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White women going to Caribbean and Africa for Sex

  • Thread starterredheads
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Aug 11, 2011
Last year when i went to Jamaica i saw this, just go to any beach in Jamaica or any other caribbean beaches, you see hundred's white women with local blackmen there, the shocking fact is that most of these white women are already married and they are cheating on their husbands by going to these far away lands. Similar stories are true in Africa, where european women go in thousands every year to have sex with local africans.

White women PAY for sex with black men now... - YouTube
some white women are addicted to Tribal Masai men from Kenya:


Believe it or not most Kenyans who are fellow countrymen to the Masai tribe know very little about this African tribe in comparison to white women and westerners in general who have discovered certain amazing Masai secrets through mainly word of mouth. Local fellow Kenyans who don't belong to the Masai tribe don't have the slightest clue about these Masai top secrets The reason is not too difficult to guess. Many Africans who believe that they are civilized usually look down on the Masai tribe and dismiss them as primitive, uneducated and backward. They therefore have no need to understand this unique African tribe's culture. So finding out what many women in the west have discovered about the Masai tribe is virtually impossible for them.

What you are about to read will shock you. And most of all this information will answer a burning question that has arisen in recent times where white women tourists on holiday have come to Kenya with only one objective on their minds—to find a lover from the Masai tribe. An even more disturbing trend has arisen where women who manage to accomplish this weird objective are hooked for life and some have even left their families, husbands and financial security, to settle for life with their new-found penniless Masai lovers.

In one widely publicized case in Britain, not too long ago, the rather odd couple soon got into such serious financial problems that the woman was ****** to sell "her story" to the notorious British tabloid, The News Of The World. Basically what readers wanted to be told in great detail was what kind of lover from black Africa would cause an intelligent, sophisticated white woman to forget herself. The woman had abandoned her teenage children and puzzled British husband for her young "stupid looking" Masai lover. One even wondered what they discussed—if they were able to have a discussion of any length that is. Sadly the British public did not even get to hear half the story. Well, here is it is just for you with all the gory details.

Firstly it is important to note that Masais are very secretive and will hardly ever openly reveal some of these secrets you are about to read. That is why puzzled tourists have often arrived in Africa and asked locals certain questions, only to receive blank looks in response. They just don't know anything about the Masai.

To start with the Masai are probably the most promiscuous tribe in East Africa and beyond. Their culture allows them to have any woman in the village as a lover, as long as she is married to their age mate or a person of the same age. In other words a man they were circumcised on the same day with. All you need to do is bury your spear at the entrance of the "bedroom" (usually low mud huts that the Masai live in that resemble Eskimo igloos). So if the man of the house happens to come back home at the end of a long hard day looking forward to some quality time with his new wife but finds a spear buried in the ground outside his house, what do you think they do? They take a walk. I kid you not. They are ****** by circumstances to go in search of some other agemates' house where they can bury their spear for the night (literally). The Masai have been practicing this weird custom for centuries, but things do sometimes go terribly wrong. (Read this amazing story of how this custom sometimes leads to murder).

All Masai women circumcise (the brutal practice of FGM—female genital mutilation) and it is unthinkable for any woman not to. But the Masai have a way of arousing their circumcised women. This is accomplished in the way they circumcise their men. They will usually leave some heavy skin hanging downwards around the most sensitive part of the penis. This accomplishes two important objectives, it prolongs lovemaking tremendously (premature ejaculation is probably unheard of amongst the Masai, but more importantly it allows for much more "friction" (and in the right places) which tremendously arouses even a woman whose clitoris has been butchered. This is the Masai secret that makes this African tribe so exceptional in lovemaking. It is the real reason why white tourist women who make love to a Masai completely go crazy and stop thinking straight.

There are some other minor additional factors that further enhance the attractiveness of Masai warriors as lovers, like the fact that the Masai are well endowed. Size does matter. This is partly because they do not wear trousers all their life. Masai warriors literally move around in the nude with only a flimsy bright red cloth covering the front and back. By standing strategically so as to get a side view anybody will be able to see and inspect a Masai warrior's member dangling bravely in the African savannah wind. Secondly in a world that is increasingly full of wimps pretending to be men, the Masai are real men. Part of their initiation into manhood usually involves them in the killing of a full-grown lion in the wild. This is definitely not something for the faint hearted (see other article on the Masai tribe for details). Many men are not aware of the fact that the biggest turn off for a woman is a man who is really just a wimp. Which means that a real man who has killed a lion and fears nothing can be a real turn on.

Interestingly some beach boys in Mombasa who have noted the tourists' preference for Masai lovers have taken the trouble to change their appearance so as to pass for Masai's to the eager white women tourists who have no problem paying handsomely for services rendered. Only that these "fake Masais" are not "genuine merchandise" and any woman who has had a Masai before will be able to tell immediately that it is not the "real thing."

It is time that Kenyans woke up to exactly what is happening on their tourist circuit in their very own country so as to make the decision if we really want to continue attracting these sort of tourists.

Be Warned; Masai folks and other Africans are usually furious when their deepest secrets are revealed to foreigners. Hence some of the hostile comments below. The author would like to assure all readers that this article is factual and very well researched and there is even plenty of evidence to support the amazing claims made here.

You Missed This: 2/4/07 - 2/11/07
Canadian women also love to go to jamaica


Women seeking beach boys
In winter, a tourist woman's fancy lustily turns to thoughts of sex. By the thousands they descend on the Caribbean every year, women driven by one urge: to spend a week or two sleeping with local "beach boys" and paying them back in drinks, meals, gifts and cash




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Is anyone else getting tired of this nonsense?
I sure am. Lets put an end to this fantasy!
I'm starting to think red is a propaganda agent for the Black Panthers...
Why are you guys trying to spoil the fun of women who seek REAL MEN with REAL COCKS AND REAL STAMINA IN THE BEDROOM? If hubby can't provide the sexual services a wife requires, then hubby can hand over the credit card so his wife can have an OMG adventure overseas as often as she can. It is not about a guy's looks, but rather about what he does with what he has between his legs - it can swing about or it can SPRING INTO ACTION.
it's actually about what he can do with what's between his ears.:D
Saraha said:
Why are you guys trying to spoil the fun of women who seek REAL MEN with REAL COCKS AND REAL STAMINA IN THE BEDROOM? If hubby can't provide the sexual services a wife requires, then hubby can hand over the credit card so his wife can have an OMG adventure overseas as often as she can. It is not about a guy's looks, but rather about what he does with what he has between his legs - it can swing about or it can SPRING INTO ACTION.
I don't have a problem with a woman pursuing sexual gratification. I just don't think she has to cross a border, an ocean, or even one side of town to the other to get it. Black guys don't have the real cocks/real stamina market cornered ;)
In my opinion, African blacks are not as well endowed as American blacks.
I work where we have community showers and can vouch for this.
Some Africans have big dicks, but the percentage is small.
ALL of the American blacks that my wife has fucked have been very well endowed.

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The real Africans I have showered with were from Gabon and Nigeria. Not any other countries.

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