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The hottest girls in bars only want to take home black cock

  • Thread starterHORNYwhiteGUY
  • Start date


Just waking up with a hangover after a massive night out....
Haunted by what I keep seeing everywhere ... the sexiest girl in the place getting off with the only black guy, then taking him home for him to fuck her senseless.

So the night started at a busy bar, and the dance-floor was packed with the usual - chumps, average girls - and also a smattering of absolute babes. One in particular was breath-taking - a really dirty-looking brunette (you know the sort, lovely long hair, little dress, flat tummy, perky breasts and probably a very shaved pussy), who knew she was hot. All the guys were trying to dance ever-closer to her. You know they're never going to get anywhere. A solitary black guy had been watching from a distance, waiting for his moment. He just waltzed up to her, and started dirty dancing with her. Within seconds they were grinding into each other and snogging. About five minutes later they moved onto a couch, where they were eating each other's faces off. He had his hand up her skirt. I saw them leave about 45 minutes later - she looked back at her friends as they left - she was smirking with the look of "I've got black cock and you haven't".

So my lot moves on to a club, where the atmosphere is great for meeting people. My friend picks out this stunning blonde - classy, professional, about 28, definitely marriage material, and starts chatting her up. Now my friend is smooth - clever, witty, six figure salary - and having spoken to her for 10 minutes or so, he comes back saying how upper middle class she is - posh, pretty and perfect. Anyway - we expect to go over to see her again shortly, and naturally keep an eye on her. This black stud walks into the room - no joke, he must have been 6'7", and built big-time. Everyone notices, and after a few seconds, our girl marches straight up to him. Never expected a nice girl like her to be so forward! She's chatting him up big time, as he towers over her. You can feel the sexual tension in the air. Within 5 minutes - his massive arms are holding her ass as she leans in to snog him. She was practically begging for him to shag her - whispering in his ear. The whole room was in awe. They were kissing for about 15 minutes and then left together. My friend was mortified - needless to say!

What gets me is that these are the only black guys in each venue - and always seem to pull, and always the sexiest chick too.
As I write this, I bet that those two black dicks are still inside those darlings - humping them relentlessly to orgasm after orgasm.
The Black Man is a Hot Commodity in the Good ol US of A!

If Black Men were a Stock on the Dow Jones........we would be trading for over $1000 bucks a Share!

a large Majority of White girls are Cuckoo for Black Dick. You shouldnt be surprised.

Peace. 8)
Same results

I know what you mean. I was staying at a hotel in a midwestern city and went out to the bar next door. It was a country theme bar and there was a bunch of people there from a seminar that was going on in the hotel. In the middle of the bar sat this gorgeous blonde on a bar stool dressed up professionaly with a short skirt and heels and her legs crossed. Her legs were gorgeous and she was showing them off to all these guys from her group. They were all taking their best shot at her and getting no where, nonetheless she loved the attention. I looked around and there was only one black guy in this whole big group (well built, good looking, and I'm sure well-hung). Amazingly he wasn't paying any attention to her and I thought here he was the only one that could have that for the night. I was also disappointed because I love watching white women around big black men. They get so turned-on it so exciting. After watching this for a while I decided to go back to the hotel bar and finish out the night. Much to my delight after awhile in to the bar came the blonde with the black guy and another average looking white woman. They ordered some drinks to go and went to the elevator. This hotel had a atrium so I watched to see where they got off at. I watched the two giddy white women and this black guy go to a room and struggle to get the key in the door while they started pawing on each . They were so filled with excitement of what waited for them inside it took them forever to get in. What I would have given to watched that. Especially that beautiful blonde getting some good dick between those lovely gams. Nonetheless I enjoyed myself thinking about it.
It is the same "across the pond". A few years ago a foreign friend took me to a late night dance club in the West End of London. There were a good number of people into BDSM there, loads of gorgeous looking white girls, some British, German, Dutch and Scandanavian, i would guess, and after midnight a number of African and Caribbean guys.

I wont exaggerate but pretty soon a good half to three quarters of the good loking white girls were grinding right up close with the Black guys. The place was pretty dark but a gorgeous Blonde with a strapping Black guy sat on the table next to mine. Although it was dark I spotted her hand going into the Black guy's trousers and she was feeling the Big Black Bamboo.
On the dance floor the big Black guys with pretty white chicks just about dominated proceedings. There were a few white wimps around and some fat white girls; the Black guys did not seem to be very interested in the latter. :roll:

Well, u guys said urself what the prob lem with white guys is and why we go black...Thank about it...ur friend goes and chats up this blonde, then comes back to u and ya'll watch her!?! Why did he not close the deal? If we're in a club, dancing and drinking, we want some good cock. I guarantee that no black man would chat up a blonde, get an interested response and then go back to hang with his guys! He'd speak, take command, maybe dance and be out the door or at least have her up on a wall somewhere. Guys...get some game!
Re: reply

juicypussy said:
Well, u guys said urself what the prob lem with white guys is and why we go black...Thank about it...ur friend goes and chats up this blonde, then comes back to u and ya'll watch her!?! Why did he not close the deal? If we're in a club, dancing and drinking, we want some good cock. I guarantee that no black man would chat up a blonde, get an interested response and then go back to hang with his guys! He'd speak, take command, maybe dance and be out the door or at least have her up on a wall somewhere. Guys...get some game!

So true.

When a Brotha sees what he wants.........He goes for it with no hesitation!

Peace. 8)
usually thur is girls night out in my area. hubby watches the kids i go crazy looking for black cock. i make no bones about it i go for the biggest and the best black cock i can find. if you out to get fucked black cock is superior to white every time.

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