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After Getting Her First Strange Cock, My Wife Wants More


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
After Getting Her First Strange Cock, My Wife Wants More

Cover Nudist Camp.jpg
"Do you think I'll still be able to keep you happy? Is your pussy damaged...permanently?"

Jill giggled. "I don't know, but just in case, did you get their phone number?"

She giggled when I nodded a quiet 'Yes' then she laughed and said, "I need to practice." Then she yelled it out again. "I WANT HIS COCK IN ME!"

I wanted to rub my erection, but first I needed to rub my ear again.

Jill's voice got soft as she reached with her fingers and felt tenderly around her crotch. Then she said, "But not now, maybe in two or three days."

Notice readers: Though this is actually a third (and true) adventure, it is a complete story and if you missed Session One Or Two, it will still read OK.

I've quit numbering, but if I was, this would be Nude Photographer Confessions Session Three. My Stories of our early days of nudism, posted here, are A Man Shared His Motel Room With Us, which would be number one and shortly before I began my career as a nudist photographer, and...Finally, My Wife Takes a Strange Cock which would be number two.

After Getting Her First Strange Cock, My Wife Wants More

True Story by EroticWriter

My lovely wife Jill and I were sunbathing nude at the Samagatuma Nudist Resort pool when they arrived, the couple that was to come into our lives in a big way, a very big way. Jill and I were not what you would call swingers, nor was that couple, but two swinging dicks were to do some swinging that day.

After having to 'work' during our first visit, detailed in my story Finally, My Wife Takes a Strange Cock, my wife and I had decided that we liked the quiet weekday atmosphere at Samagatuma and returned alone. This time no cameras, no models, no kids, no sex play, just....us. Boy did things turn out differently.

I had seen their car drive in when they arrived, but the road coming in did not pass directly by the pool and the first thing anyone arriving had to do and guided by a sign, was check in at the office. After checking in, park your car somewhere, strip down and do your thing. I should add here that being naked at a nudist camp is not required, just preferred if you mingle with others on a warm day.

Starting to burn? Put on clothes or get out of the sun, of course. Just about any nudist camp I have been to has several roofs over part of the pool deck and in other areas.

The couple had seen us as they came from their car with two bags with straps on them. There was a child with them so I knew one bag would be diapers and other baby stuff. The other bag probably held towels and lotion. Under their arms they were carrying folded beach mats.

Even from our viewpoint some distance away I could see that they were brand new to nudism. Those very white areas around their genital areas and her breasts stood out like a sore thumb.

Oh gee, that reminds me of an old saying, about sucking a sore thumb.

Not wanting to 'invade our space', they looked around the entire pool, looking for just the right place. You probably know how it is, like when you go to the beach and there are others around. You might have miles of beach to choose from, but you need just the right spot. Near but not too near someone else.

But this was a nudist camp on a weekday. Since there was a wide cement deck all around the large-size pool, and only one other couple by the pool, they had unlimited space with which to choose.

But they couldn't find that spot. I could tell that they were nervous about either looking at someone, or being looked at. They were trying desperately to not be 'obvious,' while being very obvious.

We could see that they were new, and I invited them to join us. I didn't really want to spend the day hearing a child whining if she was that type, but I wanted to help this couple with their transition into nudism.

I was able to get a good look without 'staring' as they seemed relieved and headed over to our side of the pool. My wife had been lying on her back on a towel and sat up to greet them as they approached.

They had about a 60 foot distance to cover to get to us.

Of course, readers of eroticism, you want to hear about their bodies so I'll get more descriptive. They obviously, were nervous and new to nudism because they both wore bathing suit marks, his on the lower half, and her on two halves, and those marks tended to add emphasis to the parts that people never get to see out in public.

I was checking her out of course, but mostly through the eyes of a photographer, and only slightly through those other eyes, the ones that want to fuck every attractive woman who doesn't use drugs or smoke, or has a lot of tattoos.

I probably was paying more attention to him, because he was a naked man who was now walking towards my wife and I, and like all men, he had a cock for her to see.

He looked to be maybe 22, a little shorter than my wife and a little bit on the heavy side. Average in the face, with a cock that was circumcised and looked short and sort of 'fat.' His penis was short enough that it was hanging only about halfway down as far as his balls did.

Big difference from the way my genital area looks. My cock is uncut, a little over four inches totally soft and hangs a little lower than my balls when they are hanging normally. My wife, when talking about cocks, always says, "They all look the same."

I think she picked up that saying from a girl-friend of hers who was a nurse and always said that.

And I say...Bull! Every dick, and every pussy as far as that goes has their own distinct signature.

Go to a nudist camp, spend any amount of time there and get to know the regulars. Then sit on your ass on the deck while talking to other people. Feel someone come up behind or beside you. You turn your head, and 'it' is right there, a cock or a vagina right at eye level. You don't need to raise your eyes skyward, and half the time if you do, the sun is in your eyes.

Without seeing their face, "You say, Hi, Joe, or...Hi Mary, or Hi Tom, Dick or Harry." ( or Hairy Dick. Just joking). You see, once you get used to seeing people naked, each and every part is them and not just their face. Don't believe me? Try it.

My wife has done that, and she is the one out of two of us that says 'they all look the same.' Sure, honey.

It's not as easy to I.D. the females that way, but I can do it if I have seen the lady's pussy enough times. Some of the fatter women are funny in that way. They seem to be the ones that don't trim their snatch, and maybe their armpits. Maybe they can't see it to cut it?

Don't laugh, I have seen tons of men whose guts were so big that I would wonder how they could find 'it' to pee.

But I have also seen women in the same boat, except they don't need to find an 'it' to pee. It's strange though, maybe because women have babies, but when women, usually older, get a 'gut', their skin tends to overlap as in fold over below the navel and that fold, if they are heavy enough, actually can hide some of, or in extreme cases, all their pubic hair.

Guts on men and women are definitely different, but most likely, most of our reader will never get to see those differences.

Now a virgin, new-to-the-sun dick was coming our way. I knew what Jill was doing. Taking a good long look at his cock right now while they were far enough away that they could not tell exactly where her eyes were trained. Then when he got closer her eyes would click up and supposedly, never see his cock again.

As they walked towards us his cock was laying on top of a fairly large ball sack which was swinging side-to-side as he walked and taking the cock along for a ride. As he drew closer, I saw that the head of his cock looked larger than the shaft.

Now don't get me wrong, readers. At a nudist camp all body parts are supposed to be the same, and you aren't supposed to stare at any given area, save a face, but his cock is to be part of this story so I needed to describe it.

His wife looked to be maybe 20-21 and was cute, really cute but not in the same category as my beautiful wife. There is cute, and there is beautiful. She was maybe five five, 120 maybe less and firm apple-shaped tits that were a good B, a full B because she might be nursing. I say nursing because her pouting nipples looked either like they were currently being utilized, or needed to be sucked by a man that knows how to suck.

Those tits, no wait, they're getting closer now and it is time to keep going down her body. Her waist was curving in enough to make her look shapely, and her pubic hair, hair that was perhaps a little too thick and in time after seeing other women she will probably trim, was a soft and lustrous shade of brown.

Now when I say her hair was perhaps a little too thick, I just mean that she was covered over the lips. Since she had no bikini line, she had been trimming the edges.

Her legs had nice calves and reached all the way to the concrete deck and I could tell, even from the front, that her ass would be firm and shapely.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, they had their child with them, a little girl just able to walk but still young enough to be wearing a white diaper.

Hey! You say. You mentioned that she had nipples that looked like she might be nursing, so why are you writing that you almost forget to say they had a child?

Did I really forget to say they came with a child? Not really, but I wanted to get my brief first description of the couple out of the way before they reached the spot where my wife and I were sitting and the kid began interrupting the conversation.

Sometimes you have to write real fast to tell a story where the action is coming fast and furious. And I mention the child because, without that child there would be no story to tell.

Perhaps surprisingly, the wife and mother had no sign of stretch marks on her body, and only a slight hint of left over roundness in her stomach. It passed through my mind that since she had a baby that her pussy would not be as tight as my wife's, whom had never borne a child. Just a passing thought, a fantasy about how tight her pussy might be you could say.

Yeah, I know, you folks might have read and heard that a pussy pops right back into shape after being stretched, but I know better. After a cock perhaps, an average thickness cock perhaps, but not after her having a baby.

As they drew near I smiled and said, "Hi! At nudist camps it is not necessary to tell anyone your name so you don't have to say. But if you choose to tell us your names, just the first will be O.K."

In those earlier days of public nudity, that line was used often when meeting new people.

Then I sat up straighter and added; " I'm Eric and this lovely lady over here is my wife Jill. How are you guys doing? Based on those tan lines, it looks like this might be your first time?"

Yes. I had told them that I had looked at those parts of their bodies and yes, mentioned them. But that vocalized line had been normal and at nudist parks happens all the time.

They stopped four feet in front of us and looked down at us without 'looking' at us. Their pubic areas were at the same level as our faces as we sat on the deck, and of course we needed to look up to see their faces. Fortunately the sun was off to the side and not in our eyes.

"I'm Jeffrey," he said. 'Jeff' for short, and this is my wife Sherry. And you're right, this is our first time. We have a couple who are friends and they have been to some nudist camps. We told them we kind of wanted to try it, but felt self-conscious about it so they told us how to get here and to come on a weekday because this place is almost deserted on a weekday."

His words had come out in a rush and we could tell they were both nervous and excited at seeing and being seen naked by a pair of total strangers. I knew from personal experience that it might have been easier for them to go nude for the first time in public had they been stepping into a camp that was full of active people. There is safety in numbers the saying goes.

With a lot of people around, they would not have been the couple of the day. I tried to put them at ease by asking why the other couple had not brought them.

"Well, they had to work and they could tell that we were sort of reluctant to take our clothes off with people that we knew the first time, so they advised us to come alone, and maybe the next time if we felt good about it, they would come with us."

"I can understand that," I said with a friendly smile. "Better to be naked in front of strangers at first, that way it doesn't matter if they have seen your naked torsos."

I was the kind of guy who liked to give advice and tell people what to expect, so I went on. "Go ahead and put those mats down while I tell you a little story about how nudism affects you."

"O.K., thanks. Tell us about the effects." So far his wife had not uttered a word and it was obvious that she was either shy, embarrassed, or both.

"This time you came alone without your friends. By the end of this day you will be so relaxed about being naked in front of others, even if it is just the two of us here, that it will be fairly easy for you to invite your friends to come along.

They might have a favorite camp they like, or they might come here with you. Weekdays, this place is pretty much all yours. On the weekend, it all depends, but I have never seen more than maybe 30 to 40 around the pool."

(I was kind of fibbing to them there. Actually my wife and I had only been to this particular camp two times and only on weekdays, and this was the second visit, but I had heard the weekend numbers from the owners).

"You will feel awkward for maybe two minutes as you take your clothes off with two people you have known but never...'seen.' After that, it will be like you had always been seeing them naked."

They nodded understandably and I smiled. "Now here's the fun part."

They both perked up their ears in anticipation of hearing something confidential, or maybe something racy. Sherry stopped fussing with the child's toys to listen.

"When you get back home with your friends, after you have spent a few hours or a day naked in the sun with them, it will seem as if you never saw them naked at all. You will know what is 'under there,' but you will still take a sneak peek."

I looked into Jeff's eyes. "For instance, Jeff, when your female friend half of the couple maybe bends over with a low cut blouse on, you will already know what her breasts look like, but your eyes will go right to that spot and you will want to see them again."

Sherry sort of grinned and looked at her husband. "Jeff, have you been looking down Cathy's blouse?" At last, it seems, Sherry was coming out of her shell.

Jeff turned red and stammered, "Of course not dear. I love you." But it sounded hollow, and Sherry grinned and came back with, "I know you have peeked, but maybe after another week or so you will know what she looks like, won't you?"

And Jeff, remarkably enough, had a retort. "And... dear Sherry, then you will know what Gil has under those baggy drawers of his."

I grinned. "See what I mean? And to make it better, you won't lose that desire to look down your own wife's blouse either. If you add up the hours, I have spent literally weeks seeing my wife naked, and every time she is dressed and shows a little, I stare!"

Jill laughed. "And does he ever!"

"So you see," I went on, "Nudism can be a lot of good clean fun, and it's even better if you bring along some friends. If you have kids, you tend to socialize with other couples that have children. If no kids so far, then you will find yourselves talking to other couples with no kids."

"You don't have any...kids, it looks like," Jeff asked, pretending to look around?

Jill answered. "No kids so far, but we have not eliminated that aspect of our marriage. Maybe sometime in the near future..." She looked over at me, and not wanting to sound like a spoil sport I nodded and said, "Yes. Someday for sure."

Actually, now that I had discovered and became a nudist photographer, I was in no hurry to have a child, no, not yet. I had realized that this nudist life allows one to take lots of trips, and be outdoors. And if you work it right, being paid in the process.

Sherry had smiled and nodded at Jill and I without speaking during the introductions and was now busying herself with laying down a couple of long beach towels on top of those mats and also setting up her diaper bag under a lawn chair so that it would not be in the direct sunlight.

"Did you bring some lotion to protect those areas," I asked as I looked and nodded at their genital areas, and her breasts. This was an opportunity for both my wife and I to openly look at those areas and from up close. "It looks like those parts have not been out in the sun so you need to be careful on your first visit."

"We brought some lotion," Sherry answered, and I knew that she was fully aware that I was looking directly at her tits, and those prominent nipples. Her face might have turned red a little, but in the warmth and glare of the sun it was hard to tell.

Just like that we had gone from not looking, to staring, and it seemed perfectly normal. After ending the discussion about their tits and genitals, it would be back to...not staring.

I looked at the little girl, "And especially her, you especially need to make sure she doesn't get burned." Now that was a genuine concern of mine. It might be easy for a couple new to this to forget how sensitive a babies' skin can be.

"I'll keep her clothes on once we get settled. And a bonnet," Sherry hastily added.

"We suggest that you keep your little girl under that cabana roof whenever possible, which you probably won't be able to do unless she takes a nap," my wife suggested, while giving Sherry a big smile of concern.

I grinned at Sherry and made another quick glance at her breasts and a glance intended for Sherry to see. "Maybe your hubby will allow me to put some lotion on you since I am much more experienced in those areas."

I was happy when Jill joined in before either Sherry or her husband had a chance to make an embarrassed reply. "And if you do dear," she said while grinning at me, "Jeff gets to put lotion on me!"

They both laughed, nervously. I knew they were wondering, are they serious?

That was the most that Sherry had said so far to me. But I noticed that she had stolen a quick glance at my four-inch dangling and uncut cock and then looked away in embarrassment when she realized I had seen her do it.

Yes Sherry, it does look a lot different from your husband's cock.' That is what I was thinking, but I had been around nudist camps for a couple of years now, and I was used to and understood that specific first 'glance' that people took and hoped that no one has noticed.

You go into a camp, you see naked people. You take them all in casually with your eyes, then your eyes zoom in on specific people that you might like to see close up. When the chance comes, you look at those parts that have your interest with that special glance that the other person is not aware of.

We talked, with Sherry finally losing some of her shyness. She seemed to hit it off with my wife fairly well, but I suspected that Sherry was drawn more to me. I was the overly friendly one. My wife was friendly too, but in her cool in-charge type of way.

We moved into the shade of an cabana and had lunch that we had all brought along. This camp had a snack bar, but it was only open on the weekends.

Then something happened that once again demonstrated the advantages of being a nudist. Sherry said, "I need to nurse the baby." She picked up the child, whom had almost gone to sleep and without thinking, took a baby blanket to cover her breast while doing so.

I smiled at Jill, and both Jill and I smiled over at Jeff. He realized what was funny and turned his head to Sherry.

"Sherry?" She had started to nurse the baby under the blanket and did not seem to hear her husband.


"Huh?" Sherry looked up and around at three grinning faces. Then, realizing where she was, she said "Oh! How silly of me." And the blankie came off.

I do admit that watching Sherry nurse that little child on a pair of lovely tits and as she switched the child from the left and then to the right nipple was..peaceful. And it gave me the chance to openly admire her breasts without appearing to stare.

While being suckled, her nipples had gone from bright pink to bright red, and as Sherry moved the baby from one side to the other, I could see a droplet of warm milk lingering invitingly at the tip she left behind.

You know what's nice as I type this? When I did the rough draft of my memory thoughts, I had placed the word 'she' at every spot where I had written her into the story. Makes it easier now that I am changing the 'she' to Sherry.

Yes, like I had said, Sherry's breasts looked very...suckable. Have you ever watched a woman nursing? Seen how those nipples stand out further than at any other time? Sort of makes you want to steal the baby's food, doesn't it?

Fifteen minutes later Sherry had finished her chore and the baby was asleep under the cabana roof, and the four of us had moved back into the sun.

We had more discussion about everything but sex. Sex was the taboo subject, and I wanted to bring it up, just for fun, but was not about to make them turn red. The sun was already doing some of that work.

"We'd better get some lotion on those white areas especially. They're turning pink." One thing we have learned dear readers from having spent untold days in the sun. Your skin does not reveal or warn you while out in the sun how much it has been *******. Later, when the red becomes obvious, ouch!

Jeff immediately picked up a bottle of lotion like he was oh-so-ready. He looked around nervously. "Who goes first?" Not...'I'll do my wife,' but...'who goes first?'

I was quick with my answer, but Jill surprised me with her even quicker answer. "I'll do Jeff." She looked over at Sherry. "That is, if Sherry doesn't mind."

Thank you Jill. My wife understood that I wanted the chance to do Sherry, and her offer to do Jeff first had made it official. A man does the woman, and vice-versa.

I doubted that Jill was interested in Jeff that way or doing his body, but she was willing to have some fun, and for now at least, it would keep Jeff's hands from being on her body.

It was an automatic thing. If we applied lotion to their bodies now, then they would get to reciprocate.

Sherry blushed. "I...I guess that would be alright. And Eric can do...me." As she smiled at me, Sherry seemed very hesitant, as if afraid to say it, and waited to see how Jeff would react.

"That's fine with me!"

I suspected that Jeff would rather have the opportunity to put his hands on my wife, but he was willing to allow Jill to touch him, even though that meant that I would be touching his wife.

"Both of you lie down. We'll do the backs first."

Jill, in her familiar way, was taking 'charge.' I looked at Jill and she shrugged. 'No, I thought, she's not interested in Jeff just like I thought, she's just playing along and having fun teasing the newbie nudies.'

One thing Jill had said, 'We'll do the backs first.' Not 'your backs,' but 'the backs.' There is a difference and her wording had left an opening. Anywhere on their backside was fair game.

Oh she was being ornery, Jill was. "We need to put lotion everywhere of course, and pay special attention to those white areas." Jill was looking at me as she said it, and I do feel that had they not been looking at her too, my wife would have winked.

This time a woman had expressed the necessity of concentrating on those genital areas. That way it did not look like some man was trying to fondle the other man's wife. 'Oh Jill, I love you so...'

"Pooooooot' went the bottles as we both in unison squeezed out some white lotion into our hands. I watched to see where Jill would go first, and when she went up to Jeff's neck, I started there on Sherry too.

Now mind you, had there been other couples there, and especially married couples with kids, we would not have been applying lotion to someone else's mates.

Usually, when there is no reason to dally, you apply lotion onto yourself or someone else with swift motions and covering as much skin as you can in the shortest time. But not today, and not with these two new-to-nudism people.

We knew that in their heads, they had probably been thinking of the secret sexual aspects that might come into play at a nudist park, and we didn't want them to be disappointed.

Perhaps five minutes and after a lot of soft, more than applying motion had been rendered, we were both down to their rear ends. I looked at Jill and said loud enough for them both to hear. "That's the only white part on both of them except for Sherry's bra strap mark, so let's skip by and then come back up for that special application."

Special application. Oh my. We had never done this before so this was just as exciting for Jill and I as I imagine it must have been for Jeff and his wife.

Jill and I went down to their ankles and worked up, stopping at the back side of their thighs and then going to the other leg. As we 'worked,' we watched each other in order to assure that we covered the same areas in unison.

Now it was time. "Let's make this part like a massage."

I had said it to Jill, but it was intended for both Jeff and his wife to hear. If they did not protest, we would be spending a longer time on those areas than just applying lotion.

Picture yourself as a first day nudist lying naked on the deck on your stomach while someone says, "Let's make this part like a massage."

Your ass is about to be massaged, and your spouse's ass as well, and in the process of having lotion applied, the person giving the so-called massage is going to be running their fingers...everywhere.

No protest was voiced. Jill would only have a man's ass to play with, while I would have a woman's ass, and the possibility of something between her thighs to touch.

The only way that Jill would be able to see or touch Jeff's penis would be if he was lying on his stomach with his dick pointed down towards his knees. Unlikely, but feasible. I couldn't see between Jeff's legs from my vantage point beside his wife, so whether his dick was visible to Jill or not I didn't know.

But if this session worked out all right, then they would be rolling over, and while I would get to explore some tits Jill would get to explore...even more, once she got to his lower half.

If Sherry was aroused, she could probably keep it a secret. If Jeff was aroused, his feelings would be expressed in a very visible way.

Already my mind was thinking ahead. When Jeff rolls over, will his cock be pointing at the sky?

Not really caring what Jill was doing at the moment, I concentrated on Sherry and her cute little ass. Using both hands, I did one cheek, her left, and doing more rubbing and kneading then applying.

As I worked that cheek, I was tugging it out to the side near me, and each time I did so, it was opening and ******** her anus to me. Her anus showed normally as she lay there since she did not have fat cheeks, but I was sort of, tugging it open too.

Do you realize dear readers what was happening here? I'm sitting here naked, and I am caressing, squeezing, kneading, spreading and feeling the ass cheeks of another man's wife while he is laying right here beside us. And until today, Sherry had been the wife of a man who had married a woman whom had never been seen or touched by another man.

And it was all legitimate. One helpful nudist helping another. I needed to do her other cheek, the right one, and I considered quietly having Sherry move her legs further apart so I could sit between her legs. That way I could do the right cheek, and of course, go back and do the left one again. Hee hee.

And the view. Just think about that view. Her hair was thick, yes. But spread that far, I was pretty certain that the slit would show.

And if I got between those legs with her on her stomach, I could slide my body forward as I gave Sherry's cheeks so much loving attention, and my cock which I knew for sure, would be hard and able to touch her...there.

The odds were good that I could not only do it now, but get away with it, but I elected to not try. This was too much fun to risk messing up.

I had done that position with Jill before, and Tony had made a couple of attempts at it on Jill two weeks ago. Maybe later today, I would try it with Sherry, during that second application.

So instead of sitting between her legs, I moved around her body, sat on my ass again and did Sherry's other cheek, leaving only the areas in between, her crack and between those shapely thighs.

In the process of moving to her other side, I had placed my body directly between her husband and that part of her. If Jeff looked over, he would not be able to see where my hands had gone.

Now it was time for that first real touch...

I felt Sherry quiver when my fingers lodged in her ass crack, but those fingers felt good to her, I knew, with all that slippery lotion to pave the way.

I was getting a really nice look at her anus now. Unlike my wife's anus, which is very tight and has a very light brown diamond-shaped color around it, Sherry's anus had coloring around it that was almost the same as the rest of her skin tone.

My fingers passed over her anus, then one came back and lingered. I applied more lotion, and in the process of rubbing with that finger it sort of went inside. Just a little, but inside. It had been sooo easy with all that slippery lotion.

Penetration! I had just made an openly sexual move. Before with just applying lotion, it could be innocent. But not now. And perhaps best of all, no one else off to the sides could see exactly what my fingers were doing. It was to be our little secret, just Sherry and I.

I eased that finger out. Oh, it was only perhaps half an inch, but it took ten seconds to come out as I continued to knead her cheek with my other fingers. I applied more lotion as my hands moved over her lovely cheeks, and then I moved lower to her crack, and that hole.

Oh how I applied that lotion. I was slathering lotion onto an area that no way could get sunburned. Not with all that hair. Sherry knew what I was doing, and made no effort whatsoever to stop me.

I slathered, and slobbered, and slithered. The fingers of my left hand explored, probed, and then...and then, one finger, just one, slipped inside. Sherry quivered. Just like with her anus, I had made penetration once again.

The finger came out and joined up with my other fingers that were now running up and down the length of her lips. I felt Sherry quiver again. Her legs opened, and not just a little but by about fifteen-inches at her ankles.

'She wants me to go...there!' My hand went past the entrance to fantasy land and then, finally I am sure she was thinking, I slipped two fingers just slightly into her tunnel of love, giving her that feeling of being stretched that one finger alone can not do unless the subject is extremely tight.

"Ooooooh" Sherry said it softly, but it was loud enough for Jeff to hear and he raised his head and looked over at his wife to see what was happening. He couldn't see directly what I was doing, but he got an idea at where my fingers were and...I think he smiled.

Imagine someone who is not a doctor, sitting naked beside your wife in the sun and getting to slip his fingers into her pussy to test her tightness. Is this wild, or what? But in the context of taking steps to protect ourselves from the sun at a nudist camp, it all seemed so natural.

Jeff's head returned to the mat, and I knew it was clear sailing. When Sherry turns over, her husband won't say anything at that time, either.

Yes, readers, that moan had come because I had touched her pussy. Just deep enough to run my fingers down and then up again through her crack and going within.

I pulled them out, and then made a return visit, and Sherry's legs opened even wider. I didn't want to make it appear to Sherry that I was just trying to finger-fuck her. No, this way, innocently rubbing on lotion made it much more exciting.

With an open invitation now my fingers began rubbing her lips again. I was applying slippery stuff to parts that needed no more slippery stuff.

For you readers that have never experienced getting to do this, there is something very very erotic about applying excess amounts of lotion into a thick mound of lustrous pubic hair. Even without going deeper, just that part was making my fingers hard as I felt those wet hairs sort of wrapping themselves around my fingers as I moved back-and-forth..

Sherry wanted me to finger-fuck her and this time set some goals, like reach her climax. I knew it, she knew it, and I am sure that by now, Jill knew it. Jeff, I don't know. He had his own fantasies going on as I saw that Jill was now applying lotion within his ass crack.

Sherry was moaning softly. Now it was time to go back and dig deeper. My finger, first one, and then two slipped into her wetness, and again I felt her quiver. I went into her full-length with two fingers.

I think she had not only been hoping for this wider and deeper penetration because Sherry did not moan this time but rather let out a deep gasp. She was trying to be quiet now, but her secret was no secret between the four of us.

As I had expected, Sherry was not tight like Jill, at least not at the entrance, and all that wetness didn't help.

I could readily tell the difference between her slippery stuff and the lotion, and I thought, this woman is hot!

Jill seemed to be finished with her chores over there but continued to squeeze his ass cheeks. I don't think that she was all that interested in fondling Jeff's ass crack or doing a digital probe and was just giving me a chance to work on Sherry.

When I say 'work on Sherry', I don't mean in the aspect of me seducing Sherry, but rather in the area of my wife and I fooling around and talking about it later while we lie in bed together and fuck.

I was going to have to bring this part of their introduction to nudism to a close. I hated to leave Sherry's pussy because playing with it from the back-side like this had been sort of like using a sly hand on her.

I had been slipping down and going beyond just applying lotion to her while showing some pink ass cheeks. Once on her back, Sherry's pussy would still be available to me, but any touching I did on her pussy in that position would be out in the open for all to see, and maybe a...'why is he there?

"Over you two go," I said, and they, now enthusiastic about it quickly turned over. Fortunately, for now, their little girl was still asleep in her porta-bed in the shade of the cabana.

They squirmed around until they had reached a comfortable spot on their mats and towels. I noticed that Jeff's cock appeared to be soft, but he had a long dribble of pre-fluid hanging on the tip. When he completed his journey to flatdom, that dribble headed south onto his left testicle. My wife saw it too and smiled at me when she realized that I had seen it.

Again we started high, but I had the thrill of getting to apply, fondle, caress and stimulate Sherry's lovely breasts while Jill just had...Jeff's chest, hair and all.

"I'll go easy on those nipples..."

"Yes, please."

That's right readers. I had mentioned touching her nipples and said it loud enough for her husband to hear, and Sherry had given her answer just as loud. It was official. Jeff might have just been imagining that I was touching his wife on her snatch, but he had received confirmation that I was about to cover and learn to know every aspect of her lovely breasts.

On their back, they could now see each other in their peripheral vision. Now I was...almost there, and her husband was right beside her. Sherry reached out with her left hand, and Jeff's right hand moved over to grab it.

Now they were sharing something instead of doing it separately. They were holding hands while their bodies were being explored by two strangers of the opposite sex.

Did I say sex? Yes, sex was now in everyone's mind.

Sherry's breasts were already coated with a heavy layer of lotion, but of course they needed more.

"Poooot" again as I squeezed lotion into my palm, and this time my fingers went directly to her nipples. 'Oh Sherry baby, in just a minute I am going to be down there and finger-fucking you, and you won't care a bit if your husband happens to see and hear.'

That area was coming. I had already 'warmed up that area of Sherry from the backside, but now Jill would have to touch and apply lotion to Jeff's cut cock. I mean cocks and balls can get sunburned too.

'Will Jill do it? She had avoided going into his ass crack until the very end, and now she was being faced with a question, the same question I had.

Will my wife apply lotion to another man's cock? What if Jeff gets hard? Of course he will with no one watching except us.

Readers, can you even begin to imagine the excitement I was feeling? I was rubbing a woman's body, and that alone would be exciting, but I got to do that a lot with my models when I was protecting them from the sun, both for real and for fun.

But this woman I was rubbing was an innocent little housewife, and beside her was her husband, and my wife was about to touch a strange man's cock for only the third time in her life.

I was very curious as to what size Jeff would turn out to be. Rather my wife cared or not, I didn't know. But I was almost hoping that he would turn out to have a nice growth rate to see how Jill would react, if her face would even show any emotion over it.

Deep down, of course, if it turned out that Jeff's erection was on display, I wanted to have the biggest cock. You know, ego?

If Jeff does get hard, will my wife keep doing it? Will Jill wrap her fingers around him and allow him to come, and how will Sherry react if she knows? I bet having his come all mixed up in that white lotion would be interesting to see.

It they both remain quiet Jill could bring Jeff to orgasm, allow his come to mix into the lotion while she keeps running her hands all over his softening cock, and his wife would never know.

Boy what an exciting secret that would be. We could end up making them both come, and neither mate would know about the other.

But if we do, and they discuss it, they'll probably want to swap with us and we'll have to make up excuses. I knew that no matter what today, because of Jill it was unlikely that this would turn into our first-ever swap situation.

Jill would not go for it. Not because of jealousy of me being with Sherry, but because Jeff was not her type. I was pretty sure that Jill likes them tall and slim now, and with longish looking uncut cocks, like Tony had been two weeks ago.

Jeff was the opposite of all those features.

I'd better keep Sherry busy with my hands so that she doesn't even look over at her husband.

That is what I was thinking. What Jill was thinking or planning I didn't know, and even this much later I wish I knew.

I am pretty good at sensing how Jill is feeling, and I knew for sure that Jill was not attracted to Jeff, at least not in that way. But she was having fun, perhaps so that Sherry and I could have fun.

But Jill never got that far. She didn't get to or have to fondle Jeff's cock. And I didn't get to go into Sherry's pussy from the front. Had I been able to, I would have been openly holding her right tit with my left hand while my right fingers...well, it didn't happen.

The kid woke up and Sherry got up to go see. I hid my boner by pressing it down between my legs so that both Sherry and Jeff would not see it, but Jill had seen it before they got up, and she was grinning broadly at me. 'Poor silly man, so frustrated.'

That seemed to be the end of our 'fun' for the moment, because of course the kid would not go back to sleep, even after a tit had been jammed into its mouth. "Here...Kid. Suck and shut up!"

No, Sherry didn't actually say that.

Sherry, I will have to give you credit. You sure tried hard to get her to go back to sleep. And Jeff, I am sure she appreciated your looks of concern as to whether your daughter would go to sleep.

Both Sherry and Jeff ended up making that final application of lotion to their lower fronts.

So we sat. We talked. We swam a little, or perhaps I should say we more or less stood and splashed around in the pool, and we kept our fantasies inside.

Guys, if you have never been in a swimming pool and watched your wife and another woman when they are naked and raising their arms to catch or toss an inflatable ball back and forth, then you have missed something. Those breasts raise way up there. You almost tend to forget that for the moment, you can't see their lower halves except under a wavering reflection.

Then Jeff asked something that was to 'break the ice' in other areas. "I brought along my Polaroid camera. Is it O.K. if I get it out of the car and take some pictures of my wife by the pool? The owner told us that picture taking was only permissible if anyone else in the area didn't object."

I smiled. "Sure, and like I've said, that's what I do for a living and it is alright with nudist parks if someone wants to take pictures of their own family, but remember, when you are at a camp and it is crowded, it might bother some people if they think they might be in the background of your shots."

"Thanks. I'll go and get my camera case."

"Wait a minute and I'll go with you." For the first time I would be able to talk to Jeff alone, and Jill, with Sherry.

As Jeff and I climbed the steps and got out of the pool, I was acutely aware that my penis had shrunken in the water both from the coolness and the exercise. I was relieved to see that Jeff had shrunken up too. Equal treatment for the ladies.

The two girls were still below us in the pool. Sherry's daughter was nearby and tethered by a cord to the cabana. Both women were staring up at us, and of course seeing our dripping and shrunken cocks. Oh yeah, balls don't necessarily shrink, but the skin holding them tightens up.

Though it appeared that Jeff had larger testicles then me, I had an advantage over him at the moment, because now my shrunk up cock was dangling even further than my balls were.

See readers? In a nudist camp you have ample time and opportunity to take in all those intimate details, and especially if you are the pervert I think you are.

I looked at Jill and smiled as Sherry looked on. "If Jeffrey likes, I might give him some tips on how to best photograph his lovely wife."

I could feel my dick returning to the size of its normal hang as it dried in the sun. Sherry was watching it and smiled shyly as she said, 'That would be nice. Thank you."

I had fondled her breasts, teased her nipples, fondled her ass cheeks, had my finger in her anus twice, and had gotten as far as to slightly insert two fingers into her pussy.

I guess you could say that I was keeping score. Even though Sherry and I had never spoken privately to one another, it was obvious that we had some rapport going on. Wouldn't you agree?

As Jeffrey opened his car and took out his soft vinyl case I nodded approvingly. "Hmmm. I see you brought lots of film."

Finally alone and away from the two women, we lingered by the car. Jeff sensed that it might be nice to do some talking between men and in private.

"Yes, it's all Polaroid instant shots because Sherry wants me to keep the camera ready all the time so we can get shots of little Carrie while she grows up."

"Carrie? Is that her name? Cute. Sherry and Carrie." I laughed. "Too bad Jeffrey that your name isn't 'Harry' to go along with it.

He laughed back, and it was obvious that he had lost all his shyness now at being naked in 'public.' I might not be named 'Harry, but I do have some hair," he added while pointing down at his chest.

He had some hair, darker and thicker than mine, but like me, he would not be considered to be a hairy type of individual. "Jeffrey, between you and me, I think most women like their men without a lot of hair."

"Yeah, Sherry's like that. Says she is glad I'm not hairy all over."

I grinned and winked, and made the first comment of the day that might be considered really sexual in nature. Until now I had not used a word like tit, or penis, or pussy, none of those words.

Now I was testing him and for the moment, we were out of earshot of the ladies. "Yes, women like their men without a lot of hair so they can see their penises better."

He brightened, and was maybe hoping for the first time that maybe this day would not be all just oh-so-innocent in nature."Do you think so? Do they, the men and women at nudist camps really...look?"

"Of course. We all do, we just aren't obvious about it. The women look too, but they are sneakier about it then the men are. Of course, men have more areas to look at when they look at the women."

He seemed more at ease now. "Eric, is it alright if I talk about your wife?"

I saw what was coming and said, 'Sure, feel free, and I'll return the favor about your wife."

"When we drove through the gate, I had these fantasies that men would all be staring at Sherry, you know, new naked girl and all that. She's very pretty and I think...being honest, that I was more looking forward to having men see her than I was about seeing other women."

He paused, and I nodded. "I know what you mean. I've felt the same way about Jill. In a way, it's probably a lot different for us lucky guys that have attractive wives. For those guys that have wives that aren't pretty or well-built, the opposite is probably true for them. They can't wait to see other women!"

Jeff nodded. "Your wife is really pretty. Beautiful actually. When I first saw Jill, my eyes almost fell out of my head. There she was sitting on the deck, with a...a body that is...well, maybe the best I've ever seen. And she has blonde hair, real blonde hair I saw when I got closer."

"You mean when you saw her pubic hair." I smiled, not saying it as a question because I knew as to where he was referring.

"Yes, her pubic hair." He quickly added; "But don't think I was staring at her pussy, I meant..."

I laughed. "Relax. Whatever you want to talk about on Jill is alright when she's not around. You can ask me about her tits, her pussy, her ass, or just give me your opinion. I never get a chance to talk like this and knowing you and your wife are 'brand new' makes it all the more exciting.

But remember, anything you say or ask about my wife goes ditto about yours."

Jeff nodded eagerly. "I understand. You can ask me...anything!"

I sort of giggled. "You mentioned Jill's pussy and the color of her hair. Is there anything else about her pussy you'd like to say?"

"Aaaah, well, yes, there is something I'd like to say, or ask you."

I could tell that Jeff was afraid to give with the details. "Go ahead Jeff. Talk about my wife's pussy. I want to hear your inner thoughts."

"Her blonde hair, it's thin and it doesn't hide the view and from the right angles you can see all of it, I mean..almost inside!"

I was smiling and my cock had started a string of pre-fluid. "Tell me what you think about her lips. I know you must have seen them."

"Oooh shit! I'm so glad you mentioned them first. Her lips, Jill's lips hang out there so nice. I...well, you can't miss them they're so obvious from the right angles."

I'm usually pretty aware of when a man is staring at my wife at the camps, and I had known that Jeff was admiring her, but I had not been aware that he had been studying her body that closely.

"Yes Jeff. What you are seeing is her inner lips dangling out. Those lips are the ones that attach right up to her clitoris. If she had been born a man, those lips would have been her testicles."

Jeff nodded in slow understanding. "I see. Sherry doesn't have inner lips that hang way out like that."

"No, just some women do. But don't feel like you got short-changed. Sherry has a nice pussy. I can testify to that because I have checked it out!"

We laughed together. Then I added in confidence. "If you get a chance, walk quietly up behind Jill sometime when she is lying on her stomach sunbathing. If she doesn't think anyone is behind her, she opens her legs so the sun can hit her pussy. She opens pretty wide sometimes. Wait till you see that view!" In my head of course, I was remembering how Tony had enjoyed that view just two weeks ago.

This was a conversation I had never had at a nudist park before. "Now let's talk about Sherry since I have told you some very intimate things about Jill. Tell me, Jeff. Has your wife ever been...in bed with anyone else?"

Blam! First question I had hit him right between the eyes, but worded it gently rather that using the 'F' word. I don't know what made me do it, but I wanted to know. Something inside me was telling me that there might end up being more than just casual conversation with these folks.

"No, just me. So far..." He looked confused as to how to react to this intimate question.

'Just me, so far.' That so far as part of his answer told me that Jeff would not be totally unwilling if the subject or chance came up. Jeff might have his own fantasies, and from conversations I had been involved in in the past, I knew that Jeff might want all four to trade, just have Jill without having to share Sherry, or he might be the type who just wanted to see his wife being fucked, and everything else be damned.

"Just so you know Jeff, I think Sherry is very attractive and if we were wife-swappers, I would be in the front of the line for your wife."

"Thank you," Jeff replied with a smile. This is the first time I have ever heard it from someone who has seen her naked!"

"Exciting, isn't it?"


"Back to us talking about my wife. You can talk freely about Jill to me when there's no one around. I'm used to it, having men stare at her, and to tell the truth I like it as long as they don't stare at Jill in a manner that makes her nervous or upset."

"Did you ever see a man get a hard-on while looking at your wife?"

"Never at a nudist park, not a full hard on, but I have seen it a couple of times at nude beaches." I had not mentioned how I had seen Tony getting a full hard on at this very same camp not all that long ago as he had sat behind my wife's spread legs and stared at her parted lips.

"These guys you saw get hard, or even at nudist camps where they don't get hard, do they talk to you about her?"

"Oh, a little, but they seem kind of afraid to bring anything up. I wouldn't mind someday hearing some guy tell me how much he would like to feel parts of Jill's body and then how he would fuck her and tell me what he would do to her. It would be a turn on."

Jeff looked shocked, but in a very interested way. "Would you let them do that, fuck her, if she was willing?"

I laughed, a low laugh, sort of an inside shrug laugh. "No one has ever came right out and asked, but if they did, first off I would have to like and trust the guy, and second and the most important thing, Jill would have to be willing."

I looked Jeff in the eyes. "Just like with you and Sherry, if you wanted to see your wife getting laid, Sherry would have to go along, and it would be a lot better if she was really wanting to do it rather than just doing it so you could watch."

His face turned red. "Well, I'd like that, to see her get laid by some guy, but my wife would never go for it. Are you guys...swingers?"

Wow! This first time nudist had just admitted to me, until a couple of hours ago a total stranger, that he would like to see his wife being fucked. I had that immediate reaction to say.."Psss pssst. Let's get together without my wife being there and you can watch me fuck Sherry.' But of course, had I done so, it would have sounded like I was one of those guys who wanted to fuck other men's wives, but nobody better touch my wife!

So instead I smiled. "No, we're not...'swingers.' We might come to camps and go naked, but we've never swapped with anyone. Actually, that's not what nudist camps are all about. But I have my fantasies, you know..." Then I added an admission. "Actually, I've never done either swapping or letting Jill get laid on her own, but I think, if I had a choice I would get more enjoyment out of watching a man fucking my wife than I would having him watch me fuck his."

There! I had told Jeff something, something truthful, that I had never told any other man.

Now it had been established between us. Both of us wouldn't mind seeing our women getting fucked.

"Has she...has Jill ever been with other men, besides you?"

"Believe it or not, I'm the only guy she has ever fucked." For some time now I had gone to using the fuck word to add emphasis to where this conversation was headed. I had lied of course, about Jill because just a couple of weeks earlier and originating from this same location, Jill had been fucked by her first man ever after me. With my approval, Tony had worked her over big time, though for most of it Jill had been 'in charge.'

I had lied for two reasons. One, there was no need for this new couple to know that Jill and I had been involved in a threesome with another man. Two, if it ever came down to Jill being involved sexually with Jeff, he would be a lot more excited about it if he thought he was her first.

"And Sherry? You're sure she has never fucked anyone else?"

I could see that Jeff was growing quite excited. I glanced down when I had a chance to see if he was also growing elsewhere. It was, just a little larger perhaps, but still dangling. The shaft had thickened slightly and lengthened, but that head, larger then the shaft, looked the same.

Oh Jeff, I knew that you too had made that glance down, and you had probably seen that not only was my dick showing signs of growth, but there was a string of fluid hanging from the tip. Just like you, Jeff, my cock drips when thinking about my wife with another man.

Off the subject of our cocks and back to where we were. I had asked Jeff if Sherry had ever fucked anyone else. "No, just like you, my wife has never fucked anyone else. And like you, I kind of would like to hear someone talk like that about her, but only to me."

We were sort of repeating ourselves, but the conversation had us both excited and we wanted to stay on the subject.

I saw a chance to confide in him and get more personal. "We have to get back, but I'll tell you what I think while we are here and alone. Once we get back there, everything has to go back to normal.

We're not swingers, and she...Jill has never fucked anyone else, but someday I might get her to do it. And as far as your wife Sherry goes, she seems really shy, but she is lovely, a nice face and body.

And since you wanted to hear it from someone who is telling you direct, I'll tell you, I'd love a chance to fuck your wife. It would really be exciting, especially my knowing that I would be the first guy besides her husband to put a cock in her."

"Yeah, that would make it more exciting for her too, having her first strange guy..." Jeff's voice trailed off as he stared off into space, thinking about it."

I wanted to tell him more in order to spice things up. "And I already know a secret about your wife, and I'll tell you a secret about my wife."

"A secret? Two secrets? Tell me!"

Oh, he was really excited now. "Here's something I've never told anyone..." I waited till just the right moment for his expectation to build and went on. "My wife has never had a baby and her pussy is tight, unusually tight. I've had a few women before I married her, and so far, Jill is the tightest I've ever had."

I knew that hearing that about my wife would increase his desire for Jill to astronomical levels. His face was showing his awe that I had revealed that personal item about Jill, and now he wanted to hear more. "And what about my wife, Sherry? You said you already know a 'secret' about her?"

"Yes, and don't be upset with her, it's only natural. I've noticed that Sherry has been sneaking peeks at my cock. It is possibly because I have the first...'cock' Sherry has ever seen besides yours or it could be because mine is uncircumcised and she has never seen an uncut cock."

"Or maybe both," he commented with a worried look on his face. "It could just be the newness of being in a nudist park for her first time."

I smiled to ease his concern. "Her looking doesn't mean that she wants to fuck me, don't worry. It's only natural for your wife to be curious. I know that my wife is curious about men too, but she never says anything to me about it. She's the strong quiet type, but oh so hot when I get her in bed."

"Wow, I'd like to see that. Jill and you going at it I mean."

And once again I had a chance to tell another man of one of my secret fantasies, a fantasy that had been fulfilled two weeks ago with Tony, but I was anxious to see once again.

"My wife has a really great ass, as I am sure you have noticed when she is walking around or lying on her stomach, and I have always wanted to see how she looks, that ass especially, when she is top of me, or someone else."

"I volunteer to be your model so you can see," Jeff said, laughing but also letting me know. If...

But I had more to tell Jeff. "here's another 'secret' I know about your wife Sherry."

"Really? What's that?"

"I noticed something about Sherry when she was sitting facing me and sneaking peeks at my dick every once in a while that it might have been getting her turned on."

Jeffery's voice sort of shook when he asked, and I could tell that the thought had him excited rather than upset. "How do you know? I mean, how do you know that your cock was turning her on?"

"She, her pussy was beginning to shine, all around her lips. Her juices were flowing and I think it was because she was staring at my cock and fantasizing."

"Really? You think so? Did she know that you knew she was staring at it while we were sitting on the deck?"

I asked him a question so that he would confirm in his own mind what I was saying. "Didn't you notice how all the time she kept sitting right across from me, even after she had gotten up for a quick dip in the pool and came back?"

'Yes..... I did notice that, now that you mention it, but I wasn't paying attention since I was concentrating on looking at your wife."

"Well, Jeff, I've been calling you Jeff. Is it O.K. if I call you 'Jeff?"

"Sure. That's what I am usually called."

"Jeff, I am pretty sure Sherry was having a wet pussy about my cock. When I saw how she was maybe letting me see her wet pussy rather than hide it, my cock was tingling and starting to grow just a little. I quickly changed from a sitting position to a lying back on my elbows position with my feet and cock away from you and my wife so you two wouldn't see it."

"Did you get a hard on? Did she see it?"

"Not fully hard. I went from a four-inch softie to maybe a five-inch softie but it was still hanging down and my skin never came back. But I know that Sherry had noticed and I think that she decided to take some action of her own. I was lower to her and Sherry sort of casually opened her legs a bit more and raised her knees up to her chest."

Jeff nodded. "Yeah, I remember her doing that, putting her knees up. I thought that maybe she was trying to block your view."

"She wasn't! That really opened her pussy up to my view because she made it a point to sort of sit slightly sideways to me so that her raised legs wouldn't be blocking the view and I would be able to look in and see it.

"Oh shit. Really?"

"Yes, her pussy was sort of bulging out in that position and I could even see some of her lips through that thick hair. And she was making sure that you and Jill didn't notice. Sherry had been out of the pool for awhile and her body had time to dry off. But her pussy, your wife's pussy, was really looking wet and shiny by then. Of course, I could be wrong and she wasn't really thinking of my cock or displaying herself to me on purpose. We men tend to have fantasies you understand."

"Sherry was probably doing it on purpose. She does get wet, very wet sometimes when I fuck her, but that's the only time she gets wet, is when she thinks about sex."

"Well, there you go, your wife was fantasizing about what it would be like to fuck me. But don't be upset, it doesn't mean that she would ever cheat on you. I can see that she loves you."

Jeff sort of looked sheepish when he asked the next question. "Sherry was wet I guess, looking at you, and that was even before you got to rub her...her ass with that lotion!"

I looked at Jeff with that...'I'm your buddy and I am sharing something with you.' "Jeff, you haven't asked, but I saw you raise up to see when she made that little moan. So in case you are wondering, she did let me feel her pussy."

"Really? How much did you get to feel?"

"Everything was all wet, of course, both from the lotion and from her. I could easily tell the difference between the lotion and her...and her pussy juice."

"So you felt her pussy. Did you go inside?" His voice was shaking now from excitement. Two to three hours in a nudist camp had brought his wife around that much.

"After caressing her lips up and down a couple of times, then I got two fingers into her. Not very deep, just between her two inner lips, the one where the real hole begins."

Oh readers, I have a way of saying something crude to a man about his wife, but it always seems to excite them.

"God I can't believe it. Sherry let you finger her. My wife, my poor oh-so-goodie-two-shoes innocent wife. Unbelievable!"

Jeff sighed, and then he said something that could change his life, his entire marriage actually. "I wonder how she would act, if just the three of us were alone..."

I picked up on an 'opportunity' right away. "Yes, if the three of us were alone. Jill would never go for any hanky panky I don't think. She might, in time. But I don't think she is ready for it just yet."

Jeffrey was trembling now and trying to hide it. "If we could arrange it. I don't need for your wife to do anything with me in return. I've had this fantasy of seeing Sherry with another man..."

I was not about to miss this opportunity. "And that man might be...me?"

"Yes." Without hesitation he gave his answer. Obviously Jeff had been thinking along those lines for some minutes. He quickly added, "But I want to take pictures, with my Polaroid if it happens."


"Yes, today, while we're here and my wife is naked and I think turned on to someone else."

"I think I can arrange to get away. And Jill can baby-sit for us. Matter of fact, Jill was baby sitting for me last week while I was shooting my models because the girl brought her niece along. "Why don't I offer to show you guys around the park while my wife watches your kid?"

"Do you think she Jill will be suspicious?"

"Nah, not with you being there. If I was to try and take your wife off alone, like one of my models, she might not like it." I paused and looked at him. "Do you think your wife would go along? To pose for...fuck photos?"

There. I had laid it on the line. I had used the term 'fuck photos,' but obviously the fucking was to be between me and his wife. "Will your wife fuck me and do it in front of a camera?"

"I've talked about it to her," he quickly corrected himself. "I don't mean that I've talked to her about you, we just met you guys. But in general I've talked to her about it. So she knows what one of my fantasies is. And now that you say she had a wet pussy from looking at your cock, I think I need to catch her right now while the catching is good!"

Then he looked real serious at me. "But if we take the photos, I get to keep them, I mean we get to keep them since it would be photos of my wife and all."

"No sweat. You can take all the photos you want and I might even give you some direction, but my face stays out of the shots."

He grinned like a kid with a new toy. "Hell, who's going to be looking at your face!"

"Let's do it, try it. First we'll take some photos of Sherry around the pool to loosen her up. And you know what? I'll see if I can get her to open her legs up on some of those photos. If she does, the next phase, photographing her fucking, is more likely to happen."

Jeff's eyes brightened. "I'd like that. Especially if you are the one making the suggestions and she does it!"

Taking the lead, I headed to the pool. while Jeff and his camera case followed like a puppy on a leash. I was literally jumping for joy. Jeff had offered, begged almost, and I was pretty sure that Sherry would go along now that I had fondled her pussy.

Yeah, fondled that pussy and fingered her ass.

I was wondering though, how Jeff could be so new at this, his first day in a camp and all and his wife being nearly a virgin, and yet allow another man to fuck his wife?

Allow a man who obviously turned his wife on by the way she had acted to fuck his wife, and a man who, based on how the two dicks appeared, might be larger than he was.

I was grinning to myself as I walked up to Jill and Sherry, and Jill asked, "What are you grinning about?"

And I responded, "Oh, just about what a nice day it is, and how nice it is to meet new people." And I was grinning because once again Sherry was studying my cock.

"Yep,' I thought. "My cock must be bigger than Jeff's cock."

Jeff and I got with the mission. We took Sherry over to the pool and I directed her to sit up straight up on the edge with her feet in the water. "Jeff, I could do these for you but you won't learn as much that way. Why don't you take the photos while I direct her?"

"That would be great. What do you want her to do first?"

"Sherry, pull your shoulders back so that your tits raise up. That's it, but relax, relax those shoulder blades. Now, look right into the camera and smile. Get a teasing look into your eyes.....tilt your head and look up at the sky. No, just a little ways up. That's it, you know exactly what I mean. "Shoot it Jeff!"

"Click, whirrrrrrrrrrr."

Yes readers of the 21st century. If you have never heard one of those old Polaroids in action, that is the sound they made. A click as you pushed the shutter and took the photo, and them a long whirrrrrr sound as the ******* picture came out. Than you could watch the photo 'develop' before your eyes.

Usually you got eight shots to a roll. Today and away from this pool area, we were going to use several rolls of his film.

We took more shots of Sherry, including some with her little girl on the top step into the pool with her. After the wholesome family shots were done, we got back to business, the business of erasing any inhibitions Sherry might have about being photographed intimately.

"Now Sherry, fold those legs up and just look sort of off to the side like you are just relaxed and don't know anyone is watching. That's it. Get it Jeff. "Click, whirrrrrrrr.'

Jeff looked over at me and I knew what he wanted, something a little racier."Now Sherry, we have the shots you might show your nudist friends someday out of the way. Now we can take something a little hotter for your husband to keep him warm on those cold nights."

She knew what I was talking about and smiled. Of course something else was happening here. We were going to be getting some hot shots for her husband, but I was doing the directing and everything she posed for I would see, and even better than Jeff would since he had the viewer to his eye.

"Jeff, get in the water up to your waist and we'll shoot her sitting on the edge. That's it, don't let the camera get wet. Now Sherry, open those legs wide and sort of toss your head back...put your arms back behind you so that you can lean your body back, that's right, now put your head back and close your eyes. Open a little wider....hold that pose...just look at that pretty pussy. Now Jeff, get that shot."

"Click, whirrrrrrr.

I had said just look at that pretty pussy. That line had let Sherry know, in a way, that her husband was going along with not only getting shots like these, but that we could talk about it.

"You know what? It might be kind of nice if we were to take a hair brush to her pubic hair and parted it. Part her pubic hair. Her slit will show better.

That was probably a very racy thing to say to them, but I had done just that more than once with a model that had never trimmed her pussy.

"I'll get my brush!" And Sherry raced off to the cabana to open her case. In a flash she was back and had resumed her position on the edge of the pool and with her feet in the water.

"How should...?"

I looked at Jeff. "Be careful there Jeff. Your camera is almost touching the water."

He looked down. "Oh, yeah," and raised the camera. I guess his concentration was off. I needed to get back to Sherry and her pubic hair.

"I'll do it. I've done it before." And taking the hair brush out of her hands I said, 'Open wide...."

Sherry didn't even glance at her husband to see how he was taking it. She opened her legs wide, thought about if for a second, the opened them as wide as she could get them while sitting on the edge of the pool.

"Now we part those hairs as we brush..."

"Tee hee, that tickles!"

As I brushed her out to one side and then the other, more of her pussy came into view and now not only as her crack became more visible to the lens, but those inner lips and that clitoris as well.

Really pink and pretty inside. Oh yeah.

Think about that readers. There it was, that lovely snatch all covered on both sides with soft brown hair, but now the hair was no longer blocking the view. And I was eye level to it and just inches away as I stood waist-deep in the pool.

And no the thought of shoving the handle of the brush into her pussy didn't occur to me though thinking back on it it might have been fun to see because it was one of those rubber over the plastic handle brushes and that rubber had built in little bumps for grip. Of course I could never have gotten away with that, or could I have?

"Now we can get some great shots!"

And that is how it went for about 20 minutes and two rolls of film. Me directing and looking and every once in a while, brushing.

Jeff was listening, looking, and shooting. Sherry knew what was happening here, that I was getting intimate and revealing looks at her most private parts, but they were parts I had already touched.

And all this was, unknown to Sherry, getting her primed for an even more intimate shooting.

My wife Jill was looking over at us every once in while and she too knew that something might be in the air. These two people had come into the camp less then three hours ago and now the wife was allowing me to part her pubic hair with a hair brush!

We had enough photos. "Jill," I yelled over. "Jeff wants me to take them on a tour around the park. If you don't mind watching little Carrie that would be nice. If you need to go to the bathroom first, we'll wait for you."

"O.K. I'll be right back. Sherry? Want to come along and bring your daughter?"

This tour of the park was news to Sherry, but she gave me that look, that hopeful look. He is going to get me away from his wife and my daughter and bring my husband along. Has Jeff been telling Eric about his fantasies?

"Sure." And just like that, the three females were gone.

"What do you think Jeff? Will she go for it?"

"I don't know, but Sherry was sure willing to let you see her pussy when you were telling her to open those legs. And I couldn't believe it when you said we needed to take a brush to her pussy hair and she went right along with it!"

"I've done that before with other models. It was all a matter of getting your wife used to showing her pussy to a stranger. Conditioning you might say. Of course, don't forget, I had already played with it with my fingers."

"I think she'll do it," Jeff blurted out! "Let's get her off somewhere private so we can get those shots."

"We'll need a towel to lie on," I suggested. "Jill will wonder why and I'll tell her it is to add some color to the shots if we decide to take any photos of your wife posing in the greenery. We'll take that red towel."

"Great idea," said Jeff. "I wouldn't have thought of taking a towel."

"It would be nice to have a pillow to put under Sherry's ass too, but that we could never pull off with Jill watching us go off together. I know something that we ought to be taking though. Do you have some tissue paper in your camera case?"

"Hmmm, no, but we have some for the kid in her diaper bag, or I can get some out of the car."

He looked inquisitively at me. "Do you suppose that it will get that far, that my wife will need tissue paper to...wipe?" His eyes were wide, hopefully wide.

"Jeff," I said, smiling confidently, "I think it will. If things go right, you might even consider taking a shot while she wipes out a cum-filled vagina."

I made it a point of reaching down and lifting my balls while he watched. "These things are pretty full. I haven't drained them since night before last."

"I'd better get those tissues."

Jeff immediately headed for the diaper bag and retrieved a whole handful of tissues and placed them into his camera bag.

"Did you leave enough for Jill and the baby?"

Jeff nodded. "There's a whole other box in there that hasn't been opened yet."

Fifteen minutes later the three of us had passed the office and taken a walking path up a steep hill that I hoped would lead to someplace nice and private so we could get those pictures.

I had never been up this hill, but it was looking promising, especially since it was obvious now to Sherry that we were looking for total privacy and she wasn't questioning where we were going.

Almost at the top was a little level place, and if we didn't stand higher than the bushes, no one could see us from below. We could see anyone coming up well before they would see us. And this was a weekday so we were relatively safe.

No one had spoken to Sherry about the plans Jeff and I had made, and when we stopped in the clearing, Jeff spoke first.

"Let's get those photos."

Sherry had seen that we had brought along the towel, and she had some idea of what was going on. She said with a little combo frown/grin, as she looked at me.

"Photos? Do you mean you and I doing...things, or of me and Jeff?" As she was speaking, Sherry sort of licked her nervous lips.

This was it, the big test. It was to be photos of Sherry and I, but if she wouldn't agree, then it would be photos of Sherry and Jeff. Her question of asking which kind of photos had already indicated that she was willing, either way.

Jeff saved me having to answer, and in doing so, giving his permission to Sherry. "No. I have this fantasy...I'd like to get photos of you and Eric.!"

Of course Sherry had to show us, especially her husband that she was not just dying to fuck me. So we heard only silence for five seconds while both Jeff and I quit breathing, and then, just like that..."O.K."

Bingo! Jeff was going to get his fantasy photos, I was going to do some fucking, and doing so while I was doing some directing.

Then Jeff was more direct with his wife as to exactly what he wanted. "I don't want your overall bodies or you kissing or anything like that. I just want to get closeups of his... of his cock inside you and stuff like that. O.K?"

"Oh oh O.K." I could tell that Sherry was a little disappointed with the no kissing rule, but anything she could get, and give, was alright with her.

I gave Sherry a big smile to relax her. "I'll lie down and you can play with me a little or if you want to, suck on it while Jeff gets a few shots."

She had no verbal response but as soon as I dropped to the towel, she did too.

"Like....like this?" She had timidly reached out and wrapped the fingers of her left hand around me since I had assumed the usual position of lying beside her on her right.

"That's it baby. It's already filling your hand, look at that. It must mean my cock is in love with your hand. What do you think?"

I was joking around, trying to keep this session on sort of an impersonal level in order to cut down on any jealousy that might show up on the part of Jeff. Apparently his wife, shy as she seemed, had no hesitation about talking about my cock.

"It's a nice cock. I like the way it looks when it's just hanging there. And it's growing longer than I thought it would. But what I like most....I like how your skin goes back and forth."

"I'm uncircumcised baby. Stroke it. That's it, now its nice and hard. Now it's ready for that first shot. Jeff! Do you want a shot of her stroking first, or sucking?"

"How about both?

"Move in close with the camera so that all that shows is cock, hand, and her face. There you go. Oh Sherry, shit, your mouth feels so good."

Sherry was deep-throating me, or trying to, because she was so far down only about two inches was left showing. "Keep your head up some so more dick shows. Jeff, get the shot."

Click, whirrrrr.

"Use your tongue around the head. Aaaaaah. I know that won't show on film but it sure feels good. My head is super sensitive because I'm not circumcised.

Now Sherry my little lover, for this next photo take your mouth off and just touch the head with the tip of your tongue. That's it, that's what we'll get in the photo, but first let me tell you how to use your hand. We need to 'pose' my cock.

Put your hand way down at the base of my cock so as much as possible cock shows in the picture. That's it, now squeeze my cock at the bottom. See that? See how it makes my dick look bigger because you are pushing the blood to the tip?"

Sherry giggled, looked over at her husband and saw only a camera in front of his face, turned her head back to my cock and said; "Yes, it looks bigger up at this end."

"Now open your mouth real wide and stick that tongue way out and touch it. Get it Jeff!

Click, whirrrrr.

And so it went picture after picture as we worked up to the point where I was going to penetrate Sherry, and first Jeff wanted me to be on top.

Sherry was on her back, legs spread in open invitation to me. I knew what she was thinking, about how unbelievably her life had changed in only a matter of around three hours.

Just like this, Sherry was about to be penetrated, and she was hoping, also to be kissed by a man she had been fantasizing on ever since she had first seen him, and that man was me!

Getting the penetration shots was the easy part. That had already been agreed upon by Jeff. The kissing might be harder for her to get. Fucking was getting shots of her pussy being spread by some strange, forbidden meat. Kissing on the other hand, might mean emotional involvement, and that Jeff might not permit.

And besides that, I had told Jeff I didn't want my face in any of the photos, so there was no reason for me to be kissing his wife, right?

But Sherry, I knew, wanted to kiss me, and me..her. It might turn out that I would have to tell Jeff it was alright if he got photos of the back of my head.

"O.K. Jeff, Get behind me under my legs. I'll hold my cock just above her hole while you get a shot of my cock about to lower down and go in."

Click, whirrrrrrr.

I looked down and back under me and saw that there was a sting of pre-cum about three inches long dangling off the tip of my cock.

"Jeff? Did you get that string of pre-coital fluid in the photo?"

"You bet!"

"Good." I lowered my hips to where the string came into contact with her lips.

"O.K. Jeff, now that you have that shot let's have Sherry reach down with both hands and spread them open."

I was looking under me and sure enough, Sherry's fingers on her left hand came into contact with that string and some of the cum wrapped itself around a finger. And that finger yes, readers you guessed it but it's the truth. That finger was her wedding ring finger, and she was wearing both the engagement ring and the band.

"Jeff! Can you see that? My string of fluid is all over her wedding rings." As I was speaking, more fluid poured out.

"I see it. I see it!"

I kind of think that Jeff was getting excited.

"Thaaaaat's it, just like that! An open invitation for a dripping strange cock about to enter a hungry married pussy for the first time. Jeff, get that picture."

I knew that in the future, both Jeff and Sherry would stare at that photo and feel their genitals tingling.

Click, whirrrrrr. I hoped that Jeff's hands weren't shaking too much so that the photo was clear. "Jeff, I'll hold it here until you see the photo to make sure its good and clear."

Sherry's eyes were bright as she looked up at me. "I want to see it too." We waited the ten seconds.


I knew that photo had to be perfect. "Jeff? Sherry wants to see it." And of course I did too.

Jeff had nothing more to say after that Wow as he showed us the photo. The photo said it all. There it was, her opened and shiny looking pussy waiting in open invitation for a dripping cock that had already spread some slime over her wedding bands, while the rest of the slime had slithered on into that hole.

That hole didn't look real tight like say, Jill's pussy, but it looked like my cock was substantial enough to fill it.

"Do you need another photo," I asked Jeff?

"No. I don't think you can improve on perfection."

"Jeff," I said, laughing. "You are already becoming a porn photographer." Then I looked down into Sherry's eager eyes. She had continued to hold herself open in anticipation.



I slowly eased forward and allowed my dribbling head to part her.


I'll give Sherry credit. Though my initial entry into her wasn't that oh my God you're so big thing you read in these stories, she made some nice noise considering. A baby had recently came out of there, and something smaller was now going in. Simple physics were in play.

I knew the fit didn't seem all that tight so I made a comment in case she was wondering, and hopefully not disappointed.

"Ooooh Sherry you're so very wet....so warm and wet."

This wetness and loose fit had one advantage. I would be able to last as long as it took, and my goal was to have her pussy throb while her husband watched and got his photos.

Two shots later I was halfway in and Jeff had gotten three shots of the penetration. I was holding my body above Sherry and looking down into her eyes. Eyes that looked like they might be ready to tear up, as in...cry. But I think she was happy, and frustrated.

Sherry wanted to go ahead and fuck, and she wanted to go wild and dig into me with her nails and kiss me madly while humping her ass up into the air so that she could match my strokes with hers and she wanted to come and come and...

But I'm talking fast and getting ahead of myself. We had to hold back and play the photo game. "Now Jeff, let's get one of me all the way in, and then one as I come back out a little ways and her lips sort of tug on my cock like they don't want me to leave."

"Mmmmmm, oh Eric, that's nice" Sherry whispered as I sank to the bottom. I don't believe that Jeff heard her.

But once I was all the way in I got to spend a little time in there. This was nice because Jeff had to reload his Polaroid, and while he wasn't looking I was able to lie more of my body onto hers. Her nipples came into contact with my chest as I moved in with my lips.

Once those lips had made contact I began grinding my pelvic bone against her clit and brought my tongue forward to meet hers.

While an unawares husband was busily reloading his Polaroid, I was busily fucking his wife, but quietly.

Oh how her tongue searched and held onto mine. I could tell, Sherry was more than just a little interested in me. Her body felt nice against mine. Her nipples, those nursing nipples were poking me in the chest, and all around her body, I could feel her shaking.

I knew she was struggling very hard to remain quiet.

At that exact moment, two people whom had just met and had no right to be, were in love. Maybe some of you readers have experienced that feeling while your genitals were joined up with a first time fuck.

And then, just like that, she started to come! No more secrets.


Unable to restrain the sound of her pleasure from her husband, Sherry was experiencing a release that had been building all day. Her fingers were digging into my ass as she tried to raise her ass in the air and squirm under me.

Knowing that her husband had been watching all from underneath, I had been trying very hard not to make his wife lose control. Jealousy of me or anger on Jeff's part at his wife was something I did not want to be responsible for.

Once going to the bottom on her I had not moved my cock a single millimeter in her other than sideways. But that, combined with the buildup, the closeness, and oh yes, that kiss, had sent her into orbit.

Sherry tightened up, both her legs around me but also with her pussy and her arms. Mmmmmmmmmuuuuuh!"

It must have been those few moments that we had to ourselves that set her off. I could feel Sherry's pussy contracting but it was nothing like when Jill did it.

I couldn't feel her coming like I could my wife, but that doesn't mean that Sherry wasn't coming hard, and having it last.

Jeff of course, heard her and immediately asked, "Sherry, what's wrong?"

I was still trying to hold my hips still. Oh oh. Should we tell him? But then Jeff answered his own question.

"She's coming!" There was a moment of stunned silence on his part, and then Jeff spoke again and this time I think it sounded like his voice was happy.

Click! Whirrrrr. And then his words came out in a rush.

"She came. Sherry came, just like that! I could see her pussy and asshole contracting and also I can tell that she came because her pussy is still all red-looking around the edges. She gets like that when I eat her and she comes. Sherry, how did that happen? He wasn't even moving his dick in and out!"

Jeff thought that all I had been doing was the old in and out. All I had been doing on camera was going in, an inch at a time. Jeff had not seen my sideways grinding motion while he had been loading his camera.

I had been wondering the same thing too because to be truthful and like I said, the fit between us wasn't all that tight. Sherry's deliciously and nutritiously wet pussy still was feeling good to me though because I have that foreskin, and that foreskin not only protects the head of my dick and keeps the sensitivity level up, but it also provides friction of its own as I slide in and out.

Sherry's pussy, as I suspected, had been stretched by childbirth and apparently, after 18 months had not popped back into shape. Of course I had no way of knowing what her original shape had been.

And Sherry was so wet. I didn't mind that she was so wet because sooner or later, I knew, I was going to be pumping in and out of her so that I could have my orgasm for that shot of my cum that Jeff wanted on film , and in the process, maybe we could bring on another orgasm for Sherry.

But first, Jeff was anxious to share the photo with us that he had just taken of her orgasm. Sure enough, Sherry's pussy looked all red around the edges, and those edges were holding my cock snug as a bug in a rug.

Only one orgasm had been planned for Sherry originally, and so far we were running ahead of schedule.

You see, I planned to have Jeff getting a come shot as I pulled a little way out and Sherry's pussy began dripping. That would be my reason to come in her in case there were any hesitations on Jeff's part.

Sherry was trembling and hesitant to answer, so I did it for her. "Jeff, I don't know why she came. I haven't even given her any strokes yet. I guess the long anticipation and the excitement of having someone new, or maybe the joy of knowing she is making you happy by posing for these pictures did it."

Boy I was laying it on thick, but apparently it worked, because Jeff accepted at least one of those explanations.

Under my direction, and with his wife under me, Jeff got his shots as I slowly came back, halfway as her pussy tugged lightly at me, and then another shot as my cock held still about three inches above her opened hole.

"Now Jeff, see how that looks" I said as I looked down between our bodies? "In this shot there is no cum to see because I haven't come yet, but in the final shots you will see my dripping cock as it comes out, and you can decide whether you want her on top of me or under me."

Jeff's voice was trembling. "I think I'd like to get the final shots of her on top of you, that way when the cum starts running out, it will be dripping down onto your cock."

"And my balls." I laughed as I looked down into Sherry's sparkling eyes. Eyes that no longer looked like they had tears in them.

"Oh Jeff," I said, laughing. "You are turning into such a nasty man. You are already learning how to get the hottest shots of your wife. Now let's turn over." Before I rolled off, I puckered my lips and threw a kiss at Sherry.

Sherry's body was shaking visibly as she somehow managed to rise and then stick one leg over both of mine as I got flat onto my back.

I was going to say it of course, as in giving directions, but Sherry needed no direction. She knew where to go, and she wanted it now.

"Mmmmmhh. That's good."

No, Sherry had not said that nor had her husband. It was me, I said it. Boy did this little cutie look good from down here as she mounted me. Unseen by Jeff from where he was below us, I reached up and lightly squeezed Sherry's breasts as she slowly brought that warm pussy closer, closer, closer.....contact!

"Get the shot Jeff, and any more you might want in that area. Just tell us."

"Fuck that looks hot! Too bad you two can't see it like I can!"

"But we can, remember? We'll have the photos."

Click. Whirrrrrr.

Sherry was grinning down at me and holding herself at the point where the head of my cock was just beginning to spread her. I think that both of us were waiting to see the next shot.



"We will see that shot as soon as it develops?"

"Oh yeah. Ten more seconds...Now look at this!"

Jeff rose a little and came around to the front where he could hold the photo and show it to both of us. He saw that my hands were on Sherry's breasts and instead of looking concerned or jealous, he laughed and said, 'Don't squeeze too hard, she'll spray all over your face!"

"Oh shit. I almost forgot about the milk." I looked at her nipples and saw milk droplets now starting to ooze. "Let me have a look at that photo."

Sherry had been taking a long look at it as Jeff held it up in front of her face, and as soon as she had started looking at it, she had started moving her ass and was now stroking up and down on me far enough to take my head within and come out again. My cock, fortunately, was rigid enough to stay in place so that she didn't miss each time she came down.

I saw the photo and kept looking at it as I spoke to Sherry. "Look at it Sherry, how my dick is stretching out those lips."

At that moment I think Sherry replied with the most personal and secret thing she was to say all day, because she said it in front of her husband.

"I not only can see it, I can feel it." And Jeff looked to his left and down at his wife's lower half, and saw that Sherry was fucking me even when there was no camera in place. No one to direct, she was doing it on her own.

"And look how wet you are. And pretty soon baby, you are going to look really wet after I get done shooting a nice big warm load up into you."

Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut because all of a sudden Sherry moaned as she quit waiting for her next instructions and started pumping even faster and deeper.

"Wait Sherry," Jeff said, speaking loudly. "Don't do that. I don't want him to come until we get some more photos."

Sherry quit. But not before she had gotten in about six nice full-length strokes at the faster speed and going all the way to the bottom. She plopped her body down onto mine and was breathing hard as she waited for further instructions from her husband.

Her heart was pounding so hard as her nipples touched against my chest that it seemed I could feel her heartbeat right through those nipples. Jeff was loading his camera again and Sherry took advantage of the time to look into my eyes and kiss me.

Then she took her lips off and whispered, "Don't tell him."

I was looking up into her eyes and saying silently, I understand Sherry, really I do.

We spent perhaps another 10 minutes getting the on top shots, reloading and talking. Now it was time for that final shot of my cum dripping out of her pussy at the moment where she had risen off of me.

"O.K. Jeff, I'm going to come now and if it's alright with you I'd like for Sherry to try to come too. If she is trying or coming, I'll shoot an even bigger load for your picture."

"I guess that will be O.K. Jeff seemed hesitant, then he seemed to realize that this was a form of what he wanted, to see his wife being fucked. This session was for photos, but in reality, this was also his wife doing the fucking, but with direction and controls.

He was hesitating, and I finally said what I knew Sherry wanted to say and did not feel free to. "Let her go Jeff, and let's see how she responds. Make her happy!"

"Yes! Fuck him now honey, and I want you to come again!"

Jeff had said no kissing shots, but now she didn't care. I felt a tear, and then two, fall onto my cheeks as Sherry leaned down to kiss me from her very first pump. She pumped at a medium speed, and she kissed, and she cried tears of happiness.

The strange thing was, I just happened to look down past Sherry's right shoulder and at Jeff at that particular time, and he wasn't watching his wife fucking me! Instead, Jeff was holding up one of the photos he had taken and it looked like he might be jacking off as he stared at it, but I couldn't see his cock.

And then she came, but it might not have been any more intense than the orgasm I was having. I decided to let Sherry know how much I cared. "Oooooooh baby. Give it to me. No! I mean take it from me because I'm coming too!"

And then was heard a hasty Click, whirrrrr! It sounded like Jeff had dropped that photo and picked up his Polaroid.

I had realized in my joy that Sherry was not supposed to be giving it to me. The man has the cock, and he does the giving it to a woman. So in the middle of our orgasm I had corrected myself, and let me tell you folks, it's not easy to laugh at the same time you are groaning through an orgasm, but two people fucking were doing it now.

"Ha ha ha ha" Sherry said as she tried to catch her breath. That was the...funniest orgasm I ever had."

I think, readers, that Sherry had been about to say the best orgasm, but after all, Jeff was still down there. And now he wanted that ultimate shot, one of two ultimate shots.

The first ultimate shot in my mind would be the one of her slime-coated wedding band fingers tugging herself opened and waiting for that dripping cock.

The other ultimate shot would be with that same cock having just come out, the lips still open, and cum all over the place. The shots in between, with the dick inside, to me are not quite as sexy because you can't see what is happening in there. Unless.

But, if the guy is real big, as in thick, and the girl is real small, as in tight, then of course those shots of a pussy being stretched way out are sexy too. But that was not the case between Sherry and I.

Now me? The next to ultimate shot I kind of like is the shot that shows that moment of very first penetration, that shot that shows a woman's lips being stretched for the first time, especially if they look a little bit dry and tight.

But Jeff wanted the cum dripping shot the most and that type of shot rates right up there for me too.

"Rise up slowly honey. A little higher...There! Hold that."

And Jeff got his photo, and still two more. Each one showing more and more cum dripping out of Sherry's red, oh yes, a very red pussy but fading fast as she held in place two inches above my cock. And my proud cock was still pointing straight up and taking a shower.

Cum and color.

I know those photos sound hot, but unfortunately, as I learned while Jeff and I discussed his wife's pussy at a later time, the best combination of cum and color had not been obtained, because Sherry's pussy had turned red during her orgasm, and he got the shot, but all that cum coming out came later, and by then most of the red color had faded. But still, yummy!

Jeff showed us the photos while Sherry was still trying to hold herself over me with a body that was trembling visibly. But now, as she realized that her husband had come up front, she slowly allowed her body to lower and slipped her warm pussy once again down over my head. Oh yeah baby I was thinking, leave it right there.

I tried to be funny while looking at those photos to hide how intensely Jeff's wife and I had been involved with one another. "Shit, is that my cock down there with all that jizz all over it? Who's going to clean up that mess?"

And you might see this coming, and a shot of this coming after the way we had been coming was highly unlikely, but she did it. Yes Sherry did. Slowly, she crept backwards, which took her pussy lips off my cock. But then she moved further back and placed her other pair of lips over almost my entire going soft cock!

That's right readers. This shy little wife was placing her mouth all over a cum-covered cock without being asked or directed. But only with her mouth so her fingers wouldn't get all sticky.

Sound believable? It does to me because it happened.

And Jeff got his photos, Click, whirrrrrrr, including a very hot or maybe disgusting shot of Sherry using a tissue on herself, then two, then three.

Yes, I had deposited a lot of cum in her.

This next part came a little later, but I mention it now because I was just talking about Sherry letting Jeff take photos of her pussy while she tried to wipe the dripping cum from those wet lips.

I told Jeff he would have to bury those tissues, and he suggested that I do so since it was my cum soaking them. Of course I did because I did not want any curious camp personnel coming up that path later to see what we had been up to and finding them.

When I rose off the ground, my cock having shrunk to almost half the size it had been before, Jeff was still sitting on the ground and putting his Polaroid camera back in its case. I noticed that his cock still looked soft and I wondered, what's with this guy? Maybe he can't get it up and that's why Sherry chose me?

And then I saw the ground in front of Jeff and I knew. Oh yeah, he can get it up and that's his cum on the ground.

"We've been gone a long time. I hope your wife doesn't mind having to baby-sit all this time,." said Sherry with a frown.

"It'll be alright. Jill is understanding."

"Maybe, but what if she asks to see our photos? Did Jill know in advance what we were up to?"

Jeff, for the most part was being surprisingly quiet at the moment, as if he was thinking about Jill.

"Sherry," I answered. "I don't plan to keep it a secret from Jill. If she asks, Jeff can let her see the photos."

There was a feeling of let-down now between the two of us. We had both climaxed, in Sherry's case twice, but somehow we were left not completely satisfied. That intimate contact, the kind that has some mental involvement for the most part had fallen by the wayside.

But Sherry would have those photos to look at, and remember. I was already fantasizing on her taking them out while Jeff was at work, and using them to masturbate, fantasize, and remember.

I don't know about Jeff, I think he was pleased about the whole thing. With me taking the lead and Jeff in the back, we headed down the narrow path. Then side-by-side we walked past the office, and back to the pool.


Jeff and Sherry were less than ten feet away and playing with the baby. Jill had asked to see the shots we had taken, and sure enough, her suspicions had been confirmed.

"But why baby?" I was trying to keep my voice down. "I thought you weren't attracted to Jeff."

"I'm not, not that way, but I STILL WANT HIS COCK IN ME." Jill lowered her voice a little and added; "for the photos."

We had returned to the pool and Jill had smiled in greeting but within 30 seconds had asked to see what kind of photos we had taken. I had a choice, lie and say trees and bushes with a naked lady in front, or the truth.

What? My wife was studying each and every photo and she looked a little upset. But she didn't toss them down or do the things a normal non-nudist woman might do. No, she studied them first, in detail.

I told her of the agreement that Jeff and I had made. He gets to keep all the photos because his wife was in them with a foreign cock in her.

"Well, I want some photos too. I WANT HIS COCK IN ME!" Jeff and Sherry were laying on their towel and listening to the exchange. They both looked startled, but I could see that Jeff looked pleased, while Sherry was probably jealous of the beautiful woman that might soon be connected physically to her husband.

Jill's face was on the other side of me, and I used my left eye to wink at both Jeff and Sherry. That told them that I was cool with this and was playing the game. I could see them both relax, especially Jeff.

Jill really didn't want Jeff's cock in her, I knew that. I kept my voice low. "But you aren't attracted to him, I can tell."

"It's my turn now."

It's my turn now? Was my wife forgetting that just two weeks before and at this very same camp I had allowed her to pick and bring home another man, just for her?

My wife had not actually picked him, but she had shown me her desires by allowing Tony to see her with her legs opened wide while she had laid on the pool deck. From there I had taken the lead, or so I had thought.

"You really want to go up the hill and do it?"

"Yes, equal photos. This time I'll be doing it for us. 'I don't want him but I want his cock in me. Do you understand?"

Her voice was raised just slightly, and I was thinking, revenge? But inside I was grinning with anticipation. Two weeks ago Tony had been fun, a great orgy in which both Tony and I had enjoyed my wife, though I had been allowing Tony to explore her 90 percent of the time.

But this time, my wife would be intimate with a strange man in broad daylight, with photos.

"O.K," I said as I laid my plans. "But Jeff gets equal time."

"Equal time?"

"Yes. Since I was inside Sherry for a good little while you have to follow directions so that Jeff gets equal time with you and so we can get the same photos they got. And since these photos will be for you and me, your face has to show in some of them just like Sherry's did."

Jill sighed and glanced in Jeff's direction and I could see, down at his cock. Nothing there, I knew. Not even as nice looking as my smooth, uncircumcised cock. But to my wife, it would be the second strange cock to be inside her since her marriage.

"That's alright. I don't mind if my face shows, as long as we keep all the photos and I'll be counting them."

Jill was probably wishing it was Tony's cock she could be riding while those photos were being taken. But she had made her decision and repeated it. "I want his cock inside me." This time she had not yelled it out.

"Jeff and Sherry, come over here." It's surprising sometimes how fast people can move when they want to, especially the man.

"Sherry," my wife asked her? "Is this alright with you? You won't be jealous of Jeff?"

I knew that Sherry was probably jealous of Jill, but she smiled and said, "I can't wait to see those photos, even if we don't get to keep any!"

Now as they stood by, my wife wanted to hear the details of how it would go.

"Jeff gets to be all the way in me?"

"I was all the way into Sherry."

"O.K., Then he goes all the way into me."

Jill licked her lips and looked nervous. "He gets to come in me?"

"I came in her."

"OK, he gets to come in me."

Jill looked over at Sherry. " Did Sherry come?"

"I don't know," I lied. "I think so." I was pretty sure that Jeff would join in on this conversation. If not, maybe Sherry. I winked at both of them.

Her husband answered, and in his excitement at what he was about to receive Jeff's voice came out in a rush. "She did. My wife came. Sherry came twice actually. Once when Eric was on her and not even moving. All he did was get it all the way in and she started coming. Her pussy turned red all around his cock."

My brain was spinning. Wow! Thank you Jeff for sounding so happy about this. Maybe it will inspire Jill to try and match what Sherry had done. I am pretty sure that concept was in Jeff's thinking too.

"The second time I was watching Sherry riding your husband and her pussy got all red and she was making a noise that she only makes when she comes but I never before got to see her pussy turn red until today."

Jeff was all excited about how things were about to turn out and was wanting, he told me later in secret, that he was hoping to hear Jill say something like: "I WANT TO COME ON HIS COCK!"

But those were Jeff's thoughts. At that moment I was being made to feel proud. His wife had come all over my cock and now my wife was hearing it. My wife, it would appear, would just be taking a cock for some photos, while I had made the other guy's wife get off, big time.

Then Sherry, bless her, put the icing on the cake.

"I came twice Jill. It was all very exciting even though it was only for pictures." She looked over at Jeff and took his hand in hers. "The first time I came, it was...it was sort of an accident. I didn't even know I was going to until it just...happened. The second time Jeff gave me permission to come."

And then she sort of raised her head up to Jeff's and they kissed. Two people, sharing something together, and a husband whom was about to have some fun.

I smiled smugly at Jill. "So baby, I'm giving my permission. You get to come too."

"Well, I don't necessarily have to, I was just asking."

I grinned back at her and said real ornery-like, "It would be fun to see if your pussy turning red would show in the photos." I turned to Jeff. "Show her that one photo again, she probably didn't notice it."

Jill blushed. "It's not necessary to show me the photo again. I saw it and also noticed how much cum you left all over the place."

"Sherry did get pretty wet, so I wasn't sure if she had come." What I wanted to say was that Sherry also had a big hole, but that would sound to Sherry and her husband like I was putting Sherry down. Besides, I knew that once Jeff got his cock into my wife that he would know what a tight pussy feels like.

Based on the fact that his dick was no-big-thing I figured that for a change Jeff might really enjoy having a woman that fits him real snug-like. And of course, his wife is very pretty and with a nice build, but my wife is beauty exemplified. Getting to fuck Jill, even if it was only for the purpose of getting photos, would be the ultimate dream for most men.

And as the husband/director/photographer, I could control the action.

Leaving Sherry to baby-sit, we took another walk, the same two guys and a different wife. Two guys with tingling cocks, and a wife who was tingling? I didn't know and sure wanted to find out.

Jeff said he needed to stop in at the restroom, which gave me a chance to talk to Jill in private since until now we had not had a chance to be truly alone.

I watched Jeff as he headed up the path to the restroom and as he opened the door and went in, I hit her once again. "Are you sure baby?"

"Yes I'm sure dear, I want his cock in me!"

"You're not just mad because I fucked Sherry without you being there? It's not like I really got to fuck her, because it was mostly stop-and-start posing. mainly so we could get pictures for Jeff."

"That's one reason why I want to do this too. So we can have photos of Jeff in me. These will be for you as well as me."

Sherry was turned on to me, so that's probably why she was willing. But with you it's a little different. Jeff's not all that good looking and I know that you aren't turned on to him like you were with Tony."

"No. No I'm not. But I still want his cock in me! I'd like to have some photos of me, like that." Still, her voice sounded resentful.

"Don't be mad. I was just asking."

I was about to say more when the door to the restroom opened. There was time to throw out one quick thing and I said softly, "And I plan to have a good shot of his cum running out of you as you lay there all spread out." Jill's expression I couldn't read. Either she was disgusted at the thought, or it aroused her.

Jill smiled then, and this time I don't think she was acting for Jeff's benefit. He was close to enough now to hear her response. "Besides honey, think about the next time you and I are in bed and we have those photos of me with Jeff's cock in me. We can be looking at them while we fuck."

I think that Jeff had been deliberately giving us a chance to talk alone and also away from his wife. When he had came out of the restroom, Jeff had looked apprehensively at both of us but now, after hearing what Jill had just said, he had a big smile on his face. "Ready?"

I knew what Jeff had been thinking. While he was in that restroom and staring down at his cock as he pissed, Jeff had probably been worried that Jill or I or both of us would decide not to go through with this. If that happened, Jeff was not going to receive his equal treatment. But things were looking up for him big-time after having heard my wife's last line. 'We can be looking at them while we fuck.'

"Jeff," I replied, beaming happily. "We are verrrry ready!"

We again passed that office, and I hoped that nobody was in there and watching. It would certainly look suspicious to first see two guys with one wife go up that path and not come down for a long time, and then to see the same two guys with a different wife headed up the same path.

Yes, that same path. We headed up that same path, and on the way I was thinking how glad I was that we had buried those sticky tissues under some rocks at the edge of that clearing. Any bugs under those rocks must be having a field day about now.

It's weird how one's mind can wander and wonder when one is wandering up a winding wonderful path to glory in the woods.

Oh, by the way, in case you are wondering, I was taking the lead, showing the way up that little hill. My wife was in the middle, and I knew that Jeff was behind and below her and would be getting fantastic views of the best ass in the world as it wriggled side-to-side with each step and all the time, if Jeff stayed at just the right distance behind and below my wife, be getting tantalizing views of hanging lips.

I have talked about my wife's inner lips, but don't get the impression that they were the kind that dangled way down. No, just maybe a couple of inches. That's kind of way down, isn't it?

But I have walked behind my naked wife on a uphill climb before, and I know that if you are watching and catch her at just the right angle, you can even see her lips 'walking' right lip forward, left lip back as she places her right leg forward, and then the opposite when her other leg goes forward.

Just above that, between those golden cheeks, is her lovely little asshole, looking untouched by man, with a very light golden brown almost pink sort of diamond-shaped crescent around the hole.

Yes, walking lips between a fantastic set of thighs and below a perfect ass that has a perfect anus. Oh Jeff, I'll bet you are shitting fits back there, knowing that soon you will be using and spreading those lips in the most intimate of ways.

I was already thinking ahead, and wondering if I could get Jill to go along with something I had not tried with Sherry. That would be to have Jeff shove a finger into Jill's anus once he was buried cock-wise. What a photo that would make!

I thought of asking Jeff if he had stashed some more tissues into his camera bag, because we were going to be needing them. When Jeff did his cum dump, I figured that Jill would have plenty of wiping to do.

Within a minute after reaching that familiar spot, I had Jeff's Polaroid ready to go, Jeff was on his back on the towel and Jill had sat down on his right.

"What's first," my wife asked with a coy smile? I knew that Jill knew exactly what to do if they were about to go on a sex adventure, but this was for the photos, and I was to be the director.

"First let's get a couple of shots of you sucking him. One as you touch the tip of his dick with your tongue, that will be after he gets hard, and one of you about halfway down."

"You want sucking shots?"

"You saw some of his wife sucking me, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

Jill for the first time tentatively touched Jeff's cock with her right hand. His cock had started to rise and was looking quite thick, much to hers and my surprise!

Neither Jill nor I said anything about it as she stroked him, saw how thick it was getting in the shaft, and placed her mouth over his head, which was still much smaller than his shaft, but possibly still as wide as the head on my dick.

With what looked like a frown as she kept her eyes closed and sucked on a strange cock, I watched and took a photo as I saw his prick grow hard and even thicker. I looked at Jill's hand and realized that her slim fingers were no longer fitting all the way around him.

I could see the surprise in her eyes when she raised her head to give him a couple of strokes. She pulled way down on the skin on the sides of his shaft, revealing as much as possible of his cock so she could have a good look at it.

There it was, standing tall. Jill's eyes were wide, and her mouth was hanging open as she stroked him and took it all in. I don't know really the best way to describe Jeff's dick, other than to say that it looked like a 55 gallon drum with a basketball sitting on top.

On its own, that head would have matched perhaps 90 percent of men in length and thickness including me, but on top of that shaft, which I estimated was between five and six inches long, that head looked downright small!

Altogether, it looked like Jeff had a cock that went beyond seven inches, but because of the width it looked short.

Neither of us was saying a word about the shocking thickness as Jill played and alternated with sucking as I took one, then two more photos, each time having to wait for the whirrrrrr after the click. I showed her one of the photos, the last one.

"How's that photo looking, baby? See how hard it looks?"

Yes, I had said hard, not thick. I was avoiding the subject. I figured that by saying I WANT HIS COCK IN ME, that Jill had possibly bitten off more than she could chew, or right now, suck.

Jill didn't comment on how thick he was either. Both of us were avoiding saying anything about it at the moment. I am sure that Jeff was laughing his ass off inside.

If Jill was going to take this cock within her body, she was going to have to pay the penalty for having such a smart-ass mouth!

I suppose my readers have heard descriptions of cocks being as big around as a beer can? Well, Jeff wasn't the size of a beer can. I can't say that because I don't drink. So I'll say he was almost the size around as a coke can, only longer.

Since I wrote that last paragraph I have been to the grocery store, today I went, and while there I looked at some cans. I saw one they called 'Monster' I believe it was, one of those heavily caffeinated drinks.

It is not as big around as a coke can I decided as I wrapped my fingers around it, but almost. But as best I can remember, that monster can is the size Jeff's cock was in width.

I figured now that Jill was afraid but committed, and now she had to either follow through or look silly.

"Now we need to get a shot of you sucking him about halfway down."

"Ucccck!" Jill had tried to go about halfway, gotten one third of the way, and gagged. She tried again, this time just going down about two inches over his thickest part. That was about all she could manage, and I softly told her, 'Now run your tongue all around his head as you hold it there till I get a photo.”

“Mmmmm, that feels good.” That was Jeff, enjoying the feel of my wife's tongue slowly caressing the head of his cock.

Click, whirrrrrrr. Since these shots were for our enjoyment only, I was making sure to get her face in them.

"Be sure to run your tongue all around his head. It won't show in the photos, but that's what I had Sherry do for me." I allowed another minute to pass for Jeff's enjoyment.

"Uhh...OK, we have some photos of me sucking and him getting hard. What's next? Do we need to duplicate what you and Sherry did?"

"That's right baby," I hesitated, "now you can get on your back and spread those beautiful legs and I am sure that Jeff will know what to do next."

Jeff so far, had been relatively silent, just like he for the most part had been quiet while I had been doing the same thing with his wife. Like Jill, he was just following directions from the photographer, and waiting to enjoy what came next.

I looked at Jeff and winked at his smiling face as he labored to rise from his position on his back to up and over Jill as she shifted into a position on her back and laid opened, very open.

It was interesting to see Jeff's cock now as he went from flat on his back to on top. As it sort of swung back and forth, it looked more heavy than large. Can you understand what I am trying to say? That thick barrel of meat looked like way more than two quarter-pound hamburgers.

As it had swung from one-side-to-the-other, his cock had looked like it was hanging on hinges so it could swing freely. Like a steel gate, heavy rather than large, and it looked like if it had hit Jill on the side of her face as he was turning over, it might have knocked her head around. That kind of heavy.

"Jeff? If you don't mind your face showing, or maybe the back of your head, I'd like to get a shot of your hand on her tit while you are kissing her."

Jill looked at me sort of stern-like at the suggestion she must kiss, but said nothing.

"I don't mind," Jeff said eagerly as he slid higher so he could reach Jill with his mouth. His right hand went onto Jill's left tit as he moved closer, ever closer with his mouth.

At last he was feeling Jill's breasts. I had worked his wife's breasts over really good at the pool, and then while fucking her, and now it was Jeff's turn.

As Jeff's hand slowly and gently squeezed her left tit, Jill finally opened her lips and moved her mouth to meet his. They kissed, tentatively at first, and then a little harder as Jill responded.

Click, whirrrrrr. I wondered if the kissing would continue, but Jill broke it right away. "Is that enough?"

I could tell that she was a little confused now. Jeff was turning her on. It might be because they had kissed, or it might be because of the excitement she was feeling over this strange new and huge cock, but she was turned on, because it showed in her face.

"That should do it baby. Just one kiss is all I needed. Now we'll go for the fucking shots."

And then something else showed on her face besides excitement, and it looked like fear.

And then the inspiration hit me. "Baby! Tug on those pussy lips and show him what nice little handles they make when you want to open yourself when you are ready to be fucked."

Her face sort of turned red, but Jill used both hands to grab those dangling inner lips and tugging slowly, she opened herself to Jeff's view. I'm not sure exactly where my wife was looking at that exact moment, but since it wasn't into my eyes like she had always done this before, she must have been looking at Jeff.

"Jeff, look at how tight Jill looks even when she is pulled open. She's waiting for you Jeff and your cock. You will be feeding my wife her first strange cock, going into territory that only I have visited before today."

"Eric! Don't be so dramatic! We're supposed to just be taking photos, remember?" Even now Jill was still trying to be cool and businesslike. If she was excited or scared inside, she was hiding it pretty well.

"Yes!" Click, whirrrrrrrr.

"That time baby you were looking at the camera. I want to do that one again and this time while you are giving Jeff a come-hither look." I looked over at Jeff and saw that he was slowly stroking his barrel and looking down at...those lips and what lay within. I was standing up now beside them and on Jeff's left.

"Jeff, move up between her legs and be on your knees. That's it, not too far so I can see the back of your head as you look down at her and also Jill's face and body while she holds her lips. I want to get a shot of Jill looking up into your eyes while she is holding herself open."

Jill took the cue and sort of almost shoved her hips off the ground as if she was coming up to meet his cock. The thought hit me that this time I could have brought along a pillow, and I always carried one in the wagon. Too bad.

"That's it baby. Look up at his face and tug those lips. More... Look like you are teasing him with your pussy....that's it. Now look like you are saying, 'Please fuck me Jeff..."

I had been about to tell my wife to also look up into Jeff's eyes and open her mouth and show a look of excited expectation. But she was already doing it. 'Click, whirrrrr.'

"Now Jeff, get up there and hold your cock close to her pussy but not touching it yet. Bend your upper body over her. That's it. I'll get this shot from under and between your legs. Yes, that's good, your big balls don't block the view. That's it, a little closer with the cock..." Click, whirrrrrrrr.

I was making them work for these photos. Oh yes I was. Such hard work.

I saw both Jill and Jeff relax their bodies and take a deep breath upon hearing the click and the whirrrrr. I think they both had been anticipating what was about to happen and had been holding their breath.

"Now baby, reach out with one hand, use your left one so it doesn't block the view from my angle, that's right, just wrap two or three fingers around his cock up at the end, that's it, now guide it up against those lips. At that moment, it struck me. Jill was also wearing her rings.

"Oooooh yessss...just like that Jill, barely touching your pussy. Do you feel him, his cock against your lips?"

“Yessss,” she hissed.

Click, whirrrrrrr. Then I also took a deep breath. That fat cock up against my beautiful wife's little pussy looked like it was three times the width of what she had been designed to take. And now it was about to go within.

“Guys, you need to see these photos.” I paused for a minute to show both of them the latest two. Jeff grinned, his eyes showing excitement at seeing how his cock compared to the little hole that was waiting in anticipation.

Jill, on the other hand, sort of frowned rather than smiled when she saw how huge that cock looked compared to what she was offering up from underneath.

I, of course, had to be mean. “Think it will fit, baby?” Jill didn't answer, instead just sort of shaking her head in sort of a shrug.

No more delays. Jeff was anxious, and my wife was too, but I think her anxiety was different than what Jeff was experiencing. There is anxiety as in excitement, and there is anxiety as in fear.

"Are you ready Jill?"

"Yeah...yes!" My cool wife's voice showed a slight hint of nervousness.

"Now Jeff, ease it in real slow like. Just go it in an inch or so with the head and stop."


Yes, folks, an Oooooh, just like with me or like she had done with Tony, but remember, Jeff's head was about normal size, the rest was....abnormal. My wife had just begun to fight.

"Hold that pose....." Click, whirrrrrrrr.

My hands were shaking such as they had never done before as a photographer, but this time, the model was my wife and she was about to be spread more than I had ever imagined would be happening.

I had thought, had known that sooner or later I would have Jill in this position with a man and be getting this shot, but I had never dreamed that it would be a man that she wasn't even really attracted to. And then, there is his size.

I wanted to tease Jill now, and oh how I wanted to rub in her 'I want his cock in me' sentence. "Baby, for the first time you have the head of a strange penis starting to open you. How does it feel? Is it feeling good?" I noticed now that without being told, Jeff had finished burying the rest of his head within my wife.

Of course I was failing to mention how Mel the photographer's cock head had been into Jill twice far enough to spread her but not so deep as to bury it. And that penetration had been followed by Tony at a later date. But that was in the past and there was no need now to let Jeff know that he was not the first to be at this point on her.

Jill of course, my oh so cool Jill, was still trying to maintain her aloofness. "We're just getting photos, remember?"

She was still holding her lips open, and Jeff was tapping at her door. "But tell us, both of us. Jeff is the first strange man to bury the head of his cock in you. Is it starting to feel good? I think Jeff would like to know."

"Yes. It feels good, so far."

Oh yes. 'So far' she had said. When a wife normally would say that in a situation like this, her so far answer would probably be in relation to something like 'Now let's see how good he can fuck me.'

But my wife's 'so far' answer today was different. So far Jeff had not as yet begun to cram that barrel of live warm flesh into her tightness.

I decided to allow her to have a feel of how Jeff's head would feel inside her if that was the widest he had to offer.

"Jeff. Without going any deeper than you are now, give her a couple of pumps to see how it feels."

"Oooh oooh." My wife had said the Oooohs, but it was softly. I could see though as I watched that each time he went forward that his wide shaft was coming up against her vagina and bringing him to a stop. Jeff didn't need to guess his distance of just using the head, his shaft was doing it for him.

And my wife could feel that shaft hitting against her, and she knew that part was going to be going inside her, very soon.

Jill had released her lips now and moved both her arms away so that she could wrap them around his waist. But mean old me, I made her move those arms again with my next directive.

"Start holding those lips open again baby while I get a shot of him going a little deeper." Jill had placed her hands on the sides of Jeff's waist after his first, slight penetration, and now she once again started tugging herself opened. But with his head already in place, Jeff had already begun his chore of opening her up.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm." A surprisingly long Mmmmm considering that Jeff had only given her another inch, but that first inch of his shaft was the inch that was to tell the tale. He is wedging it in, but will my wife be able to stand his thickness?

That question was still unanswered because I could see Jill's toes curling and uncurling as she tried to adapt to him. Jill's legs had not as yet gone up and around Jeff. I resolved then and there that I would not in future shots tell my wife to wrap her legs around him. I wanted Jill to do that on her own at some point so I would know that now she was enjoying her fuck.

After going this far, none of the three of us had made any verbal reference to his size. So far only Jeff's getting hard had been talked about. Now it was time to ask Jill before this got to be really uncomfortable for her.

Her pussy lips had just been opened incredibly wide, but only an inch deep.

Click, whirrrrr.

They were holding their pose, I was behind Jeff down low, and studying up close how my wife's pussy was looking, and I asked. "Jill? Want to talk about it?"

"T...t...talk about what?"

"About whether you still want to get these photos. Are you alright with this, so far?"

I still had not mentioned thickness, and I could see Jill's body trembling as she continued to have the entrance to her most intimate area being spread to what I figured was more than she could comfortably absorb. I was waiting for a voice to come down to me from a face that, at the moment, I couldn't see.

She sort of sniffed and replied, "You want these photos, don't you?"

"Well, yes, but you acted more like you wanted them than I did. I hadn't even thought of it until you said 'I WANT HIS COCK IN ME!"

Oh boy was I not only having fun with this, I am sure Jeff was too! Jill opened her mouth to answer and I cut her off.

"First baby. Take a look at this photo that just developed." I moved around and held it up in front of her eyes to see. Those blue eyes got real big when she saw how what was now happening looked from my angle.

"See baby how he is starting to stretch you? Looks good, doesn't it? See how some of your shiny juice is showing just under where your hole starts. It's running all the way down to your ass. You were dripping baby as you waited to HAVE HIS COCK IN YOU!"

I got her again.

And then after about ten more seconds of staring at that photo while her snatch was being snatched super-wide, my wife gave me her answer. I think she was trying to head me off at the pass on the teasing bit.

"That looks good, the way he is opening me up. Let's do it. Let's...let's get the rest." I knew that Jill was trying to act cool about this, as if that thickness did not have her worried.

Of course first I had to show that photo to Jeff so that he could get his bearings and see where next to guide his penis. Hee Hee.

"See Jeff how you're starting to open her. She looks to be stretching out real nice. And I like the way your balls are staying high and tight and out of sight."

Put yourself in my position, dear readers, which at the moment was with me on uncomfortable naked knees and holding a camera, with my naked cock mostly but not all the way hanging down, while I was looking at my naked wife's pussy with a naked battering ram about to do her in, or squeeze her hips wide open, or something.

And up there, above it all were a set of balls in a sack that seemed barely large enough to contain them, and that pair of balls was ready to replace what had been drained after a cum dump while watching his wife.

And now those balls were waiting to do a cum dump deep into my wife's quivering pussy.

Like you, I enjoy reading porn literature. And in my case, I'd rather read about it and use my imagination than see some fuck video.

But this was not a porn story I was reading, this was a porn event I was directing, and my wife was the star.

I am one of those men that most enjoys those stories that has a first time wife getting fucked while the husband is either watching openly, is peeking from a hiding place, and last choice but still enjoyable if there is no actual violence, he is watching while his wife is taken by force.

But those stories where the wife is being ***** by twenty black men all in a row and despite that she enjoys it all and then leaves her husband for them so she can make babies are B.S. and most readers know it.

Other men, and in all these categories I hopefully place women, like to read about the guy that fucks an innocent wife and read the story as it is written from the man's point of view. Those men like to place themselves mentally into the story as they being the one who is doing the seducing.

They want to be the fucker-seducer in the story, and I like being the non-fucker watcher.

You lady readers, instead of putting yourself in my position, might prefer to put yourself in my wife's position, under a man that you are not necessarily attracted to while being spread beyond normal capacity, and have that spreader about to go deeper.

You would have a decision to make. What would you do? What is your fantasy, lady?

So here I was, and was I ever having mixed emotions over what was about to happen, that is, I was wondering if my wife could take the thickness of that massive piece of meat.

While Jeff is busy holding his cock in place and my wife is trembling and tugging her lips opened as if begging for more of it, I will leave them in place while I go off for a minute. Bear with me readers.

I remember way back when, when McDonald's came out with the quarter-pounder hamburger. (measured weight before cooking). And then later, they came out with the double-quarter pounder.

All that meat. How much, actually, does a dick weigh? I remember one of the funniest things I ever pulled on a girl. Excuse me readers. I know you are anxious to read about how a fat cock tears up my wife's pussy, but I'm going to make you, and them, wait a while as I tell you a TRUE joke.

This cute little gal was at my house doing some posing in the bedroom and my wife was there in order to make my model feel more relaxed since she was brand new to modeling nude.

So you can picture her in your mind, I'll give you a short description of my model. Blonde with real short hair. Cut so short it was almost like a boy's. But her face was sooo cute, almost like those little sculptures you see made out of plaster that people buy and use to hold books in place.

She was tiny, only a hundred pounds at most. Tiny all over, on the tits, barely a B, tiny but firm ass, and yes, that other part was tiny too, the way it looked in my camera lens.

We had already done the photography around the pool, and being different, I had taken her into the bedroom for photos. But my wife was there. This was...business as usual.

As always, I was nude as well. At my house, at the beach, the mountains, desert or the nudist park, I shot all my models while I was nude. A man claiming to shoot for nudist magazines needs to back up his words with action.

So while I was standing there naked and with my camera in hand, I had her put on some lipstick in front of the bathroom mirror while I took photos of both her and that nice face and body being reflected in the mirror.

Those shots came out pretty well I might add, and we used three of them in a magazine.

Then came the fun. I placed my camera on the counter and got up onto the bathroom scale and told her that I was going to weigh myself while she looked at the dial, and then I wanted her to lift up my dick with her hand and hold it so that she could again check the scale and see how much less it showed so that we could tell how much my dick weighs.

Strange request? Yes, and especially for a brand new little blonde model who had a boyfriend she said, over in Hollywood. I was asking her to hold my cock, and in front of my wife at that!

The bathroom of course was narrow, and we three were wedged in between the counter and mirror on the left and the shower and toilet on the right.

The girl was standing right in front of me. She looked around my shoulder at my wife behind me, who nodded go ahead, and then she giggled and lifted my cock, and the weight showing on the scale went down!

Her voice showed her excitement as she continued to hold onto my cock. "It went down two pounds. That means that your cock weighs two pounds!

"I don't think you're lifting it far enough to have all the weight in your hand. Raise it..."

She lifted slightly higher and looked again. "A little more than two pounds it weighs..."

"Yes," I replied, "and that isn't counting my balls. That's just my cock."

She didn't believe it and let go of my (soft but growing) cock. She saw it starting to elevate and maybe wanted to hold it in her hand again.

"Let's get your weight again!" She looked down at the scale while not holding my cock.

So we got my weight, and then I said, "Lift it up again." I think that now she was getting pretty excited about this experiment.

She lifted my cock, which was strange to do since now it was pointing almost straight up, and looked at the scale. "Now it reads five pounds less! Your hard cock weighs five pounds!"

My wife's voice was soft as she asked from behind me. "My husband's cock is hard?"

Jill was playing the game because she was also watching our reflections in the mirror and could see everything in front of me.

"Yes Jill. I'm sorry," the model said with a voice that sounded like she was pleading. "I hope you're not mad."

"Oh no," my wife laughed. "Don't be sorry about knowing how much the man I married carries between his legs. You can share that secret with me. It's just that my husband usually doesn't get hard when he takes photos of his models."

The little cutie giggled. "Unless someone is holding it!" She frowned. "I wonder if I made a mistake. Let's weigh it again."

So she let go of my rigid rod and checked the scale. "Now let's weigh this boner again," she said as she once again hoisted my meat, but in the process she finished what had been happening in nature as she finished pulling back the foreskin that had only came halfway back from my head.

"It still shows five pounds difference!"

"Yes," I said proudly as I stepped off the scale and I think, she reluctantly let go of my hard cock. "Soft, my cock weighs two pounds or more, and when it gets hard it weighs five pounds."

"Wow." Her eyes were still big as she studied my hard prick. But business is business and we had work to do.

We went back to shooting by the way and soon after the bathroom caper I handed her a wash cloth and asked her to catch and wipe off my pre-fluid which had started dangling several inches down as I was trying to take pictures.

She knew that pre-fluid had been intended for her, but my wife was there, and that I think, scared her.

So later she told me that she had told her boyfriend about how much my cock had weighed, and then she had tried it with her boyfriend, and her scale had showed no difference!

She said that she tried lifting his cock three times, and each time they saw no difference on the gauge, even after it got hard and 'it should have weighed more.' Finally, her boyfriend had gotten mad and told her to stop it.

I don't know how much her boyfriend's cock weighed, and I suppose dear readers you are wondering how my cock happened to go from two pounds soft to five pounds hard. So I'll tell you. It was her, that cute girl holding it!

No, here's the truth.

My wife had been there when she was hoisting my cock, and each time the girl had done the lifting, which was being reflected in the mirror, my wife had been behind me, watching in the mirror, and lifting up on the edge of the scale with her big toe!.

Oh shit! All this time while telling a different story I have had Jeff on his knees and trembling while waiting to penetrate my wife the rest of the way with his barrel dick while she is under him and tugging those lips opened and feeling real uncomfortable at the moment as she feels that first inch of his thick shaft spreading her.

I'm sorry Jeff. I'm sorry Jill. I know I'm being mean, but when it hit me, I just had to tell that (true) joke.

Want to hear more about the model that weighed my cock? Read 'Innocent Cutie Compares My White Five Pound Cock to Jim's Black Six Pounder.'

Now my wife has maybe two quarter-pounders of meat waiting to tenderize her pussy. I want to see her take it, and I am going to have the photos.

Or, the other option, I really didn't want her to take it because I did not know how it would affect my wife's thinking in the future, and also, how she would feel about my cock. Of course there is that play on words. Turn around how she would feel about my cock and make it, how her pussy would feel around my cock.

I didn't want my wife to enjoy it, and yet I did. Shit guys, put yourself into my shoes under similar circumstances. Or maybe you can't put yourself into my shoes, because I was wearing only sandals and nothing else.

But I was the photographer, and I was giving the directions, and it appeared that my wife was now ready to follow...directions, because she had been holding him partially within her pussy for at least 30 seconds now.

Jill was staring up, or maybe I should say down her body and up at his cock as it lay within her, perhaps three inches within but she was feeling only that third thick inch now. That normal-sized head on the end of his shaft was probably not even touching the sides of my wife's pussy at the moment.

Her scared face was visible in my viewfinder. Seven plus thick inches of meat he had, and at the moment just three inches were in her.

Click, whirrrrr. The second penetration photo is accomplished.

A quiet, cautious 'Oooooooooh!'

Going deeper now.

“Uuuh uuuh.”

It had been easier on Jill for the first two inches or so. After the basketball was started in, his 55 gallon drum had come into play as her lips began to spread, wayyy out.


Click whirrrrrrrr!

Four plus inches in, three to go, three thick ones.

“That's looking good baby. Great photos here. Jeff, keep going in, but do it slow.”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! Thick shaft more than halfway in...and 'Click, whirrrrrrr!


In that photo I had my wife's face again visible in my viewfinder as it screwed up and her mouth was opened and gasping. Jill might have been trying to act maybe cool or indifferent at having Jeff putting his cock inside her, but the sounds she was making were giving her away. He went a little deeper.


"O.K. Jeff, hold it right there."

"Honey? How many photos is that?"

"I thought you were keeping count Jill. As far as his dick going inside you, we have one getting ready, one making contact, and two about half way in so far."

How many more to do?"

It looked like Jeff had about two inches to go to be completely penetrated within my wife. “There's one more photo to take with him on you. All the way in. Then we will have the first half done."

"G-G-Go ahead. All the way.." Her voice sounded apprehensive. I moved off the my left so that I could better see her face at the same time I watched her lower half. I could only take a photo when no one was moving so as not to show a blur, so with each inch into her, I could watch my wife's face.

Jeff went forward, real slow, and I saw Jill's eyes clamp shut as her lower jaw sort of pushed out and I could see Jill press her lower teeth up against her upper lip.

"Oooooooooh gawd'!" Yes, we've seen and heard that before in other stories, but that is the sound she made. No, not the sound, the groan of fear maybe, or disbelief, or maybe pain, I don't know. But Jeff was now deep inside my wife. He was buried and holding.

Click, whirrrrrr. Proof! Visual proof that my wife had somehow managed to take the thick of thick within her and still be living. Or was she?

"Honey? Are you O.K. up there?"

"Ooh mmm my. Get that last shot honey, while he's all the way in."

"I already did."

"You did? Ohhh, I didn't hear it."

I laughed. “Maybe your mind was somewhere else. I got the shot yes, but his balls are hiding your snatch. Jeff, pull back just an inch or so." I was giving directions, but my mind was whirling. Will Jill reach an orgasm now like Sherry did?

Click, whirrrrrrrr.

"Now Jeff, pull back a little way's more so we can see her pussy sort of turn inside out as she hangs onto your cock." He did, and her lips began showing extreme evidence of stretch as they were being tugged outwards. Click, whirrrrrrrr!

"Now can we turn over?" I could tell. There would be no orgasm in this position. Either because Jill did not want it, or Jeff was not savvy enough to give her those first, extra strokes without being told.

If he would, on his own now and without being told, just take a couple of strokes, she might want more. But he was holding still, and my wife, it appeared, was wanting to get this over with. I was smiling inside. I was getting the fuck shots and without having to worry as to whether my wife was craving a cock so much thicker than mine.

"Turn over? We've got the shots, but..."

I noticed that Jeff was starting to pull out and I quickly stopped him by placing my hand between her two hands on his ass so that she would not know that I had stopped his exit. I held down on his ass so that he could not rise up. Getting my 'message,' Jeff slowly sank back to the bottom, and was buried once again within her.

Again Jill sighed, or rather, moaned. "Oooooooh that's almost too much to take." That, readers, was her first actual mention of something along the lines of how big Jeff's cock was. Her legs were shivering now and Jill sort of lightly ran her hands over both his ass cheeks, and I managed to pull my hand away just in time.

She thought that Jeff had buried himself once more just to feel her before he had to get off and maybe turn over. Jill looked into his eyes. "This is...nice, but can we turn over now?"

"No, not yet."

'Almost too much to take,' my wife had said. I knew what she was saying. My wife had insisted on having his cock inside her, but that was before she knew how it would grow. Once committed, she had to follow through.

“What's wrong? What are you waiting for?”

Ha! Now my lovely wife was being brutally punished for her sins, and I was wondering if her pussy would ever spring back to the shape I loved.

And it seemed that the longer Jeff was in her and the longer he kept her spread way out, the less likely it was that she might spring back into shape. And yet I kept delaying the inevitable finish that sooner or later had to come.

Her pussy, my wife's formerly almost virginal vagina was being spread, and being kept spread for endless minutes by a brutal example of manly cock. Wider than most, no, strike that, wider than all. Jill was being spread, held open beyond her limits to be honest, and it was going on and on.

"Why not yet," Jill asked?

Jill's body was shaking now as she continued to envelop his thick penis all the way into her tortured vagina. But her arms were now sort of holding him tenderly, and I watched as she slowly slid her hands over his body from his shoulder blades down to his ass and up again. It was inevitable, the longer he remained within her, the more aroused my wife would become.

Before long, if this kept up, they would be joined not only in body but in mind. I sensed movement to my right. I looked over and watched as my wife's legs came higher and wrapped around his ass. Further down I could see her toes curling up and uncurling. Rather it was from pain or pleasure, I couldn't tell, but I heard her sigh.

"Wait! I want this shot." I moved back from them far enough that I could get their entire bodies, all the way from her feet high in the air and going up to where Jill's face was staring up at Jeff. And of course, I chose an angle where you could see that his cock was inside her. Click, whirrrrr.

Jeff was not moving a muscle but he was still making her move just from the fact that he was deep inside Jill and stretching her so far. I was torn. I wanted Jill to be squirming due to discomfort while at the same time I wanted it to be feeling good for her.

'What would she do now if he started to pump?'

Her eyes were closed and I could see that not only was she running her hands down his back to his ass again, but she had started to squirm her hips under him as if she wanted something to happen.

Jill had asked 'why not yet?' and she was waiting for my answer, but in the meantime, she was getting a good sense of how she was now being drilled into the grass. I looked from her and up to him.

I winked at Jeff, made a fucking motion with the finger of one hand going into a circled thumb and forefinger of the other hand that she did not see and said, "Jeff, You tell her why."

Fortunately, Jeff caught on. He might get to do some actual fucking and grinned broadly. "Your husband pumped my wife for a little while once we got done taking the top shots."

"Pumped her? F...f..for how long"

Jeff looked at me with a frown. "I wasn't timing it all that much. Eric, you tell her."

He was leaving it up to me as to how long he might get to do some fucking. Actually it had been for about two minutes at most, but I lied. "It was about five minutes."

I saw Jill's mouth open, maybe in shock as she stared up at me. Why I was going to allow Jeff that extra time I didn't know, but it was too late to take it back now.

And then Jill asked the question that worried me more than the fact that Jeff was going to burn her pussy. I had given them five minutes and now I was being hit with this.

"Were you kissing Sherry while you did it?"

By her bringing that up, it told me that if my wife had to fuck a strange man, she wanted to kiss. I decided to tell the truth because I figured what harm will it do now that Jeff is getting his turn?

"Jeff didn't know it at the time and we weren't sure if he would like it, but towards the end we snuck in a couple of quick kisses when we thought he wasn't looking."

There. Even now I had put a little bit of control over my wife being kissed. In relation to me and Sherry, I had said towards the end, and a couple of quick kisses. That way it didn't sound like I was giving Jill permission to do five full minutes of passionate kissing.

I looked at Jeff. "That's alright now though, isn't it, the secret that I kissed Sherry?"

Jeff grinned. "I didn't know, but it's O.K."

I laughed. "You were too busy looking at how those photos were coming out. Are you sure that you won't be mad at Sherry?"

He giggled and I sensed that even the feel of his giggle sent a shot of pleasure through his penis to my wife because her eyes widened. "Not after seeing how good this feels with my cock in someone else's mate. I don't mind a bit if Sherry lost control for a minute."

I looked down at Jill. "It's alright if you want to kiss, and you can do it for the whole time if you want."

Jill sort of sighed again. She looked up into Jeff's face and said, "O.K. Go ahead." She tried to raise her legs higher around him to maybe get a better 'bite' on her hold around his ass.

Even as well as I knew my wife, I couldn't tell if her next line was disguised excitement, or fear. “Go ahead and pump me."

Jeff pulled almost all the way back and rammed forward quickly, but was careful not to bang too hard against her pubes. I was staring now between their bodies and at Jill's pussy. No longer having to do photography at the minute and if I did it would be blurry, I wanted to enjoy seeing this.

And then it struck me, those words again. I let Jill have it with both barrels. "Fuck her Jeff. SHE WANTS YOUR COCK IN HER!"

"Uuuuuuuh uuuuuuuuh!"

Actually, my wife was saying it louder than that. Let's try that again. "UUUUUUUH UUUUUUUUH!"

"God, she's tight!" I took one last look at Jeff's happy face, with those wide eyes and that mouth he was holding open as he looked down at Jill, and then I moved below them.

Now Jill was in for it. He was drilling my wife a little harder now and bottoming out. "Uuuuuuuuuuh Uuuuuuuh were the sounds my wife was making with the end of each sound rising in pitch as she took each stroke till he reached the end of his cock.

Jeff was not pumping all that fast but too fast for me to get any clear and in-focus shots of penetration, so I quietly sat and watched. Though they had been given my permission to kiss, it seemed like that for the moment Jeff was more concerned with drilling my wife with his thick cock.

Yes, my cock was pointing up, and I was doing my best to ignore it. Well, not completely. I stroked it, but I had no intention of wasting it on the ground like Jeff had done while he was watching his wife fucking me.

A minute passed, then two as Jill moaned continuously and ran her hands all over Jeff's back and butt. So far though, I was not seeing any sign of her humping back at him.

"Uuuuuuh! How..how much longer, honey?"

"You're almost halfway there. About another two and one half minutes.” I was wondering...Fuck, is she going to come?

Jeff gave her some slow deep pumping as another minute plus passed. I could hear my wife moaning, mostly groaning moaning coming from her. This was great because, despite Jeff's excitement over getting to fuck the Golden Goddess and feeling how tight she is, he could last because he had shot a load on the ground earlier while watching his wife fucking me.

Again I lied to see what happens when Jill has to take him hard and rough. I nudged Jeff's shoulder to get his attention.

"OK Jeff, for your last two minutes, give it to her a little harder and go a little faster and take longer strokes. Pull almost all the way out and go in all the way to the bottom!"

Actually I had never fucked his wife fast and hard, but Jeff sure was not about to contradict me. With shining eyes, Jeff went to work and I saw Jill's toes tighten as her grip on his ass seemed to dig in.

"Uuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuuuuuuuh! Gawd noooooooooo."

'No? Had my wife said 'no?' Too bad.

Jeff was splitting her now. Then, after a moment, splitting her gave way to ripping her apart. "Aaaaauuuuuh!" Jill seemed to be fighting the pleasure she might be feeling now, but Jeff would not let up.

Then, finally, I saw Jeff move his head down, and Jill kept her eyes open as he met her lips with his, then her eyes closed. They kissed, but only for maybe ten seconds. I saw her body tremble visibly. Jeff fucked harder.

That seemed to inspire Jill to let out another long "Ooooooooh."

“Jill? You're being fucked by a strange man Jill. A man you are not married to, and your husband is watching. Let it go baby. This is your chance to enjoy another man.”

Jill didn't speak. Instead she just stared at me with what looked like sad, but excited eyes and then she turned her attention back to Jeff and dug her fingers into his ass.

Jeff kept burning her pussy. Jill had kept count on the photos taken but I wanted one more to secretly slip to Jeff later so that he could enjoy remembering what he is now feeling.

I didn't especially want any photos from him of my cock in his wife because she had a big hole, and now I knew why. In the photos they are keeping, Sherry's pussy didn't show much sign of being stretched.

I wanted this secret photo for Jeff that my wife would not know about. "Your time's almost up. I like hearing those sounds Jill is making, so Jeff, keep doing it hard for a few more strokes and keep doing it till I yell 'time." (I was pretending to be looking at my watch)

Jeff was pumping her harder now, burning Jill's pussy as he dragged her lips in and out. I needed to get this secret photo and I needed to have my wife making some noise so she would not hear the camera shutter and that inevitable click whirrrrrrr.

"Give it to her harder like I did your wife! Fuck her. Work that tight snatch!" Was I trying to increase his pleasure, her pleasure, or my own? Regardless, it seemed like the appropriate direction to give at the moment.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuh uuuuuuuuuuh!" (and a click whirrrrrr at the same time as I got the secret photo). And finally, Jill almost screamed it out. "Fuck! You're so fucking thick!"

Finally my wife has said something about his size. The first time it was only 'That's almost too much to take.'

'Almost' is like saying, 'Your cock is right on the edge of how much I can take, but I can possibly adapt.'

Now she had came right out with it, and I was aware that Jill had not said 'You're too thick for me,' or similar, only 'you're so fucking thick!" By my powers of deduction, it was sounding like my wife was liking it now..

At last Jeff and I had heard Jill say something I wanted to get out of her. Now it was time to let her off the hook, sorta.


Yes folks, the Click whirrrrrr sound of the Polaroid had successfully been hidden by her sounds of what? Her passion, or her finally commenting on how large his prick was?

I had said 'Time,' but maybe not loud enough? Jeff was still pumping as Jill was digging her fingers into his ass. And yes, at last they were again kissing. I am not sure they had heard me, or if they had, they were ignoring me.

"O.K. Jeff. She's about had enough. Take it slow and easy now. That is, unless she wants to keep taking that dick fast and hard?" I waited for Jill's answer, and it came as she broke their kiss.

"N...no, that's O.K. It was fun, but....but slow is better."

"You can get in some more kissing now if you want, and make it a little longer as he pumps you."

They kissed, and I could see several things happening as I waited for that secret shot to develop. Jill's fingers were digging into Jeff's ass, but gently. Her toes were curling and uncurling, and her kiss was not so much being delivered hard, but rather slow and how should I say this...wet and sloppy with lots of tongue?

Now I had that secret extra photo of her for Jeff to keep. It was of her bottom end only, but I was not about to give Jeff one showing my wife's face.

That photo? Oh fuck! What a shot! I had caught it at just the right time as he was coming back and tugging her inner lips out. There was very little blur. Her pussy, her gorgeous little tight...wait, did I say little and tight?

Now I didn't know. But it sure looked little and tight the way his cock was stretching it. And all around her lips, shining wetness. Under that could be seen her tight little virtually untouched except by me a very few times, anus. Pink in color with a light brown crescent and lovely.

"How much longer Eric?

I lied. "He still has another minute, baby. Keep going. I'm watching my second hand. Jeff, take it slow now like I did with your wife."

They began kissing again, taking it past the 'couple of quick kisses' I had told them I had done with Sherry.

Her legs were shaking uncontrollably. Jill was losing it I could tell. I am sure she knew what I was doing, but she was going along, either for me, or Jeff, or I was hoping, for herself.

My cool wife. So always in control, and now Jill was possibly becoming unglued for the first time. I was watching them from underneath, shaking my head and with a full hard on as I watched her vagina being tortured in such a manner.

Jeff's barrel sized cock was splitting my wife, just like those descriptions I had read in porn stories, only now I was seeing it demonstrated on my wife's pussy. I had lied to her as to the technique and how hard and how long this session had lasted with Sherry. Now I had for a couple of minutes allowed Jeff to fuck Jill's brains out.

Now he was fucking slow, gentle like and looking down into her face. It was almost like they were making love. Strangely, Jill had not lost it all as I saw her reach up and begin kissing him on her own for the first time.

My wife didn't want Jeff, but she had wanted his cock inside her. Now it seemed, she also wanted Jeff along with his cock inside her and she wanted to kiss. Women get confused, don't they? Taking a big hard cock can do that.

That minute passed and was gone. Jill was getting weaker. But she either forgot or didn't care now because she was no longer asking about the time. Maybe she is beginning to like it now? I wanted to give Jeff more time, and also myself more time to enjoy what Jill was enjoying, if she was.

So I watched, I waited, and I said nothing as they fucked. Jeff was using some variation in his stroking now as he began twisting his hips from left to right and back again. I knew that had to be adding some extra feelings of being stretched beyond capacity to Jill, but she only moaned a little louder.

They knew that last minute had come and gone, and still, they kept fucking.

Jeff, with the way he was stretching my wife and getting to keep continually banging away, was getting to fuck my wife in a way that I had been unable to do with Sherry. But I didn't mind.

"Wait honey. I just remembered a photo we took in this position of me and his wife, and her feet were different than yours. Let me fix things here."

All the while Jeff knew what to do, keep pumping. I took hold of her feet and toes to duplicate the first set of photos taken with his wife and me.

"Curl your feet in towards him like this..."

Click, whirrrrr! The pumping continued, and I noticed that now her toes were beginning to once-again curl on her own.

"How many photos now," she asked? "Is that all while he is on top?"

"That's it, but now he gets equal time to fuck. I just remembered Jill, after we took that last photo with his wife's legs curled up around me, then I fucked her for another couple of minutes."

"Oooh, in that case, do it."

I think Jill was giving in to the inevitable now.

Jill thought that I was allowing more time to be given in order to be 'fair' to Sherry's husband. But now Jill was starting to adjust.

"Uuuuuuuh uuuuuuuh!" Jill's hands were once again starting to dig into Jeff's ass and her legs somehow regained strength and went higher.

Yes, higher, as in she may be enjoying this now as she slowly raised her legs until they were way up around Jeff's waist.

"Aaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaah..." I noticed that her sounds had changed, becoming less desperate and sounding more like...pleasure?

Does Jill have an orgasm approaching? I sensed it and didn't want it to happen. I was thinking that if she lets go, it will be too intense and she might be 'finished. There are still more shots I need to get and then she can come..

I stopped them, and not surprisingly, Jill seemed disappointed.

"Jill, I need you on top now."

They changed places. Trembling, Jill straddled his cock and waited for him to aim it for her. Jeff didn't know what she was doing so I touched his cock lightly on the shaft with two fingers held wide-apart and angled it so that it was pointing at her dripping hole.

"Lower yourself baby."

Jill was wet but even so her tightness pushed down on his cock so hard that because of the extreme tight fit Jeff's cock sort of wrinkled like an accordion being closed.

"Mmmmmm mmmmmm. Oooooooh.!" Like I said, I was making them work for these photos. Those sounds, those sounds of pain, pleasure or whatever were letting both Jeff and myself know that Jill was taking a cock such as she had never had before.

Jill kept pushing. After several seconds she had worked herself down over him and was trying hard to get it in and as she finally buried herself, Jill shivered.

I was so fascinated seeing this that I almost forgot what this was all about, taking photos. She just laid there on him, and without moving. My wife looked weak and tired as she finally began to pump without being told to. I smiled. Now she likes the feel!

I kept being ornery. Just when it was looking like Jill was ready to start some serious fucking, I stopped her.

"Wait baby. Right there so I can get this shot."

"Click! Whirrrrr."

"That's right, now go down to the bottom..."Oh yeah." Click! Whirrrrr."

"Now come up halfway and hold it. Wow! His cock is making your entire pussy almost turn inside out. Hold it just like that!"

"Click! Whirrrrr."

"Just one more, move up one inch. Wow, that's pulling you out even better!"

Jill surprised me. “I know. I can feel it.” Her voice sounded strained, not tired, just weary from expressing so much passion and trying to keep Jeff or perhaps me from knowing how much she was enjoying this.

"Click! Whirrrrr."

"I want to see those photos!"

"You will baby, soon as we finish."

And then came a question that probably excited me more than any other of the day."Can I be on the bottom when he cums?"

I was surprised. Their switching around so that she would be under him again would make this entire venture last that much longer. But Jill's request as to her positioning for his come shot might indicate one of two things. Either Jill was tired, or she wanted her best shot at getting to cum.

I was jealous, but after all this buildup and suspense, I wanted to see my wife cumming on a big fat cock.

"On the bottom, do you think you can cum too?” There, at last, will she admit that she is liking this and wants to cum?

“I' think so. I was getting close to cumming before when you switched us around.”

I was elated, and I am sure Jeff was too. “Sure, I answered. “With you on the bottom I'll still be able to get the cum shot, just this time it will be running out of you a little slower instead of the cum falling down all over his dick. Roll off and lie down."

Jill quickly, quite quickly considering how she might be all worn out, got off and after Jeff had moved off to the side she flopped onto her back. I wished we had more than just a towel to lie on, but at least the wild grass was soft.

Jeff's cock was not soft though, no way. His eyes gleaming, Jeff mounted my wife and this time Jill reached down and almost eagerly aimed it for him. There was no doubt now, the two of them, yes both, will be fucking and going for the ultimate orgasm.

Jill still grunted as Jeff worked it in, but that grunt sounded like she was helping rather than...resisting. "Oooooooh."

Then my lovely blue-eyed wife said another line that surprised both Jeff and I. Well, not surprised, after her request to be under Jeff, we had maybe been expecting as well as hoping for it.

"Jeff, go slow and let me see if...well, just go slow and maybe I'll have a good orgasm."

"That's right Jeff," I added. "We're working on you getting to cum now. So do it any way you want, but do it the way she seems to like it," I hesitated..."because it's obvious now that my wife wants to cum." I looked at Jill and waited for her response.

Was Jill thinking of having possibly her best orgasm ever? It looked that way because now there was to be no directing during this part. The idea now was for Jeff to do a cum dump for photos. How he got to that point would be for both of them to enjoy. Whatever he wanted to do to enjoy his orgasm, Jeff could choose.

And then Jill said it. Three words in answer to what I had just said. "Yes. I'm ready."

"Jeff? You heard that. My wife wants to cum, so it's alright with me if, when you think she's getting close, if you kiss her. That might help Jill to go over, but make sure you allow her room to breathe."

Without no more than a smile, Jeff began pumping.

"Oh, and by the way, when Jill is getting close to cumming, her nipples get real hard. If you should just by accident happen to suck on one right about then, she might pop a good one!"

Jeff had already began pumping, and he nodded his head without pausing.

"Aaaaaaah. Mmmmmmm. That's nice..." Jill was showing her appreciation now of whatever it was that Jeff had to offer that she liked.

Jill didn't ask how much time Jeff was allowed to have to 'equal' how much time Sherry had been allowed to bring herself and me to orgasm. No, now it appeared as if Jill wanted all the time in the world.

"Mmmmmm. If only....?" She had said it softly, almost a whisper.

I wondered what she meant by 'If only..'? Does she need it harder, faster, deeper? What?'

"If only what, babe."

"Never mind. He's so thick it's kind of hard, but I'm getting used to him now." Then she reached up and pulled his face down.

I saw something from my wife now that I had not seen since the night with Tony as Jill's passion was released. There was uninhibited kissing now, and she was pulling on Jeff's ass with her hands. Pulling him hard. I could see sweat starting to break out on her forehead, and she was looking very shiny on her chest and stomach.

I don't know if Jeff was burning her pussy, or maybe splitting her in half like before, but whatever had happened, my wife appeared to have come alive!

She broke the kiss. "Oh Jeff. Fuck me!"

My heart jumped! She yelled it out even, 'Fuck me!' She's begging for it! Jill is begging for it. She never even did this with Tony! Fuck fuck fuck. She must really like Jeff's thick cock.

“Fuck me!”

She said it softer this time, but with just as much desire evident in her voice. Her ass had begun humping back up at Jeff now as if she was trying to add length to his strokes.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeze." She had her eyes opened wide and was looking directly up into Jeff's face.

Yep. My wife is begging for it. No doubt about that!

"Oooooh fuck. Ooooooooh fuck. Fuck me, pleeeeeze."

Her legs seemed to have gained new energy as they came up, and then still higher. Jill had them wrapped all the way up around Jeff's waist now, not that hard to do since my wife was taller than her newest lover, and much of that taller was in her legs.

Now was my chance. Now while she was going crazy, maybe I could get my wife to say something that she wouldn't say when she had been fucking Tony. Her inhibitions, if she has any left at this point, should be about gone.

I put my mouth near her ear, and then spoke loud enough for Jeff to hear. "Baby? I know it's almost ripping you open, but does his cock feel better than mine?"

I thought I had her now. Either my wife lies, or she admits it. But Jill still managed to give me an answer that had some reservations.

"Ooooooh! Sorta" Jill had her eyes closed and was lost in thought.


"Yes! Yes, right now it does!" She had turned her head to look at me.

"Then tell Jeff. Tell him how good it feels, and describe how his cock feels better than mine."

Does a husband like to be punished by words coming out of his wife's mouth at a time like this? Maybe, but I wanted to spice up her fuck. And of course, his.


"Tell him baby. And look up at Jeff and say his name as you admit it."

She seemed embarrassed to say it, and I believe her face turned even redder if that was possible. "Jeff. It feels good Jeff.”

“It.” I asked?

“His cock. It feels good.”

I wanted Jeff to hear more. “Talk right to Jeff. Tell him in a descriptive manner how it feels better baby. Keep talking.”

Excited upon hearing her words and seeing the way Jill was looking up at him, Jeff gave her an extra strong stroke, interrupting her right in the middle of her talk. “Oooooh shit, It's good Jeff, and feels better than my husband's. Your cock does, it fits so tight and it feels sooooo good stretching me."

Her eyes closed. “It's so intense. So big and I can feel every inch of your cock, all up and down the sides as you stroke it. I can feel it rubbing me so good. Fuck meeee oh yessss, fuck meee you big cocked bastard! Uuuuh uuuh uuuuh.”

'Shit,' and 'big-cocked bastard?' Those were words that weren't normally in my wife's vocabulary. Well, I had encouraged her to tell him, and was she ever! I was going to throw in a 'now kiss him,' but somehow through all that, Jeff managed to bend his head down and take a hard left nipple into his mouth. I think he was about to cum and had remembered what I had told him about her nipples.

"Oh, and by the way, when Jill is getting close to cumming, her nipples get real hard. If you should just by accident happen to suck on one right about then, she might pop a good one!"

And then it happened. The orgasm that I was waiting for. The orgasm that Jeff was waiting for. The orgasm that our readers are waiting for. But most of all, this was the orgasm for Jill.

"I'm going to cum.....! Ooooooh unnnnnnh aaasaaa Oh!" There would be too many Ooohs, Uuuhs and Aaaaahs to type in here to describe it. Jill's orgasm was so good that she was shaking her head back and forth side-to-side as she almost screamed out her pleasure.

I wondered how far her sounds were carrying down the hill.

I had never seen Jill react like that before, the way she was rocking her head back and forth during her orgasm. Not with me had she done that, and not with Tony.

Jill seemed to relax as her orgasm ran down, and then...

"Oh fuck he is too....I feel it. He's cumming! Cum in me baby. Uuuuuuuuuuuh oooooooh gawwwwwwwwd!"

Jill was spurring Jeff on now, digging in with her fingers as she encouraged and built Jeff's orgasm, something she often does with me. .

Incredibly, it sounded like they had almost enjoyed a simultaneous orgasm, something that couples that know each other well try to achieve, but usually don't. By the sound of things, Jill had been ahead of Jeff by maybe fifteen or more seconds, or perhaps better described, throbs.

They were both breathing hard, but perhaps Jill more so.

I knew Jill needed to breathe, but I wanted to allow her to have a hint of that affection from Jeff that she likes from me. I waited until Jeff had released her nipple from the grip of his lips. It looked red, and I could see teeth marks around her aureola, like he had been biting down hard on it so as to not lose his grip.

"Kiss her Jeff."

They did, and I am sure that Jill appreciated my thoughtfulness.

Jeff seemed to think that it was over and started to ease his way out and I saw Jill dig her fingers into his ass and pull him deeper back into her. "Don't leave yet. I want to just....lie here a minute. Please."

I think the 'please' was meant for me and not Jeff.

"Wow baby," I said with enthusiasm while trying to hide my feelings of jealousy. "It looked and sounded like you two almost came at the same time, the fabled simultaneous orgasm."

"We did."

"You did? I heard you say you were cumming, and then after maybe fifteen or twenty seconds you said he was cumming too. What did you do, have an orgasm that lasted well over thirty seconds? That would be a first!"

Jill was still breathing hard. "No. I came twice. I was almost, well, I was finished cumming and then I felt Jeff start to throb and I came again!"

I couldn't believe it but tried to hide my concern with enthusiasm. Why spoil her fun now, or Jeff's?

"That's another first for you, two orgasms back-to-back." I looked at Jill real intently and reached out to touch her lips with a soft caress. "Were you able to feel his throbs starting because he was keeping you stretched?"

This was the photojournalist in me coming out. I wanted to see and hear every detail, and I knew for sure that Jeff did too.

"Gawd. I...Jeff seemed to grow even larger just before he came and he was stretching me so far and I didn't know that my pussy could give any more."

Jill paused and turning her head away from me, she looked up into Jeff's face. She spoke very softly. "Then Jeff, when you got even harder and bigger, I knew you were there. It was so...it was so intense and I could feel my heart pounding."

Jill turned her head to look over at me again. "Then when he shot his first load and I felt that throb, it just took me over the top again."

As if in response to her wondrous statement, Jeff started pumping again.

She moaned and dug her fingers into Jeff's ass once again. "He did it for me." She looked up into Jeff's eyes and smiled. "You did it for me....Jeff..." She moaned and fucked her hips back at him.

I was wondering. “Is he still hard?”

Jill smiled and looked up into Jeff's eyes. “Hard enough.”

Jill had said that she had felt Jeff's oncoming orgasm by the way he had grown and also how she had been able to feel his first throb, but inwardly I was wondering how much the feeling of pleasure from his fat cock had to do with her double orgasm and tried to cover some by saying, "I guess you found out that having a first time new guy can be pretty exciting.

Now let's get those final pictures of his cock coming out and with the come dripping off it, and then maybe some come running out of you. Then we'll be done."

"Pull out slow..." My mind was again going in circles as I quietly gave my directions and took shots of Jeff's cock with come all over the shaft as he slowly and reluctantly withdrew most of the way out.

“Stop there Jeff. Now put it back in for one stroke.”

He did, going all the way in, and Jill moaned and gripped his ass.

“Now pull it all the way out and keep it just above her hole.”

"Wow! It's still opened a ways and I can see right into her pussy. Hold it right there, with your dick just above her hole. That's it!" 'Click! Whirrrrr.'

Then, either on his own or maybe Jill pulled on his ass, I don't know because I was still staring at her hole, Jeff lowered his body and somehow managed to plunge his still almost completely hard penis deep into Jill.

She made the "Oooooh" sound as his cock slipped all the way to the bottom, and this time with no apparent struggle.

One more time she, he, or they wanted to feel that sensation, of a thick cock and a tight pussy being joined as one. I sat and waited, allowing them to enjoy this final time together. And I mean together! Jeff was just lying on my wife and enjoying the feel. I think they were kissing, but I didn't turn my head to see.

Like Jeff had done while his wife was draining my cum from her pussy on top of my cock, I was thinking of jerking off.

"Pump it a few times Jeff so more cum runs out."

Jeff pumped Jill for perhaps a full minute, then he sort of wriggled his cock sideways as he pulled back this time, then with a little smacking sound, out it came. I again took in the sight of my wife's gaping cunt as he got off her.

I decided not to jack off. There was some more important business at hand. Click, whirrrrrrr.

Multiple shots had not been taken in this manner with his wife, but I was getting some for me, and for Jill if she cared to see them later, and remember.

After all, Jill had yelled it out, not just once but twice. "I WANT HIS COCK IN ME!" And got me in the ear both times.

My wife just laid there with her legs wide open. Either Jill was too fucked out to move, or she just wanted me to get further evidence on film as to the pleasure she had just been given.

'Click! Whirrrrr.

"Sort of push out with your pussy baby and let's see if more cum runs out." Click, whirrrrr.

And after that, when Jill finally found the strength to rise, I got three shots of her trying to wipe out a tortured pussy that was dripping endlessly with cum.

"I'm a little sore..."

I glanced over at Jeff to see if he had heard and he winked at me.

Jeff had remembered to bring more tissue, but I was thinking about what Jill had said. "I'm a little sore."

Both Jeff and my wife needed to stop in at the restroom. I had already taken a pee up on the hill, so alone, I headed on to the swimming pool with the camera case. I figured that Sherry would be anxious to see the photos.

I stepped through the opening in the block wall to the pool and looked around. At first I didn't see Sherry and frowned. Then I looked under the cabana and saw that her daughter was asleep. 'That's funny. Where's Sherry?'

Then as I drew closer to the edge of the pool, Sherry's head popped up. She was in the water, and when Sherry spotted me she smiled and tried to drag herself up the side. She was in the deep end and the steps were about 40 feet away so I reached down and helped her out.

'Aren't you the slippery one," I said as I had to get a good grip on her arms since she was wet? As I was hauling her hundred pound body up I was staring at her her erect nipples which had water droplets dripping off. Sherry's hair was only wet at the ends, so I figured that she must have just been dog-paddling rather than swimming.

"Slippery. Just like I was when we were up on the hill," she responded, "when we finished with those photos." Sherry gave me an ornery, knowing look and smiled.

I grinned back, happy to see her again, and said: "I guess you can blame me for all that slipperiness."

"No Eric. I made my contribution."

I was about to respond when I saw a man that I recognized from seeing him in the office with the manager during my previous and first visit two weeks ago. I figured he was probably one of the folks who lived in a trailer at the park for free in exchange for working around the place.

He was in the pool at the other end and using the cement steps within the pool as he climbed out with his long skinny looking dick.

I turned to Sherry, who also was looking over at him. "I see that you weren't alone while we were gone. Everything was O.K.? No one bothered you?"

I really wasn't concerned about Sherry's safety, not at a nudist park, but this was her first time.

"No. No one bothered me. That guy came down not long after you three left and started to clean the pool with a net on the end of a pole. Then I noticed he was glancing at me so I think he decided to stick around so he could look at me, but from a distance."

I smiled."That's because you are a lovely woman Sherry, inside and out."

She giggled. "Which part do you like best, inside or out?"


"Did you get some photos, and how did they come out?"

"All my photos come out Sherry, I'm a professional. Now if you want to know how hot and horny they are, well, I guess you'll just have to decide for yourself!"

With that I opened the camera case and took out the Polaroids. "Hold them on the edges with your fingers so you don't get prints on them."

"Wow! Look at that!"

Sherry had singled out a particularly stretchy looking shot of Jill's pussy to comment on. "I know Sherry. Why didn't you warn me in advance about how big Jeff is?"

"I thought you saw his cock when we were...when we were fucking and he jacked off behind us."

"No, I didn't see his lower body when you were on top of me, so I didn't know. When you were pumping on me, I saw him studying the photos and I thought that was kind of strange because you and I were happening and he had the photos for later."

Sherry smiled, and her eyes told me that she wanted me again. "I could tell, Jeff was very excited to get those photos. I know he had a fantasy like that long before we came to a nudist park."

We studied the photos and discussed which ones were hottest as Jeff and Jill gathered around us.

"Looking at the photos," Jill laughed?

"Sherry is looking for evidence of her husband being with another woman, and I think she found some, big time," I answered!

Sherry exchanged looks with Jill. "I think Jill found something out, big time."

They exchanged looks again. "Yes I did," smiled Jill. "But I had fun."

It was getting on in the afternoon and we decided to play in and around the pool before having to pack up and head home.

Yes. I gave Sherry a coating of sun lotion, and this time Jeff got to do Jill. Like I had done with his wife earlier in the day, Jeff got kind of frisky with his fingers. Of course, by then, Jeff had already had other parts of his body in Jill.

We had waited to apply that lotion on each other's mates until that guy at the other end of the pool had disappeared. None of us saw him leave so I figured he might have stepped over the wall closest to the office and gone that way through some woods.

Or, I was thinking. He is in those woods somewhere and watching as Jeff and I apply this lotion and fondle each other's wife. In case he was, I made sure to keep Sherry's legs opened wide and facing in the direction where he might be watching.

Sherry had commented that she thought he was hanging around to look at her, so I figured why not really give him something to see?

Jeff, by coincidence, had Jill lying on her stomach and facing in the same direction as Sherry. Needless to say, Jill had already opened her legs real wide in that position she so much loves to use when no one is looking, or, if someone she wants is looking, and in Jeff's case, touching.

It was incredible. We had done this just a couple of hours before, but then it was Jill doing Jeff, and now the roles were reversed. Jeff was so happy he didn't really know where to go with his hands on Jill.

There she was for his pleasure. My wife, with the greatest ass in the world to fondle, and down between her legs was a truly beautiful and unique pussy that he had been doing his best to re-mold into the shape of his penis.

At that time, I was thinking that Jeff had succeeded, because from where I was looking, Jill's pussy still looked to be a bit on the red side. I was studying her pussy from my vantage point on the other side of Sherry, and it looked like Jill's pussy might not only be red, but red and raw.

And I was again doing Sherry, but where my fingers now were, my cock had been too. She was no longer showing any signs of redness though, dammit.

As I was caressing and coating Sherry's pussy hairs with excess lotion while she was lying on her stomach, I kept my head in the direction of her ass but rolled my eyes only off to my right, and I am certain I caught of glimpse of that guy watching from between some trees.

'O.K, fucker. You're already getting some really wild views of my wife's pussy over there, but take a look at this and eat your heart out.'

Knowing that he would be wishing he was in my place, I tugged Sherry's lips open as wide as they would go and took a good long look, but made sure that my head was not blocking his view. I did this not just once, but three or four times more, and each time, Sherry sort of sighed.

Of course Sherry was ******* of the viewing material she was providing for the watcher-in-the-woods.

Jeff was paying special attention to that area on Jill that he had been using and abusing 30 minutes ago. I could see that Jill still had red-looking lips, no, not the parts that were dangling out almost two inches, but where they attached to the rest of the inner parts.

The raw I was wondering about probably wasn't there, because if she had been raw, my wife would not have been allowing to Jeff to handle her pussy the way he was now.

"Jeff," I whispered. "Tug her open with those lips so I can have a look."

As Jeff grinned and reaching down with two hands, he kept them above her ass so as to not block my view and used his fingers to pull on Jill's lips and tug her open. Giving him a thumbs-up sign I made a production out of leaning forward over Sherry's ass and taking a long look at my wife's pussy, which had now became additional viewing material for the watcher-in-the-woods.

"Sherry," raise your head up and take a look at this."

Sherry did, saw what Jeff was tugging on, and said simply..."Wow!"

Jeff held Jill's pussy open long enough for his wife to get a good look, then when Sherry laid her head down again, he released Jill's lips and asked me, "Is that enough?"

"No problem. That was nice enough for two. Thanks Jeff."

And then my ornery wife raised her head, looked back at me over her left shoulder and said, "You forgot to thank me!"

"Oh yes, and I thank you too, and so does Sherry." That brought a laugh from everyone, and I wondered if the watcher-in-the-woods could hear our conversation.

Of course we did the front of our wives too. And this time the watcher-in-the-woods saw two men caressing the tits on another man's wife. All the while we had the legs on those two women spread wide, into the sun, and in the direction of those woods.

That suspicion that I had that he was still in those woods was confirmed a little later when, after the child had awakened, he 'appeared' out of the woods like he had been somewhere else and walked past us to go on up to the area of the office.

I noticed that his penis looked to be a little less 'skinny' than before, but it was still dangling long enough to swing back-and-forth a little as he walked by. I'm pretty sure that the little string I detected handing from the tip was not pre-cum, but rather, cum.

I didn't voice my suspicions to the others. No need to create any paranoia in people that were brand new to nudism. After all, they had already had plenty of excitement for one day. But that guy and I had shared something special, though he did not know that I had done it deliberately.

Try and imagine the thoughts that must have been going through his mind. That man had probably, if he had been in or around the office area, seen first Jeff, Sherry and I go up the hill.

Then later he might have seen Jeff, Jill and I go up that hill. I am sure that he might have put two and one together and came up with one in one, or maybe two into one, or some other mathematical ratio.

And then he gets to hide in the woods and see two men playing with what look like very willing wives as their pussies are rubbed, caressed, and pulled open by the other woman's husband.

What an unbelievable sight, and it was only a Tuesday at Samagatuma!

We passed on the girls doing the guys with lotion partly because that might have resulted in erections that could not be used at that location, and besides, the kid woke up.

We kept our individual copies of the photos and when the girls weren't looking I pulled Jeff aside and gave him another photo for his camera case.

"Jeff? Remember when I told you to fuck Jill hard and she got noisy?"

Jeff could only smile as I kept talking before he could reply. "Well, I had you get her noisy on purpose so she wouldn't hear the camera when I took took this one for you."

It was the photo that Sherry had first seen and then said 'Wow!'

"For me? Oh shit Eric. Thank you!"

"Jill must never know. And no one, no matter who you meet at camps in the future knows either. Alright? And if you let Sherry know you have it, which I recommend you go ahead and tell her in case she finds it by surprise, she needs to know that Jill still doesn't need to know either."

"You have my word."

That shot had no face in it but it was one of the hottest penetration shots ever created. That one had been for Jeff. I had several photos of Jill taking his coke can, and in several of those my wife's faces showed.

Jeff was so appreciative of the highly erotic photo I gave him that he gave up his personal favorite shot of his wife, with my cock sort of pulling her lips out as she was rising higher on me. It didn't go anywhere near matching the shot of how he was stretching the lips on my wife that I had given him, but I accepted it gratefully and shook his hand.

Yes, we exchanged phone numbers.

On the way home Jill was sitting close to me on the bench seat of our wagon. Her head was on my shoulder and she was tired, sleepy, and I wondered...happy?

"How you doing?"

Jill sighed and sat up straight. "I feel like I have been run over by a freight train!"

"Or maybe run through by one?

"Yes, that's closer!"

"Are you sore?"

"Down there? Yes. I don't know why you seemed to be keeping him inside of me for so long."

"You were enjoying it after a while, weren't you?"

"After a looooong while, I was. But I'm wondering how his wife managed to come with you after her being used to what he has."

Oh oh. She is thinking about my size now after having had his barrel dick in her and my wife has become very aware of the differences in size.

"I said in front of them that Sherry got really wet when she came along with me but in actuality she had a big hole. I could barely feel her on the sides after she got all wet. That's one reason I was able to last so long with her."

I looked down at Jill's face and added something I had told her before. "Of course, no matter how wet she got, it was feeling good because my foreskin kept pulling back and forth when I fucked her."

Jill looked suddenly worried. "Do you suppose I'm all loose now inside? I hope not."

"I don't know baby. Jeff was only in you for about....about 20 minutes total, maybe." I was thinking back, and my cock was tingling. "No, it was probably longer than that."

Her eyes were looking out the windshield, but looked glassy as she thought back, and remembered. "20 minutes was a long time, and in another way, it wasn't long enough. I could feel me stretching, and then, after a while, he seemed to fit me better."

"It was probably more like you started to fit him better. It was your body that had to do the adapting. And you had a good climax, didn't you?"

Jill did not answer right away. I knew then that she was going to hide something from me. "Compared to you?"

"Compared to me. Be honest...."

"He was stretching me so far out...It...it felt like I couldn't come around his dick because he was so big," she looked at me..."I'll try to explain.

Do you know how your penis feels when you are coming, you know it is sort of throbbing and flexing outward? I know it is flexing sort of outward because that's why I can feel it when you are inside me and you come. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Of course, baby. And I enjoy it thoroughly every time it happens." I reached out and caressed her thigh.

'Well, it's the same way for me...for a woman. When we come, the walls of our vagina sort of do the same thing, we flex in and out, but mostly we flex around the lips. But when Jeff was fucking me, he had my...he had everything pushed out so far they didn't seem to have any room left to flex in and out, so I was having a hard time getting to the point of coming."

I was watching the road but I could feel her staring at my face.

"So when you kept him in me so long, I was...well truthfully, after a while I wanted to come. But it...I just couldn't do it. The feeling was so intense. Can you imagine if your cock got right up to the point of shooting, built up right up to that point, and then it wouldn't let go?"

I could hardly believe my ears, and my mind was running in circles. 'This is really hot to hear. This is a bummer for a husband to hear his wife say. This is enough to make my dick hard. This is enough to make my cock wither.'

Like I said, in circles.

I tried to make light of it. "Well, for a little while at least, to be at that point of coming and holding, it must have felt pretty good!"

"It was! But after 30 seconds or so I felt like I might explode if it wouldn't...if it wouldn't release."

I squeezed her thigh. "Poor girl. My wife was on the edge of the greatest come in history and she couldn't make the jump."

'But it did! I did. And then all of a sudden my walls seemed to relax and widen out and I started throbbing, maybe a better description is having contractions all around him. My heart was pounding so hard I couldn't catch my breath!"

Well, my wife had just admitted that Jeff had given her the best orgasm ever.

I was about to reach over and grab a tit and my wife suddenly said, "Shit!You and Jeff probably didn't realize it, that it felt so good for me because at the same time I was wanting to scream it out I was trying to be quiet so the whole danged nudist camp wouldn't hear!"

I remembered thinking at that time if anyone down at the camp could hear her. She had already admitted that the orgasm with Jeff was the best, but I wanted to hear her say it again in confirmation.

"It...that orgasm. It was better than any of the ones you had with Tony?" I knew that she had really enjoyed being with Tony.

Silence. Then, "Yes. But let me explain. It was more intense than any I had with Tony, but not necessarily better. In some ways."

I was quiet for several seconds. "So Jeff gave you your most intense orgasm ever. (Sigh) I guess I can live with that since I was partially responsible."

Jill was still thinking it over. "I guess that orgasm was my most intense and my best ever. The one with Jeff."

She softly said it, almost like Jill was afraid to tell me, but after all I had been there and taking photos. Then she added something.

"Two. I had two best orgasms, but they were so close together it was like one continuous come."

"Shit. After those orgasms you had with Tony, I didn't think anything could top that."

"Now remember what I told you. The climaxes I had with Tony were different then the ones I have with you, but no better...just...different. You were still my best. Until today."

Before today I had been her best. That is what Jill had been telling me since that night and the next morning with Tony, but I believed that Jill had enjoyed Tony more than she did me. But that was another time, another man, another story, session two.

She snuggled up against me. "Oh baby. Are your feelings hurt? I know for sure that I was feeling hurt until I adapted to him."

"No. I guess I asked for it." I was about to go on and Jill interrupted perhaps in an attempt to lighten the mood. "No, I asked for it. Remember? I WANT HIS COCK IN ME!' Do you remember?"

I was rubbing my right ear because she had yelled it out, and pretty loudly considering that we were riding in a car and she was right next to me. "Yes. I guess you did ask for it, and right out in public."

"Well, the only people that heard it were Jeff and his wife. "

"Maybe I asked for it just like you did. I did his wife, you found out, and from there when you said you wanted his cock in you, I decided to make you eat your words. Of course, I didn't know then that he was so big.”

Jill was about to speak and I rushed my words out before I lost my thought. "If you had seen his dick hard in advance, or if I had seen it and tipped you off, would you have still yelled out (Now was my chance to raise my voice) I WANT HIS COCK IN ME!"

I had hoped to yell it in my wife's ear like she had done to me, but Jill saw it coming and moved her entire upper body to the right and away from me.

Silence. I waited. More silence. Then Jill looked at me and softly said, "I'm thinking." Then, finally, and I probably had driven half a mile further before she came out with it. "I probably would have, I think."

She hesitated. "Maybe not. If I had those thoughts then, I might have been afraid you would think I was yelling I WANT HIS COCK IN ME because I wanted to try one bigger than yours."

I was rubbing my ear again. "You might have thought that, but would you have wanted to do it, knowing how thick he is?"

Silence, then..."Yes."

I sighed. "To get back at me, like in...a mild form of revenge, or to see how he would feel?"

This time the silent pause was not as long.


She giggled trying to make light of it. I smiled, but inside, my heart turned.

Jill frowned and I saw it because at that second I was looking at her face. "What?"

"He didn't have a hard on when he was taking pictures of you with his wife?"

"I am sure he did, but I never saw it. I know this. When Sherry got on top of me and after we took those last pictures, you know, at the point where she was coming and Jeff said he had never seen her pussy turn red before, he was watching from down by our feet and jacking off. I know that because I saw the come on the ground, but I never saw his cock when it was hard.".

Jill nodded her head. "He had just yanked off before you guys came back down the hill to the pool? So that's why he was able to last so long with me being so tight and all. I wondered about that!"

My mind was still running in circles, trying to keep up with my erect and tingling cock. "Once it started to feel good, were you glad he was making it last?"

"To be honest, once I had come, both of us, I was wishing in a way that we could do it again. It felt really good when he put it inside me again and pumped for a little while. It was...almost natural, the fit between us. But we had to get back to the pool and his wife."

"Do you think I'll still be able to keep you happy? Is your pussy damaged...permanently?"

Jill giggled. "I don't know, but just in case, did you get their phone number?"

She giggled when I nodded a quiet 'Yes' then she laughed and said, "I need to practice." Then she yelled it out again. "I WANT HIS COCK IN ME!"

I wanted to rub my erection, but first I needed to rub my ear again.

Jill's voice got soft as she reached with her fingers and felt tenderly around her crotch. Then she said, "But not now, maybe in two or three days."

(Note readers: This wife I've given the name 'Sherry' came by my house to see me one day without her child or husband and fucked me for a couple of hours. I forget where my wife was at that time, but she wasn't there. We, my wife and I never did get together again with them as a couple. Despite the fact that her husband was so wide, she still made it a point to come by on her own and fuck me. She was craving some romance. True story.)
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Awesome. i can't believe that in 5.5 years, this is the only comment.
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lnohhnvm said:
Awesome. i can't believe that in 5.5 years, this is the only comment.
That happens sometimes. And listen to this. Here on 15 March 2020 I was going to post this story next, but do a title change and add some comments. But I didn't do the posting, and since only the site admin would have access to my stories, one of them must have done it, moved it up from being way back there as an old post. Also, I ALWAYS add a photo or two. Now, since this is posted before I was ready, I need to find a photo that might line up with the story.

At six in the morning, I just used one of the many book covers I have stored. The illustration does not match the story, but the title does, sorta.
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thank you, for responding. what % of your stories are based on real events?

lnohhnvm said:
thank you, for responding. what % of your stories are based on real events?

About half, I'd say. If True, I say so. Some of the others, the stories I actually construct from scratch, might have something I did for real in it, but not enough for me to label it as a true story. For instance, some of the things I have in that Farmwife story has elements that happened to me. Also, the Hudson Rendevous story, same thing.
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EroticWriter said:
About half, I'd say. If True, I say so. Some of the others, the stories I actually construct from scratch, might have something I did for real in it, but not enough for me to label it as a true story. For instance, some of the things I have in that Farmwife story has elements that happened to me. Also, the Hudson Rendevous story, same thing.

ok, can you email a list, in chronological orde,r of your true stories? i have read the nudist resort ones with, Mel, Tony & Jeff. also, wondering if you and Jill got together with Jeff & Sherry(?) again.

pistolpete472@protonmail.com, & no, NOT that Pistolpete.

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lnohhnvm said:
ok, can you email a list, in chronological orde,r of your true stories? i have read the nudist resort ones with, Mel, Tony & Jeff. also, wondering if you and Jill got together with Jeff & Sherry(?) again.

pistolpete472@yahoo.com, & no, NOT that Pistolpete.


lnohhnvm said:
ok, can you email a list, in chronological orde,r of your true stories? i have read the nudist resort ones with, Mel, Tony & Jeff. also, wondering if you and Jill got together with Jeff & Sherry(?) again.

pistolpete472@yahoo.com, & no, NOT that Pistolpete.

Mail you a list in order? Hey man, that's like..work. The two true stories that came before the motel story and 'After getting" are SHARING my Steady Pussy, followed by SHOWING My Married Pussy.
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ok, sorry. i thought you might have them stored in the order in which they were written. i thought copy & paste the titles would be easy.

thanx for the titles you sent.

my ex-wife(it's complicated) has some health issues that make it difficult to have sex. she had a visitor 2 weeks ago after which she called my & said she can't enjoy sex, anymore.

i have been reading to her over the phone while she uses either her hand alone or with an assist from BOB(battery operated boyfriend). she can actually orgasm up to 4 times.

i had been reading some HW stories, now, i want to switch to cuck stories so maybe i can explain some of my fantasies, which i have been unable to do, so far.

i'll take note on how many orgasms the stories can evoke, & then ask her opinion. if her response is typical, i will feel more confident to reveal my cuck fantasies.

even though we are in our seventies, it's still fun to talk about all the fun we missed by not having a clue about HWing & cuckoldry. She has really embraced the HW scenarios we have read about & said she would have had no problem living that LS. what a waste of 40 years.

if you are interested in what makes this all complicated, let me know & i'll tell you. actually, about 6 months ago i thought it might make a good story. i actually contacted some contributors on a couple of sites to gague interest. one guy wanted me to pay him. that surprised my & killed my idea.

anyway, thanks for listening & i'll check out more of your stories.

lnohhnvm said:
ok, sorry. i thought you might have them stored in the order in which they were written. i thought copy & paste the titles would be easy.

thanx for the titles you sent.

my ex-wife(it's complicated) has some health issues that make it difficult to have sex. she had a visitor 2 weeks ago after which she called my & said she can't enjoy sex, anymore.

i have been reading to her over the phone while she uses either her hand alone or with an assist from BOB(battery operated boyfriend). she can actually orgasm up to 4 times.

i had been reading some HW stories, now, i want to switch to cuck stories so maybe i can explain some of my fantasies, which i have been unable to do, so far.

i'll take note on how many orgasms the stories can evoke, & then ask her opinion. if her response is typical, i will feel more confident to reveal my cuck fantasies.

even though we are in our seventies, it's still fun to talk about all the fun we missed by not having a clue about HWing & cuckoldry. She has really embraced the HW scenarios we have read about & said she would have had no problem living that LS. what a waste of 40 years.

if you are interested in what makes this all complicated, let me know & i'll tell you. actually, about 6 months ago i thought it might make a good story. i actually contacted some contributors on a couple of sites to gague interest. one guy wanted me to pay him. that surprised my & killed my idea.

anyway, thanks for listening & i'll check out more of your stories.

Clue us in.
disclaimer; The "Wife", to whom i, occasionally, refer is my ex-wife. we reconnected a year after hubby 2 died in '16. We rekindled & view ourselves as, actually, married.

We married in 1966, stayed together until 1980 & divorced in 1994. she, promptly remarried until he passed in Aug. 2016. I currently live in NC & she is in western/central NY.

We reconnected in July 2017 when i had our boys invite her to our, annual, family gathering. she called me two weeks later thank ing me for the invitation & we talked for about an hour.

we, then, started talking 2-3 times per week. We discussed our early life, about meeting at a neighbor hood playground back in 1962, our early years, friends, etc. We were just trying to cover the last 35-40 years.

I know she likes to watch & read porn. We talked about likes & dislikes & what turned each of us on. That is how the HWing conversation started, & we moved on from there.

If anyone has any questions, i'll attempt to answer them.

I seem to keep catching you right after you make an entry Inohhnvm. I am up late, very late, like you it seems. I like to go back in and add to my stories. Nothing fake, just stuff I forgot to say in my haste to write and enter the story the first time. Also sometimes I just edit out the typos that inevitably get left in the first time out. Good luck with the wife. I know the feeling.
EroticWriter said:
I seem to keep catching you right after you make an entry Inohhnvm. I am up late, very late, like you it seems. I like to go back in and add to my stories. Nothing fake, just stuff I forgot to say in my haste to write and enter the story the first time. Also sometimes I just edit out the typos that inevitably get left in the first time out. Good luck with the wife. I know the feeling.
actually, i'm usually up by 5:00AM. eastern time. i'm enjoying your stories, however, i much prefer the ones that are true.
lnohhnvm said:
actually, i'm usually up by 5:00AM. eastern time. i'm enjoying your stories, however, i much prefer the ones that are true.
Here I am, 'up' as in not having gone to bed yet, on Tuesday 14 Apr 2020 at 6;52 CST. I've posted some more stories up front. Hope you find them. Some are true like the court case, but I didn't place any of my personal true stories this time.
EroticWriter said:
Here I am, 'up' as in not having gone to bed yet, on Tuesday 14 Apr 2020 at 6;52 CST. I've posted some more stories up front. Hope you find them. Some are true like the court case, but I didn't place any of my personal true stories this time.

what is the name of the court case?
lnohhnvm said:
what is the name of the court case?
The story with and about the court case is called THE RAPES JUST KEEP CUMMING.
Thank you, E.W. I'll get to it later today. I have read several of your stories, but i prefer reality. There is enough fantasy & fiction, available, from which to choose.

Thanx, again,
lnohhnvm said:
Thank you, E.W. I'll get to it later today. I have read several of your stories, but i prefer reality. There is enough fantasy & fiction, available, from which to choose.

Thanx, again,
So how'd it go?
actually, a year later, i can't remember if i read it or not.

if you are interested in what got our conversations started, i'll tell you. i, previously, spent time perusing ourhotwives.org. i found a story titles "Sheila".

i read it, then decided to read it to my wife. she loved it & got 2/3 Os.

it was about a wife out on a girls night out. she came home at like 3:00am. hubby was up waiting. when he asked her why she was late, she, sheepishly, said she had been a naughty girl. it goes on telling about her, now, having a boyfriend with all that that entails. after i read it to Donna, i asked her if she could have led a life like Sheila. to my surprise, without hesitation, she said YES. i was shocked, to say the least. that is how it started..

i, eventually, placed a couple of adv.s & found her a couple of lovers. she met them both, but health issues prevented her continuing. we were both, greatly, disappointed.

ask any questions you like.

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