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Wedding Night Swap


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Wedding Night Swap

by EroticWriter

Some were willing, and some not so.

The cast of characters:

Bill, the storyteller with big plans for his bride

Jennifer, the workmate goddess who wants it all.

Kathy, the bride willing to share with Jennifer for a price

Jose, the lucky stunt cock

Readers. there have been so many attempts, by numerous writers, to have the 'bride' taking a strange cock on her wedding night. This is still one more, but this time there is no gang of guys busting in to bust her cherry and stuff like that. No alcoholic induced coma. No drugs. No tied or beat up husband. I have thought and thought about it. How to have a bride taking strange cock on her wedding night and be willing and wanting? I think I finally came up with a solution. Let's see how you like it.

I met my future wife in college. I was in my senior year and had already been offered a job in a city 300 miles from home. Kathy had a year to go and when I made the jump for the new job Kathy could not follow along, so our dating consisted of a couple of weekends a month whenever I could make it over to see her.

Kathy, you might find it hard to believe in this modern age, was still a virgin. Having been raised in a fairly strict Christian home, she had adhered to her parent's wishes and was holding out for marriage. Well, she almost made it, but I was persistent and managed to score when she finally made the trip over to see me.

Her parents believed she was at a girlfriend's house who happened to be living in the same town, but she was spending almost all her time with me, and in my apartment. I kept at it, and finally, out of her desire for me, I scored on what is probably the finest body in all of the state of Tennessee.

With red hair, Kathy stands almost my height, five-eight, and with tits out to there and a waist in to here. Then the hips, like her tits, go almost out to there but the numbers don't quite match. A 36 D bra over a 24 inch waist and all held up by a set of 34 inch hips.

Wow, and her pussy? Kathy has a pussy that measures one inch wide and five inches deep based on the way it felt after I managed to break her in. So, my six and one-half cock with medium thickness, needless to say, is a pretty tight fit within her confines. Yes, I can certify she was a virgin. I felt the tear, heard the cry, and saw the little blood stains.

Ever see a real red-headed girl's pussy? Almost pure white skin and the skin can be seen all through the red hairs. It's something most men never get to see, and in my case, I got to see her pretty pussy with matching blood.

And then, after working on her head and body, for months and finally succeeding, she shuts me off! Three times I did it with her, wearing a rubber and begging her to go on the pill, while she kept saying there was no need for her to go on the pill until we were married.

But I delayed my decision, hoping to keep getting laid, and she shut me off. “Bill, I insist. No marriage, no pussy.” And she was sticking to it.

So, I promised to marry her. After all, I did love Kathy and it was nice and confidence building to know that I was the only one. With three hundred miles separating us, we debated about the best way to go about it. We finally decided to have a small wedding, attended by just a few friends in the town where I worked.

Her folks, being relieved of the oblgation of having to spend a lot of bucks on a big wedding, were so appreciative that they told us we could have a choice of going on a cruise or staying in a mountain cabin for a week, and they would pay the freight.

There was no contest, we chose the cabin. Going on a cruise with all the controversy over Hantovirus sickness on the cruiseliners, etc was not our cup of tea. But the cabin, we told her folks, could wait a few weeks after the marriage until I had enough time on the job accumulated to take a week off.

It was all set. On June 15th Kathy would come to Georgia, we would get married the same day, and we would stay at my apartment until we were settled in enough to go house hunting. So now I was engaged, but there was one problem, I had another girlfriend.

Well, I guess you could say Jennifer was a girlfriend. During the weeks when Kathy had shut me off, I had gone scouting, and found Jennifer working in the same building as me. Not for the same company, but the two companies worked together on several projects.

Jennifer, in advance of our second date said that she had not made up her mind, but just in case to bring along a rubber, and she allowed me to bring her up to my apartment! As I explored her luxurious body, determining that it was very similar to Kathy's body but more compact since Jennifer was a bit smaller in all areas, but in equal portions, I eagerly slipped between her supple thighs, made penetration, heard the cry of pain, felt the tear, and stopped mid-stroke.

“You're a virgin?”


“But why me,” I asked proudly? “We barely met.”

“I got tired of waiting, you seem nice, and I wanted to see what it is like.”

I proceeded to show Jennifer what it is like, for all of ten, maybe fifteen minutes until finally, no longer able to hold back because of her passion, her incredible tightness and that fantastic body, I filled the rubber and in the process hearing a little cry of surprise and pleasure from her.

But she had not climaxed, and I was probably more concerned about it then she was. “It's my first time, so don't worry about it. We have time to enjoy one another.”

I was feeling pretty good about all this, having taken two virgins in a row a few weeks apart, but there was a problem. Jennifer sounded like she might be wanting to get serious, and I was now engaged.

I was still hard and I still had the rubber on, and I went deep, waited a minute and slid back a ways in preparation for fucking her round two.

“Aren't you afraid the rubber will come off,” she asked? Jennifer had seen the rubber still hanging on me after I had pulled out, and the cum in the end had stretched it out until it had maybe two inches of rubber hanging past the end of my cock.

“No, it won't come off,” I said. “I held onto it with my fingers until I got it inside you again.”

Well, I knew that with that rubber being so full and stretched out, there was always the chance that it would slide off my cock while I was inside her, but you see, I wanted to keep fucking and I only had that one rubber. I began pumping and my dick stiffened and tightened up that rubber instantly.

“It hurts a little, she said, moaning. “Maybe we had better wait a while.”

“Wait.” I gave her another half-dozen pumps and let it go.

I shot a load, a good one, and Jennifer moaned as she felt me throbbing a second time. “I'm glad,” she said as she wrapped her legs tighter around me. “I didn't want you to take me home and be all frustrated.”

“We can try again tomorrow night.” I would figure out how to break this off before my marriage somehow.

But the next day came the problem. I went down to the break area that the two companies shared in common, and seeing Jennifer there, I smiled and sat down at her table. I saw tears in her eyes as she looked at me. “You're engaged?”

Oh shit. She had mentioned going out with me to someone else and had been warned about my status. I decided to play it straight.

“Yes. But I only took you out for fun. I had no idea you would...” I looked around to make sure no one was within earshot, “go to bed with me and turn out to be a virgin to boot!”

Jennifer sniffed. “Well, I asked for it. I should have checked you out a little better. I saw someone that attracted me and decided to go for it, and now it was all for nothing.”

“No baby. Not for nothing. If you want to keep seeing me, maybe we can work it out.”

“When are you getting married?”

I shrugged. “Two weeks from now, on June 15th.” Then I hastened to add: “But she lives 300 miles away, and is coming here for the wedding the same day, so we have time, for a while, if you want to keep seeing me.”

“No. Forget it. Just add me to your list of conquests.”

“I don't have a list,” I answered quickly. “She was a virgin too, and now she wants to, is making me wait until we are married before I can have any more.”

“I guess you'll just have to keep on waiting then. I'm not going to be your source of pleasure until she gets here.” And with that, Jennifer rose and walked out. She looked so good walking away with that great ass. Well, at least I had been her first.

I was keeping a daily contact with Kathy before she was to arrive for our little wedding. I had a couple of male friends to attend, but no couples. That was when Jennifer surprised me when she approached me in the lunch room one day.

“Do you have a photo of her?” Just like that she had came out with it.

I of course, knew who she was asking about. “Yes. Want to see it?”

“Yes, please.”

In the back of my mind I was thinking that maybe she planned to get some kind of revenge by informing my bride to be, but Jennifer was sweet, and I didn't think so. So I went ahead and showed her a photo I kept in my wallet and hoped that this was a non-threatening visit from her.

I watched as she studied the photo. There was a slight smile on her face. “What do you think?”

“She's pretty, very. Does she ever make it with girls?”

Boom! Right out of the blue Jennifer hit me with that one. “I don't think so, but in joking around, on dates, she mentioned that she might do it with the right girl if there was no boyfriend available. But she might have been joking, like I said.”

I stared hard at Jennifer, and my mind was going 90. “Why do you ask? Are you attracted to girls?”

“No. Yes. I've thought about it. What's her name?”


“Do you think that Kathy might be willing to share you with me, if I...well, if I was willing to make it with her too?”

My heart was pounding. It was obvious that even after I had been deceptive and taken her virginity, Jennifer was still attracted to me. But get two women together in bed as gorgeous as my two virginal women were?

What a dream. I began stammering as I tried to come up with a solution to this incredible offer, or maybe I should say, challenge. “I don't know. I could ask her. I...I couldn't tell her that I already did it with you. That would upset her, big time. But if you could keep that a secret, and I told her...let me think...if I told her that you and I had became friends and when you expressed an interest in going further, that I told you that I can't because I am engaged. And then you suggested this.”

I reached out to hold her hand, testing her, and she did not pull away. “I could try that, if you can go along with keeping what we already did a secret.”

“Ask her.” She giggled. “You know what would really be wild? Something daring, that you and she would never forget, or me, for that matter?”

“What's that?”

“If we all three got together on your wedding night.”

Surprisingly, I was on the same page with her. That sounded like an impossible task, a big non-starter, but still, it might be worth a try, if I worked it right.

“Jennifer, if I do this, ask Kathy I mean, can I count on you to go through with it if she agrees? It would be very embarrassing to stick my neck out like that and then have you back out.”

“You can count on me.”

“And you won't make it with any other men in the meantime? I like being, knowing that I have been the only one.”

“Yes, I promise. But your fiance will have to think that I either have a boyfriend who took my cherry, or had one at one time.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “Had one, because obviously there is no one around now, and that is why you asked, right?”


“O.K., I'll do it. It will be hard on the phone, but that is the way I will have to get it arranged in advance since Kathy is planning on arriving the very day we get married.”

Jennifer giggled. “This could be a lot of fun.” She frowned. “But you don't think she would be too jealous to go through with it?”

I nodded. “I can't lie to you. Kathy might be very jealous, but if I workd it right, and she trusts me and subsequently trusts you, it might work.”

I drove the 300 miles the next weekend. There were things I needed to say to Kathy, and they needed to be said in person. Again, as I had Kathy out that night, she made out, but she would not put out. Finally I saw my chance to hit her with it.

“Look Kathy. This isn't fair. I...you gave me your virginity and I have promised to marry you. The date is set, so why not?”

“I told you,” Kathy said firmly, “no marriage, no more pussy.”

Now was my chance to broach the subject. “I've been totally faithful to you, but it has been really hard. There has even been a cute girl at work that wanted to make it with me and all I had to do was go through with it but instead, being loyal to you, I told her that I am engaged.”

“Really? Go on. So what did she say then?”

“She asked to see a photo of you, so I showed her. She said that you were, are very lovely.”

“Well, that's nice of her, I guess.”

“And then she asked me if you might go for girls.” I waited with bated breath. Her next reaction might tell the tale.

“Really? Is she gay, I mean, bi-sexual?”

“She doesn't know. She said that she has always had this fantasy and judging by your photo you are the person she has always dreamed of making it with. If she ever did it, that is.”

“And do you have a photo of her?”

“No. Of course not. She's not my girlfriend, but if you want to see one I could probably get it and e-mail you when I get back to the office on Monday.”

“Why don't you do that? I'm curious.”

My mind was whirling. This was going better than I had hoped. “You might make it with her? That would be really neat if you would and I would just watch.”

Then Kathy said what I had been hoping for.”

“And I suppose you would want to...fuck her too.”

I hastened to answer. “That would be only if it was alright with you. In a sharing situation it could happen naturally. She, her name is Jennifer, didn't come right out and say that but it was probably on her mind. Get you, and me in the process.”

I could see that Kathy's mind was clicking away. “You know what might be fun? Do it on our wedding night.”

Wham bam, thank you ma'am! I couldn't believe that my fiance was coming out with what I had been hoping to arrange.

“Really,” I asked? “Now that would really be wild. Do you mean that she could go to bed with you and me right after the wedding? That would be kind of soon, I think, but I will do it if you want to.”

My mind was happily working away. It was filled with visions of me having my wife and still being able to have Jennifer on the side. If it was only in a sharing mode with my wife, that was perfectly fine with me.

But then Kathy thought further. “That might not be a good idea. She, this Jennifer might get ideas about you. I don't want to feel like, if you have been intimate with her that she would be working with you and having this thing going on between you and her.”

That was when I said the lie. I don't know why I did it, but I could feel the possibility of having Jennifer and my wife together slipping away. “Oh, but she has a boyfriend!”

Now I had done it and I had to go on constructing a lie. “She doesn't see him very often because he works and lives in another town and says that's why she could probably do it with you, with us with no problem. He wouldn't need to know, she said.”

Kathy was frowning now. “It sound to me like you and her have been talking about this quite a bit. Are you sure you haven't already made it with her?”

I could sense some anger there and had to fix things, and right now. “No. I told you. The desire was there, on her part and, well, I'll be honest, on my part too, but we did not do anything. I haven't ever touched her. All we have done is talk in the lunchroom.”

“You don't talk to her when working?”

“No, she works for another company, below ours. The two companies share the lunchroom.”

“Oh,” she said, seemingly breathing a little easier. “That's better, I guess.”

Kathy, I think, was still thinking about making it with Jennifer. “I'll tell you what. Have her boyfriend come to the wedding with her so I will know that he exists, and afterward, the three of us can get together.”

I laughed nervously. “And what would we do with her boyfriend? That might be kind of hard to explain, when Jennifer stays with us and he has to leave.”

“Just have him come to the wedding, and then she can get rid of him somehow. Have her make a 'day date' or something. She can say she is invited to a wedding and doesn't want to come alone. Then she can join up with us later. I guess we could or should have a hotel room reserved and I would want it to be a nice one, like a suite. She could come there after the wedding and her saying her goodbyes.”

“Wow Kathy. My mind was going 60 trying to figure out a way to work this, and your mind is going 90! You're way ahead of me. Let me talk to Jennifer about this and see what she thinks, if she could work it.”

“You're excited about the possibility, aren't you?”

I laughed. “Well, I would be lying if I said 'No,'” I thought of something that might sound nice and also make Kathy feel more secure about all this planning. “If you and I had never made love already, I wouldn't be going along with this, this threesome on our wedding night. But now, since we've already had sex together, I think this little arrangement will give us something to remember. An unforgettable wedding night you might say!”

I had put some excitement into my voice, and Kathy seemed to share my excitement.

“Yes. I believe it will. A first time for all three of us. Something to remember.”

That is one of the really nice things I like about this woman and why I was wanting to marry her. Kathy is not only a knockout to look at, she is sharp as a tack mentally, probably smarter than me since she has a Masters and I have only got a Bachelor's degree. I know, that doesn't make her smarter necessarily, but Kathy had the desire and drive to work through that extra year and I got tired of college. That makes her smarter, maybe.

I was horny, very, right then. “Are you sure that we can't make love, maybe now, just one more time before the wedding?

“I told you, no, not until we are married. I'm glad that we did it, but sorry at the same time. We get married, I feel secure, and then you can have your little girlfriend.”

“Honey. She's not my girlfriend.”

“You know what I mean.”

So that was it. It was all arranged. All I had to do was marry Kathy and I could have Jennifer too. Sharing her with Kathy true, but that was a bonus. The only thing was, Jennifer had to have a boyfriend. I was going to have to find a boyfriend, in name only, for my workmate goddess.

Making that 300 mile trip back to where I worked was a breeze. All the time the miles were flying by, my mind was on beds, or one bed in particular, but I never once got sleepy.

'How do you feel about that Jennifer? My fiance says you can have both of us, even on the wedding night, but she has to know that you already have a boyfriend so she won't feel like you and I are carrying on behind her back.”

“But I don't have a boyfriend. You know that. I gave you my virginity, remember?”

“Let me see if I can find you one. It will just be for the wedding. Play the role and all that.”

“Why should some guy do that? What would he get out of it?”

“Maybe I could pay him or something. It would only be for two or three hours. Let me work it out. I'll come up with someone who doesn't know either of us and you can pretend to be his girlfriend at the wedding. Then, since he is playing a part, it won't be all that hard to 'get rid' of him after the wedding. I've already told Kathy that your 'boyfriend' lives in another town so that can be the reason he has to leave.”

“When's this wedding again,” she asked. “Didn't you say on the 15th?” It looked like Jennifer was getting excited.

“Yes, it's set. The 15th of June.”

“A June bride,” Jennifer said softly. “How sweet.”

Yes, Kathy was to be a June bride. The wedding was less than two weeks away, and I still had to find a 'boyfriend' for Jennifer.

How to do that? It was tricky because of the circumstances. Whoever he guy was, he was probably going to be wondering why he was playing the role of boyfriend, and then having to disappear right after the wedding. I knew that this role-player could not come from the company I or Jennifer worked for, and preferably, not from amongst my personal friends.

Men are sneaky, you see. If I was to tell someone who knew me and would still be around afterward, he would always know that I had used trickery to get my wife to share on her wedding night. He could use that information later to maybe blackmail me or something. Farfetched I have to admit, but I was being careful.

Where to find a boyfriend? Being careful, I began spending my off time on the other side of town, away from where I lived and worked. I found the 'boyfriend' at a Mexican restaurant. He was a waiter, and a good one. His name was Jose, but he had a Mexican father and an anglo mother, so he looked as much all American as Hispanic.

Perfect. I spent some time talking to him at work, and I waited around to continue the conversation after he got off. Without identifying myself or where I worked, I explained the situation to him, what I needed from him, and why.

“But what's in it for me? I spend two, three hours pretending at a wedding, and then off I go. You get two women, and I get...?” His voice trailed off.

“How about 300 dollars? That would be 100 an hour and you might not even spend 3 hours doing it.”

“I'd have to buy a tux, or maybe a suit of some kind.”

“No tux. You would just be a quest of a guest. You cold probably get by with just a sports jacket.”

“I don't own one, man.”

“O.K. I'll make it 400, and I'll give you a hundred in advance so you can buy a jacket. How's that?”

“Cool man. And I can use a nice jacket anyhow. Sure, I'll do it. What date did you say this is?”

I filled Jose in on the details, and also some details about his 'girlfriend, Jennifer, but did not tell him her actual workplace or residence. It was agreed that maybe he and Jennifer should have a short meeting just before the wedding so that they would be able to act 'familiar' around one another.

When I drove back to my side of town, I was already 100 dollars shorter, but it was to be money well spent.

Now it was the wedding day and the event was to be held in a meeting room in the same hotel where I had arranged a two room suite, complete with a couch, small kitchenette, bar and TV in the front and bed, TV and bath in the back for our wedding night. From the wedding to the reception, a small one, and then upstairs and into bed. So simple, and I would have my two dream girls in bed and together.

Jose, Jennifer and I had met the day before for lunch, and the two of them had been able to get acquainted and at one stage I even had them sit together in order to gain familiarity. It was all planned.

Jose and Jennifer would sit together at the wedding looking lovey dovey anytime Kathy happened to look their way, and after the wedding Jose would supposedly leave for an out of town job.

It all want smoothly. I promised to honor and obey, and kissed the bride, and I am sure Kathy could feel my erection pressing through her dress. She had not worn a full wedding dress, but she had the veil and wore that around for a while.

As I had waited for Kathy to come down the aisle, I could see Jennifer and Jose sitting a couple of rows back, and they were sitting pretty close, too close it seemed, to me.

Kathy met Jennifer for the first time during the reception. I could detect and immediate rapor and liking between them. It was a good sign. Jose was there and with her of course, and he acted the part perfectly.

We did the flower bouquet toss, although there were only four girls there to catch it, and everyone had some laughs, dances and drinks. That was when Kathy threw out the shocker. I don't think that she was suspicioius, just being certain. “When you and I go into the bedroom, I want to be with you alone for awhile since it will be our wedding night. Then Jennifer can come in and join us.”

“Where's she supposed to be waiting in the meantime? It's already getting late, half the guests have left and Jose will be heading home.”

“I thought about that. She and Jose can spend some time together on the couch out front and then after he leaves....”

Oh oh. I had to stop that one. “Now how the heck is that going to work? Jose was planning to leave right after the wedding, that was our plan. Jose is not supposed to know Jennifer is going to bed with us. If he comes up with her, what is he going to think when he leaves and she stays?”

I was expressing concern for what Jose might think to my wife, but inwardly I was thinking, 'Leave Jennifer alone with Jose while I am fucking in another room? I don't think so.'

Like I said previously, Kathy's mind can go 90 while mine goes 60. “I've already talked to Jennifer in the ladie's room and as we discussed our get together I told her that I wanted to be alone with my husband for maybe half an hour to 45 minutes and then she could come in. So she agreed. And then I suggested she could wait in the other room and make love to her boyfriend to say goodbye.”

I was trying to think of some way to not have this happen, Jennifer being alone with Jose for that long. “Like I said, Kathy, what is she supposed to be telling Jose when she stays after he leaves? That will look kind of strange.”

Kathy laughed. “I suggested this to Jennifer and she came up with a plan. She said she would pretend to be drinking a lot and I would tell Jose that out of concern for her she could sleep it off in our suite and go home in the morning.”

I nodded. “I guess that might work, if he falls for it.” Inside I knew, of course Jose would 'fall for it.' After all, he was on the payroll. I was wondering though, since he would have to wait around, if he might try asking for another hour or so of wages.

Well, as went as planned, Kathy's plan now, not mine. Everyone had left, and the four of us were in the bridal suite. Kathy was happy. She was my new bride, and Jennifer was having a drink and acting somewhat ***** for Jose. But known to everybody though my new wife did not know that everyone knew, Jennifer was not *****.

“I guess you guys can pull out this couch into a bed and after Jose leaves, Jennifer can just sleep it off there and we'll make sure she gets home safely in the morning. Is that OK Jose?” She looked at Jose.

“Sure. That will be fine. Thank you.” He looked from Kathy to me and back to Kathy. “And you two have fun in there.” He winked at me as we together opened out the leather couch and found that the mattress was already fitted with a new, clean sheet. Under neath in a built in drawer, there was a top sheet and together, we fitted that on.

Kathy watched us and laughed while Jennifer took a trip to the bathroom. “It's nice to see two men working so hard for the comfort of their women.”

I tried responding with a positive attitude. “That's the way we men are when we are about to get laid.”

Now it was my turn to wink at Jose.

My new bride headed on into the bedroom and I lingered as Jennifer came back from the bathroom. When I was sure that Kathy was out of earshot I whispered and gestured like mad to Jennifer and Jose. “You guys just sit here and wait, OK? Be good and I'll be out to get you soon as...” I smiled at Jennifer.

“We'll be fine,” replied Jennifer. “We'll wait right here.”

“Want me to leave right away,” asked Jose?

“Better wait just a few minutes in case Kathy checks, but I don't think she will.”

“OK. We'll go ahead and lie here together and talk. If she happens to take a peek, she'll see us in bed together.”

“Yeah, OK!” I smiled at them and tried to look like I was fine with the arrangement. But inwardly, I was worried. I had this chore to do now, make love to my wife on our wedding night, and instead of looking forward to a good, long night, I had to get something out of the way before the rest of the good long night could begin.

That first married fuck with Kathy went smoothly, but maybe quicker than it should have for a wedding night. But she had been keeping me waiting, and I demonstrated to her how long I had been waiting by dumping a rather large load into her tight pussy. Still, I had managed to hold back and wait for her.

I think we both were anxious for what was to come, and besides, it was not our first time. I had left some lights on and we were now just lying together naked. I was wanting to go and check on them but dared not for fear of being too anxious. After all, supposedly, Jose was Jennifer's boyfriend and they needed some time to do what they were supposed to be doing. Inwardly I was thinking, 'he'd better not be doing anything.'.

And that was when Kathy hit me with the bat. Bam! Right on the head! “Now, since you are going to be fucking another girl tonight, I want to have Jose in here for a while.”

“What? I don't understand. You agreed to make it with Jennifer. That was the plan. You get her, and I get her too. Even Steven. What's wrong with that?

“Bill, I know that you have made love to a few women, how many I don't know for sure. But you're the only man I've ever been with. So I'd like to have someone for myself, just one night, for maybe an hour or so, and then you and I can build on our relationsip.. We'll start out more even that way.”

I tried to talk her out of it, but she would have none of it. “You'd better go out there and catch Jose before he leaves, or it's no Jennifer for you.”

I tried to cover. “It might be OK with you for us to do this. But Jose might not like the idea of his girlfriend' being fucked by me.”

She smiled. “Oh I think he might want to. I noticed Jose giving me the eye all the time we were having the reception.”

My bride was turned on by Jose? He was nothing special, just an average Hispanic type male with a pretty good build on the stocky side and a nice looking face. His personality was pretty cool too, and he had a friendly laugh and a ready smile. Other than that, why should she be interested in him?

This was the 'price' I would have to pay. My wife gets fucked in order for me to have my second love, Jennifer. Kathy would have been fucked by another man one time, but at least I would still have Jennifer as my exclusive nooky for as long it lasted. Someday Jennifer would find a man, I knew, but in the meantime, the three of us could have a lot of fun.

“Baby, are you sure? I love you, I just married you, and I don't want this to come between us.”

She giggled. “It won't come between us. Well, maybe it will, he will, for a little while because he'll be between my legs while you are having Jennifer to yourself. You'll like that, won't you, getting Jennifer alone first before I share her with you?”

I knew that what she was saying made sense, of course, but of course she did not know the real truth, that Jose was not Jennifer's boyfriend, and I had no intentions of allowing him to fuck her.

“OK,” I said with a sigh. “I'll go and get Jose, or see if he wants to swap, but remember, this means that I will be making love, errr, I mean having sex with Jennifer for the first time while alone with her instead of you being there. Are you sure about this?” Even now I was hoping that Kathy would reconsider, and my wife would not end up being fucked by another man.

Kathy merely replied, “We'll be Even Steven.” She was lying there on her back and naked and as I got out of bed to go see if Jose wanted to swap, she spread her legs slightly and smiled up at me, showing me that she was ready for whatever was to come.

When I quietly opened the door, I was greeted with a sight that, well, I am sure the reader can speculate along with me. They had either been fucking, or gotten close, because they were both naked and lying on the folded out mattress and facing each other sideways. Rigt now, they were kissing.

Jennifer was the first to realize that I was there. She raised her head and looked at me, and then through the door and past me. She could not see Kathy so spoke quietly as I drew near. I was naked and realized that maybe I should not have came out this way since my new wife still thought that Jennifer and I had never been involved. It was too late now as Jennifer stared up at my semi-hard cock.

But they were the ones who were not supposed to be naked, at least I was the one who knew that. I stared at them. “You're both naked?”

Jennifer nodded while Jose smiled. “We were lying like this and pretending so that it would look real,” Jennifer whispered, “in case she came out.”

This alone was bad enough. Jose, this guy I had hired, had seen and was seeing Jennifer naked, had been lying up against her, and who knows what else they might have been doing besides kissing?

“Well, there has been a change in plans,” I said as I looked down at both of them. I could see that Jose had his naked torso up against Jennifer's, but I could not see his cock. I wasn't sure, but from that angle, he probably couldn't have his dick in her at the moment.

They were about to hear a long sentence spoken by me that I am sure was a thrill to hear for Jose, and Jennifer, I didn't know how she would feel, but the results would not affect her that much. She was to have me, and that had been the plan anyhow. I took a deep breath and began.

“My wife, Kathy, has never been with another man and has decided that she wants to have a man for herself first before she does anything else, so I'm supposed to be out here asking Jose if he wants to swap, and if he does, Jose gets to go in there and spend 30 to 45 minutes with her.” I had cut down that hour that Kathy had requested.

“Really?” They had said it simultaneously.


Giving Jennifer one last quick kiss on the lips, Jose wasted no time as he was up and heading into the other room. That was when I first saw his cock with the dark skin. It was thick and uncircumcised, and the foreskin looked thick and was hanging even lower then the head. Lengthwise, it looked to be about the same as mine under the skin, but his hanging foreskin made it look even longer. Being thick while soft, it looked like it might have some girth to it when hard. I hoped that it just looked that way.

I went over to close that door behind him, and saw that my bride was still in bed, and she still had her legs slightly spread as she laid naked on her back, in the same pose I had left her. I had fucked Kathy and left a big load in her since she was now on the pill. I didn't know if Kathy had gone into the bath to drain me off or not. But right now, she looked to be laying just like I had left her.

Kathy was staring up at Jose and smiling her greeting as he climbed onto the bed, his naked ass looking so firm and curvy. I got ready to close the door, but not before seeing that he had laid himself down beside her first instead of getting between her opened legs. As his right hand began cupping her left breast, I saw Kathy move her mouth to his and they began kissing. Her left leg came up and wrapped around his legs. I sighed and reluctantly closed the door. Jennifer was waiting.

I laid down naked beside my precious little girlfriend, my workmate goddess. For a while as I laid on my back I was silent, not even touching her as I thought about my wife, in there with Jose.

Finally Jennifer spoke. “Are you alright? This is sort of what you wanted, isn't it?”

“My bride getting fucked by someone else? Not what I wanted, no. Jose is just playing a part so that you and I could share her, remember? “

Jennifer had moved close and put her arm across my chest. “Well, since you and I are supposed to be out here doing it, why don't we go ahead and be out here doing it?”

I guess so. “

“You don't sound very excited about it,” Jennifer replied, her voice sounding disappointed. But then she reached out for me, and her hand found my cock. Halfway to hard, it was up in no time. “Turn over and face me,” she giggled.

I laid beside Jennifer, kissing her and trying hard not to think of my wife in the other room with some guy who was getting paid to play a part and was now getting to fuck her. Jennifer I am sure could tell that my mind was pre-occupied but she was trying.

After giving her the expected feels on her lovely breasts, I slipped a finger into her and discovered that her pussy was wet, unusually wet.

“Why are you so wet?” I felt around a little more and realized that she was more than just wet, turned on wet. “Were you two...did you fuck him?”

She hesitated, but then realized that she could not keep it a secret. “Yes. Once we were alone, Jose started kissing me and then I could feel his hard...his cock rubbing up against my belly. I must say, he's a pretty good kisser. Then he said, 'Mind if I get my clothes off?”

Before I could tell him 'no' Jose was up and taking off his pants. He was hard. It was sticking out through his shorts and when I stared at it, he said there was no reason why I shouldn't be getting some while I waited.” She looked into my eyes and looked, or tried to look, somewhat sad. "And then he helped me remove my clothes."

My heart was dropping. “So you went ahead and fucked him.” My voice was expressionless as I said it as a statement rather than a question. Jennifer had informed me the other day that she had gone on the pill, and I had been looking forward to fucking her, finally, without a rubber. Jose had beat me to it.

“Yes, we fucked, but he had to make out with me first, kissing and stuff, before I totally agreed.”

“Stuff, as in feeling up your body?”

“Yes, of course. And I felt him back.”

I was still running my finger around in her wet snatch and when I put another finger in and felt her inner lips cling as they stretched apart, she sort of tried to squirm away from my touch. “What's wrong,” I asked?

“I'm kind of sore down there. He was big, and he did it to me pretty hard and for a long time.”

I had heard only the ''big' part. “Big? How big?” I might, at another time, have been turned on to hear something like this, but not tonight, not with my formerly exclusive girlfriend having been fucked with a cock that was 'big' and now my bride was being fucked by the same cock.

“His penis is really wide. About the same as yours I think lengthwise, but much wider.”

My heart had dropped into the ground, you know, such as in 'that sinking feeling.' “Did it hurt?”

“It did at first, and then he began to feel good, once I got used to it.”

“So how did you do it? What did he do to you I mean? Did you suck his cock or anything?”

I had not thought to ask Jennifer, up front, if she had achieved orgasm. That first and only night I had screwed Jennifer, she had lost her virginity, but had not climaxed. That was supposed to happen tonight, and by me. Now, after asking Jennifer if she had sucked Jose's cock, I was to hear something else that would hurt.

“I didn't at first. But after he made me cum and took it out for a while, I sucked him and sort of studied his cock and played with it, then he put it back into me. The first time we had done it was slow and easy, but this time after he got it in he started giving it to me hard.”

“Hard,” I asked? “How hard?”

“He was banging against me and I could even feel his balls slamming against my rear.”

I interrupted her. “Against your rear? Were your legs up?” I was trying to picture the scene with Jennifer in it and under Jose, while at the same time trying to visualize my wife having it done to her.

“By then my legs were way up around him. Jose had aleady put a pillow under me, this pillow,” she said, turning her head sort of to the side and looking at the pillow her head was on.

“He kept going and I came a second time and then I started to get sore and told him so he slowed down and quit banging into me. He kissed me a lot and then I felt him get even harder, bigger and he came in me.”

“What was he doing when he came in you? Did he make noise, go fast, or what?” I really wanted to know, because I was thinking that what he had done to Jennifer, he would be doing to my wife.

“No, not fast. He was up on his knees and using long strokes and going deep."

Then I sort of heard her voice change, like she was getting excited thinking about it and remembering. She started relating it to me quickly. "Then he sort of put his right shoulder onto the mattress beside me so his weight would not crush me and with his hands free he yanked the pillow our from under me and then he put his hands up under my ass and pulled it off the mattress.”

She paused as if thinking, remembering. “He was like an animal. He was pulling my ass off the bed towards him and at the same time he was jabbing me with his big cock. When I felt him start to throb he was groaning into my ear and I could feel all of it, his orgasm, and it was a good one for him, I think.”

I was visualizing Jose in there and probably fucking my wife using the same technique. But all I said was, “Yeah, it feels like it was a good one considering how wet your pussy is.” I raised my hand and showed her how wet and dripping with cum my two fingers were.

She seemed embarrassed. “I couldn't get up and go to the bathroom because you and Kathy were in the bedroom. I'm sorry I'm still so wet. I hope you don't mind.”

Well, I guess I had to excuse Jennifer for her ignorance. After all, she was still new at this. But I waited until she had used a dampened hand towel from the sink to wipe herself, and then, not really wanting to after Jose, I proceeded to fuck her. Yes, I said 'fuck.' After her having been fucked by Jose, I didn't feel any love for Jennifer at the moment.

“Does it feel OK,” I asked, after being in her for a few minutes?

“Well, it doesn't hurt as much.”

“He was hurting you?”

“Yes, at first when he put it in, and then it felt good for a long time, and then the second time it began to hurt again, but I still had my climax.”

“Your second climax,” I stated.

“Yes, my second one.”

Now I was wondering if I was going to be able to keep fucking. "You said it doesn't hurt as much. Does that mean that I am hurting you? Want me to stop?"

"No, it's OK. You feel good enough. Keep going and kiss me."

'Good enough?' I didn't like the sound of that much, but I kept moving my ass and gave her as much concentration in the kissing as I could.

I don't know how long we fucked, Jennifer and I. I wasn't keeping time. I had gone into this planning on stopping what was happening with my wife after the stated 30 to 45 minutes, but now it didn't seem to matter all that much. I had just finished fucking my wife and I knew that before tonight, Kathy and Jennifer had been equal in their tightness.

Jose had a thick cock. If Jose was in there and banging my wife like he had fucked Jennifer, she would be sore too and not getting as much out of it the longer they fucked. At least I was hoping that would be the case.

I had finished with Jennifer for now, but I could hear them through the closed door, and it sounded like my wife was gasping along with her moans. Jennifer heard them too. “Sounds like they haven't finished yet.” She giggled.

“Were you that noisy with him? I wasn't listening for you two because you weren't supposed to be doing anything.”

Jennifer sighed and paused as if remembering. “I don't know how noisy I was being. I think that I was trying not to make noise because I did not want to interrupt your wedding night. But I was wanting to make noise, I think.”

They had been in there for their 45 minutes and more. I had not checked my watch beforehand but I checked it now. It seemed, since it was now past ten at night, that they had been going at it for well over an hour. I didn't get up to interrupt their activities because I was thinking that after tonight, Jose would be out of the picure and I would still be having Jennifer along with my wife. So I waited.

They came to us first. There was a polite knock on the door, and then it opened. Kathy was in front, and naked. Her lovely body was looking shiny from sweat and it was being reflected from the lamps beside the couch. I had expected her to look tired, maybe worn out. But she looked wide-awake, refreshed, and happy. Yes, as we had discussed in advance, this would be a wedding night to remember.

“Are you two guys done,” she asked? “We've had our fun and Jose is ready to leave.”

Her voice sounded confident, but also different, more mature somehow, like she had gone from being a child to a woman. I glanced over to Jennifer, who was seeing Kathy naked for the first time. Her eyes were shiny, wide open and staring. I could see something in her eyes, but could not tell if it was mutual understanding between she and Kathy as to what had just happened, or maybe it was her desire for Kathy.

Eye level to me as I laid in bed, I could see my wife's pussy. Amongst all the red hairs I could see that her lips were red, and the hairs looked all wet, shiny, and stuck together on the bottom half of her pussy. But Kathy had spoken and was waiting for an answer.

“He's ready to leave,” I asked, dumbly?

“Yes,” she answered. Jose has to get home to his job, remember?”

“Oh yeah, I remember.” That had been our phony story that we had made up, and we now needed to stick to the story. I looked at Jose. He also looked shiny with sweat. His thick cock was soft and dangling and also looking slippery shiny. That was the cock that had been inside and abusing both of my women.

“Jose, you'd better get going.” I acted concerned. “Are you going to make it to work in time?” We were still playing the game.

Jose looked at his watch, the only thing he was still wearing except for his wide grin. “Yeah, I think so. I'd better get on the road.”

I wanted him out. "Yeah, you probably don't have time for a shower. Better get going." I looked at my watch for emphasis and stared him in the eyes.

Five minutes later Jose had washed his cock in the sink and after my wife had watched smilingly and then handed him a towel, he was dressed and gone. I was finally, alone with my two women.

But things did not go as originally planned. After they had both sat on the commode for awhile, draining themselves, they were both 'a little sore' they discovered while wiping and only wanted to make it with one another. Me, I had to lie there with a hard on and watch as they cuddled, kissed, fingered gently, and ate.

Under normal conditions their loving on one another would have been a thing to see. But I was feeling down even though my dick was up. Both these women had been fucked, and apparently well fucked and used up by Jose, and I was left with wondering what was now in their heads.

Finally they both looked at me and grinned and Kathy, who seemed to have taken charge said, “Ready to get your cock sucked now?”

That was probably the high point of my evening of many lows, watching my two lovelies, but no longer my exclusive lovelies as they laid on each side of me, taking turns on my cock, and sometimes both on my cock at the same time while they swapped tongues and yes, paused to kiss each other, and passionately.

I will say this, one thing that made me feel a little better. They both swallowed my cum. At the same time and giggling about it. Then we spent the rest of the night cuddling, and somewhere just before dawn Kathy got on top of me and rode me. Jennifer had actually had more to drink I think and she slept through it all.

I have the relationship going as planned, for now. I am married to Kathy and she lives with me of course, and at least once each week Jennifer comes over and has us both. So far, I am glad to say that Jennifer has not found anyone else, but that won't last forever.

Problem is, Kathy has asked Jennifer a couple of times why Jose hasn't been up to see her and why she hasn't brought Jose with her to visit us. So far, Kathy has been alright with Jennifer's answer, that Jose is out of town and tied up on his job.

But sooner or later, either Jose is going to be coming by, or Jennifer is going to have to make the claim that they have 'broken up.' I am sensing that she doesn't want to actually break up with the man she has never dated, but who had fucked her right into the mattress.

And that damned Jose. Want to know what he is doing? He has called me and asked me to pay him for the extra time he put in that night. Hinted that he would be sure to keep quiet and stay away if I would pay him. Now I have to decide to either pay him, or allow him to come over and 'work' for free to make up for the money I owe him.
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