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Pregnancy in a cuckold lifestyle

  • Thread startercucked_D
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Jun 3, 2011
Just wondering what people thought about raising children where the husband wasn't the biological father.

My wife Susan and I tried a few years ago to have children but it never happened. We were not too concerned and just thought we would have a break from trying.

I raised the topic with Susan recently and she was happy that I would like to try again. However she is not willing to give up her lover. She has a new lover she met at the gym she attends and has only allowed me to have sex with her on only one occasion as a reward for good housekeeping. Susan says she will stop birth control but it will be a chance that I will not be the father of any children she may have.
If you can not accept it from your heart, then you probably should not go ahead with the idea of raising a kid not 100% yours. Just my 2 cents really..:)
Does a cuck not accept this as a possibility when he becomes a cuckold?
The female is superior and should have the right to select the biological father!
You need to decide how you feel about this. This is one of the disadvanges of bing a cuck, if she does get knocked up the only way you will ever be sure that the kid will be yours is if you get a paternaty test. If I were you I would just accept that you're probably not going to be a biological dad and just be happy to be a dad.
Do not want to lecture

I do not want to lecture you, I am in a similar situation that I am trying to rectify.

I am sure you have already thought about this, however please talk this over with your wife and make 100% sure YOU are ready for this to happen. I would even pull the surrogate aside and talk to him about how he wants to handle things. Raising a child is one thing however in this lifestyle there are so many other complications.
I am sure you have already thought about them, I just worry about the wellbeing of this child if things go sideways.

However, to answer your original question if you are in a place/time in your life where you and wife feel you can/want to raise children I would say go for it and let nature take its course.
Here are some numbers from Baker (1996) that might be of interest. He makes the point that the percentage of children sired by a man other than the resident male (i.e., husband or LTR partner) is class-dependent. In the quote below, the implication is that the supposed father thinks he is, and/or is assumed by others to be, the biological father. Baker does not distinguish cases in which a woman bears children, remarries, then raises her pre-existing children jointly with her new husband.

"On average, about 10% of children are not sired by their supposed fathers. Some men, however, have a higher chance of being deceived in this way than others — and it is those of low wealth and status who fare worst. Actual figures range from 1% in high-status areas of the United States and Switzerland, to 5 to 6% of moderate-status males in the United States and Great Britain, to 10 to 30% for lower-status males in the United States, Great Britain, and France. Moreover, the men most likely to sexually hoodwink the lower-status males are men of higher status. Anthropological studies have shown precisely the same pattern. Men of higher wealth and status obtain partners earlier, start to reproduce earlier, are less likely to have their partners impregnated by other men, and are more likely to impregnate the partners of other men."

From Chapt. 7, "Shopping Around for Genes," pp. 124-125, in:

Baker, Robin, Ph.D., 1996, "Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex," 319 pp. (hardcover).
If you both truly want a baby to raise, then it should not matter who the father is. Your wife only lets you have sex once in a blue moon at the moment, and you have obviously had no objections to her having a regular boyfriend, so you are already well down the track to getting a chance to suckle milk out of her titties for your latte.

You need to talk it through with your wife, because her bull (may/or may not) want access visitations to his child - and she may wish him to SIRE a complete family if her body enjoys pregnancy.

Once she has a baby to him, her pussy will always be available to him for the next 20-30 years. There will be "three in this marriage", something that Princess Diana had problems with.

If her boyfriend does not want a long term relationship with your wife, he may move onto another horny wife after a couple of years - and this might make things easier for you all round. But it depends on how much your wife "wants him to be the father", and how you can handle being a step-father.
Your wife may be trying to tell you to be a man to be a dad. She told you she wasn't willing to give up her outside lover, she never said you couldn't take her away from him, reclaim her, and take care of her yourself. It is very possible that your wife does not equate you as being worthy of fathering her children as you are right now. You have sex with her "when she allows" you to. Her outside lover has sex with her when HE wants to.

I see your choices as two. 1. You can retake the castle and again establish yourself as master of your domain. 2. You can go get your cords clipped so you can stop dreaming about fathering children and passing these weak genes on.
Custer Laststand said:
Moreover, the men most likely to sexually hoodwink the lower-status males are men of higher status. Anthropological studies have shown precisely the same pattern. Men of higher wealth and status obtain partners earlier, start to reproduce earlier, are less likely to have their partners impregnated by other men, and are more likely to impregnate the partners of other men."

damn making science hot. this both depresses me and turns me on. its like by science im a cuckold!
Been there Done that!

To have a child or not to have a child should be decided before hand. I no accidents happen, so they say, I do not believe in accidents personally. This is where the rubber meets the road. Options abound condoms, birth control pills and etc. When your woman tells you she is pregnant but is not sure who the father is, or is sure and it is not you, it is time to step up to the plate.

If you play you must pay, and if you feel you do not want to take the child as your own or truthfully can't do it this is the proverbial between a rock and a hard place. You can either rise to the occassion or slink away.

I had a vasictomy too soon, if my mistress who also has problems conceiving could get pregnant our delight would be profound. I just hope that an unwanted child comes to one who cares.

Our desires are not important in parenthood it is the best for the child, that is most important. Sex is not all important Responsibility is.
Ah, yes... but, what percentage of male scientists are cuckolds...?


hurtme said:
Damn, making science hot. This both depresses me and turns me on. It's like by science, I'm a cuckold!

What a bummer. It might seem like more-than-sufficient justification for a cuckold to be turned off by science (and scientists). But, I hope you don't feel that way. Scientists are just mild-mannered guys and dolls who try to determine the truth in ways that can be tested and verified (or not... conclusions that don't stand up to scrutiny being rejected, unlike in the realms politics and religion).

I don't know what percentage of male scientists are cuckolds. I can think of one example... maybe if I thought harder, more would come to mind. It's tempting to assume someone, no doubt, has published a study of this important matter. But, on the other hand, perhaps all proposals submitted to funding agencies to estimate this (using, of course, statistically-valid methods) have been rejected, due to male reviewers preferring ignorance what with suspecting their wives — taking advantage of all the time they are spending away from home pursuing their research — are vigorously dating and fucking other men.

Regarding Mimi's comment:

mimi27406 said:
Sex is not all important; responsibility is.

It's hard to resist the temptation to point out that without sex, there would be no responsibility.

Jaxunman said:
I see your choices as two. 1. You can retake the castle and again establish yourself as master of your domain. 2. You can go get your cords clipped so you can stop dreaming about fathering children and passing these weak genes on.

I completely agree, I think he should take option two.
What's your thought about it?
It doesn't matter what I think. (0:
Not my wife or kid.
Agreement, Communication and Honesty

Do you want children?

Are you able/willing to support/educate and give of your time to the child?

Can you as the cuckold husband never ever put down the child, its mother or her lover?


  • user1416_pic9979_1303669058.jpg
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Great pic Mimi!!
That will strike it home I think.
Dont get me wrong. We have kids. And I know the night they both were conceived.
One of my biggest sexual weaknesses is a white blonde with a mocha baby.
My wife knows that if she says something about her being pregnant from on of her many black playmates, I blow within seconds.
But for us it's only a fantasy. She can't have anymore.
We have discussed this in depth over the last week. I feel more and more comfortable with this as the days pass. Susan has told me she has stopped taking birth control.

The more we have talked, the more Susan has revealed about her past. It seems that cuckolding runs in her family. She said her mother would have affairs regularly without her fathers knowledge. When Susan asked her about them her mother told her it was all just for the sex. Susan's father could not satisfy her mother sexually. Her mother told her about the affairs after Susan had been caught cheating on an ex-boyfriend. As well as this Susan has told me that her younger sister confided in her that she is not sure who the father is of 1 of her 2 children. Her husband is not aware of this.

Susan has told me of the guilt her mother and sister feel and she did not want this. She also tells me she has been getting advice about this lifestyle from a cuckolding forum but will not say which one. She says she loves and respects me as much as ever for allowing her this lifestyle.
You should know some things. First, a baby or babies brings massive amounts of reality to your lives. Your lives are no longer about you and your wife, but, about the children. My wife has 2 children (both mixed) from her boyfriend. They were conceived and born before we married but when we were "dating." Children are expensive (diapers, formula, clothes that they grow out of quickly, etc.). When they are babies, they may not (and usually don't) sleep through the night. The first year is the worst for the sleep deprivation, after that, it gets easier. Raising children (feeding them, bathing them, taking care of them) is hard work and wears both parents out. So, if this is all about being turned on by the thought of your wife having another man's child, DON'T have a child.

My wife's girls are positively wonderful and raising them and taking care of them gives me a joy that I never knew existed. I have never regretted deciding to take care of those children and raise them as my own. I love them more than words can convey. We are extremely cautious as the girls get older to watch what we say and do around them. They are being raised in a relatively normal (the relatively part has to do with my crazy wife) environment.

Having children WILL impact your lives, greatly. I know there is some erotic joy gained from the thoughts of your wife carrying another man's child but you have to look at the realities of life. Choose to have children for the right reasons.

As far as the posters that say things about letting your gene pool die, let your wife "breed" with a strong man-please. That's ridiculous fiction. I am a professional and am more successful and intelligent (and probably stronger) than my wife's lover. I am so tired of this philosophy that all cucks are little, wimpy guys who should just bow down to the superior bulls. It's fiction and crap. Let someone mess with my little girls and see how inferior I really am. I just can't stand that whole load of bullshit.

I will also say that raising mixed race children is not always easy. There are a lot of disapproving looks from others and some difficult and painful questions from the child or children that you have to answer. My girls have everything they need and want and are dearly loved by both of us. The fact that they are biologically not mine does not make me love them any less.

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