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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
SHOWING My Steady MARRIED Pussy Full Version

The sequel to Sharing My Steady Pussy

Sorry folks if you started reading another version of this story. It is cut off at the end

by EroticWriter

As I was on my knees on the passenger floor of my car and feeding the meat to my steady New Mexico pussy, I was looking over Sue's shoulder and into the back seat. Bob was there, and he was making out with Jamie. I could see by the light of the moon flooding through the windows that Bob was still trying to fuck Jamie, and not actually getting to.

Bob had been double dating with me on occasion, maybe one night a week. He had no car and would ride into Las Cruces with me from White Sands Missile Range and sometimes, if I was lucky, he would actually put some gas into my car. Gas was still in the twenty cent range in those days, but when you are trying to support a car, date a gal, and survive on around a hundred dollars a month clear, every penny counts.

Now Bob was trying to put some dick into Jamie, but I was seeing it for the first time and could see that Bob did not have much dick to put. 'That's a skinny little cock' I was thinking to myself. I wanted Sue to see it, not because I wanted to turn her on to Bob but because I wanted Sue to see a cock that was smaller than mine so that she would more appreciate me.

Reader, if you have not read 'Sharing my Steady Pussy,' you need to catch it first and then finish this. But if you can't find it on this site, no sweat. This story stands alone. It is just that if you haven't read that story I need to bring you up to date.

Once the Army had re-assigned me from Redstone Arsenal in Alabama to White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) in southerne New Mexico I had set out immediately to find some steady New Mexico pussy to replace the steady Alabama pussy I had left behind. The steady Alabama pussy had been 35 and married. Sue, my current New Mexico pussy was 22 and single.

I had shared my steady New Mexico pussy with one man, Kenny, a much older fellow soldier who had ridden with me from Alabama, and Sue had really gotten off on his slightly larger cock. Mostly it was probably the situation that had excited her, but I knew his cock had been instrumental as well.

Now I wanted Sue to know that there were also cocks out there that are slightly smaller than mine, and in Bob's case, more than slightly.

I kept slow pumping into Sue and watching the action in the back seat. Bob claimed that he had already fucked Jamie in the past, but from what I could see, he had never gotten that far. Bob was alternating between feeling her breasts under her blouse, and trying to finger her snatch. This was probably just as frustrating for me as it was for Bob because from my view I could neither see Jamie's tits nor her pussy.

Kissing constantly, Bob would fondle her under the blouse, but only after Jamie had sort of tried to fight him off. Then, when he would try to go up under her skirt, which for the moment was high above her knees, Jamie would close her legs and use a hand to stop him before he could go all the way under. As time passed, it was obvious to me. Bob had never fucked Jamie.

Neither Bob nor Jamie was looking my way. I whispered to Sue. “If you turn your head you can see Bob's cock.”

Sue, apparently wanted to see that so she tried to turn her head but could not get it turned far enough since their lower portions were not only behind her but much lower. I had to pull out and allow her to twist her entire body. What Sue was able to see was Bob's erection, maybe four and one half to five inches of circumcised skinny cock, and Jamie's right hand wrapped around it. His cock was barely long enough to have half the head sticking out beyond her four fingers, and Jamie had a little hand.

Sue didn't just sneak a peek at Bob's cock, she spent several seconds watching them making out and seeing how Bob was trying to get into the more intimate places on Jamie and not succeeding. I had pulled back towards the dashboard of my car in order to allow Sue to turn her body and at the moment I could not see the action behind the seat.

Sue was watching them, and knowing that she was probably finding the view to be arousing, I reached between her legs and began fingering her. Sue's body sort of shivered and she opened her legs a little to aid my access. Before proceeding to fuck Sue I had stripped her naked and began fondling those nice C cups with my left hand while using a right finger on her snug snatch.

Then all of a sudden Sue turned her head away from them and back to me. She sort of tugged my body forward and my hard almost seven inches of throbbing meat sunk deeply back into her. Sue's arms wrapped around me once again and she whispered into my ear. “Are they looking at us?”

I whispered back 'No,' and she sort of giggled. “Jamie saw me looking but she just smiled at me and went back to kissing Bob.”

A current and very romantic song called 'Smoke Gets In Your Eyes' was playing on the radio and I knew that Bob and Jamie could not hear us as long as we kept our voices low. “Did she still have her hand on his cock when you saw them?”

A snicker. “Yes.”

“And what did you see?”

Sue probably knew what I was trying to do, and it worked. “It makes me appreciate you more.”

That was what I had wanted to hear. Ever since I had shared Sue with my army buddy one day in his car, first in his back seat and later that night on the grass in a graveyard, I had been wondering if Sue, secretly, was still thinking and lusting over a cock that might be larger than mine.

Being young, I was self-concious over my cock. It was probably above average in size being almost seven inches, but still, you always heard those stories, jokes mostly about guys with nine, ten and twelve inch cocks. And those little eight page comic books called Tijuana Bibles didn't help because the cocks shown there were always huge on the characters in the story.

Dagwood would have a nine incher, Dick Tracy also had around nine, but whenever a book showed up featuring Popeye, his cock would be fifteen inches long, sometimes more The women he fucked were always satisfied beyond comprehension, and Popeye would leave them lying there with stretched pussies dripping with cum.

In a little while I was going to have to slip on a rubber and finish my work with Sue, but for now she was trusting me not to drop even a dribble into her. This was 1959 and the birth control pill was still about four years away.

Finally! Bob had gotten frustrated and had sort of yanked Jamie's blouse up and tugged her white brassiere up and over her tits. Jamie, seeing that she was now ******* and that I could see, I guess gave up and allowed him to fondle her on bare skin. Bob had already been there by going under her bra, and now at last he was able to feel her fine B cups unfettered by the stiff wire that was usually surrounding the cups on a brassiere and made it uncomfortable for a hand to go under and move around inside.

Bob was getting to feel her tits freely for the first time, but something bigger was happening. I was seeing Jamie's lovely B cups, shaped sort of like apples and designed to have fingers wrapped around them, and best of all, Jamie had looked up at me and knew I was seeing her *******.

'She knows I can see her tits!' That was an important step for me. I had been craving a crack at Jamie for some time, and her knowing that I had seen her naked breasts would in effect, be lowering a barrier at some time in the future.

Bob was kissing and fondling, and Jamie was stroking his cock and as she was returning his kisses, she was staring up at me as I was fucking Sue and looking over Sue's shoulder. Now I was wondering and thinking that Jamie might not willingly be allowing Bob to fondle her, but rather she was dong this and allowing me to see her lovely tits. At least that was the way it seemed. I resolved then and there, if she and Bob broke up, I was going to check her out for myself.

That chance was to happen sooner than I had thought. But right now, I had to finish my business. Better to get it over with than have them wait while Sue and I got dressed. Normally I might have gone on and fucked Sue with more vigor and made her cum. But I was very aroused from seeing Jamie half naked in the back seat and did not trust my self control. “Wait Sue while I put on a rubber.”

Sue giggled. “I'll put it on for you.” She liked doing that. Then, from the back seat, Bob spoke. “Are you guys almost done? Jamie wants me to take her home.” Home for Jamie was a woman's dormitory at the School of Mining and Agriculture, which was the name at the time. Later the school would become New Mexico State U.

“In a minute. I have to put on a rubber first.” That told them all they needed to know. I had been fucking Sue without a rubber all this time. A dangerous game in those days. Now they would have to wait a little longer. I planned to make it last more than a minute. I did not want Jamie to think that I was a one minute guy, though that should have been obvious already since we had been making the car shake at times.

Sue giggled as she rolled the rubber down over my stiff prick. I had taught her how to do it just the right way. Leave a little at the end to catch the cum, hold my foreskin down as the rubber rolls down the shaft, stop before going deep into my pubic hair so that it does not pull, and then run my foreskin back and forth a few times so that the rubber ends up fitting me snugly and yet has been stretched enough under my foreskin to be comfortable.

What I had really wanted to do was ask Jamie if she wanted to help, or maybe learn how to roll a rubber down the shaft of a stiff prick. But of course that was out. Bob was the jealouse type.

Sue said something, not real loud and I hoped that Jamie had heard it. “These things fit so tight aound you.”

Feeling a sense of self-importance, I was wondering if Jamie was wishing that she could see my cock. They knew what was happening so for the first time I vocalized it. “Ready to get fucked hard Sue?”

When alone we always had used the word 'screw.' Sue might have been embarrassed by me saying 'fuck' in front of them, but she played along. “Yes, fuck me hard. I need to cum.”

This, in 1959 in the front seat of a car with a couple in the back was very advanced talk. But Sue had already been shared by me with a buddy named Kenny, and she, I suspected now, was into group scenes. So far her group had consisted of two men and a woman, one day and two times, and now it was two in front and two in back.

Sue had done one thing nice for me by asking me to make her cum. Now Jamie, and yes, Bob, knew that I was capable of making Sue cum.

“Here it comes.” Now, all conversation between Sue and I was intended to be heard in the back seat. She gave out with a nice groan as I entered, part of that probably because the rubber was dry but fortunately going into a wet pussy.

They were waiting and probably both frustrated that they were being denied the pleasure Sue and I were feeling, but even so, I planned to last more than a minute. Jamie was back there you see. I lasted two minutes, just long enough to hear Sue let out a long sigh changing into a groan as she wriggled her hips under me and had her climax.

“I wanted to make sure that they in the back, mostly Jamie in the back, knew that Sue had orgasmed in case there was any doubt.

“That was a good one, wasn't it?”

“Oh yes. They always are.” Sue really knew how to play the game.

“Now it's my turn baby. I'll give it to you hard this time.”

I fucked her hard, not needed but doing so for effect. The car rocked back and forth as I slammed into Sue. Usually I ended up inside her by going slow and romantic, but we needed sound effects tonight.

“Uuuh Uuuh Uuuuh!” Sue was reacting to my powerful full length strokes as I slammed my meat into her pussy. She knew why I was doing this. And I was hoping that her sound effects were being translated by Jamie into something like; 'He must have a big cock.'

“Mmmmmmm. Oh baby take it all.” Sometimes I remained quiet when I came, but tonight I gave my audience some sound effects. Of course, in those days of mandatory rubbers, when you said 'take it all,' the rubber ended up getting it.

As I eased slowly out of Sue, the rubber came into view. It was hanging off the end of my cock and full of cum. It had been a good orgasm, for both of us. “Now I need to get this thing off,” I said to no one in particular. I wanted to ask Jamie if she wanted to help Sue pull it off, but Bob was not the kind of guy you could joke around with, not when it came to his girl.

To save time, I will go right to the next major event. Jamie was in my car, and we were alone. About a month after the event I described with the four of us, Bob had been given a general discharge under not so homorable conditions and was out on the street. Instead of returning to his hometown somewhere on the East coast, he had remained in Las Cruces because of Jamie.

They were not getting on so well. Bob no longer had a place to stay since WSMR was out, and he never had owned a car I think for a while he might have used up his remaining pay on motels, and was now trying to stay at the homes of married soldiers.

Bob was trying to keep Jamie on hand but since he was no longer on the base with me, I was not available to run him around. Besides, there comes a point where the money runs out and I was in no position to support him financially.

I knew they were through. It was inevitable. Bob had no future here. Jamie was well on her way to a college degree, and Bob didn't even have a car. Sooner or later, Bob was going to be heading home, and Jamie would be available.

I haven't really gone into any detail about Jamie before now because she was unavailable to me. That was then. Now, maybe she could be. Jamie was around five two, slightly heavy but not fat, not even soft far as I could tell with her clothes on. Nice firm B cups, I had seen those. Lovely face with big brown eyes and capped by a very dark head of hair cut to the length of her shoulders and curled at the ends.

I had cruised by Jamie's dormitory more than once, and by sheer luck had finally seen her walking on campus and had offered her a ride. Jamie had gotten in of course though she only had a block to go. “Were you just driving by,” she asked with a curious grin? Jamie, I knew, knew why I was there.

I came right out with a personal pet name. “Baby, I was looking for you, and you know it.”

She blushed, actually turning red. “I know. Now what? Don't you have Sue?”

I knew that before long my future wife would be here Jill was currently in California, we had been keeping contact by mail, and the plan was for her to bring her car and come to Las Cruces. We would get married and then, one of the advantages, I would no longer have to live in the barracks, sharing a room with twenty other guys in cots.

Sue was a diversion, my steady New Mexico pussy, but only temporarily.

But now, today, my future wife was to remain a secret. I wanted Jamie, and she was in my car. Offically, she and Bob were not 'broken up' as yet, but in reality, it was all over between them. First thing I needed to do was get Jamie away from this campus and anyone who might know her. I did not want any interrupions.

But where to take her? If I went to the one drive-in restaurant in town, there was always the slight chance that someone who knew Bob, or Bob himself might show up. So that was out. I chose to drive uphill to the East, going from pavement to dusty sand, heading further uphill towards the Organ Mountains that separated the Rio Grande Valley Las Cruces sat in from WSMR.

Jamie was starting to look at me strange now, like I was maybe taking her too far out of town and no longer on a paved road. “Don't worry” I said. “I just don't want to get you in trouble with Bob. Out here, no one will see us.”

“See us doing what.” she asked?

I smiled and finding a nice sandy and dry place to park, came to a stop. Here we would not be bothered hopefully and if a car approached, we would see it long before it go to us.

Jamie had to know why I had chosen this spot. She knew that I had been fucking Sue in the very seat she was now seated on, and she knew that I had seen her breasts and saw her holding another man's cock, such as it was. Where else could this conversation go but in one direction?

She came right out with it. “I'm still a virgin.”

She had saved me the awkwardness of finding an opening for this conversation..

“Really? Bob told me that he has already fucked you.” There, I had used the most crude word right up front. I deliberately had avoided saying 'made love' since I was not in the position, our being alone for the first time, to be 'making love' to Jamie. By me saying 'fucked,' I was putting myself on an equal plane with Bob.

And of course I had placed Jamie on the defensive, a better place to have her than her maybe accusing me of being too forward, or expecting too much on a 'first date.'

“He told you that?” She looked and acted indignant. “That's personal, but he lied. Bob has never gotten my panties off.” She looked down at herself. “Not even once, but he tried hard.”

Then she looked into my eyes. “That night when he pulled my bra off, that was the first time he ever saw me naked, or partly so, and you saw me at the same time.” She sighed.

I sighed back and stared deeply into her eyes. “Jamie, I want to hold you so bad. I have been wanting that for weeks.”

She seemed to be needing to be held too. Things had not been going good with her and Bob, and she knew that they were basically finished. Jamie needed to be held, to be loved, and I was hoping that being loved meant being made love to.

“You can hold me, but I plan to remain a virgin until I am married. I want you to know and understand that.”

I chose not to go into that for now. Instead I simply said, “Come here.”

Jamie slid over and met me halfway across the bench seat in my 1953 Oldsmobile. I knew that what I really should be doing was climbing over her, or getting out and going around and sitting on her right since I am right handed. Also that position would have the steering wheel over there instead of over here. At the moment, with her ready to be in my arms, I did not want to delay.

Jamie fitted into my arms so nicely as I turned my body to meet hers. I waited only a minute, and then moved my lips to kiss her first on the neck, and then, with not much resistance from her, on her lips. Her kisses were even better than I had imagined. I kissed her softly, gently, for now. She needed this.

It was hard to go from being loving and tender to sexual. I say it was hard not because of the mental aspects, but because I was super hard between the legs. Sure enough I made the moves, first onto her breasts on top, and then under. Her nipples were erect between my fingers.

Then I moved down and she kept her legs closed for a minute and held them there. “I know you want to remain a virgin,” I said. “Trust me.”

With a sigh her legs opened and in minutes I was not only seeing and feeling her soft pussy hair, but using a finger on her lips, first on the oustside and then, just a little ways in, the inside. Yes, her hymen was still in place. I confirmed that with my finger and not only felt the one little hole in the center, but another, smaller hole off to one side.

I had read books on the subject of hymens and had been made aware that not all hymens consisted of one small hole in the center. Some had two or more. Also there sometimes can be found a very strong hymen, a membrane that is so strong and a hole so tight that it can not be ruptured with a hard cock and a doctor must open it surgically.

“Honey,” his new bride said. “I had it opened by a doctor. It was too strong for a penis to open.”

“Really? A doctor? What kind of tool did he use?”

Well, anyhow I, as far as I know was the first to get a finger partially into Jamie's pussy. “See? I told you so,” sighed Jamie.

“I believed you baby. But it's still nice to do a confirmation, espcially if, as you say, I am the only one ever to be doing this.” I was on the outside now and using her slippery juice to lubricate my finger as I worked her clitoris. She was moaning softly now.

“No one has ever touched me there. It feels so good the way you are being slow and gentle. Will this make me cum? I've never done that.”

This gal was so innocent I could not believe it. “Jamie, I'll make you a deal. Play with my cock like you were doing with Bob and while you are doing that I'll make you cum.”

“I wasn't playing with it, with Bob's... I was just holding it.”

“I know, I saw you. Now I want you to hold mine in the same way. If you are doing that, it will help you to achieve orgasm.”

Oh yes, I so wanted sweet innocent Jamie to see my cock, my larger cock. Before she could answer I was undoing my zipper by raising my hips off the seat and straightening out my lower half. That done, I pulled my jeans down to mid-thigh, tugged my underwear down and out it popped.

Her eyes got big. I felt confident about this one. If Bob was the only man she had ever seen and handled, I had him beat, big time. The first thing she said? No, not...'Oooh it's so big! No, not it's so hard.” What she said was as she wrapped her fingers around my shaft was, “Your're dripping all over just like Bob does.”

“I know baby. That's because you are so lovely face and body that you affect us men that way. “Now, what else do you notice about my dick?”

She giggled. “It's bigger.”

“Bigger than who or what?”

“You know what I meant. Bob's cock. Yours is way bigger.” She sort of sighed and spoke softly. “Of course I am only talking about what Bob has because you saw it.”

“I know honey, I know. Now play with it with your hand. That's right, like that. Now, what else do you notice about it, about my cock?”

“You have, I guess you call it foreskin. You're not circumcised. I know about that from my little brother. My mother told me about it and how we should always get our boy babies circumcised.”

That was when I gave Jamie a course in the advantages of not being circumcised for a man, and in some ways for a woman married to a circumcised man. “Yes, it is a lot easier to stroke,” Jamie said, giggling as she moved her hand up and down over my cock and watched as the foreskin covered and then ******* the head.

I kissed her, hard and long. I want to tell you dear readers. It would have been so easy to tell Jamie then and there that I was in love with her. Silly perhaps, but she had spent several nights riding in the back of my car and facing me a couple of times at a table and I felt that I knew her.

Then I told her, “Now I'm going to make you cum. Then, after you do, you can take care of me and see what happens when a man cums.”

Jamie seemed to know what to do next, and that was nothing as she leaned back against the seat, opened her legs wide and closed her eyes. Keeping my lips off hers for a while, I tongued her as I stroked her clitoris. Just my tongue, going in and out of her mouth and twirling around one another Then, as she drew closer to her first orgasm, I kissed her full on the lips but left room for her to breath when she got close.

She screamed! Well, not so much screamed as let out a loud and sharp moan as the pleasure hit. I kept kissing and rubbing on her clit at the same time, but doing it gentle like. Firm, but gentle. It was the perfect method I believe to have her cumming for the first time. She needed this, and now I needed something.

After she had regained her breath, I slid my hips out to the edge of the seat and straightened my body out as much as possible and in effect making my cock look as long as possible. “Now Jamie, there is something I want you to do for me, just for a minute.”

I think she knew. “You mean...?”

“Yes, Put your mouth on it, just for a little while.”


'Duh.' “Why,” she asked? I proceeded to tell her about five reasons why, including a learning curve for her and some enjoyment for me. But the main reason I wanted her to do it, I said, was because, since I had seen her holding Bob's cock, the same thing she had been doing for me, I wanted to be the first with her on something more.

She sucked me. Timidly at first and of course getting into it after a while. But I was nice and did not blow a surprise load down her throat. It was enough that I could feel strong dribbles of pre-fluid pouring out of me and down her throat.

No, cumming in her mouth would have been nice, but I wanted her to see me cum, something she had not done with Bob, or so she claimed.

I put on a nice show for her, cumming a big one while holding onto one or her breasts. She had carried a hanky in her purse and had thought of laying it out in advance, but she was still surprised when my load, some of it, landed as far up as above my nipples.

It was then, while she was using her hanky to clean me that she told me. “I will be graduating in two weeks and going back to Santa Fe.”

That was at the other end of the state almost, straight North. But I had expected that. “Can I see you again, a few times before you go?”

“I don't want to fall in love.” Wow. Jamie was having those same strong feelings of desire for me that I had been feeling for her.

I was already semi-engaged to a California girl so did not plan that. But she would have been easy to love, very. Of all the gals I have ever met, Jamie would rank in the top ten in sweetness.

“Just see me. We'll go out, take in a movie and do a little making out. No more than we did today.” I believe I have proven to you now that I will respect your desire to remain a virgin, so what say you?”

“What about Sue?”

Oh yeah, she knew that I was dating Sue. Not just dating, but fucking her. I made light of it. “Sue and I are close, but not 'in love' close. Let's just say that she will keep my irresistible urges for sex down to a slow boil so that I can maintain control with you. How's that?” I was smiling to let her know I was kidding, but that there was some truth in what I was saying.

I saw Jamie three more times, and one of them was for almost an entire day since I picked her up before noon and did not bring her back to the dorm until after 9 at night. We fiddled and we played. I gave her more orgasms, and two of them were by oral, something not so easy to pull off in a car seat.

Just to go into the future a little further with Jamie, she wrote me a couple of times and said that she had sort of linked up with an old boy friend from Santa Fe. They had not fucked as yet, but his cock was smaller than mine she said, larger then Bob's had been, but smaller than me. She said that perhaps to make me feel good, or maybe it was the truth. Like I said, Jamie was very sweet, and caring.

What about Bob? Yes, that sounds like a recent title of a movie, What About Bob. But I need to get Bob into this story once again. Like I have said, Bob was not long for Las Cruces, having no car, no job and no money. But I had one last adventure with him.

Realizing that he had no means of transportation or finance to continue with Jamie, Bob had given up on her, he claimed. He might have known I had been seeing Jamie, but I doubt it. Somehow, and I don't know where he had been staying, Bob showed up on foot at that drive in restaurant I have mentioned. “Hi Bob,” I exclaimed, surprised to see that he was still around.

Jill, my blonde fiance had arrived from California, bringing a 1948 Nash automobile along that she had received frm her mother.. Not the coolest set of wheels to be sure, but reliable.

We had married, I had said my goodbyes to Sue which had not gone over too well even though Sue had known in advance about my wife to be. I had in effect swapped my steady New Mexico pussy for some steady married pussy.

Now Jill was sitting in my 1953 Oldsmobile with me, and Bob was seeing my new wife for the first time. He stared past me through the driver's window and his eyes were big as he saw a blonde California woman that was to say the least, stunning.

Want to read about Jill? Read my stories about a time in the future called Confessions of a Nudist Photographer. For now though, Jill was innocent, almost. Of course, any woman who has spent time with me is no longer innocent. Jamie had been about a close to innocent as any woman I had been involved with, and she had done just about everything with me short of fucking.

“Is this...? Bob began. He stopped in case it was not the woman from California he had heard about.

“Yes, this is Jill. We got married just last week.”

“Well hellooooo Jill. You're looking mighty fine.”

Jill sort of blushed and giggled. “Well, thank you,” she gushed. I had not told Jill about Bob, so I had to play the game. He was looking kind of uncomfortable standing outside so I invited him to sit in the car.

“In the front?”

“Of course, come on around.” I was allowing Bob to sit beside Jill, who now had to slide over next to me in the bench seat. That was her normal position anyhow in those days before seat belts, but she had moved over to the door to eat off the tray in the window.

Opening the door carefully so as not to upset the drinks that were still sitting on the tray, Bob slid through and very carefully closed the door. “So, I asked him, “I thought you had gone to New Jersey already. What keeps you here?” (I said New Jersey in the story, but I am not sure if he had came from there or maybe New York. It's been a long time.)

“I had a job picking black cherries, and the guy that owned the farm gave me a place to stay.”

I knew about the black cherries that grew in the Rio Grande Valley. There was a favorite place I would go to sometimes west of Las Cruces on US 70 where you could purchase cherry cider, perhaps one of the best tasting drinks in the world. The price was not cheap though, because it took a lot of cherries to make it, and cherries do not grow on trees.

“You had a job?” I was sensing a hit here for money and was already planning how to say 'No.'

“Yeah, it ran out yesterday and I saved up enough money to catch a bus most of the way home and hitch the rest.” He pulled out a bus ticket and showed us that it was to leave tomorrow around noon and was for Albuqugue and points east. I breathed a sigh of relief, Bob would be gone tomorrow and it looked like he was not going to hit me up for money.

I offered to treat him to a meal, and then he hit me up. “Can you give me a place to stay, just for tonight?”

Well, at least it was not money, something that I was not swimming in on an Army Specialist's pay. Jill was to get a job but that was soon, not now. For now, we were living day to day, which is hard to do when you get paid once a month.

“I only have a two room, basically, house.” I told him. “It has one big room in front that serves as a living room and kitchen, and then around the wall at the back of the living room is the bedroom with no door and a bath.”

Perhaps I should better describe that layout. Coming in the front door, you see the kitchen, stove, frig and sink on the right in front of you. And a kitchen table you have to go around. Off to the left, a large living room, such as it is, with painted block walls, and going on straight ahead past the kitchen and to the right, a bathroom.

Off to the left and behind that living room wall, a big bedroom going the length of the back half of the building. I think the entire layout was probably no more than six or seven hundred square feet.

But at $50 a month, beggars can not be choosers. It was clean, and everything worked. Bob was quick to take advantage of what space he would be allocated, if any. “I'd be glad to sleep on the couch, if that's alright. It will be just for one night.”

I looked over at Jill. She smiled, not fully understanding that Bob had received an other that honorable discharge and was now known for sucking on people for money and a place to stay. But he would be gone tomorrow, we had seen the ticket.

“It's OK honey, if he stays in the living room. I don't mind.”

Jill thought that she was helping, not knowing that I was thinking otherwise. But already something was forming in my mind. A thought, and Bob's smaller than mine cock. My wife had been a virgin, and though she had commented that my cock was big, and with the tight fit she believed that I was, I wanted to convince her that it really was. For a while at least I could have my new bride believing that my cock was amongst the big ones. Bob could help in that aspect.

I think you probably already know where this is headed. I had been able to have Sue see Bob]s cock and realize that mine was a lot bigger, and now I had a chance to use Bob's cock once again, this time with my wife.

We ate our burgers, all three, and after cruising for a few minutes down Main, we headed home. Our little home was one of three side by side matching homes built with cement blocks. It was even on a dirt street, althought I should probably rather call it a sand street.

I don't remember much of what was said and done in that little house before bedtime, but I certainly remember most of what happened later. Having Kenny watching me as I fucked Sue in the back of his Dodge had been the stimulus. (See the story Sharing my Steady Pussy). From then on in my life, having my woman seeing and being seen would always be a major part of my fantasies, and I was to make many if not most of my fantasies come to life.

We were in the bedroom in back, and right around the corner, on the other side of the wall we were lying beside, was Bob, and there was no door. If Bob had to go during the night, he would have to walk right by the foot of our bed to go into the bathroom. When he came back out, he would be facing the foot of our bed before turning left to head back into the living room.

This was a perfect setup for a husband who might want to show off his wife in the act. And it was a perfect 'excuse' for a guest to be going by the bed on his way to the toilet. I planned to put it all to use.

Bob had already used the bathroom and was supposedly bedded down on the couch. I had left a lamp on beside the bed, and a night light in the bathroom so that Bob could find his way if need be. Now I was loving on Jill, and she was responding quite warmly I might say.

Did she know what I had in mind? I know that Jill had always been adventurous and daring, like making love to me on a beach where anyone walking by would see. We were sort of between two large boulders, but that did not block the view of anyone going past from side to side. Someone might have gone by and seen us, I wasn't sure.

But that had been in the past, and now here we were in our first home of many to come, and a man was just a few feet away. Jill and I were fully naked of course, and the covers were down. The trouble was, with me being right handed and lying on Jill's right, I could not readily be watching the wall where Bob might be sneaking a peek if he was so inclined.

The only solution was to put Jill on top of me. And I did. Now with Jill on top and her ass towards that corner that Bob might be able to peek around, she was riding me, nice and slow. I knew that Jill's ass was not to be believed, so if Bob should happen to sneak a peek, he would get a close up view of a great ass, and just below a blonde covered cunt being stretched by a cock that was almost twice his size.

As Jill was riding me, I kept watching down towards my right foot to see if Bob was maybe down low and peeking around the corner. But either Bob was not that smart, or he had already peeked and now had decided to 'make an entrance.' As I was looking in his direction, Bob came right around the corner standing up, and walked past the foot of our bed and went into the bathroom! He had pretended to not be looking in our direction.

I don't think that Jill knew when he was going by, but I am sure that she heard the bathroom door close. She kept pumping, but slow. We waited. I saw 'we' because now Jill knew that Bob was in the bathroom and would be coming out. When he came out, there was no way that he could not see the action. Yet Jill kept pumping, and I kept kissing and feeling her tits or holding onto her ass cheeks.

A minute passed, then two. The toilet flushed. That would be Bob pretending that he had further business than before and that was why he had returned to the bathroom. Out he came, with the bathroom light still on, and the light flooded across our bed for several seconds before he switched off the light. There was enough light to see us before, but he had in effect put a spotlight on Jill's ass, vagina, and my cock for probably five full seconds.

With a little smile at me since he saw me watching, Bob sort of 'snuck' on past and went into the living room. I looked at Jill, and she had a neutral expression on her face. She had to know that he had been there with the noise of the door going in, the flush, and then the light flooding the room on his way out.

She did not seem to mind, so I took a chance. I yelled it out. “Bob?”

No answer. “Hey Bob!”


“Come here.”

Jill was pumping and she kept going. Fully naked she was, and mounted on a hard cock for him to see. Bob slowly, with a strange grin on his face came around the corner. Oh, I failed to mention, he was wearing only his underwear, and it was left over Army underwear with a big opeing in front for a cock to hang out if it was not buttoned tight.

His hole was unbuttoned was he came up to the foot of the bed and stopped “Did you call me?”

Well of course I did Bob, but then, I didn't say that. What I said was: “We know when you went by that you probably had a pretty good look at what is happening, so if you want to keep watching, you are welcome since the harm is already done. But you have to promise first that you won't tell anyone.”

“I can watch up close?” You could sense the excitement in his voice.

“Yes, sit right there at the foot of the bed and watch. Jill has never done this and I think that it might be exciting for her. But all you get to do is watch, no more.”

Jill pumped, I fondled her ass and tits, and Bob watched. I could see that he was reaching in and touching himself with one hand. It was all right there for him, just a couple of feet away, and he had a view that could not be believed, but I knew it was a little dark down there.

“Go turn on that bathroom light again and leave the door open.”

Bob jumped right up, and as he did, I saw his erection pop through that hole, but not very far through. He went over and turned on the light and returned to sitting on the bed. I gave him a few minutes while Jill and I had some fun, and then I invited him to come around to the side of the bed and let Jill see his cock.

He hesitated, and then, slowly, came around. “Take your shorts off, “ I directed.

Bob did, and his maybe five inches top cock was now revealed for Jill. Five inches maybe and thin. I saw Jill studying it and knew what she was thinking, that the cock she had married and was now riding was so much more. But I was not doing this to put Bob down. No, I was doing this to let my wife know that yes, there are different sizes, and she had not married a small one. Average maybe. Slightly bigger than average maybe, but definitely not small.

Now, if I had Jamie on top of me and Bob was watching, then he would be the cuckold big time. Cuckold because his former girlfriend Jamie was fucking me, and cuckold because she was getting a bigger cock. But that had never happened. Bob had never fucked Jamie, and I had only played with her, but to a greater degree than Bob ever had.

I’ll tell you in advance before this story goes much further that I did not allow Bob to fuck my wife. Jill would have done so, maybe, I'm not sure, since she had allowed Bob to see her so intimately. But our marriage was only a couple of weeks old, and I at this time was very jealous of her, and very jealous of any big cock that might come between me and her.

Maybe I should have allowed Jill to have him. I think she might have wanted that. Bob, you see, was not a threat. He had a small cock, and he was leaving town.

But I invited Jill to touch his cock while he sat up beside us. And then I turned her over, and while I stayed high on my knees and plowed her, she could lie on her back and jack his cock. Again Jill learned that the cock she had married had an advantage. Bob was cut, and had no foreskin to move up and down. She said not a word to Bob about it, but talked about it later to me.

Then I invited Bob to get down at our feet again. I felt the bed sag between my feet and knew that he had gotten in close, very close. I got up onto my knees in order to provide Bob with a better view and I felt Jill’s legs go up and around my waist.

I knew now. Bob was seeing it all, not just my cock and how it was stretching Jill’s snug snatch, but also her anus since her ass was almost off the bed. It was then that something happened that I was not to learn about until Jill told me after Bob had left town.

As I fucked, Bob, using one hand, began caressing the cheeks of her ass, He did one, getting a nice sense of how she was shaped, and then did the other. Being very careful not to come into contact with my cock or balls, he then began touching her around her tightly stretched lips.

Jill was moaning more loudly now, and I was thinking it was because I was fucking her so nicely in order to provide a show for Bob. She was getting quite wet and Bob, not being able to insert a finger of course, began rubbing it alongside her vagina, getting it slippery wet.

And here is where he really got daring. He began running his slippery finger over her cute little anus, caressing and tickling it in the process. Jill told me later than his caressing her anus had really felt good, so good as a matter of fact that she was wishing he would put it in.

And he did, but not right away and all at once. Jill was moaning louder now and I, having decided that it was time for her to cum, began fucking more vigorously. It was then, Jill told me, that Bob inserted just the very tip into her anus and held it there.

Jill began cumming with a loud groan as her fingers dug into my ass. As he saw and felt her anus go into a series of contractions and making her pinkish anus open and close slightly with each throb, he began easing his finger into her, but doing it in little shoves to match the throbbing he was feeling.

When her orgasm, and it was a long one going ten throbs or more, finally finished, he had at least a full digit or more into my wife’s ass.

Now he needed to remove it and not have her making any sounds. He waited until I kissed her, and then he was able to slowly withdraw his finger. Then, acting innocent as all get out in front of me, he rose from the bed and came around and up to us.

“Oh man! I want to cum so bad. Do you mind if I cum while Jill strokes my cock?”

I grinned. “That was my plan Bob. I didn't intend to leave you hanging. Wait while I slide Jill over a little closer to the edge...”

Moving my body to the right while Jill slid herself to the left under me, we slid over to where we were on the edge. Now Bob's cock was able to be over her chest. Not very far over, but close enough to cum on her body if we allowed it.

Jill was stroking him, and I believe she was planning on having Bob cum on her tits. Then Bob made the request. “Can I feel her tits before I cum?”

I looked at Jill. She had that ornery anything goes look in her eyes. “Sure, go ahead," I said, but be gentle.”

Bob had himself some nice long feels of her fully B cups, that even on her back were standing right up there. He fondled with both his hands, I pumped with my cock, Jill stroked with her left hand, and Bob began to build with his cock.

“Take your time Bob. Make it last. There's no hurry.”

But Bob had already gone beyond the holding back stage. He sort of shoved his hips forward, placing his cock further over Jill's breasts, and groaning, his cock began shooting across both her breasts and I will say, by luck or good aim, he managed to coat both nipples.

In order for his cum to have reached her right nipple, he had to shoot about eight inches or more since his cock was to the left of her left tit. And the shots kept cumming, spurt spurt spurt, at least six big ones that reached across and coated her tits, mostly her left one near the end, and then some dribbles as Jill milked his penis when he had quit groaning.

Jill giggled. “His cum felt really hot!”

I decided to explain it to her. “That’s because the surface of your skin is cooler than your core temperature, and since Bob’s cum shot out at body temperature, it felt hot.”

“I see,” said Jill. “I guess that if he had shot all that into me that it would not have felt hot.”

I smiled. “Maybe not, but based on the size of his load, you would have been feeling it just the same.”

I looked at her. “Are you thinking that we maybe wasted his load shooting it on your tits?”

She giggled, but I noticed that she exchanged a look with Bob. “His load wasn’t wasted. I really enjoyed seeing and feeling it land on my breasts.”

It was my turn and my wife’s talk was turning me on even further. “O.K. Jill. Now hold onto his cock while I cum.”

I pumped, and surprisingly, Jill came with me! She was that close to a second orgasm and I had not detected it.
Bob had come a big one, and Jill and I almost simultaneously right after. Jill giggled. “Who gets to clean up the mess?”

Well, normally I suppose Bob should have done it, but Jill was still holding his cock, dwindling now, and I wanted to make this episode last a bit longer. “I'll do it. Wait while I go get a cloth.” That meant that for a minute, they would be alone.

I climbed off of Jill and as my cock dripped onto the linoleum floor I scurried into the bathroom, ran the water in the faucet until it got hot, then soaked a wash rag and headed back to the bed.

It was during that minute or so, Jill told me later, that Bob moved his lips to hers and they swapped tongue for a few seconds. When I came back into the bedroom, Bob was still feeling Jill's breasts, and she was still holding onto his cock, which had now withered to maybe three inches, three wet inches between her fingers.

I was nice about it, cleaning up her breasts first so she could keep holding his cock. Then I went into the bathroom and ran the water under the faucet again, washing the cum out and getting it ready for round two.
Fuck yeah she told me later, they kissed again.

“Now me!” Jill yelled out while holding her slimy fingers up for me to see. She had released his tiny cock now. I gave Jill the wash rag, she used it to clean her fingers, and then, having an exciting thought, I made the suggestion. “Why don't you take Bob into the bathroom and wash his cock for him?”

I did that for two reasons. One, to give Bob and Jill more time to enjoy this, and also to allow Bob to see Jill standing up naked while he was beside her. She is a fox in bed, and maybe even more sensational while standing up.

Jill climbed out of bed and providing Bob with a nice flash of opened snatch in the process. Together and holding hands, yes, holding hands!, they walked naked into the bathroom and as Bob stood with his three inch cock over the edge of the sink, Jill used just her hand and warm soapy water to wash his cock.

Yes, she was using bare skin on him and not a washrag. Then she carefully towel dried his shriveled cock and allowed it to drop down.

I was feeling really ornery now. “OK Bob. Now you can use a warm cloth to wash her pussy.”

Jill frowned. “But he didn't make the mess, you did.”

I smiled. “I know, but this whole mess is his fault. He caused it.” Jill laughed, and Bob, seeing all was cool, joined in.

Bob got to wash my wife's pussy, running the warmed wash cloth up between her inner labia as Jill stood with her feet wide apart. While doing it, he never actually got to touch her bare skin to bare skin, but the sensation of feeling her pussy was strong, I think, even with a wet cloth between.

Jill I think was enjoying this and wanted to keep it going. “I can feel some more coming out.”

I jumped right in. “She needs another go around Bob.”

Then I noticed, as Bob washed the cloth under the warm faucet and returned to washing her a second time, that this time he was using the side of his hand, a couple of fingers to go up and into her inner lips as he ran the cloth back and forth. He didn't know that I could see, but I could as I watched Jill's face.

I am pretty sure that Jill knew what he was doing. She must have been able to tell the difference between a cloth touching her skin, and the skin on his fingers. Then I heard her let out a little gasp. Bob had run a finger a little ways up and into her.

I pretended not to have noticed as I grabbed two pillows on the bed and re-arranged them.

So that was it, Bob returned to his bed, but satisfied, at least cock wise. Mentally, he probably wanted more. Bob had seen my wife naked. He had seen and felt her pussy while it was being stretched. He had felt her breasts and had his cock played with until it shot a load across her breasts, and then had seen and felt his cock being washed. And then to top it all off Bob had managed to sneak in a feel of Jill's lovely snatch.

And of course he had managed to sneak in a couple of kisses and had them returned.

All that and he had a place to sleep, a free breakfast, and a ride to the bus terminal. No Jill did not kiss him goodbye. Remember, officially they had never actually been involved with one another. Yeah, right. I never saw Bob again.

A lot more was to happen with Jill and me over the years as I went into the nude photography field, but that was the beginning. For a long while, Jill was to believe that my cock was one of the big ones. It was nice while it lasted.
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