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Signs of hope for Sue

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
Hey everyone...

Well, patience pays off sometimes. I saw Frank, as in Frank-and-Joanne, over this past weekend and he has now moved out and is no longer living with that witch of a wife. He's actually been moved out for a few weeks now.

It was Sunday morning and I was up getting bagels and there was Frank, on line ahead of me. We talked a bit as we waited. I suggested he stop by for dinner one night and he seemed very interested in that - his comment was "real cooking - I'm there".

The thing that really lead to the title of this thread was Sue's response. VERY favorable for him to come over for dinner. As Sue put it "I'd love to take care of him" and the smile on her face left me no doubt that she's interested in where this may go.

Last night she snuggled up next to me in bed and teased a bit - asked me "so how do you think he is in bed?". I think I answered her that he'd had 2 kids with Joanne so he must have been okay. She giggled, reached over and felt my hard cock and she giggled even more and said "you've missed me having fun, haven't you?" and I answered "tell me you haven't?!?!".

So - that's it. The proverbial ball is in motion. Just thinking about it starting up again has me aroused.

More as it happens, but as we've long decided, best if we don't push things too much and simply let them happen.

Gotta run - work is calling.
Awesome STB, I feel the change of seasons coming on and I think "Spring Fever" will help encourage this situation. Your adventures are the most interesting events on this site, I am going to get some popcorn and wait for the entertainment begin!! Thanks
Loadman - yes, I'm excited here too. Honestly, I've missed the "edge" that Sue's cucking me added to our sex-life. No secret that she's missed it too.

However, this isn't something that she's driving like the last time so it's not something she can rush into. We'll be discussing things this week and we've agreed to try to do something maybe this Friday night or over the weekend where I could invite Frank over to dinner and explore the chemistry.

Still, it's the first sign of a thaw in the winter-freeze that I've seen.
So good to hear that Sue may be getting back into action. We have missed your very detailed discriptions of the action and also the emotions and back story. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Best of luck to you and Sue as you prepare to embark on the next stage of your journey, STB.
I hope this will work out.
Hey all.
Thanks for the well-wishes. We are starting out slowly here in terms of Frank - but in bed - whew - talk about re-igniting Sue!!!!

Last night before bed she'd said several times that I should invite Frank over to a barbeque this weekend. With the spring-like weather, she thought that would be a better idea than her slaving away in the kitchen.

But last night IN bed it was obvious that she's getting horny about it. She teased me over and over about how she hopes things work out and at one point she came out and said "I can't wait to see how he is in bed!!!". When we started foreplay in earnest as I'd played with her pussy and had 2 or 3 fingers in her she teased me and said "are you ready to feel Franks' cum in me?". She had her hand on my cock and she giggled when I didn't have to say anything in response - she could feel my cock start to throb.

As got between her legs she giggled and said "do you think he'll like me all bare?". What a turn-on - to know she's already thinking about how things will be with Frank and to know she's imagining herself lying there with him.

I think we still have a long way to go but it's exciting knowing she's getting aroused at the possibilities.
Good luck STB, I hope you all get what you are after. I'd be a bit careful though. Married men coming off a divorce are often looking for a new wife as well as 'company'. Mentally, it could get challenging down the line. Either way, it's a clear indication of the way Sue is thinking and if not Frank this time, it shows she is ready for pastures new. Question is, Are you both ready for the same thing ?
This is very good news from you. particularly as a friend is a new avenue to explore for both of you.

It may also be good for him to get sex without relationship pressures so soon after a parting.
Peak - your question is appropriately timed since last night that was some of what we discussed.

With Frank coming over tomorrow (hmm, thought it'd be warmer than it seems to be today) last night when we got in bed she actually came out and asked me what I wanted to happen with Frank. She just asked it casually like that.

I told her that I thought it might be nice if she would "satisfy" him (and her) from time to time. She asked me if I wanted to keep it a secret as if she was cheating on me or whether I wanted her to tell him what was going on. I told her what we'd already discussed a few months ago - that I'd want it to see as if she were cheating on me at first and lets see how that goes for us. She smiled and said that she "just wanted to be sure". I asked her if she was already thinking about him and she giggled and said "well, he his kind of a hunk" but she quickly added that this wasn't something she was going to rush into either and that she wanted to see how tomorrow goes.

But later on as we were messing around during foreplay she did ask me if I wanted her to "start saying no" to me again and I told her in a mid-moan as she was sucking on me, that it did turn me on and as she sucked and stroked me she started teasing me more than she has in months. She'd suck me deep down and then tease me by saying that "maybe this is all you'll get" - meaning her sucking me - and how "maybe I'll just let Frank have my pussy". I didn't need to say anything as the swollen throb she had to feel in my cock was answer enough.

When we got ready to really get into some intense fucking she stopped me for a moment and handed me some lubricant and said "might as well start getting used to be being really wet again". The next 15 or so minutes were one continuous intense deep pounding fuck. No other way to describe how her pussy opened up under me. It was the wettest and the most open I've felt her in months too.
Hi Stb and others, I've been away for a while plus computer problems. I am so glad to come back to such a promising situation for Sue and Stb. Good luck tomorrow!
Hey all - last night went very well. While nothing happened, it was a nice evening. Frank showed up about 6:30pm with a nice bottle of red wine. That plus one of ours led to a very mellow evening. The 3 of us had a nice time before dinner was ready. Fortunately our daughter was out for the evening and our son was with his girlfriend for the entire evening.

Despite the change in weather we did barbeque and Frank split his time between chatting with me as I tended to the steaks and with Sue in the kitchen as she made up some salad and other stuff.

Nothing went on between them at all - just polite conversation. After dinner we adjourned to the den where we watched some sitcoms we'd had on Tivo since earlier in the week. Again just pleasant conversation at the start. But as the wine sank in, Frank became VERY complimentary about Sue. What a nice house, how nice dinner was, how nice she is, etc.

I left them alone for a little bit of time when I went off to check on some stuff at work. Nothing happened but Sue shared with me afterwards that they'd talked about Frank and his split up with Joanne and how they'd grown apart over time. Sue did say that Frank came out and said that he hadn't had sex in months (with Joanne or anyone else) and Sue actually came out and said that she was sure his "dry spell" would be ending once the warm weather came along.

Frank left about 10:30pm and after shaking my hand, we blamed it on the wine, but Sue gave him a goodbye kiss on the lips that lingered perhaps a moment extra.

In bed last night I asked he what she thought of Frank and she simply looked at me and just came out and said "I could definitely sleep with him if that's what you want to know". Just like that. But she added that she had no idea how to get - as she said - from "point A to point B". I told her to leave that part to me and that I'd find a way to get "us" all closer together and that I thought the night had gone great. I asked her about that kiss at the end and she said "it just happened" and that she felt guilty about it afterwards in that she thought it might have made Frank feel uncomfortable but I told her that just as we said - to blame it on the wine.

I wasn't totally sure how our night was going to end until she locked the bedroom door and stripped naked and said "I need to get laid". This was Sue saying this!!! She admitted as we started messing around that she was turned on about the possibility with Frank and she even said how much "easier" this would be if it worked out with him. As we started to fuck I teased her that it was really her who was going to be "easy" and she giggled and just said "you started all of this, but yes, I DO want him".
Yipee! Here we go. Go Sue Go!! Sounds good Stb.
Shidave - it's not a done-deal yet. I mean I'm sure Frank won't pass on a chance with her but there's still a long way from it being a "done deal". Plus - earlier tonight I got the whole "I don't want people to be talking about me" thing from Sue. And, she also said that she shouldn't have pushed it with the whole goodnight kiss but I calmed her down about that and in talking about it - we agreed that this isn't something we want to be rushing into.

But nonetheless, she was smokin' hot in bed last night so I'm surely happy!!!!
Frank or no Frank, STb, you have the "wild" Sue back! She is ready to play. Enjoy.
sounds like the good ole times are coming back again! Sue is in great form already getting your mojo going with the denial thing! You go girl! Man you gotta be on cloud 9 right now. Can't wait to read about this ride!
SoonToBe said:
Hey all - last night went very well. ... etc ... I left them alone for a little bit of time when I went off to check on some stuff at work. Nothing happened but Sue shared with me afterwards that they'd talked about Frank and his split up with Joanne and how they'd grown apart over time. Sue did say that Frank came out and said that he hadn't had sex in months (with Joanne or anyone else) and Sue actually came out and said that she was sure his "dry spell" would be ending once the warm weather came along.

Frank left about 10:30pm and after shaking my hand, we blamed it on the wine, but Sue gave him a goodbye kiss on the lips that lingered perhaps a moment extra. In bed last night I asked he what she thought of Frank. She looked at me, then said: "I could definitely sleep with him, if that's what you want to know." ... etc ... As we started to fuck I teased her that it was really her who was going to be "easy." She giggled and said, "you started all of this, but yes, I DO want him".

Sounds like things are looking up. That was a very strategic dinner invitation.
Hey all - not a whole lot to report on progress with Frank in the past week. But as we'd discussed, this isn't something we can really push right now. We discussed inviting him over again maybe this coming weekend to dinner again - but much will depend on how the week goes and what the weather will be like.

Despite being a crappy week at work for both of us, the sexual intensity between us has continued to increase as well as Sue's own desires too. I've found "Jim" (her favorite dildo) and the lubricant out several times and she's told me quite openly that she's been masturbating while thinking about being with Frank.

This past Wednesday night I'd gone out over a buddy's place for a while - when I got home she told me that while I was out that she'd had her fun with Jim and when I was horny before bed she told me that I should masturbate and remember that I'll be doing more of that if she starts to have sex with Frank in the future. I was a bit reluctant at first until she pulled the covers down and then slid my boxers down.

I lay there and she started teasing me to encourage me. She would say things like "look how big and hard you are thinking about me and Frank" and she went on telling me to "think about how big Franks cock will be" "mmmm, I can't wait to feel him...." but when she started to tell me how she wanted to be his "first woman after Joanne" and how "backed up he must be" and how "much he's going to cum" in her - well, it didn't take me long to get to the edge. But when she told me that I may have to start masturbating (jerking off as she put it) when she's "with Frank" - that did it. I proudly let loose all over my stomach and chest and fingers. She giggled as I stroked the last few dribbles out and then, very erotically, scooped some of it up on her fingers and put them in my mouth and then kissed me right away - she moaned loudly when she tasted it on my lips.

We did have sex together after that - several times to be sure - and each time it was incredible with her continuing to tease me. Saturday night she took the teasing to an extreme with her telling me, as I knelt between her spread legs looking at her wet and waiting pussy - that I will "just have to wait" and with that out came "Jim" and I knelt between her legs stroking myself to stay hard (as if I'd need to!) while she furiously masturbated with her dildo and lots of lubricant - all the while telling me that she wanted me to "feel how she'll feel after she's been with Frank". It was incredible watching her bring herself to climax and then pulling the dildo out and then saying "okay - now it's your turn". She'd used a LOT of lubricant and told me again, as I slid into her, to "imagine how she's going to be when Frank cums in her!".

My cock is rock hard just typing this as I re-live it in my head - but I have to remind myself not to push this one and to let it happen of it's own accord (or with Sue's gentle encouragement).
What a lucky, lucky man you are STB!
Thanks STB. You just made my day. You could have your own reality TV show! Your accomplishments would have better ratings than Survivor.

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