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Sex On The Road


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Sex on The Road

Sex on the road gang.jpg

by EroticWriter

Jennifer now was ready for Juann to fuck her, and at that moment she would
have done anything just to get that cock in her pussy! Finally he pulled out
of Jennifer's mouth and told her to lay down and spread her legs. Jennifer
quickly was on her back with her legs as far apart as they would go. Juann
laughed and yelled up to Lamar, "Hey bro, this little bitch is ready now!"

He crawled between her legs and raised himself onto his knees. “You want it
in you, cunt?” All Jennifer could do was nod as Juann rubbed the head of the
monster up and down her dripping crack. When it would hit her clit
Jennifer's body would give an involuntary jerk. “Please go ahead,” she

Two days before

Jennifer placed a piece of pie before a male customer and carefully arranged a
knife, fork and spoon, wrapped tightly together with a napkin, beside the plate.
She gave the customer her biggest smile and lingered long enough to ask him if
there would be anything else he needed, perhaps a refill?

As Jennifer walked back to the kitchen her mind was on other things. In a few
hours she would finally be on her way to Hollywood! Jennifer had been saving
and calculating for a long time. One more paycheck and she would have enough.

When the customer left, Jennifer pocketed the two dollar tip he had left. Nice!
A two dollar tip for an order of pie and coffee. Sarah, the woman who had taught
her how to wait on tables had been right.

All you had to do was wear a sexy top, do a lot of bending over when you waited
on men, give them a big smile, and flirt. The payoff, good tips. The downside,
you had to keep from upsetting them when you turned down their offers of a
date, and more.

Well, the day had finally arrived and as she loaded suitcases into the trunk
of her car, Jennifer couldn't wait to get on the road. If there was anything
Jennifer wanted, it was to get out of the small Kansas town where she had
spent her entire lifetime. Boring.

That was all she could say about her hometown of Liberal. Nothing to do but
cruise the street and make out with her boyfriend in his car or hers. There
was another problem, the boyfriend was just like Liberal, boring.

Jennifer was just 19, going on 20, and going to Hollywood was something
Jennifer had wanted to do since she had been in the fifth grade and landed
the lead in a school play.

Everyone said that Jennifer was good enough as an actress to be in the
movies. She was also probably the prettiest girl in her high school so
Jennifer had made the decision to go to California while in her senior year.

It took several months of working in a restaurant to save enough money to
make her move, especially since she had purchased a car to get around with
in Los Angeles. Jennifer could only afford a used car. Not knowing that
Jennifer was planning to use the car at a future time to leave town, her
boyfriend had helped her some, and daddy had kicked in with a few dollars.

Jennifer had searched for weeks, and finally had found a really neat 1994
Mustang convertible. It was bright red, and Jennifer was looking forward to
cruising the famous "Sunset Strip" in it. One good thing, the Mustang was
paid for, and Jennifer would not be saddled with car payments to make while
looking for work.

Heading west on US 54, Jennifer crossed the corners of Oklahoma and Texas
in no time and joined Interstate 40 at Tucumcari. She went across New Mexico
and just before the Arizona line got a motel in Gallup. She ignored the the nerdy
motel clerk's attempts to flirt with her upon check in. It was well past sunset,
and she slept like a log.

In the morning, now seeing the country around Gallup for the first time, Jennifer
was amazed at how red and beautiful the formations were. She headed into
Arizona with the top down and the wind in her long red hair, Jennifer felt
like she was on her way to a new and exotic land.

Meteor Crater to the left! Jennifer wanted to see it, but passed on by in her
rush to get to California. Maybe the next time, if and when I ever pass this way.

When she passed through Flagstaff, the elevation was high and the air
felt fresh and alive. Jennifer was amazed at how the terrain changed so
rapidly as she crossed Arizona on Interstate 40. Getting late, another motel,
and some more money, already gone.

The next morning it was so nice that she even turned off and traveled
Arizona 66, renamed by Arizona after the government had decommissioned
the famous US 66. Jennifer rejoined the interstate when she passed through
Kingman. Jennifer felt a thrill when she saw a sign giving the mileage to Needles.

Needles! That meant California. Jennifer had studied her maps and knew that
Needles was just across the Colorado River in California. Before long she
would be in California and there was one more desert to cross, the Mojave.

The elevation had been dropping all the way from Flagstaff to Kingman, and
dropped even further from Kingman to the Colorado River. The temperature
steadily rose. When Jennifer crossed the Colorado River, the contrast between
the lovely blue water and the red shoreline might have been the most beautiful
bit of scenery she had seen so far.

From here, she only had about two hundred fifty miles left to Los Angeles..

So far the trip had been uneventful. It was hot, even for July, and the
temperature hovered around the 100 degree mark in the shade. The sun was
blasting down at her and Jennifer stopped, pulled up the convertible top
and started using her air conditioner.

When she pulled into Needles, the last stop on the eastern edge of the
Mojave Desert, Jennifer stopped at a Carl's restaurant and ate lunch.
Jennifer read the back of the menu while she waited for her food. "It all
began in 1947 when Carl sold fried bologna from a street cart in Los

Bologna? Well, if Carl had started out by selling bologna in Los Angeles,
and now owned a chain of restaurants like this, Jennifer was sure that
she could do even better.

She observed the young girl who had waited on her and was now waiting
on a male customer at a nearby table. The chubby brunette didn't know
how to flirt with men, that was obvious. With the big set of tits that waitress
has, that guy would be good for a 25% tip, at least. The way that girl was
acting, she would be lucky to get 10.

Jennifer needed to use the restroom, but when she headed for it after paying her
check, two women walked into the restroom just ahead of her. One had a baby
in her arms. Rather then have to wait, Jennifer decided to go when she got

Jennifer drove down the street and pulled into a gas station. Jennifer was
wearing a short sleeved blouse, pulled up and tied around her ribcage just
below her breasts. She was wearing no bra and her breasts jiggled a little
with each move she made. She was wearing very short shorts that fit tightly
up into her crack both front and back.

The station attendant spotted Jennifer and came out to pump the gas for her.
Normally he would not do that at the self-serve pump, but he wanted to get
a better look.

"You're waiting on me? Cool. Fill it with regular please." As she was speaking,
Jennifer took note of the price, even for regular. This was California, and way
out in the desert. Sticker shock on the price.

He admired her lush body when Jennifer headed out to use the rest room.
Because of the summer heat, business was really slow, and the attendant
wanted to keep Jennifer around for a while.

She was good to look at, and who knows, maybe he could get her to put out.
He would be off work in a an hour and could invite her home with him.
After all, why would a young woman that looks as good as this travel alone
in the first place?

Figuring that she would get bored after a while and then he could get her to
go home with him, the attendant recommended she stick around his
air-conditioned station and wait until nightfall to make her desert crossing,
because the temperature can get up to 120 degrees out there during
the day.

He told her that it would be a lot easier on her car if she made the crossing
at night, when the temperature could drop by as much as 30 or more

"There's no humidity in the air," he told her, "and there's nothing to hold the
heat once the sun fades."

Jennifer had always heard that ditty. "It's not the heat, it's the humidity," and
out here that was very true. But she was getting antsy, she was in California,
and Hollywood was calling. She should have listened to him but she didn't
want to wait several hours till sundown.

When the attendant saw that she wouldn't listen to reason, he suggested that
she should wait while he checked under her hood for any weak water hoses or
frayed fan belts, things that could strand her.

The attendant hoped mentioning potential problems would be enough to cause
her to stick around till the air cooled down but Jennifer told him to go ahead
and check with a wave of her head and a bright smile.

After he had checked under the hood, the attendant announced that everything
was shipshape and closed the hood. He came around to her window and
recommended that Jennifer take the turnoff at the top of the hill and go off
onto old US 66 because from there the road was more level and it would be
easier on her car in the heat.

Jennifer thanked him for his kindness and the advice and wheeled the
Mustang out onto the highway and headed west.

Interstate 40 made a steady climb for miles as it headed west out of
Needles and the valley the Colorado River passed through. At the top of a
long grade Jennifer saw the turnoff that the attendant had recommended and
took it. The road started to drop and level off right away, just like the
attendant had said.

About five miles further along Jennifer could feel her car becoming sluggish.
She checked the gauges and was startled to see that the temperature needle
was running close to the red zone.

“Shit!” Within a matter of minutes the car was steaming. Jennifer didn't
notice at first because the steam was pouring out under the car. Then she
could smell it in the the passenger compartment. There was a pull off just
ahead. There were a few crumbled walls and It looked like a place where a
gas station had once stood.

Pulling off the road Jennifer turned off the engine and waited. She had been
taught by daddy never to raise the hood if he engine is steaming until the
steam dissipates. Daddy had been scalded that way once and had driven the
dangers home to her.

After a few minutes, she raised the hood. The steam had dissipated but
Jennifer knew that her coolant was gone. She felt a sinking feeling in her
stomach. What to do now?

As Jennifer looked up and down the highway in both directions, she knew
that she was in real trouble. It had been over an hour since she left the
service station and she had not met or been passed by another car ever
since she had turned off onto old US 66.

Although Jennifer thought she had an adequate supply of drinking water
she was unprepared for a busted radiator! The realization that she was
stranded alone in the desert with no way to contact anyone for help left
her feeling more than a little afraid!

Thirty minutes later and still not one solitary soul, and the heat was
becoming unbearable! Now her water supply had dwindled drastically as
Jennier poured a bunch of it into the radiator, only to watch it drain out
onto the ground.

She also had drank too much of it when she had first parked the car.
She now was seriously thinking about dying in the desert! All alone!

Fantasies went through her head, fantasies of standing, then sitting, and
finally, lying here until her life just ebbed away in the heat. They would find
her someday, her bones, and wonder how this had come to be. They would
tow away the Mustang to be fixed up, and toss her bones into the sand.

Just when it looked the bleakest, out of the east Jennifer heard the
definite sound of an engine! She stood up and craned her neck hoping to get
a first glimpse of the oncoming vehicle. It was a jeep, the kind that had a
hard top and was jacked way up in the air.

The white Jeep turned into the pull out before Jennifer even had a chance to wave
it down. It came to a stop, brakes squealing, and Jennifer's face became one
big smile when she recognized the attendant from the station.

"Hi! What are you doing out here? I broke down and you're the first car I've
seen in almost an hour."

The attendant slowly stepped down from the Jeep. He had changed out of his
uniform and was wearing tight blue jeans and a white T shirt. He had a pack
of cigarettes rolled up into the sleeve of the shirt, and Jennifer remembered
her dad saying that he had carried his cigarettes that way "way back when."

"I know," said the attendant. "That's why I told you to come this way."

Jennifer felt a sudden chill, despite the heat. She frowned and began to ask
him, "That's why you told me to come this..."

He cut Jennifer off by grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her back
against the Mustang. Jennifer struggled to get free, but he was much
stronger and twisted one arm and then the other behind her. He only needed
one hand to lock them together at the wrist and hold her there.

Jennifer kept trying to get loose, but his grip was like a vice. Finally, she
ceased resisting because his grip was hurting her wrists. He eased up on his
vice-like grip and Jennifer sighed as her pain eased.

Then, all of a sudden, Jennifer had a new worry to contend with. His hand
was sliding under her blouse. Once he had slipped two fingers under her
blouse, he flipped his hand skyward, and her blouse slid up over her breasts
and stayed there.

Now her lovely B cups were bare and available for him to fondle and
squeeze as he so desired. He did just that, cupping her left tit in his right
hand. He fondled her for a few seconds, and then began teasing her nipple,
which instantly became fully erect, despite the heat.

When he tried to kiss her, Jennifer turned her head away. "Please don't."
She tried to distract him from his mission by talking. "How...how did you
know I would be here, anyhow?

"Hell, baby. That was easy. All I had to do was cut a little slit in your
lower water hose. My only worry was that you might not take the turnoff.
There's always some kind of traffic out on the interstate, no matter how
much heat. On 66 I knew we would have it all to ourself during this part of
the day in the summer."

Jennifer had been screwed. He had tricked her, and now she was going to
get screwed again. Rather than risk trying to fight him off and possibly being
injured, Jennifer decided to let him have his way. "Will you fix my car,
after, if I let you have what you want?"

He laughed, an evil sounding laugh that made Jennifer shiver. "Sure baby.
Brought a water hose and anti-freeze mix for your car with me. You give me
what I want and enjoy it, I want you to enjoy it, and I'll not only fix up your
car for you, I'll even follow you a ways until you can get back up onto the
interstate where you'll feel safer."

"Will you check my car first to make sure you can fix it? It was shooting
steam all over the place."

He grinned at her. "Sure babe. Just sit tight. I brought plenty of water
along. I'll look her over right now and then we can get to fucking."

"Are you sure you can fix it.," Jennifer asked as she pulled her top

He was looking under her hood. "Shit!”

"What is it. What's the matter?" Jennifer suddenly had a sinking feeling in
the pit of her stomach.

"Your block is cracked. I never thought it would do that. You must have kept
driving after it started steaming. It ran hot too long."

"Well, what can you do? Can you fix it?"

"Not unless you let me tow you back to town. I can get a used block out of
the wrecking yard. Since it's a V6 it won't cost much and the owner is a
friend of mine. It will take me a day or so to fix it, but you can stay at
my place."

The attendant looked at Jennifer, figuring that he would get to have her at
his place all night, and if he delayed the work, using the excuse that he
had to put in some hours at the station, he would get to fuck her another
night or even two before the car was ready.

Jennifer did not want to stay in Needles. She had her heart set on getting
to LA, and she had her doubts that the boy could or would fix her car. "I
just want you to give me a ride to the next station where I can maybe hitch
a ride to LA. Can you do that?"

He frowned, "You don't want your car fixed?"

Jennifer had a thought. "If I let you fuck me, will you take me to where I
can get a ride, and then take my car back to Needles and fix it? If you fix
it, you can sell it for me and keep some of the money. I'll settle
for..."$1500 as my share. How's that?"

He grinned. "Well, look. Your car is worth a lot more than $1500 when it's
fixed, but if that's what you want, I won't argue. I'll have to leave it
here until I can get a buddy to steer it while I tow it, but I'll have it
back in Needles by nightfall. That is, if you and I can get it on right

His eyes took on a wild look as he anticipated getting to fuck Jennifer.

"O.K. You fix the car, and when you send me the $1500, I'll send you the
title, fair enough?"

"You got it baby. Let's fuck." She saw him rub his bulge as he pointed
toward his Jeep.

"Let's do it in my convertible where there's more room," Jennifer said.
Actually, this guy was kind of good looking. She might have actually screwed
him on an honest date, but here, in the heat and unwilling, Jennifer just
wanted to get it over with and be on her way.

They crawled into the back seat, which in the convertible was not all that
big, but it would have to do. He disrobed her, which took no longer than the
amount of time it took her to raise her hips while he tugged her tight
shorts down and off. His eyes got big when he saw that her pubic hair was
bright red.

"Damn, you’re a real redhead. I ain't never seen one of them before between
the legs."

He had a weird way of expressing himself, but Jennifer felt a little twinge
of excitement when he pulled his jeans down and prepared to lie between her
legs. He had a nice one, not super big, but big enough, and it was hard as a

"Suck it first. Then, when I get ready to put it in, it'll be good and wet."

Jennifer was already creating some wetness of her own when she lowered her
head over his dick. Her mouth enveloped his knob before her hand wrapped
around his shaft. She began stroking as she tongued him, and he moaned. In
no more than a minute, he said, "Whoa momma. That's enough. Keep that up
and I'll be wasting it down your throat. I've got a better place to dump my

He pushed Jennifer down onto the back seat and climbed over her. "Open those
legs." Jennifer did as she was told and he shuffled his hips forward and
lodged his knob in the middle of her wet pussy. His entry was smooth because
Jennifer was so wet.

"Daaaaammm baby, you're soaking wet. It feels really good. To be that wet
you must have already been hot for me before we started."

Well, Jennifer had not been hot for him until she had seen his penis.
Jennifer had not been laid in the three weeks since she had broken it off
with her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend had been a lousy fuck anyway, so for a while it had not
bothered her to do without something not worth having. Lately though,
Jennifer had been feeling that old tingle between her legs again.

Seeing a nice hard cock staring at her had aroused Jennifer. Jennifer
had fucked only two guys before today but she had jacked off several more.
This was not the largest penis Jennifer had felt entering her pussy, but
close. Close enough that she didn't think there would be a difference in the
way it felt.

That is, until he began fucking her. He seemed to sense what Jennifer needed
and wanted, because every time she began to think that something felt good,
he did it better. When she became used to something he was doing, he
switched his technique and renewed her arousal.

Jennifer came once, having one of her better orgasms, and a little later he
shot a load into her. He stayed hard and kept going, and pretty soon Jennifer
came once again. When he moved his lips to hers, she willingly kissed him.

"You know something? You're the littlest gal I've ever fucked. How tall are
you anyway, about five feet?"

Jennifer needed to catch her breath, "Four feet eleven, 96 pounds."

"Really? I just know that I love fuckin' you. You're so small it makes me
feel like I'm six feet tall instead of five foot seven."

"You're plenty big enough for me," said Jennifer. "I didn't want to fuck you
at first, I just wanted to get it over with. I must say though, so far you're the
best fuck I've had."

"Really?" The kid was beginning to hope that maybe he could convince
Jennifer to return to Needles with him. Hell, if he could keep her happy for
a couple of nights, maybe he could convince her to stay, and maybe even
marry him. It gets pretty lonely in Needles, California.

Just then, as Jennifer was starting to moan when he began fucking her
harder, they heard a sound. A vehicle was pulling off the road and the rocks
under its wheels were hitting the underside of whatever it was.

"Fuck!" The boy on top of Jennifer suddenly raised his body to look. At the
same time, Jennifer used her elbows to raise her upper body and look over
the window sill. But her legs, her legs she kept around his ass, holding him,
and his nice penis, inside.

It was a van! A dark blue Dodge Ram conversion van. the kind that even had a
raised roof so you could stand up inside! 'God, I hope they don't just jump
out and see me laying here naked,' Jennifer thought!

The big van pulled over just behind Jennifer's Mustang and a tall good
looking young black man of about twenty five got out and walked up to her
car. He looked into the back seat and saw them. His face barely changed
expression when he saw the boy's naked ass and one of Jennifer's breasts. He
had just the slightest hint of a smile on his face.

”Car trouble?” he asked? "I can see anti-freeze all over the ground under
your car."

“I think it's a cracked block,” Jennifer replied. “I'm on my way to Los
Angeles,” she added, talking to the black man as if there were no naked boy
lying on top of her.

“My name's Juann. That's Lamar over there driving the van,” the black man

“I'm Jennifer,” she said as the boy pulled his soft cock out of her, sort of spun
his body around, and sat up. When he did, Juann was provided with a glimpse
of the white boy's semi-hard cock, and a full view of her naked body, including
the cum oozing out of her snatch. “Could you guys give me a lift to L.A.?
I'll pay you,” asked Jennifer.

This broke the station attendant's heart. Just like that she was going to go
off with two blackies. He had just got done fucking her, well, actually, he
wasn't done, he was going for one more orgasm, which would have been his
second, and it had apparently meant nothing to her.

“Let's ask Lamar, it's his van,” answered Juann. Lamar stepped out of the
van and listened to the story Jennifer had told Juann. He was several feet
away, but he could see her sitting up, naked in the convertible. His eyes
kept looking her over. The way he looked at her was not strange. It reminded
Jennifer of the men at the bar she went to on occasion in her home town.

Juann came back to Jennifer, who had put her blouse on and pulled her shorts
up and over her ass. The boy from the station had pulled his jeans up and
stepped out of the convertible. He seemed ill at ease, and Jennifer figured
he may be worried at having two large black men around out here in the
middle of nowhere.

"Sure, we'll be glad to give you a ride. Are you ready to go? We want to get

Jennifer looked over at the gas attendant. He looked down at the ground and
kicked some sand. "I"d better be heading back to town to get someone to help
me with your car. Looks like you don't need me to get you somewhere now."

Jennifer smiled. She reached into the front seat of her car and took out a
pen. After he had written his name, address and phone number, Jennifer told
the kid that she would be in touch to see about the Mustang as soon as she
had an address. A couple of minutes later, with the keys to the Mustang in
his pocket, the kid was gone, the Jeep fading into the distance.

It was then that Juann made the proposition! If Jennifer wanted a ride to
L.A. she would have to be more than a little friendly to both he and Lamar!
Otherwise she could sit here and hope for someone else to come along.

Jennifer couldn't believe it! Here she was trapped in the desert with two
men who were willing to leave her to die if she did not have sex with both
of them! She kicked herself for not taking the attendant up on his offer of
repairs and a place to stay. Yeah, a place to fuck, and that didn't sound so
bad now.

Worse, she was now locked out of her own car. No place to sit or take
shelter from the blazing sun.

She was jarred back to reality when Juann snapped, "Take it or leave it, it
makes no difference to me! Get in or don't, but we gotta go!”

Jennifer thought for a quick moment and asked Juann if she could grab her
suitcases, which fortunately she had had the foresight to remove from the
trunk before giving the kid the keys. “Get them,” he said.

The next thing Jennifer knew she was in the back of the van riding with
two strange men who most certainly were going to want her to have sex
with them. She was prepared to do it, but hoped that something could be
worked out short of going through with it.

Lamar had taken the wheel and Juann had slid into the back of the van with
Jennifer. “Ever suck a black dick,” asked Juann? They weren't wasting any
time. No more than three or four minutes and it begins.

Jennifer shook her head no and dreaded the thought that she may have to
give this black man head. Juann's long black fingers slowly unfastened the
button of his pants and pulled the zipper down.

Jennifer gasped. He had pulled out the biggest cock Jennifer had ever seen!
She stopped thinking about sucking him, her only thought was when he
finally gets around to fucking her how is it ever going to fit in her little

Although Jennifer wasn't exactly a virgin, her previous two, no, now it was three
lovers had been on on the smallish side dick wise compared to this cock. Her
pussy was far from being stretched out, but that might be about to

She snapped back again when Juann said, “Get your clothes off!” Jennifer
slowly removed her clothing as Juann watched with hungry eyes! His eyes
settled on her tits. He reached out and roughly pinched her nipples, and
although it hurt, it also exited her.

Naked now and feeling a little more into it, she leaned over and took Juann's
big penis into her mouth. She could barely get the head in! His dick tasted
funny, sort of like a 'burned" flavor. The taste and texture of this huge dick
began to make Jennifer's pussy really wet, and she couldn't believe the fact
that she was becoming extremely turned on by this black man!

Jennifer had heard stories, jokes mostly, but now she was starting to see
why so many white women wanted to be with black men! They became
addicted to the huge penises these men had hanging between their legs.

Jennifer now was ready for Juann to fuck her, and at that moment she would
have done anything just to get that cock in her pussy! Finally he pulled out
of Jennifer's mouth and told her to lay down and spread her legs. Jennifer
quickly was on her back with her legs as far apart as they would go. Juann
laughed and yelled up to Lamar, "Hey bro, this little bitch is ready now!"

He crawled between her legs and raised himself onto his knees. “You want it
in you, cunt?” All Jennifer could do was nod as Juann rubbed the head of the
monster up and down her dripping crack. When it would hit her clit
Jennifer's body would give an involuntary jerk. “Please go ahead,” she

With that, Juann started pushing. He entered her with half the head,
stopping at the widest part, which was stretching her lips further than they
had ever been designed to go. Jennifer groaned loudly as he held it there
and looked down at how her lips had thinned out from being stretched so far.

"You sure got some tight pussy bitch,” Juann said. He pulled back, and
Jennifer sighed as the pressure was released. Then, without warning he
pushed again, shoving over half his cock into her. He was tearing her apart.

Juann laughed and said, "Like that bitch? I got more for you." He pulled it
almost all the way out and moved forward again, this time shoving all ten
inches deep into Jennifer's quivering little body! When he felt his dangling
balls hit her ass he immediately lifted, pulling his cock all the way back
until the ridge on his knob tugged her lips outward.

"Damn, bitch. You done took it all. You're a black man's dream. Little body,
pretty face, red hair and a pussy that can take a real dick!"

His coarse language, which had scared her at first, was now turning her on.
His "compliment" excited and raised her level of arousal. He eased forward and
pulled almost out again, and before he reached the bottom of his next stroke
Jennifer was already in the midst of a massive orgasm like none she had ever
had before!

“Oh Juann, I love that!” With every plunge it seemed she was cumming! God
she loved this big black cock! She threw her arms around his neck and wrapped
her legs around his ass in an attempt to pull him in even farther!

It was too far, and Jennifer yipped when Juann bottomed out, hurting her.
She quickly lowered her legs and put them back around the back of his thighs
just below his ass. That is where she had them before, and she could handle
his length from there.

Fucking, fucking, fucking each other. As Juann neared orgasm he increased
the already rapid pace of his fucking, and his nuts tightened and it seemed to
Jennifer that he even got harder as a gusher of cum was shot like a volcano into
Jennifer's now very stretched out pussy! All she could do was hang on for
dear life!

Jennifer stayed naked in the back of Juann's van for the next five hours
while fucking and sucking the two black studs. Lamar wasn't as large as
Juann. As a matter of fact he was a little smaller than the station attendant
had been. Maybe all black guys weren't big, like she had thought.

Even so, Lamar felt pretty good to her. At one point, near Victorville, they
had pulled into a wide spot in the road, and both men had gone at her. At
one point she had been riding Lamar while sucking Juann. It was the first
time she had ever "swallowed," when Juann got so excited that he lost

During the trip, they each had fucked her three times. Finally, as
they drove down Cajon pass and through San Bernardino, they let her sleep.
Jennifer's dreams were a jumble of cocks, all kinds of cocks, white ones
mixed with black ones until the black dicks shot out a huge load, knocking
the white dicks out of the way and then entering her pussy.

No matter how many times the dicks entered her, it was like she was a virgin,
being broken in for the first time. Jennifer woke up at one point, and she was
sweating, despite the fact that the van was cool from the air conditioning.

When they finally reached Los Angeles Jennifer was at a loss for words. She
wanted to chase her dream of stardom, but she didn't know where to start! As
they drove into town Juann asked her where she wanted to be dropped off.
Jennifer just looked at him and said, “Give me a place to stay for a few
days till I get settled, and I'll keep you happy.” Juann nodded to Lamar and
said, “Let?s take the bitch home.”

Jennifer spent several days in Inglewood with Juann and Lamar. In addition to
some wild sex, she even prepared some meals for them. When she received
her $1500 for the Mustang, Jennifer had Juann drive her to Hollywood. Jennifer
had an additional couple of hundred that Juann and Lamar had come up with to
help her out.

Apartments in the area cost more than she expected as she laid out over $600
including a security deposit for one month's rent on an efficiency unit. It didn't
even have a separate bedroom it was so small, but Jennifer had to preserve her
limited funds.

The apartment had one interesting feature. It had a ladder you could
climb up to get onto the roof, and the view of Hollywood was pretty good.
It wasn't private enough for sun-bathing though. Jennifer wasn't too worried
about the money. If she couldn't land work in the movies right away, Juann
and Lamar had some friends that would help support her, for "favors."

Sure enough, before another month had gone by, Jennifer found herself
running low enough on money that she began to get worried. A call to Juann
was all it took. That night Juann drove up from Inglewood and brought a
buddy along. This time she had two huge dicks to contend with, and Jennifer
wondered if Juann had gone out of his way to find another black guy with a big

After an hour of sweaty sex Juann asked Jennifer if she could handle one more.
Jennifer said, “give me 30 minutes to rest and have him come over." Well, it
took him closer to an hour to get there, but he brought lots of cash and
some white powder.

As they showed her how to "make a line" and sniff the cocaine, the new guy
dropped his pants. His dick was average sized, but she was smart enough not
to comment. Jennifer didn't remember a whole lot of what happened after
that, but there had been some picture taking. The man with the cocaine and
money had also brought his camera. He had mentioned something about putting
this on 'Slutwives.'

The next morning, Jennifer woke up to find herself with a sore ass and richer
by $600. And all for just a couple of hours work. Juann had written a note on
the outside of the envelope. "Nice going baby. I got more for you. Just let me
know when you are ready."

Jennifer smiled. Hell, this paid more than flirting for tips in Kansas, and
it was more fun too! She opened a drawer in the bed stand next to her bed and
pulled out a business card. It belonged to some guy who had told Jennifer
that he could get her into 'adult' pictures. Jennifer didn't know exactly what
adult movies were, but she had an idea.

She started dialing the number. Sex on the road gang.jpg
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