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President Palin to be sworn in to office

  • Thread starterJosetta
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Hillary may not look as hot, but she's twice the woman that six colleges in six years pageant loser will ever be.


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After hearing her say she would go to war with Russia before she would do another cold war,sent chills throgh me, this person has no idea what shes doing,maybe someone should tell her if she starts a war with Russia it will be all out, and that will end this whole mess as we know earth ,she,s power crazy already ,everyone better wake up to this woman, I being a woman would never vote for her,thank you,
lol... Palin needs to get off the roids. last thing we need is war with russia over an election...
i don't know what people want, if change is what they want , what better change than a relativly new person, unknown to washington insiders, thats what is scaring them
being new doesn't mean you'll change things... it just means you're new. real, meaning full, long lasting change can only come through either mass unrest or some large fateful event. otherwise, if you think of it, a the three branches of government are basically the administrative end of a plant overseeing it's maintenance and upgrades. so change is kept at a modest level is what they are here to achieve.
as for palin, her greatest accomplishment as a vice president will be making the democrats somehow miss the bush/cheney team. and that's no small feat indeed!!

clyd39 said:
i don't know what people want, if change is what they want , what better change than a relativly new person, unknown to washington insiders, thats what is scaring them
you're absolutely right. i think the Jerry fallwell variety of minority is what we should have. the religious, conservative, white, male minority! they have never been given a voice!!!
zulu said:
Wow! You must have a crystal ball. I guess having a minority in office is only good if it's 1) a black minority and/or 2) a liberal minority.
She has our vote

We have lived in Alaska for years.... I trust her... SHe has our vote.... well Mccain does. Before Sarah... I had know clue. Barrack scares me.
Obama could die in office then you have 66 year old Biden at the helm so what is your point? Age has nothing to do with when you may die.
Barack scares you? we because he's peace loving and not ready to go with the only other "superpower" over a friggin election?? is that why he scares you? or is it because he isn't abusing his powers in office to get subordinates canned for personal reasons??
it amazes me how many conservatives are into IR...well really it sorta scares me. no offense.

akcouple2000 said:
We have lived in Alaska for years.... I trust her... SHe has our vote.... well Mccain does. Before Sarah... I had know clue. Barrack scares me.
Palin ought to scare you! If legistation of morality bothers you be very very scared! The woman is part of the "Christian right" (which is neither). Those people would make fundamental christianity part of goverment if they had their way. Those fools are sometimes as nutty as Islamic extremists! How is bombing an abortion clinic any less of an act of terrorism than a suicide bomber? It isn't but at least the suicide bomber believes in his cause enough to die for it!

For those of you who say there is seperation of church and state, well there has been but if you look closely at the Constitution it's not a law per se. Imagine the kind of Supreme court we will have! Palin does not believe in hate crimes, she does not believe in affirmative action (I don't believe in giving unqualified minorities jobs, but if you think racism is not alive and well today you are DREAMING! Something has to be done to promote equality and justice!) Palin would set this county back 50-100 years in a matter of four.

Palin and McCain both pander to big oil. Palin would drill more and promote use of more oil. In my mind if there is even a chance that Global warming is real wee need to take action! Those people care about prifit now and fuck tommorrow! For our children's sake we need to care for the environment!

Remember the economic prosperity of the Clinton years? It will just get worse with another Republican in office. Hell look at the financial disclosure statements of the candidates themselves! Barack Obama is a very successful man, and his finances are in order. McCain on the other hand is in hawk to his eyeballs and has a lot of credit card debt. Who would you rather have manage the finances of the nation?

Unfortunately I think Palin panders to the conservative base enough, and there is enough racism in this country that I believe a McCain presidency is all but inevitable, but I fear for this country if that happens. We all should! Get out and vote! Vote for Obama, vote for real change!
blkoralslaveboy said:
Barack scares you? we because he's peace loving and not ready to go with the only other "superpower" over a friggin election?? is that why he scares you? or is it because he isn't abusing his powers in office to get subordinates canned for personal reasons??
it amazes me how many conservatives are into IR...well really it sorta scares me. no offense.

Sure, racism is part of the kink...
blkoralslaveboy said:
Barack scares you? we because he's peace loving and not ready to go with the only other "superpower" over a friggin election?? is that why he scares you? or is it because he isn't abusing his powers in office to get subordinates canned for personal reasons??
it amazes me how many conservatives are into IR...well really it sorta scares me. no offense.

McCain doesnt want to go guns blazing across the globe, that is a liberal talking point.
Obama's foriegn policy is built on weakness and a naive view of reality. We need a person that lives in the real world, not a world that we wish existed. Though McCain is far from my first choice, I trust him far more than I trust Obama.
On foreign policy, I think McCain would be a good prez myself. If Obama wins, hopefully Biden's knowledge will help him but I think the influence of either VP is vastly overstated by all sides. Whichever one wins, the VP will be put back in the box, Cheney's power as VP was (hopefully) an aberration that's coming to an end.
vtjames742 said:
McCain doesnt want to go guns blazing across the globe, that is a liberal talking point.
Obama's foriegn policy is built on weakness and a naive view of reality. We need a person that lives in the real world, not a world that we wish existed. Though McCain is far from my first choice, I trust him far more than I trust Obama.

Respectfully disagree. McCains whole life should scare you. From his role in the USS Forestal Aircraft Carrier accident (144 American Sailors killed, 18 never found so badly burned or fell off boat, and more than one hundred injured. One cause of the Forestal explosion was Pilot Lt Cmd John McCain (known for being a "hot dog" pilot) "wet-started" his A4 Jet Fighter. "Wet Starting" was a trick "hot dog" piots would pull to shake up the pilots waiting behind them preparing for take off. The "hot dog " piolt causes his rear jet engine to flame outword in dramatic and unnecessary way so as to draw attention to themselves.

McCain's "wet starting" his F4 and the flame shorting out his rear caused a Zimi Rocket on another Plane to activate and shoot. The Rocket hit McCains plane, and McCain dropped his bombs right there on the flight deck and the jumped out of his plane running to excape the flames that killed and wouned the hundreds of other Sailors.

McCains father was an Admiral and McCain was the first person transferrred off the USS Forestal right away. (to keep him safe from the outrage and pay back of his other shipmates).

There were many studies of the incident of which Admiral McCain oversaw but none would point the blame at McCain. If this don't begin to sound like another Bush family cover up I don't know what does?

McCain was like Lt. Dan in Forest Gump movie, in that his inbreeding from his Father, and previous Fathers controlled his belief systems and decision making. While a POW he chose to stay as his Father had been an Admiral and his Father's Father had been a Admiral, so he had been raised with a desire to match or surpass their accomplishments.

McCain returned from Viet Nam to the wife and kids who waited for him to find she had just been in a horrible car accident. Being the honor bound guy he is, McCain began whoring around and found a blonde with a millionaire father who could offer him political connections to begin a career in politics. He immedicate went to his wife still being treated for the car accident and divored her to marry the blonde.

McCain was one of 5 US Senators invovled with and making up the "keating five" group who had sought out special treatment and favors for Charles Keating, one of the biggest operators of a Savings and Loan that tanked do to mismanagement and improprieties.

Again because of the "good ole' boy" club in Congress, McCain only got his hand smaked and a little embarassment.

Yes John McCain has shown from time and time agin to be worthy of much trust. He calls himself a maverick who has acted against his own party, when the fact is he is a politician of the worst kind. You will never where his is simply because he doesn't know. His every move is based upon what kind of political point there are to be gained. If he thinks he will score points by being against something, he will. But as he has also shown he thinks that there are political points to be gained by reversing stance and resupporting what he said he was against he will and has done that as well.

What scares many about Obama, is the fact that even though he is half black and half white, they view him as black only. They can't support or vote for a black person for that reason alone. Then they come up with all kinds of other reasons to state why they won't vote for Obama.

Tragic, Obama is the only real change between the two. McCain will continue the same old worn out economics the previous republican administrations have tried and failed.

As far as weakness and foriegn policy is concerned. Bush and Rice have made the US Military so weak and there is no foriegn policy. Rice was an expert in Russion/European Cold War issues, so Bush puts her in charge of the Middle East. On one hand like having a dermatologist perform open heart surgery. The Middle East is a thousand times more complicated that the cold war issues and not a place of on the job training. Result is now we have depleated out military weapons and systems to such an extent that we are not ready to address a world military situation. The rest of the world, China and Russia know this (Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezauala, etc...) and are taking advantage of it.

The so called surge in Iraq is just an admission of the mistake made by Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice by ignoring the Generals and not sending in adequate numbers of troops in the invasion. We'd be welcome as liberators.

The so called surge is combined with a fact not too widely publizied by the media that the US as part of the surge made deals with the warloards, and insurgent to pay them large sums of money (allowances) to not fight.

When we leave and/or stop paying money, Irans influence will take over and the blood bath will flow!

Despite what McCain and now his puppet Palin say on the campaign trail, this is not a matter of winning or loosing, its a matter of politics and who can use it for their political advantage.

Do I feel safer now because seven years after 9-11 there has not been a terrosist attack?

Hell no! It took seven years of planning and logistics for the planning of 9-11. Bush has failed to catch Obama, despite his promise to do so, fearing if he had caught or killed him the american public would loose even more support for ongoing operations in Iraq and Afganistan.

Undisputed fact is John McCain is just the same worn out Republican system that has put our nation where it is. Obama is the change. That is what frightens so many. A Black guy is going to become President and get things corrected for the better.

One last thing in my mind that deals with trust. In my family my Father was on Omaha Beach/D-Day, and fought on through the Battle of the Bulge and end of WW2 receiving two purple hearts. My family tree on my mothers side can be traced back to the Revolutionary War. My family has lost lives, been wounded, and served honorably in literrally just about every was for this nation.

But just like the many millions of men and women who have done the same, my Father did his duty and returned home of marry, have children and be a member of the citizenry without seeking attention and nothing in return for his sacrifices.

Those are the truest of American fighting men and women.

McCain since his return to life as a Citizen has exercised every chance and tool at his disposal to better himself and obtain for himself all that he could using his service.

This to my is the most unpatriotic thing a person can do. I think in earlier times, just after the Civil War, it was called "Raising the bloody red shirt" against the Republicans who ran on what supposedly they had done during the was enorder to get elected.
Concur with Handigirl. And Palin isn't remotely qualified to step in as president. She has some of the same problems as Bush in fact: secrecy, clique-promoter, ethics problems, lack of intelligence. She's not as bad as Dan Quayle as VP, but that's about all you can say.

Obama is well-qualified.

I used to like the straight-talk McCain, but he sold out.
Obammy has no executive experience. Palin has executive experience. Obammy is a prop for the American Nazi Porch Party.
and that is the way it is (ha) sure and you know this how handigrl your info came from where and who or is it just you mouth talking LMAO
I think it's interesting that you bring up an incident from McCain's youth as evidence of his untrustworthiness(is that a word?). Yet the much more recent past of Obama's life gives him little credibility also. And it's not because he's black.

Let's start with Resko and his association with him. Even forgetting that Obama was helped by Resko in getting property, let's talk about what Obama did for Resko. Obama helpedswing a deal where Chicago's low cost housing was turned over to private management. Guess who Obama helped get a big chunk of that management deal? Yep, Resko. Who then proceeded to collect rents and put no money back in to the housing. Subsequently, the facilities deteriorated to such an extent that the buildings were literally falling apart at the seams, Resko simply abandoned the deal and walked away, leaving the city and the residents high and dry. He collected huge sums of money for nothing and within 10 years the buildings are being knocked down because they're no longer worth repairing.
Oh yeah, don't forget association with a member of the weather underground and good ol' Rev. Wright.

And let's not forget Obama stating repeatedly that he will definitely not vote for Telecom Immunity and then, lo and behold, he votes for it. Or how about the only important thing he had to do in the Senate? Chairman of the Subcommittee for Afghanistan War Veterans(might not be exact name of subcommittee). Guess how many meetings they had since he's been in that position? ZERO.

A different kind of politician? Yeah, if you think that someone who wheels and deals and hacks his way up the Chicago political machine by pandering for black votes and wheeling and dealing with slumlords and anti-american radicals to be different. Mr. Unity. How about his primary campaign which he literally won by again pandering to black votes? Or do you think making false allegations about Bill Clinton being a racist wasn't playing the race card? Or Obama winning virtually every urban area and 90% of the black vote is just a coincidence?

It's kind of hypocritical to accuse people of being against Obama because he's black when so many blacks are voting for him just because he's black, dontcha think?

Obama talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk. He has virtually no experience at managing anything except campaigns and has accomplished nothing but climbing up the political ladder. By all accounts, access to Obama is non-existent for the press. When was the last time you saw him answering impromptu reporter's questions? His campaign staff and him are probably the most shrouded in secrecy of any in recent history. Oh yeah, we can expect transparency in government.

I'm far from being a Bush fan or apologist and I think either candidate will do a far better job than Bush has. Mccain at least has some experience and is a known entity. Will he do what he says in his campaign? Nope. But we have SOME idea what to expect. We have absolutely NO idea what Obama will do because we have no prior record to analyze. We do have a history of poor character judgement though and I believe that might be the most important thing the next president will do, pick people to actually run the country. How many more Resko's and Wright's are going to be in Obama's administration?

I wish there was a way they could both lose,lol, because I could go on and on with what I consider Mccain's faults also. But you're trying to make a case for Obama on flimsy ground and essentially by attacking McCain, not by pointing out Obama's attributes. As a matter of fact, your only mentions of Obama are that people are voting against him because he's black.

BTW, I'm not voting for McCain but not for the reasons you stated.

P.S. Yes, we bought the warlord's support but part of the surge WAS sending an additional 4000 troops in to Anbar and Iran has no influence whatsoever with the Sunni warlords you mention.
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