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An experience as a schoolgirl in Africa

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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jul 30, 2004
School Adventure Part 1
By Julie A.

I spent most of the year incarcerated in an all girls boarding school a long way from home. As an adventurous teenage wild child, brought by a larger than life thrill seeking Aunt, I hated the boring school life especially on those weekends that were not designated as an exiat. I had lost my virginity in the holiday’s just past. Having just experienced real regular very hot sex, masturbation, quietly in my cubicle, was now far from satisfying.

Like all boarding schools you made sure you kept much to yourself. You didn’t let others know your more private life as girls love nothing more than to spread gossip to look important, to put you down so as to detract from their own foibles. I was not about to confide that I had spent the holidays naked my teenage legs spread taking hard black dick from two African men to the small minded set at school who would love to cause trouble. I did however have a very close friend who I could trust implicitly.

Yolanda was 4 months older than me. Very petite with her blonde hair cut in a short bob she looked about 2 years younger. Yolanda’s looks hid a very wild nature with a thirst for fun and adventure that easily matched mine. She was also a very loyal friend who could be totally trusted. She was the daughter of a Senior Banker. They lived in a lovely house in a very upmarket part of the city. I would go and stay with her on weekend exeats and half term. We were very close. Her father was a very calm man with a lot of charm but his life was blighted by a wife who was a chronic alcoholic. This meant life at home was very tense for Yolly who was glad of my company and my support as well as the fact I never told any tales about her or her family life. As I was non judgmental in any way I was the only person she felt comfortable taking home to see the life she lived behind what appeared to be a very high life. Her mother a slim blond woman who must have been very beautiful in her time was always in a state of drunkenness that made her very unpredictable. She would quite happily walk totally naked into the kitchen when all the staff were there she could be totally reclusive and not be seen for days. The staff were fantastic with her. Discrete, they never made any fuss or acted in a way that didn’t seem as if her actions weren’t totally normal.

Yolly had told me about how she lost her virginity 2 holidays past to a family friend who was staying with them. He was a Lebanese banker. He had been very patient with her working her very expertly to lovely orgasms. Yolly had been a very willing partner in this little tryst as she had wanted to lose her virginity anyway. She thought this was the best way to do it with an experienced man who had made it clear his intentions so all she had to do was respond. Having confided in me about her sexual experiences I felt it was only fair to tell her about my loss of virginity. Yolly was fascinated. She wanted every dirty sordid detail. She wanted to know what African men were like. Did they have big willies as she put it admitting she had masturbated every night thinking of me with the African men. I told her every little detail over and over again.

I also told her of the fun I had, had going into the little town just off the main road some 10 miles from the ranch where there was an African bar with a juke box. I told how wonderful the atmosphere was in a place so bereft of any such entertainment for a young wild thing like me. I told her the music wasn’t exactly current lots of Jim Reeves, Elvis Presley, and some other English groups with lots of Congolese beat but, the buzz of the place was great. Guys danced with you and there was a whole fun air to it as well as an edge and risk that gave me a real buzz. She was really interested as this was a little forbidden thing that I had been able to enjoy.

Over the weeks of boredom we talked so much about sex, Africans and bars that we really wanted to go and have some fun. This of course led to us planning to sneak out of school and find a bar to have fun. The planning thrilled us it was just so naughty, so exciting. We worked out where we could sneak out without any risk of being seen. We planned it for a Sunday as no one checked on anyone after morning service until even song at 7:30pm so we would have plenty of time. We worked out where we could change out of school clothes to our short mini dresses and heels that were forbidden but we kept hidden in our school trunks for weekends out. We planned but, we never really were sure if we would do it the planning was so much fun anyway but, as time went on the plan hardened and we were now committed to our little escapade.

We set our plan for that next Sunday. That whole week we were in a state of high excitement, edgy, alive but jittery as well. The whole thing lifted out lives and our spirits.
On the Friday just before our little escape Yolly was summoned to the Headmistress and informed that there was a family situation that required her to be granted a pass to go home. Her father would collect her early on the Saturday morning. This dashed our hopes. We were down, not only because of what she might face at home, but the adventure was off. I would be alone without my friend. It was a real downer. Yolly left on the Saturday. I prepared myself for a weekend of total boredom. I mixed with some of my other friends but they were not able to make me feel good. On the Sunday after morning service I went back to my cubicle resigned to a day of reading and swotting. I was sitting there feeling sorry for myself looking at the wall when in a rush of madness I decided to go ahead with our plan. I could find the bar then when Yolly was back we could go straight there. This lifted me. I grabbed my civvies which were in a small weaved bag then set off to sneak out of school. I was feeling really high as the adrenalin pumped through me. The risk of sneaking out and the unknown adventure ahead was really exhilarating. I went up to the top playing fields which being just over a large hill was hidden from the school which was also made private by large trees and hedges. This was where some of the girls who were having “affairs” would meet to enjoy some illicit fun. I slipped through the hedge that lined the fields dropped down into the valley below crossing over to the other side. I walked along the valley edge careful to keep out of site. I got to the road which we knew ran past the school and to the point I came to he end of the valley. I looked around then slipped across the road. I knew there was a railway line that ran up the next valley as we heard the trains each day. I found it and looked for a place to change. I felt so alive so excited. Wow Yolly would love this I thought. I went into the bushes stripped off. There was a thrill in standing totally naked out in the open air in the bush. I put on my mini dress and strappy summer wedge heels. I applied some lipstick again not allowed at school. I applied some heavy eye make up wanting to be sure I looked older than I was so they would not suspect I was a schoolgirl. I wasn’t happy with the plain cotton boring school pants but, had no fancy ones so I removed them, tucked them into the weave bag. I hid the bag in the bushes making sure to mark the spot with some rocks.
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I was so exhilarated and excited that I had not noticed how long I had been walking so as I set of along an all weather road running parallel with the railway line I had been out 40 minutes. I walked for about 10 minutes more but there was no town in site. Walking in heels on a rough surface in the heat was hard work. I stopped ready to turn back in disappointment when I heard a vehicle approaching from behind me. My first instinct was to hide not knowing who it might be approaching fearful it would be school staff but it was too late as the vehicle with a long plume of dust flowing behind roared into sight. It was a dark green pickup. I sighed with relief knowing it wasn’t a school vehicle. As it approached I waved it down. It pulled up beside me. I saw the railway logo painted on the side. Two African men were seated inside. The driver smiled at me across his colleague asking me where I was going. I told them what I was looking for. They told me there was a small town near the railway siding depot just a few miles down the road. So far I thought contemplating turning back as it was so far away but the guys offered to give me a lift. I didn’t hesitate in accepting I so wanted to have success. Oh the things you do as a thrill seeking teenager.

I climbed in between the two guys holding my very short skirt down making sure I didn’t ****** my naked pussy. We drove along for about 10 minutes then, there, straddling the railway line was a group of buildings with a large rail depot. They drove me to the bar and dropped me off ,to my relief, as I thought they would try to go in with me. I could hear the noise from the bar with the heart lifting sound on juke box music I felt fantastic. I gave myself a quick tidy up then walked up the steps across the veranda into the cool bar room. It was the usual large room a bar at the back, metal chairs scattered around the room, Africans drinking and laughing, girls flirting, an atmosphere of fun and excitement but, of course there it was a large juke box, flashing lights, big speakers music, noise, fun. I felt light headed oblivious to any risk I was taking. I walked to the bar hoping they though I was old enough but of course that was the least of my worries. Men turned and looked at me as I passed. I was aware of the attention but gave no thought to why. Of course if I had not been so naïve I would have known that a young white girl in a very short skirt and high heels walking into an African bar was a very unusual sight and one that would raise a lot of interest.

I ordered a coke which was served up nice and cold. The barman who would also be the owner looked at me hard but took the money saying nothing as I went off across the room clutching my bottle to the object of my interest. The juke box, to my delight, was full of more current material, some I had not had up there in my part of the world. I was elated. I made my selection putting in lots of money to make sure I got them all and no one else could get their in. I stood at the box swaying a little listening to the music enjoying the buzz of the bar. The smell of roast goat filled the air as they roasted the meat outside in the back yard where more people were enjoying their Sunday. A black woman approached me. She was dressed like me in short dress with heels. We chatted. She started swaying with me which then moved on to us dancing there by the juke box. This got others going and soon there were men and women dancing and laughing. Africans are very spontaneous people and they love to party. They were really into it and the men were flirting outrageously with me, their girls ticking them off but it was all good natured and fun. I gyrated with men grinding hips and teasing, flirting being naughty having real fun. Exhausted I joined a table of guys and girls. They got me a coke and we carried on with the fun. I felt very adult and womanly. I needed a pee so set off. I was walking back into the room then I was grabbed. My heart leapt in fright. I turned. The driver of the pickup had hold of my arm. I felt relief, smiled at him pulling my arm free. He asked me if I wanted a drink. I told him I had one at the table. He had been kind. Had given me a lift so I suggested he joined us. The fun continued with lots of flirting, hip grinding, gyrating on the dance floor with the guys and gals and the driver. I lost all sense of time and only when I caught site of the clock over the bar did I realise it was late. Shit I thought I was miles from the school. I would never be able to walk back in time it would take a couple of hours at least. I approached the driver and asked him if he could drive me back to my clothes. He was understanding but said we should go back to his house first. I of course had no intention of doing so. He just shrugged his shoulders walked away to get another drink. I was now in a panic as this would not be good at all. The whole school would know. My life would be hell. I would certainly be expelled which my very understanding Aunt would not be happy about at all. I swallowed my pride after all what was the problem it wasn’t as if I was a virgin or that I had not had sex with Africans. He was not a handsome guy. Moon faced, large lipped, very black he didn’t really attract me but did I really have a choice.

I went to him and said I would go to his place but we had to be quick as I had to get back. He smiled, put his drink down, grabbed my arm then marched me out of the bar down the steps to the pick up. We set off at speed up across the rail tracks turned left just past the rail depot. About 600 yards past the yard there was a row of houses. These would have been the bachelor housing for the Indian rail workers who were brought over to work here. There were children and women sitting around outside as we pulled up to the last house in the row. I climbed out. With a lot of trepidation I followed him into the dark interior of his house. It consisted of one large room for lounge dining combined, very rustically and spartanly furnished. Off it was a smaller room with a hard wooden bed, of the kind commonly sold in African markets again, very rustic with just sheets and blankets. It was unmade. There was a toilet with the Indian type loo just a ceramic lined hole in the ground. There was a very basic shower. This was a lot better than our servants had but it was still pretty poor accommodation. Outside the back was an open area for cooking. The driver went to get rid of some beer. I wanted to get on with it so went into the bedroom and removed my dress. I lay down on the hard mattress, waiting for him to come. Tense with anxiety my vagina was not lubricated. I played with myself whilst lying there to get myself wet and open ready to receive him. I needed this to be quick so I could get back to school. He came into the room saw me naked. He obviously was very aroused at the thought of fucking his first white girl then seeing me naked on his bed my legs open playing with myself just made him even more aroused. He quickly removed his clothes. I looked at him still madly trying to get myself lubricated. His body was not bad. Very black, with good muscle tone. His cock was hard up against his belly straight, black, very angry looking, with veins and a flat large head that already ooze precum. He was cut with that small knot of skin under the flange so common with circumcised Africans. I lay my legs spread offering myself whilst still madly working my clit. He didn’t worry about me being wet or ready he wanted straight into me. I was just a young white ***** needing to be fucked. He got quickly between my legs, guided his very hard black cock to the mouth of my vagina. Without any hesitation he just rammed it into me. I was still not properly wet or open and it hurt as his cock ripped into me deep. I screamed telling him to stop. “Fuck off” was his reply. The scream seemed to drive him on even more as he just continued to drive his hard shaft into my partially dry vagina. I clung on pulled my legs back wanting this over. His hard black cock burned inside me with every stroke. I was screaming with discomfort but he was never going to stop driving into me. He was a man possessed lost to lust. Booze had dulled him a bit. He wasn’t going to cum quickly but thankfully my vagina got wet. The dry burning subsided. I now had to get him to cum.
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Continued 2.....

I pulled my legs back urging him on telling him it was fantastic, grinding my pussy against his cock every time he got deep into me. The bed was rattling; his breathing was hard and fast as he reached his climax spilling his hot sperm deep into me. He went on for ages as wave after wave of cum was deposited into me. I lay there thankful it was over. He pulled out of me and rolled over onto his back beside me. I got up urging him to take me back. He grunted saying he hadn’t finished. I pleaded with him but he was adamant. He got up and went out to get a drink. I lay angry at myself for getting into the situation but very anxious to not make it worse. He returned his cock still hard flapping about as he walked it made me want to laugh. He got hold of me thrust his lips to mine kissing me hard. His hands grabbed my pussy pinching it and ramming fingers into it making me grunt in pain which just made him even rougher. I had to move him on so I pulled away, knelt on the edge of the bed, thrust my buttocks back. I knew from experience how Africans loved buttocks. Even more so they loved white buttocks. He needed no encouragement as he grabbed my hips pulled me back as he thrust hard into me making my body shudder and driving a small scream of pleasure mixed with a bit of pain. He went at me, my flesh shuddering with very thrust my cried and moans making him go harder. I was not holding onto the bed trying to stop my head hitting the wall his ramming was so intense. The room was filled with the slapping sound of flesh on flesh as his hips rammed home into my buttocks. I urged him on pleading begging encouraging but he just wouldn’t cum. I asked him to stop so he could take me back but again I was told to fuck off white girl. He just kept ramming hoping to cum but one after release already and booze he could not get over the hill. The ramming was making me very wet. Then despite my anxiety I felt the hot flush running through me as my orgasm took over. I moaned and thrust back hard as wave after wave of pleasure engulfed me. I lost all sense of what was happening as it consumed me. He just kept ramming which just prolonged the orgasm. I though it would never end. Finally he tired slowing down. The tingling slowly subsided. I flopped down to get my breath back and he slipped out of me. He swore slapping my back in anger. He was pulling me up again. Swearing at me telling me he hadn’t finished to stay up for him. Oh no I thought not more please I need to go. He roughly turned me on my back. Pulling me to the edge of the bed he pushed my legs hard back against my chest. I could feel the hard wood of the bed on my lower back. Once again he rammed his cock into me pushing my legs back harder with every thrust making me cry out in pain and pleasure. He was loving my humiliation and pain. In between each scream, cry and sigh I pleaded with him to stop and take me back. Finally in a last ditch attempt I told him if he took me back I would meet him again. I promised I would spend the afternoon having sex with him. He stopped his cock buried in me whilst weighing up the options. He had me there in his control if he let me go he may never have another chance. Then he dropped his threat. He would take me back but if I didn’t meet him again next weekend he would come to the school and look for me. What could I say? I nodded yes and he pulled out and released me. I got up, quickly, pulled my dress on and headed for the door not wanting to give him any chance to change his mind. Thankfully he followed. He drove me quickly to my clothes. I had to sit with my skirt up as I had no panties and my pussy was dripping cum. We found the rocks marking my clothes after a bit of a worrying search. He stood whilst I changed his hand rubbing his cock. He came over and grabbed me squeezing my breasts hard hurting me his other hand thrust to my open pussy. His fingers entered me roughly. The sensation stopped me in my tracks. For an awful moment I thought he was going to insist on fucking me again but, thankfully he was just reminding me of our agreement. With his thick accent he said “You are my girl you come to me you do as you promised” With a promise to meet at the same spot next Sunday I set off getting back with no time to spare. I wasn’t missed but had to endure cum filled soggy panties all through evensong.
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