any help where I can find some vacation spots the caribean know for this, I would like to watch my wife handle some of the locals on a beach or in the hotel. Any help, website?
I went to Aruba with my boyfriend and had a great time. If he had not been there I doubt I would have been loney for very long. Lots of great looking guys and they did seem to outnumber women. I was approached in a beachside bar by two black guys from New York who were down there looking for white women. They were not shy about asking if I was interested. Not sure if it is like that all the time but it certainly seemed that there were lots of people who went there looking to hook-up.
The other place I have been that was pretty wild was South Padre in Texas. Lots of college girls in micro bikinis (I was possitively overdressed) drew crowds admiring guys, black and white. Basically, any woman who walks into one of the beach bars alone will not stay that way for long.