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Adventure ahead

Cuck and lovin it

Seeking a fresh start
Beloved Member
Jan 30, 2015
Atlanta, GA
Earlier this evening, I had awesome sex with my beautiful, sexy wife, Lynn. *She has been the center of my world since we met six years ago and she still has the ability to make my knees weak and my heart pound. * This latest sexual encounter started earlier in the day as she traded texts with her new "friend" Thomas. *She has been texting him just a few days since they met online. *She has a fantasy of experiencing a role play scenario that I am not able to get into and do justice, so I encouraged her to find someone who wanted the same scene to pursue it with. *Thomas claims to have prior experience with the role play scenario she likes so they were texting about what they would each like to explore if it all works out. *We have set up a lunch date to meet him in person on Monday and I can tell she is getting excited about the prospects. *By the time I arrived home this afternoon she was already very steamed up and wet from texting him. *She was just getting out of the shower and she asked me to inspect her shaving handiwork. *She likes to be shaved smooth down below when she has sex, so it was obvious what she had in mind when she lay back on the bed and asked me to see if she had missed anything. *I couldn't resist the opportunity to slide my tongue from her ass all the way up to her clit and then back again. *She has the sweetest tasting pussy I ever saw and today was no exception. *As I started to get going she told me that my whiskers were chafing her, so I quickly jumped in the shower and shaved. *she was waiting for me as I came out of the bathroom and she started telling me how hot she had been as she was texting him. *Of course this made me immediately rock hard and so I pushed her back on the bed and climbed between her gorgeous, muscled thighs. * She kept talking about how she wanted him to fuck her hard as I slid inside her with just the tip of my cock. *I teased it around for a bit before sliding it all the way in very, very, slowly. *I waited with my whole length inside her and continued to push against her. *This drives her wild and today was no exception. *She started to push back against me as I started to pull out then thrust back in with my full length. *At this point all she could say was OMG and the teasing stopped as she started thrashing beneath me. *I pushed completely inside her and tried to slow down but her thrashing sent me over the edge. *When I realized I couldn't hold off any longer, I thrust several times as deeply as I could go as I released my steaming load deep inside her. *Feeling me release, along with a couple more deep thrusts and she went over the top herself. *I could feel her wracking shudders over and over as she came hard. *Each time I moved she would shudder again until we both collapsed exhausted. *If this is how things are going to be with him around, I sure hope he stays around for a while. *She has always been hot and sexy but now she has taken it to another level. *
Yes you are correct! I have experienced that before as well, and it was HOT!! She is on her way to meet him for the first time as I type this. I will join the two of them for lunch in about an hour and we will get a read on the physical chemistry between them. She was a little disappointed yesterday, however, when despite her best efforts to steer the conversation with him away from only sex talk, he only wanted to discuss sex. That does not bode well for his long term potential for her I'm afraid. She finally told him pretty directly that she wants to talk about other topics so they can get to know one another better and he said he was fine with that, but then he had very little to say afterward. I am hoping he will come around and be better in person so he can hold her interest. Time will tell. I hope to post more later about the lunch meeting and I also plan to delve into some of our history in future updates. Heading to the restaurant now to meet the guy I hope will be taking my wife to bed very soon.
The lunch meeting went very well. Thankfully, Thomas was very engaging in person so that relievd some of her concerns stated earlier. They had a nice conversation and there seemed to be definite interest for both of them. She told me just before he arrived that she was feeling "nervous, and not in an excited, good way.". Afterward I asked her if she still had that feeling and she said it passed and she was feeling very optimistic now after meeting him in person. For my own part, I am feeling 75 per cent positive about everything. He was interesting to talk with and he was very attentive to her. That was all good. The jury is still out for me on whether he genuinely is willing to engage her intellectually at the level she desires and needs. I did pick up some con tradictory clues in his body language that suggested he may not, but I am happy to give it a few days and see how he responds to her going forward. I believe his intentions will be revealed in time. He did check all of her boxes for moving forward. She told me there was nothing that she saw that would make her say "hell no" in this first meeting. For her, that is very positive as she is extremely selective. It looks like she will keep chatting with him and we will see how things progress. I am simply trying to be completely supportive of her and reinforcing the fact that she is calling the shots and that I want her to find what she wants without significant compromise.
Well it looks like Thomas has stepped on his own dick tonight. Things had been going well since yesterday and plans were being discussed for them to have a lunch date in a few days. Then tonight he dropped a bomb by saying he was just contacted by an old lover who wanted to renew their relationship. She just happens to be a 21 yr old hot Hispanic lady, so now Lynn is picturing herself being compared to that number and it's not a competition she wants to enter. She is beautiful and sexy and I have told her that but she struggles to see herself in comparison to an olive skinned beauty half her age. I suspect that no matter what he says or does after this she is done with him. She wants, (and deserves) to be wanted and appreciated and now he has allowed her to doubt he will value her if "something better" comes along. He has no idea what he is missing by screwing up this way but she is awesome and amazing and she will be rocking someone's world before too much longer... Just most likely not Thomas. Looks like we will probably be starting over from scratch again.
Nothing wrong in proceeding with caution until you're sure he's right for both of you. I hope it works out for the three of you. Has she had a steady BF yet?

No she has never had a "steady"bf yet. She did have several experiences with another gentleman about a year ago. This went on over several months but it was always just a very casual thing and they had very little interaction in between dates. I may try to share more details of that history when I have time to remember it all and write it down. We definitely had some hot times then.
Thomas is a dick. Good thing Lynn found out now. Disappointing for you but you are right she deserves better.
Life is too short to waste time with assholes like Thomas.
Hope you find a better replacememnt soon.
Nazareth said:
Life is too short to waste time with assholes like Thomas.
Hope you find a better replacememnt soon.

Thanks! You are correct! She has been down since. Even though she basically told him to take a hike when he started waffling, she feels rejected and she is doubting herself now. Not a good place for a cuckoldress to be in. Hopefully she will bounce back soon.
After a few days of self-doubt, she seems to be bouncing back. There was another guy who messaged her out of the blue on FB a few months back who she messages with from time to time. Richard is in his early thirties and he tells her she is smoking hot! They have flirted back and forth a little and she sent him a couple sexy pics but nothing more has ever developed until this week. After a couple weeks of silence, he messaged her earlier this week and they started flirting pretty heavily. One thing led to another and they set up plans to meet this Saturday night at a local pub and have a drink. Giving credit where credit is due, I got an idea from Soontobe to fix her up a care package when I heard about the plans to meet. I placed several condoms, lube, and a couple "blue pills" in a bag and put it all in her purse. I had to go out of town for the weekend so when I left I told her I hope she has a really, really good time this weekend while I am away. She told me she was thinking of packing an overnight bag to have in her car " just in case", and of course I was dripping precum all over my boxers during that conversation. I pointed out how excited she was making me and she reached down and took me in her hand and said "I expect you to save that all for me until you get home Sunday". As you might expect, that kept me charged up for even longer as I promised that of course I would do exactly that.

I asked her if I could post a pic of her on this site and she agreed. She actually surprised me a bit by admitting that she is getting into the idea of me posting here about our experiences and said she was disappointed earlier in the week when it seemed we might not have anything much to share for a while. So far I cannot figure out how to upload a photo from my iPad, so I may have to wait until I get back home to use the laptop. If anyone can tell me how to do it from the iPad I have the photo she approved ready to post. I do believe that everyone will enjoy the photo she chose. She is definitely reading this thread every so often and she does seem to enjoy the comments.

I hope to be getting updates via text tomorrow as she is getting ready to go out along with the photos she likes to send me to tease me with how sexy she looks. She already told me she plans to shave everything smooth tomorrow and she knows I love it when she does that. I have asked her to teach me to shave her as I think it would be super hot to help her prepare for her dates that way. She teased me by saying if I was doing that she would never get out of the door, and there is some truth there. All in all, things seem to be looking up. Here's to keeping our fingers crossed that the weekend plans go well and she has a great time.
Looking forward to her picture. Maybe she will let you post some of the 'getting ready' tease photos as well. I tried copying a photo from an iPad but it only allowed copying to pre-designated places. Some other reader likely knows how to cut and paste an iPad photo onto this site.
Expect to comment about what a lovely woman she is soon.
George said:
Looking forward to her picture. Maybe she will let you post some of the 'getting ready' tease photos as well. I tried copying a photo from an iPad but it only allowed copying to pre-designated places. Some other reader likely knows how to cut and paste an iPad photo onto this site.
Expect to comment about what a lovely woman she is soon.

You write interesting stuff - with powerful mind pictures to re-run in our heads. I want you to definitely keep this thread going. Can't wait to see some skin in your photos.
New Photos



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Life has been hectic the last week so the update has been a bit slow. Add to that a detailed update lost when the site glitched and you have a recipe for a quiet week online. Lesson learned. Type long posts in a word processor before opening the forum window. The site times out and you will lose everything if you don’t have it saved elsewhere. As promised, I have added a pic of Lynn. This was chosen by her as a first pic to be posted here. She has already approved a few more pics for me to post if the comments on this first one are favorable so please let her know what you think of her photo.

So where are we in the evolving adventure. She had planned to meet Richard last Saturday afternoon while I was out of town. They had discussed a particular location near the mall and tentatively planned to get together late afternoon and see where the evening took them. She spent much of the early part of the afternoon preparing herself for her date. She took both a bath and a shower, shaving her legs and also her more private areas. She loves the feeling of being smooth because she says it makes her skin much more sensitive and it lets her feel everything in a more intense way. She also knows that I love it when she is smooth, so it is a win-win, as they say. ;-) She spent a lot of time on her hair and makeup so she was looking like a knock-out when she headed to the meeting place in her little black dress and her high heeled leather boots. There is just something about her in her boots that takes my breath away. If I had been there as she left I would have been very jealous of the treat he was about to have.

Lynn arrived at the pub at just a few minutes after the agreed upon time. They had been texting throughout the afternoon and she had thought he was already there, so she was surprised when he was nowhere to be found. She grabbed a table in the corner and she laughed about how fast the young 20 something bartender got over to her table to take her drink order. She also noted how he seemed to be appreciating the ample cleavage that was only barely contained within the thin black fabric of her dress. She had on the magenta colored bra (the same one in the photo) and thong panties that has a black lace trim. She said she had it arranged so you could just get an occasional flash of color and black lace when she leaned forward just the right amount. When the young bartender hustled right back with her long island tea, she said she gave him a smile and a quick peek and she could tell he was having trouble talking at that point. After about 15 minutes, Richard finally showed up with an excuse about traffic. She could tell he had already been drinking, apparently pretty heavily at that point. He pulled up his chair right next to her as he sat down and leaned into her. She said she was almost overpowered by the whiskey on his breath at that point. He ordered up a bourbon and coke as she tried to inconspicuously back her chair away from him. He turned back to her and as they started talking he had his hand on her thigh. He complimented her on how "Fuckin hot" she was as he leered at her and tried to slide his hand higher on her thigh. At this point, she was starting to back away even more, as she was feeling embarrassed and very uncomfortable with his behavior. They talked for maybe a half hour, and he went through two B&C's while she sipped on her original long island tea. Finally, she told him that she was starting to feel nauseous and she was sorry but she thought she needed to get some fresh air. She didn't tell him that his behavior was what was making her feel sick. He said he would go outside with her, but she declined, saying she thought she would just go on home. As she made her way to the door, she heard him ordering up another drink.

After hearing about the events of the evening, I was concerned about her state of mind. She does have a tendency to let things like this get her down, and even though she is gorgeous, her confidence will occasionally be shaken by things that don't go well. However, she was remarkably upbeat afterward. She told me she wants to keep looking for the right person and she is glad she met Richard, because now she knows he is not someone she wants to invest any more time into. So she is now free to look around for someone who is actually a good fit for her. We talked about a strategy for meeting someone new and she agreed that I should start looking around and possibly answer online posts or even post one of our own. She wants me to weed through the initial responses and only pass along the ones that seem to offer promise for her based on my extensive knowledge of what she likes what turns her off. So after another false start, we are back at the starting gate.
I wanted to post a couple more photos of Lynn. She enjoys dressing up sexy for me sometimes and this is one of her favorite outfits to wear for me.
I was able to finish up my obligations a bit earlier than I originally expected so I packed up and got on the road toward home late Saturday afternoon. I admit I was hoping that Lynn would be having a sexy evening with Richard and I was also hoping she might arrive back home later that night with a hot experience to share with me. As I was driving the almost 5 hours, I heard about how the “date” had unfolded, so I made the entire trip home with only one quick pit stop along the way. She was totally charged up when I got home around 10 pm. She had been building up to her evening with Richard, plus I had been out of town on business all week with only a quick stop at home to re-pack for the weekend and head out again, so she was extremely horny by Saturday night. We lay in bed cuddling while she filled me in on more details of her weekend. Somehow we started discussing fantasies and she shared a fantasy of hers I hadn’t heard before.
She imagined herself on a cruise with a hard-bodied guy. She said she was thinking she would enjoy a short vacation with a future boyfriend while I remain at home locked in my MM chastity cage. She said she would probably lock me up a few days before she left just to let things build up for me while she speculates out loud about what they will do together during the trip. She said she imagined that they would be naked in bed within a few minutes of arriving at their room aboard the ship, as she would want to take advantage of every possible minute with him. She apparently has been fantasizing about being taken in various places around a cruise ship. The hottest part was when she described her idea of leaning over the ships rail while he slides her dress up and takes her from behind. I was rock hard and throbbing by this point. I had been teasing her with my fingers and I felt her dripping with wetness as she described this scene to me. At this point, neither of us could take it any longer, and she pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me. Her dripping pussy slid over my rock hard cock with almost no resistance as she ground her freshly shaved body against mine. The heat from her body was intense as she enveloped me within her wetness. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to be as far inside her as I could possibly reach so I arched up to meet her. All the while, she continued to describe how it would feel to her to have his big, hard, throbbing cock inside her as she leaned over the bow rail of the cruise ship and when she started to describe him pulling out of her pussy to enter her anally, lubricated with her juices I lost my composure and came intensely. I thrust upward with my hips, lifting her entire body as she rode me. At this added pressure on her clit, coupled with the feeling of my huge load releasing within her she came at the same time, moaning my name. She ground herself against me a few more times as her shudders continued along with my additional spurts inside her before collapsing spent on top of me. We lay that way for a few minutes as she gathered her composure with me holding her tenderly and stroking her hair. I can say that I was very glad I had pushed to arrive back home Saturday evening instead of waiting until Sunday.
Cuck and lovin it said:
[My wife Lynn] had planned to meet Richard last Saturday afternoon while I was out of town. ...... About 15 minutes late, Richard finally showed up with an excuse about traffic. She could tell he had already been drinking, apparently pretty heavily at that point. .... Finally, she told him that she was starting to feel nauseous and she was sorry but she thought she needed to get some fresh air. She didn't tell him that his behavior was what was making her feel sick. He said he would go outside with her, but she declined, saying she thought she would just go on home. As she made her way to the door, she heard him ordering up another drink.

Bad luck. Richard is obviously a lush, and an unreliable lush at that. Leaving was the right thing for your wife to have done.

Your sexy wife Lynn is obviously on her way, though. It sounds like it will only be a matter of time, and not very much time, until she makes you her cuckold.

BTW, please tell your budding cuckoldress she looks hot... very hot... and her pictures are well-received. I, and other forum members, I'm sure, encourage her to pose in suggestive ways so you can post more of her seductive and titillating photos.

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