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wife's bull caught me masturbating

  • Thread startermincercuck
  • Start date


perhaps this will teach you not to wank without permission you useless sissy fagot!!!!
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Hm. That looks more than a little uncomfortable. You appear, definitely, to be a candidate for a male chastity device (for which your wife, of course, should be sole key holder). See, for example:

Welcome to CB-2000.com

cock restraint

Custer Laststand said:

Hm. That looks more than a little uncomfortable. You appear, definitely, to be a candidate for a male chastity device (for which your wife, of course, should be sole key holder). See, for example:

Welcome to CB-2000.com


Thank you for your reply Custer,wife has considered the cb 2000 in the past,which would be of a more pemanant nature,but SIR considers that the tying of my cock and balls which is done in the lounge in front of my wife,to be a more humiliating and painfull process,especially as the cord is of a rough type.
He reasons that the tying up of my cock and balls painfully,say for two days will be a constant reminder of my offence.
He also administers twenty lashes of his strap to remind me
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MacNfries said:
well, mincercuck, you don't have a clue about pain until gangrene sets in and you have to have your tesicles (maybe even your penis) totally removed, pal! Look it up and read about it. If you're into this kind of crap, I'd insist SIR purchase you a CB-2000, or set his ass on the curb. And the first time he started lashing me with his whip is when I'd whip out my stungun and hit him with 2,000 volts. He's not a bull ... he's a BULLY ... and there's a difference! :(

OOOOOH !!!who set you up as the arbitor of what is a bull,don't think i would vote for you PAL!
It's called Fantasy my Friend,about 99% of whats written here is pure fantasy.
In my particular FANTASY,i am used and abused by the bull,and you never know as an effeminate sissy i might welcolm the removal of my male parts,in my FANTASY get it FANTASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
re loosing my nuts

ok let's take your argument to it's logical conclusion,if 99% of what's written here is not fantasy then tell me is a couple gonna risk catching aids,gonarea,vd,and all manner of std's?
The answer is obviously no
So fantasy plays a big part here,most of the women you see here are either put up without their knowledge,faked,as we see is easily done,or downloaded from porn sites.
The women that appear on porn sites,fucking with numerous men are either drug
addicts,russians in the hands of their mafia,or are having sex with guys who are checked,for enormous sums of money.
Do you actualy think that a gorgeous babe is gonna wanna shag loads of guys with all those risks,to fulfil some fantasy.
No! beautiful women are either on their husbands yacht in the Carribean or shopping on Rodeo Drive
Time for a reality check PAL this is all fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well now...

I find this thread quite depressing for a number of reasons. Firstly, macnfires, just because someone engages in "CONSENTING" BDSM play, it does not make them either a bully or a danger! Most BDSM players, serious well informed ones that is, know EXACTLY how to bind someone without causing dangerous potentially lethal consequences! Ignorance however is another matter...if ill informed or voilent, well that's just what is is, ignorant and violent. Let people make their own choices without calling it bullshit hey?

Secondly, sure there is a healthy measure of fantasy involved in these sites, but there are also real people sharing real fantasies and real experiences too.. My own bullshit detector will alow me to make those judgement calls, and shoot me I'm human but sometimes I get it wrong!

There is such a thing as safe consensual play whether it be in bondage and domination, cuckolding, swinging or whatever the hell your bag is don't you think?

Dominant.Goddess said:
I find this thread quite depressing for a number of reasons. Firstly, macnfires, just because someone engages in "CONSENTING" BDSM play, it does not make them either a bully or a danger! Most BDSM players, serious well informed ones that is, know EXACTLY how to bind someone without causing dangerous potentially lethal consequences! Ignorance however is another matter...if ill informed or voilent, well that's just what is is, ignorant and violent. Let people make their own choices without calling it bullshit hey?

His first post came off as judgmental, sure, but to assume that a bull knows what he is doing, well...The guy mentioned being tied for two days. You know, when driving, there is no such thing as technique on ice. Cutting off blood supply for days at a time is dangerous- no matter how you do it. Which doesn't mean that someone won't naturally try it anyway- and that leads to your second point. It's only partly about this guy pretending his fantasies are real. It's about possibly misleading others. You calling them stupid if they believe him, well I think that's judgmental. Did you ever consider that minors look at this stuff too? (It's only common sense until you've done it once.)

Secondly, sure there is a healthy measure of fantasy involved in these sites, but there are also real people sharing real fantasies and real experiences too.. My own bullshit detector will alow me to make those judgement calls, and shoot me I'm human but sometimes I get it wrong!

So your saying it's OK for everyone to play with the rules and post fantasy-as-reality because you mostly know the difference? Again, not everyone is as savvy as you.

There is such a thing as safe consensual play whether it be in bondage and domination, cuckolding, swinging or whatever the hell your bag is don't you think?

I'm not sure what your point is here if I go with your statement that this is fantasy. If your saying, "Well, so WHAT if it's real, they're doing it safely anyway," then, putting all that assumption aside- it is stated nowhere by him or you on how to safely do this.

hello ytrewq, thank you for your response. Well first off, I assert that it is not my job to teach anyone how to play safely! I learn for myself and others are more than capable of doing the same. I don't visit this site to lecture on safe sex, whether that's via BDSM or simple plain good ole safe sex as in condoms, pregnancy and STD's etc. Nor do I visit to teach anyone else about fantasy and reality and the grey areas in between. My point is this, mincercuck (if I may use your response as an example mincer) may well invest heavily in certain fantasies, and who knows how far into reality this goes, none of us know that in here, but that doesn't invalidate many of his posts or experiences or desires.

Absolutely NOWHERE did I state that a bull knows what he is doing! I said clearly that most INFORMED BDSM players know what they are doing...there's a world of difference in those two statements. Secondly, if you re-read my post and stop inserting your own interpetations, you will note that in no part of my post did I call anyone stupid...I asserted my own right to make intelligent discerning decisions about the validity or whatever in someone's posts, and the importance (to me) of taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILTY for that. Everyone here has the capacity to do the same.

Your point about minors is valid on some levels of course, but hey if minors are looking at ANY of this stuff about cuckolding, cream pies and unsafe sex then we may as well follow that argument to it's illogical conclusion and shut down the site n'est pas? Why is it okay for minors to read all the rest of this stuff but not to read about someone's balls being tied?!!!!!!

Finally, I was not saying it is okay for everyone to play with the "rules" but if you sir, think that the "rules" mean that people on here are all pure as the driven snow in following them, then you are, quite frankly naive! It is a shock to discover that someone is not whom they say they are, or that they don't live as they purport to in any walk of life, but how does one decide where the boundaries are between fantasy and reality? Many of us ARE living in these roles to some degree or other, but naturally there are some who are perhaps less fortunate in finding open-minded, well-informed, non-judgemental partners, and are perhaps less able to find real outlets for the healthy expression of inner desire.

I'm no more savvy than the next person, however I object most strongly to the assumption that playing with bondage is (necessarily) dangerous or any more dangerous than having and endless stream of bulls pump their cum bareback into a pussy all eager to lap it up without question, and I suspect most people give that some thought too when making their own adult decisions about what is safe or not in their sexual and personal lives.

Dominant.Goddess said:
hello ytrewq, thank you for your response. Well first off, I assert that it is not my job to teach anyone how to play safely! I learn for myself and others are more than capable of doing the same. I don't visit this site to lecture on safe sex, whether that's via BDSM or simple plain good ole safe sex as in condoms, pregnancy and STD's etc. Nor do I visit to teach anyone else about fantasy and reality and the grey areas in between. My point is this, mincercuck (if I may use your response as an example mincer) may well invest heavily in certain fantasies, and who knows how far into reality this goes, none of us know that in here, but that doesn't invalidate many of his posts or experiences or desires.

Absolutely NOWHERE did I state that a bull knows what he is doing! I said clearly that most INFORMED BDSM players know what they are doing...there's a world of difference in those two statements. Secondly, if you re-read my post and stop inserting your own interpetations, you will note that in no part of my post did I call anyone stupid...I asserted my own right to make intelligent discerning decisions about the validity or whatever in someone's posts, and the importance (to me) of taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILTY for that. Everyone here has the capacity to do the same.

Your point about minors is valid on some levels of course, but hey if minors are looking at ANY of this stuff about cuckolding, cream pies and unsafe sex then we may as well follow that argument to it's illogical conclusion and shut down the site n'est pas? Why is it okay for minors to read all the rest of this stuff but not to read about someone's balls being tied?!!!!!!

Finally, I was not saying it is okay for everyone to play with the "rules" but if you sir, think that the "rules" mean that people on here are all pure as the driven snow in following them, then you are, quite frankly naive! It is a shock to discover that someone is not whom they say they are, or that they don't live as they purport to in any walk of life, but how does one decide where the boundaries are between fantasy and reality? Many of us ARE living in these roles to some degree or other, but naturally there are some who are perhaps less fortunate in finding open-minded, well-informed, non-judgemental partners, and are perhaps less able to find real outlets for the healthy expression of inner desire.

I'm no more savvy than the next person, however I object most strongly to the assumption that playing with bondage is (necessarily) dangerous or any more dangerous than having and endless stream of bulls pump their cum bareback into a pussy all eager to lap it up without question, and I suspect most people give that some thought too when making their own adult decisions about what is safe or not in their sexual and personal lives.


By quoting you, I was trying to articulate, not plagiarize. Macnfries point was that if it's fantasy, post it in the "stories". You seemed to suggest that everyone should know what fantasy is by simply reading what's up there, that no one could be fooled. Did you call anyone stupid? Well, isn't that why I quoted you? So there would be no confusion? I was only referring to your obvious implication: that you think anyone who can't see what you already know, must be stupid.

And when you say a person experienced in bdsm, you were inferring this was the case. NO WHERE did he say it was. What's the problem with this? You claim that you do this safely, right? By assuming such is the case, how can can one be sure this is safe? Why wouldn't you support clarity in what is acceptable and what is not? Unhealthy risks should be left in the fantasy realm. (I did not say they always or often are.) Don't make this about yourself.

Oh, I'm sorry if you misunderstood, but I never said it was alright for minors to read any of this stuff. It is just that they may not have your ability to discern what is fact or what is fiction. Don't pretend you are grateful for my response by thanking me.

N'est ce pas?
loosing my nuts

MacNfries said:
mincercuck, so basically you're now saying your thread is all bullshit fantasy for opportunity of conversation, and the pics you posted are some you copped off the internet. That's cool, but it might be more appropriate to put it in "stories". Some people take what they read as the "gospel of advice" just because some fool says it's so and they find it intriguing.

Sometime back I got onto a snuff site and spent an hour looking at real vids and pics of murders and mutilations (mainly innocent animals), but people as well. It left me with nightmares for weeks, and occasionally I still visualize some of the vids I saw ... the ones with the kittens and puppies were horrifying and sad. So we never know when someone on here is stupid enough to do some of the mutilations and stuff mentioned, or wreck a perfectly good 10 year marriage because someone "suggested" something they do to get their wife fucked by another man.

Play your silly games, if you wish with your nuts, and when the doctor slices them off and you have to take testosterone shots the rest of your life, you'll say "well shit, they did it on the internet ... what happened?".

Nah you lost me on the first line of your inane drivel and i fell asleep when you mentioned snuff movies zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ALL the people here are adults,with their own free will,to believe,or not,the things posted,i don't advocate that people should do as i do,you have a brain and if a perfectly good marriage goes down the pan it's sure as hell nothing to do with anything written here,we're people not sheep!!
If my games are silly,what would you call getting your wife to sleep with loads of guys of uncertain character that they pick up in bars,and then the husband licks out the cum of a guy he doesn't know from Adam.
I call that playing with your wife's and your own life,good god have you never heard of AIDS,VD,GHONOREA,SIFFLUS,HERPES
So my point is that people are not that STUPID to actually do these things,but find a good release for their fantasys
OH and by the way my thread is not ALL fantasy,my photos are genuine and my situation is genuine,with a liberal amount of poetic licence,which is the same as 99% of posters here,NOW THAT WAS MY POINT

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