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Ever wondered why marijuana became illegal in USA?

  • Thread starterUK_Black_Dong
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 6, 2005

he following are excerpts of Mr. Anslinger's testimony before a Senate hearing on marijuana in 1937: [SIZE=+2]"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others."[/SIZE]
dont smoke weed but i wonder what youre reasoning for that post was? alot of things have changed in 70 years, including knowledge of pot's effects on people and its perception...although it still remains illegal in USA. one thing i have seen though, is it isnt pot heads fighting everyone...they are mellow..its the drunks you got to worry bout
The Answer according to my understanding ...

Pot became illegal because a large chemical concern, I believe it was DuPont, saw the “hemp” industry as a threat to its chemical business. Hemp has HUGE commercial applications (beyond getting high). They bought off congress and ran a public disinformation campaign playing to the larger cultures "hot buttons" against the evil killer week called "marijuana". At the time, other than the relatively insignificant number of the general population who were actually smoking it to get high, hardly any one had ever heard of the term marijuana. The public bought the grossly exaggerated marijuana fable and congress took the lobby bribe and so the real concern "hemp" was outlawed under the guise of outlawing marijuana, the evil killer weed. The people in the hemp industry in this country at that time were not aware that this anti-marijuana campaign was really about the illegalization of hemp, and by the time they found out it was too late. Hemp is such a valuable commercial product with so many beneficial aspects and applications there was a time that it was required to be grown under certain government programs in this country. Just another well executed lie at the expense of the public good brought to you by the dark side of poorly regulated capitalism and it's effect on your "fair and democratic" (but easily bribable and dishonest) government.

Is your mind ready to hear the truth about 911 yet? For anyone struggling to believe the hemp story, just forget I mentioned 911.
Supreme 'my brotha" things have changed a whole lot since the 30's for blacks (and every other minority group in America) So many have risen out of poverty into middle and upper classes, and the opportunities are endless. racism although still prevalent (believe me i deal with it daily) is still not anything what it was. I mean come on, schools are not segregated, busses, etc. Lay off the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton welfare mentality long enough to see how far things have come.. I mean we have a black man and woman both with a legit shot at the Presidency...if that isnt progress well what is? But all realize there still is much more progress needed.

still what does that have to do with Weed? and i dont know of any scientific proof it causes "severe mental illness" if that was true the whole 60's generation would be totally whacked out. Life was way different back then. Personally I dont touch the stuff but i think we should legalize it and regulate it, and Tax it heavy like ciggarets. and use the money wisely...but that is me...a very radical stance I'm sure to many.

Mino I personally dont believe in conspiracy theories..but i would like to hear youre 911 theory (you think the govt. and/or big business caused it????) I was in NYC on 911 and lost many friends and business associates. Bring it on. may i suggest a seperate thread so as not to hijack this one.
For Pooch

Pooch, I appreciate your openness despite your admission of apparently being closed to any ideas that have already been commonly labeled / branded "conspiracy theories". I don't care to debate the 911 issue nor convince anyone of anything. All I mean to do is bear witness; to make a statement such as this for those who are already mentally capable and psychologically prepared to hear it; to create a spark of interest for those to whom the current state of affairs in this country and the world don't really make much sense anymore in light of "conventional wisdom” and the “truth” we are fed by mainstream media and who are willing to reconsider their naïve notions of how big governments, including ours in the US, really work and to what lengths powerful, little advertised arms of even our own government will go to achieve their ends.

Too many people in this country simply cannot handle the personal, psychological impact of considering (let alone discovering) that the “holy” US government is capable of carrying out unspeakable crimes against humanity and even its own people. Too many people in this country are still psychologically fractured having been nothing less than brainwashed from an early age: to think only “Pro-American”, that America is always the “good guy” in any conflict; to even consider the possibility that this country is capable of ever being the true villain; to think that the spin called “Manifest Destiny” in this country was a truly great thing and not the horrible genocide of Native Americans that in fact it actually was; to think that our policies in Haiti are “democratic” when the historical truth reveals quite the opposite; to think that only people like Hitler (i.e. non-Americans) are capable of destroying their own people’s house of congress and blaming it on foreign terrorists (in the case of Hitler, the Russians). The list is long and the obvious conclusions revealing for anyone who has the time, intelligence, psychological health to research these things for themselves honestly, rationally and objectively. Of course to discover the truth one must also be able to think and reason for themselves as opposed to simply accepting the pre-digested “truth” from their favorite author or “bought” network with its particular “money-driven”, and not necessarily truth-driven, agendas.

Pooch, there is plenty of information on 911 available on the internet. I will tell you now if you undertake this, since you apparently haven’t already discovered the truth of 911, you will be in for a challenge, one you may find quite unsettling to say the least. If you like to challenge yourself and to learn something about yourself in the process; if you can sort and rationally weigh numerous conflicting facts for yourself; if you can identify impossibilities; if you like to weigh possibilities v.s. probabilities, and reweigh as you find more pieces to the puzzle while keeping all options in play until the obvious “most probable truth” reveals itself; if you can accept that most probable truth once you find it; if you think you have an open, rational mind and can remember all you know about human beings (regardless of their nationality, politics, etc), their mixed, illogical nature and particularly the nature / relationship of power to corruption; and if you have the time and the “where with all” to pursue your own research I would highly encourage you to do so.

I’ll offer you this to start, but then I’m bowing out. I WILL NOT DEBATE THE 911 ISSUE. I don’t know what you believe about the nature and relationship of power to corruption, but I believe the famous, well taught / studied / debated quote by Lord Acton in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887 is basically true. The quote is: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." If you can basically agree with this quote, and are willing to consider, for example, the genocide of Native Americans as an atrocity committed by the government of the United States as evidence of Lord Acton’s position and America’s vulnerability to at least sometimes being the bad guy, then it stands to reason that it is at least possible that the most powerful nation on the earth is capable of again delivering the most corrupt atrocities against its new “Native Americans”.

Whether one believes this country to be guilty of such corruption on 911 or not, a sane individual must at least acknowledge that it is possible. And this is the first step. Unfortunately the fact is that too few people can even get this far in their reasoning; and fewer still, given the implications of what it would mean to our democracy if elements of our own government delivered a home-grown 911 upon its own citizens, give this the personal, critical investigation a true, thriving democracy deserves from its dutiful, diligent citizens. In short, too many American’s have allowed themselves to be blinded and don’t really give a shit. We have been lead to believe we are all contributing members of a great democracy, but improperly regulated capitalism at the hands of a powerful and too easily corrupted government has turned us primarily into insatiable consumers. Issues affecting consumption are the “citizen’s” top priority now, and we have little energy left over (after working our jobs to pay our taxes to pay for big business bailouts brought about by their own corruption and for wars designed primarily to benefit the rich who benefit from the “industry of war”) to be diligently watchful of our government as admonished by the founding fathers of this country.

In some regards little has changed since the 60’s, except perhaps the leaders are getting better at executing their deceptions. Some citizens are awake, watchful and exercising their duties to their democracy and what this country is supposed to stand for. Too many are making excuses, regenerating their own delusions about what is real, about what is possible, about what it right, and are in fact the unwitting enemies of what this country, this idea called America, is supposed to be about. I appreciate that it’s a difficult and confusing thing to grasp, let alone manage, when the most dangerous enemies of this country are in fact those of the unwitting kind, the first and loudest to wave the flag and boldly claim, “This country love it or leave it”, the first to proudly proclaim their intolerance of the opinions and solutions of others, the first to be so clearly, and ironically, undemocratic.

Good luck in your quest Pooch, whatever you may seek; for whatever you seek will eventually lead you to the truth if you pursue it will diligence.



PS. Sorry about any hijacking. If you want to take this up elsewhere please feel free.
My younger brother "smoked a little dope" on a regular basis for about 10 years, and now even he admits to some significant mental health issues. He was not into a lot, just a joint a night, maybe 2 if it was the weekend or he was at a party. He spent a lot of time telling me about the problems I will have with alcohol (I like a glass or 2 or wine or a couple of spirits to relax at night). A big difference of course, is that if I feel I am getting out of control I can go to a doctor and say "help" or even talk to my freinds about it. When he told his freinds he was concerned because he could not sleep without a smoke thay all laughed, told him he was soft and that "the man" was getting to him. He did no dare tell his doctor he was concerned about smoking to much dope!. He has a significant paranoia issue, even he is now aware of it. Luke Mitchell smoked a lot of dope before killing Jodie Jones.... Yet hash was recommended to my mother in law by a PROFESSOR as the best pain killer for her Rheumatiod Arthritis, and the same for my close freind with his MS. Clearly there needs to be a SERIOUS PUBLIC investigation into the pros and cons of dope/weed/hash etc, in all its various forms. Not one led by the drugs industry, nor one led by some intelectual with a point to prove. Proper investigation, transparent to all, unbiased. To provide results for the recreational use as well as the medical.

If its effective for pain releif.... f**king USE IT. Pain is not fun. If it is ok for fun use, licence it, make people aware of the risks, decriminalise it and tax it. And when people start to go too far, let them get help, dont leave it till the last minute like my poor kid (37 yo) brother.
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