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  • Thread starteryorkie
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Nov 24, 2006
I am crap at writing whole stories. I don't have the concentration span for it. So here are some short pieces. Some of them, like the first, are true. Others are patently not.

Back when I was 18 another dumb whiteboy and me went out to a club. We had seen all the teen movies and thought women were as dumb in real life.

So when we got there we latched on to a couple of older women. They weren’t that old. Mid thirties at most but to us they were Mrs. Robinsons. We tried to chat them up. In our heads we were making great progress and even went as far as discussing which one we wanted and which we’d let the other have. I had decided that I wanted the slender one with the nice legs and he would have the shorter one with the bigger tits. Our little penises were getting erect at the prospect.

The reality of what was happening was that two women were letting a couple of silly boys buy them drinks. They chatted to each other while throwing us the occasional bone to make us think we had a chance.

The fact they had not told us to get lost yet meant for us that we were in. Then after midnight things changed. At about 12.15 a man, a black man walked up to our table. He paid us no mind. He began chatting to our women. Their demeanour changed. The way they held themselves and the way they paid attention to him was so different to the way they talked with us.

He was no older than us but he was a man and they knew that, as certain as they knew we were not men. They listened to him, laughed at the things he said and even they way they stood, showing off their feminine attributes was different. Where as we were desperate to impress them, he was cool knowing instinctively he had something they desired. The women ignored us, but with him they went out their way to show their appreciation of him and their desire for his company.

We stood there for five minutes hoping this spell would be broken but we realised quickly that it would not so we slunk away. None of the three of them noticed our going. We weren’t alone. Several other whiteboys had had their hopes dashed in the last hour, since the black men had arrived.

We drank bitterly for the next hour and got outside just in time to see the black man getting in a cab with the two women we thought we ‘were in with’. We learnt a lesson that night. Its not how you start, it’s how you finish; and it doesn’t matter how much head start a boy gets a man will beat him every time. We went home to wank and dream of better days while he went and fucked the pair of them. The other lesson of the night was a woman would sooner share a man than have a boy to herself.
A beginning

Susan and I married when we were young. I was 19 and she 17. We had grown up together in a small town and had been sweethearts for years. Our first year of marriage was not eventful and then I had to relocate to the city and Susan was very excited about it. I was less excited. I liked our small town and the bright lights held no fascination for me.

Things went on much as they had for the first few months. I tried to make Susan happy but I am not sure I did. Nothing I could do just the way I was built. I knew from schooldays that I was lacking. In the school showers even boys in the years below were bigger than me. And I did not grow much from then.

Things really changed a few months later when she got a job and she met Janet. It was when she got home following her second week that Susan first mentioned Janet. She told me that she had come in following the weekend telling lewd tales about what she had got up to. It seemed that this Janet was what would be described as a party girl. She had been to a club and taken a man back to her flat and apparently she described in graphic detail what the man had done to her.

I had been party to discussions such as this myself where I had worked. Only it was always a man doing the talking. It never occurred to me that there were women who spoke in this fashion to.

When I listened to conversations like this at work the thought had always struck me that the way the men talked about sex was so far removed from my own efforts at lovemaking that they bared no comparison. I had never even managed to make love to Susan two times in a night. Where as these men would get a blow job in the car park and then go home and make love several more times once they got the girl home.

When I heard this talk it always made me feel very inadequate. I knew very well that there was little chance I would ever be able to make a woman feel the way that they did. It wasn’t just the way they apparently made love. It was the way the women in the office reacted around them in comparison to me. Any request I made was carried out in a perfunctory ‘I do it because it’s my job’ manner while requests made by the ‘men’ as I started to realize they were in comparison with me were done with relish by the office girls.

As Susan told me the story of the Janet I began to wonder if these thoughts were running through her head. If Janet enjoys sex so much, why don’t I. I feared that eventually she may realize the answer was she was having sex with a boy, while Janet was being made love to by men.

I did think that I caught Susan looking at me in a curious manner that night as we went to bed. Like she was trying to work something out. What I also noticed, perhaps for the first time was how Susn’s body had matured. She had grown into a fully fledged woman from the teenage girl I had married. She had filled out and her breasts had swelled to a nice 36d size. She still had the flat stomach but had devloped something of a bubble butt that made her all the more sexually attractive. I dared not attempt sex that night as I was sure it would remind her how different my love making was in comparison to what Janet was enjoying. Although Susan had grown into a woman at 21 I would still have hesitated to call myself a man.

The following week resulted in more revelations about Janet. It seems that weekend she had gone out with a friend and the two of them had taken home a man together and had spent Saturday night and most of Sunday with him. She had told Janet that he had made love to both of them four times over the course of the night and following day.

That was when Susan asked her first awkward question of me. She said ‘That makes eight times. Why is it that he can do that but a couple of weeks ago we had sex at lunchtime and you could not manage it again when we went to bed.’ I just smiled nervously and said ‘maybe she was exaggerating.’ Susan looked at me doubtfully and said ‘I don’t think she is a liar. And even if she is doubling what he did that is still four times what you can manage.’

The last sentence was said with bite and this was the first point at which I realised things were changing for Susan. She was beginning to get a measure of the ‘man’ she had married. Anothr detail that disturbed me a little about the story Susan told was that Janet’s friend who enjoyed the threesome was married. I said that it was terrible that she had cheated but Susan replied that Janet had said the man ‘was too god for any woman to pass up.’ Then adding the bit that chilled me. ‘Unless that woman has a real man like that at home.’ I new what was going through Susan’s head at that point. More to the point, she knew I knew to.

I was not surprised when she told me she was going out with Janet the following weekend. ‘I’ve told Janet a little about you and she thinks I deserve to go out and have a good time.’ I suspected what she meant by this. But was too scared to put it into words. As if saying it would bring it on. Of curse in my heart I knew the wheels were in motion and nothing really was going to stop Susan wanting to fnd out what life with a real man could be like.

That night I looked at her undressing again and realised that the body she had and the woman she was deserved more than I could offer. She caught me looking. A look of contempt passed over her face. I would later earn that this was the starting point of the resentment that Susan felt for me for wasting her body on a sily little boy who could not get it up twice in a day.

Next Janet meets me and her and Susan go out
Apologies following chapter should be more complete but I ran out of time. More to follow soon.

Two other incidents occurred in the week leading up to Janet’s visit which further dented my self confidence. The first happened when Susan and I went out to a restaurant. We were discussing her night out with Janet. I was getting quite wound up and my language became heated.

I realised at this point that somebody was standing by our table. I looked up to see a young man stood there. He was easily 4 years my junior. He looked at me with controlled assurance and said ‘I am here having a meal with my mother and my girlfriend. The meal is being ruined by your foul language.’ I was shocked. I stammered an apology but he did not go back. He said ‘Its not me you should apologise to it is my girlfriend and mother.’

He continued to stare at me and I realised there would be consequences if I did not apologise. I rose to my feet with as much dignity as I could being ordered around by a teenager and I went and apologised. The women at the table barely noticed my apology. Both were beaming at the confident man who had defended their honour and so swiftly humbled me.

I trudged back to my table with him following. As I sat down he told me ‘There better be no repeat or we shall be stepping outside.’ He apologised to Susan for disturbing her meal, which Susan accepted with the same grace that the females on the other table did.

Susan spent the rest of the meal trying to provoke me into swearing. She said it would be fun to see how I matched up with a man like that. I was too terrified and humbled to be provoked. The image that kept in my head during the remainder of the day was the way his girlfriend, who was about my age and sizzling hot, looked at him. Such adoration. I never had a woman look at me like that, I was beginning to think I never would.

The second incident happened the following day. I was preparing to come to bed when Susan walked in completely naked. She said ‘wanna make love ?’ Immediately my small penis became aroused. Maybe Susan had seen the error of her ways and had realised I was the stable man she needed.

She lay down on the bed as I whipped off my shorts and went to climb on top of her. She put a warning hand on my chest and said ‘how about a bit of foreplay’ This immediately made me scared as I was not good at sustaining myself in lovemaking and I was already very excited. I made the best effort I could at sucking on her breasts and I thought I was doing ok.

Then disaster struck when she reached down and touched my balls. It was too much for me and I shot y tiny ‘load’ on to her tummy. I apologised and said, it’s been a long time and other pathetic excuses but she just smiled and said ‘It’s ok, a leopard can’t change its spots. But I tell you Saturday cannot come soon enough.’

Saturday did come and it seems remarkable to me now that we did regular things like go shopping and do some gardening. Susan began getting ready at 6 and Janet arrived at 8. I had an idea in my head that Janet would look like some washed out slut. But she was very pretty with a nice firm figure. Slightly more petite than Susan but with bigger tits. She was in her mid 20’s.

She took one look at me and said ‘You are exactly as I expected you to be. I’m glad Susan met me when she did, another couple of years she may have begun to live with the disappointment of having a husband like you.’ These words stung. Obviously Susan had not described me favourably and my already low self esteem was further done in by Janet’s quick assessment of me.

Susan was dressed beautifully in a figure hugging blue dress that revealed her womanly curves. She left without a kiss goodbye. I waited in agony. Wondering what she was doing, how Janet was leading her astray and whether she would come home at all.
Sorry i did say that I am crap at long sdtories. The next chapter is being wrote and will be up within the week.
As I have said I am crap at writing long stories. i just don't have the att...oh look a bunny !

Just enjoy what they are and don't expect conclusions

Amy was hot. 19 years old with an impossibly firm body. Beautiful long legs, pert ass and wonderfully rounded pair of tits that fitted her body perfectly.

It was unfortunate that Peter was a paunchy 37 year old. Peter did his best to look sureptitiously at Amy but sometimes he felt sure she had caught him looking. One day when he had caught sight of her VPL revealing she was wearing a thong it was too much for him and he had to go the rest room to jack off.

His natural paranoia after had led him to think for a moment that the other girls knew what he had done. But he dismissed it.

He knew that in all reality Amy was probably out of his league. He had always lacked the confidence to approach women. This confidence had been further dented by his ex wife who had cheated within a couple of months of his marriage. She eventually divorced him when his placid acceptance of her cheating disgusted her too much.

She regularly paraded her lovers in front of him. And she delighted in how he squirmed when they ordered him around. Utterly confident that there ability to fuck her better than him made them the boss in his house. So there was no danger he would ever be making a fool of himself with her.

She knew that several of the men in the office found her attractive. It was all too obvious with the unsubtle ways they glanced at her. Trying to look at her face and not glance at her perfectly pert breasts. Peter was probably the worse, he'd go all red when she caught him although she was never cruel enough to make it obvious she had.

She didn't mind though. They never harassed her. They actually seemed slightly scared of her. She could see they were no different from the boys at school. Just grown up boys. The other women at the office used to laugh at how pathetic they were. Especially the day she wore a thong and Jane had seen Peter looking. He had then disappeared to the mens room, emerging ten minutes later looking flushed and sheepish.

However she took a curious pride in the way they looked. And she never had to flaunt herself. Amy dressed respectably. As she looked at herself, naked, in her full length mirror before dressing she knew instinctively that her body was not one that needed extra advertising. The sheer facts of her firm breasts, washboard stomach and long legs were enough. She had no need for push up bras or short skirts. So she could never be accused of being a tease.

Amy had only had one serious boyfriend. His name was Craig and they had started dating as they lefy school. After six months of gentle resistance she had had sex with him. It had proved to be a dissappointment. She had heard from many friends and the great urban myth that first times often were an anti-climax. Unfortunately though thimgs did not get better with repeated attempts by Craig. Initially she had thought she was doing something wrong. But listening into girl talk she came to the realisation that Craig was just no good at it.

Craig had gone out of his way to blame her for not showing enthusiasm. Future experiences would later tell her Craig had little to be enthusiastic about. He became nasty. Accusing her of flirting with men when a natural beauty such as she just attracted men naturally. He never wanted to go out and his attempts at lovemaking become all the more dissapointing. Amy realised she had had enough of him but was scared of how he would take her ending it.

She turned to her brother for support. Although two years younger than Amy at 16 he had plenty of experience in relationships leaving a string of broken hearted girls behind him. When she explained her dilemna he simply called Craig a loser and said he would deal with it. The next time he called she told Craig it was over while her brother sat in. Her brother told Craig that he would answer to him should he harass Amy. Craig laughed and asked what he could do. So he showed him. Craig left with bruised ribs and ego following a pasting from a man two years his junior.

The one man who did not act sheepishly around her was Lawrence. He was a black man in his early 50s. He was easy with her in a way the other men were not. Never stuttered or got flustered. Never looked away when she looked at him.

She also noticed that he carried himself different to the others. He was upright and firm. He was ten years older than the other men at least but he was not flabby like them.

One day Amy realised that she made an extra effort when she was doing administration work for him. If he gave her stuff to do she stopped what she may have been doing for the other men and did what he gave her first. She also took his work to him while the other people's work was put in their pigeonhole. In short she realised she wanted to impress him. Not that he ever seemed to notice.

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