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Four Corners Fucking


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Four Corners Fucking

by EroticWriter

four corners monument.jpg
“White man squaw have heap nice pussy.* Able to take Indian, no problem.”

Our car was running beautifully as it had for the entire trip out west. Now we were getting close and my wife was curling up next to me, or maybe I should say as close as she could manage across those stupid bucket seats.

“Honey. Do you really plan to do it?”

I knew what Sharon was asking about, but I wanted to hear her say it again.* “Do what?”

“Fuck me in four states at once.”

I loved hearing that.* The F word was something I usually could not get my wife to use, but for this occasion I had told her that we would be fucking and not necessarily making love.* We were on U.S. Route 160 and heading south.*

(Note readers: This happened some years ago and before they put in all the new concrete and possibly a gate that keeps people out after dark.)

Much of our trip to the four corners monument was being made in the state of Colorado, but soon we would be seeing three other states, and standing on them, all at the same time.

And also be fucking on them, all four of them.* That was the plan.* It was nearing dusk and I knew that any tourists in the area were probably already headed somewhere else. You can't do much viewing of the beautiful red southwest in the dark.

Sharon was leaning towards me now, reaching across the center armrest and had her left hand on my leg.* She was caressing me, doing it slowly and I knew that she was not only building the suspense for me, but for herself as well.* I would have reached over and fondled that pussy I love so much, but she was wearing jeans.

We had been married for six years, and now, after finally getting our financial affairs in some kind of order, we were taking a second honeymoon, our first actually since we really had not had one early on.

There it was ahead, the sign announced, Four Corners Monument.* We pulled in, and saw people all around, and some permanent structure with roofs surrounding much of the parking lot around the monument.

The roofs were for the purpose of allowing the Navaho to set up booths and sell trinkets to the tourists.* The last time I had been through here, there had been nothing but little wooden huts of a temporary nature standing around.* How times change.

There were only a couple of cars left carrying tourists, and maybe five or six pickup trucks used by the Navaho to get about. * I could see that all the little shops were looking to shut down, and soon there would not be a soul in sight.

Her voice expressed surprise.* "There are still a lot of people around."

I nodded.* "They'll be gone soon, I hope.* We'll have to hang around a little bit, baby until everyone leaves.* Then we can get it on.* In the meantime let's look like tourists and go stand on the monument.”

We did, and Sharon giggled as she saw me place one foot in Colorado, another in Utah, and then bend down as just about everyone did and stick one hand on Arizona and the other on New Mexico.* She took a photo of me, and I did the same with her.* Typical tourist visitor stuff.* The good stuff was to happen later.

Since there were still a few tourists around and some booths open, we headed over to a wooden booth sporting items that I have always enjoyed seeing. Silver necklaces with turquoise stones inset. Found a nice little bracelet at a seemingly reasonable price and bought it for my favorite honey.

Now we were looking like legitimate tourists and had actually purchased something. But the real reason we had came was soon to come.

I had no illusions about being the 'first' to fuck in four states at once.* That monument has been there since time began probably and at one time, the area being so isolated, I suppose some fucking had even occurred during the day.
I had seen a cartoon in Playboy magazine many years ago and told my wife about it after I had met her.* The cartoon showed a couple walking away from the monument and the man was carrying a blanket while saying, “I'll bet that was a first.”

They had apparently done it during the day in their cartoon.* Not now though, not during the day. * At least not during the warm season between March and October of each year.* There were too many tourists around during the day, and of course the Navaho.

So we walked around some more looking touristy and holding hands.* Even though it was just dusk, the full moon was up and already illuminating the sky.* After dark, it would be providing some good lighting for our fuck session.

Then, with only a couple of Navaho trucks left to go, we went over and sat in the car.*

"Honey," she said.* "A couple of those women are looking at us.* I think they know what we plan to do."

I nodded.* "They've been coming here for years so I am sure they are used to having people hang around after they leave.* They have been here all day in the hot sun, I don't think anyone will stick around."

She nodded as her head roamed back and forth.* "I hope not.“

This was nice.* My normally calm and quiet wife apparently was very turned on by the idea of what we planned to do.* Of course we had altered our vacation plans and added a couple of hundred miles to our route in order to visit the monument and she had been given plenty of time to think about it.

"Soon baby, soon. * They'll all be gone and we can do our thing.”

“Are you sure that no one stays here to guard this place all night?”

“I doubt it.* Last time I was here it was near dark and everyone was already gone. * There's no reason for anyone to stay on now unless they just want to guard all this new concrete and marble construction.* No, I think soon enough we'll be alone.”

And we were.* I think the government makes some kind of deal with Indian tribes as all the members seem to drive the same brand. This year, it was Chevrolet. I watched as the taillights of the last Chevrolet pickup disappeared out onto US 160

“That's it baby.* Let's take the blanket, get you naked and go at it.”

Sharon giggled.* “Get ME naked?* I expect you to take it all off too.”

“Oh I will.* If anyone drives up late we'll be able to see their headlights and get our duds on well before they get here.* Running around naked where a bunch of people were walking around just a little while before will be a blast.”

And then Sharon got ornery. * “When we are going it, which end of me do you want over which states? *Remember, I'll have a head over one state, two arms over two states, and...” she giggled, “my pussy over another.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, laughing. * “And I suppose you could say that the only part of you that is getting fucked is where your pussy is located, so I'll probably have to keep rotating you until we do them all.”

Together, we stood beside a bench and removed our clothes.* The air was still quite warm but I knew that soon enough the air would be cooling down since the low humidity of the southwestern desert does not hold much heat once the sun goes down.

Now naked, I bent down and felt the monument, on the state of New Mexico actually.* “It's still warm from the sun. * It will be nice and cozy under your ass.” I was studying her now nude body, one that I never get tired of viewing.

“Maybe so,”* Sharon breathed and was speaking softly as she viewed my dangling but larger than my normal dangle cock, "but I still want to use that blanket to soften where I have to lie.”

I spread the blanket folded double out across the State of Utah, placing it so that the names of the other three states still showed at the top of the towel.* “Now baby, you can start with your ass over Utah, and then we can work our way clockwise around the dial until we have done them all.”

She pulled a funny, as she folded her legs at the knees and squatted over the blanket.* “Did you say..'clockwise?”

She was staring up at my cock and I caught on immediately.* “Sorry, I meant to say 'cock-wise."

Oh darn.* I am so used to having the image of my wife's naked body in my mind that I have forgotten that my readers might like to hear about how she looks.* Five feet five, 38 DD and...
No, I am exaggerating. That's what most writers say about their real or imaginary wife in these stories. *

Actually Sharon at that time was (and still is) five eight, around 135, and a nice pair of C cups.* Firm C cups.* Those breasts by the way pretty much stay at full size even on her back as they stick up instead of out.* Her nipples are firm too, and when I lie on her, I can feel them against my chest because I usually keep my body three or four inches above her when I fuck.

She needs that space because she sometimes gets pretty wild and starts squirming below me.* Her hips especially, I have to be careful where I am aiming my cock or she just might wriggle so much that fallout will occur.* I have tried to train her to keep her wriggling sideways under six inches or so, but sometimes we still lose one another.

When she causes that shit, I make her do the aiming while I re-insert.

Her waist?* Very flat and hard since she has done a lot of sit ups, a great nicely rounded ass and legs that not only reach all the way to the ground but exhibit some nice thighs and calves along the way.

Oh, and her pussy?* Just like her head, covered in thin golden shaded blonde hair and a set of inner lips that stick out just a little further than her outer lips so we all can see them without having to get in real close and squint.

My wife was on her back now and ready, oh so ready.* The day had darkened enough now that the moon was now the dominant light source, overpowering the reddish glow coming from the sun that had already set in the west.
“Want me to eat you first,” I asked as I stared leeringly down at her?

“I thought you'd never ask.* But remember, you also have to fuck me in Utah before we move on to Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.”

'Fuck her?* Oh yeah, now my baby is talking the way I want her to do when we get crazy like this. '

“Mmmmm that feels good!”

I had started out by having something from the Mormon menu, and it tasted like she was already wet and ready.* I fondled her breasts and noticed that her clit and nipples came to life at the same time.

After slurping my way over and around her clit for a couple of minutes but making sure that she did not cum prematurely, I raised my head and asked, “Do you want to cum in every state while we're at it?”

“Oooh.* I don't think I could handle that, so let's save it, yours especially until we get to state number four.”

I got above her and since she was spreading her arms out to each side over Colorado and Arizona while her head was in New Mexico I had to do the aiming of my cock.

“Uuuuh.”** I was enjoying the warm feel of her snug pussy as I slid slowly past her inner lips and she was making some nice sounds here.

“That's it baby, now you're getting some Utah cock in you.* How do you like it so far?”

"Oh baby," she responded, "your Utah cock feels just fine, but I'm going to be wanting more."* (I didn't know just then how prophetic that statement would be)

While fondling her breasts, I was moving my hips and working my way into her wet but still tight snatch, taking my time and moving my ass back and forth at least five or six times before bottoming out.* When something is feeling that good, why hurry?

Then reality began to sink in, or rather, my knees were refusing to sink in. This metal plate with the four states on it was beginning to feel quite hard under me.

Very. The metal four state slab was feeling kind of hard under my knees even with the blanket folded double so I knew that I would not be spending all night in this position.* So in anticipation of getting my wife aroused more quickly, I kissed her.

Sharon was getting pretty excited.* “I think I'm going to be cumming before we make all the rounds.”

“Really?* Which state do you want to cum in?”

“I don't know, let me see, it's going to be pretty soon.* I know, I WANT TO CUM IN COLORADO!”

So without further ado I pulled out of Sharon and sort of tugged her ass over to my left, her right, and now her pussy was over Colorado.*

“O.K. Baby. Colorado it is.”*

Before I had given her another four or five deep strokes she was cumming, and hard.* She had moaned fairly loud, but I knew that Sharon probably was capable of still another orgasm and we still had two states to go.* All I had to do was hold back.

“Sounded and looked like Colorado cock was just what she needed.”

“What the fuck?* Someone was speaking from above and behind me.* Sharon froze, and I stayed on and in her but turned my head.*

Apparently not all the workers had left because I looked up and though I was seeing a man in a cowboy hat I could see that he was Navaho Indian.* He looked tall and wide, dangerously big, but I sensed that we were in no danger.

He couldn't see my wife's tits real well since I was so close to her but my naked ass was *******.* I was embarrassed and I didn't know about my wife, so figuring she would cover her breasts with her arms I started to get off.

He grinned.* “Stay in her man. You've got a good start on making the tour, and this won't be the first time I've watched someone fuck the four states.”

I had raised my upper body but my cock was still inside her.* Now, in the moonlight my wife's upper body was fully visible to this stranger.* I looked down at Sharon, who had stopped humping up at me and was looking over and up at the Indian.*

Instead of covering her breasts as soon as my body was not pressed up against hers, she kept holding onto my waist with her hands, but loosely. Between my body and hers, those breasts were totally *******.

Since she was allowing herself to be openly displayed for him instead of covering her breasts, I sensed that the thought of being watched was more turning her on than not.

I sensed rather than saw his grin since at the moment I was watching my wife's face. * "Yeah, I've watched several people doing the four states, but your woman is about the best I've seen. With her clothes on, and with them off, she has one fine body."

My wife was the first to respond to his comments.* “You don't mind us doing this,”* she asked while meeting his eyes with hers?

I sensed immediately that Sharon had already decided that she liked this man, because her body remained relaxed under me.* As a matter of fact, because my cock had dwindled some, she was starting to hump again to keep me hard, but she was not going as high or as hard as a minute ago.

He laughed, but I could see that his eyes were roving over what body she had ******* as well as meeting her eyes with his

“Honey, I don't own the place, I just sell shit here.* When I saw you two hanging back and waiting for everyone to leave, I knew what you were up to.* I just waited and hoped that you wouldn't see my truck which I keep parked behind my little hut.”

I could see that his hand was sort of rubbing up and down on what looked to be a very visible bulge going down the left leg of his blue jeans.

“Now that you've got a good start on two states and what sounded like a good cum you might need some additional inspiration before you finish your tour.”

As both Sharon and I looked on, he opened his trousers and boldly tugged his prick out.* And of course, even though it did not look to be fully erect as yet, it just happened to be one large tomahawk.*

Though he had not been able to see my cock, he did not know what size I was, but judging by what he was displaying, I am sure that he was aware that the odds were strong that he had more than what my wife was enjoying.

He was putting it out there. 'Look at this honey. I'll bet it's bigger than what your husband is giving you.' In order to ensure that my wife would be seeing his all, his hand was now on his cock and starting to move.

“You guys fuck, I'll watch, and when you cum, maybe I will too.”

We both were staring up at his cock of course, and I could see that it was obviously larger than what my wife currently had in her.* He had started to stroke it and I wanted to see what size that thing would become but I had my wife to consider.*

Things were happening very rapidly.* My wife was naked for some other man's viewing pleasure, a first, and now he had put himself on display, and I knew the display was not intended for me.

I looked into Sharon's eyes, but her eyes were on him.* I knew her answer but still I had to ask.* “Are you O.K. with this?”

"What?" She glanced over at me and then her eyes went back to him as she nodded with a little frown, but I could see that she was more looking at what he was displaying than his face.* She turned her head back to me.* “Let's do it!”

I didn't know about my wife, but her willingness to proceed while looking up at a very impressive hunk of Navaho meat really got me excited.* “Let's move your pussy over to New Mexico now.”

I moved my ass back and removed my cock as she raised her butt. I shifted the blanket as I shuffled sideways on that hard surface with my knees, and her ass came along, and in the process her pussy too.

I hesitated and then decided that I would stay back from my wife just long enough to allow the Navaho to have a long look at her ******* pussy.

Again, Sharon made no attempt to cover herself.

As he was looking I was sure he was also taking note of my fully erect manhood that came nowhere near matching his. Don't ask me why I was doing this readers, allowing this stranger to look at my wife's pussy and also allowing him to see that my cock was much smaller than his.

I was getting some kind of strange thrill out of allowing him to see, and compare. He was being given several seconds for viewing as I slowly pushed down on my cock and took aim.

'Thank you Sharon' I thought as she gave out with a nice little gasp as my head opened her tight lips.* Then I was back into her and buried immediately.

Shit, now she was really excited I could tell.* I no sooner had given her a couple of pumps and she had pulled me down and her arms and legs up were around me.* I wanted to make this the best fuck ever.

We had a man watching, and this was a first, something I had never dreamed that my wife would do.* It had registered mentally that my wife had also pulled my head down on her right side so that, I am sure, she would have a clear view of him as she looked up.

As Sharon began moaning, and I think exaggerating her noise so that he would hear, I realized that I was not going to be able to hold back.*

Fuck fuck! Normally I would have just stopped pumping and waited for a while, but my wife was waiting, and so was he. * I tried mentally to hold back, oh how I tried, but in another minute I felt the pressure building, up up up.

"You're so hard," my wife exclaimed! * "You're not going to make it to..."

But I had cut her off. “Shit baby, I'm cumming!” And I did, pumping several built up shots of thick cum into the pussy that I had fondled, finally seduced and then married.

She had cum in Colorado, and I had only made it to New Mexico.* I could tell that my wife was excited for me, but at the same time disappointed that it had happened so quick.

It was his fault, this stranger. He had made himself known to us and caused so much excitement that I now felt drained of all strength, and cum.

Now here I was. I was laying on my wife and breathing heavy and wondering how I was going to be able to get my wilted cock up again so we could finish up with one more state. *Visions were already going through my mind. Visions of my wife stroking and maybe sucking my soft little cock in an attempt to get me hard again, and all the while this guy would be staying to watch.

And then he spoke up.

“You still have Arizona to go.* If you need help, I'll be glad to be of service.”

Both of us looked straight up because now he had walked right up beside us and was standing on Colorado.* He was stroking his meat, and even though some of it was still inside his jeans, it looked very impressive indeed.* The moonlight was flooding down on his cock, and as I looked up at him and back down at Sharon, I knew.

There was no doubt.* By the way Sharon was staring up at his cock, it was very obvious.* My wife wanted to use him to do Arizona.*

This was so wild, so crazy that I just had to go along with it.* If she wanted, and he was ready, I was ready to move aside.* I pulled my dripping cock out of my wife's still quivering cunt and spoke softly.

“We still need to move you over one more state.”

Sharon raised her hips and as I moved the blanket under her, her ass came along and she was ready to do Arizona.* At that point I don't think she knew for sure what my plan was, for me to somehow continue or to move off and allow him to fuck her.

She knew my plan when weakly, I stood up with my wilted cock now very visible in the moonlight.* But already I could feel it starting to harden once again. I don't know why I was doing it, this giving of my wife to a stranger.

I just had to know. "Those other couples you said you saw doing this. Did you fuck any of those women?"

He sort of snickered. "Sure did. Most of them were wives I think. I'll tell you this. The women were all happy but I think some of their husbands might not have been."

I'll give him this: He was being honest and giving me maybe a warning and a chance to say No. He kept looking at Sharon though and giving her that confident smile of his.

By my continuing to stand instead of once again getting between her legs, I was leaving my wife wide open for his access. I looked down at Sharon, trying to let her know with my face that I too, might not be too happy if she...

Then she sighed and said it. "Honey. I promise you. If he screws me, this won't affect our marriage. We'll never see him again, so it will all be just having some fun."

I didn't think of the possible consequences, like how it might affect our marriage for real. All I knew was that I was caught up in the excitement of the moment and so was my wife. Then I said the words that sealed my fate. Words that would forever change an aspect of our marriage.

“Go ahead, you two.* I'll watch from New Mexico.”

I saw that my wife had a big welcoming grin on her face and her legs seemed to open even wider than before as she looked up at him.* I was having second thoughts, but it was too late now.* I had given both of them permission.*

I had not really taken time to think about it or I might not have allowed this to happen.* Just like that, so simple, so casual it sounded, I was allowing the unthinkable.* Allowing my wife to be serviced by a strange man that she seemed to want, her first, or allowing this man to fuck my wife, also a first.

It also almost goes without saying that his giant cock was a factor in all this.* Had he been the same size as me, I think my wife still would have been doing this, but that element, his cock, was now to be a big part of this night, and maybe the rest of our married life.

I still wonder about that. How does a woman, a woman who has never been entered by a big cock, know in advance that she can comfortably take it? I am sure that they have never been able to place their fingers far enough inside to know how deep they go, so how do they know?

My wife was about to find out, and she didn't seem to be the least bit worried.

Because he was wearing cowboy boots he didn't try to pull off his jeans.* Instead he just tugged them, along with his underwear, down all the way to his ankles.* As he rose again, both Sharon and I had a full look at what he was toting as it swung freely back and forth, and it was impressive indeed.*

It was not only a huge cock, but it had some distinguishing features that would forever fix it in my wife's memory. It had an impressively thick shaft that was heavy with veins visible along the sides and the entire shaft looked to be curving slightly up and it was topped by a bloated purple colored head that was even thicker.*

Those balls below, big but not all that dangling at the moment looked like they might contain enough firewater to flood Arizona.

Something had came over me.* Maybe it was the location, the situation, the look in my wife's eyes, but I wasn't even thinking about whether my wife could take what he was about to give.* I just knew that my wife wanted, and as a result, I wanted too.

He would be getting sloppy seconds, the first man ever to have sloppy seconds on my wife, and of course the first man ever to have her other than her husband.

As he knelt between my wife's legs, I heard Sharon giggle and then, without being asked she reached down and took hold of his swinging tomahawk. Their eyes locked on one another.*

As he was getting a good feel of my loving wife's breasts, I saw her also getting a good feel of his manhood as she stroked his foreskin back and forth once, twice, and then as she aimed him, his hips eased forward and down.

Now this man, this Navaho Indian, this stranger, was entering a married pussy that until now had only been serviced by my almost seven inch prick.* I heard my wife do a sharp intake of air and her body sort of quiver as I saw the fat head of his cock open her tight lips, and then, too soon for me, he leaned forward.

He was blocking my view of the penetration now, so I looked up at her face.* I don't know which was open more, her eyes or her mouth.* “Ooooh shit!* Ooooh that's nice.”

She had said it so loud I listened to see if I could hear any coyotes answering in the distance.* Nothing, just the sound of my wife letting out additional gasps and then moans as the big Indian laid his weight over her and the way it looked, he was lying full upon her instead of staying up on his knees.

It really hit home that another man was now against and inside my wife when I saw her arms reach around him, and then, as her fingers dug into his back, I heard something come from her, a deep sound that was either a gasp or a moan, I didn't know which.

Maybe he didn't want to stay up on his knees on that hard metal.* I know that with that blanket under me my knees had not exactly been real comfortable.* I expected Sharon to protest at having him maybe squashing her, but she didn't seem to mind because she was moaning and I saw, trying to squirm her hips under him.

And then, as he bottomed out on my wife, deeper than I had ever gone into her and surprising me that she was able to comfortably take him, he spoke, and I think he was trying to be funny.* He was.

“White man squaw have heap nice pussy.* Able to take Indian, no problem.”

Oh yeah, my white squaw took him all right, and he made it last.* After all, he had to do it all within just one state.* As this huge man laid with most or all of his weight on my wife he pumped, and pumped and my wife humped back at him as best she could since her bottom half was pinned to the state of Arizona.

It became obvious right away that he was in no hurry to cum as he began varying his strokes by going sideways sometimes as well as up and down.

I knew that my wife liked to do some moving while I was fucking her, but under him, she was unable to do much in the way of moving. * Still, she seemed to be incredibly turned on, and I must give the credit for her apparent pleasure to one thing, that big cock of his.

They were totally involved now, involved with one another, and I was just some guy standing over here in New Mexico.

His body, his hips were wider than mine, and I saw that my wife was struggling to do so, but she eventually was able to get her legs opened enough so that she could raise them and wrap her legs around his ass.*

Then she locked her ankles together.* She was not only taking him, she was trying to take him as deep as possible.

Since he was not propped up and just lying on her, only his ass was moving, and the best estimation I could make was that he was giving her maybe five to six inches of stroking out of a possible nine or more that she had buried in her.

I could see a shininess on his back, and knew it was probably sweat generated from his being so excited over feeling the wonderful pleasure of being inside my wife.

That sweat had to be from his excitement rather than exertion because he was barely moving over her. * Just giving her short strokes it looked like.* And then it hit me, he is giving her strokes just as long as I can, but he is also much deeper into her and stretching her pussy far wider than I can do.

It apparently was enough for her because my wife now had her Utah and New Mexico arms wrapped around his Arizona back, and her legs had somehow managed to go higher up and wrap around his firm Arizona waist.

Her Colorado head was moaning and groaning, and doing all the things a woman is supposed to do to indicate to the man over her that she is in seventh Heaven, or maybe in four states at once, plus in a state of ecstasy.

Fuck!* That's it exactly.* My wife was being fucked not only in four states at once, but she was also in Seventh Heaven and in a state of ecstasy!* Now who or what could possibly top that?

"Oooh oooh oooh ooooh fuck!"* That was the word my wife didn't like to use all that much, but incredibly she was using it now, and in front of, or rather, under another man.

"You feel so big and hard.* Oh fuck that cock...I love it, I love it. Now give it to me!"

As she laid under him, she was laying it right out there. He is big and hard. So big and hard, as if to imply that her husband before him had not felt big and hard. Or maybe only hard.

Well, I was big and hard too as I stood over them looking down.* But she was totally involved with him and ignoring me.* He seemed to be ignoring me as well but it was obvious that he was very involved with my wife.*

Somehow I had to join in and share her joy. * "Is he fucking you good baby?"

Dumb question, I guess. But I wanted to remind my wife that she still had a husband.

Somewhere in the haze of her intense pleasure I think she had heard me, but her eyes remained closed and she could not see how I was now standing almost directly over her face and stroking my hard prick.

"He's fucking me so good, oh yes..."

I had reminded her that she has a husband, and she had told me what he was doing with the cock of his.

She was lost to me now, maybe forever.* His cock, that cock on that big Indian was taking my wife into areas that I would never be able to match.* I wanted to bend down and maybe hold her hand, do something to share in her pleasure, but you see, I had this hard on in my hand.

Then she got loud and as I looked down I could see her toes curling.* She might have been making an announcement for me, or maybe just saying it, I don't know.

"Now! Now! At the same time!* We're cumming! Oh baby, do it, do it in me! Oh shit I can feel it throbbing."

'They're cumming,' I thought?* I glanced down at his ass and saw that he was pushing into my wife so hard and deep that his ass crack was closed up tight.* He was still moving, but keeping it as deep as possible and mostly going sideways.

I don't know which of them had started cumming first.* I think it was a mutual effort.* But one thing for sure, my wife apparently was turned on to this man enough to be kissing him now, and madly as she moaned out an orgasm over four states at once that sounded like it had a previous Colorado cum beat, big time.

His ass continued to move as he milked his meat deeply into her, maybe filling her tight pussy to overflowing with his papoose making prick juice.

Sharon was breathing really hard and I was beginning to wonder if she was getting enough air.* "He's still so big.** So fucking big." Apparently she was getting enough air.

My wife and I had never really discussed other men, or other men and their cocks, and the subject of size had never really been a part of our discussions about sex. But now, just like this, it seemed to have become a major part of our marriage. This man, and his cock.

I didn't know if my wife was saying that to him, or to me for my benefit. * But the F word seemed to be coming naturally out of her mouth now.* That is, it was coming out of her mouth each time they broke their kiss, but the kisses were long, and the way it looked, intense.

I saw also that he was getting to be very heavy as he laid on my wife because now she was sort of trying to push his upper body off of hers with her hands.
Holding my rigid prick, I waited and watched as he rose up on his knees and slowly pulled out.* I wanted to see what he had done to to my wife's vagina and I stared down at her there!* When his head popped out, Sharon's pussy seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then I saw her lips close up, but very slowly.*

Those lips along with her matted down pussy hair looked to be very wet and shiny in the moonlight.* I quickly glanced over at his cock, still mostly firm and saw that it too was shining in the moonlight.* That shiny look was from their combined juices, I knew.

He seemed to be a little weak in the knees as he struggled to rise to his feet.* I guess my wife took it out of him.* I knew the feeling because she had done it to me many times.

“My turn,” I said, perhaps rather loudly since I had become aware that my wife seemed to have forgotten that I was still there.

She was quietly staring up at him and his partially dangling but still impressive cock.* I could see that my wife was weak, weak and very satisfied, so satisfied as a matter of fact that she was willing to just lie there and allow him to look down at her in her most intimate and revealing pose.

Then I think it finally sank in that I had spoken to her.* My wife looked up at me as she continued to lie with her legs opened with her matted and wet pussy hairs shining in the moonlight.*

“Oh honey, I don't think I have enough strength left to move on to Utah again.”

“That's alright baby.* “Like he said, I missed Arizona, so now I'll make up for it.”

The big Indian had a big grin as he moved out of the way.* I knelt down and mounted my wife, keeping my weight off of her since she still seemed to be having trouble catching her breath.

I could feel extreme warmth radiating off her body and knew that she was still cooling down after having had his 200 plus pounds of flesh being held so tightly against her body while a substantial amount of that flesh had been inside her.

I sank, or rather, fell in.* Wow did my wife ever feel big.* I think it was probably a case of her not only being freshly stretched but also of her traveling pussy being filled with a gallon of Firewater.

My wife's pussy was loose, and wet, and I had already shot one load, so I had my work cut out for me.

After the way the Navaho had been squashing her I tried to be considerate as I used my knees and elbows to sort of stay off of her a little.* As I began pumping I was feeling my wife in a way I had never experienced before.*

She was not as tight, but also I could feel a slipperiness in her pussy that was different from her usual feel.* It struck me, my cock is being swallowed up by his cum. What was I getting now, sloppy thirds perhaps?

For the first time I was feeling my wife's most intimate part with another man's cum still within her. He had stretched her more. He had gone deeper. He had probably also given her the biggest load ever.

“This might take a little while honey.”

She hugged me and weakly tried to raise her legs until they were once again around her husband.

“That's alright.* I'll stay right here in Arizona while you enjoy yourself.”* And then, thinking on it, she hastily added, 'and me too!”

While wondering if my wife was even aware that I was in there, I was pumping and this time working mentally on cumming instead of trying to hold back.* Our Navaho friend was still watching and so far, I saw, had not pulled his pants up from his ankles.

'Is he waiting for seconds,' I thought?* I was considering inviting the Navaho to take over and finish her up, but as I looked down at my wife I knew that she was fucked out.* Not fucked up, just out.* She had had enough.

Apparently, by the way her Arizona pussy was feeling, I had fucked my wife every which way but loose, and her big buck Navaho fuck had taken care of the loose.

I'll have to give him credit, he was patient. I was pumping away while feeling a little guilty and maybe, jealous.* I noticed that my wife was once again staring up at him, and as I glanced over my shoulder, that cock was once again fully up and ready.

I decided not to cum, no not yet.* I looked into her eyes.* I had thought that my wife had had enough, but I guess not. *

"I can see the inevitable.* If you want to fuck him again, this time you have to get on top, any state of your choosing and ride him so I can see it all."

She didn't argue, didn't hesitate, instead giving me an instant 'O.K.'* Then she frowned as she seemed to be directing her thoughts down towards her pussy.* I was fully hard, but it still took her a few seconds to do an analysis with her vagina and feel that I was.*

"Aren't you going to cum first?"

"I plan to watch, and then I'll finish things up in the state of my choosing." I knew that my wife's backside had to be getting more than a bit uncomfortable lying on that metal slab, but she wasn't about to start complaining, not when she might be getting another fuck from that cock she seemed to love.

I didn't look up at him.* There was no need to .* I knew what he wanted to do and as I climbed off of my wife, she giggled.* "I want to cum in Colorado again!"

I didn't bother to ask Sharon why not one of the two states she had not climaxed in as yet, like New Mexico or Utah.* That was her decision.* She managed, somehow, to stand up and I saw some cum drip out of her and onto the blanket as I reached for it.*

But the Navaho beat me to it and started to spread the blanket over Colorado.* I smiled, because seeing him trying to walk while having his jeans down around his boots was funny to see.

Ever see a grown man, with his cock hanging out and his pants down to his ankles crossing two or three states at once?* Well, I did.

With what looked to me to be a supreme look of confidence that he now owned my wife, he laid down, that totem pole standing tall, and my wife, with a big grin on her face wasted no time putting her body over his.* His Indian meat looked even larger from that angle then it had when he had been over her and getting between her legs.*

I am still shaking my head over knowing that my wife could and had taken something like that.

"I'll aim it," I said as I saw her starting to pivot her hips into just the right place.* I didn't know whether it would bother our Navaho friend if I touched his totem but I wanted to get a good feel of what was changing forever the feel of my wife's formerly tight cunt.*

She knew, I think. "Go on honey. Feel his cock with your hand. See how big and hard and mostly, how hot it feels."

I felt, I squeezed, and I analyzed. Yes, it did all the things she had mentioned, and where in the world was all that heat coming from?

Since I was doing the work for his hands, they went somewhere else and in seconds he was cupping her breasts.

He was feeling her tits, and I was feeling his cock. It was really weird, and I have to admit, exciting, to be feeling another man's erection for the first time.* Shit that thing was thick, and it had been all the way inside my wife! I can't get over the heat from it. In the rapidly cooling night air it felt so warm, actually more towards hot.*

A hot cock for a hot woman, and that woman was my wife.* As she lowered her body, I was holding his cock in just the right position as her pussy came down, down, well not so far down since he was already so far up there.*

This time I had the view of what I had not really been able to see before, her lips being stretched, what looked like painfully far as she came down over that head and slowly, very slowly took him inside.

I held onto his prick until her pussy came down and almost pushed my hand out of the way.

Her pussy and his cock were sort of half in the shadow, and half brightly lit as the moon, which was mainly shining on New Mexico, sent some light on over to Arizona.* Still, I could see that her outer lips were being stuffed up inside her pussy as she slowly went down over his cock, and then each time she rose up, her lips came out and caressed the sides of his shiny shaft as they slid along.*

I was up close, really close and seeing the taking and alteration of my wife's vagina in intimate detail, but I wanted to see the more overall view for a minute so I moved back until I could take in the sight of my wife's ass, actually, both of them from feet to head.*

What a sight! I will say, readers, that moonlight can make pussy juice coating a cock shine just as well as daylight, and it seems even sexier.

I could see that she was kissing him, and doing it passionately.* I tried to ignore that hurtful sight and concentrated my thoughts on her pussy.* I think my wife knew what I wanted to see, or maybe she just wanted to feel it, but she spent a lot of time staying high and working her lips over and around that fat head of his.*

She would linger up there quite a while and moaning, be using that bloated head to work her lips.*

He was being the quiet Indian, but my wife was making up for it, and still using that F word, and often.

Finally she could take no more and she bottomed out on him and stroking rapidly, had another cum in Colorado.* Once again he was right with her.** It was like they were tuned in to one another.*

I know this much, once she went for it, my wife did not have to do much stroking up and down before she was cumming.* That feeling of being stretched was doing it for her.

This time, it was she who had her entire weight on him as she laid over him, exhausted and totally, and I mean totally, satisfied.* Satisfied enough to be running her lips passionately over his, I could see.

I had a fantastic view of stretched open lips when she climbed off of him.* And I grinned when I saw a big blob of cum drip out of her and land on his belly as she twisted her body to the left so that she once again had her ass on the slab.* She had ended up with her pussy over Utah.

Since Utah was the only state that had not been cum over, I chose that for my second orgasm, and strangely, despite the fact that my wife now felt so big and so wet that almost all sensation was gone for me, I came within a couple of minutes.*

I guess it was from the excitement.* I tested her, moving my lips forward to see if there was any passion left for me after she had given the Navaho so much of herself.

She kissed me, yes, but not so much.* It was several seconds before I felt her tongue rise to the occasion to meet mine.* Still, my half-hard prick rose to the occasion, and I felt obliged to start the pumping action again.

I was still lying on her, my turn to lie now, as I heard him toot the horn on his truck as he drove past us and towards the highway.

Strangest thing. As he drove past, I saw a woman riding in the truck with him. She even met my eyes with hers but her face was expressionless. Apparently he had told her to be quiet and maybe watch as he had came over and fucked my wife twice.

Wanting to take a little bit of the shine off him since my wife seemed to have been so enraptured by him and his cock I told her what I had seen. Know what my wife said in reply?

"Oh, she's so lucky to have him."

So much for my attempt to bring him down a little.

I had not even known he had walked away from our area since I was enjoying the feel of that squishy and worked over pussy of hers.

I guess he was the classic 'quiet Indian.'* Since he had first entered my wife and said the words: “White man squaw have heap nice pussy.* Able to take Indian, no problem.” he had not uttered another word, instead letting his big prick do the talking.

Now it was up to me to have my prick do the talking.* I went to work, and after a minute or two began thinking back, back to how I had felt that big hot cock in my hand while guiding it into my wife's anxious pussy.* It was a good thought but still, I couldn't cum.

I worked her pussy for another five minutes while trying to cum and in my dreams make my wife cum and finally my wife, who had tried to be cooperative, asked, "Wanna quit?"

"Yeah, my knees are tired from this hard metal."* I used that as an excuse but after my having cum twice and the way my wife's pussy was all stretched, there was no way I could cum again.*

My wife had been fucked every which way including loose in four states on her way to a state of ecstasy, and I was just along for the ride.

We drove almost non-stop to near Flagstaff in the dark before getting a motel, and I don't think we exchanged more than a dozen words all that distance. My wife, I think, was just thinking about that fucking she had received as she dozed while I drove.

four corners monument.jpg
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Just last night 29 May 2016 saw the sequel to the movie VACATION on TV. Not the second one, which stank, where they went to Europe, but the one made just recently and about the son of the character Chevy Chase played wanting to recreate the trip he took with his daddy.

I was surprised to see in the latest movie that they used the very marker I show in the photo above to show how the couple in the movie were going to screw in four states at once, and when they got there, there was a line of couples waiting in the dark to fuck on the monument.

That marker I had shown and used in that movie is dated 1992 I see.

I seem to remember the metal marker on the ground back in the 1980s was much larger as it depicted each state radiating off to the sides, and it looked a lot nicer, more...monument like. That current one is not all that great looking.

The place has been changed a lot and made a lot more tourist trappy. Also I guess the US government, instead of having the place be a NATIONAL monument open to the pubic, is letting the Indians take it over and run it as a money making operation, either with or without governmental sanctioning.

I swear I had not seen that movie when I wrote this story. I went from the way the place looked back in the 1980s when I visited the place. No gate that could be closed and locked, and the little roof huts the locals (Navahos) were selling trinkets from were basically just made from sticks.

When it was getting dark, they all left, and my wife and I were there alone.

Now is the story I wrote all true, or used as a basis for a fictional but hot story? You have to wonder.
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