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I'm Normal, and You're NOT(?)

  • Thread starterRaunchy Randy
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Raunchy Randy

Beloved Member
Apr 29, 2005
Collectively, participants in the Dark Cavern chat room probably bring the full spectrum of sexual mores, backgrounds, and experiences into the room with them. To attempt to determine what is sexually ‘normal’ in the room (and what is not) has to be an exercise in futility. Of course, that doesn’t stop many of us from trying. There are of course, those interested in inter-racial experiences, but also gays/lesbians bi-sexuals, transgendered, cuckoldry, Dominants/submissives, etc., just to give an idea of who you can expect to find in the chat room. And then, there are those who consider themselves ‘normal.’ Nothing else—just your plain-ole everyday normal. They have sex in the missionary position, (almost) every Thursday, between 8:00 pm and 8:15 pm. I mean, it might be boring as hell, but it’s ‘normal.’
The problem is, that many of those mentioned above (not just the ‘normals’) show no compassion/tolerance in the chat room for anyone whose lifestyle isn’t exactly like their own. Never mind that they don’t understand the lifestyle, or maybe they do, but know it’s not for them. And a person who subscribes to a different sexual accommodation (or even a different political party!) has to be very careful not to say anything that’s out-of-step with those who ‘rule.’ Otherwise, he is summarily castigated, ridiculed, and insulted. Face it, people… We’re all unique in some way, and what’s normal for you isn’t always considered normal by others. If the persons involved in that lifestyle are comfortable with the choices they’ve made for themselves, and aren’t pushing it on YOU, why would you go out of your way to be mean-spirited, or show your ignorance by attacking that person? It only shows to the room the bigoted person you really are.
I’m a Dominant, and I learned a long time ago that there are those who, because they are ignorant, intolerant, or close-minded about the lifestyle, will do or say anything they can to make others view it in a negative light. The D/s lifestyle isn’t for everyone—far from it, and frankly, while I’m disappointed that some don’t choose to have an open-mind, I’m glad to not have those negative people in my life. And, I choose to NOT discuss the lifestyle, or much of anything with those people. What would be the use?
If you see yourself as an open-minded person, why would you insult others who don’t ‘toe the same line’ as you? If you’re gay/lesbian, or bi, TV/TS/TV, cuckold, Dominant or submissive, you should understand that thought better than others. Even the ‘normals’ who come into the chat room should understand that it’s a place where tolerance of the sexual needs of others should have a high priority. After all, when one looks at the whole of things, it should be apparent that inter-racial couples (DC’s primary focus) aren’t (yet) considered ‘normal’ by most in society, anyway. So—LIGHTEN UP… Work on your social skills, or something!

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