somehting to the effect (ok people this is for effect only) of Mino "you are a traitor, get the F out of the USA, and go live in Commy China, you friggin Al Qaida simpathizer"
More 911 Fun

Swipe, yes the buildings collapses have been clocked at near free fall speeds, according to engineers this would not be possible under any theory based on them collapsing solely as a result of aircraft impacts, but is perfectly consistent with controlled demolitions.

Pooch, being with the crowd and the “popular” view holds little if any interest to me. Knowing what I’m talking about does. I may have over reacted to your poorly chosen comments, if so I apologize. Only you know what was in your heart when you made them.

RoSquirts, I’m sorry but you have too many “why’s” for me to even attempt to shed some light on those questions if you haven’t followed what I’ve already laid out. I’m very sorry to hear you have a son involved in this utterly misguided / misrepresented war. Essentially I agree with you about what your son is really fighting for. You and I simply have a different grasp of what lies beyond / behind Bush and those Bush serves. I completely empathize with your general sense of helplessness, I think most of the country does regardless of their views on 911. The reason I am hot about 911 is that those “bigger issues” you refer to have a way of being swept under the table as you accurately noted. I’m coming to the opinion that the only way to stop all that is creating these “bigger issues” in the first place and then causing them to go unchecked is something as drastic as the American public waking up to the real truth about 911. I may very well be wrong about this approach and be as you say nothing but a meaningless distraction. Frankly, I have serious doubts that the American public has the intelligence and will to do what I would like to see happen, so I agree the likelihood is that your assessment is correct in the big scheme of things. But you and I are in the same boat in that we both have little or no impact on the big scheme of things. For me, if I only reach one mind and help it to open it will have been worth the effort to me. You will have to find for yourself what is worth it to you. I fully appreciate that you may decide conversing with me is simply not worth your time or effort. There is one more thing I completely agreed with you about when you said, “I'm not going to argue ad nauseam with someone that denies logic and creates (rather insert accepts) falsehoods … “, but I do appreciate you taking the time to write, thank you. At least you didn’t suggest I leave the country and on this forum that is something that deserves respect.

I’m sorry to hear you find my thoughts to be such an abomination that it would cause you to give up your precious, name dropping, Harleys. Clearly, meaningless as it was, that was meant as an insult but that’s ok, its how you feel and I do sincerely respect your point of view. Here’s the good news, you can keep your Harleys, I gave all mine up years ago. For one thing they generate far too many pretender “wanna-bee” bikers, not that that is a real problem, everybody has a right to their own form of fun. The real problem was they are not quite enough of a product (yes that was my meaningless dig). My prayers will be with your son and I would hope as his father you have enough of his respect that you can talk some sense into him. Bless you and good luck.
Correction to RoSquirts

My apologies, I thought I was responding to the father. I just reviewed your post and realize I was in fact replying to the soldier’s mother. I’m sorry for the error.
Ok this is enough of this on this site Mino either add to the site of something that it is intended for or take a hike we don't need a professor preaching to us here. This is the negative shit I will not stand for on this site.
Hurrah! My final post and a “NEWSFLASH” for the morbidly curious.

OK Muleman, I will happily comply with your “request” to knock it off unless specifically and clearly invited to say something. I take it back, I’ll knock it off period, I too have had enough. I’m not sure why exercising your option to simply “change the channel” and not read what you already know you don’t want to read won’t work for you, but no matter. Maybe it’s a bit like a car wreck, for some morbid reason we just have to look. Regardless, I expect you are done looking now and I’m done with the frank, preaching, professor act you are unable to tolerate. You may not believe me but I feel your pain and am sorry if I caused too much of it, both for you and any others feeling the same. I ask that in exchange for readily honoring your perfectly valid request in giving you my silence on this you forgive one last post. The tone is not serious, it’s meant to be humor so I hope you can grant me this. Sorry, I couldn’t get on line and wrote it while waiting for my connection to return, otherwise I wouldn’t bother. I just can’t waste it, you know it’s like when you get really, really hard and just have to squirt. Like when a really hot white wife is dressed in heels, nylons and that sheer, wispy nothing for a top and she is absolutely in love with your cock, so much so that she is making a complete slut of herself in front of her pussy husband who just sits there while she worships your hot, throbbing, over sized cock. You know that feeling you get when you’re just about to unload all over the slut’s face and you know she won’t clean it off, but wears it home with hubby and makes him clean it off for her? You know, it’s kind of like that. There, I found a way to contribute. I hope that buys enough of your grace for this last tidbit.

I sincerely hope that despite the frustrations many of us have over world affairs, and any that I may have added, that there are no hard feelings. I have none. That said, please change the channel or risk this last post. I expect I sound as ridiculous to some of you as the CEO below sounds to me. Life is funny isn’t, is it a picture of a pretty girl or an old lady, two people about to kiss or a vase? Difficult to say sometimes.

AP Wire - This just in.

A start up company called “Anomaly” is going public tomorrow. Shares of Anomaly will be selling on the NASDAQ under the ticker TADA. Founder and CEO of the new company Dick M. Asse, affectionately called “Big” by his friends, says he expects trading to go wild at the open with shares of TADA selling like hotcakes, at least in America.

The new company is founded on a revolutionary discovery, overlooked in the aftermath of 911, until now that is. D. M. Asse says he got the idea for his new company from casually talking with friends, reading a couple of stories and looking at pictures he happened to see relating to the public debate over 911 and the surrounding conspiracy theories. “One day the light just went on” exclaims Mr. Asse. “My buddy Joe and I were sitting around one night, it started out just like most evenings, having a few beers too many if you know what I mean”, says Mr. Asse laughing with a boy’s impish charm. “We were talking the usual horseshit, like could Superman take Batman and stuff like that, when all of a sudden like it dawns on me, you know. Those engineer guys with all their fancy education, degrees and such are just a bunch of morons. The collapse of the twin towers on 911 once and for all proved you don’t need all that so called ‘science and engineering’ nonsense to make really complex structures like skyscrapers and stuff fall down in a perfectly controlled fashion, you know so that they fall all nice-like into their own footprint” he continues. “All you gotta do is have some kind of explosion near the top of the building that is big enough to take out maybe 10-15 percent of its cross section. You know, Joe and I didn’t even know what ‘cross section’ meant until we got busy studying on this” he embarrassedly admits with a chuckle. “Hell, 911 proved the blast doesn’t even need to be placed in the center or even be symmetrical in any way. Even I would have thought it would need to be perfectly in the center on practically every sort of building, you know, so it would fall straight down and not topple towards the side having all the damage … no matter how it was constructed. But, if a randomly placed explosion can neatly bring down one tower, and then be repeated with the same results like it did on 911, that’s good enough for me” he confidently exclaims. “But just to be sure, we’re going to place the charges as close to the center as we can”, he quickly adds with only the slightest hint of a disquieting unease.

When asked how he came up with the TADA ticker symbol Mr. Asse replied, “I wanted something that captured the feeling I had that very first moment I came up the idea, but something with my name all over it that included my family as well. I have a big family, seven kids and the little woman of course, that makes nine of us in all. Somehow I just came up with ‘TADA’. If you say it Ta-Da, you know like ‘Ta-Da I just did something wonderful’ it totally captures that eureka moment feeling I had. I decided TADA would stand for ‘The Asse-nine Demolition Anomaly’, so now that’s the official name of the company. I just know the name is a really good fit somehow”.

The revolutionary new technique Anomaly will be using to conduct controlled demolitions is expected to cut demolition costs by over 90 percent. Many industry insiders are at a complete loss as to why no one has ever thought of this before. “This is utterly revolutionary in the industry …” writes ‘DIY Boom-Booms’ magazine, “… and already most of our lifetime subscribers from the not-so-major to the ‘now you see them now you don’t variety’ of demolition contractors scrambling to play catch up because of the enormous potential for vastly improved profit margins”.

Hoping to send shares of TADA skyrocketing at the market open, Anomaly plans to bring down their first building with an event that will undoubtedly be one for the history books. The ‘DIY Boom-Booms’ sponsored kick-off gala will take place in the town of Moronia with the town mayor, a true and native born Moronian himself, leading the festivities. So confident of this new technology is the mayor, he says they will be bringing down the old Sky-Hi Hotel located in the center of town and tightly nestled between the old, old folks’ home, the new children’s hospital and the recently expanded day care center. “It will be a most memorable event for sure, history in the making that can forever be attributed to the proud citizens of Moronia. I dare say it may well prove to be our defining moment, our finest hour, representing the essence of what it means to be a true Moronian”, proclaims the mayor.

End of Wire -

Follow up – NASDAQ trading was halted today on shares of TADA shortly after the market open when a major tragedy was reported in the town of Moronia. Just moments before the tragedy occurred, Anomaly CEO “Big” Asse was heard to say, “Here, hold my beer and watch this …”. Story developing ….

Pretty funny, huh? Please forgive me everyone, I’m obviously out of my cotton-pickin mind. Bdee-Bdee-Bdee … that’s all folks!

I’m done Super-Moderator Mule, thanks for your patience and for allowing this post, I hope.
Mino said:

Are you aware that even according to the official story the “hijacked airliner”, rather that fly straight in from its inbound flight path to DC, made a 270 degree turn to strike the only section of the Pentagon that was conveniently under construction at the time and virtually empty of staff? Some people were there and near by, but relatively speaking by Pentagon standards the area struck was virtually empty.


Since you've chosen to confront the thought that the area of the Pentagon was 'virtually empty of staff,' during the attacks of 9-11-2001... I write to offer to send you PICTURES OF EACH OF THE 75 Pentagon staffers (including a three-star Army General) who died (gave their lives in defense of this country) during the attack. I have it as my screen saver, in remembrance of these men and women who WERE MY CO-WORKERS AT THE PENTAGON ON THAT LAST DAY OF THEIR LIVES. I'll send you MY CREDENTIALS as proof of my particular involvement, should you wish to challenge that, also.

OBTW. One of my co-workers personally observed the commercial plane as it came into the building where I WORKED. It was a traumatic time for us all, yet some of you will always refuse to believe.

To paraphrase Jack Nicholson in the movie 'A Few Good Men,' "...we'd rather you just thanked them for their service, but we see you aren't capable of that."

I do suggest this thread be closed. Mino can reach me via private mail if he so chooses.
The morons are on the loose. Why crap like this and so much other non topic bullshit is not cleared by the mods as soon as it's posted is beyond me.
buchholz said:
The morons are on the loose. Why crap like this and so much other non topic bullshit is not cleared by the mods as soon as it's posted is beyond me.
He vented his thoughts and when I said enough he shut it off so if he starts with this again it will be deleted. Just trying to have a open mind and be fair but following the rules set up. There's topics on here to about sports this is a general so people can speak until it goes to far as this has started to.

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