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  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
So, I've started a new thread since obviously it's no longer a trial-period for us playing with denial.

Sue and I had some comparatively serious discussions last night (before and after sex) about pretty much everything. I think at one point, I touched on all the important things that I'd been wondering about and others.

The obvious one is that we talked about the weekend - sex between us and the next 3 weeks. She came to me and suggested we go upstairs and talk about things so that the weekend ended the way we both wanted. She teased me about my wanting to be sure I had enough sex with her this weekend and this led us into the larger discussion.

I know that some people here doubt that she wanted to have sex with me this weekend or have expressed other doubts about this stuff. Unless she's acting (in which case she should win an Oscar) I have to believe her when she tells me that she feels that the sex we've been having on "our weekends" has been excellent. She even used the words "surprisingly good" and said that she hasn't been able to cum that hard or that much with me unless we've gone away or been alone for a few days. I told her that I felt the same way - that it seemed weird that the less we have it, the more intense it is. She smiled and said that she too hadn't felt this type of desire or even need to feel sexual with me like this in a long time - and she added that she hasn't been able to orgasm as deeply with me in the past as she has this past weekend and back on Memorial Day weekend.

With that as a starting point, I felt very comfortable opening up with her. I told her how hesitant I was about starting all of this but that over the past month I'd become more sure that this really did turn me on. I told her that I find myself incredibly turned on when I thought that (at that point) we'd only had sex 4 or 5 times in the past month and I think my voice cracked a little when I said that I knew she'd been with him like 10 or 11 times. She held my hand tightly and said that it wasn't the amount that was important, but more what it meant for us and that she loved me, maybe now more than ever (her words). I didn't say it then but it also was in my mind that he probably came in her twice most if not all of those times. But we weren't talking about that just yet.

I told her that I was a little concerned about just how much she was seeing him and what she was thinking about in terms of him and what the rest of the summer might be like. She said that she felt like a teenager again when she was with him and giggled that he's as horny as one too. I mumbled something back about that being apparent! She proceeded to tell me that she hasn't felt like this in years. I asked her about seeing so much of him and she said that's why she said what she did last week about their time being more flexible. I again asked her if this was her way of saying she wanted to see more of him - and she giggled and said that it was actually the opposite and she said something like "I need a break too sometimes" and patted her pussy.

That led us into a bit of a discussion where - again - just feeling comfortable talking - she asked me if it bothered me that he came so much in her and it led to her telling me about how she feels afterwards and how sexual it makes her feel to be able to still feel his semen in her the next day or after that. I started to tell her that it turned me on when she continued and said something like "we used to fuck a lot more way back when" and she admitted that constantly feeling his stuff still in her makes her horny and makes her want him all over again. I asked her if she liked or didn't like me going down on her after they'd been together and she said that she loves it when she's in the mood for it but also admitted that sometimes she just wanted to enjoy that feeling just herself afterwards. Eventually this came back to her again asking me if it bothered me that he cums so much inside her. and - with that same feeling of being able to talk to her without worry - I told her that it did turn me on a LOT to know that she was almost always wet from him. She giggled and admitted that she found it to be really arousing. She didn't mention and I didn't ask but the thought of her body absorbing all of his stuff was on my mind.

But she wanted to know about what I was thinking about for us for the next 3 weeks and wanted to hear from me whether I still wanted her to do it. I told her what I've said here many times - that the thought of not having sex with her while knowing she is having sex with her lover is just incredibly overpowering for me. I told her openly that it turns me on so much and that while I know it sounds crazy, that I still wanted to do it. I asked her how she's going to feel only having sex with Robert for all this time. She came close to me and held my hand and said that she hasn't felt this turned on and aroused in so long that she just feels that she wants to do it and "see what happens" and she reminded me that's what we'd agreed to - that we would do this as long as it was still working for both of us. She reached down and felt my hard cock and said "I guess it's working for you!". I told her that it was the hardest thing I'd ever done - to know that "after tonight I won't get to have you again for another 3 weeks". She giggled and said that she felt the same way - that each time we have a spectacular weekend together that she feels some of the same feelings afterwards too - that's when she said that she was hoping that letting me have fun with her some of the time would make it easier for me and make us feel more connected. But she also added that "there are times" when she just wants to "enjoy feeling him for longer".

I'm sure that there's a ton I missed in here - I've been swamped with work-related stuff today that this has taken me all day - a minute here and a minute there - to update.

In short - all is good. As strange as that may sound. She was very relieved to hear that all of this still really turns me on and that I don't mind masturbating more now since we don't have sex all that much. We talked briefly about our "Wednesday ritual" and she says that when she thinks about it - that I cum more now from masturbating than having sex with her - that she finds herself very turned on by thinking about it. How it seems to be almost better for us that this is how it is for now. I had to admit that I did miss fucking her - feeling her pussy - and she said she did miss that with me too - but that she knows that overall, she is far more turned on by all of what we're doing together (and apart) than she has probably ever been.

I'll end this now by sharing that in the midst of all of this discussing, that we found ourselves naked in bed and had almost without realizing it, started to fuck. She thought and was right that after Saturday night, that I might need/want some teasing and taunting - and she let it out when we got down to business. She told me how I'd better enjoy her now because I will be waiting for a longer time. She did tease me that "maybe we'll work something out for Fathers day - maybe you can pull out of me or something?" and she giggled. Damn that really hit me.... I know she said other things but I can't really pin them down right now. What I did want to share was what happened afterwards and the conversation that followed.
After I pulled out of her she lay there and as we cuddled and hugged and kissed she looked at me and smiled and asked if I wanted to help "clean up". She needn't have asked a second time because I told her that "I'd love to" and she got up on her elbows and watched as I moved between her legs and spread her pussy apart. She told me to "do a good job" and then said "you can go inside too if you want". Well, I licked and played with her pussy with my fingers for few minutes including bringing her to a mild orgasm after which she pushed my head back and said "okay - enough for now". I came up and gave her a kiss and she liked tasting our combined flavor on my lips. It was after that when she said "I'll be back in a few minutes" and that was when I finally said to her "why do you do that every Sunday night after we're together?".

She came back and sat next to me on the bed and she held my hand and said that "it's just something that makes me feel sexy". I asked her how washing out my cum made her feel sexy and she said "do you really want to know?" I nodded my head and she said "it makes me feel like it's the end of our time together and it makes me really horny to think that I'm getting it cleaned out for tomorrow night". I wasn't ready for how blunt she put it and she said "I'm sorry, but if you really want to know, it makes me feel like I do on Wednesdays" and that she said that it helps her get in the mood for Robert and - that it turns her on that she cleans out my cum but that she leaves his alone. She said it just like that. I asked her if she didn't like me cumming in her and she said "no - that's not it at all - I LOVE you cumming in me" and then she said it - she said "but if I'm going to be Robbies for the next 3 weeks, then it's just something that turns me on to think about" and she looked at me and said "I told you lots of times that it really turns me on to think that just Robbie cums in me" and she leaned down and kissed me and said "are you not okay with this?" and she went on to say that she didn't have to run off and clean my stuff out right then. And so I had to ask "do you not want him to feel my cum in you?". She was quiet for a second until she said that he had said that he liked that he was the guy making her feel good these days - and that it made her feel really sexy when she's with him and she knows shes either clean or that it's just his stuff in her. "I'm not sure how he'd feel if he knew I was still wet from you. He's not Frank." which was her reference to Frank having liked it if she was the 'used wife' when she'd come to see him. She looked at me and just said "I like being clean for him" and then she said again that it seems to really touch her in some way for her to, on her own and of her own desire, to douche out my cum - as if it somehow triggers her to return to being his. She looked at me and said "I don't have to if you don't want me to?". She was waiting for an answer from me - maybe as some reassurance.... I looked at her and after a moment said "if it's something you feel strongly about..." and she knew from how I said it that I truly was okay about it...

Damn - it's like 5pm - I have to click - send now and finish stuff for work....
What's important here is Sue Love You. And Both You and Sue are Both happy. That all that matters.
Thanks for the wonderful updates!

> her again asking me if it bothered me that he cums so much inside her
She seems to be worrying about this often, despite your answer always
being that you are turned on by it rather than bothered about it.
Maybe the real question she's asking is if it bothers you that she
is his (i.e. full of his cum) for 12 days and yours for 2 days.
She was "his" 86% of the last 2 weeks and will be "his" for 90%
of the next 3 weeks. You can also figure out a similar set of
percentages by adding up the total number of ejaculations in her
vagina in the last 2 weeks / next 3 weeks and how many of those
ejaculations are his. Or maybe the percentages are even worse since
she seems to be implying his ejaculations are more voluminous
each time than yours. Is this what really worries her, how much more
she is "his" sexually than "yours"?

> She looked at me and just said "I like being clean for him"
There may be an implied future escalation in your denial in
her desire to be clean. She has already snipped Friday nights
out of your weekend. Perhaps soon she will want your turn to be just
one Saturday, followed by immediate douching and clean resting
period for Sunday. She would be more "clean" for him this way.
The new percentage for a 3 week period would then
be 95%, or 96% for a 4 week denial period.

Are you going to be OK with numbers approaching 100%, as long
as they don't quite reach 100%?

> She held my hand tightly and said that it wasn't the amount that
> was important, but more what it meant for us and that she loved me
Maybe the amount is more important to her than she admits, and
she worries how you can handle it.

Well, in keeping with her new "random" schedule with Robert - she did NOT see him today. She surprised me with a phone call about 5:20pm where she said she'd gotten stuck at work where she couldn't leave early and that she was heading home instead of seeing him. She seemed a bit sad that she didn't see him today but also said that the rainy crappy weather here today didn't really do much for her. So, she's now downstairs on the phone with her sister. I do sometimes wonder if she's ever told her anything - if there was anyone who she could feel comfortable with it'd be her but I know that she's never felt like she could even say anything like this to her.

Anyway - Hiki - I'm sure that she's asking me if it bothers me. But how can I tell her yes if it's not true? I can't explain it but as I've said - since the very beginning it's turned me on - given the balance here - the relatively short moment of pleasure when I get to cum in her vs. the intense arousal of knowing what is happening for real. I know it sounds crazy but as I've said, this seems like a drug - and for now I'm addicted in a way to it. I can't beleive it but I am actually content with this situation.....

I'm going to say what others here already know - actually its something I've been thinking about and coming to terms with. It's going to sound crazy but if Sue wanted to try having me not cum in her at all, it's something that I wouldn't resist. I know it sounds crazy - but in my head (both big and little) it's an incredibly arousing turn-on to think that her lover is the only one who would be cumming in her. Obviously I wouldn't want it to be forever - but if our 3-week period works - I can't explain it that I'd be the one who'd be turned on by it but I am.

But for Hiki and everyone else - as I've said - this has to be something she wants. I've given enough in terms of hints, encouragement and acquiescence - I want to see what she wants.

I'm not scared of losing her - not after how she was with me this past weekend - and actually all along the way these past few weeks. It's quite a distance that I've/we've covered in only a few months time. But I genuinely am not worried about losing her, at least not her heart and not our love or our marriage. In a crazy way, it's just so hot to see her almost be bordering on what we might have called slutty in the past!

Let me run for now - things are changing by the moment here though - it's such an intense feeling - to be with someone long enough to feel confident enough to let and even encourage this stuff to happen. I'm sure I'll reconsider all of this in a few weeks when I tire of my right hand - right now my nuts are pleasantly empty from the weekend - but I cannot ever deny that I am turned on to all hell right now from all of this talk and conjecture.
SoonToBe said:
Well, in keeping with her new "random" schedule with Robert - she did NOT see him today. She surprised me with a phone call about 5:20pm where she said she'd gotten stuck at work where she couldn't leave early and that she was heading home instead of seeing him. She seemed a bit sad that she didn't see him today but also said that the rainy crappy weather here today didn't really do much for her.

I remember that Sue dislikes driving in the heavy rain. I think she must have been very determined to be with him on Friday, in that there was "heavy downpours" then.

Cheers, Harry
I'm up again with a problem at work - on another conference call with Japanese people at the other end. Fortunately, I'm not directly involved but need to be here anyway - so thought I'd pen some more thoughts here

Harry - I suspect the part about not being able to leave work early today was more the reality and I'm thinking the rain excuse made her feel better. That or - now that I'm sitting here - maybe she left work even earlier and did see him and just didn't tell me about it? I'm paused by this thought right now.

I know that perhaps I'm jumping into the deep end of the pool before I've really made sure I can swim in it. I know others here will tell me that I am - but then why does it bring me this intense arousal and how do I deny it when she seems to be along for the ride - whether by sheer coincidence, or because she's - as others have said - or because she's controlling all of this more and more? And yet, as others would say - should I care? As long as it's working between us, as Will would say - nothings right or wrong if it is working. I suppose some might define not having sex with your wife as not-working - true statement - but if it heightens things?

If Sue is leading this at her desires now, then I'm clearly not resisting. Should I? Or maybe she's finally feeling confident enough to do all of this - for whatever reason - whether it was because I wanted it to happen at first and it became something she's now felt too? Or was it, is it something she wanted all along and as I've long suspected and hoped, that it's been let out again?

I do need to add something that I had omitted earlier - I realized reading the last paragraph or so of my earlier post that I was distracted. As part of the whole discussion about Sunday nights and her being clean for him, she said to me that she also does it so that she's not perpetually full of cum (not in those words) but she basically said that after she's with him on Friday, that after a weekend with me, as she giggled and said something like "I'd never stop dripping".

I don't know if it touches anyone reading this how intensely erotic it is to think of your wife - your 53 year old wife who is having the sexual time of her life - to think of her being exclusively ravaged by her lover? I can't describe how it makes me feel other than just incredible - maybe I'm even a bit envious in a way too - but it's just such a powerful turn-on for me to know that about her. When I see her - whenever - wearing her nice clothes for work - lounge/comfy clothes at home - panties and a t-shirt before bed - or her naked in front of me - it sounds crazy to say it but when I see her - and I know that she so willingly spreads her legs for her lover - I can't explain how it turns me on to know that.

I know if you play with fire you are bound to get burned, but I also know that the fire burns hottest before it dies down - and I can't fully explain it but I still feel that she knows this is all something at this point in our lives that she thinks also won't, or perhaps, can't continue at this pace for ever - so that supports what I've gotten her to understand - that what happens will happen of its own will if we don't force things to happen that may not on their own - to just go with what is happening as long as it's working for us - and so far, right now - it's working for me.

Enough for one day though. I know I am merely justifying all of this to myself in many ways. That's a good thing - at least when I re-read it I know that as long as I still feel this same way a day, a month, a year later - that it's been the right thing to do.

great update's and sound's like you and sue had a great weekend togather.
and so it also sound's like you are where you want to be right now with this. and yes you are right when you play with fire you "MOST" likely will get burned. sooner or later. stay happy and enjoy the ride.
keep us posted.
ps yes i do understand and i have lived it as well. keep it up stb.
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SoonToBe said:
I don't know if it touches anyone reading this how intensely erotic it is to think of your wife - your 53 year old wife who is having the sexual time of her life - to think of her being exclusively ravaged by her lover? I can't describe how it makes me feel other than just incredible - maybe I'm even a bit envious in a way too - but it's just such a powerful turn-on for me to know that about her. When I see her - whenever - wearing her nice clothes for work - lounge/comfy clothes at home - panties and a t-shirt before bed - or her naked in front of me - it sounds crazy to say it but when I see her - and I know that she so willingly spreads her legs for her lover - I can't explain how it turns me on to know that.
I understand completely and I wish my wife was like that. How crazy are we?

[Quote Steve, Post #05: "Well, in keeping with her new "random" schedule with Robert - she did NOT see him today. She surprised me with a phone call about 5:20pm where she said she'd gotten stuck at work where she couldn't leave early and that she was heading home instead of seeing him. She seemed a bit sad that she didn't see him today but also said that the rainy crappy weather here today didn't really do much for her."

SoonToBe said:
Harry - I suspect the part about not being able to leave work early today was more the reality and I'm thinking the rain excuse made her feel better. That or, now that I'm sitting here, maybe she left work even earlier and did see him and just didn't tell me about it? I'm paused by this thought right now.

Steve, you are well past the time of "second guessing" Sue's honesty. You are now committed to believing that she is being truthful, both in what she is doing with robert and in her love for you.

Passing on these 'thoughts' affects the 'validity' of your story.

Cheers, Harry
There must be strange alignment of the planets at the moment. I'm agreeing with Will again. You must be doing something right. I think it is simple. The love you and Sue share just comes shining out of every post at the moment. How can you go wrong if that is there? Not if the current level of communication is sustained, for sure.

It occurs that you have solved (or at least have under control) what is still in many people's heads and what is always negative and corrosive whenever it appears in human relations. Jealousy. Rather than concentrating on what Sue or Robert are enjoying, you have considered what you yourself are enjoying. By any average 53 yo married mans standards, three loving making sessions and two blowjobs in a fortnight is more than good going. In your case, this is added to by almost daily teasing and attention, and your wife's enjoyment of your masturbation. The glass is more than half full. I think your perspective here is good. Could you take up even half the attention that Robert is giving Sue on a long term basis? I think it would be difficult, and may even become a little repetitive over time. You would both need to be endlessly inventive to sustain it. Robert is adding something to your relationship at the moment that you couldn't sustain yourselves.

The amazing stamina is coming (literally) from Sue. You may be right that she cannot sustain this for much longer (years that is), nor may she want to. The fact is that while she can, and has the desire to, you have both found a way to make it happen in a way that is exciting to you both and that minimises the potential for harm to your relationship. Are there dangers? Of course there are. There are probably more dangers though, for you both trying to prematurely shut down these energies. It can be nervous ride sometimes, but better perhaps than not riding at all.
Harry2614 said:
[Quote Steve, "or, now that I'm sitting here, maybe she left work even earlier and did see him and just didn't tell me about it? I'm paused by this thought right now."

Steve, you are well past the time of "second guessing" Sue's honesty. You are now committed to believing that she is being truthful, both in what she is doing with robert and in her love for you.

Passing on these 'thoughts' affects the 'validity' of your story.

Cheers, Harry

Don't forget Harry that there were times when Sue deliberately kept Steve in the dark when she was with Frank and only told Steve about her sex sessions when weekend came around and it was Steve's turn as her "weekend hubby". I do not remember her deliberately lying about it then though. Sue was more able be "Frank's" when she didn't have to report every sex session immediately. This may be continuation of the same need on Sue's part, and the little white lie need not affect the veracity of other things Sue tells Steve.

I don't think Sue has ever lied to Steve, She just doesn't tell him every thing.
Sue has also already been with Robert at times and only told Steve several days later......maybe she was testing Steve's reaction when she told him. She is, afterall, wanting to experience a true affair with Robert. Steve's reaction, or lack of a reaction, to Sue being with Robert a couple of times early on without his knowing it, was positive in Sue's eyes. Since then, Sue has explained, and Steve has agreed, that she doesn't always want to re-live every time with Robert with Steve once she gets home. Lastly, Sue has gotten Steve to agree to a less rigid schedule for getting together with Robert. Steve may be guessing from day to day when Sue is actually seeing Robert. This has got to be a freeing experience for Sue. She can now experience her affair as she desires, keeping the parts she wants to herself and her own memory, while sharing just enough to keep Steve feeling happily cucked!
You're right Jax, Though I do believe that since Steve is not "bothering her for details," she is more forthcoming. Sue did the same thing during her affair with Frank, "free time meetings" whenever it suited her, (or Frank), including planning their trips, then getting Steve's agreement.

Sue know's now, that she is in control, and is assured that Steve even likes her to be in control.
Besides Robert apparently is a better lover than Frank, (there has been little or no mention of Frank since Robert) and he shows a greater desire for Sue than any lover she has had "since Brad."

It has already been said that Steve better be willing, and able to "step up to the task," when Robert is "done with her, and wants to Move on with his life." she will suffer a loss, probably as much or more than when she lost Brad.

I hope Steve, that you will not "drop off the site," when that time comes, as so many other cuck's have done, when "it's over."

We will want to know the conclusion, whatever it is!

Cheers, Harry
HI Harry
i do agree with you . STB enjoy the ride while you still can.

keep us posted.
Just a moment to update this morning before work about a few things....

Last night Sue said that she "guesses this is what a real affair is like" - and that while she doesn't necessarily have or feel the emotional ties that she'd hoped, that she does accept that the sex part of it is, as she put it "incredible". I told her that it sure felt like one to me and she giggled and said that it's started to make sense to her about why it feels so good. She said that what's different now is that she's able to separate sex from our relationship (her's and mine) and that it just feels so natural and easy to just be with Robert. She said that my agreement to all of this has made her able to "not worry" about taking care of my own sexual needs and allowing her to focus on hers. She said that she hadn't ever felt this before with the earlier lovers. But she also said that taking away the stress she felt that she needed to provide me my sexual release - she says has really made her love me even more because we are just able to be together now and she doesn't have to always think or play about how we'll have time for sex together and work around our daughter or other home-schedule types of things. I will say that in the past few weeks, our time together at home has been markedly less stressful and much more fun overall.

She didn't tell me if she's seen him either Monday or yesterday - both days she came home a little later than she would normally from work, but also a bit earlier than if she'd kept the schedule she's been following earlier with him. I asked her last night and she giggled and said "a lady doesn't talk about that stuff" and then added that she'd make sure that "you'll enjoy tomorrow night" referring to our usual Wednesday night ritual. On the one hand it does drive me crazy not knowing - but on the other hand - I know that she's seen him somehow and as I've said in the past, that as long as it's not coming between us or taking time away from us together, that she has my blessing. I can say though that in my head - she's seen him both Monday and Tuesday and come later tonight - in my head - unless she says otherwise - she's been quite slutty this week and by later tonight, in my head, she'll have been with him all 3 days and he'll have cum in he 2x each time - and that thought is enough to get me hard right now much less later tonight as we are having our fun.

For Peak - I still feel very able sexually - I could easily masturbate daily and enjoy it each time. If I do get off twice in a night - then I'm usually done for the next day - but at times I can certainly rise to that occasion (lol). Even with the current denial we are trying out, I still masturbate at least 4-5 times a week. 2 of those are certainly on Wednesdays - and Sue's very accommodating in giving me some privacy at other times to enjoy myself (of course she could watch or join in - but she knows that I also enjoy a bit of solo-time). It's actually her that I worry about - she's also not 18 any more and I do sometimes wonder about the amount of sex she has with Robert in terms of the physical aspects of it - but I suppose that she'd know better about all of that.

That's all for now.
Well Its sounds like She no longer looks at as LOVE.
All looks well from your side again. I suspect that Sue will sneak in a few surprises over the next few weeks to keep your interest up and to minimise any worries she might have had otherwise. She really is getting good at balancing your lust and cuckold desires. You still need to learn something from her playbook. What are you doing to delight her? I know she isn't looking for anything (Robert is supplying it) but is it right that the answer is nothing? Plan a little for the future. There will come a time when Sue starts to see an end to her relationship with Robert. She needs to see that switching back offers delights of its own. Lay a few breadcrumbs. You won't divert her from Robert but you might just make her happier that she still has you to come back to and less likely to fall in love elsewhere. In any case, for the next 18 days, what else do you have to do?
Ask not what your wife can do for you, ask what you can do for your wife. (With apologies to JFK)

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