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Wife has cut me off

  • Thread starterhornedone
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Beloved Member
Sep 26, 2005
Well she finally did it. I would say that overall my wife and I have a good relationship and we actually get along quit well. But I know I never satisfied her like her black lovers. So tonight she told me no more pussy for me, not even a blow job for now. She told me she is going totally black only. She said I can go jerk off if I want too, but nothing from her. What I need to know from other guys that have had this happen too, how do you adjust ??? I love her and am not going to leave or anything like that, but how does one adjust to this new situation???

join the club

hi...welcome to the club...take some comfort in knowing there are a lot of us mostly tiny dicked white guys in this same boat....how do you adjust? you just do!!!....you have to be realistic....you cannot satisfy your wife, so if you insist that she waste her time on giving you mercy sex, sooner or later she will wake up to the fact that she is just wasting her time, and move on....if you accept reality and continue to give her what she really relies on you for, which, let's be honest, is probably a comfortable life style and maybe some occasional slavish support, then things can go on for you in your newly much reduced role....it's life...especially for guys like us
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you just accept it. She has given you permission to jerk off, so that will be you only form of releif, be happy that you have that. Look at it through her eyes, why should she bother with y our small cock when she has big black cocks that give her what she needs.

This is not something new, many of us go through this and struggle in the beginning, but if you love her you will accpet it. She will become more and more controlling and dominant over you as time goes on and perhaps you will find that this is the best thing for your marriage with her. Her in total control, you as her servant.
Thanks for the advice. She is honest about all of it it anyway. She says she loves me, but has no desire for sex from me as it does nothing for her and she really doesn't want to do it with me anymore. I can't blame her at all really. To manipulate her into sex with me if she doesn't want to would be wrong too. I know that her lover(s) are much much bigger and better and do satisfy her sexually. For me to try to deny her that would be wrong. It is just that this is a big adjustment for me, although I understand her reasoning and will adjust.
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She is definitely changeing all of a sudden. I like to see her express herself, but it is a big adjustment for me. She is getting more assertive with me, but yet is totally sumissive to her black lovers. She says she and her lovers will teach me about this cuck thing and now wants me to read about it so I know what is going to happen to me and what will be expected of me. Damn, she is taking charge, I can see that and that is ok, but I am wondering what this will be like for me. You guys that have already been down this road, let me know hat I might expect ???
The possibilities are endless. It all depends on her demeanor and how controlling her black lovers are. You could be led into a life of humiliation as they prove to you where you belong. You will be ****** to watch, repare them for the encounters, and clean up afterwards. I would expect to become a financial slave to her buying her sexy clothing so she can make her black lovers happy. You will be doing more chores so she does not have to.
my wife started slow as well and is now ver y dominant towards me. i have accpeted that she is my superior and we have a happy relationship
well, in my opinion, if she loves you, she should want to make love to you. sexual prowess should have nothing to do with it. if she and you are real, then i would have to say that she is a real selfish piece of shit and you should fight fire with fire. how about cutting her off from something only you can give her?
Unlike 75% of the posers here on this web site we are for real, simple as that. You don't like our lifestyle, then what the fuck you doing in here? We choose this, it is our choice, keep your judgemental attitudes, morality, and ideas to your punk ass self. If you don't like what we do, then go elsewhere. If we want a lecture, we will go to church. As far as her or anyone else kicking me to the curb, not fucking likely. Does she know I am on here? Absolutely. If you ever decide to come to Minnesota, post it on this thread, maybe we'll meet and you will know what for real is all about. So if you have nothing positive to contribute, go away.

Is your wife on any type of birth control? Has she mentioned any plans she has for getting pregnant?
Maria's observatios are with merit. It depends on wich side of the cuckold bed you want to lie. Some cucks gets as much or more pussy after the wife goes black!!! Some, like you, accept geting cut off without raising a stink about it. It's all up to the couple involved. Now, mickeydfries observation was okay as well, until he got personal! Bottom line is you got to be getting some sexual satisfaction somewhere along the line--don't you?
hornedone you are already 50% kicked to the curb.

what kinda chump do you have to be to let your wife withhold sex from you.

Here's an idea...grow some balls and fuck your wife whenever you goddam well please.

Your wife will eventually tire of you...of the silly little inconvience you are to her life.
She would think how great her life would be if she could just come home to her black husband who's an actual man that can and does fuck her brains out and make her feel like the woman that she is.

What the fuck does she want your pervy ass hanging around for? some dude who looks at porn and jerks off with no self esteem who hangs out in the spare bedroom and sniffs his former-wife's panties.
Ya that shit will go on for about 2 months before you're getting your own place.

Reassert yourself or just let your wife move on with her life.

You think she wants your creepy ass hanging around in the house she and her husband have kids in?
and god help you if you have kids already.

I don't feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for your wife. But pretty soon some stud is going to sweep her off her feet and then you will find your ass in a discount apartment downtown.
hornedone is the opposite of me, in a sense...

Well she finally did it. I would say that overall my wife and I have a good relationship and we actually get along quit well. But I know I never satisfied her like her black lovers. So tonight she told me no more pussy for me, not even a blow job for now. She told me she is going totally black only. She said I can go jerk off if I want too, but nothing from her. What I need to know from other guys that have had this happen too, how do you adjust ??? I love her and am not going to leave or anything like that, but how does one adjust to this new situation???

hornedone...you are the epitome of white (and black) wimps.

In my case, my first wife slept behind my back with a white guy, and despite our having kids, did things the same way your wife did...except that she threw me out of the house.

So my advice to you is simple: GET OVER IT!!! DIVORCE THE HO, AND NEVER SPEAK TO HER AGAIN!!!

tbolt said:

hornedone you are already 50% kicked to the curb.

what kinda chump do you have to be to let your wife withhold sex from you.

Here's an idea...grow some balls and fuck your wife whenever you goddam well please.

Your wife will eventually tire of you...of the silly little inconvience you are to her life.
She would think how great her life would be if she could just come home to her black husband who's an actual man that can and does fuck her brains out and make her feel like the woman that she is.

What the fuck does she want your pervy ass hanging around for? some dude who looks at porn and jerks off with no self esteem who hangs out in the spare bedroom and sniffs his former-wife's panties.
Ya that shit will go on for about 2 months before you're getting your own place.

Reassert yourself or just let your wife move on with her life.

You think she wants your creepy ass hanging around in the house she and her husband have kids in?
and god help you if you have kids already.

I don't feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for your wife. But pretty soon some stud is going to sweep her off her feet and then you will find your ass in a discount apartment downtown.

I added black wimps, because SOME women...not necessarily Black women, are in this lifestyle, and other factors can be used against the hubby (black and white) - even in secret. My former wife was a 'spoiled' mama's girl...that didn't know WHEN to leave the nest. (When there was a MAJOR issue, she went to her mom...instead of bringing it to my attention.)

Enough about my useless first wife...she burned her bridges when she divorced me.

hornedone, you made your bed...so lie in it and jack off...then prepare for divorce. That is one downfall to ponder...amidst the positives, if any.
tbolt...thanks for the morale booster.

Despite my issues with MY first wife, I got over it.

My second wife (who I am HAPPILY MARRIED to) told me an old saying:

"One man's trash, is another man's treasure."

I got motivated with tbolt's post, and this topic is not one I'd normally respond to. Excuse the harsh behavior, but my view of marriage is either too deep, too shallow, etc. for most.

In the case of cuckoldry...it is not part of my life. My wife hates it, and being a Black man, see NO USE for it.

Hornedone, regarding your wife you can either be a man, or you can be...:cockblock

This is my personal opinion, and I'm finished with this post, and going to other threads. Argue, flame, rant, rave, bitch, and moan all you want. This thread, and MOST of the posts are not doing much...except to either enlighten/discourage people.

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