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About Cum Stained Panties

  • Thread starterGordonPym
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Apr 27, 2011
As I promised here, during the past days I made an experiment to clarify what cum stained panties really look like.

The experiment was divided into four tests:
  • Test 1: cum inside of my wife’s pussy, have her to put on her panties immediatelly after, check them in a couple of hours, then the morning after. Panties’ colour was black. (I 'm not giving you details on how I maneged not to generate any suspect, but I will if you ask me so)
  • Test 2: not much dissimilar from the first one, only difference being that she put on panties after a while (one hour or so) during which time we both stayed in bed. (Panties’ colour was kind of white).
  • Test 3, the most “scientific” one: I was home alone the whole night, so I had time and privacy. I jerked off in a cup, then split the semen in two portions.
    [*]Test 3.a - immediately after ejaculation, I poured half of my semen directly on her clean panties (black)
    [*]Test 3.b - I poured on her panties (identical to those used in 3.a) the second half of my semen 15 minutes after ejaculation, when semen had already become much more fluid (for those who don’t know, semen keeps dense only few minutes after ejaculation, becoming very fluid - almost like water - after five/ten minutes)​
  • Test 4, control: I made some of my semen fall on our bed’s sheet, to check what it looked like.
Test 1 allowed me to identify precisely the spot where my semen stained Linda’s panties. It is a rather concentrated spot on panties’ crotch, exactly where her panties have an extra layer of fabric to enhance protection.
Obvious! But that way I was sure where to pour my semen in test 3…
During test 3 I examined the panties at regular intervals, to check how the stains progressed while drying out.

Results were disappointing, to say the least :(
While on our bed’s linens cum stains are quite evident (as you all may imagine), those on panties, when dried out, are practically invisible!
I could not even feel that slight hardening of the fabric, which I was used to feel in my briefs when I was a boy and I used to masturbate in them while in bed, to keep it secret.
I’ve chosen both black and white panties on purpose, to see if there was any difference, and reply is NOPE.
Test 2 was the most revealing (and demystifying) one. When panties are put on after a while, there is so little semen left inside her pussy that panties are barely affected.
In test 3 I checked at regular intervals. I could tell that there was something only when panties were still wet. But there was no practical method to determine the origin of that wetness, which was not dissimilar from that caused by urine or just water (perhaps smell is the only easy way to check, but after one hour that wetness [what was left of it] was odorless).
Apart from the initial instants, wetness caused by dense semen (test 3.a) and fluid semen (test 3.b) were practically identical.
Last but not least, as panties dried out, it became increasingly difficult to spot any evidence of my semen.

Do not expect to find evidence that your lady is cuckolding you by checking whether her panties are stained by someone else’s cum, unless she did it so recently that her panties are still wet (and even in that case, it would be difficult to determine that the fluid which originated that wetness is male semen).

Open for discussion :)
- GordonPym
A few more concerns about your methods as well as your conclusions. As you may know, the amount of sperm in semen is dependent on the time since a last ejaculation. The longer the interval, the more sperm. As you have not stated how long it was between each ejaculation, there is no reason to suppose there was the same amount of semen in each test. This would be important if it is the sperm that causes the stains, which I am almost certain it is.

Secondly you are assuming that all ejaculations are equal. That is, that every man will produce the same, for lack of a better term, staining capacity. I see no reason why this should be the case. Sperm levels vary from man to man and over the course of ones life. To extrapolate from your single data point to a general trend seems highly premature.

You must also remember that seminal fluid, semen without the sperm, and vaginal secretions are very similar. If it dries clear, it is almost certainly mostly seminal fluid and not sperm. As such, it it probably the sperm that makes the stains. If you don't see the stains, I think you haven't waited long enough to test properly.
I am checking my wifes panties almost every day and they typically don't contain anything that i interpret as sperm BUT i have occasionally seen something looking like dried sperm. Last time when she had been on a business trip in June there was stain in some of them. She typically takes her panties on short time after intercourse at least with me. Although we dont fuck very often since she thinks it is boring to fuck with me. I still belive that the stains i some times see are real sperm. I am checking regularly since it could be her own fluids as well.

I think she may fuck with one of her colleagues when they are travelling there are many other observations supporting that like the fact that she is always trimming pubic hairs the day before she travel.

I have seen on the net a kit that could reveal sperm stain but it was a bit expensive as i can recall.

not very good in bed but wants my wife to fuck MEN.
looser said:
......Although we dont fuck very often since she thinks it is boring to fuck with me.

I think she may fuck with one of her colleagues when they are travelling there are many other observations supporting that like the fact that she is always trimming pubic hairs the day before she travel......

Why does she find sex with you boring?

I agree she is most likely fucking her colleagues = pubic trimming reassures herself she is ready to let men have everything on offer.

Have you the balls to ask her what you could do different to make sex with you more exciting?
Well, yes off course, when i use my hand on her she reaches orgasm but she also says that she doesen't find me sexually attractive. According to her I am not a MAN. But i am very kind and a good father for my child. I have also encouraged her to have sex with MEN if that makes her happy. I have never asked her directly if she is fucking others.
Interesting clinical study

Interesting clinical study, If you can call it that!
Where are all the posters with recommendations to check the wife's panties when she gets home from a 'date'? The wet test & The smell test?
How about the UV light test?
I'm sure there is some concrete way of solving this puzzle!
Maybe Gordon is on to something here. He just needs 'real evidence' to work with. I guess he don't have a 'cheating wife' to help him out with his study.
Maybe some of you guys that are really into this Cuck L. S. can provide some insight??
Cheers, Harry
looser said:
Well, yes off course, when i use my hand on her she reaches orgasm but she also says that she doesen't find me sexually attractive. According to her I am not a MAN. But i am very kind and a good father for my child. I have also encouraged her to have sex with MEN if that makes her happy. I have never asked her directly if she is fucking others.

Is there a difference between being physically attractive and sexually attractive?

If humans had no eyes, would sex be better because there would be no distractions?
What i meant was that she finds my personality not very attractive although i am kind but not alpha male. I am introvert and afraid of conflicts and sensitive. My physical appearance is quite masculine and normal and i could have been very atractive if i was more alpha male by nature or behaviour. I am a cuckold wannabe or maybe a cuckold but not 100% proven. I also like humiliation like so many others here in this forum.

But i am very intersted in the sperm stain subject and consider to acquire a sperm test kit which is available on the net. Have anyone tried it?
looser said:
What i meant was that she finds my personality not very attractive although i am kind but not alpha male. I am introvert and afraid of conflicts and sensitive. My physical appearance is quite masculine and normal and i could have been very atractive if i was more alpha male by nature or behaviour. I am a cuckold wannabe or maybe a cuckold but not 100% proven. I also like humiliation like so many others here in this forum.

But i am very intersted in the sperm stain subject and consider to acquire a sperm test kit which is available on the net. Have anyone tried it?

If you want to become more assertive and alpha, you can google 'brain bullets' and download a subliminal flasher unit with hundreds of proven affirmations that can work on any area of your personality that needs an upgrade. It can be put on automatic and over the next year you will discover yourself becoming more confident and outward going without any effort on your part.

You can also turn yourself into a cuckold if you want to, by following the guidelines to write new affirmations that will make you more submissive to your wife and her many bulls.

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