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I've gotten sick of these kooks...

  • Thread starterBlackDomLdog
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Beloved Member
Mar 2, 2004
West Allis, WI
and I say the word loosely - KOOKS

There are other words, but I got flamed by someone on my yahoo. For nearly two weeks, I have avoided logging on. Just when decide to I log back in, I get a degrading message from someone with the yahoo id of the_real_man_women_crave2005. (I don't know if this is real, or hacked into, but I got it.)

Per my experience, I blocked it...but he went so far as to email me. Take note, that I edited the message to save space.

the_real_man_women_crave2005: YOU ARE A BITCH, YOU KNOW THAT?

the_real_man_women_crave2005: HEY, I’M TALKIN TO YOU!

the_real_man_women_crave2005: BUZZ!

the_real_man_women_crave2005: I’LL SHOW YOUR WIFE WHAT A REAL MAN CAN DO!

blktxdom2004: Well I’m not talking to a worthless piece of shit like you. Consider yourself blocked.

the_real_man_women_crave2005: DON’T IGNORE ME, YOU PUSSY-FACED BITCH!

the_real_man_women_crave2005: YOU MAKE ME SICK…YOU AND THAT FAT ***** OF YOURS!

the_real_man_women_crave2005 emailed me saying this:

You are a little black bitch…and I don’t believe you are a ‘Dom.’ A dominant is supposed to control EVERYTHING…his dog, his home, and his woman. YOUR BITCH RUNS ALL OVER YOU!

I see niggers like you all over this country…and I’m glad that George Bush took out the welfare. Matter of fact, he should send traitorous ‘Ammuu-Gammi’ worshippers like you back to Africa, or wherever you came from.

You ain’t even a veteran…I see lazy niggers like you, taking our hard-earned money, and wasting it on drugs, booze, and gambling it away.

Do yourself a favor, and shoot yourself. NO ONE IS GOING TO MISS YOU!

I won't ask for feedback, but will agree with anyone that says he is as sharp as a bowling ball. lol
I will correct one of his theories...

A dominant is supposed to control EVERYTHING…his dog, his home, and his woman.

Granted, a dominant is supposed to do those things, but He can't go everywhere thinking he is "King shit."

King Shango, and all the other members should pardon any negative pun...IF there is any.

I got the impression from this LOSER that he was raised to believe that EVERYONE is to bow to his demands...except for him. He feels that ALL women should be doormats, all blacks/minorities are scum, and EVERYTHING is to go HIS WAY!

I will admit that I had acted like that, but HE WILL GET A RUDE AWAKENING - if he hasn't already.
I see niggers like you all over this country…and I’m glad that George Bush took out the welfare. Matter of fact, he should send traitorous ‘Ammuu-Gammi’ worshippers like you back to Africa, or wherever you came from.

You ain’t even a veteran…I see lazy niggers like you, taking our hard-earned money, and wasting it on drugs, booze, and gambling it away.

"Ammuu-Gammi?" This guy has either read too many Tarzan books, cannibalism stories, etc. I am a descendant of African slaves, and MOST Blacks today worked their asses off. (This is bound to have a rebuttal.) :blahblah:

Welfare is a part of history...I won't even touch this topic.

Traitorous? I can get my certified copy of my HONORABLE DISCHARGE papers from the county courthouse...where they are on record.
This man (the_real_man_women_crave2005) is an idiot.

I know that I'm not the only one who thinks so.

To think that we STILL have bigotry...racism...and a lot of negativity in this so-called 'New Millenium.'

The saying is true: SOME HABITS DO DIE HARD!

This guy -the_real_man_women_crave2005, acts like the icon below:

Although I reported him, he's still harassing me...

I am so pissed, I won't even post it.

He had the nerve to get under my skin...he must love pissing people off - or loves the attention.

Granted, there are people like this on Dark Cavern...and I act like that SOMETIMES! The fact of the matter is: Don't piss people off.
BlackDomLdog said:
I am so pissed, I won't even post it.

He had the nerve to get under my skin...he must love pissing people off - or loves the attention.

Granted, there are people like this on Dark Cavern...and I act like that SOMETIMES! The fact of the matter is: Don't piss people off.

It just goes to show u that some people r only alive cuz it's against the law to kill the bastards. Just be yourself. That is the best way to hurt him.
Thanks Rhino and Colorado...

I'm doing the next best thing...ignoring him.

I have said this in other posts, as have others - all he wants is attention. :bitch:

You already know this...but when a person doesn't get attention, he goes to the next thing that would. I won't waste my time with him...when I have other issues. (My opinion: he is just some jealous guy, upset that I'm having a life...and he doesn't.) another topic: I saw the clips for the new movie Matthew McCaugnahey did - Failure to Launch. I recommend watching it when it premeres tomorrow, mostly for the funny shit he goes through. lol

Being a Black man, I WON'T give away the script...keeping the suspense is a little better. (One little hint...there is a scene where he is on a boat and he tries to rush the leading lady off of it. The guy he mentions as the boat's owner looks like a Black guy - and is walking up behind her...)

If I am mistaken, sorry...the image was a bit blurry.

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