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This is totally fake so don't bother reading it

  • Thread starterbabydoll4u
  • Start date


New around here...
Beloved Member
Apr 6, 2010
Hi everyone,

I just thought I would share some news about my life as a cuckold, but then I realized that since I haven't posted my photo ID, my resume, a list of friends and relatives contact information, and a minimum of 50,000 photos for you to judge me by that makes me a total fake, and my story is thus, a complete and total lie.

Even though this board exists to share cuckold experiences with you in an anonymous fashion to protect my identity in the case that I'm famous, have a job or carrier that would be ruined, children, or realatives that could be oustricized if someone they knew found out about my unusual bedroom activities that just doesn't really matter.

What really matters is my ability to prove without any doubt to you my fellow anonymous poster that I'm real and whom I claim to be. Obviously without your express approval and personal judgement about my life, I'm not real in any way.

I would truly love to bring you up to date on what's going on in my cuckold relationship, but since whatever I tell you is contrived, a lie, fictional, and phoney, until you personally determine otherwise, it obviously must be untrue based on some unknown criteria that you use and absolutely cannot be true in any way whatsoever.

Honestly, the most important thing to me is that you are completely satisfied with my story, because you are the sole arbiter of falshood and fiction, not me or anyone else who may actually be involved.

So if I need to destroy my carrier, social standing, buisness contacts, the personal lives of my children or friends and family to make you happy and conform to your unique standard of truth, whatever it may be, then I'm all for that! Ruining my life to make you happy should be my true goal here.

My heart truly soars when I confess my deep personal secrets or intimate and private conversations here with a group of complete strangers, and then I get to be informed by you, the supreme authority at the ministry of truth, that I'm a completely fictional character and a total liar also.

I rejoice every time I come here to seek out some acceptance, support or possible advice from like minded people who share my lifestyle choice, only to be told that I'm a total fake and full of deciet and dishonest. There really isn't anything better than that really...

So thank you great and supreme minister of truth for setting me straight...

Oh and just so you know this post doesn't really exist either, unless of course you determine it's actually real and decide that I'm not a complete liar because I wrote it.

I'm all for the suspension of disbelief. I just want to be able to convince myself its real. Too many threads go from "I want my wife to cuck me" to "Her lover lives in my house and I service him daily" within days if not sooner.

It's ok that you're a liar - just be a good one. ;)
The entire point of my post was the constant drumbeat of "liar.. liar.. " nonsence so many here post constantly when someone shares their story or perhaps even a wishful fantasy. While there certainly are fakes and phoney's who do post, which is regretable, not everyone is and so what if they are.

I'm just as "real" as anyone else who types out a response or shares their life here. Yet there are some who imediately try to disect a post or make claims that it's false based on what....

That they were not actually there...

They don't have any idea who the poster is in the non digital world....

They don't know what anyone involved looks like or about their unique personality...

They have absolutely zero knowledge of the events location or floorplan....

However that never prevents some idiotic hack here with a tiny little brain from claiming "they actually know" it's all just some big fanciful lie???

A lot of people come here for answers or to connect with people who share their desire or interest in cuckolding and the fools who chime in with "liar!! ... Liar!!..." do nothing but harm with their rambling uninformed idiocy. It's happened to a lot of people here and not just me.

I intentionaly place "coments welcome but not needed" in my posts because of those type of miserable self absorbed cretins. While personally I can take the critical eye because I'm an actual professional writer, not everyone is so they shouldn't need to put up with that kind of trash.

It's called adulthood for those unfamiliar with civil comunication. It's difficult enough to share such personal things, to express the desire to see your wife with other men, or to tell the world you're involved is something so taboo without a buch of ignorant naysayers calling you dishonest.
MacNfries said:
babydoll4u, A webcam would be nice ... :p Just kidding, but seriously, hope you feel better now that you got that off your chest.
I looked at your posts ... only suggestion I can give is to try to keep it under a couple 2 or 3 paragraphs per post. If we have to scroll the page just to read everything you say ... its way too long. :)

I'm one of those who has a tendency to remark when things don't add up, but I'm not the type who asks for pics or proof or anything. I just tell it like I see it when someone doesn't seem to be keeping it real. I took Mac's lead and read your posts. Honestly, I found nothing in your posts that makes me think you're a fraud. I don't know if you're legit, but I have no reason to doubt what you are saying.

Certain other posts have tell-tale signs of someone just writing their fantasies rather than reality, but yours does not. As far as cutting down the size of your posts, I wouldn't. If you get off and get more peace of mind giving people a fuller picture, then keep doing it. Even if you get negative feedback or no feedback at all, trust me there are a slew of dudes reading every single word.
That's just the thing Give.... Some people actually do move that quickly or make bad decisions or more acurately, what many would consider a bad decision.

Just because it's not written well enough to "suspend disbelief" for you or somebody else doesn't change the veracity or realism to the person who is going through that situation. Sometimes in the heat of the moment people will remember something diferently than the way it actually happened which does not mean by default that it didn't actually happen. Or they may get details confused which is extremely common to everyone and that also doesn't by default make something fiction.

I try to include as much detail as possible when I write, because I prefer the "long form" when reading something. I like to know the drapes were red velvet with shimmering silver strands in the room... Not just the oh so simple my wife got banged the other night lines.

However if I forget to mention the drapes were red shouldn't by itself lead to accusations of treachery just because someone else may have stayed at the hotel and knows what color those drapes actually are. Everybody tells their story in their own way...

Oh and Mac I do feel a little better, I just get tired of the arguing about weather someone is "real" or not. Also I do have a webcam but it's not very good. My wife usually uses it to talk to different guy's but hasn't for a while.
By addressing your first post to 'all' and not a subset of the site, you must have put a few noses out of joint. I too get annoyed on this site of the constant refrain for 'pics' as if they could prove anything anyway.

What matters surely in a story is already in the title. It has to be a good story. As a reader, it has to hold my attention, be believable, contain characters that I come to care about, even I don't identify with any of them (although it helps).

I care not whether it is true. There are many that claim it, and some no doubt are. Many of these even are just plain bad stories, however real they are the writer. Why share anyway, if not to share the feeling and if you lack the talent to do this, you can't actually get this across. Facts by themselves won't work.

Personally, I like to believe it might be true. I especially therefore do not like idiots questioning veracity based on crass or intrusive issues, and if someone knows that a shop in the middle of a small town in Utah is actually painted green, not blue, I would prefer simply not to know. Why should they ruin it for the rest of us just to show their superior or accidental detective skills. Do they think I will be impressed ?

Equally, I get less out of stories that claim up front that they are pure fiction, although a really good story compensates a lot.

So go ahead and weave your fluffy cloud of words at your readers. But address them as if you were addressing but one, because you are, just lots of ones. This is not an audience, we feel no collective, and I for one bristle when you presume it.
babydoll4u said:
Just because it's not written well enough to "suspend disbelief" for you or somebody else doesn't change the veracity or realism to the person who is going through that situation. Sometimes in the heat of the moment people will remember something diferently than the way it actually happened which does not mean by default that it didn't actually happen. Or they may get details confused which is extremely common to everyone and that also doesn't by default make something fiction.

I try to include as much detail as possible when I write, because I prefer the "long form" when reading something. I like to know the drapes were red velvet with shimmering silver strands in the room... Not just the oh so simple my wife got banged the other night lines.

However if I forget to mention the drapes were red shouldn't by itself lead to accusations of treachery just because someone else may have stayed at the hotel and knows what color those drapes actually are. Everybody tells their story in their own way...

I responded to your post because I've called some people out, but I see I'm not really the type of critc you had in mind. For me it's not about how well it's written per se; it's about believability. My complaints are reserved for posts that are just too damn over the top. Like where on Monday a guy is asking for advice on how to get his wife to cuck him and by Friday she has locked him in chastity and has a lover who has moved in, impregnated the wife and ****** the cuck to service him sexually. Also certain posts by "females" are very suspect for a litany of reasons. Yours, however, passes my litmus test.
We need you to give us a blood sample for dna testing to PROVE you are not a little green man masquerading as a human. I understand there are LGM all over America on Sat night's when the liquor runs free and easy.

We have top scientists who belong to the Flat Earth Society, so they can be "different" and not act as sheep being led by Dictators.

There is room on cuckolds.com for all sorts of opinions, because even Einstein said that 99% of what he reckoned was true, would in the fullness of time be proved to be false. Just depends what happens when a telescope gets more powerful and we can see butterlies sitting on a fence post on Mars. We might think that is impossible, but we can only believe what our Teachers have told us (and none of them have ever ridden a space craft to see for themselves).

A missionary took a pygmy out of the jungle into a natural clearing, and the pygmy saw some elephants in the distance that seemed so tiny. Because the pygmy had never been in a clearing in his life, he had never needed to realise that there is such a thing as curvature of the Earth and things get smaller the further away they are. The pygmy said, "I did not know there were a tiny breed of elephants in the world.

A 100 years ago, men said that educating a woman was a wicked waste of money, because they would be married and not need education, just the desire to do anything their husband ordered them to do for the rest of their lives. It was even considered that a weekly spanking helped to keep a wife focused to always do her best.

We will always have men who can't see another person's point-of-view, or even consider the idea that it is important to have as many ideas put up as possible, so the best idea can stand up and be seen.

Silly ideas help the good ideas to look better. True stories help cuckolds to try new adventures in life, by stretching their imagination out to WHAT IS POSSIBLE.

Mills & Boon books all have a lesbian scene in them these days, so is it any wonder that women are experimenting with bi-sex if their husband is not "up to it". It is an alternative to adultery if "adultery is too taboo to try".
Hey, go for it...


babydoll4u said:
Hi everyone!

Hi Babydoll!

babydoll4u said:
I just thought I would share some news about my life as a cuckold, but then I realized that since I haven't posted my photo ID, my resume, a list of friends and relatives contact information, and a minimum of 50,000 photos for you to judge me by that makes me a total fake, and my story is thus, a complete and total lie.

Yes... I suppose you're right.

babydoll4u said:
Even though this board exists to share cuckold experiences with you in an anonymous fashion to protect my identity in case I'm famous...

You're famous...? Cool!

babydoll4u said:
...have a job...

You have a job...? Awright! That isn't quite as good as being famous without having any sort of job, but having a job these days is not to be dismissed lightly. It could, for instance, increase your attractiveness to women...

babydoll4u said:
...or carrier...

Um... what's a "carrier"...?

babydoll4u said:
...that would be ruined, children, or relatives that could be ostracized if someone they knew found out about my unusual bedroom activities... all that just doesn't matter.

Well, actually, all that does matter, at least to some people. That's the reason they post anonymously on this forum, even though (as you point out) it exposes them to having their "credibility" scathingly denounced.

babydoll4u said:
What really matters is my ability to prove without any doubt to you my fellow anonymous poster that I'm real and whom I claim to be. Obviously, without your express approval and personal judgement about my life, I'm not real in any way.

Nah, that doesn't matter. Just say what ya' wanna' say, and the rest of us will read it and make our assorted judgements as to whether it's interesting and like-as-not "real," or totally false and therefore worthy of being denounced at great length (indeed, almost endlessly).

babydoll4u said:
I would truly love to bring you up to date on what's going on in my cuckold relationship...

OK, let's hear it...

babydoll4u said:
...but since whatever I tell you is contrived, a lie, fictional, and phoney...

It is...? Well, in that case, let's see how good you are as a fiction writer...

babydoll4u said:
...until you personally determine otherwise, ... etc ...

No, you can be confident that won't happen. It's impossible, on an anonymous forum, to "determine" much of anything about others (except stuff like whether they can spell).

babydoll4u said:
Honestly, the most important thing to me is that you are completely satisfied with my story, because you are the sole arbiter of falshood and fiction, not me or anyone else who may actually be involved.

But... but... surely you must realize that among those who review books, even books presented as non-fiction with authors who aren't anonymous, real characters who are named... books that are generally regarded as well-researched and well-written... none of them are EVER satisfied!

babydoll4u said:
So if I need to destroy my carrier, social standing, buisness contacts, the personal lives of my children or friends and family to make you happy and conform to your unique standard of truth, then I'm all for that!

I wouldn't be. (Not to be repetitious, but again, what's a "carrier"?)

babydoll4u said:
Ruining my life to make you happy should be my true goal here.

I gotta' tell ya', Babydoll4u, that sounds really foolish.

babydoll4u said:
My heart truly soars when I confess my deep personal secrets or intimate and private conversations here with a group of complete strangers...

I doubt it...

babydoll4u said:
...and then I get to be informed by you, the supreme authorities at the ministry of truth, that I'm a completely fictional character and a total liar also.

Actually, the denunciation you're risking is almost unlimited. It will not be confined, almost certainly, to you being called merely "a completely fictional character and a total liar as well."

babydoll4u said:
I rejoice every time I come here to seek out some acceptance, support or possible advice from like minded people who share my lifestyle choice, only to be told that I'm a total fake and full of deciet and dishonesty. There really isn't anything better than that really...

I agree. It's about as good as it gets...

babydoll4u said:
So thank you great and supreme ministers of truth for setting me straight...

You're welcome. (This on behalf of other members of the ministry of truth, since I actually haven't "set you straight.")

babydoll4u said:
Just so you know, this post doesn't really exist either...

Whatever you say. But, why don't you go ahead and tell your story? Since you're a man (evidently, given that you identified yourself as a cuckold), the chance you'll be subjected to a lengthy and scathing denunciation is actually quite minimal. Those are usually reserved for the women who have the temerity to post in this forum.

The other thing people have to remember is many posters wish to stay anonymous so may change small irrelevant details that have little or no bearing eg. we went to Miami for the weekend... possibly reality was we went to New Orleans.. doesnt change anything but does assist with anonimity.. then maybe 2 months later I refer to going to New Orleans.. some observant cynic says liar liar!!

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