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german wife

  • Thread starterAnnaBurt
  • Start date


Hi everybody!
My very sexy wife is very curious to have encounters with well hung black men. She is very shy yet but....who knows? It depends on the offer.
Any good ideas? She loves cumshots, dp, and much much more....one time she is even willing to have a gangbang...
are there any blacks in germany tu fulfill her desire?
please let us know.
(safe is a must - not necessary to mention that! )


  • k_rper_kopie.jpg
    21.3 KB · Views: 389
Bin Deutscher Cuckold und träume davon, dass meine Freundin es mit einem Schwarzen treibt.

Suche andere Deutsche Cuckolds zwecks Fantasienaustausch/Spannen? bei einem Bierchen.

Komme aus Düsseldorf.

Meld dich mal!

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